S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room
Fourteen Days After the Destruction of the Replicant Healy
0900 Hours

"Captain Solluk.  I hope this message finds you well, and that repairs are nearly concluded after your misadventure with the Thinker Replicants.  Deep Space Nine has confirmed receipt of the prisoners and intelligence materials you sent to them.  They will be passing the lot along to Starfleet Intelligence for analysis.

It's a shame that the replicants didn't live long enough for a proper interrogation.  Doctor Neizac on DS9 has confirmed that the cells in the replicants' bodies had a very subtle alteration making them susceptible to verteron particles.  It was a detail nearly impossible to find without knowing what to look for, but it was enough to kill them as they passed through the wormhole.  It seems that the Thinkers thought of everything.

Well, almost everything.

Their plot still failed, thanks to you and your team at Katra.  Your ability to form coalitions with the Tholians and Klingons is also impressive in so short a time.  I can only imagine what the Replicants might have been able to do if they hadn't been discovered before completing their sabotage, or stopped before making their escape.

Now that we know about the verteron failsafe to prevent transport through the wormhole, you have a tool to detect any other replicants that may come onto your station.  Doctor Neizac suggests that a low-dose verteron particle bombardment in the .2 iso-amgat range should be enough to detect a replicant by damaging superficial tissue layers without killing them.

DS9 also reports your Lieutenant Saxon has been received safely in medical stasis, and is now being transported to Vulcan by the USS Pasteur for genetic repair and cellular therapy.   Doctor Neizac seems to think prospects are good for his recovery.

As to your second request, Starfleet Command has spent the past several days debating your plan.  Ultimately, we decided that our interest in assisting an injured Crystalline Entity supersedes any concerns for usual protocols.  We have had two failed encounters with the entities already, and we are anxious for a successful contact.  We also have a vested interest in monitoring any Tholian contact with these entities.

As such, we have reached out to the Klingon Empire, and the Chancellor has agreed to this... most unusual officer exchange.  The Chancellor has advised us, however, that this agreement is pending approval from their ambassador in the Gamma Quadrant.

They advise that their ambassador will be meeting with the Tholian ambassador shortly.  I have the feeling they don't have any particular demands in mind, but want to see what they can get from the Assembly.  Probably some kind of token of respect.  I don't expect any difficulty on that front.

Finally, we have a response about your inquiries regarding Ensign tr'Lhoell.  I have to be honest that his counseling reports from your Lieutenant Beja have not been ideal.  However, given his recent performance during the Thinker incident, and your recommendation, his rank is being provisionally restored to the level of Lieutenant Commander.  This restoration of rank will remain provisional until we get a clean bill of health from your counselor.

Your plan to place him into the recently vacated positions of Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security has a few of us at Starfleet Command nervous.  You're putting your reputation on the line, Solluk, and there are some Admirals here who would rather see you commanding a cargo ship than an increasingly important frontier station.

So... I hope you know what you're doing.  Don't make the mistake of letting personal feelings of friendship override your good judgment.  I've been there, and it doesn't end well.

That having been said, on your recommendation, tr'Lhoell's Clearance level has been fully restored along with his rank.

Good luck out there, Captain Solluk.

Or should I say, Qapla'!"

Solluk watched as the message ended, and the Admiral's face was replaced with the Starfleet Command logo.

She was right.  He was risking a lot by trusting Rayek again.  She was also right that he was probably letting the remaining threads of their former friendship impact his judgment.

Hoping it wouldn't come back to bite him, he tapped his badge.

=/\= Ensign tr'Lhoell.  This is the Captain.  Report to my Ready Room at your earliest convenience. =/\=

With that order given, he turned to his office's replicator alcove and punched up a special request.

Tholian Embassy - Long-Range Subspace Harmonic Lattice Communicator
"Eydis - Message Received regarding imminent negotiations with the Klingons.  We have assessed the timeline to create and deploy a Cloaking Device suitable for the rescue mission.  Our best time is Two-hundred and ten cycles to create, test, and deploy a device to you.

This is unacceptable.

We do have captured devices, but deploying them to your location would require ninety cycles.

This is also unacceptable.

The Assembly authorizes you to meet any request from the Klingons, up to category Nine, in order to access their cloaking cruiser.  Command Caste Heiroph Out."

The vibrations of the lattice faded, and with it, the image of Heiroph.  Eydis had hir orders.  Category Nine allowed hir to agree to any request shy of ceding Tholian territory to the Klingon Empire.  It was another demonstration of how important this mission was to the Assembly, that they were prepared to sacrifice so much.

The Klingon Ambassador would be here within the hour.  It was time to prepare.

Enlisted Mess Hall

"I know," Rune said, clasping his synthale in both hands, peering into the beverage as though it might contain wisdom, "but maybe we'd all be dead if not for him.  Starfleet should want people who will take initiative, not blindly follow orders.  I think the Captain made a mistake.  L'mar deserved a promotion, not a bump back down to Ensign."

The Coridanite extended a drinking tube from his mask and sipped his tea briefly before responding.

"If you reward a brash officer with promotion because their insubordination resulted in success, you may encourage more acts of insubordination.  Acts that do not result in success."

The Trill shook his head, "I hear you.  But, you know, Kirk was one of the best Captains in the fleet.  And he was brash as hell.  Maybe some brashness isn't bad.  Now the old lady outranks him, her rank of junior Lieutenant made permanent.  Meanwhile, L'mar is stuck at Ensign, but he's been here longer.  It's not right."

The Coridanite shrugged, "Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

"I guess..." he brooded over his drink a moment longer, then lifted his head, "Hey, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

Calabrass lifted his own head to gaze at his friend through his mask's elaborate environmental apparatus, "Go ahead."

"I've met some people from Coridan who don't wear a mask.  And others that do.  And to be honest, you guys look pretty different even outside of the mask.  But I've never asked about it."

Calabrass nodded, "Ah.  Sooner or later, all Coridanites are asked about this.  It is a long story, my friend, but we appear to have the time."  He leaned forward and placed his vocalizer on a quieter mode,   It all began many years ago..."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

L'mar Camili Rhade

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 7 - Enlisted Mess Hall / Replimat | Katra Station ]

Rhade entered the enlisted Mess Hall, he gestured for those who knew he was commissioned to stop and be as they were. Some had heard of his disregard of orders and boarded the Replicant Healy, saved Commander t'Lhoell and her baby and returned to the station.

