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S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Day 4 - Morning - Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Noh'ves gaze felt like cold steel daggers, but Solluk met the reproachful look with a mostly serene one of his own.  He had learned, over the course of the past 48 hours, that he had taken a misstep with the Klingon Captain.  The Counselor had explained it to him:  Noh'ves had issued a challenge to see if Solluk was up to the task of managing Klingons.  Solluk had been meant to respond with violence, which would have demonstrated his understanding of the culture.

Instead, he had replied placatingly... a sign of weakness.

"It would have been easier if he'd just told me what I needed to do," Solluk had thought.  But then, that would perhaps have defeated the purpose of the test.

Having already failed the man's test, he had clearly lost some of the man's respect.  But more than that, Noh'ves must be feeling anxiety about leaving his ship in the hands of an ignorant foreigner.  Solluk knew that only by returning the ship safely after a successful mission, could he hope to regain the man's respect and trust.

Solluk shifted his gaze from the Klingon and held up his PADD, reading from it.  The room was much fuller than usual.  Both KDF and Starfleet officers had gathered in the OCC for the ceremony.

"Attention to Orders!  To Captain Solluk, Commanding Officer, Katra Station. You are hereby requested and required to relinquish command of your post to Captain Noh'ves of the Klingon Defense Force, persuant to a specially authorized Officer Exchange Program.  Signed, Admiral Portnoy, Gamma Quadrant Regional Command, Starfleet."

Solluk lowered the PADD, and locked eyes with Noh'ves once more.  "Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Noh'ves. Voice authorization: Sigma Sigma Nine Five Alpha One."

The computer announced, "Transfer complete. Katra Station now under command of Captain Noh'ves."

Noh'ves finally spoke, "I relieve you, Captain."

Solluk suddenly felt a swell of anxiety.  It seemed that he, too, had misgivings about surrendering his Command.  His voice cracked slightly as he replied, "I stand relieved."

Noh'ves gaze narrowed slightly.  Another speck of evidence for Solluk's inadequacy.  But then the hardness of his gaze seemed to lift.  "The arrow is in the wind," he said.  He lifted his hand in the Vulcan way, "Live long and Prosper, Captain Solluk."

Solluk's eyes widened slightly in surprise.  After a short moment, he replied, "Qapla', HoD Noh'ves."

IKS LoD Qan - Bridge - 30 minutes later

The Executive Officer of the LoD Qan glared ruefully around the bridge, as though daring anyone to challenge him.  A Bajoran earring hung from one earlobe, and ridges adorned his nose, suggesting a mixed heritage.

"I am K'mpoc, Son of Rowf, sworn to the House of Voch.  I hold the rank of la'.  la' has a meaning akin to Commander in your former service.  I am the Executive Officer of the LoD Qan.  Who will bring me the record of battle for this vessel and her crew?"

The Klingon looked over the faces of the Starfleet officers present, who would be serving as department heads aboard the ship during the voyage.  Only the Captain was absent, not yet having come onto the bridge.  K'mpoc's searching gaze stopped when he saw Rayek.  He seemed to expect that the Romulan would be the one to bring the ship's official record to him.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Zex on July 28, 2020, 05:09:19 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe]

"I've had klingon food.  I simply don't eat living beings.  But stewed gagh is ok, as long as it is cleaned before cooked.  It reminds me of some seafoods I have tried.  Oh, and I adore prune juice" she replied.

"Yes, the talk about a possible joint mission is currently going on as we speak.  Hopefully they will come to an agreement and the mission will be a go.  That is my hope at least" she said.

"I'm hoping to be included on that mission too.  I will be my first away mission since being assigned here.  How knows, maybe we will both get to go" she said before Flo arrived.  Zex simply smiled in response to the woman joke.

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

Kal was impressed that the pretty Daltan had liked Klingon food. This was quit interesting. First impression he thought she like fluffy and fruity things.

He was confused. "Prune juice...Never had that before. Perhaps I can try it."

"I was once on a Klingon battle cruiser once when I was young. You might not find it all like Starfleet. The crew quarters are much smaller and the bedding might not be comfortable. You even might have to keep a tight lip. Complaining would be frowned much by a Klingon warrior. You might find yourself in a fight on it," he explained.

"I had always wanted to serve on a Klingon cruiser. I had joined Starfleet cause Klingon life was what I wanted, but I was not made to be one. I think like one. I eat like one. I serve like one. I fight like one. I do what a Klingon warrior would do," he leaned his chin on the right fist where he leaned his elbow on the table. "I don't have the Klingon warrior skin. I think I would died many times. If I served on a Klingon battle cruiser I would die honor, but not to long," he gave a Klingon laugh. Then raised both eye brows. "See. I can laugh like one."

He sat back in his chair. "Why in the Targ's jaws I share that to you?" he asked. "Serving on the Klingon ship you need to be discipline. Serve with great honor. If you choose to take someone position you must face them to face and fight them. You can imagine the Commander of the ship. Everyone would want that position. I would not mind it. Then you be in hot seat.  Yes. One person said Klingons are like wild wolf pack on Earth. You work together but you want to be top at the same time. The spirit of the Klingon is a privilege. I would be honored to serve with you."

[Day 4 - Morning - Katra Station - Operational Control Center]


Noh'ves gaze felt like cold steel daggers, but Solluk met the reproachful look with a mostly serene one of his own.  He had learned, over the course of the past 48 hours, that he had taken a misstep with the Klingon Captain.  The Counselor had explained it to him:  Noh'ves had issued a challenge to see if Solluk was up to the task of managing Klingons.  Solluk had been meant to respond with violence, which would have demonstrated his understanding of the culture.

Instead, he had replied placatingly... a sign of weakness.

