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S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Solluk listened and nodded as each of his officers made their preferences known.  Although he held no ill will for anyone who remained behind, he had to admit he was buoyed by Rayek's decision to go along.  It reaffirmed that he had made the right choice in advocating for the man.  He was ready to put his duty first.

"All right.  I want to depart on the Lod Qan within 48 hours.  I encourage everyone to spend some time in the holodecks, familiarizing yourselves with Klingon consoles.  I know it's a short learning timeframe, but don't have too much anxiety over it.  We will have several days of travel before we get to our preliminary destination.  Then we'll be conducting a planetary survey.  Plenty of time to familiarize ourselves with the Klingon systems before we enter hostile territory."

He smiled, though his outward confidence contrasted somewhat with his inner feelings.  In truth, he'd have liked to have four or six weeks with the ship before even leaving Katra.  But the Tholians were already unhappy with having waited so long.  Any further delays would probably see the Ambassador leave without them, perhaps even making alliances with local powers in order to facilitate the mission.  That kind of arrangement could shift the balance of power in the quadrant.

Comfort be damned.

They'd have to figure it out on the way.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Paul Wessex

Well, this is going well, thought Wessex as he was pinned to the wall by his assailant.

some minutes earlier>

"Eyes on target", continued to reported one of the Security crewmen, before handing over to the next unit in the predicted chain of movement as they continued their usual patrol, doing well to spot and report on the figure but in a sloppy manner that did not tip off their suspect as to the tracking. "Proceeding to D14-Delta". Thus far, the young thief had travelled one level down and across. Wessex kept his comms to a minimum as he and Solen threaded around the edges of the floors in light pursuit, Paul stressing the need to the Angosian ex-'super soldier' to ascertain the end destination rather than chase their heels.

Solen nonetheless disagreed. "This is a waste", she reported for the umpteenth time. "I still say we should bring him in for questioning, not play Tarsian Tag". Paul had no idea who or what a Tarsian was and so kept his retort to himself, not only because he didn't want to debate the issue any more than they had already, but also because her frosty voice carried.

"This is D14-Delta patrol. Eyes not on target. I repeat, I have lost sight of the suspect." came the low voice of the patrol who's 'beat' incorporated that area.

Solen muttered some expletive the universal translator was not either programmed, or inclined, to bother with. Paul waved her down, and pointed ahead. In a quiet, far corner - empty but ready to open to new businesses as they arrived - the Orion boy had slipped down to his haunches and had swiftly prised off one edge of a bright, hinged signage panel from one of the walls. The light had steadfastly stayed on, despite its clear disconnection, which gave Wessex the thought this had been modified to both open on a hinge and continue its lighting from some 'third-party' reserve battery so not to signal a power outage. The thief, golden item still in hand, slipped behind the fitting and closed it behind him. The action had taken less than 7 seconds to pull off; Paul had been lucky to have been at the right angle to have caught it.  "Where would that lead?" he asked Solen as they rapidly approached the now inconspicuous hatch.

She pondered, her face less furious than he would have imagined in the circumstances- perhaps there was something in the audacity of the escape she admired. "There's a service conduit about 2 meters beyond; one end leads towards the tattoo parlour, and the other to the Assay's Office. But there are secondary spokes that intersect with other service conduits."

He frowned. The whole place behind that panel was a warren, perfect for the slight form of the boy; they could have made it anywhere by now. He sighed; not a great start. "Alright. I'll take full responsibility for this. I suppose we'll need to speak to the shop staff to log the theft and see if they have some sensor coverage of the incident; I imagine there's some way of reviewing internal sensors?"

The Master-at-Arms nodded. "There is. And...this is my responsibility too, sir", she said quite unexpectedly. "They've been evading us for several weeks now - this is as close as we've come; and at least we've uncovered some part of their bespoke evasion network; you're right - if we had brought him in, we'd never had seen this."

Paul smiled, appreciative. "Nevertheless, I'll report it to the Chief. In the meantime, I think it'll make more sense if you review the internal sensors - I'll still need to get to know the system before I can make the best use of them. I'll speak to the traders and then report back."

She nodded, her mask of ice returning to her face, but...there was also something a little warmer in her eyes that wasn't there before. "Agreed."

And with that, she strode off, leaving Wessex to briefly take in her deceptively powerful frame, before blowing out a frustrated breath. "Right then..." he told himself. He was about to turn away when something caught his eye.

Before he could move towards what looked like a strange scratched sigil on one of the far walls, a shadow fell over him. He turned, and one of the Nausicaans he had spoken to on the trip to the station stood behind him. How-?

His wonderment turned into alarm as he was hoisted off his feet and pushed into the wall. No-one seemed to be about; not surprising - no shops or traders needed to be here, just vacant modules.Well, this is going well he thought.

"What do you know?" hissed the Nausicaan, his tusks quivering with every angry syllable. "Tell me; did Mereath send you?"

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening day 1]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 26, 2020, 04:54:01 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - Day 1 evening]

"I'm glad we came then - if just for learning this." He whispered back into her ear.  It took some measure of control to not nibble at her earlobe, and instead pay attention to the accoucher.

The waddling together took some coordination but he and Tess soon had that figured out and were able to penguin walk around the prenatal classroom.   Once all the couples had managed to practice the walk, Dennix had the couple resume sitting on their mats while he went on to talk about other aspects of late pregnancy.   The Denobulan offered tips on everything from diet and exercise to foot and calf massage and still more back pain management techniques.  It was a very full hour.

"Now when you are at term there are a number of natural methods that can be used to help induce labor.  These include reducing stress by having things prepared ahead of time, avoid brightly lit or loud places, take a bath, indulge in an inducting massage by a licensed practitioner so that it opens the hips, be active - walk, do careful lunges.. things that will open up the hips.  What you eat or drink can assist as well.  Drinking red raspberry leave tea strengthens the uterine muscle and makes contractions more effective.  Some women swear by spicy foods - essentially these natural ways to induce labour work by inducing peristalsis of the intestines, which can trigger uterine contractions.  Be cautious with this... and lastly nipple stimulation and yes even sex... both are good to release oxytocin into the system and this can trigger uterine contractions."

Rayek raised a single eyebrow at that bit of new information.  He raised a hand in concern and asked "If those can help induce labor when at term, should they be avoided prior... when still just approaching term."

