S2 M8 - Seed of the Garden

Started by Solluk, July 13, 2020, 04:38:17 AM

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Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk carefully lifted the new pip into place, affixing it to her collar.

Not so many years ago, he had been a crewman on the Tempest.  Now, he was promoting someone to the rank of Commander.  Life was full of twists and turns.  So it would be for her, too.  She was still only just beginning the great voyage of her career.

"Congratulations, Commander t'Lhoell," he said standing back and smiling at her.

"Now... please make sure those Klingons do not wreck my station while I'm away."

He grinned, and nodded his head, "Dismissed, Commander."

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

K'mpoc took the offered record of battle.  In ancient times, such a thing had been a sacred scroll, or leatherbound log-book.  The times had changed, but the ceremony was largely the same.  He looked down at the screen, thumbing the scroll button.

It was mostly only a pantomime.  He knew very well what the record of this ship and its crew were.  But he did notice, at least, that Rayek had followed the proper forms.  And he had placed entries to highlight the notable feats of the crew.

"This ship has little honor," he proclaimed, "but it has a proud heritage.  This crew has seen little battle, but there are feats enough of note.  There is a foundation here upon which we can build.

I serve the Captain.  But I shall stand for you all.  We will bring glory and honor to the Old Man, and all shall sing songs of his victories."

The 'Old Man' was a mostly-accurate translation of the ship's name.  Something perhaps intended as a slight by a condescending yardmaster or someone even higher up the chain.  K'mpoc intended to reclaim the insult and make it a badge of honor, instead.

"Rayek, you are the Chief Tactical Officer.  You are also Sogh, a rank like Lieutenant.  You serve as this ship's Second Officer.  If I fail in my duty, then it becomes your duty to challenge and replace me.  If you deem me weak, cowardly, or treacherous, then you must face me in battle for the good of the ship."

He bared his teeth briefly, glaring at the Romulan, seemingly daring him to make a move.

Then he began to turn, looking from face to face.  "The same is true of you all.  It is a service to the Empire when the weak or unworthy are replaced by the strong and the competent."

His gaze came to rest on the trill.  "You are Third," he said to Hrafn, "lagh' is your rank. It translates roughly as Ensign. Chief Science Officer.

Eli, you shall also serve as lagh', and attend the Helm as our senior Helmsman.

Catherine, you shall hold the rank of lagh' also, and report to the Engine room as our Senior Engineer.  I know you have brought several of your team on board to assist with the field emissions.  They are bekk, or crewmen.  You may combine them with the Cloaking team, headed by Torpa bu'.  bu' is our word for Sergeant."

All of these rank titles were approximations, of course.

"Zex and Kal.  You both shall hold the lowest officer rank of ne'.   Zex, you shall take the auxiliary Science station and handle Communications.  You shall also be our liaison to the Tholian ambassador.  It is your duty to make sure the Tholian is content, and understands all that transpires.

Kal, I am placing you as our Chief Security Officer.  The Security troops await you in the training hall.  I hope your training in Klingon ways extends beyond the wearing of a sash.  If not, I doubt I shall see your face again."

Now he addressed them all at large, "Many of you will note that your ranks are different from what you are accustomed to.  It is the case that Klingons have use for fewer ranks than Starfleet.  Do not take offense if you find yourself 'demoted.'  It is only that our ranks hold more prestige than yours."

K'mpoc was clearly taking the time to explain things that would never be bothered with had he been assigned a Klingon crew.

Now he barked, "Stations!  Prepare the vessel for departure!  The Captain will arrive shortly.  He will find no malingerers here!"

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Captain's quarters - morning of day 4]

Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

Katra Station - Solluk's Quarters - Day 4

Solluk carefully lifted the new pip into place, affixing it to her collar.

Not so many years ago, he had been a crewman on the Tempest.  Now, he was promoting someone to the rank of Commander.  Life was full of twists and turns.  So it would be for her, too.  She was still only just beginning the great voyage of her career.

"Congratulations, Commander t'Lhoell," he said standing back and smiling at her.

"Now... please make sure those Klingons do not wreck my station while I'm away."

He grinned, and nodded his head, "Dismissed, Commander."

"Thank you, Captain", Tess nodded her head sharply, smiling.
His comment about the Klingons made her chuckle. "You have my word. And you make sure you'll get our officers back to the station safely." She smiled and then he dismissed her.

"Have a good trip, sir." She smiled once before before turning around and leaving the Captain's quarters. Stopping briefly, she inquired from the computer where her husband was. Turned out she just needed to walk down the corridor.

[>>> Deck 2 - Chief of Security's office]

Stopping in front of the door, Tess chimed the door bell. Once called inside she stepped in, smiling at her husband sitting at his desk busy with preparing for the mission it seemed.

She took a moment and just looked at him, her smile and face turning lugubrious, knowing she'd have to say goodbye for a considerable amount of time now. It was a big drop from the joy she just had felt after her brief meeting with the Captain.

"Do you have a moment?", she asked quietly, trying not to sound too wistful. She really didn't want to make it more difficult for him.

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center - morning of day 4]

After saying goodbye personally to her husband, Tess returned to the Operations Control Center. She thought it'd be best to stick to Captain Noh'ves side in case he had any orders or questions for her and more importantly to have a subtle eye on the man. Tess really didn't know what to think of him at the moment. The whole time before he seemed to be one of the nicer Klingons to deal with. But after what she had heard from Solluk how he had reacted to the exchange of command and considering his mood during the transfer of command ceremony, Tess mentally braced herself that dealing with the Klingon in command of the station might be more difficult to deal with. But right now at least she was confident to be able to handle him.

Stepping into the OCC Tess approached Noh'ves, giving him a respectful smile. "Commander t'Lhoell reporting for duty, Captain. I'm looking forward to serve as your First Officer. May your time commanding this station bring honor to you."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Kal on July 29, 2020, 11:11:47 PM

"No, I have not met her. I had seen her name on the crew roster of Katra data base," he replied. It would be interesting to meet her. This was Starfleet he would respect her as an officer. If they seem not get along.

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

Kal was about to tear the waffle in two pieces with his bare hands. Then he realized he had to be civilized by using a fork and knife. So he had decided to try the waffle with no syrup at first as he cut the pieces for himself. He was surprisingly had good table manners for eat waffles. He had eaten with mouth closed. "Hmm this is good."

Then Zex mentioned about sleeping conditions. "yIQongchu' pe'vIl qama'chugh," he told her in Klingon. Then he said in English  "I help you to find comfort  Klingon. Then you sleep well."

"Tell me something about you? Like how you become to joining Starfleet?" he asked her. There was good influence he had on the USS Liberty who helped him to act more like human and less Klingon.

[Katra Station - Promenade - Sweet Tooth Cafe - before the Klingon Exchange]

"I'll introduce you the next chance I get" she promised.  Then she dug into her waffles.  They were good.

"I would appreciate the help" she replied after finishing her waffles and sausage.  "Me?  I started as a coroner of all things.  My first assignment was the Columbus.  I leaned so much about myself there" she said.

"Well, I'm done eating.  Should we get ready to go?" she asked.

Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

K'mpoc took the offered record of battle.  In ancient times, such a thing had been a sacred scroll, or leatherbound log-book.  The times had changed, but the ceremony was largely the same.  He looked down at the screen, thumbing the scroll button.

It was mostly only a pantomime.  He knew very well what the record of this ship and its crew were.  But he did notice, at least, that Rayek had followed the proper forms.  And he had placed entries to highlight the notable feats of the crew.

"This ship has little honor," he proclaimed, "but it has a proud heritage.  This crew has seen little battle, but there are feats enough of note.  There is a foundation here upon which we can build.

I serve the Captain.  But I shall stand for you all.  We will bring glory and honor to the Old Man, and all shall sing songs of his victories."

The 'Old Man' was a mostly-accurate translation of the ship's name.  Something perhaps intended as a slight by a condescending yardmaster or someone even higher up the chain.  K'mpoc intended to reclaim the insult and make it a badge of honor, instead.

"Rayek, you are the Chief Tactical Officer.  You are also Sogh, a rank like Lieutenant.  You serve as this ship's Second Officer.  If I fail in my duty, then it becomes your duty to challenge and replace me.  If you deem me weak, cowardly, or treacherous, then you must face me in battle for the good of the ship."

He bared his teeth briefly, glaring at the Romulan, seemingly daring him to make a move.

Then he began to turn, looking from face to face.  "The same is true of you all.  It is a service to the Empire when the weak or unworthy are replaced by the strong and the competent."

His gaze came to rest on the trill.  "You are Third," he said to Hrafn, "lagh' is your rank. It translates roughly as Ensign. Chief Science Officer.

Eli, you shall also serve as lagh', and attend the Helm as our senior Helmsman.

Catherine, you shall hold the rank of lagh' also, and report to the Engine room as our Senior Engineer.  I know you have brought several of your team on board to assist with the field emissions.  They are bekk, or crewmen.  You may combine them with the Cloaking team, headed by Torpa bu'.  bu' is our word for Sergeant."

