S2 - M9B - Lod Qan - Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

Started by Solluk, August 14, 2020, 08:32:55 PM

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Rayek trLhoell


Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS Lod Qan - Bridge >>> Shuttlebay - day 5]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 26, 2020, 10:17:06 AM

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[IKS Lod Qan - Bridge >>> Shuttlebay - day 5 aboard]

Benjin bit his lower lip nervously as he waited near the door for Rayek to be relieved from his station. This was going to be the most tense shuttle ride ever, he thought to himself. Not only had he learned about Rayek's questionable past, but his bunk mate on the ship, Roberto Padrini, had mentioned something else that had shocked Benjin quite a bit. While there was very little to do for recreation on the Klingon ship, Benjin found himself rather bored after shift and with the beds on the Lod Qan being the most uncomfortable he had ever seen, it was hard to get much sleep. So there was a lot of time to talk. He had not talked about Rayek's psionic abilities, but Roberto had talked about a certain Numati affect on the Romulan that had revealed what kind of man Rayek really was - at least that had been Roberto's opinion. Benjin had told himself that it had just been an delusion - but the words stuck with him. He never had any issues with his brother-in-law, they got along well. But his overall view on Rayek with everything he had learned in the past week made it start to change and right now he wasn't able to do something about it.

When Rayek finally joined him and called for him to lead the way, Benjin chose the quickest way automatically. He had been very thorough in memorizing where the shuttlebays were and the path from the bridge to them so it was easy for him to follow the prompt.
The doors of the lift closed and Benjin subconsciously held his breath as he tried to figure out where to look. Anywhere but at Rayek. He felt kind ridiculous for this, but he couldn't help himself. When he then started a conversation, Benjin glanced to him for a second before regarding the handle at the turbolift wall again as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Uh, yeah, um ... it's okay", Benjin replied. "He's ... a nice guy." He glanced to Rayek once more a little insecure just as the doors opened.

At the shuttlebay, Benjin selected one of the two Chal Pum type shuttles and after getting inside, he started the check-up procedure. It took him a little longer than it would have with the familiar Starfleet shuttles, but he managed it a decent time. After Rayek had called the bridge to get the okay for the to go, Benjin started to steer the shuttle slowly out the hangar doors and then they were in open space.

The way that Benjin kept avoiding his gaze alerted to Rayek to the fact that the situation had somehow worsened over the week's time.  Rather than the time making things better  - allowing Benjin the space to come to terms with what he'd learned - it seemed to have made the youth more nervous to be around him.

When he inquired about Benjin's room assignment, he had hoped to hear some sense of negativity... a dislike of the medical officer that they could bond over.  But he supposed he should have realized that was unlikely.  Benjin had tolerated Darrow for longer than any other - without complaint.  Padrini, for all of Rayek's dislike of the man since the incident in the customs holding cell, was not normally an offensive individual... so of course Benjin would get along with the man.

Forcing a slight smile, Rayek nodded.  "I'm glad." Then changing the subject as they arrived in the bay Rayek remarked, "Well, you should be pleased to know I've requisitioned better sleeping mats for all Starfleet personnel.  Some have had difficulties in getting enough sleep that it's affecting their alertness." Rayek explained.

"Where we are headed after this mission will require us all to be at our peak."

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 26, 2020, 10:17:06 AM

[Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle]

Benjin calculated the path for their approach on the far side of the sun. He made sure to choose a wide and far circle around it as they started their cruise along the line of planets so they wouldn't get too close to the hot burning sun of the chu'ghoS system once they were there."We have reached cruising speed, sir", Benjin reported dutifully while he kept his eyes on the console readings, maybe a little bit more eager than he usually would have been.

Rayek sat in the copilot's seat as Benjin calculated their path and laid in the course, bringing them up to cruising speed.   "Excellent work, but then I expected no less."

There was a moment of long silence afterwards in which Rayek silently debated the pro's and con's of forcing a conversation.  In the end, he figured things would not get better on their own.  As he spoke he kept his gaze down on this console.

"Benjin," Rayek addressed Tess' brother by name to indicate he was moving away from ranks at present.  "I'm sure you are aware, I specifically asked for you on this outing for more than just your piloting skills and the learning opportunity.   I see your nervousness in my presence and that worries me - both personally and professionally.  I need to know that when I give you an order that you aren't going to be hesitating... second guessing my intentions.   So we need to talk this through."