"It would have been easier if he'd just told me what I needed to do," Solluk had thought.  But then, that would perhaps have defeated the purpose of the test.

Having already failed the man's test, he had clearly lost some of the man's respect.  But more than that, Noh'ves must be feeling anxiety about leaving his ship in the hands of an ignorant foreigner.  Solluk knew that only by returning the ship safely after a successful mission, could he hope to regain the man's respect and trust.

Solluk shifted his gaze from the Klingon and held up his PADD, reading from it.  The room was much fuller than usual.  Both KDF and Starfleet officers had gathered in the OCC for the ceremony.

"Attention to Orders!  To Captain Solluk, Commanding Officer, Katra Station. You are hereby requested and required to relinquish command of your post to Captain Noh'ves of the Klingon Defense Force, persuant to a specially authorized Officer Exchange Program.  Signed, Admiral Portnoy, Gamma Quadrant Regional Command, Starfleet."

Solluk lowered the PADD, and locked eyes with Noh'ves once more.  "Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Noh'ves. Voice authorization: Sigma Sigma Nine Five Alpha One."

The computer announced, "Transfer complete. Katra Station now under command of Captain Noh'ves."

Noh'ves finally spoke, "I relieve you, Captain."

Solluk suddenly felt a swell of anxiety.  It seemed that he, too, had misgivings about surrendering his Command.  His voice cracked slightly as he replied, "I stand relieved."

Noh'ves gaze narrowed slightly.  Another speck of evidence for Solluk's inadequacy.  But then the hardness of his gaze seemed to lift.  "The arrow is in the wind," he said.  He lifted his hand in the Vulcan way, "Live long and Prosper, Captain Solluk."

Solluk's eyes widened slightly in surprise.  After a short moment, he replied, "Qapla', HoD Noh'ves."

Deep inside Jimrec had wished he was on the Starbase. It was to see Noh'ves at work. How an honor to be under his command would be a treasure of education. He could even aid the other crew members how to be like a Klingon and serve Noh'ves.

What he understood that Noh'ves had viewed Starfleet guides on how to run Starfleet. This was something he would love to witness, but he had wanted to serve on a Klingon ship. How he wished he could clone himself to be two places at once.


[IKS LoD Qan - Bridge - 30 minutes later]

The Executive Officer of the LoD Qan glared ruefully around the bridge, as though daring anyone to challenge him.  A Bajoran earring hung from one earlobe, and ridges adorned his nose, suggesting a mixed heritage.

Ensign Kal saw the half breed Klingon. That he was not prepared to see anything of the likes. The fellow had Bajoran and Klingon. He was more Klingon then himself. He was little jealous. A little threaten by him too. What would be the chance if he tried to take his position. Would the Captain allow it? Hmm. The Klingon training spirit was sitting in his heart think about it. Like a wolf sitting and studying a prey.

"I am K'mpoc, Son of Rowf, sworn to the House of Voch.  I hold the rank of Sogh.  Sogh has a meaning akin to Lieutenant for us, yet it is a level of authority like Commander in your former service.  I am the Executive Officer of the LoD Qan.  Who will bring me the record of battle for this vessel and her crew?"

The Klingon looked over the faces of the Starfleet officers present, who would be serving as department heads aboard the ship during the voyage.  Only the Captain was absent, not yet having come onto the bridge.  K'mpoc's searching gaze stopped when he saw Rayek.  He seemed to expect that the Romulan would be the one to bring the ship's official record to him.

Jimrec stood there and he wished he had it. Just to be able to step up the K'mpoc presence to show he was not he had a warrior spirit in him. He stood proud with his sash. He was wearing his Klingon armor too. It felt good wearing it. It was like being Sto-va-kar the place where the Klingon warrior spirit will go to continue his honor battle.

He was living a dream. On the other hand, it frighten him he would not actually go to Sto-va-kar he was not blood by birth. So he was not exact sure where his spirit would go. It was birthed from humans who raised him a little, but he was left with Godparents who where Klingon. Was there a resting place for his soul? He had never gave that a thought. No. He had no time for such thinking.

He was a warrior. He was Starfleet first, but warrior at second. He had to focus on NOW for the present can be like a crazy woman who sweeps you off your feet to do her biding on you without a action.

L'mar Camili Rhade

[ Ensign L'mar Rhade ] | [ Trialus Starlifter ] - Day 2

In the time it took Brian to land, and the two of them to get out, a new canister was attached. Another pilot was standing ready to climb in and make another trip back to Katra Station. A constant flow of departing and arriving Sphinx workbees could be seen as Rhade and Brian made their way to the shuttlebay exit.

"How often do people get a brrreak?" L'mar asked as he watched the crew work, though just shy of a sense of urgency he could tell from the temperature in the bay being lower. The crew members had loosened their jackets and had their necks exposed, both male and female and other.

Flight deck teams were busy refuelling the Sphinxes and some were being worked on by engineers while one had been somewhat taken apart. It seemed that replacement parts were being put on. Rhade wanted to jump in to help but he equally wanted to see the rest of the Starlifter first, then he would pitch in.

"Not often, with Katra relying on us to keep their self-sufficiency at peak there is a constant flow of deliveries. Though everyone gets a rostered day off. An additional half day off is up for grabs every week with certain conditions that have to be met. Incentives if you will." Brian explained as the duo walked the corridors to Main Engineering first.

Rhade nodded, incentives are a great motivator and reward for hard workers. He'd have to discuss this with Lieutenant Goodspeed to see how they could apply it to Katra Station Engineering department. "When did it starrrt?" L'mar asked.

"As soon as I was placed in charge." Brian answered, "I had it planned out but it was difficult to make it work for Katra."

Ah, there it is. L'mar thought. He would ask later as to what Brian's ideas were and offer them along with his own to Goodspeed. "Wherrre to?" L'mar queried.

