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S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 19, 2020, 01:56:15 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Tess regarded her husband, now with a full grown beard which looked incredibly sexy on him in her opinion, and smiled. "Actually, I'm craving Italian food today, I think. Does that sound okay for you?"

The news that Solluk wanted to revive the senior officer's dinner had Tess smiling. She always had enjoyed that. Rayek's question made her raise her eyebrows in thought. "1800 or 1900 hours?"

Tess' preference for Italian during her pregnancy wasn't surprising, given it was a likely very reminiscent of happy times growing up.  "Italian sounds perfect.  I'll be sure to make reservations for us."

Tess' assumption that the dinner would be for tonight was bold.  "I'll confirm with the Captain if tonight works for him."

But before he could make that arrangement Tess distracted him with something much more important...


Speaking of appointments, Tess' face lighted up as she looked up at Rayek. "Tomorrow night's our first prenatal class", she reminded him. She was curious as hell and couldn't wait for it to start.

News of their prenatal class.  The reminder prompted a surge of anticipation and the Romulan turned slightly so that his back was to the rest of the OCC before allowing his wide smile to show.

Quietly he commented "I'm very much looking forward to it."

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 19, 2020, 01:56:15 PM

The arrival of someone at the OCC made Tess turn her head back to look toward the turbolift. Like her husband she had anticipated Ensign Wessex to arrive, but to her surprise it was Ensign Rhade. Before Tess could do so, Rayek commented on the fact that the Caitian had the roster changes already there for her to review.

Taking the PADD from him, she half listened to the conversation between Rhade and Rayek while she looked through his proposal. It showed rotations of the Engineering personnel to a degree that would not cause problems for the normal shifts to be understaffed. Compensation in form of slightly longer shifts would have to be made to substitute the officers that would do their duty on the starlifter then.

Tess looked up and gave the Caitian a smile. "This looks good to me", she said as she handed him back his PADD. "I will sign it as soon as you send it to me."

Then once more the turbolift doors opened and once more Tess turned her head - now getting the sight she had anticipated earlier. A man around her age, unfamiliar face, dressed in gold. Tess stood up, something that didn't go as smooth for the heavily pregnant woman like it used to, and smiled at the new arrival. "Ensign Wessex, I assume? I'm Lt. Commander t'Lhoell, the station's Executive Officer. Welcome to Katra Station. I hope you had a pleasant trip to us out here." She smiled brightly at Paul, then gestured to Rayek. "This is Lt. Commander tr'Lhoell", the difference in the pronounciation of the name was subtle but noticable, "our Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security." Finally, she gestured to Rhade. "This is Ensign Rhade, the station's Assistant Chief Engineering Officer." Another smile towards Paul. "Captain Solluk is absent right now, unfortunately. But I think you'll have the opportunity to meet soon."

At the arrival of the ensign from security, Rayek turned towards the man. Having reviewed Wessex's personnel file just minutes earlier, the Romulan was prepared for seeing a slightly older male rather than the usual young just out of the Academy cadet.
Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 19, 2020, 03:03:45 PM

At his half-discreet approach being acknowledged by the Command Department Lt Commander, Paul dropped his bag from his shoulder and adopted a stance more fitting to the situation. To certain members of those present, this stance was perhaps hauntingly familiar, but while his expression lost the light smile often present, his eyes lost none of the spark.

As it turned out, the dark-haired, piercing blue-eyed - and heavily pregnant - Commander was indeed Tess t'Lhoell, First Officer, and he responded fittingly to both her introduction and those around her. "A pleasure ma'am" he nodded, with a perhaps also-familiar accent, and then turned to both Lt Commander tr'Lhoell (related? Or some cosmic coincidence?) and Ensign Rhade - the former actually his new Department Head, the latter apparently another representative of the Engineering Department - Assistant Chief, to boot; maybe he'd meet the Chief soon enough.

First nodding to Rhade, Paul was about to raise his hand in the traditional gesture of the Vulcan people, when he stopped himself just in time; this tr'Lhoell had some curious ridges on the forehead - he'd never seen those on any Vulcan he had met before. Curious; there were, of course, other races that looked similar to Vulcans: Zami-Rigellians for example. Halanans. Mintakans too, but they were simply shown as an example of the importance of adhering to StarFleet's 'Prime Directive'. And obviously Romulans, but how likely would that be? Not that he'd ever met one, as far as he knew. Perhaps a sign of mixed heritage? Not that it mattered.

So, instead, he held out his hand to offer a formal shake that of his to-be senior officer. "Commander" he said to accompany the motion.

Certain human cultures, like the British, had a distinctive presence and body language and it was this that Rayek picked up on as the ensign stood at attention before presenting himself to Tess, the station's Executive Officer.  Wessex reminded him of Saxon in his movements.   Younger, less experienced, but still will that British presence.  The reminder made him all the more aware of the Chief's absence.  Except Saxon wasn't Chief anymore... he was. Once more. Yet it felt odd this time.

