S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Katra Station - Promenade

Solluk paid his bill- and Noh'ves' also, as the man had left without paying- and meandered out of the Brauhaus Gamma.  His good mood of a short while ago had been dampened significantly by the encounter.  To Solluk, it seemed most logical that Noh'ves was upset about possibly handing his command over to a Starfleet officer.  Though, it seemed rather unfair to be upset about that when Solluk would also be handing his command over to Noh'ves.  A command which Solluk considered to be a prestigious one, even if not everyone agreed.

He made a mental note to take Noh'ves' advice and speak to Beja about it later.

As he walked along the promenade, he came to the massive observation viewports that gave the residents and visitors of Katra station an excellent view of orbital space.   He paused and enjoyed the scene.  Giant screens above the viewports gave information on orbital traffic, any important alerts, and weather on the surface of Meridian.

After spending some time taking in the view, he began resuming his course to the nearest turbolift so that he could return to the Operational Command Center.  It was then that he noticed Catherine Goodspeed speaking to an officer who looked familiar, but whom he did not quite recognize.  He held back a bit to let them conclude their conversation, and then proceeded towards the lift.

"Lieutenant," he nodded to Catherine, "I trust the repairs to the Healy are nearly complete?  Big day tomorrow, if the Tholians and the Klingons come to an accord."

He was referring to the installation of a pylon on the Lod Qan which would allow a Tholian attack ship to come along for the ride.  Everything was contingent on diplomatic agreements, of course, so nothing had started.  But Solluk had already submitted his preliminary architecture to the Engineer for her further refinement.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Paul Wessex

He was barely fifteen minutes into arriving on this station, and already he had experienced the so-called 'new life and new civilisations' creed that ran through the marrow of StarFleet. These 'voles' were similar to Bolian 'bilge-rats', so named for their propensity to be found aboard NavPat subships rather than being three hundred years near actual bilges. As Lt Goodspeed - someone who he already clocked as being a good source of station scuttlebutt, directed him to the most convenient turbolift to the OCC while her vole (Crewman Nibbler; he tried, and failed, not to imagine the unattractive, but yet somehow endearing, creature with a teenie, tiny combadge) sniffed around his Fleet issue boots.

Then Goodspeed mentioned Nibbler's skill at 'sniffing out issues', and for a brief moment Wessex wondered if that was a loaded comment. Was she really an Engineer? Could she actually be his new Department Head, and this was some strange induction? Not for the first time, Paul was intrigued about the older woman - Engineer or Chief of Security, she was going to be damn fun to know. "Much appreciated, ma'am" he said, truthfully. "And" he continued, looking down at Nibbler, "your assistance was also invaluable." First Contact with a Cardassian vole. One for the personal log.

With a chuckle, he stepped in to the turbolift. "Deck 1".

As the doors closed to the merest sliver, Wessex swore he spotted four gold pips on the red uniform collar of a Vulcan who had suddenly approached Goodspeed.

Maybe that would have been one First Contact too many right now.


Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

Beja smiled as Mon enjoyed the pets, "œIt is good for his training to be among people and different situations. In order for him to provide the comfort to those that need the emotional support, the animal needs to be trained to remain calm in all sorts of chaotic and noisy surroundings. I've been very grateful that the different places here on Katra have been so accommodating and accepting of his presence."

Beja had initially been worried about that, as a sehlat cub was cute and adorable, but also large. As Mon grows his appearance could end up potentially scaring others with his size and stature. But so far everyone had just accepted him and she had not any complaints, something she was quite grateful for. She knew the Captain had stepped out on that proverbial limb that humans liked to say for her request for Mon, and she had been relieved to see that Mon had fit in wonderfully at Katra.

You can always ask if they have any meats, but looking at their menu I do not see anything listed. But nuts are a great source of protein, perhaps that would be sufficient for your needs right now?" Beja responded to Zex as they both were pursuing the menu of offerings.

I think I shall try their honey and butter waffler myself," Beja didn't want something overly sweet, and this appeared to be the most sensible choice from the Sweet Tooth Cafe's menu.