"Main Engineering." Brian said after they entered the turbolift and both grinned.



Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk looked at himself in the mirror.

He could not help but feel that he looked ludicrous.  But he was an object in motion, and would see this out.  His reading of past officer exchange mission logs had informed him that a change of uniform was not required when engaging in the program.  However, Solluk had decided that a Klingon crew would not respect a Captain wearing a Starfleet uniform.  As such, he'd replicated an approved KDF uniform design, and then had the tailor on the promenade make adjustments to perfect the fit.

The fit was perfect.  It just didn't feel right.

As he tugged uselessly at the bottom of the armored jacket in a vain attempt to make his mind accept what it was seeing, the door chime rang.

He smiled slightly, despite his anxiety.

One last pleasant duty before he embarked on a foreign-exchange undercover adventure.  He went to his desk to take a small box, and then turned to face the door.  "NuqneH?!"   The translator would render it as 'what do you want?'  It was the Klingon form of acknowledging someone.

He might as well get into practice, after all.

In twenty minutes, he'd be on the bridge of his new ship.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Captain's quarters - Morning of day 4]

Quote from: Solluk on July 29, 2020, 12:01:16 PM

Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk looked at himself in the mirror.

He could not help but feel that he looked ludicrous.  But he was an object in motion, and would see this out.  His reading of past officer exchange mission logs had informed him that a change of uniform was not required when engaging in the program.  However, Solluk had decided that a Klingon crew would not respect a Captain wearing a Starfleet uniform.  As such, he'd replicated an approved KDF uniform design, and then had the tailor on the promenade make adjustments to perfect the fit.

The fit was perfect.  It just didn't feel right.

As he tugged uselessly at the bottom of the armored jacket in a vain attempt to make his mind accept what it was seeing, the door chime rang.

He smiled slightly, despite his anxiety.

One last pleasant duty before he embarked on a foreign-exchange undercover adventure.  He went to his desk to take a small box, and then turned to face the door.  "NuqneH?!"   The translator would render it as 'what do you want?'  It was the Klingon form of acknowledging someone.

He might as well get into practice, after all.

In twenty minutes, he'd be on the bridge of his new ship.

Tess had enjoyed the transfer of command ceremony, it had been quite interesting to attend. At the same time Tess was a little bit nervous about the time she'd spend with Noh'ves in command. She hoped things would go smooth.

She knew Solluk was expected to board the Klingon cruiser, so Tess was surprised when he called her to a meeting - in his quarters. She assumed he might have some final instructions for her, although technically he wasn't in command anymore at this point. So maybe just a few words of advice?

Shortly after she had chimed the door bell of Solluk's quarters she was called inside - though she was pretty sure it was Klingon she heard the Captain speak. She smiled to herself, thinking that be might prepare himself to serve on a Klingon ship for the time being. When she entered though, she saw that Solluk seemed to try to feel the role completely.

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise as she let out a small laugh, eying Solluk in his Klingon uniform. "Trying to get a feel for the mission?", she asked, approaching. "It suits you", she smiled.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk looked down at himself for a moment.

"You think so?  I fear I am suffering from what our Counselor would call 'Impostor Syndrome.'"  He sighed, "But as the humans say, 'Dress for the job you want.'"

He gestured for her to come in and feel at ease, and went to the replicator alcove in his room.  "I have every expectation of returning from this mission successfully," he said, punching up an order for a ritual-appropriate Vulcan tea set.

It materialized, and he carried it to a small dining table.  Setting down the tea set, he took a small plasma lighter and lit a golden pyramid-shaped candle that was part of the set.  It was not a normal candle one might employ for romantic ambiance, but rather one used for sacred ceremonies.  In this case, it was a statement of understanding between two people:  The pyramid represented ascending knowledge.  The light, a shared illumination.

It was, perhaps, the closest thing Vulcans had to a 'friendship bracelet.'

"However, on such a dangerous assignment, one must prepare for alternative possibilities."  As he spoke, he poured tea into the singular azure cup that was part of the set.  His movements were delicate and precise.  This was no casual drink between colleagues.

"I recently set something into motion that would ensure that my preferred successor would claim this station, in the event that anything should happen to me.  I once had some illusions about who that might be.  But past experience did not prepare me for the wonders of my emerging reality.  It is hard to recognize the Sun, after all, until it rises above the horizon and lights up the world."

He lifted the azure cup, and sipped from it.

Then he lowered the cup, wiping the rim with a delicate cloth that was part of the replicated tea set.

"Once you see their light, you can never mistake your Suns for any other stars."

He held out the cup to her.

"Starfleet did not hesitate when I asked.  They, too, recognize the Sun when they see it.  You are no longer a Lieutenant Commander, Commander.  You are the one whose light can be trusted to illuminate Katra, if duty or destiny ever comes to claim me."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Captain's quarters - Morning of day 4]

Quote from: Solluk on July 29, 2020, 01:16:12 PM

Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk looked down at himself for a moment.

"You think so?  I fear I am suffering from what our Counselor would call 'Impostor Syndrome.'"  He sighed, "But as the humans say, 'Dress for the job you want.'"

He gestured for her to come in and feel at ease, and went to the replicator alcove in his room.  "I have every expectation of returning from this mission successfully," he said, punching up an order for a ritual-appropriate Vulcan tea set.

It materialized, and he carried it to a small dining table.  Setting down the tea set, he took a small plasma lighter and lit a golden pyramid-shaped candle that was part of the set.  It was not a normal candle one might employ for romantic ambiance, but rather one used for sacred ceremonies.  In this case, it was a statement of understanding between two people:  The pyramid represented ascending knowledge.  The light, a shared illumination.