The Denobulan chuckled.  Go figure it would be the Romulan that would ask that type of question.  "No, no.  There is no need to avoid having sex pre-term.  Just know that as long as her water has not broken, sex is one of the most effective natural ways to induce labour."

Rayek nodded feeling a bit relieved.  He took hold of Tess' hand.  He was confident that Tess would not have to worry about going past term. 

Tess listened with interest to Dennix as he spoke about what else was to expect in late pregnancy. The Denobulan then went on to describe what things could help to induce labor. Well, those things didn't sound too bad at all. A nice warm bath, massages ... sex even.
A motion in the corner of her eye had Tess turn her head only to see Rayek was lifting his hand to ask a question - at that topic. Tess wasn't sure what it was he was going to say, so she looked at him questiongly - and then grinned while Dennix was chuckling. Rayek seemed to be worried they'd have to curb those activities. But Tess was interested in the reply to that too so she glanced back to Dennix who readily answered Rayek's question. Tess could practically feel Rayek relax in relief. So did Tess. It was good to know they didn't have to avoid it completely. Though she had mixed feelings about it. To her knowledge sex could also be the cause for premature delivery. Was it enough just to be careful? She'd have to ask Dennix about it maybe privately after the lesson was over since she wasn't in the mood to discuss this openly now.

The Denobulan went on to explain some more ways for the partner to support the pregnant woman and ease pain in labor a bit and then apparently was about to wrap up the lesson. "Now", he said with the kindest of smiles on his face as he looked around, "we have some more time left for any questions you might have right now." He sat down on the mat while the Bajoran woman lifted her hand. She seemed nervous.

"I know, this is the prenatal class, but I'm so nervous about actually handling my baby, I'm ... I'm afraid I might hurt it. I know we're going to learn how, but it really would calm me down if I'd have an idea what to do, it just drives me crazy."

Tess gave the woman a sympathetic smile, then looked back to Dennix who looked like he tried to calm the woman down just with his facial expression. "That's alright, it's a reason to be nervous, but not let it drive you crazy", he said friendly. Tess liked that he didn't try to downplay the woman's concerns. He checked his wrist watch then looked up again. "We got a couple of minutes. How do you feel about a quick introduction into postnatal care stuff? We will go over it properly when the time has come, but I think we can make a little excursion right now", he said as he got to his feet to get the things he needed for that.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 26, 2020, 04:54:01 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room]

Rayek glanced down to the PADD in his hand and read Tess' reply.  With what he assumed was permission given, Rayek allowed his mind to brush against hers... not in a meld but in just light telepathic touch - she might not even notice he was there.   Her thoughts when he looked through them showed that she too wanted him to remain but knew that the Captain had need of him.  In essence, it was his duty to go despite her loneliness and concern.

With a very reluctant nod, Rayek made his decision.  ~tele~ Thank you.  You're thoughts mirror my own.  I will go - to do otherwise so soon after my return would be give the Captain reason to doubt my sincerity and commitment to duty... but I will miss you terribly the entire time. ~tele~

Rayek then lifted his gaze from where it had settled on his PADD to look to the Captain.  "I will go as well.  I am sure Senior Chief Solen will be open to continuing to look after Security until we return."

Tess was focused on keeping the roster up-to-date when she suddenly heard Rayek's voice in her mind. Not loud or intrusive, but the unexpected connection startled her. She turned her head to Rayek, unsure if it just felt like it being in her mind and he actually spoke. But no, his lips weren't moving. The words he told her suggested that he had been sifting through hers before that to get an idea of her feelings. It was no surprise to Tess that she hadn't noticed that at all. For one, Rayek was trained to do that in a way that it wasn't noticed, and second, Tess admittedly wasn't the most alert person if she was in an environment she fetl safe in. It had her frowning though that he had done it just like that. Normally Rayek was careful to get her permission first. It then dawned on her that the message he had sent her only a minute ago might have been his asking for permission - she just misunderstood.

Clearing her troat quietly while she hoped nobody had noticed that little incient - for her it felt longer, but it probably had only been a few seconds - she heard Rayek say that he'd join the crew on the mission. Tess lips twisted into a sad smile as it was now confirmed that they'd be apart for weeks now. But she knew it was how it was supposed to be.

Her fingers moved over the screen of her PADD as she assigned Solen as acting Chief of Security for the time being.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Solluk on July 27, 2020, 10:15:12 AM

Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Solluk listened and nodded as each of his officers made their preferences known.  Although he held no ill will for anyone who remained behind, he had to admit he was buoyed by Rayek's decision to go along.  It reaffirmed that he had made the right choice in advocating for the man.  He was ready to put his duty first.

"All right.  I want to depart on the Lod Qan within 48 hours.  I encourage everyone to spend some time in the holodecks, familiarizing yourselves with Klingon consoles.  I know it's a short learning timeframe, but don't have too much anxiety over it.  We will have several days of travel before we get to our preliminary destination.  Then we'll be conducting a planetary survey.  Plenty of time to familiarize ourselves with the Klingon systems before we enter hostile territory."

He smiled, though his outward confidence contrasted somewhat with his inner feelings.  In truth, he'd have liked to have four or six weeks with the ship before even leaving Katra.  But the Tholians were already unhappy with having waited so long.  Any further delays would probably see the Ambassador leave without them, perhaps even making alliances with local powers in order to facilitate the mission.  That kind of arrangement could shift the balance of power in the quadrant.

Comfort be damned.

They'd have to figure it out on the way.

Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

48 hours.  Starfleet did seem to have a thing about turning things round in only a couple of days Cat thought to herself.  Like they took some weird twisted joy in seeing how little time they can give their crew to get up to speed on a situation.

Mind you she'd known private companies look at you oddly when you tell them you can't retrofit a new warp engine in a couple of hours.  Same as people who sent you a private video message at 3am or when you were in the bathroom and then sent you another one a couple of minutes later to see why you hadn't replied back.

To some people Patience may be virtue but it's also a luxury.