Believing he should speak first, Rayek continued, keeping his glance down at his console so as not to worry the man that he was reading his thoughts.   "Your reaction is exactly the reason I have hesitated in being completely honest about my past and my abilities to the entire station... fleet.   You knew me.  Had accepted me... yet now that you know that acceptance has been strained... perhaps irreparably.   I hope not.   I hope that by speaking with you honestly now, that we can move past this."

Rayek had begun his speech not looking at Benjin, but now looked up.  "Equally important to me is that - we are family.  I would never do anything to intentionally bring harm to Tess, you, your brothers or your father - that includes disrespecting your privacy of mind.  I need you to believe that."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Zex on August 26, 2020, 06:42:36 PM

[Planet surface]

A swirl of blue light deposited Zex on the planet surface.  Given all the talk to transporter issues the Deltan checked herself over.   10 fingers, check, 10 toes, check.

Then she checked her ship-mates.  She looked from one to the next.  "Everyone ok?" she asked.

Then she turned her attention outward.  "It's beautiful.  Breath taking" she uttered.

Kal had turned his body with the bulk of suit toward the Science Team which had beamed down. He was pleased to see Zex had beamed down with Tholian.  "We secured the area. However, we need to on our guard," he told the newly beamed team.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Solluk on August 25, 2020, 06:45:14 PM

Transporter Room

Overhearing the ongoing conversation, the Klingon transporter officer spoke up.  "The Klingon Empire has never had a transporter accident involving a Tholian," she announced proudly.   Then she bent over her console and prepared to work the controls when they announced their readiness to depart.

When that readiness was declared, she would proceed to manipulate the controls in a professional manner, depositing the science team and guest into the 'landing zone' on the planet's surface.[/size]

[Transporter Room 1 - IKS Lod Qan]

Hrafn shot a grateful look at the Klingon Transporter Officer and mouthed a Thank You, then said "Energize!" Looking towards the others to watch the effect on the Tholian as much as anything.

Quote from: Zex on August 26, 2020, 06:42:36 PM

[Planet surface]

A swirl of blue light deposited Zex on the planet surface.  Given all the talk to transporter issues the Deltan checked herself over.   10 fingers, check, 10 toes, check.

Then she checked her ship-mates.  She looked from one to the next.  "Everyone ok?" she asked.

Then she turned her attention outward.  "It's beautiful.  Breath taking" she uttered.

[Planet Surface]

"All parts normal to a Trill, Human and other various bits of random DNA biped present and correct I think...I'll explain the DNA bit over dinner sometime, Ambassador... you ok?" the Science Chief asked of Eydis.

"And yes, certainly very pretty, and a change of scene.  I hope this gives some thanks to you both for the children's treat of going to the Tholian ship.  They still haven't given up talking about it!  Zex can I charge you with this..." she said passing over a holo imager.  "I promised that if I got the chance to go planet side and had the time and it was safe, I'd take some photos.  Actually, if I have your permission could I get one of you and perhaps one of you and Ambassador Eydis together for their collection? With those mushrooms as a backdrop?!" she asked.

Quote from: Kal on August 27, 2020, 01:33:07 AM

Kal had turned his body with the bulk of suit toward the Science Team which had beamed down. He was pleased to see Zex had beamed down with Tholian.  "We secured the area. However, we need to on our guard," he told the newly beamed team.

"Ensign Jimrec I believe?  Lt. Falleg, CSO.  I don't think we've met yet, but thank you.  Like any away mission to unknown territory... one must always be wary.  We'll skirt around here, take some samples of those mushroom-like plants... they don't appear to be sentient do they?" she swung her tricorder in the direction of one of them and it registered only as a plant.

"Maybe I read too much John Wyndham.  20th Century Terran novelist." she added by way of explaination.  "Zex, the holoimages are as much evidence as are my samples.  DNA is one thing but we'll also have visual evidence.  Find as many different plants as we can in the time we've got, I'll be doing the same."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Eydis was shaking hir head after arriving on the planet and proceed to look at each of hir limbs and count the digits. "œ I'm intact "œ Shi comments to zex and looks at the security personal arrayed around the area. Then shi would begin to notice the landscape. The giant tree like fungus were odd but beautiful.

Eydis would take a few steps testing the ground with hir armor clad limbs Digging a small mark in the ground with hir right forelimb. "œ hmm good surface "œ



IKS Lod Qan - Transporter Room

"The Klingon Empire has never had a transporter accident involving a Tholian," the transporter officer announced proudly.  Then she activated the transporter beam, and the scientific away team members dissolved, to reappear at their destination.  As the dematerialization was completed, she grinned broadly.

At that moment, her relief officer arrived to give her a scheduled break.

