S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Eli Ferris


Katra Station| Flight Deck|Flight Chief's Office

Eli busied himself with the comings and goings of ships in and out. He felt behind on the repair schedule as  an older Klingon vessel had become more of a priority. So, in addition to his routine maintenance, Cobra patrols, as well as training flights, Eli was needing to brush up on Klingon technology that may well be older than he was.

"Stewart, let's have the Work Bees up and ready for when that ship arrives."

"Already done, Lieutenant."

"Excellent. Send the next patrol out early in anticipation of the new arrival. Having some extra support is probably a good thing."

"Yes, sir."

Eli sat back down in his chair and pulled up his PADD on Klingon systems. It was going to be a busy day.


Tholian Embassy - Katra Station

Ambassador Kol's expression soured within the confines of his environmental suit.  This had always been the tricky part.  He was tipping his hand about sensitive events that had not yet transpired.  Yet, this was of great importance.

"We will require nothing from the Tholians regarding this new Klingon nation, beyond official diplomatic recognition of its existence.  We will ask for no further aid or alliance, unless you desire it.  We will be waging no wars against the Tholians or anyone else.  And in any event, a single colony within a single star system could hardly hope to threaten anyone.  My interest is entirely limited to official recognition.  You can even recognize this nation and denounce it.  As long as you recognize it.

The terms are non-negotiable.  If you want my cruiser, you will agree.  Refusing this request means you are also refusing the use of my cruiser, and its cloaking device."

He stood firm, watching the enigmatic Tholian.

It was impossible to know what to expect.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


"œ What you want does not always happen. Do you think the Empire will just allow you to succeed and set up in a new sector. Would you not soon require alliances to fend off the empire ? I do not know how many ships you have or planets. But for what it is worth when you decide to declare your new little nation. I'm sure I can convince the Assembly to recognize your nation for however short it's existence is to be. The tholian assembly will not take any further actions in this civil war. And if your conflict does come to the assembly both sides will be viewed as hostile. We do not have many planets that can host our species. So for whatever it's worth yes we will recognize your short lived nation. Have you been in talks with the federation, it would be unwise to annoy both the federation and empire. And certainly you have accounted for the Romulans, or are they the ones supplying your little nation. "œ Eydis would take a step up the ceiling staring down at the Klingon as shi moved


Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

"Yes.  Please join us" Zex said.  She did not stand, but she waved the woman over.  Then scooted over toward the wall, thus freeing up some space on the table.

When Goodspeed walked over, the Deltan's eyes too went to the vole.  A curious pet by all means.  But she didn't judge.

"Hello Crewman" Zex said.  She tipped her head slightly.  Then she chuckled when it did it's trick and gave a soft clap to reward the creature.   "Sorry you can't stay" she added sincerely.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Tholian Embassy - Katra Station

Kol smiled.

"I am sure this new nation will be happy to have any trustworthy allies it can find.  But I am equally sure that, if necessary, they will be prepared to stand alone."

It was a gamble.  A glorious gamble.  Eydis was quite right that the Klingon Empire would be deeply affronted, and would desire to snuff out this new candle.  Whether they would be prepared to invest the necessary resources was another question.  Obviously, Kol was hoping that they would not.   Or even better, would confidently send a small fraction of what was required.

That, in fact, was much more likely.

"I will tell our mutual friends that we have come to an accord.  I expect you will have the other items delivered to the Klingon embassy at your convenience."

Turning, he began to leave, but then paused at the threshold.


'Success,' in the Klingon tongue.

A sentiment of hope for both of their endeavors.

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I have no doubt of it, Ensign," Solluk replied to the Klingon-raised human officer.

"Tell me, should you be referred to by the name of your House, as 'Ensign Jimrec'?  Or your personal name, as 'Ensign Kal?'"   Solluk had known Klingon officers who approached the matter of their name in different ways, and he wanted to be sure he had it right.

When that had been communicated, he would nod, and then take in Paul.  "Ensign Wessex," he acknowledged the other new face in the room, "our new Security arrival, I now recall.  We are fortunate to have an officer of such experience joining us, albeit in a very different environment than you may be accustomed to.  I think you will find that despite the vacuum, the pressure here is quite significant.  However, I sense that you are up to it."

Solluk smiled cordially, but was then distracted when his personal PADD let out a beep.   He withdrew the device from its designated place at his belt, and studied the display.

Then, to Tess and Rayek, "The Tholians and Klingons have reached an agreement."

That meant that their great clandestine Klingon adventure was on the horizon.

"Briefing with the Senior Staff and Department Heads tomorrow morning.   Goodspeed will doubtless have proposals regarding the Lod Qan.  Briefing and breakfast, I think.  Notify Operations' Hospitality Services to lay out a spread.

And with that... I think I shall reclaim my chair.  Thank you very much for covering."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 20, 2020, 10:41:35 AM

As he shook his hand, Wessex wasn't sure if he had seen a brief frown on tr'Lhoell's face; wasn't shaking hands a thing in StarFleet? It was a common occurance among officers in NavPat; but with the forhead ridges, it was hard to be sure what he had seen, and Paul continued undeterred. "Much appreciated, sir" he replied, anxious like a Year 1 Midshipman to get started, but trying to come across as the experienced, professional officer he actually was, albeit from another service entirely.