Rayek trLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 18, 2020, 06:38:27 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Operations Control Center]

Tess agreed that the exceptionally good mood of their Captain was unusual. When asked if he had been that 'happy' like that very long, Tess shrugged her shoulders hesitantly. She actually never had seen him that happy. While he was always friendly, meetings with him were always brief. Well, he was a busy man. "I think he is glad to have you back." She smiled at Rayek. Tess wouldn't easily admit it, but she wondered if Solluk would like to see Rayek, his friend, back in the position as his XO. She never had managed to improve her relationship to her Captain like she had wanted to.

Another call coming in - this time from Engineering - interrupted her inner monologue. Before Tess could do so, Rayek already held his PADD out to her with the roster for Engineering that was split in three sections - Katra Station, the Healy with Cat Goodspeed as department head there and the Starlifter. Tess smiled as she took the PADD from Rayek. "Thank you."
Looking over it briefly and also checking the Ops roster, Tess thumbed the comm button once more, her eyes on the PADD.  =/\= "t'Lhoell here, Ensign. No objections. I'll await Ensign Rhade's rotation plan in my mailbox in the next couple of days for approval. I'm curious what he will come up with. Please advise him to involve Lieutenant Goodspeed and the Ops DH and forwarn them that there will be some changes in the duty schedule. t'Lhoell out." =/\=

Looking up, Tess handed back the PADD to Rayek. "I feel like celebrating your promotion. How about having lunch together later?" It was only 9 am and Tess have had breakfast with Rayek this morning in their quarters but she felt hungry again. It felt like since a couple of weeks she was hungry all the time. She knew her baby would grow rapidly the last weeks of the pregnancy and she felt that. It felt like her belly got bigger every single day and her skin became itchy and dry where she got stretch marks. But that was nothing she'd have to worry about. The dermal regenerator would be able to take care of that after the baby was born.

Tess shifted in the seat, her bad starting to ache. Standing up would relieve the pain briefly, but it would start again after a short while. She had planned to do some light workout to help with the back pain this evening, but she might edge that in once Solluk relieved her at the OCC. Speaking of appointments, Tess' face lighted up as she looked up at Rayek. "Tomorrow night's our first prenatal class", she reminded him. She was curious as hell and couldn't wait for it to start.

Rayek quirked an eyebrow at Tess' comment.  The Vulcan missed his Romulan friend so much so that he was near skipping with happiness?  Ridiculous!

Yet before he could argue or get clarification Tess was suggesting celebrating and having lunch together.  Rayek smiled at the idea.  "Sounds like a wonderful idea. Our usual Greek or would you like to have lunch at perhaps IDIC? Or Angela's?"

The talk of lunch reminded him of Solluk's officer dinner idea.  "While we're on the topic of food... the Captain indicated an interest in renewing the senior officers dinner.  When would you like me to have that set up for?"
Though they were waiting for Ensign Wessex, it was Ensign Rhade that approached first.  Rayek, seeing the felinoid, smiled and gave the man a welcoming nod, from his spot standing beside the Command chair on which Tess sat.

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on July 18, 2020, 10:07:14 AM

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 2 - Chief Engineer's Office | Katra Station ]
Rhade rolled his eyes as he downloaded the personnel rotational roster, though it only had engineers from Katra and not the Drydock or permanently assigned Healy personnel, on the schedule. He left his office and made his way up to the Operations Center.

Once off the turbolift Rhade approached Tess. "Grrreetings, Commanderrr." L'mar said, "herrre is the rrrotation rrroster." He offered the padd to her.

"That was quick... obviously something you already had prepared."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 18, 2020, 11:56:42 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Control Center]

Though they were waiting for Ensign Wessex, it was Ensign Rhade that approached first.  Rayek, seeing the felinoid, smiled and gave the man a welcoming nod.

"That was quick... obviously something you already had prepared."