All of these rank titles were approximations, of course.

"Zex and Kal.  You both shall hold the lowest officer rank of ne'.   Zex, you shall take the auxiliary Science station and handle Communications.  You shall also be our liaison to the Tholian ambassador.  It is your duty to make sure the Tholian is content, and understands all that transpires.

Kal, I am placing you as our Chief Security Officer.  The Security troops await you in the training hall.  I hope your training in Klingon ways extends beyond the wearing of a sash.  If not, I doubt I shall see your face again."

Now he addressed them all at large, "Many of you will note that your ranks are different from what you are accustomed to.  It is the case that Klingons have use for fewer ranks than Starfleet.  Do not take offense if you find yourself 'demoted.'  It is only that our ranks hold more prestige than yours."

K'mpoc was clearly taking the time to explain things that would never be bothered with had he been assigned a Klingon crew.

Now he barked, "Stations!  Prepare the vessel for departure!  The Captain will arrive shortly.  He will find no malingerers here!"[/size]

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

Zex had remained silent during their orientation.  She was the low person on the totem pole, so she naturally used her ears more than she used her mouth.

Still, she replied "Aye, Sir" after received her commands.  If only to acknowledge that she had heard and understood the orders.  But given that her part of her job was to play liaison for the Tholian, her first duty was to locate Eydis. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Tholian cruiser Command bridge] Eydis stood in the center of hir U shaped console. Lost in hir own thought space before looking up at the floating holographic heads up display. Shi had already had two Crystalline halbreds ready to be present to the Klingons as agreed. The two halbreds were strangely like those of medieval earth but still possessing a alien air about them.

Beautiful crystal head with spear tip and a concaved axe head and curved spike for hooking. The two halbreds were already wrapped up in the finest red tholian silk and abroad the widow being prepared for launch. Shi had selected one of hir weapons officer and a hir science officers to go with hir. Having transferred command to hir second in command.

Don Damien Addams


All of these rank titles were approximations, of course.

"Zex and Kal.  You both shall hold the lowest officer rank of ne'.   Zex, you shall take the auxiliary Science station and handle Communications.  You shall also be our liaison to the Tholian ambassador.  It is your duty to make sure the Tholian is content, and understands all that transpires.

Kal, I am placing you as our Chief Security Officer.  The Security troops await you in the training hall.  I hope your training in Klingon ways extends beyond the wearing of a sash.  If not, I doubt I shall see your face again."

Now he addressed them all at large, "Many of you will note that your ranks are different from what you are accustomed to.  It is the case that Klingons have use for fewer ranks than Starfleet.  Do not take offense if you find yourself 'demoted.'  It is only that our ranks hold more prestige than yours."

K'mpoc was clearly taking the time to explain things that would never be bothered with had he been assigned a Klingon crew.

Now he barked, "Stations!  Prepare the vessel for departure!  The Captain will arrive shortly.  He will find no malingerers here!"

[Aboard the IKS Lod Qan - Bridge]

Jimrec Ne kept his dark eyes to K'mpoc. He nodded his head to acknowledge the HoD and headed to the training guards. Well, he was going to try to help Zex for comfort later. The truth was he was going to need more she does.

Squaring his shoulders as his God Father had done as he was demanding stature of other Klingons under him. When he was young he had always try to mimic him in his ways. He walked marched into the training area.

The nearest Klingon warrior which was near by he growled holding his Batleth as he was seeing the other Klingons were awake and alert. The first Klingon had quickly grabbed his Batleth and seemed took the challenge.

Then they duel and Kal had used a Starfleet martial art to knock the other Klingon down and brought the Batleth down as a finishing blow, but he did not.

"tIqIpqu' 'ejnomtIqIp (Hit them hard and hit them fast)," Kal said to the fallen Klingon. His father once told him this, When in doubt, surprise them. And that what he exactly did. It was survival. " 'oy'be'lu'chughQapbe'lu'. (No pain. No gain)," he gave a good laugh. He stood up, holding the Batleth with his left hand, held his right hand to the other Klingon to help him up.

In Klingon, he glared at his staff. "Kal Ne, House Jimrec. And you are true honor to call me by my Klingon name," he snorted. That was true. "I am the head of security. You obey me. If not challenge will be accepted. Warn you. I am true warrior by heart, don't judge my human body. Gah!"


Katra Station - Operational Control Center - Morning Day 4

Beja stood quietly, her own nerves making her feel jittery as she watched the ceremony of handing over the station's command to the Klingons. She hadn't wanted to make anyone feel awkward of course, but she couldn't have stayed away either. She needed to be there to support both her father, and her Captain, Solluk. The two men were vastly different from each other, yet had threads of the same integrity woven through them. Unfortunately Beja didn't think that either man realized their differences were not as vast as they appeared to be. An illusion due to the differences of culture.

Oh how she wished there had been more time, Beja would have loved to do a better, more in depth explanation for Solluk on Klingon culture. And she'd have loved to have given her father a better explanation of how Star Fleet operated. But that there hadn't been enough time for such things, all Beja could do is be there to support the two sides as best as she could. She had every faith in Solluk's ability to complete the mission successfully and bring back the Klingon vessel. Perhaps an  honorary place could be made in House Voch for the Vulcan, if Solluk succeeded.

And if her father did a good job commanding Katra, he could earn some of the honor he had lost, and perhaps help to banish some of the depression that surrounded him like a rain cloud in the sky above. Beja had been worried about her father even since his last mission had such a disastrous outcome for him and his crew. Through no fault of their own, the Klingon ship's crew had been stripped of the honor and pride they had spent years building up. They had been a misfit crew that had been victorious when all the odds had been stacked against them. They just needed another victory in order for them to realize that not all hope was lost for them. Beja hoped that this would be such a victory for them all.

Once the ceremony had ended, and the Katra's crew had departed, Beja made sure to go around to each of the Klingons left to help command and run Katra to greet them and personally welcome each of them to Katra. She had made sure to wear her baldric that proudly displayed House Voch, over her Starfleet uniform. Her Lieutenant pips as well as her house on display for all to see. A symbol that the Klingons and the Federation could co-exist peacefully with each other.

Beja waited patiently for the time to arrive for her to meet with her father. She had made an appointment ahead of time, as she had wanted to make sure that he settled in smoothly to his new position and that she could also personally congratulate him too. He had to know just how proud of him and his accomplishments she was. It was time she voiced those feelings, instead of letting them to continue going unsaid.

Rayek trLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 30, 2020, 12:01:42 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Tess smiled. "Oh. That's sweet, ciccino. Thank you." She kissed his cheek while her hand sought his. "Actually, I've been thinking the same." She looked at her father. "If you don't mind it?"

Fabiano shook his head. "Not at all, I already agreed when Rayek asked me a moment ago."

Tess smiled. "Awesome." She rubbed her thumb over the back of Rayek's hand as she looked back at him, the thought of him leaving for weeks was unpleasant. "I might take the opportunity and spend some more time with Saqa7", she told him about her thoughts. "She's excellent in providing distraction, plus I have neglected her a little recently as a friend. Might be good to make up for that."

Rayek smiled appreciatively at his wife as kissed him on the cheek and held his hand.  He was relieved that she didn't find his concern and protectiveness, overbearing or controlling.  He needed to be cautious that he didn't cross a line between the two like he had during the Omega incident.  "That sounds wonderful.  Though it is concerning that you feel that you have neglected her.  When I return, we will have to be sure that doesn't continue.  I understand how important it is to keep connected with friends."  It was something he'd learned with his friendship with Lek.

He gave her hand a slight squeeze before then turning to Fabiano.  "Thank you.   I realize it may not be easy especially given your new duties as the SOO - but at least it's only with the Intelligence aspect, Vilka will be assuming the Tactical aspects that you otherwise would be dealing with.  Hopefully it's not too troublesome.. the Captain sought my opinion on either handing it over to you or to Tess... and there was no way I was going to lay that on Tess.  Not when she will have her hands full with just dealing with the Klingon Captain."

Rayek looked over to Tess, hoping she didn't take offense that he'd recommended her father over her... but the quiet truth was .... that if Solluk had insisted on passing the SOO Intelligence duties to Tess... Rayek might have withdrawn his decision to go.   Tess was 7 month pregnant... her duties should be lessening not increasing! And if the Vulcan couldn't see that then they would continue to have issues.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief Office (Office 214) - Morning of Day 3]
Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 30, 2020, 06:59:09 AM

- Morning of Day 3>

Well here we go, Paul thought to himself as the not-unexpected call from his Department Head came in through his Starfleet combadge. He tapped the delta in reply, still feeling marginally foolish for doing so - in NavPat, the standard-issue comms device was in the ear. " =/\=Aye aye, sir. =/\="
The carriage hurtled up and moments later her stepped out. Fortunately, signage from this point was easy to follow and he made his way towards his destination, pressing the chime on the door to announce his arrival.

He was still confident that his actions had been the right one. It remained to be seen if tr'Lhoell felt the same way.