Those offered their praises at his courage and disappointment at his demotion, Rhade thanked them but voiced that he was only glad to have been able to save the Executive Officer and her baby for who knew what would have happened if he'd not been there. He wondered if Saxon could have pulled off a rescue in time.

He was sad that Saxon was now getting medical attention on Vulcan, Rhade wasn't sure he'd see the old man again. If he did, he'd tell him that he'd saved Tess, with help. Rhade hoped that he'd get the chance.

"Sir," Rune called.

Rhade waved and approached, the specialist team saved him a seat. "Thank you, and I don't want to hearrr about it." L'mar stated firmly. He had a beverage in hand already and sipped from it. "How goes rrepairrrs?" L'mar asked.

"On schedule sir," Valak replied, he was reading a padd.

"Excellent," L'mar said, "thank you all forrr yourrr worrrrk." He smiled before taking another sip.

"You're welcome sir," Calabrass said and he was not wearing his mask so his smile was visible.
"I agree," Morgan added with a smile.
"As do I," Valak replied with a nod.

He just realised that he'd have to replace the new tractor beam emitters that were recently installed. "Do we have any sparrre Trractorr Beam emitterrrs?" L'mar asked, he really hadn't looked into it and simply ordered their installation.

"Storage has 3 if I recall correctly." Valak said, he spoke slowly as he tapped at his padd as he was connecting with the main computer and checking the inventory. "Yes, 3, sir."

"Those are parrrt of the rrrepairrrs schedule?" L'mar said to Rune since the Trill is Damage Control.

Rune nodded. "That is correct sir," he said with a grin.

"Well then, carrrry on." L'mar said as he leaned back and the team began laughing, telling stories, sharing would-be goals and general chatter.


[Officer's Quarter]

Zex woke up early and put on her uniform.  She knew that the Tholian's and Klingon's would be meeting today.  She didn't know if she was support to attend and assist with meeting though.

She was definitely interested in attending the meeting.   But it was up to Beja.  So Zex decided to check with her.

=/\-Zex to Beja.  Do you need me to attend the Tholian/Klingon meeting today?  If not, is there something else you need for me to do-/\= she asked over the open comm.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station -  Promenade - Security Patrol - 09:00]

In the two weeks following the Two Healies battle, Rayek had returned - not to his usual position in Customs, but scheduled to a special task - cleaning up the mess his doppleganger had made.  SCPO Solen had taken over Security following Saxon's medical leave and she did things differently than near century old human.   Rayek found himself missing the older officer a fair bit, the man's absence was like losing a long time mentor.

When he'd first returned to the station, Rayek had been quite concerned about what Solluk's  (and Tess') reaction would be to his 'agreeing to do anything they say' ploy.  Would they believe him that he hadn't actually planned to go along with the clones and hadn't 'really' mutinied.  Though he did end up taking over command temporarily.  Did it count as mutiny if Hrafn had let him because he asked her to trust him and had a plan the entire time?  How much trouble would he get into for stunning the two security crewmen?  Rayek was worried that despite his promise to Tess to do better, that he might have just got himself into a worse dilemma.

He'd provided his report on his actions to Tess and the Captain, signed off by Lt Falleg by the time the Healy had docked after the incident.   He really was hoping to avoid a stay in the Brig and another court-martial.  However thankfully, when he disembarked the Healy there were no security waiting to take him into custody and those fears had faded away.

One of his first tasks upon arriving, had been to assist, under Solen's watchful eye, locating and removing the program hacks that his clone had done to the Firechain and other systems.  The task had been challenging.  He'd always thought that finding and locating one of his own hacks would be relatively easy for himself since he believed he would intrinsically know his own intentions and plan but it wasn't that simple and the removal of the bad code had taken a fair bit of time.  Now two weeks later he was fairly certain he gotten all the hacked coding out... and since he was no longer needed in Ops, he was relegated to promenade patrols.  Well, he supposed that was a step up from Cargo Customs.

He had just finished his 1st lap around the entirety of the Promenade (all four levels) and was due for his 15 minute 'health' break.  He was about to call Tess to see if she had time to meet for a tea at one of the cafe's on the Promenade when his comm badge chirped with an incoming message.  As typical for him, the Romulan routed the call to his ear bud for privacy thinking that it must be Tess calling him instead.  But it wasn't.

Quote from: Solluk on July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room
Fourteen Days After the Destruction of the Replicant Healy
0900 Hours

Solluk watched as the message ended, and the Admiral's face was replaced with the Starfleet Command logo.

She was right.  He was risking a lot by trusting Rayek again.  She was also right that he was probably letting the remaining threads of their former friendship impact his judgment.

Hoping it wouldn't come back to bite him, he tapped his badge.

=/\= Ensign tr'Lhoell.  This is the Captain.  Report to my Ready Room at your earliest convenience. =/\=

With that order given, he turned to his office's replicator alcove and punched up a special request.

It was the Captain.  For a moment Rayek hesitated in responding, thinking to himself in concern what he might have done recently to draw the Captain's attention that would require a face to face meeting.  Maybe Solluk wanted to question him personally regarding the hacks that his doppelgänger had enacted?

Letting out a calming breath, Rayek tapped his comm and acknowledged the order aloud.  =/\= "Yes, sir.  On my way." =/\=

He strode to the nearest turbolift.  "Deck One" he called out and placed his palm a sensor panel on the wall of the turbolift.  Security protocols in the turbolift system identified him by commbadge ID, and biometrics (voice and DNA scan).  These features were to prevent just anyone from accessing the Bridge and other sensitive areas.

A minute later Rayek was standing outside the Captain's Ready room, activating the door chime with his presence.  He didn't fidget - he'd straightened and smoothed out his uniform on the lift earlier - despite his sense of nervousness.

It was a terrible feeling.  There had be time when he would have thought little of being called to the Captain's office.  It would be expected as his 'Number One'.   But that role was now held by his wife and this would be Rayek's fourth time in the Captain's presence since he'd been demoted.

When the door finally slid open, Rayek stepped within and presented himself to his Captain.

"Ensign tr'Lhoell, reporting as ordered, sir." he announced and stood at attention.  He looked towards the Captain but avoided the Vulcan's gaze.  The last time he'd met those eyes there had been a cold hardness Rayek had never seen before in the Vulcan.  For the first time, Solluk had seemed like every other Vulcan. Rayek had no desire to see that same look now so kept his eyes focused elsewhere.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

"Come in."  The Vulcan gestured to the available chair, "Have a seat, Ensign."