It was, perhaps, the closest thing Vulcans had to a 'friendship bracelet.'

"However, on such a dangerous assignment, one must prepare for alternative possibilities."  As he spoke, he poured tea into the singular azure cup that was part of the set.  His movements were delicate and precise.  This was no casual drink between colleagues.

"I recently set something into motion that would ensure that my preferred successor would claim this station, in the event that anything should happen to me.  I once had some illusions about who that might be.  But past experience did not prepare me for the wonders of my emerging reality.  It is hard to recognize the Sun, after all, until it rises above the horizon and lights up the world."

He lifted the azure cup, and sipped from it.

Then he lowered the cup, wiping the rim with a delicate cloth that was part of the replicated tea set.

"Once you see their light, you can never mistake your Suns for any other stars."

He held out the cup to her.

"Starfleet did not hesitate when I asked.  They, too, recognize the Sun when they see it.  You are no longer a Lieutenant Commander, Commander.  You are the one whose light can be trusted to illuminate Katra, if duty or destiny ever comes to claim me."

Tess smiled at Solluk and at his wordless prompt she stepped in closer while she let her gaze wander about subtly. She can't remember ever been in Solluk's quarters and as she curious person she was she couldn't resist to see how he lived when he wasn't at the OCC or in his Ready Room.

Him walking to the replicator alcove caught her attention. She assumed he'd ask her if and what she wanted to drink, but instead he turned back to her carrying something different entirely. Her eyes took in what she saw, the golden pyramid candle claiming most of her attention while Solluk went on and lit said candle. Tess looked up a little confused but also curious.

She listened carefully as he spoke about dangerous assignments and his preferred successor of the station in case something happened to him. All the while Tess watched him as he poured tea into a small azur cup. The way he was setting this up auggested to her that it was something special. It felt almost solemn. Her eyes moved back to his face when he mentioned something along the lines that reality showed him that his preferred successor had only been an illusion. Tess broke eye contact briefly. It was obvious to her that he was talking about Rayek and it made the turmoil of emotions that lay behind her - behind all of them most likely - welling up again.

When he paused to take a small sip from the azur cup, Tess looked at him attentively, trying to figure out where this was going. He wiped the cup that belonged to the ceremony set and continued his allegory with the sun. Tess' hands came up automatically to accept the cup from him as she looked at him insecure. Realization then dawned when he made her the key to the allegory. Being flattered was probably not the way to feel during a promotion but she couldn't help it. It was the nicest way a superior could have expressed his trust in his subordinate.

It took Tess a second to process all of it, Solluk's words and the special ceremony he had set up for this. But then she smiled widely and first thing took a sip of her own from the azure cup, thinking it was only proper to honor the ceremony. "Thank you", she said quietly - and fought back tears because she was so moved by this. Oh dear. She really was emotional so quickly during her pregnancy. She blushed a little as she tried to collect herself. "I appreciate this ... all of this, very much. I promise I will do my best to not let you down. Though I hope you'll stay with us, you are the one who helps us making our light shine after all. Or granting a chance to shine again after the fire dared to die out." She smiled knowingly at him and then bowed a little with both on her hands on the cup to show respect and appreciation before setting it back down carefully.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Kal on July 29, 2020, 01:17:45 AM

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

Kal was impressed that the pretty Daltan had liked Klingon food. This was quit interesting. First impression he thought she like fluffy and fruity things.

He was confused. "Prune juice...Never had that before. Perhaps I can try it."

"I was once on a Klingon battle cruiser once when I was young. You might not find it all like Starfleet. The crew quarters are much smaller and the bedding might not be comfortable. You even might have to keep a tight lip. Complaining would be frowned much by a Klingon warrior. You might find yourself in a fight on it," he explained.

"I had always wanted to serve on a Klingon cruiser. I had joined Starfleet cause Klingon life was what I wanted, but I was not made to be one. I think like one. I eat like one. I serve like one. I fight like one. I do what a Klingon warrior would do," he leaned his chin on the right fist where he leaned his elbow on the table. "I don't have the Klingon warrior skin. I think I would died many times. If I served on a Klingon battle cruiser I would die honor, but not to long," he gave a Klingon laugh. Then raised both eye brows. "See. I can laugh like one."

He sat back in his chair. "Why in the Targ's jaws I share that to you?" he asked. "Serving on the Klingon ship you need to be discipline. Serve with great honor. If you choose to take someone position you must face them to face and fight them. You can imagine the Commander of the ship. Everyone would want that position. I would not mind it. Then you be in hot seat.  Yes. One person said Klingons are like wild wolf pack on Earth. You work together but you want to be top at the same time. The spirit of the Klingon is a privilege. I would be honored to serve with you."

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

"Yeah.  Beja, our chief counselor recommended it to me.  She is of klingon decent.  Have you met her yet?" Zex replied.

She poured some syrup over her waffle while Kal talked.  Then cut it up into bites sized pieces.  Then she did the same with her sausage.

"I've hear stories abut living on a Klingon vessel.  It was harder for woman, or so I have read.  Was that your experience too?" she asked.

The more he talked about the hardship of being on a klingon ship she had to wonder if it would be the same now - for her.  If the joint mission was approved.  If she was get picked to go.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Paul Wessex

Evening of Day 2>

Ensign Paul Wessex rubbed a hand over his tired face. The more he thought about past events, the more detail he realised he needed to add to the report he'd submit to the Security Chief. Some things just didn't add up. He could understand a Nausicaan and an Orion, albeit an adolescent, being in some kind of racket, but trying to murder a Starfleet Officer over a shoplifted pair of sandals? Either they were some rare FabergÁ© footware, or some Great Shoe Plague had made such items profitable in the extreme. But that wasn't all - that same Nausicaan preferred to commit suicide with their own to-be murder weapon rather than be brought in for questioning.