When the Ensign arrived Rayek left the man standing, and set aside his PADD aside to look the man over.  "You've had an interesting first day yesterday.  You almost single-handedly uncovered a rather alarming security threat to the station.  If I were staying I'd been turning my focus to finding out how far this goes and planning a means to rout it out.  But I have agreed to be a part of a temporary officer exchange program and have to hand over my newly received Security Chief position to my Klingon replacement - Security Chief M'Kai.  You'll meet her tomorrow no doubt.  She, like Senior Chief Solen, is an excellent tactician...and both have very no-nonsense personalities.  But they are not so great at being subtle.  This issue requires subtle, which is why I am assigning you as lead to this investigation specifically in my role as Strategic Operations Officer - which has seniority over the Chief of Security position.  So while you will report your findings to Senior Chief Solen and Security Chief M'Kai as well as the SOO officer, they cannot pull you from the assignment or interfere with how you run it until you deem it is rectified.  Is that understood, Ensign?  My replacement SOO will be Lieutenant Moreno.  He'll be informed about your assignment."

Rayek was putting a lot of responsibility on an individual he had only just met or even heard of 48 hrs ago.  The man was sparklingly new to Starfleet with this being his first assignment outside of the Academy...but Rayek's gut was telling him this was the best individual for the job... what with Jada and Saxon both gone.  The man's personnel file did mention he'd made Lieutenant an onworld NavPat - not quite the same but many of the same skills would be transferable.  Rayek knew this was exactly why Starfleet Headquarters had allowed him from jump from Chief Petty straight through to Lt Cmdr a year and a half ago.  It might be the same with this one... he had a good feel about the man... though the paranoid part of him wondered if he was just overlaying his trust in Saxon onto the younger officer who reminded him of ancient Brit.

"Any questions?"

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief's office - morning of day 4]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 30, 2020, 02:50:53 PM

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Captain's quarters - morning of day 4]

"Thank you, Captain", Tess nodded her head sharply, smiling.
His comment about the Klingons made her chuckle. "You have my word. And you make sure you'll get our officers back to the station safely." She smiled and then he dismissed her.

"Have a good trip, sir." She smiled once before before turning around and leaving the Captain's quarters. Stopping briefly, she inquired from the computer where her husband was. Turned out she just needed to walk down the corridor.

[>>> Deck 2 - Chief of Security's office]

Stopping in front of the door, Tess chimed the door bell. Once called inside she stepped in, smiling at her husband sitting at his desk busy with preparing for the mission it seemed.

She took a moment and just looked at him, her smile and face turning lugubrious, knowing she'd have to say goodbye for a considerable amount of time now. It was a big drop from the joy she just had felt after her brief meeting with the Captain.

"Do you have a moment?", she asked quietly, trying not to sound too wistful. She really didn't want to make it more difficult for him.

Rayek looked up from his work adding notes to the record of battle.  Seeing Tess at his door made him smile.  "I will always make time for you e'lev."  he said and motioned for her to have a seat, standing up from his desk chair to come around an assist her into the seat if she needed.

She'd come to say goodbye privately - that's what he guessed - given the time.   He'd been just about to call her, thinking of doing the same.  Rather than sit in the other chair that faced the desk, Rayek knelt in front of her, holding out his hand towards hers to hold.  "I'm glad you stopped by so that I can say a proper goodbye."

Then something struck him as off.. and his eyes went from watching her face to glancing to her collar.. the detail was different there.  The pip it was full.  His eyes widened and he looked back to her face.  "You made Commander!?"  His tone should have been joyous but to his mind the added rank added extra responsibility at a time when she should be lessening her load not increasing it.  Solluk apparently was clueless about this aspect.

It too a second for Rayek to realize he needed to be supportive so that his reaction didn't weigh on her the entire time he was gone so he quickly leaned in to embrace her.  "That's fantasic e'lev"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Paul Wessex

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 31, 2020, 04:15:56 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell

When the Ensign arrived Rayek left the man standing, and set aside his PADD aside to look the man over.  "You've had an interesting first day yesterday.  You almost single-handedly uncovered a rather alarming security threat to the station.  If I were staying I'd been turning my focus to finding out how far this goes and planning a means to rout it out.  But I have agreed to be a part of a temporary officer exchange program and have to hand over my newly received Security Chief position to my Klingon replacement - Security Chief M'Kai.  You'll meet her tomorrow no doubt.  She, like Senior Chief Solen, is an excellent tactician...and both have very no-nonsense personalities.  But they are not so great at being subtle.  This issue requires subtle, which is why I am assigning you as lead to this investigation specifically in my role as Strategic Operations Officer - which has seniority over the Chief of Security position.  So while you will report your findings to Senior Chief Solen and Security Chief M'Kai as well as the SOO officer, they cannot pull you from the assignment or interfere with how you run it until you deem it is rectified.  Is that understood, Ensign?  My replacement SOO will be Lieutenant Moreno.  He'll be informed about your assignment."

Rayek was putting a lot of responsibility on an individual he had only just met or even heard of 48 hrs ago.  The man was sparklingly new to Starfleet with this being his first assignment outside of the Academy...but Rayek's gut was telling him this was the best individual for the job... what with Jada and Saxon both gone.  The man's personnel file did mention he'd made Lieutenant an onworld NavPat - not quite the same but many of the same skills would be transferable.  Rayek knew this was exactly why Starfleet Headquarters had allowed him from jump from Chief Petty straight through to Lt Cmdr a year and a half ago.  It might be the same with this one... he had a good feel about the man... though the paranoid part of him wondered if he was just overlaying his trust in Saxon onto the younger officer who reminded him of ancient Brit.

"Any questions?"

Upon entering the office, Paul once more met his new senior officer. This time he felt to be in a more informed position, now knowing he was Romulan not Vulcan. As tr'Lhoell acknowledged him, he adopted a textbook-perfect stance common to his profession - that of what used to be known as 'stand easy' - and waited attentively for the Lt Commander to speak. His eyes wanted to peek at the PADD he was holding, presumably his recent report, but wisely kept focus on a small square behind his new CSec until addressed directly.

Expecting to the chewed out for both events, Wessex was pleasantly surprised that tr'Lhoell had decided to keep him in charge of the further, and subsequent, investigation. With some degree of latitude to boot. Professional pride didn't permit him to smile in appreciation, but he was nevertheless pleased with these orders; he hated to let the trail grow cold.

What did surprise him was that he had seemed to have arrived in the midst of a mass Officer Exchange Programme between the Klingon Defence Force and StarFleet; NavPat had the odd observer from Federation Member worlds, but there had never been an exo-Federation presence on his vessels - at least, none authorised...

Looking at the Romulan directly now, as custom allowed, Paul snapped off a brisk nod of understanding in regard to his received orders. "Perfectly, sir" he acknowledged. It was interesting how tr'Lhoell had emphasised his sole jurisdiction for the assignment - clearly the notion of a criminal network operating on his station, diving beneath his sensor grid, had needled his sense of duty and wanted to ensure this was resolved as a matter of priority. Paul couldn't disagree there. There was something just...strange about the whole thing.

The eyes of tr'Lhoell seemed to study him hard for a moment, and Wessex was momentarily struck by the intensity present in his eyes; this was a man who was clearly suited for the job of running security. That train of thought was interrupted by being asked if he had any questions. None came to mind, but he made a mental note to seek out this Security Chief M'Kai; he hoped he'd not have to play buffer between these two apparent 'no-nonsense' individuals - Solen didn't come across as a generally comfortable team player. "No, sir" he confirmed in his clipped, but still affable, manner. He was momentarily surprised that his findings needed to be reported to Solen, while Master-at-Arms, was still a non-commissioned officer who he outranked by virtue of his commission, but he quickly realised that his relative inexperience aboard the station would need a temporary 'second pair of eyes' to advise over the complexity of such a posting. Wessex certainly appreciated the advice - and he hoped his own unique experiences would be of some use to the statuesque woman.

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

K'mpoc took the offered record of battle.  In ancient times, such a thing had been a sacred scroll, or leatherbound log-book.  The times had changed, but the ceremony was largely the same.  He looked down at the screen, thumbing the scroll button.

It was mostly only a pantomime.  He knew very well what the record of this ship and its crew were.  But he did notice, at least, that Rayek had followed the proper forms.  And he had placed entries to highlight the notable feats of the crew.

"This ship has little honor," he proclaimed, "but it has a proud heritage.  This crew has seen little battle, but there are feats enough of note.  There is a foundation here upon which we can build.

I serve the Captain.  But I shall stand for you all.  We will bring glory and honor to the Old Man, and all shall sing songs of his victories."

The 'Old Man' was a mostly-accurate translation of the ship's name.  Something perhaps intended as a slight by a condescending yardmaster or someone even higher up the chain.  K'mpoc intended to reclaim the insult and make it a badge of honor, instead.