A tea tray was on Solluk's desk.  As his guest came in, he picked up the tea kettle and poured two cups.  One for his guest, and one for himself.

It was not the first time he'd shared tea with Rayek.  In better times, when they'd been closer, he'd engaged in what was, for Vulcans, an intimate tea ceremony.  A gesture of closeness between friends.  The ceremony was passed down from ancient times, when passion had been a part of Vulcan affairs.  While the passion had supposedly been extracted from the custom, it remained as a gesture of import between people.  An expression of trust and respect, if no longer one of love.

But of course, Solluk was not like most Vulcans.  He could feel anger.  Indeed, he had felt a swell of it.

He could also feel regret.  And forgiveness.

The love?  It had never really left him.  It was the driving force behind everything else.

Rayek had been a friend.

Rayek was a friend.

And now, finally, Rayek had taken the first true step in his redemption.  He had performed well in a situation where his own wife and unborn child had been threatened.  He had proved that he could be trusted.

"I have had time to study the after-action reports," Solluk said, "and pass them along to Starfleet Command with my recommendations.  A staged mutiny was a masterstroke, given your personal history.  And the fact that Lieutenant Falleg went along with it so readily suggests that in people's minds, you are still their trusted superior officer."

Solluk lifted his cup, and nodded to Rayek.  "It could easily have been a real mutiny.  The motivation was there.  Save your wife.  Your child.  Surrender the ship.  Surrender anything, rather than risk them both.  But in the end, you remembered your duty.  Your duty to the ship.  Your crew.  The service..."

He looked across at the Romulan, truly believing that his old friend had come back to him after a long and difficult journey.

"... and your duty to me."

Solluk sipped his tea.

Outside the Tholian Embassy...

"It is they who want something from us," Tokara pointed out, "hence, protocol dictates that they should be coming to our embassy.  Not the other way around."

Ambassador Kol regarded his aide from within the confines of his heavy environmental suit.  "This is about more than protocol, Tokara.  And it is about more than one day's request.  We are building a relationship.  Not every maneuver is about power.  Sometimes, it is about position."

Tokara frowned, "At least allow me to accompany you."

Kol chuckled, "Your concern is touching, as is your willingness to die alongside me in glorious battle against Tholian treachery.  But I think this is not such an end.  They seem genuine.  And our strength is best demonstrated thus: I walk into the lair of the beast, alone."

With that, he stepped through the doors and into the Tholian embassy's ...lobby?  It was hard to describe the space.

"I am Kol," he declared, "Ambassador of the Klingon Empire.  Director of Gamma Quadrant affairs.  I am here to meet with Eydis of Tholia, at hir request."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Operations Control Center]

Tess sat in the commanding chair, overseeing the station's operations while the Captain was in his ready room. The weeks in the aftermath of the replicant's intrusion had once again been eventful on many different levels. It had taken days until Tess had an overview of everything that had transpired. As the picture started to get more and more complete, she was aghast.

One thing she struggled with was the death of people who had died indirectly through her hands - well, her replicant's hands - by an overdose because her fake self had been sabotaging the hypo-injectors. It shook her to the core. Those deaths had been pointless and Tess once more was doubting herself. While her replicant had committed the sabotage and negligently approved people dying from this - if not purposly intended - it was a mirror for Tess to look into and see what she was capable of doing. What she saw frightened her.
Regardless that it had been her replicant committing the sabotage that led to the death of five people, Tess had insisted to write to the families of Starfleet officers and civilians alike, informing them of how and why their loved one was taken away from them. It had been emotionally straining for Tess, but she would have felt bad and suffered more if she would not have done it.

Another thing that she was devastated about was John Saxon leaving the station. His record noted 'just' on medical leave ... but for Tess it felt like she failed. The man's health had been her concern, her duty. She always had felt the bond that had formed between them was very delicate - and she always had feared something might happen that would tear it apart. This now felt like that 'something' was finally there. With her mind she knew that John would be helped best in the facility he had been referred to - but in her heart she felt like she had let the man down.

More shocking news had waited for her in sickbay. When she had been there to be treated for her own injury - a bad contusion that had led to a nasty bruise at her left side when she had been thrown into one of the work stations on the fake Healy with no way to brace herself since her hands had been bound - she had learned that Benjin had been injured by an explosion - an explosion that Rayek's replicant had set. Luckily Beja and Roberto had been there to treat him. She didn't like to think what might have happened if they had given him a hypo-shot with one of the manipulated injectors ...
She wasn't quite sure yet if this incident had any negative impact on the relationship between her brohter and Rayek. Of course, they all knew now that it had been replicants and not themselves who had conducted sabotage, but for some it was hard to comprehend that and differentiate. Unfortunately Tess had been busy until recently with the appraisal of the events that she hadn't really spoken privately with Benjin. She might have to do that sometime soon.

The sound of the turbolift doors opening had Tess look back over her shoulder. A smile touched her lips when she saw her husband. She knew he had been insecure about how his ruse of mutiny would be received. She on her part was proud of him. He very well could have chosen to react differently with herself in immediate danger. But not only had he managed to put his duty first, he also had thought of a brillant ploy that undoubtedly had led to the successful outcome of the mission.
While Solluk had taken over the review of Rayek's performance since Tess as his wife couldn't do it, it was completely in the Captain's hands to assess the report on how Rayek handled the situation, but Tess had made sure in one of her meetings with Solluk what her opinion on it was. He might dismiss it or take it into consideration, she didn't know what he had finally done with it.

When she now saw Rayek, she thought he wanted to take her with him for a coffee break - or rather tea break. But no, he seemed to have something else on his mind. Tess watched as he headed straight to the Captain's ready room and was called in shortly after. Hope flared and Tess smiled.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Catherine Goodspeed


Katra Station - Docking Bay - USS Healy

As the 3rd shift engineering and cleaning crew stepped onto the USS Healy the sounds of Debussys "Clair de lune" piano music could be heard, filtered through the ships main speaker system.

To most it was just music from a long dead Earth era and most ignored it, merely putting it down to the whim of the current engineering Teams odd taste in music but after a while it's gentle melody; played on a repeat loop; seemed to seep into everyone's pores like a gentle soothing lullaby.

Petty Officer Torbjorn Gustafsson hummed the tune to himself as he made his way to main Engineering,  gently carrying several bags of coffee and snacks that he had been requested to pick up on the way.

Stepping onto the main deck Gus looked around until he saw a pair of non Regulation heavy rubber soled work boots in a human size 4.5 sticking out though the hole made from a removed wall paneling.