"I just transported a Tholian," she announced, excitedly.

His eyes widened.  "I do not think a Tholian has ever been transported by an Imperial officer before."

"I know," she replied excitedly, "I thought for sure the crystal resonance of hir body would cause a terrible accident!  But I compensated!"

He clapped her shoulder with his hand, "These are the accomplishments of the new way," he said, "there is glory to be found outside of battle.  Kahless will want skilled transporter officers to serve him in the Black Fleet."

Planet's Surface

As the away team assembled and spoke to each other, a vine slowly slithered through the undergrowth.

The ferns recoiled from the moving vine, drawing attention to its passage.  Suddenly, the vine opened a mouthlike appendage, and chomped into the base of a giant mushroom.   The strength of the psuedo-jaw was impressive.  Ripping out a chunk of the mushroom, the mouth closed, and the mushroom chunk seemed to be slowly drawn into the stem of the vine, as though it was a snake.  The vine then slithered away, apparently un-tethered to the ground.  No root system was in evidence as it moved on.

As they all watched this remarkable display, another of the cannibal vines slithered out, this time approaching Hrafn, another jawlike appendage opening wide...

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


[The planet surface]

Zex raised a hand and waved to Kal.  She was a junior office here and Felleg seemed to be a bit more like a 'just go with it' type of leader.  But still the Deltan didn't want to test the limit by speaking out of turn.

"That's good" she replied softly to Eydis.  Then she accepted the holo imager from Falleg.  "I would be honored to span a few shots do that the kidos can see what mom does at work.  Do you and Eydis want to pair up?" she asked

The she heard the noise in the bushes.  She activated the imager and turned it toward the creature.  It wasn't a gun, but at least she could capture the creatures image.  "Falleg watch out" she warned the CSO.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams


"Ensign Jimrec I believe?  Lt. Falleg, CSO.  I don't think we've met yet, but thank you.  Like any away mission to unknown territory... one must always be wary.  We'll skirt around here, take some samples of those mushroom-like plants... they don't appear to be sentient do they?" she swung her tricorder in the direction of one of them and it registered only as a plant.

"No. We have not met yet, Hfran lagh'," Kal nodded his head inside. The dark eyes of the human who was brought up by Klingon to turn to look at the Tholian. "You must be the ambassador." He was amazed by the appearance having one. [/quote]

Eydis was shaking hir head after arriving on the planet and proceed to look at each of hir limbs and count the digits. "œ I'm intact "œ Shi comments to zex and looks at the security personal arrayed around the area. Then shi would begin to notice the landscape. The giant tree like fungus were odd but beautiful.

Eydis would take a few steps testing the ground with hir armor clad limbs Digging a small mark in the ground with hir right forelimb. "œ hmm good surface "œ

"Yes, indeed," he replied.

"Maybe I read too much John Wyndham.  20th Century Terran novelist." she added by way of explaination.  "Zex, the holoimages are as much evidence as are my samples.  DNA is one thing but we'll also have visual evidence.  Find as many different plants as we can in the time we've got, I'll be doing the same."

Kal had turned to hear Hfran chat. He really had not cared about this John person. He gave her the short attention that she deserved.

The ferns recoiled from the moving vine, drawing attention to its passage.  Suddenly, the vine opened a mouthlike appendage, and chomped into the base of a giant mushroom.   The strength of the psuedo-jaw was impressive.  Ripping out a chunk of the mushroom, the mouth closed, and the mushroom chunk seemed to be slowly drawn into the stem of the vine, as though it was a snake.  The vine then slithered away, apparently un-tethered to the ground.  No root system was in evidence as it moved on.

Kal saw the action of the mushroom eater vine come out of nowhere eating up the mushroom. He pointed his disruptor defending the party.

As they all watched this remarkable display, another of the cannibal vines slithered out, this time approaching Hrafn, another jawlike appendage opening wide...


The she heard the noise in the bushes.  She activated the imager and turned it toward the creature.  It wasn't a gun, but at least she could capture the creatures image.  "Falleg watch out" she warned the CSO.

Kal had attempted to shoulder shove Hfran out of the way as pressed the trigger to the disruptor.  The blast shot out.

Tess tLhoell

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[chu' ghoS system - IKS Lod Qan - Turbolift >>> Shuttlebay - day 5]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 26, 2020, 09:09:52 PM

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS Lod Qan - Bridge >>> Shuttlebay - day 5]

The way that Benjin kept avoiding his gaze alerted to Rayek to the fact that the situation had somehow worsened over the week's time.  Rather than the time making things better  - allowing Benjin the space to come to terms with what he'd learned - it seemed to have made the youth more nervous to be around him.