"if it's any help I've set up a holodeck programme simulation for the engineering Team which includes a few secret 'My god My god we're all going to die'  scenarios to scare the bejesus out of them" Cat grinned.  "might help them get to recognise any system issues as the come up the Klingon systems.  If anyone wants to play its under 'Cat 404 whoopsie'"  Cat pressed a few keys on a small PADD she had on her lap.  "I've sent a note to that for everyone. "

"Captain, as we've only got 48 hours I'll head over to the DryDock and start overseeing the fitting.  Also Sir.... how.. ummm..Clean would you like the staff quarters?  Not sure if anyone has spent much time on board a Klingon vessel before but well cleaning isn't a 'Top 10' list thing for them. The floor could be a bit well... Sticky.."  Cat looked up at her PADD and smiled at the Captain.   "I've got a top cleaning crew on standby waiting to go in and.. tackle whatever mess they find in the limited time we have. If you'd like I can send them in just to focus on our quarters only and maybe try and scrap off any really crusty bits from the Captains chair for you so we don't upset anyone!".

Cat looked down at her PADD again trying to remember what Cassie from the cleaning crew had asked her earlier. "OH!  Sorry.. me again... Do we know if the Klingon have any live meat on board?  As much as I love a Targ running about I really don't want any of the cleaning crew disemboweled by accident if they open the wrong door. They have enough to clean up as it is"

"Also... Sorry one more thing..."  Cat tried to make herself smaller at remembering something else to mention.

"With regards the station whilst we're gone, Will Lt Jr... I mean Ensign Rhade be overseeing the Station or will there be a Klingon engineer in charge?  I'm all for this exchange to go well but I'd feel a lot happier having one of our own keeping a watch over the Station and The Healy Sir."

Cat hadn't seen the Caitian for a while since the news of his demotion had worked it's way round the grapevine due to conflicting shifts and days off.  She hoped he was ok.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.


Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Solluk got up from his seat to try the breakfast casserole while Cat mentioned her holodeck program, and then she proceeded to describe the cleanliness of Klingon vessels.  He hesitated for a moment, changing his mental image before taking out a scoop of the cheesy-eggy concoction within the serving container.  He hoped that she was exaggerating.  Or that it was a stereotype, and not true of this particular ship and crew.

However, this ship was even older than 'Century' Saxon, and had potentially had dozens of crews aboard with differing standards.

"Let's get the whole thing as clean as possible while it's in your custody for the pylon refit, Lieutenant.  I can offer bonus holodeck time and credits to civilian sanitation crews willing to put in overtime."

'Money' was not technically a necessity in the Federation, and there was no physical currency for Federation citizens to contend with.  But 'extras' and luxury items could be provided either by allocating holosuite time or by issuing credits to entice people to excel at their chosen duties.  Every job had at least a small allocation of credits in order to facilitate luxury and recreational purchases.  But while regular overtime was not encouraged due to stress, some bonus credits and other amenities could be provided during times of intense need.

"I believe there is a Targ Pit aboard their cruiser," Solluk confirmed when she asked, "Though I do not know if it is a food-animal corral or some kind of security asset location."  Solluk had heard of Targs being food, pets, and guard animals.  He was not sure in what capacity the targs in the Targ pit were meant to serve.

"Ensign Rhade will be serving under Chief Engineer Grom, I believe," Solluk told her in response to her final question.  "A good, no-nonsense officer.  I worked with him briefly aboard the Nom Pach, Noh'ves' previous vessel.  I don't think there'll be any trouble in that quarter."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Kal on July 26, 2020, 03:00:17 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe]

"I will adjust as the hours go by," he replied. The Starbase was far from being a Starfleet ship or a Klingon ship. A Klingon ship was more of exciting. He had never served on one. He could imagine the challenges, the snarling, eating among Klingons and drinking blood wine. That would be a more suitable for him. His life might be short cause eventually he be beaten up in honor.

"It might take longer for Starbase. No travelling in as Starship," he added.

"No raw meat?" he asked. "I could try it. I once had a cookiee on the USS Liberty. It was sweet. Even dipped in milk. Which made it softer. You ever had that before?" he asked her.

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe]

"Yes.  I suppose you will.  And you can always use your data pad of a monitor to help you with directions" Zex agreed.

"Luckily it is not as big as the Columbus.  Otherwise, it might be a longer leaning curve.  So that plays to you favor" she added.

"I didn't ask the waitress about raw meat.  I'm having sausage with my waffles.  But Flo, that's our waitress, said the they have a replicator - so it might be possible to get some raw meat" she guessed.

"A cookie?  Sure.  I'm a bit of a sugar lover" she added.   "What about you do you like sweets?" she asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Zex on July 27, 2020, 05:51:58 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe]

"Yes.  I suppose you will.  And you can always use your data pad of a monitor to help you with directions" Zex agreed.

"Luckily it is not as big as the Columbus.  Otherwise, it might be a longer leaning curve.  So that plays to you favor" she added.

"I didn't ask the waitress about raw meat.  I'm having sausage with my waffles.  But Flo, that's our waitress, said the they have a replicator - so it might be possible to get some raw meat" she guessed.

"A cookie?  Sure.  I'm a bit of a sugar lover" she added.   "What about you do you like sweets?" she asked.

"Qagh can't be replicated," he told her. "Been serving on USS Liberty taught me to adjust," he told her. "You know I met Captain Solluk. He had mentioned about a exchange officer with a Klingon ship. I would not mind that mission. You could try Klingon cuisine," he grinned. There was no sharp teeth to show like a Klingon.

Flo came over with old fashion paper pad and pencil. The witty human brought up by Klingons was looking at it. "This is not paper, darlin' its data pad too look like paper and pencil. You like it?" she asked.

"Its different, missus," he replied trying to sound like her southern accent.

She giggled. "You sort of almost got it, but slower," she told him. "What can I get you, honey?"

That stomped Kal. "Honey. No. I don't want honey?" he said.

"Gosh he is a funny. Honey is a saying, like darlin'" she told him.

"All right. I like to have sausage, like my honey here," he said. He had to use the word. Man if a Klingon had him say that he be beat up. There was this human behavior effect him being around them.

Flo winked at Zex. "You got an interesting date here, hon," she smiled as she walked away with her little bounce.

"To answer your question sweets. I do not know. I was brought up by Klingon. I ate like Klingon. Then when I got into Starfleet I had cadets asking me to try their food. I had potato chips. Weird. You have one and you want another. Like cookies," he paused. "Speaking of chips I want some now. See? Human food has this effect on you."


Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Beja worried since she had spoken in the meeting that she had made the incorrect choice in electing to remain on Katra. Not just because she was going to miss out on some great scientific discoveries and probably what could have been one of the most interesting first contact experiences she would most likely ever had. But because it was clear to her that none of the senior staff really understood Klingon culture, let alone how a Klingon ship operated. Each word that Cat spoke made it clearer and clearer the terrible error Beja made with her choice of Katra station.