2 crewmen were sitting crossed legged on the floor busy cleaning what seemed to be a couple of power couplings with a vigor not normally associated with cleaning components.

Gus smiled at them both and went to nudge one of the feet with one of his own but a hand suddenly shot out and grabbed his ankle before he could made a connection.

Gus stared down with a look of puzzlement on his face and into the face of the person clutching his foot.  The face was shaking its head from side from side and was mouthing one word. "Noooooooo".

Ensign Samuel McVay looked at Gus and whispered "just no.  She's in a bit of a... Mood".   Sam nodded at the body currently lying prone and still.

"I bloody well heard that McVay... I'm old but not deaf. Yet!"  Catherine Goodspeed who was lying on a small gurney,  wheeled herself out from the hole and pulled herself into a sitting position.  She wiped the back of a grubby hand over her forehead to wipe away some sweat, smearing more grime over an already grime covered face.  Seconds later Muffin the Cardassian vole trotted out, just as dirty.

Since the Healy had returned from her ordeal and was now safely docked the newly appointed Lieutenant Jr Grade Catherine Goodspeed had suggested.. no demanded that a complete Level 1 diagnostic check from top to bottom be carried out on the ship.

This also included what Cat liked to call  'a ruddy good and proper spring clean'.  Each and every inch of the vessel was systemically being checked on a grid basis so nothing was missed.  Each and every component was being double checked by computer and personnel, each component cleaned or replaced with additional checks by the voles for micro fractures in the framework and paneling.

In addition a cleaning crew was allocated for every work shift; cleaning, polishing and vacuuming as they followed the crew teams around like a shoal of cleaner fish.

In a couple of days once her crew and the cleaning team were finished the old girl would be as sparkling as a new pin.

Gus stared at the woman sitting upright.  She looked tired.  She looked tired and slightly cross.

In fact he had from good authority that Cat had been working on each and every shift and was currently camping out in one of the side rooms which had already been checked and cleaned so if something were to happen and the Captain needed to launch The Healy within a heartbeat she could be on hand to oversee any issues.

Gus took out one of the takeaway coffees that he had acquired from the nearest coffee stall on the Promenade and handed one to Cat.

"Okay... I'll bite.. What's happened?" Gus kept his eyes on Cat whilst he waited for a reply.

Ensign McVay sighed "It's my fault... I bumped into Calabrass .. You know, the Coridanite?  Normally on the rota with Rune on the Station? Heading up repairs on the emmiters?"

Gus handed out drinks to the 2 seated work crew McVay and Parker and waved at the cleaning crew lounging in the corner to come over to get a drink.   "Yes.. Of course I know Calabrass.. Mean card player... So?"

"WELL... " McVay coughed to clear his throat

"I bumped into him as he was coming out of the mess hall and well one thing lead to another and we got chatting about.. You know..."  McVay tilted his head towards Cat ".. Well.. promotions and demotions and such and well.... He told me that Rune had told him that.."  McVay swallowed painfully.

".....that Rune had said that Rhade was Kirk and that Cat was an old lady..."   McVays voice died down at the end like he was hoping if he finished very quietly everyone would ignore him.

The cleaning crew who had wandered over to collect the free hot drinks on offer from Gus did a collective shudder as the last 3 words were spoken.

Gus tried to keep his face expressionless but failed badly. Oh my... An 'Old lady'...

Cat smiled brightly which just made everything that little bit worse. It was like watching glass shatter very, very slowly.

"No it's FINE.  I mean Rune is correct I AM an old lady"  Cats brittleness seemed to bounce off the soft melody still playing in the background like a brick.  "So he IS right about one thing.  I'm old and I'm no Kirk."

Cat took a deep long drink from the coffee, ignoring it's heat burning down her dry throat.

"McVay... What you holding? Tell me EXACTLY what you are holding in your hand.. And I don't mean the coffee cup"

MCVay looked at her oddly "This?"  He held up the piece he had been cleaning before Gus had come into the room.   "Its an Electro-Plasma Regulator.."

Cat nodded "Correct.. And what do you use it for?"

McVay looked at Gus and then at Petty Officer Emily Parker who was sitting next to him  clutching rather tightly the component she had been cleaning. Was this a test?

"... Errr.. It's used for the handling of EPS power relays? and the maintenance of the power conduits??".

"Correct my young man!"  Cat stretched her legs in front of her and crossed them to be in a more comfortable position, took the lid off her coffee and poured some of the liquid into the upturned lid and watched as Muffin lapped some happily.

Everyone looked at the vole drinking and waited.

"Now... Emily... Do you think if we gave these objects to the lovely Lieutenant Beja; filled this room with smoke and sparks and gave her 15 seconds to replace a damaged EPR by feel alone and replace the EPS relays would she would be able to do that?"

Emily; who was about as used to having several eye focus on her like a mole rat is used to winning a beauty contest; looked panicked.. "well... No Sir... How is she meant to know how to do that? She's our Counsellor...."

"and NOT an engineer!"  Cat exclaimed.  "Right... And what have we learnt?"

One of the cleaning crew raised their hand  "Err..Crewman Cassie Lark Sir?  That a Counsellor wouldn't know how to replace those things??"

"Correct Cassie and why??" Cat didn't wait for an reply this time. "because a Counsellor is not an engineer.  Like I wouldn't know which product was best to clean dried blood from a carpet...."

"oh! Cassie again Sir! That'll be a mix of equal parts liquid-dish-washing soap and cold water.. You need to soak a cloth and lay it on then blot Sir.. Or a salt paste.."

Another cleaner nodded "oh goodness yes, salt paste.. We've got a batch on hand all the time.."

Cat waved a free hand towards the cleaning crew.   "See?  I didn't know that! Cheers team!  I'm not Kirk and neither is anyone here.  He was a Captain.  A bloody good Captain, but no engineer. Did the legend that was  Montgomery Scott spend his time doing barrel rolls and chatting up the ladies?  No.. He stayed at his post whilst the other trainees ran"

Ensign Parkers ears pricked up at the name of the famous Scottish Engineer "My Nan met him once!  He had a dirty laugh she said!  Really dirty laugh!  He taught her to say 'bums' in a Scottish accent... She was only 4 at the time"

Cat actually laughed. Threw her head back and laughed.  "'Bums!  That will be todays words everyone... Bums.. In Scottish accent.  Now I need a shower and wash Muffin in the sink then have a 2 hour nap. Gus.. Take over checking the conduits, I've marked on the PADD how far we've got. Emily, come wake me in 3 hours, and change the music someone... Something with a bit more.. Bite".