Disengaging from the introduction, Wessex turned to see t'Lhoell finish up her own conversation with the feline Ensign. He returned the nod, and watched as Rhade left.

Paul pulled a small, warm smile back. "That would probably do us all some good", he chuckled. "It won't do for a member of Security to get lost on patrol. I only found my way here through the fortunate pity of a Lefttenant Goodspeed." He pulled a self-depreciating face, clearly not the type to take such shortcomings so hard.

Tess chuckled along with the new Ensign, then, when he mentioned Cat her smile widened. "Oh, so you have met our Chief Engineer already." The way Wessex pronounced the word 'Lieutenant' was not lost on Tess. There were probably hundreds, thousands and hundreds of thousands people who pronounced the word that way, but there wasn't a chance she would not be reminded of John Saxon when hearing this. It only struck her then that Paul Wessex reminded her of John Saxon in more than just that way. More or less subconsciously she started to look for a resemblance between Katra's former Chief of Security and their newest addition to their security team. Of course she knew that it was far from being likely for various of reasons and had someone guessed her thoughts, she might even be a little embarrassed about them. But she couldn't help it.

Suddenly, Tess realized that she had been staring at the Ensign while she had been lost in her thoughts. She felt her cheeks warming up with slight embarassement before she gave Paul another smile and then was distracted by the arrival of yet anoter new officer on Katra.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 21, 2020, 03:16:47 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Rayek dipped his head in understanding before he turned his attention to drafting a message on his PADD to the Captain inquiring as to his preference in regards to the Officer's dinner.   He didn't get it complete before first Rhade and then Wessex arrived.

Hearing Tess dismiss Rhade, Rayek glanced briefly away from the Ensign before him to offer his farewell the Caitian.   "Jolan-tru, Mr. Rhade."  He'd tried not long after their return to invite Rhade to dinner - as a show of his appreciation for having saved Tess, but the Caitian had politely turned him down.  Rayek, however, was determined to repay this debt to the man.  If not by means of thanks and a home-cooked meal, then he'd need to study the Caitian to find out what he would accept.
At Tess' suggestion of someone touring the Ensign about Rayek slid his glance towards Tess questioningly.  Did she have someone in mind?   Before he could ask her who she might have in mind, because he certainly didn't have the time to tour the newcomer around, the Ensign responded back positively.  But it wasn't that which drew his closer interest but rather the very British pronunciation of the rank 'Lieutenant'.   Like Saxon the man pronounced it as 'Left-tenant'.

Rayek didn't understand why but the women of the station seems to find that so attractive.  He could see Mr. Wessex being very popular with the women.

Leaving his wife to make arrangements for this tour, Rayek lifted his PADD once more intending to continue his message to the Captain when he noted that the Captain had at some point returned to the OCC.   A slight frown tugged at Rayek's apparent inattention.   Deleting the half formed message, Rayek then politely excused himself from Tess' company and turned to go speak to the Captain about the officer's dinner suggestion.  But before he could do so some unfamiliar human wearing a Klingon sash approached the Captain. Ensign T'Palin introduced him.

The Romulan quirked an eyebrow a hearing the introduction.  Jimrec?  A Klingon name?  Well, that explained the sash.

Rayek continued his approach, while the Captain greeted the new Ops officer.

He stopped beside the Captain and offered a slight nod to the human. "Jolan tru." he greeted.   "Welcome to Katra Station, Ensign.. Jimrec."  Rayek made note of the name.. he'd have to read through the ones personnel file closely.

Quote from: Solluk on July 22, 2020, 02:44:02 AM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I have no doubt of it, Ensign," Solluk replied to the Klingon-raised human officer.

"Tell me, should you be referred to by the name of your House, as 'Ensign Jimrec'?  Or your personal name, as 'Ensign Kal?'"   Solluk had known Klingon officers who approached the matter of their name in different ways, and he wanted to be sure he had it right.

When that had been communicated, he would nod, and then take in Paul.  "Ensign Wessex," he acknowledged the other new face in the room, "our new Security arrival, I now recall.  We are fortunate to have an officer of such experience joining us, albeit in a very different environment than you may be accustomed to.  I think you will find that despite the vacuum, the pressure here is quite significant.  However, I sense that you are up to it."

Solluk smiled cordially, but was then distracted when his personal PADD let out a beep.   He withdrew the device from its designated place at his belt, and studied the display.

Then, to Tess and Rayek, "The Tholians and Klingons have reached an agreement."

That meant that their great clandestine Klingon adventure was on the horizon.

"Briefing with the Senior Staff and Department Heads tomorrow morning.   Goodspeed will doubtless have proposals regarding the Lod Qan.  Briefing and breakfast, I think.  Notify Operations' Hospitality Services to lay out a spread.

And with that... I think I shall reclaim my chair.  Thank you very much for covering."