Despite over a year of being the man's superior officer, Rayek had found it surprisingly easy to follow orders from the nearly century old Brit.  The man's tactical knowledge, experience and physical skill had been legendary as a Master Chief... and surprisingly hadn't really diminished even though he'd been sent to a backwater station at the edge of the known Gamma quadrant.  Instead it had grown.  Political circumstances and Saxon's tactical knowledge had made the man the perfect individual for Strategic Operations Officer.

Now it had fallen to Rayek to continue where Saxon had left off; yet for once Rayek did not feel prepared for the roles he'd been assigned nor was he certain that his heart was in it.  But if what Tess said was true, that his return made the Captain happy... then he owed it to the Captain to give it his all.

When Wessex turned to him, the ensign seemed to hesitate a moment before offering out a hand in greeting.  Rayek thought a handshake an odd way to acknowledge one's Department Head for the first time.  The Romulan officer might have thought it insulting if not for the familiarity felt moments before.

Rayek stepped forward to accept the hand and gave it a firm shake.  "Ensign Wessex. Welcome to Katra Station.  Take the day to become familiar with the station.  I'll have your work assignment to you by days end."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 19, 2020, 01:56:15 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Tess looked up and gave the Caitian a smile. "This looks good to me", she said as she handed him back his PADD. "I will sign it as soon as you send it to me."

"Ensign Wessex, I assume? I'm Lt. Commander t'Lhoell, the station's Executive Officer. Welcome to Katra Station. I hope you had a pleasant trip to us out here." She smiled brightly at Paul, then gestured to Rayek. "This is Lt. Commander tr'Lhoell", the difference in the pronounciation of the name was subtle but noticable, "our Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security." Finally, she gestured to Rhade. "This is Ensign Rhade, the station's Assistant Chief Engineering Officer." Another smile towards Paul. "Captain Solluk is absent right now, unfortunately. But I think you'll have the opportunity to meet soon."

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 1 - Operations Center | Katra Station ]

Engineer! L'mar thought annoyed, what was this engineering officer fuey. Then he just realised his position had changed to Assistant Chief Engineer. Clearly under Goodspeed, Rhade was confused, does that mean she is incharge of duty rosters now? He contemplated.

Rhade nodded back to Wessex before turning back to Tess, he refused the padd. "Actually Commanderrr, that padd is forrr you." L'mar said with a grin, his fangs may be whiter than before. He was getting excited again, "perrrmission to be dismissed?" L'mar asked a little quickly.

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 19, 2020, 09:15:17 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Control Center]

Tess' preference for Italian during her pregnancy wasn't surprising, given it was a likely very reminiscent of happy times growing up.  "Italian sounds perfect.  I'll be sure to make reservations for us."

Tess' assumption that the dinner would be for tonight was bold.  "I'll confirm with the Captain if tonight works for him."

But before he could make that arrangement Tess distracted him with something much more important...

News of their prenatal class.  The reminder prompted a surge of anticipation and the Romulan turned slightly so that his back was to the rest of the OCC before allowing his wide smile to show.

Quietly he commented "I'm very much looking forward to it."

At Rayek's comment that he would confirm with the Captain if that would work for him, Tess nodded. That was probably best. She had only known about this through Rayek a minute ago and she might have misunderstood something there. If the Captain wanted to have the senior officer's dinner from tomorrow on, that was fine, too.

She looked up to see that smile of anticipation on her husband's face when the topic of the prenatal class came up which in turn made her smile as well. She was just as excited about it. "Me too", she replied just as quietly.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 19, 2020, 03:03:45 PM

At his half-discreet approach being acknowledged by the Command Department Lt Commander, Paul dropped his bag from his shoulder and adopted a stance more fitting to the situation. To certain members of those present, this stance was perhaps hauntingly familiar, but while his expression lost the light smile often present, his eyes lost none of the spark.

As it turned out, the dark-haired, piercing blue-eyed - and heavily pregnant - Commander was indeed Tess t'Lhoell, First Officer, and he responded fittingly to both her introduction and those around her. "A pleasure ma'am" he nodded, with a perhaps also-familiar accent, and then turned to both Lt Commander tr'Lhoell (related? Or some cosmic coincidence?) and Ensign Rhade - the former actually his new Department Head, the latter apparently another representative of the Engineering Department - Assistant Chief, to boot; maybe he'd meet the Chief soon enough.

First nodding to Rhade, Paul was about to raise his hand in the traditional gesture of the Vulcan people, when he stopped himself just in time; this tr'Lhoell had some curious ridges on the forehead - he'd never seen those on any Vulcan he had met before. Curious; there were, of course, other races that looked similar to Vulcans: Zami-Rigellians for example. Halanans. Mintakans too, but they were simply shown as an example of the importance of adhering to StarFleet's 'Prime Directive'. And obviously Romulans, but how likely would that be? Not that he'd ever met one, as far as he knew. Perhaps a sign of mixed heritage? Not that it mattered.