Beja had a lot of respect for Goodspeed. The older human woman had displayed such a high understanding of complex systems. Beja admired Goodspeed's diligent work ethic and the human woman's true desire to care for the engineering crew as if they were blood family. So it pained Beja to hear the disparaging remarks about Klingon's ship upkeep and hygiene habits. Klingons prided themselves on their warrior culture yes, but that didn't mean they were just a bunch of degenerates as the humans said.

After clearing her throat Beja finally spoke up, "œI think you will find that the tales of Klingon's ships that you have heard Goodspeed to be a bit exaggerated."

You will find the vessel to be in top cleanliness shape I am sure. There are not crusty bits as you say on a Captain's chair, nor do we dishonor our quarters with "œstickiness" that you speak of. Perhaps in the private sector you have encountered ships operated by mercenaries or Klingons from dishonorable houses. This will not be one of them."  Beja gently tried to correct some of the misconceptions that the Senior staff had.

It was no one's real fault, but perhaps the Klingons did like to embellish some tales of glory, where blood ended up splattered about more than the reality of it. But a Klingon's honor lied in not just the battlefield but also the songs and tales of the victory too. Perhaps that had allowed for such assumptions that were not factual in nature. No one wanted to hear the tale of the shiny and clean ship that zipped through the galaxy wafting disinfectant fumes as it sought to destroy their enemies!

Rayek trLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening day 1]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 27, 2020, 11:33:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening day 1]

The Denobulan went on to explain some more ways for the partner to support the pregnant woman and ease pain in labor a bit and then apparently was about to wrap up the lesson. "Now", he said with the kindest of smiles on his face as he looked around, "we have some more time left for any questions you might have right now." He sat down on the mat while the Bajoran woman lifted her hand. She seemed nervous.

"I know, this is the prenatal class, but I'm so nervous about actually handling my baby, I'm ... I'm afraid I might hurt it. I know we're going to learn how, but it really would calm me down if I'd have an idea what to do, it just drives me crazy."

Tess gave the woman a sympathetic smile, then looked back to Dennix who looked like he tried to calm the woman down just with his facial expression. "That's alright, it's a reason to be nervous, but not let it drive you crazy", he said friendly. Tess liked that he didn't try to downplay the woman's concerns. He checked his wrist watch then looked up again. "We got a couple of minutes. How do you feel about a quick introduction into postnatal care stuff? We will go over it properly when the time has come, but I think we can make a little excursion right now", he said as he got to his feet to get the things he needed for that.

As the first class wrapped up, the Denobulan took the last few minutes to answer questions. The first of which was about postnatal care of the baby.  Rayek knew that was scheduled to be discussed in full in two weeks time so he expected the instructer to put it off but surprisingly the Denobulan didn't.   Instead the man spoke about how important the first fifteen to twenty minutes were for helping the baby transition

"Your baby for the entirety of its life before now has been kept securely confined to a warm, dark, quiet place recognizing little but the sound of your voices.  So you want to ease them into the world by providing a similar environment, which is why its recommended to dim the lights, and connect with your baby by holding them close to you - skin to skin is best. Talk to them gently and in a soothing voice letting them know they are safe."

The Bajoran woman who had asked the initial question hung off the Denobulan's every word, as he went on to explain how to hold a baby. "The majority of humanoid babies have enlarged heads for the size of their body... this makes holding their own head up difficult at first... therefore they need assistance.  The baby's head has to always be supported until it's neck is strong enough to support its weight on it's own.  This can take several months. If you like Mrs. Faza, after class I can demonstrate this for you and you can practice it."

A few more questions were asked regarding the topic of late pregnancy before Dennix announced that the class was over but offered to show any who wished to stay, how to hold a newborn.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - morning of Day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 27, 2020, 11:33:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room]

Tess was focused on keeping the roster up-to-date when she suddenly heard Rayek's voice in her mind. Not loud or intrusive, but the unexpected connection startled her. She turned her head to Rayek, unsure if it just felt like it being in her mind and he actually spoke. But no, his lips weren't moving. The words he told her suggested that he had been sifting through hers before that to get an idea of her feelings. It was no surprise to Tess that she hadn't noticed that at all. For one, Rayek was trained to do that in a way that it wasn't noticed, and second, Tess admittedly wasn't the most alert person if she was in an environment she felt safe in. It had her frowning though that he had done it just like that. Normally Rayek was careful to get her permission first. It then dawned on her that the message he had sent her only a minute ago might have been his asking for permission - she just misunderstood.

Clearing her throat quietly while she hoped nobody had noticed that little incident - for her it felt longer, but it probably had only been a few seconds - she heard Rayek say that he'd join the crew on the mission. Tess lips twisted into a sad smile as it was now confirmed that they'd be apart for weeks now. But she knew it was how it was supposed to be.

Her fingers moved over the screen of her PADD as she assigned Solen as acting Chief of Security for the time being.

Tess' surprise at his presence in her mind, surprised him and without really intending to he became privy to her thoughts on the notion of permission.   Realizing belatedly that he hadn't made his question clear enough and that her affirmative answer hadn't been in answer to his question of permission, Rayek quickly left her mind and made mental note to apologize to her after the meeting.
Quote from: Solluk on July 27, 2020, 10:15:12 AM

Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Solluk listened and nodded as each of his officers made their preferences known.  Although he held no ill will for anyone who remained behind, he had to admit he was buoyed by Rayek's decision to go along.  It reaffirmed that he had made the right choice in advocating for the man.  He was ready to put his duty first.

"All right.  I want to depart on the Lod Qan within 48 hours.  I encourage everyone to spend some time in the holodecks, familiarizing yourselves with Klingon consoles.  I know it's a short learning timeframe, but don't have too much anxiety over it.  We will have several days of travel before we get to our preliminary destination.  Then we'll be conducting a planetary survey.  Plenty of time to familiarize ourselves with the Klingon systems before we enter hostile territory."

He smiled, though his outward confidence contrasted somewhat with his inner feelings.

The Captain's quiet buoyed reaction to his announcement seemed to confirm to Rayek that he'd made the right decision - at least according to the Captain.  The Romulan hoped he felt the same, or could at least feign it when they were a week into their journey and his worry over Tess would be likely overwhelming.