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 1 - Operations Center | Katra Station ]

Although he knew that his saving Tess, well he didn't do it alone - hero's modesty or an attempt at it, would get him far more focus on him from the now restored Lieutenant Commander tr'Lhoell then Rhade could cope with. Still young at heart, and soul if he was honest, while being seen as an adult in Caitian culture, Rhade was uncomfortable with that intensity directed at him.

He kinda froze as Rayek was looking at him, gazes full of experience, only for a moment or two and snapped out of it as he put his focus onto the roster and the Starlifter. Rhade quickly gave a nod back to the Romulan before speaking. "Commanderrr, Ensign Campbell and I werrre worrrking on it prrriorrr to all the rrrecent..." L'mar paused and glanced away looking for a specific word, "Chaos." He finished, "he'll be picking me up in a delivery Sphinx." Excitement made him smile.

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Solluk on July 18, 2020, 05:05:21 PM

Katra Station - Promenade

Solluk paid his bill- and Noh'ves' also, as the man had left without paying- and meandered out of the Brauhaus Gamma.  His good mood of a short while ago had been dampened significantly by the encounter.  To Solluk, it seemed most logical that Noh'ves was upset about possibly handing his command over to a Starfleet officer.  Though, it seemed rather unfair to be upset about that when Solluk would also be handing his command over to Noh'ves.  A command which Solluk considered to be a prestigious one, even if not everyone agreed.

He made a mental note to take Noh'ves' advice and speak to Beja about it later.

As he walked along the promenade, he came to the massive observation viewports that gave the residents and visitors of Katra station an excellent view of orbital space.   He paused and enjoyed the scene.  Giant screens above the viewports gave information on orbital traffic, any important alerts, and weather on the surface of Meridian.

After spending some time taking in the view, he began resuming his course to the nearest turbolift so that he could return to the Operational Command Center.  It was then that he noticed Catherine Goodspeed speaking to an officer who looked familiar, but whom he did not quite recognize.  He held back a bit to let them conclude their conversation, and then proceeded towards the lift.

"Lieutenant," he nodded to Catherine, "I trust the repairs to the Healy are nearly complete?  Big day tomorrow, if the Tholians and the Klingons come to an accord."

He was referring to the installation of a pylon on the Lod Qan which would allow a Tholian attack ship to come along for the ride.  Everything was contingent on diplomatic agreements, of course, so nothing had started.  But Solluk had already submitted his preliminary architecture to the Engineer for her further refinement.

Katra Station - Promenade Deck 14

Cat turned in surprise at the voice of her Captain.

"Captain Sir!  Hello, good to see you, I hope you're having a good day"   Cat noticed just as the words came out of her mouth that the happiness that had previously been radiating from the Captain had died a little like someone had poured old warm beer onto a fire.

Klingons....  Cat thought to herself.  If there was ever a species that could suck the soul out of someone it would be a Klingon.   They had a habit of dampening the sunniest of situations like a snow storm in a desert.

Sometimes the only way you could get through their ridged skulls was by the use of strong loud cutting retorts and the occasional punch in the throat and mouth.

Luckily her good old dad and grandfather had instilled in her some decent fighting techniques which was another skill you needed working at a Civilian Ship yard.  Not every encounter went well, especially in pricing up a job or when a Klingon crew had drunk a little too much genuine blood wine in the Rec areas.

Several times Cat had needed to wade into a good fist fight to sort things out or defend her crew and during one rather vicious fracas she'd punched two Klingons so hard in the face she'd knocked a canine out of each of their brash faces.

Not surprising it had hurt her more than it seemed to hurt them.   But the broken bones had been worth it.

However once she started throwing punches most Klingons were so shocked at the sight of a silvering haired small older human female who ran the Yard pile into the fight it seemed to quell their blood lust and normally resulted in several more rounds of blood wine, an robust exchange of insults and then a jolly good sing along.

She had even been presented by the Captain of the two crewmen who were now missing teeth the gift of their knocked out canines threaded onto the thinnest but strong silver chain 'As a reminder of her fighting skills'.