"Rayek, you are the Chief Tactical Officer.  You are also Sogh, a rank like Lieutenant.  You serve as this ship's Second Officer.  If I fail in my duty, then it becomes your duty to challenge and replace me.  If you deem me weak, cowardly, or treacherous, then you must face me in battle for the good of the ship."

He bared his teeth briefly, glaring at the Romulan, seemingly daring him to make a move.

Then he began to turn, looking from face to face.  "The same is true of you all.  It is a service to the Empire when the weak or unworthy are replaced by the strong and the competent."

His gaze came to rest on the trill.  "You are Third," he said to Hrafn, "lagh' is your rank. It translates roughly as Ensign. Chief Science Officer.

Eli, you shall also serve as lagh', and attend the Helm as our senior Helmsman.

Catherine, you shall hold the rank of lagh' also, and report to the Engine room as our Senior Engineer.  I know you have brought several of your team on board to assist with the field emissions.  They are bekk, or crewmen.  You may combine them with the Cloaking team, headed by Torpa bu'.  bu' is our word for Sergeant."

All of these rank titles were approximations, of course.

"Zex and Kal.  You both shall hold the lowest officer rank of ne'.   Zex, you shall take the auxiliary Science station and handle Communications.  You shall also be our liaison to the Tholian ambassador.  It is your duty to make sure the Tholian is content, and understands all that transpires.

Kal, I am placing you as our Chief Security Officer.  The Security troops await you in the training hall.  I hope your training in Klingon ways extends beyond the wearing of a sash.  If not, I doubt I shall see your face again."

Now he addressed them all at large, "Many of you will note that your ranks are different from what you are accustomed to.  It is the case that Klingons have use for fewer ranks than Starfleet.  Do not take offense if you find yourself 'demoted.'  It is only that our ranks hold more prestige than yours."

K'mpoc was clearly taking the time to explain things that would never be bothered with had he been assigned a Klingon crew.

Now he barked, "Stations!  Prepare the vessel for departure!  The Captain will arrive shortly.  He will find no malingerers here!"[/size]

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

Throughout K'mpoc's speech Catherine Goodspeed had kept her eyes firmly fixed on him.  She had only a short time to read up on the more Military aspects of Klingon culture in between breaks of the pylon fitting, checking the additional duotronic computing unit had been  housed happily into its new home and the algorithm had integrated itself nicely into the Old Man's system.

It had been hard to absorb the information she had been reading whilst part of her brain was off trying to sort out the possible scenarios of problems the other part of her brain kept trying to throw at her.

Still from her previous dealings with civilian Klingon's they would have thought it a sign of weakness not to look directly at them when they spoke.

Cat mentally crossed her fingers she wasn't making an error in judgment.  She had a feeling she may make a few on this mission.

She also hoped being in her usual Starfleet uniform wasn't going to give her a black mark either.

Before she had come aboard she had managed to sneak into a Holodeck for an hour to get herself familiar with the Klingon's engineering area and decked herself out in their uniform to test it out under stress conditions.   After about 15 minutes getting stuck under several bulkheads and using language that would make a Space Pirate blush and phone his Mother to check how she was, Cat had decided for her and everyone's sanity not to dress in one.  One thing about the Starfleet uniform was you could bend as far as your body would allow and wouldn't seem to rust if it got wet.

At the mention of her name Cat tried to stand up to make herself seem taller which, whilst not having the desired effect on actually increasing her height by inches, it made her feel a bit taller and a bit better.   She bet that by the end of this mission she would need someone to crank out the knots in her neck from having to look up at everyone.

As the Klingon barked his final order to get to their posts Cat glanced at her fellow Starfleet crew and smiled at each of them, then still standing tall and trying to stride like someone with the authority that had been bestowed to her she left to go straight to the Engine room.

Provided she didn't get lost en route.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
and NPC Lt. Fabiano Moreno (Science)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 31, 2020, 04:15:56 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Rayek smiled appreciatively at his wife as kissed him on the cheek and held his hand.  He was relieved that she didn't find his concern and protectiveness, overbearing or controlling.  He needed to be cautious that he didn't cross a line between the two like he had during the Omega incident.  "That sounds wonderful.  Though it is concerning that you feel that you have neglected her.  When I return, we will have to be sure that doesn't continue.  I understand how important it is to keep connected with friends."  It was something he'd learned with his friendship with Lek.

He gave her hand a slight squeeze before then turning to Fabiano.  "Thank you.   I realize it may not be easy especially given your new duties as the SOO - but at least it's only with the Intelligence aspect, Vilka will be assuming the Tactical aspects that you otherwise would be dealing with.  Hopefully it's not too troublesome.. the Captain sought my opinion on either handing it over to you or to Tess... and there was no way I was going to lay that on Tess.  Not when she will have her hands full with just dealing with the Klingon Captain."

Rayek looked over to Tess, hoping she didn't take offense that he'd recommended her father over her... but the quiet truth was .... that if Solluk had insisted on passing the SOO Intelligence duties to Tess... Rayek might have withdrawn his decision to go.   Tess was 7 month pregnant... her duties should be lessening not increasing! And if the Vulcan couldn't see that then they would continue to have issues.   

Tess smiled at Rayek appreciatively. Of course it hadn't happened on purpose, she just felt with her duties increasing and the pregnancy she had not spent as much time with her friend as she would have liked to. And likely, with their child being born soon, they'd be even shorter on time like they already were now. But Tess was definitely up to make the effort.

The topic then changed to the upcoming officer exchange and Tess only learned then that there had been a discussion about who taking over the position of SOO. Tess glanced to her father as he nodded. "I think it was a reasonable decision."

"I'm not sure yet how things will turn out with Captain Noh'ves in command", Tess added, "while it would have been an interesting task to look after, at this point I'm glad it's not another thing I have to look into."

Fabiano smiled. "Interesting, indeed. As much as I love my science, I'm rather looking forward to this change." It had been a long time since Fabiano had been the head of a department. It wasn't like he hadn't been offered promotions or assignments with more responsibility. Several times, in fact. But being there for his adoptive children had been more important to him. They had been his first and foremost responsibilty. Seeing Tess now being in a command position on a frontier station and an excellent doctor, married, expecting her first child and Benjin being an excellent cadet, he couldn't help but be proud of 'his' children.

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief's office - morning of day 4, after the transfer of command ceremony]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 31, 2020, 04:15:56 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief's office - morning of day 4]

Rayek looked up from his work adding notes to the record of battle.  Seeing Tess at his door made him smile.  "I will always make time for you e'lev."  he said and motioned for her to have a seat, standing up from his desk chair to come around an assist her into the seat if she needed.

She'd come to say goodbye privately - that's what he guessed - given the time.   He'd been just about to call her, thinking of doing the same.  Rather than sit in the other chair that faced the desk, Rayek knelt in front of her, holding out his hand towards hers to hold.  "I'm glad you stopped by so that I can say a proper goodbye."

Then something struck him as off.. and his eyes went from watching her face to glancing to her collar.. the detail was different there.  The pip it was full.  His eyes widened and he looked back to her face.  "You made Commander!?"  His tone should have been joyous but to his mind the added rank added extra responsibility at a time when she should be lessening her load not increasing it.  Solluk apparently was clueless about this aspect.

It too a second for Rayek to realize he needed to be supportive so that his reaction didn't weigh on her the entire time he was gone so he quickly leaned in to embrace her.  "That's fantasic e'lev"

Seing his face turning into a smile made her heart clench with how much she loved him. He motioned for her to sit, so she did so before she watched him walking around the desk. But rather than sitting down in the other chair, he knelt down in front of her. He was always so sweet.

Tess smiled at him as he took her hand in his. Considering his words, he knew exactly why she was here. "Yes ...", she said quietly, and already opened her mouth to continue speaking but his expression changed. She was a little irritated at first, but then smiled when she realized he likely had noticed the full pip on her collar.

His disbelieving exclamation had her falter. She had expected him to be happy for her, but this was not a really happy reaction. For a moment she worried that there might be some hard feelings on his part about ranks and positions that might only surface now. Before Tess' thoughts could become too troubled however, Rayek finally embraced her and expressed his joy for her. Her hands wrapped around him in return as she buried her face against him for a moment. When the hug ended, Tess sought Rayek's eyes, still a little uncertain about his initial reaction.

"Yes, I made Commander", she confirmed, smiling slightly. "Five minutes ago. Captain Solluk called me into his quarters. Wearing a Klingon uniform." She chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood a little but it didn't work; the smile faded quickly. She looked into Rayek's eyes as her hand came up to touch his cheek gently. "But yes, I came here to say good-bye privately." She bit her lip as the mere thought that they'd have to part soon made her want to cry already. Ever since the meeting in the morning when it had been decided that Rayek would be going, Tess had tried to not be too sad around him, not wanting to make it more difficult for him or making him probably change his mind for her. She'd get over it, she hoped. It was just that they haven't been apart from each other for very long ever since they became a couple. The pregnancy definitely making her extra emotional.