The transport manifest had revealed his name was Tvenigah. His travelling companion - his brother - was Tymeth, not the Orion boy that Paul had assumed was the target of his assailant's overly protective attitude.

So on one hand we had a network of thieves using modified escape hatches to operate their activities on the station, and on the other a pair of Nausicaans that ond had opted to 'off' a member of station security before ultimately deciding to turn such methods upon himself.

And to top it all off, the shop had insisted that they did not want an investigation into the theft.

That last part, was, tough luck on their part: Paul was hardly going to permit such a criminal apparatus operate with the tacit complicit of inaction.

He blew out a breath, and bundled the final details into the report and sent the package to tr'Lhoell. No doubt he would want to speak to Wessex at the morning briefing. The review of the sensor log footage could wait. He was tired. A little sore. And not a little annoyed that he couldn't tie this off with a nice bow; running a Security team on subships and aquacities seemed to be a lot less trouble.

No, that wasn't strictly true. But at least they were familiar. He certainly didn't remember being this out of his depth for a long time.

The unintended metaphor drew a tired smile from him, and so he took it - and himself - to his quarters.

Morning of Day 3>

Refreshed, if not mollified, Paul straightened his uniform as he left his quarters, still none the wiser as to the identity of his roommate. What he did note, however, was that Ensign Raiden had a tendency to root through his belongings in the times they missed each other. Not maliciously, he decided, but more akin to an animal sniffing out a potential threat. His items were moved - inspected - and replaced, but not exactly in the same position. Not untidily either. But enough to be deliberately noticed as being out of place. A message, then. That, or this Raiden really didn't care if he crossed personal boundaries.

Fortunately, Wessex was used to not having much privacy. NavPat subships weren't as vast or as expansive as StarFleet starships; and while space wasn't exactly at a premium, they did tend to bring the crew a little closer together, officers and ratings alike. Not to mention the experience of sharing a berth with Midshipman Albert Michaels during his training at the Europa Naval Training School oh so many years ago now.

The events of the day before still bothered him, but what done was done. He'd see what the Chief would have to say, and go from there. But he'd have to admit, after reaching Lieutenant in the other service after a decent record, he didn't relish the notion of being chewed out as an Ensign all over again.

That ship better be worth this, he thought, reminding himself to keep his eyes focused on the prize.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Zex on July 29, 2020, 06:01:41 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

"Yeah.  Beja, our chief counselor recommended it to me.  She is of klingon decent.  Have you met her yet?" Zex replied.

"No, I have not met her. I had seen her name on the crew roster of Katra data base," he replied. It would be interesting to meet her. This was Starfleet he would respect her as an officer. If they seem not get along.

She poured some syrup over her waffle while Kal talked.  Then cut it up into bites sized pieces.  Then she did the same with her sausage.

"I've hear stories abut living on a Klingon vessel.  It was harder for woman, or so I have read.  Was that your experience too?" she asked.

The more he talked about the hardship of being on a klingon ship she had to wonder if it would be the same now - for her.  If the joint mission was approved.  If she was get picked to go.

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

Kal was about to tear the waffle in two pieces with his bare hands. Then he realized he had to be civilized by using a fork and knife. So he had decided to try the waffle with no syrup at first as he cut the pieces for himself. He was surprisingly had good table manners for eat waffles. He had eaten with mouth closed. "Hmm this is good."

Then Zex mentioned about sleeping conditions. "yIQongchu' pe'vIl qama'chugh," he told her in Klingon. Then he said in English  "I help you to find comfort  Klingon. Then you sleep well."

"Tell me something about you? Like how you become to joining Starfleet?" he asked her. There was good influence he had on the USS Liberty who helped him to act more like human and less Klingon.

Rayek trLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening of day 1]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 28, 2020, 04:02:27 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening of day 1]

The human and Karemma couple bid their goodbyes after Dennix had wrapped up the class and left soon after. Tess, her hand in Rayek's, was heading towards the exit but her curious glance stopped at Dennix as he produced a baby doll - which looked stunningly real - and spoke to the Fazas about the fear of soon-to-be parents to break their baby.

Tess listened, intrigued. She looked to Rayek excitedly. "Can we stay to watch this?", she asked quietly.[/color]

Dennix looked up and moved a little, wordlessly making some space for Tess and Rayek should they choose to join them. He put down the baby, that was swaddled in a blanket. "Alright, so you're supposed to support the baby's neck and head whenever you pick him up. It's easiest if you do that with one hand, supporting the neck, head and spine ..." Dennix did just that as he spoke, scooping the baby up expertedly with one hand, "and tuck your other hand under his bottom for additional support. Don't worry if you touch the fontanelles, they're well protected by a sturdy membrane."

Dennix stood there, holding the baby while securely supporting the head and neck. He then put it down again, smiling to both the Fazas and Rayek and Tess. "Have a try."

Rayek, of course agreed to the request to stay and watch, and both he and Tess drew nearer to observe.  Rayek had vague recollections of his parents bringing home his little sister first when he was five then a couple years later again, his infant brother.  He remembered having to look after his siblings later when they were toddlers and he was 10 but he didn't remember ever holding them as newborns.

Recognizing his lack of knowledge, Rayek paid close attention.

When the offer to give it a try was made, Rayek allowed the others to go before him and he watched where things looked awkward or uncertain so that when it came to his turn he felt more secure.  Seemingly all too soon it was Rayek's turn with Mr. Fasa handing over the doll carefully as if it were an actual child.