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.



Katra Station - Counseling Office

Music vibrated throughout the counseling room, chanting filled the air. Beja's head was bent down, as her right leg was stretched out behind her, while her left leg was stretched out in front of her. Her eyes closed, while her mind went blank. She focused on nothing, just allowing the rhythm of the chanters to press in around her. Mediation and yoga were the best ways for a person to start their day. Clearing the mind of all the clutter helped for a person to begin each day anew, bright with possibilities of anything and everything that could be achieved!

Beja's balance was perfect, she was in perfect sync and in harmony with the music, so much so that when the ball of fur nudged her with his head, she was ill prepared and toppled over onto the soft mat. She opened her eyes to see the bright yellow eyes staring down at her, and before she could act, the tongue licked her cheek. Beja burst out laughing, and reached up to pet Mon. She made sure to scratch behind his ear, he always enjoyed that best. The purrs from Mon competed with the chanting music. Beja reached over and turned off the music, granting Mon the victory.

Mon you are great at providing comfort to those that need it, but we need to work on your downward sehlat pose, buddy," Beja grinned and gave one last scratch behind Mon's ear before she pushed herself up from the floor. "œI guess that will conclude our morning meditation and exercise session."

Before Beja could make it across the room to the replicator to get a cup of tea, a message came over her combadge from Zex. She wasn't surprised by the request made by the Deltan. The diplomatic officer would want to be involved in meetings, and especially one where one of the embassies that the Deltan appeared to be fond of was involved. Beja would have rather had the conversation face to face, but alas she would have to make do with this form of communication.

Beja tapped her badge, =/\=I appreciate your enthusiasm Zex, and I also feel the same way. I too would have enjoyed attending the meeting. But it is between the two ambassadors. The Federation was not invited to attend. I was just about to have breakfast, you are free to join me if you wish. I was going to enjoy the Sweet Tooth Cafe's offerings this morning. They have great waffles." =/\=


Quote from: Solluk on July 14, 2020, 11:55:14 AM

With that, he stepped through the doors and into the Tholian embassy's ...lobby?  It was hard to describe the space.

"I am Kol," he declared, "Ambassador of the Klingon Empire.  Director of Gamma Quadrant affairs.  I am here to meet with Eydis of Tholia, at hir request."

Ahh welcome Ambassador Kol warrior of the Klingon empire to this embassy as the federation would call it. Your age either proves your luck or how dangerous you truly are.  I�m the second generation offspring of commander loskene. Eydis of tholia as member of a warrior caste my duty to the assembly. But if I were to speak frank with you Warrior of the Klingon empire, If war or strife ever came between our people. I would inform your immediately of a glorious state of conflict between us, and do my best to give you and that old cruiser a warriors death fitting of the many great warriors of the Klingon empire. That is to say I would use everything at my disposal to ensure it. I would expect nothing less then you do the same for me. Perhaps regrettable so I�m not here for a fight that would a glorious battle indeed. Tholian do not tolerate deceit. No, I witness the cruiser of yours use its cloak during the incident involving the fake healy. And that is why I asked you here Eydis was standing on the ceiling right above the strange orb like structure beneath hir

As a warrior and commander of tholian cruiser it injuries my pride as commander having to ask, the use of your ship and put any of my crew on another�s ship.  It would also be a possible problem if the entity finds your ship to be unnatural. The entity might decide to attack first and ask questions. My own cruiser or a widow would likely be more familiar to a crystalline entity. But we can not cloak my cruiser and my widows are to large for your cruisers shuttle bays.

Now that being said the assembly is willing to offer the Klingon empire a  substantial request . This mission is vitality important to my people . And it should prove to be as important to the federation and Klingon empire as well. We have reason to believe more exist and they are quite intelligent and you have seen their destructive abilites. Help me bringing the entity to tholian space where it will be safe from those who would hunt it. And worlds would be safe from its wrath."

(Post manually restored after system outage.)

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Station Commander's Ready Room]

Quote from: Solluk on July 14, 2020, 11:55:14 AM

Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

"Come in."  The Vulcan gestured to the available chair, "Have a seat, Ensign."

A tea tray was on Solluk's desk.  As his guest came in, he picked up the tea kettle and poured two cups.  One for his guest, and one for himself.

It was not the first time he'd shared tea with Rayek.  In better times, when they'd been closer, he'd engaged in what was, for Vulcans, an intimate tea ceremony.  A gesture of closeness between friends.  The ceremony was passed down from ancient times, when passion had been a part of Vulcan affairs.  While the passion had supposedly been extracted from the custom, it remained as a gesture of import between people.  An expression of trust and respect, if no longer one of love.

But of course, Solluk was not like most Vulcans.  He could feel anger.  Indeed, he had felt a swell of it.

He could also feel regret.  And forgiveness.

The love?  It had never really left him.  It was the driving force behind everything else.

Rayek had been a friend.

Rayek was a friend.

And now, finally, Rayek had taken the first true step in his redemption.  He had performed well in a situation where his own wife and unborn child had been threatened.  He had proved that he could be trusted.

"I have had time to study the after-action reports," Solluk said, "and pass them along to Starfleet Command with my recommendations.  A staged mutiny was a masterstroke, given your personal history.  And the fact that Lieutenant Falleg went along with it so readily suggests that in people's minds, you are still their trusted superior officer."

Solluk lifted his cup, and nodded to Rayek.  "It could easily have been a real mutiny.  The motivation was there.  Save your wife.  Your child.  Surrender the ship.  Surrender anything, rather than risk them both.  But in the end, you remembered your duty.  Your duty to the ship.  Your crew.  The service..."

He looked across at the Romulan, truly believing that his old friend had come back to him after a long and difficult journey.

"... and your duty to me."

Solluk sipped his tea.

At Solluk's gesture and welcoming words, Rayek took a seat in the offered chair.
While it was surprising to be offered a seat, though the Romulan kept this from his expression, it was even more surprising to see the Vulcan tea set laid out and prepared for two.  The tea set had been absent his previous visits to the Captain's Ready Room.  That it was out now, meant that something major had changed in Solluk's perception of him.

He watched silent as the Captain poured out two cups - setting one in front of him.  Rayek was aware that for the Vulcan this was an intimate ceremony expressing the closeness of their friendship, and was not offered lightly.   By accepting to share in the tea, Rayek was acknowledging that bond.