The Captain's suggestion for the officers going to book time in the holodeck to familiarize themselves with the Klingon ship consoles, prompted Rayek to pick up his PADD to book time for exactly that.  While he did this Lt Goodspeed inquired about a number of things... some of which were disturbing but all too true.  Cleanliness, Targs, and concern over Rhade.  Of the all three of the Captain's answers, only the ship cleaning was a positive.

When the meeting ended rather than hurry to leave Rayek asked Tess if she could stay a moment.  Alone, he apologized for his mistake in not making his question clear earlier.  "I would not have read your thoughts if I had not thought I had your permission."


The next two days was spent learning all he could of the Klingon ship, the Crystalline Entity and Tholian politics. His evenings, in contrast, were spent with Tess and family as much as possible.  He even invited Benjin and Fabiano over for dinner.  Rayek knew Fabiano would of course look after Tess, while he was away, that much was a given.. yet still the Romulan felt compelled to ask.

"Please take care of her.  And make sure she eats... you know how she tends to lose her appetite when upset.  She needs to eat.. for the baby's sake if for nothing else.  Distract her with hobbies and things she enjoys.  In fact, it would ease my mind greatly if you would consider... perhaps taking up residence here while I am away?  I can talk to Tess about it.. you can set up a cot to sleep on if the couch is uncomfortable.. "

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

L'mar Camili Rhade


[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Sphinx Workbee 228 ] - Day 2

"Why not just have a trrransporrrterrr rrrelay between the two stations?" L'mar asked as he and Ensign Brian Campbell had gotten all the gossip and small talk out of the way.

They were an hour away from docking with the Starlifter after 2 hours of travel already. "You make a good point, though I think transporting any of it could make it unstable." Brian replied and nodded. "Yes we don't it matters if it is in a canister." He frowned for he shared Rhade's disappointment with the only method of delivery that they could count on.

Rhade though was grinning again as he spied the Starlifter as it came closer and closer. A thick disc in orbit of the Trialus star. "It is still imprrressive." L'mar commented in geeked out, engineer heaven type fashion.

"Agreed, if you like I could make a request to the Captain, we could swap shifts every so often?" Brian offered a knowing smile on his lips. "Though Commander t'Lhoell has authority to grant the request as well."

"You spoil me." L'mar said, "though maybe wait a little beforrre you do. I don't want to push our superrriorrrs too farrr considerrring my disrrregarrrd forrr the Captain's orrrderrrs durrring the rrreplicant confab." He wondered about what would have happened if he'd not been on the fake Healy, he'd done so many times since. Tess would have been taken unless Saxon found her and apparently had used dangerous folding-space translocation technology to do it.

It had been one of the Security officers that had been carelessly discussing the former Chief of Strategic Operations' plan to extract Tess, and Rhade unexpectedly, and return.

Rhade would like to examine that folding-space technology, see how it was made, he wanted to theorise on how Starfleet Corps of Engineers could make it safer to use. But it "˜lost' afterwards.

Paul Wessex

Morning of Day 2>

"What do you know?" Tell me; did Mereath send you?"

Wessex frowned, less bothered by being pinned to the wall than he was with the strange question. Who was Mereath, and why would a Nausicaan think a StarFleet Officer would be sent by them? Was there someone of that name on the station's roster? "I have no idea who or what you're talking about" he replied coolly, "but I don't think you have what I'd call a poker face."

The Nausicaan snarled brutishly and redoubled his efforts to squish Paul further into the bulkhead. "I think you lie. You were following Tymeth. And liars, even StarFleet ones, can have unfortunate accidents". He thrust a hand into his leathery pocket, and produced a small, viridescent pill. "As you Humans say... Open wide...". The other burly hand began to squeeze Paul's jaw in a way that began to force them open. Paul quickly reached for the issued phaser on his hip, something he had hoped to not touch as he didn't agree with the destructive potential of such a weapon in civilian zone, but it was slapped away just as quickly, skittering off out of sight.

The Security Officer, used to tackling Nausicaan pirates, then slammed the heel of his palm into the side of the assailant's mouth in reply, snapping a tusk. Enraged but not yet done, the determined heavy readjusted and tightened his grip to be around Paul's throat, lifting him higher with the other hand trying forcing the small green dot into his mouth.

Knees. Knuckles. Even a finger in the eye socket did nothing to dissuade the attacker from his goal - clearly this willful act was more important than personal, physical pain.

Another hand suddenly reached out from nowhere, and hauled the powerful body away from Wessex. Reaching the floor with a bump, Paul looked up and saw the statuesque Solen holding the Nausicaan's arm aloft, stretching it high above even his head and causing the rest of his body to dangle to one side. "You're coming with us" she hissed. Interestingly, she hadn't drawn her weapon. Was it because she had no need?

The Nausicaan let out a terrible roar, which Paul couldn't have been sure was in anger or fear, but immediately, without even a struggle, released his hand of the jacked-up arm and let drop the pill into his open mouth, swallowing triumphantly.

Almost immediately, the criminal began to convulse, green froth coming from the nose and mouth. Solen dropped him instantly, stepping back, and the body continued to shudder violently. Paul was about to call for a medical team, but moments later it was obvious no life-saving intervention would be useful now. A pool of green foam seeped from places Paul didn't even want to think about. Solen looked at him and then back down to the body. "I see you make friends easily" she said drolly.

Wessex rubbed his neck. He wasn't sure how he felt about quips over a dead body; clearly her empathy threshold was a little different to his. "Ha. I appreciate the assist."

Solen look back to him, and shrugged. "You were lucky - I was in two minds whether to come and tell you now or later that the trader has since informed one of the CZC they don't want to report the theft."

What was going on here? Paul wondered. "I'll call this in, and then make my report to Commander tr'Lhoell; this whole business has taken an unexpected turn."

Evening of Day 2>

Wessex had yet to meet his room mate, an Ensign Raiden, due to opposing shift patterns, although from what Paul has already seen, the junior officer didn't see much need to keep things ship-shape. There was also some curiously nervous glances whenever it was mentioned who he was sharing with. Perhaps soon all this would make a little more sense when they met.

The report to Commander tr'Lhoell took longer than he had hoped - there was plenty of detail Paul wanted to cover in his submission, including stressing it had been his decision, as the leading officer, not to just apprehend the thief - he didn't know how tr'Lhoell run the Department, but if he was a hard, unforgiving taskmaster he'd rather it all fall on him, rather than Solen.