So, instead, he held out his hand to offer a formal shake that of his to-be senior officer. "Commander" he said to accompany the motion.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 19, 2020, 09:15:17 PM

At the arrival of the ensign from security, Rayek turned towards the man. Having reviewed Wessex's personnel file just minutes earlier, the Romulan was prepared for seeing a slightly older male rather than the usual young just out of the Academy cadet.

Certain human cultures, like the British, had a distinctive presence and body language and it was this that Rayek picked up on as the ensign stood at attention before presenting himself to Tess, the station's Executive Officer.  Wessex reminded him of Saxon in his movements.   Younger, less experienced, but still will that British presence.  The reminder made him all the more aware of the Chief's absence.  Except Saxon wasn't Chief anymore... he was. Once more. Yet it felt odd this time.

Despite over a year of being the man's superior officer, Rayek had found it surprisingly easy to follow orders from the nearly century old Brit.  The man's tactical knowledge, experience and physical skill had been legendary as a Master Chief... and surprisingly hadn't really diminished even though he'd been sent to a backwater station at the edge of the known Gamma quadrant.  Instead it had grown.  Political circumstances and Saxon's tactical knowledge had made the man the perfect individual for Strategic Operations Officer.

Now it had fallen to Rayek to continue where Saxon had left off; yet for once Rayek did not feel prepared for the roles he'd been assigned nor was he certain that his heart was in it.  But if what Tess said was true, that his return made the Captain happy... then he owed it to the Captain to give it his all.

When Wessex turned to him, the ensign seemed to hesitate a moment before offering out a hand in greeting.  Rayek thought a handshake an odd way to acknowledge one's Department Head for the first time.  The Romulan officer might have thought it insulting if not for the familiarity felt moments before.

Rayek stepped forward to accept the hand and gave it a firm shake.  "Ensign Wessex. Welcome to Katra Station.  Take the day to become familiar with the station.  I'll have your work assignment to you by days end."

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on July 20, 2020, 01:39:06 AM

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 1 - Operations Center | Katra Station ]

Engineer! L'mar thought annoyed, what was this engineering officer fuey. Then he just realised his position had changed to Assistant Chief Engineer. Clearly under Goodspeed, Rhade was confused, does that mean she is incharge of duty rosters now? He contemplated.

Rhade nodded back to Wessex before turning back to Tess, he refused the padd. "Actually Commanderrr, that padd is forrr you." L'mar said with a grin, his fangs may be whiter than before. He was getting excited again, "perrrmission to be dismissed?" L'mar asked a little quickly.

Tess watched the brief interaction between Rayek and the newly arrived Paul Wessex, before she was distracted by Rhade. She smiled and stacked the PADD on hers before nodding to the Caitian. "Of course, Ensign. Dismissed."

She then turned back to Rayek and Paul. As her husband spoke of an assignment for the newest addition to his department, Tess recalled that there was something she wanted to suggest regarding custom's security, implementing some automated scanning with verteron particles to filter out any new replicants the Thinkers might want to send their way. Now that Rayek was that department's head, she might as well suggest it to him.

Looking to Paul, Tess said, "If you would like someone to show you around a bit, let me know. I think I'll be able to arrange that for you", she smiled, and thought of her brother as she said that.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

Tess stepped out of the turbolift, her hand in Rayek's. As they walked down the corridor, past the main medbay, Tess grinned up at him. "I admit, I'm getting a little bit nervous now", she chuckled. But excitment and anticipation still outweighed.

The corridor became a little less busy as they moved on and left the sickbay behind them. Finally they approached the section that was dedicated to the birth center including a labor and delivery unit. As they walked, Tess read the room numbers. "This is it." She pointed at one of the doors which opened automatically.

The room wasn't that big, but bright and friendly furnitured. On the floor there were four mats laid out with pillows on them. In the midst of it, a Denobulan male in civilian attire smiled at them as he made a welcoming gesture. "Ahh", he stated brightly, "you must be the s'Lhoell family. Welcome. You are the first to arrive as you can see. My name is Dennix. I will be your accoucheur, so to speak."

Tess smiled at him. There always seemed to be a friendly chuckle that accompanied his words. "Nice to meet you", Tess smiled, shaking the man's hand.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Paul Wessex

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell

When Wessex turned to him, the ensign seemed to hesitate a moment before offering out a hand in greeting.  Rayek thought a handshake an odd way to acknowledge one's Department Head for the first time.  The Romulan officer might have thought it insulting if not for the familiarity felt moments before.

Rayek stepped forward to accept the hand and gave it a firm shake.  "Ensign Wessex. Welcome to Katra Station.  Take the day to become familiar with the station.  I'll have your work assignment to you by days end."