Accepting the babe from the Bajoran, Rayek made sure he kept support on the head during the hand-over.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - morning of day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 28, 2020, 04:02:27 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - morning of day 2]

Being asked to stay a moment after the meeting, Tess turned to Rayek with an idea what he wanted to talk to her about. His apology was met with a smile. "Thank you, I appreciate that." She briefly thought back to times when Rayek surely would have chosen to act differently in such a situation. "It was a misunderstanding." Tess was completely trustful when it came to Rayek. She generally was, which sometimes turned out to be a weakness of hers. She tried to learn from Rayek's cautiousness. They both could learn from each other which was a beautiful thing.

His wife was far too understand - calling his reading of her thoughts a 'misunderstanding'  Rayek made a mental note to himself to be much more direct, if there was a 'next time.'

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 28, 2020, 04:02:27 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]
+ NPCs Lt. Fabiano Moreno (Science) and Cadet Benjin Moreno (Flight)

Tess was clearing the table from their dinner - she had insisted doing it -, stacking the plates together to return them to the recycler while Benjin played with Thrafv, the little Cardassian ferret.

Fabiano sat with Rayek in the living room area on the sofa when his son-in-law asked him to look after his daughter while he was away. Fabiano knew that it wasn't always easy handling ones duties and family. He understood Rayek's decision to go, all the more so having caught a little of the background regarding his conflict of loyalty with Captain Solluk.

That Rayek offered for him to stay here with Tess to look after her. Fabiano nodded, glancing to Tess briefly. "I definitely agree. I will arrange everything for a stay here." He smiled at Rayek, happy to help him feel better about it. He rested a hand on Rayek's shoulder and squeezed it fatherly. "It will be okay, you'll see. And you have an actual kitchen here, I might get to cook for my daughter, just like in the old days!" He leaned forward to grin at Tess. "Si, bella?"

"Si, si", Tess chuckled as she joined them on the sofa, sitting down next to Rayek with a content sigh as she leaned against him. "What have you both been talking about?", she grinned. Benjin had kept her busy with pestering her some more about his assignment. She still had not decided on it yet. She'd have to do it, soon.

Rayek realized belated he should have conferred with her about these plans, first.  Owning up to his error Rayek remarked "I was attempting to secure Fabiano's assistance in looking after you while I am away.  I've asked him if he would be willing to stay here with you...though I probably should have checked with you first... perhaps you already had plans for maybe Saqa7 to stay over?"

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Morning of Day 3]

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 28, 2020, 07:03:48 AM

Evening of Day 2>
The report to Commander tr'Lhoell took longer than he had hoped - there was plenty of detail Paul wanted to cover in his submission, including stressing it had been his decision, as the leading officer, not to just apprehend the thief - he didn't know how tr'Lhoell run the Department, but if he was a hard, unforgiving taskmaster he'd rather it all fall on him, rather than Solen.

One escaped thief. One dead Nausicaan. Quite the entrance.

Rayek had received and read the Wessex' report last night.  He wasn't particularly pleased with the overall outcome or what it might suggest.  A dead Nausicaan - who had poisoned himself rather than accept capture..  a significant security concern.. not so much with the theft but with whatever major smuggling ring was occurring between levels and in these hiding places.

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander tr'Lhoell to Ensign Wessex.  Report office 214, to discuss your most recent report." =/\=

Quote from: Solluk on July 28, 2020, 07:12:12 PM

Day 4 - Morning - Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Noh'ves gaze felt like cold steel daggers, but Solluk met the reproachful look with a mostly serene one of his own.  He had learned, over the course of the past 48 hours, that he had taken a misstep with the Klingon Captain.  The Counselor had explained it to him:  Noh'ves had issued a challenge to see if Solluk was up to the task of managing Klingons.  Solluk had been meant to respond with violence, which would have demonstrated his understanding of the culture.

Instead, he had replied placatingly... a sign of weakness.

"It would have been easier if he'd just told me what I needed to do," Solluk had thought.  But then, that would perhaps have defeated the purpose of the test.

Having already failed the man's test, he had clearly lost some of the man's respect.  But more than that, Noh'ves must be feeling anxiety about leaving his ship in the hands of an ignorant foreigner.  Solluk knew that only by returning the ship safely after a successful mission, could he hope to regain the man's respect and trust.

Solluk shifted his gaze from the Klingon and held up his PADD, reading from it.  The room was much fuller than usual.  Both KDF and Starfleet officers had gathered in the OCC for the ceremony.

"Attention to Orders!  To Captain Solluk, Commanding Officer, Katra Station. You are hereby requested and required to relinquish command of your post to Captain Noh'ves of the Klingon Defense Force, persuant to a specially authorized Officer Exchange Program.  Signed, Admiral Portnoy, Gamma Quadrant Regional Command, Starfleet."

Solluk lowered the PADD, and locked eyes with Noh'ves once more.  "Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Noh'ves. Voice authorization: Sigma Sigma Nine Five Alpha One."

The computer announced, "Transfer complete. Katra Station now under command of Captain Noh'ves."

Noh'ves finally spoke, "I relieve you, Captain."

Solluk suddenly felt a swell of anxiety.  It seemed that he, too, had misgivings about surrendering his Command.  His voice cracked slightly as he replied, "I stand relieved."

Noh'ves gaze narrowed slightly.  Another speck of evidence for Solluk's inadequacy.  But then the hardness of his gaze seemed to lift.  "The arrow is in the wind," he said.  He lifted his hand in the Vulcan way, "Live long and Prosper, Captain Solluk."

Solluk's eyes widened slightly in surprise.  After a short moment, he replied, "Qapla', HoD Noh'ves."

IKS LoD Qan - Bridge - 30 minutes later

The Executive Officer of the LoD Qan glared ruefully around the bridge, as though daring anyone to challenge him.  A Bajoran earring hung from one earlobe, and ridges adorned his nose, suggesting a mixed heritage.