Rayek had already left to walk over to where the Captain was speaking with Ensign Jimrec. Tess lookeed to Paul, indicating that he was welcome to join them before she too made her way over to Solluk and the human that had a Klingon name and wore a Klingon sash.

"Welcome to Katra, Ensign Jimrec", Tess smiled at him. She'd look into both Paul Wessex' and Ensign Jimrec' personnel files later on. Unlike her husband, who liked to have an idea about the person and reading the files beforehand, Tess liked to meet the person face-to-face first and get her first impression that way.

When Solluk announced that the Tholians and Klingons had come to a conclusion and called a briefing for tomorrow morning, Tess nodded. "I will arrange the meeting", she said, getting out her PADD. The arrangements for that mission had been going on for a while already and Tess had used the time to think about her role in it. In her current state she didn't feel too well about going on a mission like that. She had yet to inform Solluk about her concerns, but would seek another moment to talk to him about it.

At his thanks for covering the chair, Tess grinned in reference to her baby belly that grew in size steadily. "Wasn't hard for me to do", she chuckled.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 21, 2020, 03:16:47 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

Both Tess and he had received a message from the prenatal class admin apologizing that tomorrow's class unfortunately had to be cancelled as the doula that they had initially picked out together had been called away due to a family emergency and wasn't expected to be on station for the next couple months.

They were given the option of being assigned to Dennix, who had an opening in his class this evening, or waiting until a replacement doula could be hired.  Rayek was not willing to chance being unprepared for when the time came.   He and Tess agreed to join in this evenings class.

Rayek followed his wife through the doorway and glanced over the room assessingly, as he heard the Denobulan greet them.  Tess was the first to respond.  Rayek was more cautious, forgoing the handshake  - it was human custom afterall - and merely nodded. "Yes, we are," he answered the male midwife's question.  "Jolan tru, Dennix. Thank you for agreeing to take us on last minute."

They were directed to find a seat on one of the mats.  Arriving early they had first pick.  Rayek of course allowed Tess to decide where she wanted to be situated.   Soon enough three other couples arrived and the class was set to begin.

The Denobulan's smile didn't waver one bit even as Rayek forwent the handshake. "Ah, Jolan-tru, Commander! It's my pleasure, really! It's been a while since I did a class like this, but with 11 children I'm more than experienced in this!"

Tess reminded herself that Denobulans used to have three wives, otherwise she might have been rather astounded by that number. She glanced to Rayek, being a little confused why he was so reserved to Dennix. He lacked the excitement she thought he'd share with her completely for some reason.

Dennix offered them to pick where they want to be seated and Rayek let her decide on that. She picked the mat that faced the door, knowing about Rayek's discomfort of having the door in his back and his preference to have said door in view. She said down on the mat on the floor with Rayek's help, crossing her legs.

Soon after, three other couples joind them - one Bajoran, one Karemman and one Human. While Dennix welcomed them, Tess turned her head to Rayek and gazed at him lovingly but also assessingly for a moment. Lowering her voice she quietly asked him, "Is everything alright, ciccino? You seem tense."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Paul Wessex

Quote from: Tess t'Lhoell

Tess chuckled along with the new Ensign, then, when he mentioned Cat her smile widened. "Oh, so you have met our Chief Engineer already."

He grinned. "And 'Crewman Nibbler'". Tearing his eyes away from Commander t'Lhoell for a moment, Wessex turned towards the direction of the voice belonging to someone whose arrival had, until now, gone unnoticed. It was the same Vulcan he had seen with Goodspeed a few minutes back...complete with those four gold pips. His new Commanding Officer. He nodded his appreciation to the welcome, and then half-rotated back to his First Officer and Department Chief. "With your permission, Commanders" he spoke in his polite, well-articulated, but easy, manner. "I'll take my leave to stow my belongings", he lifted his bag to his shoulder once more, patting it lightly, "and make use of the day's grace to orientate myself to the station". He nodded lightly to both, and a quick, sharper nod to Captain Solluk, before departing the OCC. While his carry-all amounted to some of his most essential items, the transport ship had been instructed to off-load the rest of his portable possessions until such time he was in position to reclaim them.

And he didn't want to admit it to himself, but hearing that a senior staff meeting was going ahead without his participation stung a little; it had been quite some time - recent Academy training notwithstanding - when he had been outside the higher decision-making process. But Wessex also knew this was all his own doing: the decision to resign from Naval Patrol as a Chief Weapons Officer to join StarFleet was something he had come to terms with some time ago. He had lost some friends, some standing, and some authority, to do so and this exclusion from the loop did not dent his motivation to succeed as well here as he had done in NavPat.

As the doors closed, sometime came to him; a phrase he had overheard but not taking it in at the time.


Wasn't that Romulan??

Bloody h-

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Solluk on July 22, 2020, 02:44:02 AM

Tholian Embassy - Katra Station

Kol smiled.

"I am sure this new nation will be happy to have any trustworthy allies it can find.  But I am equally sure that, if necessary, they will be prepared to stand alone."