As he shook his hand, Wessex wasn't sure if he had seen a brief frown on tr'Lhoell's face; wasn't shaking hands a thing in StarFleet? It was a common occurance among officers in NavPat; but with the forhead ridges, it was hard to be sure what he had seen, and Paul continued undeterred. "Much appreciated, sir" he replied, anxious like a Year 1 Midshipman to get started, but trying to come across as the experienced, professional officer he actually was, albeit from another service entirely.

Disengaging from the introduction, Wessex turned to see t'Lhoell finish up her own conversation with the feline Ensign. He returned the nod, and watched as Rhade left.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell

Looking to Paul, Tess said, "If you would like someone to show you around a bit, let me know. I think I'll be able to arrange that for you", she smiled, and thought of her brother as she said that.

Paul pulled a small, warm smile back. "That would probably do us all some good", he chuckled. "It won't do for a member of Security to get lost on patrol. I only found my way here through the fortunate pity of a Lefttenant Goodspeed." He pulled a self-depreciating face, clearly not the type to take such shortcomings so hard.

Catherine Goodspeed

Katra Station - Promenade Deck 14

Cat kept the smile on her face as she watched the Turbo lift doors close on the Captain, taking him to his next destination.

Then Cat sighed and looked down at the Cardassian Vole who, in his wisdom, was still on his back waiting for an additional scratch.

It could have been worse, she thought to herself.  Nibbler was still very young and at his age his Mother would have tried to eat someone's boots and viewed someone else's hand as a possible treat.

"Well, what have you go to say for yourself young man?"  Cat playfully scolded the vole who had now turned his head and grinned at her.

She bent down, picked him and  tucked him under her free arm.  Finding the nearest disposal unit she deposited the empty drinks cup and began her walk.

In fact Nibbler was turning out the be the most laid back voles she had ever owned or trained, nothing feared or frightened him and seemed to think every other living things would be a friend.  Apart from Cardassians.  It was like some primeval hatred buried in their DNA and they always went for their throats.  Cardassians voles had surprisingly high jumping abilities.

Cat looked around and then spied a shop she hadn't been in before.

No, no ice cream today.  Nibbler had behaved himself exceedingly well even though she needed to up the obedience word training.  She didn't want him rolling over for a tummy rub every time he heard the word "Captain" or "Sir".

Next time she encountered the Captain with her young ward she would hope he would have learnt to sit at the sound of his rank being mentioned not roll over.

Cat walked slowly towards the outlet she had seen, Nibbler chatting away to himself under her arm.

Cat looked up at the sign of her destination.

Sweet Tooth Cafe.

Cat peered into the shop front and made a small face at the decor.  It was a little.. Bright.  Migraine inducing possibly but still the smell being pushed onto the promenade by the clever use of extractor fans was making her mouth water.

Cat looked at the vole who was staring straight up and smelling the air.

"That's what I thought.  Treat time for all methinks, plus not had breakfast yet".

She walked in and without a glance at anyone, placed Nibbler on the floor and held on tight to his lead.   She headed for the main counter and picked up a menu and stared at it hoping she wouldn't be kicked out due to Nibbler.  If that was the case she'd take her custom elsewhere

Something made her look up.

Standing before her was a woman, around her age dressed like someone from some old Earth US diner.

The woman smiled at her with a smile she had applied a thousand times before.

"Welcome to Sweet Tooth Cafe.  I hope I can make you day even.....sweeter. What can I get you??"

Cat looked at her, smiled and tried not to laugh out loud.  That accent was terrible.  Poor woman, the things people have to do to get a wage.

Cat stared back at the menu and inhaled  "Can I have 1 choco almond, 1 strawberry twist, 2 fruit blasts and 1 Blueberry vanilla.  To take away please"  Cat smiled genuinely and handed back the menu to the waitress.

She noticed the woman glance down and take a step back sharply.  "Err.. Ummm... Can I get your mmmm...little... Friend anything?"  The waitress tried to slip back into smile mode.

"Who do you think is having the Blueberry Vanilla?"

The woman regained her composure quickly "Not a problem Honey, will be back with your order as soon as I can.  Take a seat whilst you wait!"

Cat shook her head.  "Thanks but I'll stand for a bit, if I sit down for any longer I may not get up again"

Cat watched her leave and heard her voice yell her order to whoever was in the back.

Cat leaned on the counter and waited. And looked around.

Out the corner of her eye Cat saw Lt Beja and Ensign Zex deep in conversation.  She'd not met the Ensign properly yet or managed to have a general chat but the 'far way dreamy looks' that seemed to glaze the faces of the general work grunts when her name cropped up was definitely justified.

Dear Gods, Cat thought to herself as she looked at Ensign Zex briefly.  Some people are truly blessed by the Beauty Department and must float down from the top branches rather than fall out the beauty tree and hit every branch on the way down like most humanoids, including herself.