Maybe Cat should start wearing it under her uniform and whip it out whenever she was in sight of any Klingons.  Maybe then they'd show her Captain the respect he deserved.

"The Healy is all done and dusted Sir and I must say she polished up a treat.  No major faults were found, the crew and I have checked her from top to bottom and I can safely say I don't think she's been in better condition. I've sent a full report to you Sir".

"And regarding your ....proposal I was hoping to speak to you later concerning that Sir once you hear back on how everything went."

Cat paused and glanced  down quickly at Nibbler who, at sight of the Vulcan at least had the good grace not to sniff the Captains boots but, she noticed with dismay,  had decided a belly rub was now in order from this new person and he now lay on his back with all 6 legs in the air.

Cat sighed in embarrassment and looked back at the Captain.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

Paul Wessex

Fast as the journey was, the time to reach Deck 1 took far longer than it would have done on any NavPat boat; even the huge Maloria-class carrier only had 7 decks. So, there was plenty of time for Wessex to dwell upon the preliminary experience of stepping aboard the station. Not quite the positing he was expecting, or desiring - an assignment aboard a regular starship would have been a great foundation for one aboard the upcoming Varuna-class 'starsub'; after all, what kind of trouble could a space station get into, even one in the Gamma Quadrant? But all in all, he had a good feeling here.

The turbolift opened and Paul stepped out, following Goodspeed's directions to an antechamber, guarded by two burly, armed crewman who stiffened as he approached, fingers nearing the weapons on their hip. Odd - he was in uniform, so the reaction seemed a little unnecessary, even if they were assigned to moderate entry. "Ensign Wessex, here to report to Commander t'Lhoell." He offered his PADD with his orders, which they took, reviewed, nodded to each other and returned wordlessly. Professional; probably chosen for their non-nonsense attitude, as well as their build. Frankly, guarding a door wasn't on list of favourite assignments, but he'd done worse - and more boring - in the FNP.

Moving past them, with a grateful nod, he finally entered the OCC: a large, bright, expansive command-and-control centre; holographic imager in the centre, workstations around the edge that all - oddly - facing away from the centre.

Nearby, three officers stood in debate. Two, from what he could see, had Lt Commander pips, and an Ensign. Of the two senior officers, one was Vulcan and the other, in Command red,  looked Human. It was she he supposed he was to report to. The junior officer, a Catian he believed, was speaking to the Vulcan. He approached the group, feeling like a first year recruit all over again, trying not to be too obvious while not shrinking back.


Quote from: Beja on July 18, 2020, 11:33:40 PM

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

Beja smiled as Mon enjoyed the pets, "œIt is good for his training to be among people and different situations. In order for him to provide the comfort to those that need the emotional support, the animal needs to be trained to remain calm in all sorts of chaotic and noisy surroundings. I've been very grateful that the different places here on Katra have been so accommodating and accepting of his presence."

Beja had initially been worried about that, as a sehlat cub was cute and adorable, but also large. As Mon grows his appearance could end up potentially scaring others with his size and stature. But so far everyone had just accepted him and she had not any complaints, something she was quite grateful for. She knew the Captain had stepped out on that proverbial limb that humans liked to say for her request for Mon, and she had been relieved to see that Mon had fit in wonderfully at Katra.

You can always ask if they have any meats, but looking at their menu I do not see anything listed. But nuts are a great source of protein, perhaps that would be sufficient for your needs right now?" Beja responded to Zex as they both were pursuing the menu of offerings.

I think I shall try their honey and butter waffler myself," Beja didn't want something overly sweet, and this appeared to be the most sensible choice from the Sweet Tooth Cafe's menu.

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe]

Zex nodded.  It made sense what Beja was saying about Mon.  Exposer to noise and chaos typically resulted in desensitization of the stimuli.  There were multiple phycological studies to prove that.

"Have you had him in engineering?  or the Bridge yet?" she asked curiously.  Those were typically the loudest and most chaotic placed that she could think of.

"Ah.  I never think of nuts when I think protein, but you are right.  Nuts are typically high in protein" she replied.