It was a gamble.  A glorious gamble.  Eydis was quite right that the Klingon Empire would be deeply affronted, and would desire to snuff out this new candle.  Whether they would be prepared to invest the necessary resources was another question.  Obviously, Kol was hoping that they would not.   Or even better, would confidently send a small fraction of what was required.

That, in fact, was much more likely.

"I will tell our mutual friends that we have come to an accord.  I expect you will have the other items delivered to the Klingon embassy at your convenience."

Turning, he began to leave, but then paused at the threshold.


'Success,' in the Klingon tongue.

A sentiment of hope for both of their endeavors.

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I have no doubt of it, Ensign," Solluk replied to the Klingon-raised human officer.

"Tell me, should you be referred to by the name of your House, as 'Ensign Jimrec'?  Or your personal name, as 'Ensign Kal?'"   Solluk had known Klingon officers who approached the matter of their name in different ways, and he wanted to be sure he had it right.

"You can address me as 'Ensign Jimeric'," he replied. He was proud to be in the house of Jimeric.

When that had been communicated, he would nod, and then take in Paul.  "Ensign Wessex," he acknowledged the other new face in the room, "our new Security arrival, I now recall.  We are fortunate to have an officer of such experience joining us, albeit in a very different environment than you may be accustomed to.  I think you will find that despite the vacuum, the pressure here is quite significant.  However, I sense that you are up to it."

Solluk smiled cordially, but was then distracted when his personal PADD let out a beep.   He withdrew the device from its designated place at his belt, and studied the display.
The smile on a Vulcan Captain was disturbing. It made him think of Romulans. However, he had heard rumors about the Vulcan has an rare illness which allow him to use emotions. Rumors can be a problem like facts out of context. This rumor had some truth in it. So far.

Then, to Tess and Rayek, "The Tholians and Klingons have reached an agreement."

That meant that their great clandestine Klingon adventure was on the horizon.

"Briefing with the Senior Staff and Department Heads tomorrow morning.   Goodspeed will doubtless have proposals regarding the Lod Qan.  Briefing and breakfast, I think.  Notify Operations' Hospitality Services to lay out a spread.

And with that... I think I shall reclaim my chair.  Thank you very much for covering."[/size]

After Paul Wessex request to leave. "Captain, I need to follow up on my assignment and bring my belongings to my quarters. Unless you need me?" he asked. The belongings was his Bat'leth, Mek'Leth, "˜Iw taj  (blood knife), and his blades and ritual items. And his Klingon armor too.

As the doors closed, sometime came to him; a phrase he had overheard but not taking it in at the time.


Wasn't that Romulan??

Bloody h-


Ensign Kal dark eyes narrowed at the Security officer. He was sizing him up cause he was assuming this man was not pleased. That was his problem.

"You look like took a sip from blood wine," he asked. That was Klingon humor. Not really. It was his humor.

Rayek trLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operational Control Center]

Quote from: Solluk on July 22, 2020, 02:44:02 AM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I have no doubt of it, Ensign," Solluk replied to the Klingon-raised human officer.

"Tell me, should you be referred to by the name of your House, as 'Ensign Jimrec'?  Or your personal name, as 'Ensign Kal?'"   Solluk had known Klingon officers who approached the matter of their name in different ways, and he wanted to be sure he had it right.

When the Captain inquired as to the Ops officers naming preference, Rayek paid close attention as well.   There were many aboard who were rather particular about their names, himself included.
Quote from: Solluk on July 22, 2020, 02:44:02 AM

When that had been communicated, he would nod, and then take in Paul.  "Ensign Wessex," he acknowledged the other new face in the room, "our new Security arrival, I now recall.  We are fortunate to have an officer of such experience joining us, albeit in a very different environment than you may be accustomed to.  I think you will find that despite the vacuum, the pressure here is quite significant.  However, I sense that you are up to it."

Solluk smiled cordially, but was then distracted when his personal PADD let out a beep.   He withdrew the device from its designated place at his belt, and studied the display.

Then, to Tess and Rayek, "The Tholians and Klingons have reached an agreement."

That meant that their great clandestine Klingon adventure was on the horizon.

Rayek glanced between Tess and Solluk a moment, clearly missing some critical piece of intel on what the two nations had reached agreement on.   The Romulan got the distinct impression that Solluk thought he knew more than he did about the current political and operational status.   However up until less than 30 minutes ago, Rayek's duties hadn't included much more than Customs work and Tess for whatever reasons - either to not bring work home or to not remind him of what responsibilities he'd lost - didn't discuss station operations with him at home.   He would need to catch himself up on the state of things once he was done here.
Quote from: Solluk on July 22, 2020, 02:44:02 AM

"Briefing with the Senior Staff and Department Heads tomorrow morning.   Goodspeed will doubtless have proposals regarding the Lod Qan.  Briefing and breakfast, I think.  Notify Operations' Hospitality Services to lay out a spread.

And with that... I think I shall reclaim my chair.  Thank you very much for covering."