So before she even could get out another sentence, her eyes watered with tears as she suppressed a little sob. "I know it's only a few weeks, but I will miss you so much." Finally she allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks. She wasn't ashamed to cry in front of her husband. Leaning forward she gave into the desire to hug him.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 11:44:05 AM

Katra Station - Promenade - Day 3

The Promenade looked as bright and cheerful as always, but Solluk now knew there was a dark undercurrent to the goings-on here.  His new officer acquisition into Security was proving to be a boon already, having uncovered some previously undetected criminal conspiracy.

Solluk was glad to know Tess would be here to help manage the unfolding investigation.  Especially with a Klingon officer taking over Security matters, her hand would be needed to allow Wessex to operate with some degree of subtlety.

Solluk paused in his walk as a communication came in from his trusted Science Chief.  He chuckled at her comment and tapped his badge in response.

=/\= This is Solluk.  I was just on the way to collect my own uniform from the station tailor, Lieutenant.  Rest assured, protocol for exchange operations does not require a change of uniform.  But, perhaps like yourself, I felt it was warranted.

The senior staff will gather tomorrow morning for the transfer-of-command ceremony in the OCC, and then proceed to the Lod Qan.  I'll follow shortly thereafter, once the XO has performed his assessment of the crew and I handle one last important detail.  =/\= [/size]

[Just outside Hrafn's Quarters - Day 3]
[Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, Crista LePrant (Falleg-Tekin's Nanny), Tekin Nerys, Tekin Tidu]
=/\=Very good, Captain.  I will see you tomorrow and as I'm just about to step into my quarters I'll let the Junior Cadets know you are hale and hearty.  Falleg out. =/\=

Smiling she entered her quarters and was given a very quizzical look by both Tidu and Nerys.

"Mammy why you wearing Auntie Ujo's clothes?!" Tidu asked correctly identifying them as Klingon.

"Obviously..." said Nerys rolling her eyes "...Mammy is either going to be attending a costume party or, since that would be disrespectful to Klingons, it has something to do with the big Klingon ship the IKS Lod Qan I think it's called, and that there's a lot of Klingons on base at the moment."

"I'm afraid your sister is quite correct, Tidu.  I'm off on a mission on the IKS Lod Qan, and it seemed appropriate to wear the correct uniform.  I'll be gone a couple of weeks but, Auntie Ujo...and you were quite right, I've borrowed this from her to look authentic.  What more authentic than the real thing?!, has promised to come and have a film, popcorn and pizza night with you, this is also so that Crista can have a night off..."

She turned to her nanny and gave her a grin and a wink.  Crista smiled back, realising that Hrafn had basically arranged for her to have a date night with her fiancÁ©.

"You'll have to liaise with Ujo to figure what night is best, but she's longing for some time with the kids so you might get a few nights out of her!" Hrafn chuckled.

"I'll take what I get!"  Crista said happily.

"Oh and you're welcome to bring the fiancÁ© here to feed him if he likes small people, cats and cartoon movies!" the Science Chief said.

"All of the above, so we'll work things out between us, don't worry, just be safe!" the nanny said kindly.


Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

K'mpoc took the offered record of battle.  In ancient times, such a thing had been a sacred scroll, or leatherbound log-book.  The times had changed, but the ceremony was largely the same.  He looked down at the screen, thumbing the scroll button.

It was mostly only a pantomime.  He knew very well what the record of this ship and its crew were.  But he did notice, at least, that Rayek had followed the proper forms.  And he had placed entries to highlight the notable feats of the crew.

"This ship has little honor," he proclaimed, "but it has a proud heritage.  This crew has seen little battle, but there are feats enough of note.  There is a foundation here upon which we can build.

I serve the Captain.  But I shall stand for you all.  We will bring glory and honor to the Old Man, and all shall sing songs of his victories."

The 'Old Man' was a mostly-accurate translation of the ship's name.  Something perhaps intended as a slight by a condescending yardmaster or someone even higher up the chain.  K'mpoc intended to reclaim the insult and make it a badge of honor, instead.

"Rayek, you are the Chief Tactical Officer.  You are also Sogh, a rank like Lieutenant.  You serve as this ship's Second Officer.  If I fail in my duty, then it becomes your duty to challenge and replace me.  If you deem me weak, cowardly, or treacherous, then you must face me in battle for the good of the ship."

He bared his teeth briefly, glaring at the Romulan, seemingly daring him to make a move.

Then he began to turn, looking from face to face.  "The same is true of you all.  It is a service to the Empire when the weak or unworthy are replaced by the strong and the competent."

His gaze came to rest on the trill.  "You are Third," he said to Hrafn, "lagh' is your rank. It translates roughly as Ensign. Chief Science Officer.

Eli, you shall also serve as lagh', and attend the Helm as our senior Helmsman.

Catherine, you shall hold the rank of lagh' also, and report to the Engine room as our Senior Engineer.  I know you have brought several of your team on board to assist with the field emissions.  They are bekk, or crewmen.  You may combine them with the Cloaking team, headed by Torpa bu'.  bu' is our word for Sergeant."

All of these rank titles were approximations, of course.

"Zex and Kal.  You both shall hold the lowest officer rank of ne'.   Zex, you shall take the auxiliary Science station and handle Communications.  You shall also be our liaison to the Tholian ambassador.  It is your duty to make sure the Tholian is content, and understands all that transpires.

Kal, I am placing you as our Chief Security Officer.  The Security troops await you in the training hall.  I hope your training in Klingon ways extends beyond the wearing of a sash.  If not, I doubt I shall see your face again."

Now he addressed them all at large, "Many of you will note that your ranks are different from what you are accustomed to.  It is the case that Klingons have use for fewer ranks than Starfleet.  Do not take offense if you find yourself 'demoted.'  It is only that our ranks hold more prestige than yours."

K'mpoc was clearly taking the time to explain things that would never be bothered with had he been assigned a Klingon crew.

Now he barked, "Stations!  Prepare the vessel for departure!  The Captain will arrive shortly.  He will find no malingerers here!"[/size]

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

Hrafn inclined her head towards the Klingon in acknowledgement.  Third in command was nothing to be ashamed of.  It was after all a part she was playing, the rank was immaterial in that sense.

"I'm honoured to be entrusted with the rank of lagh, K'mpoc.  And to serve with you and on the IKS Lod Qan.  I hope the 'Old Man' can hold off his retirement a little while yet!"

She hoped her face didn't show her thoughts about whether Klingon ranks had more 'prestige'.  She guessed that most species and organisations like the KDF, or Starfleet thought that one were better than the other, much like when she'd been on Earth, they thought that one football team was better than another... in the same league!  OK, marginally but you'd think lives depended upon it!

Thankfully, having spent time with Catherine, to whom she gave a little nod and a wave, gutting the Klingon ships of their science goodies previously, she was pretty 'au fait' with the workings of a Klingon vessel, also, knowing the former KDF officer Ragnar Hughes, she'd learnt a great many things, just not the correct syntax when speaking Klingon according to Ujosso!

She'd just have to hope that if she did say something incorrectly that it came out as something that the Klingons could chuckle about and not an insult!

She took her station, started the normal atmospheric and weather scans and waited for further orders.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



IKS Lod Qan - Training Hall

The training hall on the Lod Qan was a large space where warriors could practice fighting techniques with each other.  It was also a mustering space for the ship's Security forces, where they could be gathered together for briefings, or prepare for deployments.  The ship's largest transporter room was just up the hall, and the enlisted crew barracks were also on this deck, allowing the troops to muster in short order.

Kost bu' watched with interest when the ship's new Starfleet Security officer marched into the training hall and immediately started a fight with one of the young officers.  It wasn't a bad tactic, doubtless meant to preempt any challenges to his authority.  The brief duel ended quickly.  This man Kal clearly had some fighting talent, but Kost could see that the depth of his experience was shallow.

He called to the men, "In ranks!"  The twenty assembled warriors all formed up in four rows of five.  Then he addressed their new leader.  "I am Sergeant Kost, son of Kolor, sworn to the House of Voch.  These warriors report to me, and I report to you.  A ship of this size would normally have at least four times this complement of warriors, but this is a Diplomatic Cruiser, and we operate at a reduced figthing capacity.  However, I can promise you that these twenty warriors will fight as a hundred."

He took a step closer to Kal, looking into his eyes as he spoke in low tones, "Congratulations, Kal ne'.  You bested our least experienced new bekk."

The implication was clear:  This human from Starfleet would not find Kost to be so easy a target, should the occasion come for them to clash.

IKS Lod Qan - Main Engineering

The main engineering section of the Lod Qan was split into two areas.  The outer entry area of Engineering had multiple consoles and status monitors that were focused on balancing power levels between systems, as well as controlling the complicated field interactions between the warp drive and cloaking device.  And now, the innate gravitic systems of their Tholian passenger ship.

Beyond this entry area was a large opening with blast doors that could close in the event of an emergency.  This opening led to the inner sanctum of Engineering, where the Lod Qan's warp core thrummed with bright red plasma, casting the entire room in an even redder glow than was common on Klingon vessels.