She looked back over the menu.  "I think I will go with the Carmel and nut waffle" she said and laid the menu flat on the table.  "Is there any word on how the Tholian/Klingon meeting is going?" she asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - Promenade

"Excellent.  My compliments to you and your team," Solluk said.  He had no interest in leaving the station in the hands of Noh'ves without all systems and assigned craft in a functional state.

At that moment, he became aware of Goodspeed's vole, which seemed to be angling itself for a belly rub.

Solluk generally felt a degree of distaste for these pernicious rodents.  He'd have much preferred to recruit Exocomps into station service.  He considered the synthetic life-forms clean, precise, and reliable.  Unfortunately, synthetic life-forms were not well appreciated in the service currently.  So, he'd begrudgingly accepted Goodspeed's bizarre practice of using these animals as helpers.  Whether or not he liked it, he had to admit her methods were effective.

Reaching down, he tentatively scritched and rubbed the small creature, half expecting it to take a fingertip.  Fortunately, no attack was forthcoming.

"Let's have an informal briefing for breakfast tomorrow, 0900," he said after the obligatory animal interaction, "We can go over the results of the Tholian-Klingon negotiations, modifications to the Lod Qan, and other items of concern with the rest of the department heads and senior staff."

He smiled at Goodspeed, nodded his head, and then touched the turbolift summons before the creature could demand any more attention.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe


Just then a waitress walked to the table.  She pulled a pencil from behind her ear.  Then flipped to a page in her notebook.

"Welcome to Sweet Tooth Cafe.  I home I can make you day even.....sweeter" she said in a thick Texan accent.  Her words sounded rehearsed and memorized due to repletion.  She though made it feel just a bit campy and fun by adding a looked over her shoulder at her boss before adding the last word.

"No, but really.  What can I get you ladies.  And I couldn't help but notice you pet.  Is he dining here too?" she asked.

"Maybe a bowl of milk?  We got cow milk, soy, almond.  And I can replicate about 23 other types of milk if needed" she added with a smile.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 18, 2020, 11:56:42 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Control Center]

Rayek quirked an eyebrow at Tess' comment.  The Vulcan missed his Romulan friend so much so that he was near skipping with happiness?  Ridiculous!

Yet before he could argue or get clarification Tess was suggesting celebrating and having lunch together.  Rayek smiled at the idea.  "Sounds like a wonderful idea. Our usual Greek or would you like to have lunch at perhaps IDIC? Or Angela's?"

The talk of lunch reminded him of Solluk's officer dinner idea.  "While we're on the topic of food... the Captain indicated an interest in renewing the senior officers dinner.  When would you like me to have that set up for?"

Tess regarded her husband, now with a full grown beard which looked incredibly sexy on him in her opinion, and smiled. "Actually, I'm craving Italian food today, I think. Does that sound okay for you?"

The news that Solluk wanted to revive the senior officer's dinner had Tess smiling. She always had enjoyed that. Rayek's question made her raise her eyebrows in thought. "1800 or 1900 hours?"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 18, 2020, 11:56:42 PM

Though they were waiting for Ensign Wessex, it was Ensign Rhade that approached first.  Rayek, seeing the felinoid, smiled and gave the man a welcoming nod, from his spot standing beside the Command chair on which Tess sat.

"That was quick... obviously something you already had prepared."

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on July 18, 2020, 10:07:14 AM

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 2 - Chief Engineer's Office | Katra Station ]

The connection was still active and Brian appeared again. "Do you still have that personnel rotation we were working on?" Brian asked as he smirked.

"Yes." L'mar answered and he smirked as well. "Though we only did Engineerrring perrrsonnel." He added.

"That's okay, we can work that out later, send the rotation to Commander t'Lhoell and I'll come pick you up in one of the delivery Sphinx." Brian winked and then disappeared.

Rhade rolled his eyes as he downloaded the personnel rotational roster, though it only had engineers from Katra and not the Drydock or permanently assigned Healy personnel, on the schedule. He left his office and made his way up to the Operations Center.