The first time he'd sat across from Solluk and shared tea, Rayek recalled he'd been equally unsure if he should be seated there.  In the past, it had been his paranoia that had doubted the Vulcan's sincerity.  Now, it was his own that inwardly questioned.

There was a moment of hesitancy, when Rayek left the cup untouched and looked towards the Captain questioningly. He still avoided looking at the Vulcan eyes.

Solluk spoke, mentioning the after-action reports and complimented the Romulan on his staged mutiny - calling it a masterstroke, 'given his personal history'.   Rayek felt a frown forming - the decision hadn't been some grand plan like the Vulcan seemed to believe.  Rayek wondered what exactly Hrafn had put down in her report to give the Captain this impression?  His own had simply stated how he'd been trying to stall for time to allow the  Caitian opportunity to make safe his wife in the best manner possible.

Rayek's inclination was to deny that he was still considered a trusted superior officer, except for a few close individuals, but Rayek got the impression that this wasn't supposed to be a discussion but more Solluk explaining his understanding of things.

Hearing the Captain acknowledge how there might have been the temptation to have the mutiny be real, Rayek couldn't deny the thought had briefly been considered.   Should he mention that it was merely his wife's good nature and fear of displeasing her that kept him from looking at the mutiny option more seriously?  Probably not.

Being reminded of the danger Tess and their unborn son had been placed in struck a nerve and Rayek who had been creeping his glance up towards the Vulcan's face to get a better sense of if this was an actual offering of forgiveness, turned his attention to the still untouched tea cup instead.

Solluk remarked on his remembering his duty.  And though the Vulcan obviously meant it in praise, Rayek found it sparked an unpleasant reminder of many of the dark things he'd been required to do in the name of duty to the Praetor and to the Empire.

He lifted his gaze finally to set things straight with the Vulcan - to point out that he'd always had the best interest of the station and her crew - which his wife was considered a part of thank you very much - in mind even when he'd disobeyed orders and usual protocols,..  yet he paused when he caught sight of the open expression on Solluk's face.

The look was one he hadn't seen in far too long and Rayek stumbled over what to say and how to react to the Captain's words.  The Romulan found he really didn't want to speak negatively and say what was in his thoughts as he recognized that would only return the hardened expression to Solluk's face.

It took only a moment to decide between being true to himself or taking hold of the olive branch offered.   Rayek leaned forward and picked up the tea cup and took a sip.   In a choice between self and family... family would always win, and though the Vulcan may not know it to Rayek - Solluk was family.

"I would be lying if I said it had been an easy choice.   I am just grateful that the Caitian was aboard and that the option of having him remove her from the hostage situation allowed me to focus on what needed to be done."

(Post manually restored after system outage)

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

L'mar Camili Rhade


[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Outside Deck 5 - Above Docking Bay 1-3 A Spacedoor | Katra Station ]

Rhade was piloting a workbee and it had in his clamps Hull pieces, he was moving them into place for his colleagues. Meanwhile Rune and Valak were on the Hull in environmental suits with welding tools. Calabrass was working on the inside of the damaged Hull reinstalling computer parts and performing tests of those parts.

Morgan however was on the Healy assisting Lieutenant Goodspeed with the ship's repairs, since he is a propulsion specialist. Though he was slowly converting to a power systems specialist which would cover both starship propulsion and station power plants.

They'd been working the whole day and nearly got the outer Hull covered. "Another two sir," Valak called after pausing a moment from welding before engaging the tool again.

"Excellent," L'mar said from the workbee. He rarely got to use one but this time he got his hands dirty. "Hang in therrre," L'mar announced, "we can finish then brrreak."

"Aye sir," Calabrass said and he was not wearing his mask so his smile was visible.
"Agreed," Valak replied with a nod.

Other engineers were dealing with the replacement tractor beam emitters from Storage. They had been checking in as the two groups had to use the same space to fly around. Rhade had nearly crashed into a few other workbees, though had scratched a few using the Hull pieces but nothing serious.

Rune chimed in. "Pizza!" he announced.

A collective sigh through the comlink between them, Rune ate pizza so often. It was concerning to the rest of them but their own vices and weaknesses for other foodstuffs kept them quiet and Rune knew it. So he'd annoy them often with it.

"I will have Pasta." Valak said matter-a-factly.
"Soup and bread for me," Calabrass added in. "Not sure what flavour though."
"Pizza!" Rune announced, then laughed, hard. "Or Dilithium!" He added once his laughter calmed.

The rest of them laughed, though Calabrass stopped and just glared at Rune.



Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

Solluk set down his cup and nodded, "Rhade has been a problem," he agreed. "It is undeniable that he provided valuable aid in a crisis.  And also displayed gross insubordination.  He saved officers, but also forced the diversion of resources for his own salvation.  I think he is a gifted officer, but I also don't trust him to follow orders.  However... developing his potential is a challenge for another day."

Solluk reached down to open a desk drawer.  This had become a ritual of its own, and one that he most enjoyed re-enacting.  The small box came out, and he laid it before Rayek.

"Starfleet Command concurs with me that it is time to restore most of your lost rank," he said, perhaps overstating things a bit.  There was no need to mention that Solluk had been threatened with the command of a hauler for suggesting this.  "This is provisional, for now.  To become permanent when the Counselor gives her all-clear.  I'm confident that when she considers your recent actions, she will come to the same conclusions I have."

Solluk's eyes were bright.  It felt good to be in this place again.  To look upon a friend with hope for the future.  "With Saxon's extended medical leave, I find myself in need of a new Strategic Operations Officer."

Having set down the box, Solluk closed the drawer and took up his teacup again.  "For the time being, I'd like you to cover both Security and Strategic Operations, essentially taking over all of Saxon's duties, until I can find a good candidate to take over Security.  I think you'll be ideally suited to coordinate fleet activities in the Sector, deal with Intelligence matters, and provide Tactical leadership."

He smiled, "And of course, the position would make you the station's Second Officer.  Congratulations, Rayek.  It's good to have you back in the circle of Command, where you belong."

The Tholian Embassy...

Ambassador Kol's gaze lifted to the ceiling, where the Tholian ambassador apparently preferred to perch, like a bat.  As Eydis spoke, it became apparent that they would not be retiring to any other room for this negotiation.  Shi apparently desired to discuss it right here in the lobby.

The first words out of the ambassador's mouth were about warfare between the Tholians and the Klingons.  A curious opening gambit.  Kol was not accustomed to dealing with species who craved glory in battle.