The Captain's stressing of the addition of breakfast for tomorrow's briefing had Rayek thinking that the breakfast was intended to replace the Officer's dinner but he would confirm that later, once there was a suitable break in the conversation.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 22, 2020, 11:37:47 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Tess chuckled along with the new Ensign, then, when he mentioned Cat her smile widened. "Oh, so you have met our Chief Engineer already." The way Wessex pronounced the word 'Lieutenant' was not lost on Tess. There were probably hundreds, thousands and hundreds of thousands people who pronounced the word that way, but there wasn't a chance she would not be reminded of John Saxon when hearing this. It only struck her then that Paul Wessex reminded her of John Saxon in more than just that way. More or less subconsciously she started to look for a resemblance between Katra's former Chief of Security and their newest addition to their security team. Of course she knew that it was far from being likely for various of reasons and had someone guessed her thoughts, she might even be a little embarrassed about them. But she couldn't help it.

Suddenly, Tess realized that she had been staring at the Ensign while she had been lost in her thoughts. She felt her cheeks warming up with slight embarrassment before she gave Paul another smile and then was distracted by the arrival of yet another new officer on Katra.

Rayek had already left to walk over to where the Captain was speaking with Ensign Jimrec. Tess looked to Paul, indicating that he was welcome to join them before she too made her way over to Solluk and the human that had a Klingon name and wore a Klingon sash.

"Welcome to Katra, Ensign Jimrec", Tess smiled at him. She'd look into both Paul Wessex' and Ensign Jimrec' personnel files later on. Unlike her husband, who liked to have an idea about the person and reading the files beforehand, Tess liked to meet the person face-to-face first and get her first impression that way.

When Solluk announced that the Tholians and Klingons had come to a conclusion and called a briefing for tomorrow morning, Tess nodded. "I will arrange the meeting", she said, getting out her PADD. The arrangements for that mission had been going on for a while already and Tess had used the time to think about her role in it. In her current state she didn't feel too well about going on a mission like that. She had yet to inform Solluk about her concerns, but would seek another moment to talk to him about it.

At his thanks for covering the chair, Tess grinned in reference to her baby belly that grew in size steadily. "Wasn't hard for me to do", she chuckled.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 22, 2020, 11:55:44 AM

He grinned. "And 'Crewman Nibbler'". Tearing his eyes away from Commander t'Lhoell for a moment, Wessex turned towards the direction of the voice belonging to someone whose arrival had, until now, gone unnoticed. It was the same Vulcan he had seen with Goodspeed a few minutes back...complete with those four gold pips. His new Commanding Officer. He nodded his appreciation to the welcome, and then half-rotated back to his First Officer and Department Chief. "With your permission, Commanders" he spoke in his polite, well-articulated, but easy, manner. "I'll take my leave to stow my belongings", he lifted his bag to his shoulder once more, patting it lightly, "and make use of the day's grace to orientate myself to the station". He nodded lightly to both, and a quick, sharper nod to Captain Solluk, before departing the OCC. While his carry-all amounted to some of his most essential items, the transport ship had been instructed to off-load the rest of his portable possessions until such time he was in position to reclaim them.

Rayek looked to Wessex curiously at his mention of a Crewman Nibbler.  The name was unfamiliar to Rayek.  Being in Customs, Rayek had thought he'd kept well informed of who was on the station.  He'd definitely need to review personnel files after updating himself on other situational things.

At the Security officer's parting nod, Rayek gave a nod of his own.  And made mental note to speak with Solen to see where the Ensign had been intended to be assigned.   Saxon had obviously requested the additional security officer for a reason.   Inwardly, Rayek grimaced at all the catch-up he needed to do.  He'd be up all-night reading to prepare for tomorrow's briefing.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 22, 2020, 11:37:47 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

The Denobulan's smile didn't waver one bit even as Rayek forwent the handshake. "Ah, Jolan-tru, Commander! It's my pleasure, really! It's been a while since I did a class like this, but with 11 children I'm more than experienced in this!"

Tess reminded herself that Denobulans used to have three wives, otherwise she might have been rather astounded by that number. She glanced to Rayek, being a little confused why he was so reserved to Dennix. He lacked the excitement she thought he'd share with her completely for some reason.

Dennix offered them to pick where they want to be seated and Rayek let her decide on that. She picked the mat that faced the door, knowing about Rayek's discomfort of having the door in his back and his preference to have said door in view. She said down on the mat on the floor with Rayek's help, crossing her legs.

Soon after, three other couples joined them - one Bajoran, one Karemman and one Human. While Dennix welcomed them, Tess turned her head to Rayek and gazed at him lovingly but also assessingly for a moment. Lowering her voice she quietly asked him, "Is everything alright, ciccino? You seem tense."

Eleven children?! Rayek was both surprised and impressed.   It took a moment to recall that Denobulans were polygamous.  That explained the how.. but Rayek wondered socially about the why?  Had there been some disaster in the past that had nearly wiped out the species and culturally they had adapted to survive?  Were they originally a conquering species - requiring a large population to support their expansion?  Having never met a Denobulan before Rayek's curiosity about the species was piqued.   Something else to do a bit of research on when he had the time.