Once off the turbolift Rhade approached Tess. "Grrreetings, Commanderrr." L'mar said, "herrre is the rrrotation rrroster." He offered the padd to her.

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on July 19, 2020, 01:32:37 AM

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 1 - Operations Center | Katra Station ]

Although he knew that his saving Tess, well he didn't do it alone - hero's modesty or an attempt at it, would get him far more focus on him from the now restored Lieutenant Commander tr'Lhoell then Rhade could cope with. Still young at heart, and soul if he was honest, while being seen as an adult in Caitian culture, Rhade was uncomfortable with that intensity directed at him.

He kinda froze as both ===maybe edited >=== the s'Lhoells were looking at him, gazes full of experience, ===< end of possible edit=== only for a moment or two and snapped out of it as he put his focus onto the roster and the Starlifter. Rhade quickly gave a nod back to the Romulan before speaking. "Commanderrr, Ensign Campbell and I werrre worrrking on it prrriorrr to all the rrrecent..." L'mar paused and glanced away looking for a specific word, "Chaos." He finished, "he'll be picking me up in a delivery Sphinx." Excitement made him smile.

The arrival of someone at the OCC made Tess turn her head back to look toward the turbolift. Like her husband she had anticipated Ensign Wessex to arrive, but to her surprise it was Ensign Rhade. Before Tess could do so, Rayek commented on the fact that the Caitian had the roster changes already there for her to review.
Taking the PADD from him, she half listened to the conversation between Rhade and Rayek while she looked through his proposal. It showed rotations of the Engineering personnel to a degree that would not cause problems for the normal shifts to be understaffed. Compensation in form of slightly longer shifts would have to be made to substitute the officers that would do their duty on the starlifter then.

Tess looked up and gave the Caitian a smile. "This looks good to me", she said as she handed him back his PADD. "I will sign it as soon as you send it to me."

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 19, 2020, 09:54:11 AM

Fast as the journey was, the time to reach Deck 1 took far longer than it would have done on any NavPat boat; even the huge Maloria-class carrier only had 7 decks. So, there was plenty of time for Wessex to dwell upon the preliminary experience of stepping aboard the station. Not quite the positing he was expecting, or desiring - an assignment aboard a regular starship would have been a great foundation for one aboard the upcoming Varuna-class 'starsub'; after all, what kind of trouble could a space station get into, even one in the Gamma Quadrant? But all in all, he had a good feeling here.

The turbolift opened and Paul stepped out, following Goodspeed's directions to an antechamber, guarded by two burly, armed crewman who stiffened as he approached, fingers nearing the weapons on their hip. Odd - he was in uniform, so the reaction seemed a little unnecessary, even if they were assigned to moderate entry. "Ensign Wessex, here to report to Commander t'Lhoell." He offered his PADD with his orders, which they took, reviewed, nodded to each other and returned wordlessly. Professional; probably chosen for their non-nonsense attitude, as well as their build. Frankly, guarding a door wasn't on list of favourite assignments, but he'd done worse - and more boring - in the FNP.

Moving past them, with a grateful nod, he finally entered the OCC: a large, bright, expansive command-and-control centre; holographic imager in the centre, workstations around the edge that all - oddly - facing away from the centre.

Nearby, three officers stood in debate. Two, from what he could see, had Lt Commander pips, and an Ensign. Of the two senior officers, one was Vulcan and the other, in Command red,  looked Human. It was she he supposed he was to report to. The junior officer, a Catian he believed, was speaking to the Vulcan. He approached the group, feeling like a first year recruit all over again, trying not to be too obvious while not shrinking back.