Suddenly she caught Lt Beja's eye.

Cat smiled and gave her a little wave.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.



Katra Station - Operational Control Center

The turbolift promptly brought Solluk to the command deck, and he presently entered the Operational Command Center.  The space was somewhat busier than normal, including the presence of a new face.  He did not immediately interject, not wanting to interrupt any ongoing conversations.  Instead, he idled by one of the auxiliary consoles closest to the OCC entrance.

On the main viewscreen, he could see the Healy taking a position on one of the docking saucers.  Katra's Auxiliary Drydock was now vacant, ready to receive the Lod Qan.  All that remained was for the Tholians and Klingons to agree on terms, and then the work on the old Klingon Cruiser could begin.

Presuming Goodspeed approved of the plan, of course.

It had been years since Solluk performed duties as an Engineer, so it was likely he'd missed a trick or two.  Even at the height of his powers, he'd never approached Goodspeed's understanding of starship architecture, construction, and repair.  She would almost certainly have something to add or suggest that would make the mission more successful.

He wondered how she felt about the possibility of working on Klingon tech that was even older than she was.  For his own part, although the encounter with Noh'ves had put him somewhat on edge, he was still intrigued by the prospect of serving on a starship that was essentially a functioning museum.  Even the old Challenger had not been so ancient a vessel.

The mission ahead would be difficult, no doubt.  But it was also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for unique experiences that most in Starfleet would never share.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



Sweet Tooth Cafe.

Zex saw Cat walk in.  They had seen each other, but never talked.  She saw Cat wave to Beja.

Zex smiled at Cat.  "I think Ms. Goodspeed is waiving to you.  If she wants to join us, the more the merrier." she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

[Day one on Katra Operation department office]

Kal strolled out to the promenade being watched by Katra residents and visitors. The Klingon bandolier was over his broad right shoulder. His Klingon house was to be seen, but he was human. The man even had a Starfleet officer uniform on. He had his guard up and he could not give every one a stare saying. You ever seen human as a Klingon. Pah!

He held a data pad in his right hand to see a lay out map of the station which would help him to go to meet his superior officer. To get lost would make him look like a fool. There was no way he would look like one.

His dark eyes scanned the area to get a quick fix of the atmosphere. Starfleet base with cuisine and to much softness. Then he spotted the time. He was going to run late. That damn pilot was slow docking them.

He rushed to the turbolift as he kept his eye on the pad. He got in and told the Holodeck what level to take him. He held his data pad behind his back, stood tall and proud like a Klingon. The turbolift stop on the floor. He marched out and took the corridor which lead to the Chief of Operations who was a female Vulcan. There was a pip on her collar showing she was ensign. It had to be a mistake,

"œEnsign Kal Jimrec reporting to duty, sir," he barked out.

Chief T'Palin raised an eyebrow at the new operation member. Serving on the Katra had helped her adjust to the uniqueness of the station. A human who was raised by Klingons was an additional to the staff of Katra.

"œWelcome aboard to the Katra," she said. Her eyes spotted the datapad with the map on the screen. That was common sense. Logic too. This operation officer impressed her with that prop of his. She looked down at the time and she cast her eyes on him. "œAs your first assignment, Ensign," she waited and then added. "œTo get lost." That was a term she heard a high officer say to the new people. The friend of her told her try it for breaking the ice.

Kal stiffened. The puzzle look was hard to not show. He scowled his eyebrows. This Vulcan officer was trying to get under his skin. As a test. He broaden his shoulders to show he was not going to be taken down by her. He stood there to show he was not going.

The Chief as confused. She titled her head aside. What was she missing. Then she was like going to drop it. "œDismiss!"

Kal turned around half way and stopped. "œSir, you dismissing me from Katra?" This was maddening. He would have to go find that pilot and struggle him. "œI had orders to report to you. How dare you dismiss me!" He growled at her.

Then she raised an eyebrow, and she held her soft small hand. "œNo. I was not saying that. I was told use humor. As break the ice," she shared to him.

Making his eyebrows little messed up to match his sarcastic. "œThere is no ice here," he dryly replied.

"œWhat I should said was use the first day assignment to get used to the lay out of the station, Ensign," she told him.

The human in him wanted to say, why did you not. "œUnderstood, Chief," he replied.


Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

Beja turned her attention across the restaurant area where Cat was standing  Beja smiled and waved back to the Lieutenant. Then she noticed the leashed animal. Oh my gosh, was it?!?!? Beja peered closely and let her gaze draw down the leash to the animal that was connected to it - a cardassian vole. Oh it really was!!!

Of course, we must invite Goodspeed over, it would be rude of us not to," Beja agreed with Zex. Beja stood up, and waved the engineer over. Beja grabbed a chair and brought it to their table, for Goodspeed to sit at.