As Catherine strode into the area, she was immediately greeted by a proud-faced Klingon woman.

She proceeded to introduce herself, "Torpa bu', daughter of Lorto, sworn to the House of Voch.  I am the head of our Cloaking Team, as well as the most senior engineer beneath you on this ship.  I have been ordered to coordinate with your people to manage the competing EM, Subspace, and Gravitic fields on this mission.  All systems are currently nominal."

She stood stoically for a moment, then her face broke into a snaggle-toothed grin.  "It is an honor to be working with you," she added.  It was a strangely friendly outburst from an experienced enlisted Klingon warrioress.

Solluk entered the bridge of the Lod Qan.  The turbolift that allowed entrance to the command tower was just behind and to the right of the tactical station.  Anyone who attempted to gain entrance to the bridge would have to walk right by the Tactical officer, who could be presumed to be a formidable warrior.

To the left of the Tactical station was Damage Control, a position which liased with Engineering during combat to put out fires- literal or proverbial- and also to manage power levels as required.  The Executive officer would often man this station during a battle or important maneuvers.

To the left of that was the auxiliary station.  It could be configured for any task, but was often used to perform communications duties on a ship like the Lod Qan.

A corridor bisected the bridge, leading to the Ready Room (or War Room, as it was sometimes called) to the left, and the Head on the other, where officers could relieve themselves as required.

The Captain's chair was bolted to the floor on a swivel, just behind this corridor.

At the front of the bridge, two stations flanked the viewscreen.   One was for Science, the other for the Helm.

Solluk was surprised to see the Science station given such a prominent, forward position on the bridge.  He had heard that on Klingon ships, a Science officer was often relegated to managing an auxiliary station... when they were present on the bridge at all.  But he recalled that Noh'ves and his crew were somewhat unusual in regards to Klingon stereotypes.  No small wonder, considering that his daughter was Beja.  Any Klingon who did not reject such a daughter would necessarily be more progressively minded than most of his brethren.  And she was not the only oddity on his crew.  Indeed, the officer corps who served under Noh'ves were so unusual that it seemed as though the man had gone out of his way to recruit the Empire's misfits and adopt them as his own.

"Captain!" K'mpoc called out, alerting everyone to his arrival.  The Klingon eyed Solluk's KDF uniform with concealed amusement.  Just the slightest quirk at the corner of his mouth.  Whether this was mockery or simple good humor was difficult to perceive, so slight was the expression.  No doubt the man had expressed the same humor regarding other members of the bridge crew, though it was so slight a smirk as to be easily missed... and it was only displayed for the briefest of moments.

"I have accepted this crew into your service, and I shall stand for them as we all serve you."

Solluk nodded, and took his chair.  "I shall receive your service and theirs, and I swear that I shall steer us only towards honor and glory.

Inform Katra Station that we are departing now.  Thrusters only, till we reach a distance of one-million kilometers.  Then take us to Impulse in a parabolic arc out of the system plane.  Once we clear major traffic lanes, take us to Warp Six and engage the Cloak."

K'mpoc took his place at the damage control station as the officers dealt with their various orders.

Then his fist struck the console.

And again.

And again.

It was the beat of a song.  K'mpoc's loud voice- only slightly off-key, began to fill the bridge.

Solluk had almost forgotten this custom, but he began to thump the arms of his chair in time with the rhythm established by his new XO.

Hear! Sons of Kahless.
Hear! Daughters, too.
The blood of battle washes clean
The Warrior brave and true.

We fight, we love, and then we kill.
Our lives burn short and bright,
Then we die with honor-
to join our fathers-
in the Black Fleet where we battle forever-
in the Eternal Fight!


Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"This control center is stupid," Vilka complained loudly, "We're all in a circle, and looking in different directions."

"A circle is geometically satisfying," Grom noted, "and this arrangement is efficient in a service where force is not used to unseat people within your chain of command."

"I always forget how rich the informational resources of the Federation are," Tolec said, "And look at this sensor and communication network.  It is years beyond what we employ, and this is only a small outpost."

"A small outpost in one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy," M'Kai noted as she walked around the control center, taking in the space, "Surrounded on all sides by hostile nations."  She paused at the central holotable, bringing up an internal schematic.  "They should put one of these in the Security office.  We could monitor every individual on the entire station."

"I do not think that is a practice the Federation would follow," H'rel noted, "They value sentient rights, like privacy."  He tapped some icons on his console, dispatching a new Fighter patrol.  "I think I will arrange to lead one of the fighter patrols tomorrow.  It has been too long since I piloted a fighter, and I much prefer a flight console to this dispatching work."

"Enough chatter," Noh'ves barked, "attend your duties."

At that moment, the station's executive officer entered the Operational Control Center.  Noh'ves had noticed her earlier during the transfer of command ceremony, but he looked her up and down once more, in detail.  He was surprised her treacherous Romulan husband would allow her to keep a post in this state.  Perhaps she was tougher than he was, even while very pregnant.

"Thank you, Commander," he said, his eyes holding on her collar for a moment.  She had not been a full Commander when he'd last seen her.  A parting promotion from her former Captain?

"I will be relying on your advice in the days ahead.  I suggest you join the other officers and myself for a feast... a meal in the officer's mess this evening.  You can acquaint us with anything you feel we need to know.  For now, I must spend some time reading and making reports.  My daughter will be meeting me within an hour's time.  Do not allow anyone to disturb me before then.  The bridge..."  he glanced around, "... Control Center... is yours."

A short time later, in the Station Commander's Ready Room...

"NuqneH?"  Noh'ves called out when his door chimed.  His desk was scattered with PADDs.  One PADD could hold multiple items of interest, of course, but he felt that organizing tasks on multiple PADDs was easier for him.  Or, he'd thought it would be.

Unfortunately, the tasks were so many and varied that his desk was now littered in the devices.

It seemed to him that Starfleet valued paperwork above all other things.

A strange priority.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Solluk on July 31, 2020, 04:24:47 PM

Solluk entered the bridge of the Lod Qan.  The turbolift that allowed entrance to the command tower was just behind and to the right of the tactical station.  Anyone who attempted to gain entrance to the bridge would have to walk right by the Tactical officer, who could be presumed to be a formidable warrior.

To the left of the Tactical station was Damage Control, a position which liased with Engineering during combat to put out fires- literal or proverbial- and also to manage power levels as required.  The Executive officer would often man this station during a battle or important maneuvers.

To the left of that was the auxiliary station.  It could be configured for any task, but was often used to perform communications duties on a ship like the Lod Qan.

A corridor bisected the bridge, leading to the Ready Room (or War Room, as it was sometimes called) to the left, and the Head on the other, where officers could relieve themselves as required.

The Captain's chair was bolted to the floor on a swivel, just behind this corridor.

At the front of the bridge, two stations flanked the viewscreen.   One was for Science, the other for the Helm.

Solluk was surprised to see the Science station given such a prominent, forward position on the bridge.  He had heard that on Klingon ships, a Science officer was often relegated to managing an auxiliary station... when they were present on the bridge at all.  But he recalled that Noh'ves and his crew were somewhat unusual in regards to Klingon stereotypes.  No small wonder, considering that his daughter was Beja.  Any Klingon who did not reject such a daughter would necessarily be more progressively minded than most of his brethren.  And she was not the only oddity on his crew.  Indeed, the officer corps who served under Noh'ves were so unusual that it seemed as though the man had gone out of his way to recruit the Empire's misfits and adopt them as his own.

"Captain!" K'mpoc called out, alerting everyone to his arrival.  The Klingon eyed Solluk's KDF uniform with concealed amusement.  Just the slightest quirk at the corner of his mouth.  Whether this was mockery or simple good humor was difficult to perceive, so slight was the expression.  No doubt the man had expressed the same humor regarding other members of the bridge crew, though it was so slight a smirk as to be easily missed... and it was only displayed for the briefest of moments.

"I have accepted this crew into your service, and I shall stand for them as we all serve you."

Solluk nodded, and took his chair.  "I shall receive your service and theirs, and I swear that I shall steer us only towards honor and glory.

Inform Katra Station that we are departing now.  Thrusters only, till we reach a distance of one-million kilometers.  Then take us to Impulse in a parabolic arc out of the system plane.  Once we clear major traffic lanes, take us to Warp Six and engage the Cloak."

K'mpoc took his place at the damage control station as the officers dealt with their various orders.

Then his fist struck the console.

And again.

And again.

It was the beat of a song.  K'mpoc's loud voice- only slightly off-key, began to fill the bridge.

Solluk had almost forgotten this custom, but he began to thump the arms of his chair in time with the rhythm established by his new XO.

Hear! Sons of Kahless.
Hear! Daughters, too.
The blood of battle washes clean
The Warrior brave and true.

We fight, we love, and then we kill.
Our lives burn short and bright,
Then we die with honor-
to join our fathers-
in the Black Fleet where we battle forever-
in the Eternal Fight!