Then once more the turbolift doors opened and once more Tess turned her head - now getting the sight she had anticipated earlier. A man around her age, unfamiliar face, dressed in gold. Tess stood up, something that didn't go as smooth for the heavily pregnant woman like it used to, and smiled at the new arrival. "Ensign Wessex, I assume? I'm Lt. Commander t'Lhoell, the station's Executive Officer. Welcome to Katra Station. I hope you had a pleasant trip to us out here." She smiled brightly at Paul, then gestured to Rayek. "This is Lt. Commander tr'Lhoell", the difference in the pronounciation of the name was subtle but noticable, "our Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security." Finally, she gestured to Rhade. "This is Ensign Rhade, the station's Assistant Chief Engineering Officer." Another smile towards Paul. "Captain Solluk is absent right now, unfortunately. But I think you'll have the opportunity to meet soon."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Paul Wessex


At his half-discreet approach being acknowledged by the Command Department Lt Commander, Paul dropped his bag from his shoulder and adopted a stance more fitting to the situation. To certain members of those present, this stance was perhaps hauntingly familiar, but while his expression lost the light smile often present, his eyes lost none of the spark.

As it turned out, the dark-haired, piercing blue-eyed - and heavily pregnant - Commander was indeed Tess t'Lhoell, First Officer, and he responded fittingly to both her introduction and those around her. "A pleasure ma'am" he nodded, with a perhaps also-familiar accent, and then turned to both Lt Commander tr'Lhoell (related? Or some cosmic coincidence?) and Ensign Rhade - the former actually his new Department Head, the latter apparently another representative of the Engineering Department - Assistant Chief, to boot; maybe he'd meet the Chief soon enough.

First nodding to Rhade, Paul was about to raise his hand in the traditional gesture of the Vulcan people, when he stopped himself just in time; this tr'Lhoell had some curious ridges on the forehead - he'd never seen those on any Vulcan he had met before. Curious; there were, of course, other races that looked similar to Vulcans: Zami-Rigellians for example. Halanans. Mintakans too, but they were simply shown as an example of the importance of adhering to StarFleet's 'Prime Directive'. And obviously Romulans, but how likely would that be? Not that he'd ever met one, as far as he knew. Perhaps a sign of mixed heritage? Not that it mattered.

So, instead, he held out his hand to offer a formal shake that of his to-be senior officer. "Commander" he said to accompany the motion.


Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

I try not to take him to places where it would disrupt the working of the crew. He had followed me once to engineering on the Healy, when there had been an attack. Since that time I've watched him better from following without me noticing. He did help pull some crewmen that had been trapped by debris, but it isn't very professional to have him all over a ship or the station," Beja answered Zex. Beja was pretty sure that last place Captain Solluk would want to see Mon would be on the bridge. She tried to keep him contained to the counseling areas and other non-working areas of the station. She didn't want the sehlat to get a reputation for being an issue or problem.

Nuts are not a preferred food item for Klingons, but I've learned to enjoy several different varieties of them during my academy days. My favorite is the pecan, the humans enjoy it in a pie formation during their Givings of Thanks celebration. Quite an interesting and pleasant food," Beja shared with Zex. That was one of the most rewarding things that she had gotten out of Starfleet; the ability to expand her worldview and knowledge of other cultures. It had been the first step to Beja accepting herself.

Beja shook her head when Zex inquired about the Klingon and Tholian meeting, "œI've not heard anything about it yet. But I do not anticipate any problems. It is a normal diplomatic meeting, where they will come to terms with their agreement to aid each other in the upcoming mission. I see nothing that would be unusual about it. My guess is the Klingons will ask for Tholian weapons, rather than silk for their assistance with a ship."

Diplomacy was all about the intricacies of relationships, and always having to make sure the proper etiquette was utilized. No wonder that not a lot of people were interested in the field in Starfleet, one misuse of a word, or upturn of a brow could lead to warfare, or animosity between races. It was not an easy field, but it could be fulfilling for those that were interested in bringing people together and building networks of relationships.

When the waitress approached Beja smiled brightly over to the human female, "œThat is a very nice offer, but he is a service animal. He is currently on duty so no drinking on the job for him!" Beja joked with Flo. "œI will have your honey and butter waffler, and do you by any chance have prune juice? I will have a large glass of that too. Thank you, very much."