"I am K'mpoc, Son of Rowf, sworn to the House of Voch.  I hold the rank of la'.  la' has a meaning akin to Commander in your former service.  I am the Executive Officer of the LoD Qan.  Who will bring me the record of battle for this vessel and her crew?"

The Klingon looked over the faces of the Starfleet officers present, who would be serving as department heads aboard the ship during the voyage.  Only the Captain was absent, not yet having come onto the bridge.  K'mpoc's searching gaze stopped when he saw Rayek.  He seemed to expect that the Romulan would be the one to bring the ship's official record to him.

Much like how Nov'hes had been briefed ahead of time on the protocols of change of Command in Starfleet, the Starfleet officers had been provided an explanation of what was expected of them.   That Rayek was taking over the Tactical Department on the Klingon ship meant that he was in charge of the record of battle for the LoD Qan.  He had been shown where it was kept secure earlier that morning so that at this point he could present it properly.

Rayek stepped forward then went over to where the Klingon PADD was kept.  He picked it up, looked over it a moment before he presented himself to the Klingon Executive Officer.

"I, Rayek, son of Talen, newly assigned Weapons Officer of the LoD Qan, present to you the glorious record of the ship's honor."

On the Klingon PADD was supposed to be listed all the battles the ship had taken part in.  However, as the LoD Qan was a re-commissioned vessel under a new name, she had only two assignments thus far.   Transport the Ambassador from Klingon Territory to the Gamma Quadrant; and more recently her involvement in securing the rHealy from the replicants. Honestly, there wasn't much to brag about.  However, anticipating this, Rayek had prepared his own version of the 'record of battle' - listing the known successful battles that the Starfleet officers joining the Klingon crew had under their belt.

He pulled this secondary Klingon style PADD replicated on Katra and presented it to Sogh K'mpoc "and that of her crew, in hope that you will find us worthy of your leadership."  The list was rather extensive.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Paul Wessex


- Morning of Day 3>

Quote from: Rayek tr'Lhoell

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander tr'Lhoell to Ensign Wessex.  Report office 214, to discuss your most recent report." =/\=

Well here we go, Paul thought to himself as the not-unexpected call from his Department Head came in through his Starfleet combadge. He tapped the delta in reply, still feeling marginally foolish for doing so - in NavPat, the standard-issue comms device was in the ear. " =/\=Aye aye, sir. =/\="

Entering the turbolift, Paul stopped for a moment. Office 214? Where was that? "Computer, nearest deck to Office 214?"

"Office 214 is located on Deck 2."

Of course it was. "Deck 2, please."

The carriage hurtled up and moments later her stepped out. Fortunately, signage from this point was easy to follow and he made his way towards his destination, pressing the chime on the door to announce his arrival.

He was still confident that his actions had been the right one. It remained to be seen if tr'Lhoell felt the same way.

Hrafn Falleg

[Ujosso's Quarters - Katra Station - Morning of Day 3]

Ujosso Cunzicht and Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin

Ujosso laughed at Hrafn in fun as she reached into the back of her closet and pulled out her old uniform.

"No need to replicate, I served for 3 months before I became really ill when I was first pregnant.  As you know none of mine made it, and I got involved in teaching when my husband was killed... the rest as they say is history... Ah here we are..." she said shaking out a uniform.

"We're about the same size, so should fit you will enough to pass anything more than the sort of inspection only your husband should be performing!" the headmistress giggled.

"Try it on... go on!" Ujo urged.  "I almost wish I was going myself!"

Hrafn took off her tunic jacket and put on the Klingon one.  "Don't worry about the head ridges, the KDF do employ other races just not often, with your Scientific knowledge it would be perfectly reasonable that they would employ you as a specialist."

The result wasn't bad.

"Hmm, not something I could get used to..." Hrafn grumbled. "... too much metal this side of a KISS concert for my liking but, needs must! Least I don't have to do face paint!"

"Kiss?" the Klingon headmistress queried.

"KISS - not embracing with lips... it's a 20th Century rock band, glam rock... lots of platform boots, supposedly 'futuristic' metallic costumes...and lots of black and white face paint.  I don't think any of them had met a Klingon at that point but their outfits do echo KDF uniforms in some places!" the CSO chuckled.

"Hmm will have to look them up!" Ujosso smiled.

"Not really Klingon Opera, I mean songs like 'I was made for loving you.' and 'God Gave Rock n Roll to You;... but you might like them!  I always thought Thrash Metal was more in line with Klingon tendencies!"

"OI!  I'll have you know I listen to Brahms on occasion!" the headmistress grinned collapsing laughing. "How's your Klingon lately, you were a bit rusty last time you were here."

"batlh vIlegh 'e' vISovbe', 'ach vIlegh 'e' vISovbe'. pa'jIjDaq jIHeghlaHbe' tlhInganpu'. tlhIngan Hol vIchenmoHta' tlhIngan vIpIHtaHvIS." Hrafn replied on a laugh.

"Well, thanks for the loan of this, I'll see you when I get back, keep an eye on the kids for me although Crista pretty much has this down to a fine art, I'm sure she'd like the company, and a break so she can see her fiancÁ©!"

"You're welcome and ooh yeah I'd heard about her getting engaged.  So, have you met the intended yet?!  As for your Klingon... it needs work still!" Ujosso quizzed, grinning at the bad Klingon.

"Briefly, I intend having him round for a meal at some point, but I know the kids have met him and apparently McCavity and Mr Mestopheles were all over him... so were the kids... so that's a good indication.  I set a lot of store by what my kids and critters think of people!" Hrafn answered with a smile.

"No rest for the wicked, I'm just glad my headache settled.  Right..." she said giving the headmistress a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, I'll see you when I get back.  The kids have been begging for an Auntie Ujosso pizza, popcorn and movie night so... can we deny them?"