While Dennix left to greet the other couples just as warmly as he had them, Rayek followed Tess to the mat she selected, pleased with its clear viewlines.   After helping her to sit down, Rayek also sat cross legged, as that seemed to be what most others were doing.  Once seated he was questioned by Tess who thought he seemed tense.  Rayek smiled reassuringly at his wife and nodded.  "Yes, everything is fine. "  He reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips to give it a kiss.  "Just a bit of my usual paranoia, e'lev.  I'd read up on the other instructor and their class...  as such I don't feel fully prepared.  But I am happy to be here with you."

That could be the summary of his entire day - feeling unprepared but quite happy.

Rayek kissed Tess' hand again before turning his attention to the Denobulan who was about to begin.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Paul Wessex


Paul had met Romulans, even hundreds of miles beneath the surface of a Federation ocean world; at least, that was the general assumption - Vulcans that had eschewed emotions were, in fact, a lot more common aboard illegal raiding craft than bumping into their distant genetic cousins, and the most accurate way of telling the difference between both was a genetic sequence study...not really a priority for anti-pirate actions. Certainly, there were ridges that could be taken as further evidence, but from what Paul had subsequently learnt, not all Romulans had them, some Vulcans did, and the range of other Vulcan-esq races had a similar mix.

The other giveaway was the language divergence, and perhaps twice in his own experience a 'Vulcan' had used phrases that were not in the 'home tongue'. 'Jolan'tru' was one of them, a flexible word to mean, in its most simplistic, 'hello' and 'goodbye'.

So. Lt Commander tr'Lhoell hadn't been Vulcan after all. Paul was pleased, therefore, to have opted for the handshake; it wouldn't have done to make such faux pas with his boss. Not that it made a difference what species his fellow crewmates were; to him, the actions of the individual were of more import to judging their merit than tar an entire culture with the same brush.

So. A Vulcan Captain. A Romulan Chief of Security. Cardassian voles. A bewildering mix already. Whatever next? A Klingon relationship counselor?

A small smile formed on his lips at the thought.

Quote from: Kal

Ensign Kal dark eyes narrowed at the Security officer. He was sizing him up cause he was assuming this man was not pleased. That was his problem.

"You look like took a sip from blood wine," he asked. That was Klingon humor. Not really. It was his humor.

Wessex was lifted from his reverie by the comment of the Ensign with him. The Ensign - the second of that rank, excluding himself, that had been in the OCC at the same time - had joined Paul in the turbolift quite unexpectedly. What was also unexpected was the glance he seemed to be throwing. Wessex mentally shrugged - the chap seemed a little intense, but otherwise harmless. "Heh. I wish" he quipped in response, with a smile. He was only half-joking; that Klingon wine was quite the tipple enjoyed by crews below the waves - on some of the subships he had served on, they had even replaced the port served at officer tables. Yet while he had enjoyed one or two delicacies from the Klingon people, he had - like the Romulans - only met a few...although in much larger numbers than the former; Klingons certainly had a calling for good old-fashioned subsurface raiding. Only Orions were more prolific in that extralegal activity.

The turbolift stopped at Deck 5 -  Junior Commissioned Officer Quarters. He stepped out and glanced at his PADD, double-checking the allocation he had been given. He looked back and nodded to the Ensign. "See you about, I wager" he said, before turning back towards his specific treasure hunt.

Don Damien Addams


[Katra Station]

Kal nodded to the other crew member. They will see each other soon. Security would do their rounds around the station. To be sure things are staying order and no chaos. Law and order was the way.

He took the turbolift to the floor where the flight pad where the roundabout that brought him to Katra from Deep Space Nine. He was glad that pilot was here waiting for crew who were being transfer to Deep Space Nine. He got his armory and carry it to his quarters.

The male who was brought up by Klingons brought his gear to junior quarters. He was expected the quarters be small. They were much bigger. Much bigger. He had placed his weapon container on the end of his bed and his armor on his bed. The room mate was not here. The room mate might think it was him. That brought a smile to him. He later would place the armor in the proper spot.

He then had decided to go walk around to know the base better. The base was size of the normal starbase. He had people looking at him like is this fellow real?


Brauhaus Gamma:

A mix of the old and the new. That was how the proprietor of the beer hall advertised the Gamma Beer House to people.

Steins of tall, yellow German beer is served along side more inter-species alcoholic drinks, like Romulan Ale or Andorian Ale.

All drinks served are of course authentic - not synthehol and certainly not replicated.   The only downside to this is that stock can potentially run out if the proprietor (NPC - Heinz Graf von Stentz ) doesn't order enough in, in advance.

The smell off the booze found it way to the new operational officer's nose. That was good. Price was going to be pricey. It was the real stuff. A location where he might come for a drink.

There was blue belles which was very blue like an ice world. The sounds sexual, exotic music can be heard. He observed man male figures walking and female. There was more male. It was a male's club.

So he had moved on. There was a sign with a A and horse shoe symbol upside down. This location seemed to be a quiet. Casual dating scene. Mellow establishment. If he was brought up by his human parents he would find this place nice.