Lieutenant! Over here, won't you please join us for breakfast," Beja called over to Cat, and hoped that Goodspeed would join them. Beja had really wanted to get to know the older human engineer more, and of course to meet the vole that Beja had heard so much about from the crew of Katra. Normally voles were known for damaging equipment, but Cat had trained them to be her helpers. Maybe Cat could give Beja some trainer pointers for Mon.

Don Damien Addams


[Katra Station - Operational Control Center]

"You do know, Chief," Val said before he left. "Your humor got me," he chuckled as he walked away. Telling a Vulcan they got to humor was a funny one. He knew that alone will make her think she was funny. That she was not. The punch line was poorly done.

Then he had decided to head to OOC by his map. That was a hop from where he was. He saw the Captain who was a Vulcan male. Another Vulcan to deal. They had pesky Romulans on this station as well. There was other officers doing their duties.

He stood there to observe and let himself to be seen. To hide from the staff he would be working with would be silly. He was far from being shy. Shy Klingons would be not last long. There was a rumor of a peaceful maker Klingon he heard about. That would be a scary story for a child to hear. Peaceful Klingons would be the boogey man to the Klingon child.

Ensign Rolas Tami  was at station before Ensign T'Palin  replaced him. She nodded to him. She noted he had started to learn the ship.

"Captain, I would like you to introduce you to Ensign Kal Jimrec. He is our new Operation officer. As protocol I had him to tour the station to get familiarize," she explained in a Vulcan dry tone. She was your logical Vulcan. Her superior Vulcan had flaw. Starfleet seemed him to fit to be a Captain.

"SIR!" Kal stood attention as a Klingon soldier showing respect. The feeling of trying to please the Captain in him wanted to feel welcomed and loved. The human feelings was soft. It was annoying. Why could he had been a full blood Klingon! Born into a House and really live like one and not be a Human who was brought up be Klingon. Rather the house he came from was not high status either.

Kal locked his eyes on the Captain. Not staring deep, but he was showing he had Klingon behavior who would not be weak. To take your eyes off your commander would be a dishonor and a sign of weakness.


Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Solluk's attention was drawn to a new arrival at the OCC.  Not unlike the previous Ensign who had appeared here before him, this officer sparked some small sense of recognition.  After a moment of further consideration, he soon realized he was recalling these men from their personnel file photos.

It was the sash this second Ensign wore that penetrated the veil of distant memory, for it was quite unusual to find a human who wore such Klingon accouterments.

And if this was the new Klingon-raised Operations officer, then that meant the other Ensign here must be the transfer who had come to Starfleet service by way of the Federation Naval Patrol.

As if a trap door had been opened, the memories fell upon him.   It was Solluk's custom to scour the lists of senior cadets and recent graduates for promising talent, hoping to snatch them away before they were enticed by an offer to a more conventionally prestigious ship or post.  Often, he would earmark a promising new officer or crewman months ahead of their actual availability.

Of course, it was not always thus.  Sometimes, the talent came here quite enthusiastically of their own accord.  But it was not Solluk's practice to count on good fortune.

He regarded Kal, whose background and personal history surfaced in Solluk's awakened memory.

"At ease, Ensign.  I'm glad to have another officer who is familiar with the Klingon culture.  You may know there is a Klingon Embassy on station, and we are on the cusp of engaging in a large officer exchange with the KDF.  If all goes according to plan, you will soon be serving under a Klingon station commander."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Don Damien Addams


"At ease, Ensign.  I'm glad to have another officer who is familiar with the Klingon culture.  You may know there is a Klingon Embassy on station, and we are on the cusp of engaging in a large officer exchange with the KDF.  If all goes according to plan, you will soon be serving under a Klingon station commander."

[Katra Station - OOC]

The newly arrival officer had not want to stand ease, however he had done so. A light at ease. He was not sure who the Captain was preferring to another. Not sure another Klingon or a hybrid or another individual who loves to study culture of other species.

Trained warrior would study his enemy and tactics. The cloak devices the Klingon ships used was for that reason. There was a time he had a fight someone who called a coward attack. That fight did not end well. Kal was the one who did get beat up.

He had heard about a Klingon ambassador and a exchange of crew members. It was a good practice. Was that Riker from the USS Enterprise who was on a Klingon ship? He could not recall. The human had survived the event and gain a reputation for it.

"It will be honored to serve, sir," he replied. "I will bring much success and honor."

Serving a command on a Klingon ship would be a dream for him. He would had watch his back and work harder. He was not a Klingon and he was from a lower level House.

Truth was he could bring much glory to the house. This might be his place to make it so. If Klingon started off with no clan. Then there was this chance. If not. He die trying. To die as an Klingon. The Klingons them would see that. That was the virtue of a Klingon.