Quote from: Beja on July 19, 2020, 05:01:18 PM

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

I try not to take him to places where it would disrupt the working of the crew. He had followed me once to engineering on the Healy, when there had been an attack. Since that time I've watched him better from following without me noticing. He did help pull some crewmen that had been trapped by debris, but it isn't very professional to have him all over a ship or the station," Beja answered Zex. Beja was pretty sure that last place Captain Solluk would want to see Mon would be on the bridge. She tried to keep him contained to the counseling areas and other non-working areas of the station. She didn't want the sehlat to get a reputation for being an issue or problem.

Nuts are not a preferred food item for Klingons, but I've learned to enjoy several different varieties of them during my academy days. My favorite is the pecan, the humans enjoy it in a pie formation during their Givings of Thanks celebration. Quite an interesting and pleasant food," Beja shared with Zex. That was one of the most rewarding things that she had gotten out of Starfleet; the ability to expand her worldview and knowledge of other cultures. It had been the first step to Beja accepting herself.

Beja shook her head when Zex inquired about the Klingon and Tholian meeting, "œI've not heard anything about it yet. But I do not anticipate any problems. It is a normal diplomatic meeting, where they will come to terms with their agreement to aid each other in the upcoming mission. I see nothing that would be unusual about it. My guess is the Klingons will ask for Tholian weapons, rather than silk for their assistance with a ship."

Diplomacy was all about the intricacies of relationships, and always having to make sure the proper etiquette was utilized. No wonder that not a lot of people were interested in the field in Starfleet, one misuse of a word, or upturn of a brow could lead to warfare, or animosity between races. It was not an easy field, but it could be fulfilling for those that were interested in bringing people together and building networks of relationships.

When the waitress approached Beja smiled brightly over to the human female, "œThat is a very nice offer, but he is a service animal. He is currently on duty so no drinking on the job for him!" Beja joked with Flo. "œI will have your honey and butter waffler, and do you by any chance have prune juice? I will have a large glass of that too. Thank you, very much."

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

"That makes sense.  I don't really think he would be welcome on the OCC.  But it is interesting that the saved someone on in Engineering.  He should get a badge for that.  Or at least a 2nd helping of his favorite food" she replied.

She listened to Beja talk about nuts.  "I had pecan pie when I was at the academy too.  I like it" she said and then added "We had nuts on Delta IV but they were rare in relation to other sources of protein.  I guess that's why I don't really think of them a source for protein.  At least not till now."

Zex tilted her head slightly.  She had spend a lot of time with Eydis and knew several Klingon's including Beja.  "I bet that you right, but I still eager to find out" she said before Flo arrived.

She waited for Beja to order.  "I'll have the carmel and nut waffle.  A glass of milk from a cow.  And a side of turkey or chicken sausage.  If not pork will do.  Please" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Zex on July 19, 2020, 07:27:38 PM

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

"That makes sense.  I don't really think he would be welcome on the OCC.  But it is interesting that the saved someone on in Engineering.  He should get a badge for that.  Or at least a 2nd helping of his favorite food" she replied.

She listened to Beja talk about nuts.  "I had pecan pie when I was at the academy too.  I like it" she said and then added "We had nuts on Delta IV but they were rare in relation to other sources of protein.  I guess that's why I don't really think of them a source for protein.  At least not till now."

Zex tilted her head slightly.  She had spend a lot of time with Eydis and knew several Klingon's including Beja.  "I bet that you right, but I still eager to find out" she said before Flo arrived.

She waited for Beja to order.  "I'll have the carmel and nut waffle.  A glass of milk from a cow.  And a side of turkey or chicken sausage.  If not pork will do.  Please" she said.


"Ok sugar.  No food for the pet.  Got it" she said.

"We have prune juice.  Fresh squeezed, de-pulped, and chilled.  I bring it right over" Flo said after writing down Beja's order.

"We have pork sausage so that's what I'll bring ya.  My names Flo If you need anything else just holler or wave me down" she said.

Then she turned back to the kitchen.  "One h&b.  One caramel nut with a slick of pig" she yelled back toward the cook before walking away to get the drinks. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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