[Klingon Bridge]

Zex did not see Eydis and had no idea where the Tholian was.  Luckily she has been assigned to the communication station.  So she intended to make us of it as soon as she was able.

She was amazed by all of the differences between the Klingon bridge and the bridge of star fleet vessels.  For one thing, the Klingon bridge was much darker.  It also seemed to be more compact.

She overheard the Klingon address Solluk after the others left.  There was a tone in the man's voice.  Possibly trying to get a rise out the Vulcan.

It didn't seem that the conversation was going to result in blows, so she headed to her station.  Looked it over.  Then logged it.

-/\=Zex to Eydis.  We are preparing to depart.  Can you let me know where you are?-/\= she asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - OCC- Station Commander's Ready Room - Morning Day 4

The appointment time was here, and Beja made sure she was right on time. She entered her father's new office while he was in command of Katra. Beja raised her right eyebrow when her gaze fell upon all of the different PADDs that covered her father's desk. How many PADDs did a person need to run command? This was not a good sign for how things were going and it was just the first day.

Hello father, I wanted to"¦.that is"¦..," Beja stumbled over her words, "œthat's a lot of PADDs you have there." She ended up taking the cowards way out, and all those words she had practiced saying in front of the mirror and Mon were left deep inside her. What was wrong with her? Why was she suddenly all tongue tied like the humans loved saying?

Beja had nothing to be scared of. This was her father. A man she had loved and looked up to her entire life. The man who supported her when no one else did. If it was not for her father she'd not be alive today, to stand in front of him now look like a fool talking about PADDS.

She cleared her throat a few times, "œSorry, this is not coming out right at all"¦.." Beja trailed off before she just blurted out, and thrust a brightly wrapped box at her father to take.

IloveyouverymuchandI'mveryproudofallofyour accomplishments. YoudothefamilyandhouseproudandIhopetobehalftheKingonyouaresomeday." Beja rushed the words out, but felt a giant sense of relief once they were out and the gift had been given to her father.

She did it! Beja had slayed it, just like a warrior!

Rayek trLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 31, 2020, 09:40:05 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
and NPC Lt. Fabiano Moreno (Science)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - evening of day 2]

Tess smiled at Rayek appreciatively. Of course it hadn't happened on purpose, she just felt with her duties increasing and the pregnancy she had not spent as much time with her friend as she would have liked to. And likely, with their child being born soon, they'd be even shorter on time like they already were now. But Tess was definitely up to make the effort.

The topic then changed to the upcoming officer exchange and Tess only learned then that there had been a discussion about who taking over the position of SOO. Tess glanced to her father as he nodded. "I think it was a reasonable decision."

"I'm not sure yet how things will turn out with Captain Noh'ves in command", Tess added, "while it would have been an interesting task to look after, at this point I'm glad it's not another thing I have to look into."

Fabiano smiled. "Interesting, indeed. As much as I love my science, I'm rather looking forward to this change." It had been a long time since Fabiano had been the head of a department. It wasn't like he hadn't been offered promotions or assignments with more responsibility. Several times, in fact. But being there for his adoptive children had been more important to him. They had been his first and foremost responsibility. Seeing Tess now being in a command position on a frontier station and an excellent doctor, married, expecting her first child and Benjin being an excellent cadet, he couldn't help but be proud of 'his' children.

Rayek was relieved that Tess wasn't upset at his manipulation. It eased his mind that she too recognized that an additional responsibility was not ideal at this point.  "I thought you might find it intriguing." Rayek commented to Fabiano. "I'd be more than pleased to hand over the duties permanently, if I thought it would not reflect poorly on me."

This sentiment was likely surprising to Tess and the others - since prior to now Rayek hadn't complained about any task assigned to him.  No doubt, they like Solluk, thought he was very suited to such a position, given his past.... but that was exactly why he disliked it.  He recalled the lies and the subterfuge that such a position had required of him when he was in the Star Navy.  He really didn't see Starfleet Intelligence being all that different... not if Chevron was a typical example of an Intelligence officer.  Rayek had no desire to return to such practices if he could avoid it.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief Office (Office 214) - Morning of Day 3]

Quote from: Paul Wessex on July 31, 2020, 06:05:18 AM

Upon entering the office, Paul once more met his new senior officer. This time he felt to be in a more informed position, now knowing he was Romulan not Vulcan. As tr'Lhoell acknowledged him, he adopted a textbook-perfect stance common to his profession - that of what used to be known as 'stand easy' - and waited attentively for the Lt Commander to speak. His eyes wanted to peek at the PADD he was holding, presumably his recent report, but wisely kept focus on a small square behind his new CSec until addressed directly.

Expecting to the chewed out for both events, Wessex was pleasantly surprised that tr'Lhoell had decided to keep him in charge of the further, and subsequent, investigation. With some degree of latitude to boot. Professional pride didn't permit him to smile in appreciation, but he was nevertheless pleased with these orders; he hated to let the trail grow cold.

What did surprise him was that he had seemed to have arrived in the midst of a mass Officer Exchange Programme between the Klingon Defense Force and StarFleet; NavPat had the odd observer from Federation Member worlds, but there had never been an exo-Federation presence on his vessels - at least, none authorised...

Looking at the Romulan directly now, as custom allowed, Paul snapped off a brisk nod of understanding in regard to his received orders. "Perfectly, sir" he acknowledged. It was interesting how tr'Lhoell had emphasized his sole jurisdiction for the assignment - clearly the notion of a criminal network operating on his station, diving beneath his sensor grid, had needled his sense of duty and wanted to ensure this was resolved as a matter of priority. Paul couldn't disagree there. There was something just...strange about the whole thing.

The eyes of tr'Lhoell seemed to study him hard for a moment, and Wessex was momentarily struck by the intensity present in his eyes; this was a man who was clearly suited for the job of running security. That train of thought was interrupted by being asked if he had any questions. None came to mind, but he made a mental note to seek out this Security Chief M'Kai; he hoped he'd not have to play buffer between these two apparent 'no-nonsense' individuals - Solen didn't come across as a generally comfortable team player. "No, sir" he confirmed in his clipped, but still affable, manner. He was momentarily surprised that his findings needed to be reported to Solen, while Master-at-Arms, was still a non-commissioned officer who he outranked by virtue of his commission, but he quickly realised that his relative inexperience aboard the station would need a temporary 'second pair of eyes' to advise over the complexity of such a posting. Wessex certainly appreciated the advice - and he hoped his own unique experiences would be of some use to the statuesque woman.

"Good." Rayek acknowledged the response by the young officer. "You are dismissed." He hoped that the man reporting to Fabiano would and keeping both Solen and M'Kai appraised would be beneficial in getting the man all he need to resolve the situation.   In the back of Rayek's mind, the Romulan had to wonder how long this network of thieves and those willing to commit murder had been aboard 'his' station.  Had it been present when he was XO?  The thought was rather discouraging.  And it left him concerned about leaving his wife alone.

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief's office - morning of day 4, after the transfer of command ceremony]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 31, 2020, 09:40:05 AM

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (7 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Security Chief's office - morning of day 4, after the transfer of command ceremony]

Seeing his face turning into a smile made her heart clench with how much she loved him. He motioned for her to sit, so she did so before she watched him walking around the desk. But rather than sitting down in the other chair, he knelt down in front of her. He was always so sweet.

Tess smiled at him as he took her hand in his. Considering his words, he knew exactly why she was here. "Yes ...", she said quietly, and already opened her mouth to continue speaking but his expression changed. She was a little irritated at first, but then smiled when she realized he likely had noticed the full pip on her collar.

His disbelieving exclamation had her falter. She had expected him to be happy for her, but this was not a really happy reaction. For a moment she worried that there might be some hard feelings on his part about ranks and positions that might only surface now. Before Tess' thoughts could become too troubled however, Rayek finally embraced her and expressed his joy for her. Her hands wrapped around him in return as she buried her face against him for a moment. When the hug ended, Tess sought Rayek's eyes, still a little uncertain about his initial reaction.

"Yes, I made Commander", she confirmed, smiling slightly. "Five minutes ago. Captain Solluk called me into his quarters. Wearing a Klingon uniform." She chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood a little but it didn't work; the smile faded quickly. She looked into Rayek's eyes as her hand came up to touch his cheek gently. "But yes, I came here to say good-bye privately." She bit her lip as the mere thought that they'd have to part soon made her want to cry already. Ever since the meeting in the morning when it had been decided that Rayek would be going, Tess had tried to not be too sad around him, not wanting to make it more difficult for him or making him probably change his mind for her. She'd get over it, she hoped. It was just that they haven't been apart from each other for very long ever since they became a couple. The pregnancy definitely making her extra emotional.

So before she even could get out another sentence, her eyes watered with tears as she suppressed a little sob. "I know it's only a few weeks, but I will miss you so much." Finally she allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks. She wasn't ashamed to cry in front of her husband. Leaning forward she gave into the desire to hug him.