One escaped thief. One dead Nausicaan. Quite the entrance.

Hrafn Falleg

[Briefing Room - Katra Station]

Hrafn listened with a mixture of interest and dismay at Goodspeed's words about the cloaking.  She wasn't that good with Engineering stuff but she knew a fair amount, from trying to break through cloaking and shielding, that when you were on the other end, someone getting through that wasn't good news.

Sighing in annoyance at the dull headache she'd had for a few days which didn't seem to be lifting she smiled at the Engineer.

"Count me in, I'd feel weird if I didn't go with you all and certain small people will want as much information as possible to help with their report, if you don't know about that yet Ms Goodspeed, I'm happy to bring you up to date after the meeting!"

She chuckled a little at what Beja had to say about Klingon ships, but as her head throbbed she stopped but resolved to swing by Medical after the meeting for a check over.  She was pretty sure it was only mild dehydration, or stress or something equally easily fixed but she wanted it done before they headed out.  And thinking about Medical she shot a look at Rayek... and wondered how Tess was doing.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Beja on July 28, 2020, 03:03:54 AM

Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Beja worried since she had spoken in the meeting that she had made the incorrect choice in electing to remain on Katra. Not just because she was going to miss out on some great scientific discoveries and probably what could have been one of the most interesting first contact experiences she would most likely ever had. But because it was clear to her that none of the senior staff really understood Klingon culture, let alone how a Klingon ship operated. Each word that Cat spoke made it clearer and clearer the terrible error Beja made with her choice of Katra station.

Beja had a lot of respect for Goodspeed. The older human woman had displayed such a high understanding of complex systems. Beja admired Goodspeed's diligent work ethic and the human woman's true desire to care for the engineering crew as if they were blood family. So it pained Beja to hear the disparaging remarks about Klingon's ship upkeep and hygiene habits. Klingons prided themselves on their warrior culture yes, but that didn't mean they were just a bunch of degenerates as the humans said.

After clearing her throat Beja finally spoke up, "œI think you will find that the tales of Klingon's ships that you have heard Goodspeed to be a bit exaggerated."

You will find the vessel to be in top cleanliness shape I am sure. There are not crusty bits as you say on a Captain's chair, nor do we dishonor our quarters with "œstickiness" that you speak of. Perhaps in the private sector you have encountered ships operated by mercenaries or Klingons from dishonorable houses. This will not be one of them."  Beja gently tried to correct some of the misconceptions that the Senior staff had.

It was no one's real fault, but perhaps the Klingons did like to embellish some tales of glory, where blood ended up splattered about more than the reality of it. But a Klingon's honor lied in not just the battlefield but also the songs and tales of the victory too. Perhaps that had allowed for such assumptions that were not factual in nature. No one wanted to hear the tale of the shiny and clean ship that zipped through the galaxy wafting disinfectant fumes as it sought to destroy their enemies!

Katra Station - Briefing Room - Morning of Day 2

Cat felt herself colour and her face flush.  She had meant no disrespect to the counsellor's heritage and now wondered again if she should have kept quiet. Yes, next time she'll just keep quiet.

"Lieutenant, I'm so sorry, I meant no dishonour to the Klingon people or to the House that the ship belongs to."

"My dealings with Klingon vessels are those run by civilian Houses who livelihoods,  income AND honour depended on running their ships nearly to the ground to keep their Houses afloat rather than Diplomatic or Vessels of War so perhaps my views were.. clouded on this issue and my humour poorly timed".

Diplomatic Houses with the money for keeping their war ships clean" whispered the devil that always sat on her shoulder into the nothingness.

"I was merely trying to convey; badly it seems; that a cleaning may be needed. "

"I sincerely apologise if you thought I meant any disrespect, Lieutenant.   But there is no dishonour about a hard working crew providing for their House or family which results in a messy ship. Where there's muck there's brass as my Nan used to say. "  Cat smiled broadly at the Counsellor.  "Also as my old Dad used to say if a ships too clean then it's no ship of the sky at all, merely a floating trinket".

Cat shifted in her seat.  "I can only speak of a lifetime of mending worn out and old ships and that comes with every race.  Even if we have been offered a Starfleet vessel of the same age there'd still be muck to be found in every corner.

Sometimes she forgot she was now a paid up member of the Federation instead of an independent operator.

But she'd bet her last strip of latinum no one sitting round this table had ever had to pressure wash ankle deep crap off the floors of a Targ Pit because the crew were too busy keeping their heads above the water to clean up after the family's elderly, but much loved Targs, and too proud to employ someone to clean for them.

Or had to replace a complete section of an Earth freighter cargo bay because the freezer functions of the bay had failed mid journey causing a whole batch of Durian Fruit to go bad on route to Risa.  Cats mind tried to stop that particular memory from swimming to the surface and failed.  2 weeks of isolation and full body scrubs 3 times a day because of that.  She'd even had to shave her hair off. And the Captain had even tried to haggle down the price for that one!

Or had the pleasure of throwing up in a cleaning suit after a consignment of rotting gagh had seeped out from the crates and gone through at least one floor and shorted out all the conduits below which would have meant the Captains family possibly losing their House name and the meager honour that went with it.  At least Cat had been able to help them with that by waiving the fee and asking them to test out her prototype gagh habitat to keep gagh alive over longer distances.

That Klingon House was now the best place to get decent live gagh even if it was eye wateringly pricey, which was in turn helping booster her retirement fund.  Cat made a mental note to give them a call before she left.

Perhaps she really wasn't right for these high level meetings.  After all she came from a long line of grafters and fixers and people who didn't mind getting their hair covered in grease and unmentionables.  She wasn't born to the finer things in life and even as the Boss of private holdings she had been used to dealing with people telling her face to face exactly what they thought rather than dancing round a situation like a Cardassian Gul at a war crimes tribunal.

She'd make a rubbish diplomatic as much as she loved a good banter.

Cat looked at everyone in the room until her eyes rested on the Klingon again "So please accept my apologies..and I hope my words have not caused long term harm"

Cat waited for others to leave before removing herself from the room and towards her quarters to pick up her gear.


Considering Cats initial fears the Klingon Vessel had been a delightful surprise.  A Diplomatic vessel was kept a lot cleaner than a normal working ship.