The colorful establishment - Sweet Tooth Cafe seemed to pop. Like it screamed saying. Hey costumers come here. The color scheme to seem to work. He had stood there to observe it like he had done with the other establishments and small vendors on the Promenade. This was a location which most likely not serve booze. The fragrance of fruity smell came to tickle his nostrils.

Every establishment all seemed busy bees. There was enough costumers for each place. He had much to look at. There was not much difference between Deep Space Nine.



Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Solluk arrived at the briefing room slightly early, and found that Hospitality Services had done their duty.  The briefing room table was already supplied with a variety of baked goods, including bagels, doughnuts, muffins, and jams and butters.  There was also a covered dish containing a breakfast casserole.  And to top it off, tea and coffee.   While everything at the table today had been derived from replicated ingredients, the Hospitality Services staff had gone through the trouble of cooking those ingredients.  This gave the array of foods subtle imperfections and variations that marked them apart from common replicated fare.  Even the tea leaves and coffee beans had been steeped or ground down and then brewed, giving the spread a faux authentic sensibility.

Of course, if there was anything someone might wish that was not in evidence, they could replicate it from the wall alcove.

Solluk punched up the briefing materials on the room's wall console, and had a holoprojection of the Lod Qan arrayed over the table using the room's ceiling emitter.  The Klingon cruiser would be the topic of much of today's discussion.  Solluk set the permissions so that any of the meeting participants would be able to use their PADDs to interface with the image, rotating it or making changes to it as might be required during the discussion.

With that accomplished, Solluk sat down and poured himself some tea, relaxing before the first arrivals came.

Though... perhaps he was not as early as he thought.

If he did not miss his guess, Rayek would have already been here, scanning the room and planting interference devices to foil any snoops.  There was no actual evidence of this, but Solluk could feel that it may be true.  He'd also often had this same sense when Saxon had led Stat Ops and Security.  He was sure the old officer had frequently screened spaces before they were used, and then left before making a show of arriving with everyone else.

This thought amused him as he sipped his tea and eyed one of the 'everything' bagels in the baked goods basket with rising interest.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room]

Tess entered the room shortly after Solluk. She had been here earlier this morning already to check on the breakfast preparations, but the Hospitality Services were very reliable and there was practically nothing Tess had to do other than placing the order. So she found everything as it had been when she had left a couple of hours before - well, almost everything. The holoprojection of the Klingon cruiser hovered now over the table and it was impossible to miss that detail.

"Captain", she simply greeted Solluk friendly, since they had seen each other already. Tess have had some time to think about the mission that was about to commence the night before in her quarters and she had involved Rayek into her considerations which she was sure he'd support. So she had made sure to catch Solluk for a brief private talk about her role in the upcoming mission, being honest and open with him that she had concerns to join the mission. In her current state, she was not sure if she would be able to be 100% fit to do her duty as required on such a mission. They all knew they had to expect the worst to be prepared in the Gamma quadrant. She would do anything she could to contribute to the preparations from here as she could.

Hearing her stomach grumble - since she knew that they would be treated to breakfast by the Captain she had skipped her usual breakfast with Rayek in her their quarters - Tess chuckled as she walked around to approach Solluk and put down her PADD on the table at the spot next to him. "It was so worth to wait", she commented with a look at the delicious foods.

Sitting down, Tess drew her PADD closer to her to check on the reports coming in. The building of the pylon the Klingons needed to attach it to the Tholian attack craft to extend the cloak around the vessel as well was progressing well. While the first estimation had said that this would take several days, it seemed like the Engineering team working on that would beat that estimation.

She looked to Solluk, smiling. "An officer exchange is quite exciting. Have you ever participated in an exchange like that?", she asked curiously.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - the evening before]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 22, 2020, 03:21:33 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth center - later that day]

Eleven children?! Rayek was both surprised and impressed.   It took a moment to recall that Denobulans were polygamous.  That explained the how.. but Rayek wondered socially about the why?  Had there been some disaster in the past that had nearly wiped out the species and culturally they had adapted to survive?  Were they originally a conquering species - requiring a large population to support their expansion?  Having never met a Denobulan before Rayek's curiosity about the species was piqued.   Something else to do a bit of research on when he had the time.

While Dennix left to greet the other couples just as warmly as he had them, Rayek followed Tess to the mat she selected, pleased with its clear viewlines.   After helping her to sit down, Rayek also sat cross legged, as that seemed to be what most others were doing.  Once seated he was questioned by Tess who thought he seemed tense.  Rayek smiled reassuringly at his wife and nodded.  "Yes, everything is fine. "  He reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips to give it a kiss.  "Just a bit of my usual paranoia, e'lev.  I'd read up on the other instructor and their class...  as such I don't feel fully prepared.  But I am happy to be here with you."

That could be the summary of his entire day - feeling unprepared but quite happy.

Rayek kissed Tess' hand again before turning his attention to the Denobulan who was about to begin.

Tess smiled relieved when Rayek assured her that everything was okay. Though she did wonder what reason there was to be paranoid about a prenatal class? She made a mental note to herself to ask him later tonight in their quarters, because she wanted to know and understand the concerns he had.