Grinning the Klingon answered.  "That's a date, and I promise to look after them and pop in to see them while you're away.  Qap'la!"

"Qap'la!  By the way what did I say before?!"

"Erm... something like 'I don't know what I'm willing to see, but I know not. Klingons cannot die in my room. I am not afraid of Klingon.'  I'm glad I'm going to be safe in your quarters and you're not afraid of me but.... "

Both women collapsed in giggles.  "Oh well, more practice needed.  Toodle Pip, Ujo, see you when I get back!"

She stepped out of the headmistress's quarters and tapped her commbadge.   =/\=Lt. Falleg-Tekin to Captain Solluk, Captain when and where should I report for the away mission? I have acquired suitable Klingon clothing, genuine, courtesy of Mrs Cunzicht, I wasn't sure if we were required to dress accordingly but was sure it wouldn't hurt. That said it's only marginally more comfortable than dress uniform!=/\= the Science Officer ended on a chuckle.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



Katra Station - Promenade - Day 3

The Promenade looked as bright and cheerful as always, but Solluk now knew there was a dark undercurrent to the goings-on here.  His new officer acquisition into Security was proving to be a boon already, having uncovered some previously undetected criminal conspiracy.

Solluk was glad to know Tess would be here to help manage the unfolding investigation.  Especially with a Klingon officer taking over Security matters, her hand would be needed to allow Wessex to operate with some degree of subtlety.

Solluk paused in his walk as a communication came in from his trusted Science Chief.  He chuckled at her comment and tapped his badge in response.

=/\= This is Solluk.  I was just on the way to collect my own uniform from the station tailor, Lieutenant.  Rest assured, protocol for exchange operations does not require a change of uniform.  But, perhaps like yourself, I felt it was warranted.

The senior staff will gather tomorrow morning for the transfer-of-command ceremony in the OCC, and then proceed to the Lod Qan.  I'll follow shortly thereafter, once the XO has performed his assessment of the crew and I handle one last important detail.  =/\=

Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk smiled softly at her return praise.  It was a rare gift to be not only respected by one's subordinates, but to find genuine affection in what could otherwise be a cold hierarchical command structure.  He set the tea cup upon the tray, and then produced a box from his pocket.

"If I may?" he asked, opening it to retrieve the pip inside.  He rarely offered to affix the pip himself.  But he felt this was a special moment warranting the personal touch.

He waited to be sure she would not mind before proceeding.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening of day 1]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 30, 2020, 04:45:58 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Birth Center - evening of day 1]

Rayek, of course agreed to the request to stay and watch, and both he and Tess drew nearer to observe.  Rayek had vague recollections of his parents bringing home his little sister first when he was five then a couple years later again, his infant brother.  He remembered having to look after his siblings later when they were toddlers and he was 10 but he didn't remember ever holding them as newborns.

Recognizing his lack of knowledge, Rayek paid close attention.

When the offer to give it a try was made, Rayek allowed the others to go before him and he watched where things looked awkward or uncertain so that when it came to his turn he felt more secure.  Seemingly all too soon it was Rayek's turn with Mr. Fasa handing over the doll carefully as if it were an actual child.

Accepting the babe from the Bajoran, Rayek made sure he kept support on the head during the hand-over.

Tess watched with a smile as Rayek took hold of the baby. It looked good how he did it and Dennix too expressed that to Rayek. Then it was Tess' turn, she carefully took the baby doll from Rayek, the grin on her face wide as she imagined how fabulous it would be once they could hold their baby like this. Dennix gave her a couple of hints how to better hold the baby and then he asked her to put it back down while he verbally assisted with how to do it best.

Soon Dennix then closed the class and Tess turned to leave with Rayek. She was glad that she had a feel for how to hold the baby now and she was looking forward to the actual lesson when they'd learn more.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 30, 2020, 04:45:58 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Rayek realized belated he should have conferred with her about these plans, first.  Owning up to his error Rayek remarked "I was attempting to secure Fabiano's assistance in looking after you while I am away.  I've asked him if he would be willing to stay here with you...though I probably should have checked with you first... perhaps you already had plans for maybe Saqa7 to stay over?" 

Tess smiled. "Oh. That's sweet, ciccino. Thank you." She kissed his cheek while her hand sought his. "Actually, I've been thinking the same." She looked at her father. "If you don't mind it?"

Fabiano shook his head. "Not at all, I already agreed when Rayek asked me a moment ago."

Tess smiled. "Awesome." She rubbed her thumb over the back of Rayek's hand as she looked back at him, the thought of him leaving for weeks was unpleasant. "I might take the opportunity and spend some more time with Saqa7", she told him about her thoughts. "She's excellent in providing distraction, plus I have neglected her a little recently as a friend. Might be good to make up for that."

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Captain's quarters - morning of day 4, after the transfer of command ceremony]
Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 11:44:05 AM

Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk smiled softly at her return praise.  It was a rare gift to be not only respected by one's subordinates, but to find genuine affection in what could otherwise be a cold hierarchical command structure.  He set the tea cup upon the tray, and then produced a box from his pocket.

"If I may?" he asked, opening it to retrieve the pip inside.  He rarely offered to affix the pip himself.  But he felt this was a special moment warranting the personal touch.

He waited to be sure she would not mind before proceeding.

Tess caught sight of the little black box she recognized immediately. She looked up at Solluk and nodded her head when he asked her for permission to affix the pip at her collar. It was the first time in her career under his command that he offered to do this instead of simply handing over the little box with the pip inside and Tess recognized it as something special as well.

"I'd be honored", she replied with a smile. She reached her hand up, felt for the half-pip at her collar to take it off and make space for the full pip that would replace it.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

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