The main deck had only needed a light cleaning but the cleaners had given all the chairs a proper clean until the leather shone.  The mess hall was now so clean even the fussiest of ferengi would eat off the floor.

The other checks on the ship have gone smoothly whilst the pylon fitting had been undertaken.  Even the fitting of the replicated duotronic computing unit and the algorithm Ops had written to automate a portion of the checking process all seemed to work as ordered.

The quarters for the Captain and Second in Command looked comfortable and clean enough but Cat had made sure that each room was given a once over and that the bedding was the same as could be found in their quarters on the Station.

It was one thing saying a Starfleet officer could sleep anywhere but whoever had said that had never tried to sleep on a Cardassian mattress before.  Cat had found people slept better with a familiar mattress, pillow and coverings. And this was going to be a long trip.   Cat had already bought on board her pillows, cotton sheets and her favourite blankets.

The normal crew quarters were where the cleaning crew had been at the most diligent and proved their worth giving everything some steam treatment and elbow grease.  No matter what the species was anytime males shared a room there was always a faint smell left behind like damp socks left on a radiator.  This was weirdly strongest in human males.

However the call from the crew when the cleaners had found the Targ Pit had proved the most... Amusing.  Luckily for the Klingon guards assigned to look after them the Targs were guard animals and a couple of aging pets.

The cleaning crew Cat had procured were the team she had dealt with when she was doing The Healy check.

It consisted of 4 women.  A human of around 60 called Marg and her daughter Cassie and a Cardassian/ Bajoran woman of similar age called Lige Fero and her daughter Taka.   No nonsense women who you really didn't want to get on the bad side of.

By the time Cat had gotten to the Pit the Targs were looking confused, slightly terrified and were trapped behind a small forcefield whilst the crew worked their magic and gave the place a proper clean out.

Cat could only imagine the confusion in their porcine brains:

Strange Smelling Females Had Invaded Their Space!! Shouted At Them!!!  Tried To Make Them Sit And Pet Them!!!  They Controlled Strange Loud Metal Hollow Beasts That Feasted On Their Waste And Drank The Foamy Water That They Sprayed!!!  What Were These Things??!!

After the cleaning came the replication of knee deep sawdust and straw that the cleaning crew had now filled the pit with. From somewhere the women had found a huge deep water trough big enough for at least 2 animals to wallow in and large feed and water bowls heavy enough for them not to be knocked over.    Each was filled with fresh water and replicated feed.

Once the doors had been closed and the forcefield taken down to let the Targs roam free Cat listened; with her arms crossed and leaning against a bulk head; whilst the older Cardassian/ Bajoran women had explained in the time honoured way of speaking LOUDLY and SLOWLY at someone whose native language was different to theirs EXACTLY what would happen to the Klingon crew looking after the animals if the pit wasn't cleaned out every week and the sawdust, straw and wallowing water replaced.

The hand movements and 'snipping' motion really drove home her meaning.

After that the cleaning crew had left with a friendly wave to Catherine and credits in their pocket.  After giving the pylon another check Cat went to have a proper cup of tea and a nice sit down and put a call to her favourite Klingon gagh transporter.

All in all, Cat thought to herself, it been a rather good 48 hours.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening of day 1]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 28, 2020, 03:50:05 AM

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening day 1]

As the first class wrapped up, the Denobulan took the last few minutes to answer questions. The first of which was about postnatal care of the baby.  Rayek knew that was scheduled to be discussed in full in two weeks time so he expected the instructer to put it off but surprisingly the Denobulan didn't.   Instead the man spoke about how important the first fifteen to twenty minutes were for helping the baby transition

The Bajoran woman who had asked the initial question hung off the Denobulan's every word, as he went on to explain how to hold a baby. "The majority of humanoid babies have enlarged heads for the size of their body... this makes holding their own head up difficult at first... therefore they need assistance.  The baby's head has to always be supported until it's neck is strong enough to support its weight on it's own.  This can take several months. If you like Mrs. Faza, after class I can demonstrate this for you and you can practice it."
A few more questions were asked regarding the topic of late pregnancy before Dennix announced that the class was over but offered to show any who wished to stay, how to hold a newborn. 

The human and Karemma couple bid their goodbyes after Dennix had wrapped up the class and left soon after. Tess, her hand in Rayek's, was heading towards the exit but her curious glance stopped at Dennix as he produced a baby doll - which looked stunningly real - and spoke to the Fazas about the fear of soon-to-be parents to break their baby.

Tess listened, intrigued. She looked to Rayek excitedly. "Can we stay to watch this?", she asked quietly.
Dennix looked up and moved a little, wordlessly making some space for Tess and Rayek should they choose to join them. He put down the baby, that was swaddled in a blanket. "Alright, so you're supposed to support the baby's neck and head whenever you pick him up. It's easiest if you do that with one hand, supporting the neck, head and spine ..." Dennix did just that as he spoke, scooping the baby up expertedly with one hand, "and tuck your other hand under his bottom for additional support. Don't worry if you touch the fontanelles, they're well protected by a sturdy membrane."
Dennix stood there, holding the baby while securely supporing the head and neck. He then put it down again, smiling to both the Fazas and Rayek and Tess. "Have a try."
Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - morning of day 2]

The talk about the lacking cleanliness on some Klingon ships had Tess's stomach turn. She usually wasn't squeamish about these kind of things, especially when just talked about, but in her current state it made her feel rather queasy. So she was glad when they moved on over this. She left the other half of her bagel untouched for the rest of the briefing.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 28, 2020, 03:50:05 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - morning of Day 2]

Tess' surprise at his presence in her mind, surprised him and without really intending to he became privy to her thoughts on the notion of permission.   Realizing belatedly that he hadn't made his question clear enough and that her affirmative answer hadn't been in answer to his question of permission, Rayek quickly left her mind and made mental note to apologize to her after the meeting.
The Captain's quiet buoyed reaction to his announcement seemed to confirm to Rayek that he'd made the right decision - at least according to the Captain.  The Romulan hoped he felt the same, or could at least feign it when they were a week into their journey and his worry over Tess would be likely overwhelming.
The Captain's suggestion for the officers going to book time in the holodeck to familiarize themselves with the Klingon ship consoles, prompted Rayek to pick up his PADD to book time for exactly that.  While he did this Lt Goodspeed inquired about a number of things... some of which were disturbing but all too true.  Cleanliness, Targs, and concern over Rhade.  Of the all three of the Captain's answers, only the ship cleaning was a positive.
When the meeting ended rather than hurry to leave Rayek asked Tess if she could stay a moment.  Alone, he apologized for his mistake in not making his question clear earlier.  "I would not have read your thoughts if I had not thought I had your permission."