Letting her own hand rest in Rayek's lap, fingers intertwined, Tess greeted the arriving couples who soon settled on the mats before Dennix finally did so as well.

"Welcome to your first prenatal class!", Dennix said to officially start the class. "I am trained in obstetrics and have enjoyed every single day of the 17 years I've been doing this." His smile widened as he looked around. "I am married and have 11 wonderful children. Now I am happy to assist you during your journey. I usually start these classes with a small round of introduction. You may share your names, age, previous pregnancies, due date and such." Dennix smiled over to the Bajoran couple who started them off.

The Bajoran and Karemman couple - like Tess and Rayek - expected their first child. The human male had three children with his deceased wife and now expected his first one with his new wife, which was the first pregnancy for her.
Then it was Tess and Rayek's turn. "My name is Tess t'Lhoell, I'm 29 years old and I'm here with my husband, Rayek. We too are expecting our first child." She smiled over to Rayek to give him the opportunity to answer some of the questions so it wasn't Tess who was saying it all.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Solluk on July 23, 2020, 02:41:02 AM

Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Solluk arrived at the briefing room slightly early, and found that Hospitality Services had done their duty.  The briefing room table was already supplied with a variety of baked goods, including bagels, doughnuts, muffins, and jams and butters.  There was also a covered dish containing a breakfast casserole.  And to top it off, tea and coffee.   While everything at the table today had been derived from replicated ingredients, the Hospitality Services staff had gone through the trouble of cooking those ingredients.  This gave the array of foods subtle imperfections and variations that marked them apart from common replicated fare.  Even the tea leaves and coffee beans had been steeped or ground down and then brewed, giving the spread a faux authentic sensibility.

Of course, if there was anything someone might wish that was not in evidence, they could replicate it from the wall alcove.

Solluk punched up the briefing materials on the room's wall console, and had a holoprojection of the Lod Qan arrayed over the table using the room's ceiling emitter.  The Klingon cruiser would be the topic of much of today's discussion.  Solluk set the permissions so that any of the meeting participants would be able to use their PADDs to interface with the image, rotating it or making changes to it as might be required during the discussion.

With that accomplished, Solluk sat down and poured himself some tea, relaxing before the first arrivals came.

Though... perhaps he was not as early as he thought.

If he did not miss his guess, Rayek would have already been here, scanning the room and planting interference devices to foil any snoops.  There was no actual evidence of this, but Solluk could feel that it may be true.  He'd also often had this same sense when Saxon had led Stat Ops and Security.  He was sure the old officer had frequently screened spaces before they were used, and then left before making a show of arriving with everyone else.

This thought amused him as he sipped his tea and eyed one of the 'everything' bagels in the baked goods basket with rising interest.

[Katra - Briefing room - day two - morning]

Ensign T'Palin  stepped in the briefing room to see Captain Solluk sitting at the head of the table. He had seemed to enjoying the cup of substance. Lt Commander Tess was there as well. The female Vulcan nodded her head to them.

Then she spotted the hologram of the Klingon ship. The center of attention. "Good morning," she said. She took her seat to view the data pad.

Then her eyes had saw the lay out of food. Bagels, donuts, and other assortment. The cup with the saucer she kindly moved it little further toward inside of the briefing table.

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Zex on July 21, 2020, 05:30:58 PM

Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe

"Yes.  Please join us" Zex said.  She did not stand, but she waved the woman over.  Then scooted over toward the wall, thus freeing up some space on the table.

When Goodspeed walked over, the Deltan's eyes too went to the vole.  A curious pet by all means.  But she didn't judge.

"Hello Crewman" Zex said.  She tipped her head slightly.  Then she chuckled when it did it's trick and gave a soft clap to reward the creature.   "Sorry you can't stay" she added sincerely.

Katra Station - Sweet Tooth Cafe - Promenade - Morning before Breakfast meeting

Cat laughed when Zex clapped, she wasn't used to that.  "Thank you, I don't normally have them perform tricks but I thought it might be a good ice breaker with strangers who have never seen one before".

Cat tickled his chin.  "He's only a youngling so my spare time is spent training and training and more training to get him up too speed with the other older ones."

Cat's eyes again were drawn to the pair of eyes under the table.

Before she could open her mouth the LOUD and rather grating voice of the waitress filled the air.

"1 choco almond, 1 strawberry twist, 2 fruit blasts and 1 Blueberry vanilla!!!  TAKEAWAY!!"

Cat grimaced at the noise and made a face at both Zex and Beja "Blimey, is that me or can that woman bellow?!" Cat smiled

"That's my order I'm afraid" Cat looked down at Nibbler who was still trying to get to know the new furry thing he had discovered.

"It was lovely to meet you both.  Lieutenant, if you ever want your furry friend to get used to other animals let me know, I can pop over in my free time to your office or quarters for an animal play date"

With that Cat stood up with Nibbler tucked under her arm and waved a goodbye at Beja, Zex and the furball with her free hand.

"Have a lovely day ladies, hope next time we meet it's not so rushed".

Cat smiled and went over to collect the takeaway and made her way to her new quarters for a feast.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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