The look of uncertainty in her eyes as Tess confirmed her promotion had Rayek mentally flogging himself for not controlling his reaction better.  He could see her faltering smile and it stung that this doubt was all because of him.   While he tried to think of how best to explain his poor reaction, Tess reached forward to stroke at his groomed beard and began her goodbyes, but it grew too much for her and she became teary-eyed before leaning forward to hug him.

He wrapped his arms about her comfortingly. "I will miss you as well, e'lev.  Each and everyday, I will be thinking of you.  I am so exceedingly proud of you and your accomplishment.  Your promotion is undeniably well-deserved... I am just concerned at the added responsibility.   I need you to promise to look after your own well-being as if you were your own patient."

Lt. Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[IKS Lod Qan - Bridge - morning of Day 4]
Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

K'mpoc took the offered record of battle.  In ancient times, such a thing had been a sacred scroll, or leatherbound log-book.  The times had changed, but the ceremony was largely the same.  He looked down at the screen, thumbing the scroll button.

It was mostly only a pantomime.  He knew very well what the record of this ship and its crew were.  But he did notice, at least, that Rayek had followed the proper forms.  And he had placed entries to highlight the notable feats of the crew.

"This ship has little honor," he proclaimed, "but it has a proud heritage.  This crew has seen little battle, but there are feats enough of note.  There is a foundation here upon which we can build.

I serve the Captain.  But I shall stand for you all.  We will bring glory and honor to the Old Man, and all shall sing songs of his victories."

Rayek, who had initially thought to dress in his Starfleet uniform in his Security colors, had at the last minute recalled Tess' comment that Solluk was in Klingon uniform, and so changed his mind and replicated a Klingon Tactical officer's leathers and chain armor.   It felt constrictive but he figured he would adapt quick enough.  He was grateful Tess had forewarned him of the Captain's wardrobe choice so that he could alter his own appropriately but he noted, a little regretfully, that he didn't inform others like Lieutenant Goodspeed of this so that Katra's officers could present a unified team but as it was the engineer seemed to be the sole Federation officer that proudly wore her Starfleet uniform.

The Romulan refrained from rolling his eyes at K'mpoc's assessment of the record of battle for the crew.  What had the Klingon expected from a Federation crew?  Their mandate was to always look for options other than violence first.   Battle was always the last option.  Yet even so, Rayek himself had seen plenty of battle - most not on Katra, but even during the year and a half he was at the station were at least three notable successes:  The battle with the Dosi (a hard won success but a success nonetheless), the battle and escape from the Thinkers, and the attack on the Vortex station controlled by the Dominion.

He tried not to take the Klingon's slight personally, since it was directed to the crew in general and since it was a bit more a ritual than actual criticism... still Rayek didn't like it.

Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

"Rayek, you are the Chief Tactical Officer.  You are also Sogh, a rank like Lieutenant.  You serve as this ship's Second Officer.  If I fail in my duty, then it becomes your duty to challenge and replace me.  If you deem me weak, cowardly, or treacherous, then you must face me in battle for the good of the ship."

He bared his teeth briefly, glaring at the Romulan, seemingly daring him to make a move.

Rayek met the Klingon's glare evenly - this aspect of Klingon hierarchy was similar to Romulan - where you had to watch out for those below you, who were looking to make a  name for themselves and wouldn't hesitate to point out your failings.  He nodded.  "Of that you can be certain.  I won't hesitate to remove you."
Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

Then he began to turn, looking from face to face.  "The same is true of you all.  It is a service to the Empire when the weak or unworthy are replaced by the strong and the competent."

His gaze came to rest on the trill.  "You are Third," he said to Hrafn, "lagh' is your rank. It translates roughly as Ensign. Chief Science Officer.

Eli, you shall also serve as lagh', and attend the Helm as our senior Helmsman.

Catherine, you shall hold the rank of lagh' also, and report to the Engine room as our Senior Engineer.  I know you have brought several of your team on board to assist with the field emissions.  They are bekk, or crewmen.  You may combine them with the Cloaking team, headed by Torpa bu'.  bu' is our word for Sergeant."

All of these rank titles were approximations, of course.

"Zex and Kal.  You both shall hold the lowest officer rank of ne'.   Zex, you shall take the auxiliary Science station and handle Communications.  You shall also be our liaison to the Tholian ambassador.  It is your duty to make sure the Tholian is content, and understands all that transpires.

Kal, I am placing you as our Chief Security Officer.  The Security troops await you in the training hall.  I hope your training in Klingon ways extends beyond the wearing of a sash.  If not, I doubt I shall see your face again."

Now he addressed them all at large, "Many of you will note that your ranks are different from what you are accustomed to.  It is the case that Klingons have use for fewer ranks than Starfleet.  Do not take offense if you find yourself 'demoted.'  It is only that our ranks hold more prestige than yours."

K'mpoc was clearly taking the time to explain things that would never be bothered with had he been assigned a Klingon crew.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 31, 2020, 12:31:07 PM

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

Hrafn inclined her head towards the Klingon in acknowledgement.  Third in command was nothing to be ashamed of.  It was after all a part she was playing, the rank was immaterial in that sense.

"I'm honoured to be entrusted with the rank of lagh, K'mpoc.  And to serve with you and on the IKS Lod Qan.  I hope the 'Old Man' can hold off his retirement a little while yet!"

Being somewhat familiar with Klingon rankings during his occasional interactions with them during his time with the Star Navy, Rayek knew the assigned rank of Sogh wasn't a demotion at all so didn't take insult to that.

He did however give a surprised glance towards the Executive Officer when he assigned Ensign Kal... or rather Kal ne' as the Security Chief.   Was there something in the man's Klingon record that suggested that the Starfleet Ops officer fresh from the Academy could handle such a responsibility?  Rayek hated that he lacked the proper intel on his own crew to know the answer to that.   For now, he would not comment, but would keep a close eye on the human that thought he was a Klingon.

Quote from: Kal on July 30, 2020, 10:23:35 PM

[Aboard the IKS Lod Qan - Bridge]

Jimrec Ne kept his dark eyes to K'mpoc. He nodded his head to acknowledge the HoD and headed to the training guards. Well, he was going to try to help Zex for comfort later. The truth was he was going to need more she does.

Squaring his shoulders as his God Father had done as he was demanding stature of other Klingons under him. When he was young he had always try to mimic him in his ways. He walked marched into the training area.

Quote from: Solluk on July 30, 2020, 12:44:39 PM

Now he barked, "Stations!  Prepare the vessel for departure!  The Captain will arrive shortly.  He will find no malingerers here!"

When K'mpoc called for 'Stations', Rayek hurried into action.  From his studying the past couple days Rayek knew were to go to on the LoD Qad's bridge for Tactical.   Taking his seat, Rayek looked over the console.  The Klingon writing was unreadable to him but he'd been given instruction on how to activate the control translation program that had been installed on certain ship consoles.  Within moments, the tactical console was displaying Federation Standard and Rayek reviewed the ship's shield and weapons status. Both were offline - not unexpected while docked.

Quote from: Solluk on July 31, 2020, 04:24:47 PM

Solluk entered the bridge of the Lod Qan.

"Captain!" K'mpoc called out, alerting everyone to his arrival.  The Klingon eyed Solluk's KDF uniform with concealed amusement.  Just the slightest quirk at the corner of his mouth.  Whether this was mockery or simple good humor was difficult to perceive, so slight was the expression.  No doubt the man had expressed the same humor regarding other members of the bridge crew, though it was so slight a smirk as to be easily missed... and it was only displayed for the briefest of moments.

"I have accepted this crew into your service, and I shall stand for them as we all serve you."

Solluk nodded, and took his chair.  "I shall receive your service and theirs, and I swear that I shall steer us only towards honor and glory.

Inform Katra Station that we are departing now.  Thrusters only, till we reach a distance of one-million kilometers.  Then take us to Impulse in a parabolic arc out of the system plane.  Once we clear major traffic lanes, take us to Warp Six and engage the Cloak."

K'mpoc took his place at the damage control station as the officers dealt with their various orders.

Then his fist struck the console.

And again.

And again.

It was the beat of a song.  K'mpoc's loud voice- only slightly off-key, began to fill the bridge.

Solluk had almost forgotten this custom, but he began to thump the arms of his chair in time with the rhythm established by his new XO.

Hear! Sons of Kahless.
Hear! Daughters, too.
The blood of battle washes clean
The Warrior brave and true.

We fight, we love, and then we kill.
Our lives burn short and bright,
Then we die with honor-
to join our fathers-
in the Black Fleet where we battle forever-
in the Eternal Fight!


At the Captain's arrival, Rayek turned in his seat to nod to the Vulcan.  If he were back on Katra, Rayek might have felt inclined to greet his Captain more personably,  but on a Klingon ship Rayek was uncertain of the protocols so for the moment kept to just the basic acknowledgement of his arrival.

He observed the Captain accept the service of the crew and take responsibility.  Then it was time to undock and depart.

The unexpected thumping beat was quickly picked up by Rayek.   The lyrics to the Klingon song were easy to learn and soon Rayek was lending his baritone voice to the song.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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