But of course, Eydis was a warrior caste member who had been hastily repurposed for diplomacy.  Hir priorities and ideals would reflect that, and perhaps be closer to those of Klingon culture than any other Tholian caste.

"A battle between us would be glorious," Kol admitted, "but I have come to crave glories that transcend battle."  It was almost a blasphemy for him to say such a thing.  "Having a friend beside you is as rewarding as having an enemy before you."

He considered Eydis' mention that the mission shi wished to undertake would have been better with a Tholian vessel due to similarities between the Crystalline Tholians and the Crystalline Entity they craved to meet with.

"There is a hatch on the ventral side of a D-7's 'neck,' Ambassador.  It would be a small matter to build a support pylon out from this 'neck' which could be affixed to one of your small attack craft.  And with some work, we could extend the cloak around such an attached vessel.

I confess this is not my own idea.  It was proposed by your new Federation friends.  The Captain of this station was apparently once an engineer.  My own engineer, Grom, confirms that such a pylon could be built within just a few days' time, given the resources of the local drydock."

Kol paused, considering the Tholian.  He wondered what shi would make of the price of his assistance.

"There are two things the Klingons require, and one thing I require personally," he began.

"First, the mission is to be undertaken as part of an officer exchange program between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.  This will provide some measure of deniability for the Empire, should your intrusions into Gregari space provoke a war we are ill prepared to prosecute.  The official mission will be to scan a planet in the Gamma quadrant for suitability as a colony site.  This scan will be conducted.  Then, the Federation officers will send the Lod Qan into Gregari space against orders from the Klingon Defense Force.  If the ship is captured by enemy forces, the Empire will be able to denounce the Federation rogues who went against orders, and avoid any larger entanglements."

He paused to be sure this was understood, and then continued.

"Second.  You will make a gift of two of your crystal halberds to our Chancellor.  A personal gesture of honor for the great favor he is doing for you in lending you the use of a vessel."

Kol did not expect much resistance to this.

Finallly, "Last.  And this is a personal favor to me, not from you, but from your government.  The Tholian Assembly.  For giving you the use of my Diplomatic Cruiser.

There will be a new Klingon presence established in the Gamma Quadrant.  When it is, I require the Tholian Assembly to officially recognize it as an independent nation."

And there it was.  As dangerous a request as any he'd made in his career.

He waited to see what shi would say.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Beja on July 14, 2020, 09:51:59 PM

Katra Station - Counseling Office

Music vibrated throughout the counseling room, chanting filled the air. Beja�s head was bent down, as her right leg was stretched out behind her, while her left leg was stretched out in front of her. Her eyes closed, while her mind went blank. She focused on nothing, just allowing the rhythm of the chanters to press in around her. Mediation and yoga were the best ways for a person to start their day. Clearing the mind of all the clutter helped for a person to begin each day anew, bright with possibilities of anything and everything that could be achieved!

Beja�s balance was perfect, she was in perfect sync and in harmony with the music, so much so that when the ball of fur nudged her with his head, she was ill prepared and toppled over onto the soft mat. She opened her eyes to see the bright yellow eyes staring down at her, and before she could act, the tongue licked her cheek. Beja burst out laughing, and reached up to pet Mon. She made sure to scratch behind his ear, he always enjoyed that best. The purrs from Mon competed with the chanting music. Beja reached over and turned off the music, granting Mon the victory.

�Mon you are great at providing comfort to those that need it, but we need to work on your downward sehlat pose, buddy,� Beja grinned and gave one last scratch behind Mon�s ear before she pushed herself up from the floor. �I guess that will conclude our morning meditation and exercise session.�

Before Beja could make it across the room to the replicator to get a cup of tea, a message came over her combadge from Zex. She wasn�t surprised by the request made by the Deltan. The diplomatic officer would want to be involved in meetings, and especially one where one of the embassies that the Deltan appeared to be fond of was involved. Beja would have rather had the conversation face to face, but alas she would have to make do with this form of communication.

Beja tapped her badge, =/\= �I appreciate your enthusiasm Zex, and I also feel the same way. I too would have enjoyed attending the meeting. But it is between the two ambassadors. The Federation was not invited to attend. I was just about to have breakfast, you are free to join me if you wish. I was going to enjoy the Sweet Tooth Cafe�s offerings this morning. They have great waffles.� =/\=

[Officer's Quarter]

Zex was a bit sad that she would not be able to attend the meeting between the Tholian's and the Klingon's.  It was sure to be a monumental meeting of the minds.  But the federation had not been invited, so she could not go.

On the other hand, though, she was quite happy to spend some time with Beja.  Their schedules just had not matched up lately so most of their communication had been remote.  So some face to face time would be good!

=/\-Breakfast sounds great.  I have not been the the Sweet Tooth Cafe�s yet.  I will meet you there.  Zex out-/\= she replied.  Then she exited her room and made way for the cafe.

(Post manually restored after system outage)

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Korvat Ship Depot - Beta Quadrant

Gwaron reviewed the depot inventory for the third time, trying to make sense of the figures he was seeing.

The Korvat Depot was in orbit of the first planet in the Korvat system, which was also home to a centuries-old Klingon colony.  Thousands of Klingons from that colony worked here.  Gwaron himself had a home on Korvat Prime, and commuted to the Depot every day by transporter.  Although he was not a proper warrior, fighting the enemies of the Empire, he brought honor to his House by doing important work in the often overlooked field of logistics.  Places like the Korvat Depot were the lifeblood of the Empire.

Old, retired ships from throughout the Empire were stored here.  Some had belonged to the KDF directly, and had been decommissioned from Imperial service.  Some had been sold for scrap by Houses who were upgrading their fleets.  A few were sold by Houses who had become insolvent and were prepared to sell off their oldest ships for some quick cash.

Most would remain here, picked for spare parts until they endured molecular harvesting for their Duranium and Tritanium hull material.  It was much less energy-intensive to strip existing ships for their alloys rather than mining ore from asteroids and recombining it in industrial replicators.

Not all ships died here, of course.  A couple of the ships were bought each month by smaller Houses who could not afford new ships, and were prepared to invest the time and effort necessary to refurbish an old one.  Some were even sold to foreign governments and individuals who valued robust Klingon engineering.

The reason Gwaron was concerned today was because the Imperial Defense Force had just placed an order for 9 million tons of duranium scrap, with the intention of using it for a major construction project.  But Gwaron had discovered that the depot didn't have enough ships to scrap that much alloy.  Further, he'd reached out to two other nearby depots, and they didn't have enough ships, either.