Rayek trLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 20, 2020, 08:25:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

At Rayek's comment that he would confirm with the Captain if that would work for him, Tess nodded. That was probably best. She had only known about this through Rayek a minute ago and she might have misunderstood something there. If the Captain wanted to have the senior officer's dinner from tomorrow on, that was fine, too.

She looked up to see that smile of anticipation on her husband's face when the topic of the prenatal class came up which in turn made her smile as well. She was just as excited about it. "Me too", she replied just as quietly.

Rayek dipped his head in understanding before he turned his attention to drafting a message on his PADD to the Captain inquiring as to his preference in regards to the Officer's dinner.   He didn't get it complete before first Rhade and then Wessex arrived.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 20, 2020, 08:25:19 AM

Tess watched the brief interaction between Rayek and the newly arrived Paul Wessex, before she was distracted by Rhade. She smiled and stacked the PADD on hers before nodding to the Caitian. "Of course, Ensign. Dismissed."

She then turned back to Rayek and Paul. As her husband spoke of an assignment for the newest addition to his department, Tess recalled that there was something she wanted to suggest regarding custom's security, implementing some automated scanning with verteron particles to filter out any new replicants the Thinkers might want to send their way. Now that Rayek was that department's head, she might as well suggest it to him.

Looking to Paul, Tess said, "If you would like someone to show you around a bit, let me know. I think I'll be able to arrange that for you", she smiled, and thought of her brother as she said that.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 20, 2020, 10:41:35 AM

As he shook his hand, Wessex wasn't sure if he had seen a brief frown on tr'Lhoell's face; wasn't shaking hands a thing in StarFleet? It was a common occurrence among officers in NavPat; but with the forehead ridges, it was hard to be sure what he had seen, and Paul continued undeterred. "Much appreciated, sir" he replied, anxious like a Year 1 Midshipman to get started, but trying to come across as the experienced, professional officer he actually was, albeit from another service entirely.

Disengaging from the introduction, Wessex turned to see t'Lhoell finish up her own conversation with the feline Ensign. He returned the nod, and watched as Rhade left.

Paul pulled a small, warm smile back. "That would probably do us all some good", he chuckled. "It won't do for a member of Security to get lost on patrol. I only found my way here through the fortunate pity of a Lefttenant Goodspeed." He pulled a self-depreciating face, clearly not the type to take such shortcomings so hard.

Hearing Tess dismiss Rhade, Rayek glanced briefly away from the Ensign before him to offer his farewell the Caitian.   "Jolan-tru, Mr. Rhade."  He'd tried not long after their return to invite Rhade to dinner - as a show of his appreciation for having saved Tess, but the Caitian had politely turned him down.  Rayek, however, was determined to repay this debt to the man.  If not by means of thanks and a home-cooked meal, then he'd need to study the Caitian to find out what he would accept.
At Tess' suggestion of someone touring the Ensign about Rayek slid his glance towards Tess questioningly.  Did she have someone in mind?   Before he could ask her who she might have in mind, because he certainly didn't have the time to tour the newcomer around, the Ensign responded back positively.  But it wasn't that which drew his closer interest but rather the very British pronunciation of the rank 'Lieutenant'.   Like Saxon the man pronounced it as 'Left-tenant'.

Rayek didn't understand why but the women of the station seems to find that so attractive.  He could see Mr. Wessex being very popular with the women.

Leaving his wife to make arrangements for this tour, Rayek lifted his PADD once more intending to continue his message to the Captain when he noted that the Captain had at some point returned to the OCC.   A slight frown tugged at Rayek's apparent inattention.   Deleting the half formed message, Rayek then politely excused himself from Tess' company and turned to go speak to the Captain about the officer's dinner suggestion.  But before he could do so some unfamiliar human wearing a Klingon sash approached the Captain. Ensign T'Palin introduced him.


"Captain, I would like you to introduce you to Ensign Kal Jimrec. He is our new Operation officer. As protocol I had him to tour the station to get familiarize," she explained in a Vulcan dry tone. She was your logical Vulcan. Her superior Vulcan had flaw. Starfleet seemed him to fit to be a Captain.

"SIR!" Kal stood attention as a Klingon soldier showing respect.

Kal locked his eyes on the Captain. Not staring deep, but he was showing he had Klingon behavior who would not be weak. To take your eyes off your commander would be a dishonor and a sign of weakness.

The Romulan quirked an eyebrow a hearing the introduction.  Jimrec?  A Klingon name?  Well, that explained the sash.

Rayek continued his approach, while the Captain greeted the new Ops officer.

He stopped beside the Captain and offered a slight nod to the human. "Jolan tru." he greeted.   "Welcome to Katra Station, Ensign.. Jimrec."  Rayek made note of the name.. he'd have to read through the ones personnel file closely.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 20, 2020, 08:25:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

Tess stepped out of the turbolift, her hand in Rayek's. As they walked down the corridor, past the main medbay, Tess grinned up at him. "I admit, I'm getting a little bit nervous now", she chuckled. But excitement and anticipation still outweighed.