Being asked to stay a moment after the meeting, Tess turned to Rayek with an idea what he wanted to talk to her about. His apology was met with a smile. "Thank you, I appreciate that." She briefly thought back to times when Rayek surely would have chosen to act differently in such a situation. "It was a misunderstanding." Tess was completely trustful when it came to Rayek. She generally was, which sometimes turned out to be a weakness of hers. She tried to learn from Rayek's cautiousness. They both could learn from each other which was a beautiful thing.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]
+ NPCs Lt. Fabiano Moreno (Science) and Cadet Benjin Moreno (Flight)
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 28, 2020, 03:50:05 AM

The next two days was spent learning all he could of the Klingon ship, the Crystalline Entity and Tholian politics. His evenings, in contrast, were spent with Tess and family as much as possible.  He even invited Benjin and Fabiano over for dinner.  Rayek knew Fabiano would of course look after Tess, while he was away, that much was a given.. yet still the Romulan felt compelled to ask.

Tess was clearing the table from their dinner - she had insisted doing it -, stacking the plates together to return them to the recycler while Benjin played with Thrafv, the little Cardassian ferret.

Fabiano sat with Rayek in the living room area on the sofa when his son-in-law asked him to look after his daughter while he was away. Fabiano knew that it wasn't always easy handling ones duties and family. He understood Rayek's decision to go, all the more so having caught a little of the background regarding his conflict of loyalty with Captain Solluk.

That Rayek offered for him to stay here with Tess to look after her. Fabiano nodded, glancing to Tess briefly. "I definitely agree. I will arrange everything for a stay here." He smiled at Rayek, happy to help him feel better about it. He rested a hand on Rayek's shoulder and squeezed it fatherly. "It will be okay, you'll see. And you have an actual kitchen here, I might get to cook for my daughter, just like in the old days!" He leaned forward to grin at Tess. "Si, bella?"

"Si, si", Tess chuckled as she joined them on the sofa, sitting down next to Rayek with a content sigh as she leaned against him. "What have you both been talking about?", she grinned. Benjin had kept her busy with pestering her some more about his assignment. She still had not decided on it yet. She'd have to do it, soon.

NPC Raiden A. Darrow (Medical)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Morgue - Day 3 - Noon]

Raiden was assigned to work the Gamma shift which explained that he as yet had not met his new room mate yet. Not that he cared much. In fact, he was pretty satisfied with that arrangement.

However, despite the fact that this time of the day should have been his time off duty, Raiden had been tipped off by Crewman Melanie Harwegh that a Nausicaan had come in and that it seemed to ne an interesting case. Raiden needn't to be asked twice.

When Raiden entered the morgue he found Crewman Herwegh smiling at him. "Didn't waste any time, eh?", she giggled. Raiden barely registered what she said as he had set his eyes already on the body lying on one of the examining tables, so Melanie's question was left unanswered.

As he drew nearer to the corpse, so did Melanie, looking between Raiden and body a little insecure. "He was found on the promenade", she shared another bit of information. "You know, in that vacant area that is sectioned off, where no businesses are yet."

Raiden ignored her as he started to walk slowly around the table, trying to take in every single bit of information he could make out with the naked eye. He liked to do that before he took to hand a tricorder or other devices because he found sometimes they dragged his attention away from something less obvious but not less important.
Eventually, after he had taken in every bit of visual information - everything screamed at him that something had gone wrong with the Nausicaan's breathing (green dried froth) - he straightened up and directed his piercing state that had been on the body a moment ago on the young crewman. "Deck 14, Delta quad. Section 10 maybe?" Raiden had memorized every corner of the station with a technique he had learned in young ages.

Melanie made sheep eyes at him as she grinned. "That's right. How did you know that?"

"Was the logical choice." To commit a murder, anyways. The green coloring of the dried froth suggested poisoning.

Melanie meanwhile stared at him, fiddling nervously with her fingers. "Um, Raiden ... I was wondering maybe ... if you, you know ... would like to drink a coffee sometime?"

"Yes, two sugars, please." Turning his back on her he grabbed a PADD to begin his work.

Melanie stared dumbfounded at the curly mop of hair, disappointment screaming from her face as she went off.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Kal on July 27, 2020, 11:36:36 PM

"Qagh can't be replicated," he told her. "Been serving on USS Liberty taught me to adjust," he told her. "You know I met Captain Solluk. He had mentioned about a exchange officer with a Klingon ship. I would not mind that mission. You could try Klingon cuisine," he grinned. There was no sharp teeth to show like a Klingon.

Flo came over with old fashion paper pad and pencil. The witty human brought up by Klingons was looking at it. "This is not paper, darlin' its data pad too look like paper and pencil. You like it?" she asked.

"Its different, missus," he replied trying to sound like her southern accent.

She giggled. "You sort of almost got it, but slower," she told him. "What can I get you, honey?"

That stomped Kal. "Honey. No. I don't want honey?" he said.

"Gosh he is a funny. Honey is a saying, like darlin'" she told him.

"All right. I like to have sausage, like my honey here," he said. He had to use the word. Man if a Klingon had him say that he be beat up. There was this human behavior effect him being around them.

Flo winked at Zex. "You got an interesting date here, hon," she smiled as she walked away with her little bounce.

"To answer your question sweets. I do not know. I was brought up by Klingon. I ate like Klingon. Then when I got into Starfleet I had cadets asking me to try their food. I had potato chips. Weird. You have one and you want another. Like cookies," he paused. "Speaking of chips I want some now. See? Human food has this effect on you."

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe]

"I've had klingon food.  I simply don't eat living beings.  But stewed gagh is ok, as long as it is cleaned before cooked.  It reminds me of some seafoods I have tried.  Oh, and I adore prune juice" she replied.

"Yes, the talk about a possible joint mission is currently going on as we speak.  Hopefully they will come to an agreement and the mission will be a go.  That is my hope at least" she said.

"I'm hoping to be included on that mission too.  I will be my first away mission since being assigned here.  How knows, maybe we will both get to go" she said before Flo arrived.  Zex simply smiled in response to the woman joke.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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