Someone had been quietly buying up old, decommissioned ships from all of the depots in this part of the Empire.  Over a hundred had been purchased from the Korvat depot alone.  Thirty D7 cruisers.  Fifty K'tinga refits.  Twenty K'vort birds of prey.  They'd been purchased by twos and threes every single day for the past several months.  To Gwaron, it seemed like a buying pattern designed to avoid suspicion.  But when you put all the purchases together, it all suddenly became very suspicious.

When he tallied all of the purchases over the past six months together, from this depot and other nearby depots, it came to over a thousand ships.

All older ships, of course.  But still... an Armada like that was formidable.  That kind of large purchasing event usually only came when the Empire was on the cusp of a war, as all of the Houses of the Empire bought up whatever they could get their hands on in anticipation of massive engagements with massive losses.

But there was no war right now.  At least, not any war of consequence.

Could this purchasing pattern indicate that some kind of civil war was at hand?

Gathering up his datapad, Gwaron went to speak to the Depot supervisor.  He had to show this information to someone.  Someone who could bring it to the High Council.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Station Commander's Ready Room]

Quote from: Solluk on July 15, 2020, 12:05:19 PM

Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

Solluk set down his cup and nodded, "Rhade has been a problem," he agreed. "It is undeniable that he provided valuable aid in a crisis.  And also displayed gross insubordination.  He saved officers, but also forced the diversion of resources for his own salvation.  I think he is a gifted officer, but I also don't trust him to follow orders.  However... developing his potential is a challenge for another day."

Hearing Solluk's views regarding the Caitian, Rayek couldn't help but make a strong comparison between Rhade and himself.  He was certain 'gross insubordination' had been one of the charges read out at his court-martial a few months earlier.   So he supposed that Rhade's demotion shouldn't have been a surprise for the Caitian engineer.

Maybe a little later Rayek would invite the felinoid out for a drink - to offer the man his thanks.  While the Captain praised him for doing his duty, Rayek didn't like to consider what his actions might have been had the Caitian not been on the fake Healy, giving him the option of getting Tess to relative safety before he ordered the attack on the ship.  Yes, he definitely owed the Caitian after this.

However, further thoughts on this were abruptly cut short with the Captain's next action and words.

Quote from: Solluk on July 15, 2020, 12:05:19 PM

Solluk reached down to open a desk drawer.  This had become a ritual of its own, and one that he most enjoyed re-enacting.  The small box came out, and he laid it before Rayek.

"Starfleet Command concurs with me that it is time to restore most of your lost rank," he said, perhaps overstating things a bit.  There was no need to mention that Solluk had been threatened with the command of a hauler for suggesting this.  "This is provisional, for now.  To become permanent when the Counselor gives her all-clear.  I'm confident that when she considers your recent actions, she will come to the same conclusions I have."

Solluk's eyes were bright.  It felt good to be in this place again.  To look upon a friend with hope for the future.  "With Saxon's extended medical leave, I find myself in need of a new Strategic Operations Officer."

Having set down the box, Solluk closed the drawer and took up his teacup again.  "For the time being, I'd like you to cover both Security and Strategic Operations, essentially taking over all of Saxon's duties, until I can find a good candidate to take over Security.  I think you'll be ideally suited to coordinate fleet activities in the Sector, deal with Intelligence matters, and provide Tactical leadership."

He smiled, "And of course, the position would make you the station's Second Officer.  Congratulations, Rayek.  It's good to have you back in the circle of Command, where you belong."

When Solluk retrieved the presentation box, Rayek immediately just assumed a promotion or reinstatement of rank to Lieutenant junior grade.   It was the next logical step.   However the Vulcan's words suggested something more... even if it was provisional until Beja's announcement of 'all clear'.  Solluk had said 'restore most of his lost rank'..  which could mean either Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander... but why bump his rank so fast if his crime had been so grievous to warrant demotion down to Ensign only 3 months prior?

The answer came moment later.. when a bright-eyed and almostly smiling Solluk announced that Rayek would be taking over both of Saxon's roles - as Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security.   The Romulan was certain that his expression would be showing more than a little disbelief.   "Strategic Operations Officer and Security?" he parroted almost questioningly.

Rayek stared down at the presentation box while Solluk resumed his tea and remarked on how well he thought Rayek was suited for the SOO position.  Of course; who better to be in charge of intelligence gathering than a former Tal'Shiar?   Yet Rayek was not thrilled at the idea in the least.  He had hoped he'd put that life behind him when he had ignored his orders to return to Romulus and instead petitioned the Federation to accept his defection.

Yet if he were to look at the available officers with which for the Captain to choose Saxon's successor... yeah he could see why he was being assigned the new roles.  With a slight nod of acknowledgement, Rayek reached out to set down his teacup and then retrieve the box from where Solluk had set it down.  He opened it and within were two pips.. one whole the other showing the center blacked out.  Lieutenant Commander.

The sight of the pips reminded him his first promotion to that rank - just under 2 year ago..  Starfleet had needed an XO for the newly built Katra station.... and he at the time had been Chief Petty officer on Challenger.  Starfleet had had him write the Academy exam based off his Technical Services training... and his time as an officer in the Star Navy and Tal'Shiar.   He'd passed, though he was certain that his essay answers were not exactly Starfleet standard.

As these thoughts played in his mind, he wondered... had Tess known about this promotion?  If so she had kept it very well hidden.  He looked up from the box to ask Solluk that when he noticed the Vulcan smiling at him before dropping yet another announcement - that the role of Strategic Operational Officer came with the promotion to Second Officer.

There was no hiding his shock at that announcement.  He heard the Captain congratulate him and remark that it was good to have him back in the circle of Command.

There was a long pause as Rayek studied the Captain's expression - wondering if this was some practical joke... or worse, if Solluk had been replicated at some point and replaced with a fake to disrupt the smooth running of the station.

"Thank you, Captain. I'm a little overwhelmed, to say the least and thus find myself at a loss for words.  However, I will say your trust in me now, despite my past mistakes, is appreciated..." Rayek finally spoke up as he plucked the first pip from the box and set it in place on his collar with a practiced ease. He did the same with the half pip, then inclined his head respectfully towards the Vulcan, before completing his statement.  "...and a little suspicious.  As such, please do not be offended if my first action as SOO is to have you checked out in Medical to be sure you haven't been replaced."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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