The corridor became a little less busy as they moved on and left the sickbay behind them. Finally they approached the section that was dedicated to the birth center including a labor and delivery unit. As they walked, Tess read the room numbers. "This is it." She pointed at one of the doors which opened automatically.

The room wasn't that big, but bright and friendly furnitured. On the floor there were four mats laid out with pillows on them. In the midst of it, a Denobulan male in civilian attire smiled at them as he made a welcoming gesture. "Ahh", he stated brightly, "you must be the s'Lhoell family. Welcome. You are the first to arrive as you can see. My name is Dennix. I will be your accoucheur, so to speak."

Tess smiled at him. There always seemed to be a friendly chuckle that accompanied his words. "Nice to meet you", Tess smiled, shaking the man's hand.

Both Tess and he had received a message from the prenatal class admin apologizing that tomorrow's class unfortunately had to be cancelled as the doula that they had initially picked out together had been called away due to a family emergency and wasn't expected to be on station for the next couple months.

They were given the option of being assigned to Dennix, who had an opening in his class this evening, or waiting until a replacement doula could be hired.  Rayek was not willing to chance being unprepared for when the time came.   He and Tess agreed to join in this evenings class.

Rayek followed his wife through the doorway and glanced over the room assessingly, as he heard the Denobulan greet them.  Tess was the first to respond.  Rayek was more cautious, forgoing the handshake  - it was human custom afterall - and merely nodded. "Yes, we are," he answered the male midwife's question.  "Jolan tru, Dennix. Thank you for agreeing to take us on last minute."

They were directed to find a seat on one of the mats.  Arriving early they had first pick.  Rayek of course allowed Tess to decide where she wanted to be situated.   Soon enough three other couples arrived and the class was set to begin.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Beja on July 20, 2020, 09:55:09 PM

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

Beja turned her attention across the restaurant area where Cat was standing  Beja smiled and waved back to the Lieutenant. Then she noticed the leashed animal. Oh my gosh, was it?!?!? Beja peered closely and let her gaze draw down the leash to the animal that was connected to it - a cardassian vole. Oh it really was!!!

Of course, we must invite Goodspeed over, it would be rude of us not to," Beja agreed with Zex. Beja stood up, and waved the engineer over. Beja grabbed a chair and brought it to their table, for Goodspeed to sit at.

Lieutenant! Over here, won't you please join us for breakfast," Beja called over to Cat, and hoped that Goodspeed would join them. Beja had really wanted to get to know the older human engineer more, and of course to meet the vole that Beja had heard so much about from the crew of Katra. Normally voles were known for damaging equipment, but Cat had trained them to be her helpers. Maybe Cat could give Beja some trainer pointers for Mon.

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

Cat noticed Beja stand up, wave her over and drag a chair to where they were sitting.   Cat hadn't been wanting to disturb them but an open invitation for a quick hello was something she wouldn't pass up.

Pulling herself upright Cat walked over to the table where the ladies were sitting and sat down.

"Lt Beja!  Ensign Zex!  A lovely morning isn't it? Well, not that we can see any sunshine here but still a nice day so far. I'd love to join you for breakfast but I've ordered a takeaway breakfast for me and the voles"

Cat noticed Beja looking at Nibbler.  "Sorry where are my manners"

Cat patted her lap and the vole jumped up with ease

"Lt Beja; Ensign Zex, this is Crewman Nibbler.  Crewman Nibbler, say hello!"

Cat crossed her fingers and to her delight Nibbler stood on his hind legs on her lap and started chattering away glancing at Beja and Zex in turn.   At least THAT trick worked.  The vole then turned to Cat and she retrieved from her pocked a small tin which she opened and took out a small dried lump of cheese and gave it to the vole.

"Bribes" Cat smiled. "always works"

Cat was suddenly aware that Nibblers gaze was directed at under the table and his chatter was one of excitement.

Cat looked down and noticed a large furry creature staring back at her.

"And who is THIS lovely thing??"

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.



Eydis remained silently for several minutes processing much of the Klingon had said. All of it seemed normal save for the part of recognizing a new nation in this sector. What could that mean was the empire approaching a civil war. What kinda of trouble could this all cause for the assembly.

" Please explain what you mean recognize a new nation. The
Assembly can hardly be expected to choose sides in a conflict not in our space. And what would this entail to recognize a new nation. As well who else could decide to join in on a destabilizing conflict within the empire. The Romulans the federation, some other unforeseen group.  I'm sure if this new nation could win and stand on its own the assembly might be willing to do that. But even for your help recovering a crystalline entity. Your request might endanger them and assembly controlled space and planets. The assembly has many concerns we do not to add a another heavily militarized system power against us. The federation itself might join as well.

🡱 🡳

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