When he inquired about Benjin's room assignment, he had hoped to hear some sense of negativity... a dislike of the medical officer that they could bond over.  But he supposed he should have realized that was unlikely.  Benjin had tolerated Darrow for longer than any other - without complaint.  Padrini, for all of Rayek's dislike of the man since the incident in the customs holding cell, was not normally an offensive individual... so of course Benjin would get along with the man.

Forcing a slight smile, Rayek nodded.  "I'm glad." Then changing the subject as they arrived in the bay Rayek remarked, "Well, you should be pleased to know I've requisitioned better sleeping mats for all Starfleet personnel.  Some have had difficulties in getting enough sleep that it's affecting their alertness." Rayek explained.

"Where we are headed after this mission will require us all to be at our peak."

Benjin had glanced at Rayek just in time to see the smile flicker over his face, but it didn't seem genuine and so Benjin wondered why Rayek had asked after Padrini in the first place? He was still mulling over that even as Rayek quickly changed the topic to something else and Benjin felt even more uncomfortable.

[chu'ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 26, 2020, 09:09:52 PM

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Rayek sat in the copilot's seat as Benjin calculated their path and laid in the course, bringing them up to cruising speed.   "Excellent work, but then I expected no less."

There was a moment of long silence afterwards in which Rayek silently debated the pro's and con's of forcing a conversation.  In the end, he figured things would not get better on their own.  As he spoke he kept his gaze down on this console.

"Benjin," Rayek addressed Tess' brother by name to indicate he was moving away from ranks at present.  "I'm sure you are aware, I specifically asked for you on this outing for more than just your piloting skills and the learning opportunity.   I see your nervousness in my presence and that worries me - both personally and professionally.  I need to know that when I give you an order that you aren't going to be hesitating... second guessing my intentions.   So we need to talk this through."

Believing he should speak first, Rayek continued, keeping his glance down at his console so as not to worry the man that he was reading his thoughts.   "Your reaction is exactly the reason I have hesitated in being completely honest about my past and my abilities to the entire station... fleet.   You knew me.  Had accepted me... yet now that you know that acceptance has been strained... perhaps irreparably.   I hope not.   I hope that by speaking with you honestly now, that we can move past this."

Rayek had begun his speech not looking at Benjin, but now looked up.  "Equally important to me is that - we are family.  I would never do anything to intentionally bring harm to Tess, you, your brothers or your father - that includes disrespecting your privacy of mind.  I need you to believe that."

The silence that fell over them was crushing. Benjin didn't even realize how rigidly he sat in the pilot seat, his jaw clenched subconsciously. Was he reading his mind right now? What added to his nervousness and insecurity was that he didn't have a real understanding how telepathy really worked. In his head there was the image of his thoughts coming out like speech bubbles out of his head for Rayek to read. And even if he tried not to, how could he possibly ignore that completely without picking up on bits?

When Rayek suddenly addressed him, Benjin almost flinched in his seat. He glanced briefly to Rayek, but saw that he kept his gaze elsewhere. Him using his first name already hinted on a private thought of Rayek's that would follow and so it was. Benjin kept his eyes turned away from Rayek as well while he listened, not sure what was to come now. The notion of talking about the issues that had arisen in the past week now and here made Benjin want to just run away. How could he confront Rayek with all the things he had heard? He really was not great in that.

Benjin's mouth had gone dry all of a sudden so he was grateful when Rayek continued to speak, explaining why he had chosen to keep his ability a secret - and Benjin had to give him that it was relatable in a way. He then felt Rayek's eyes on him and Benjin hesitantly looked back at him while he asked him to believe he wouldn't do anything to harm them and that he would respect their privacy of mind and asked him to believe that.

"I- I do!", Benjin stuttered, trying to sound as convinced as he wanted to be. "I mean, I - ... I don't know what to think anymore. It's all so confusing to me." He sighed grimly. "I believe you that you are not intentionally reading minds, but ... what if it just happens?" He grimaced, fearing he might sound like a complete idiot.

He bit his lip again as his eyebrows knitted in the confusion of his thoughts. The worst thing that really bothered him was the seed of doubt about Rayek's sincerety regarding Tess that Roberto subtly had implanted in his mind. If he looked at Rayek and Tess as an outsider, he always would have said that their love to each other is obvious. But then again, Benjin only knew Rayek for a couple of months before he had married his sister. And really, Tess had only been together with Rayek for a couple of months earlier before they had married. Benjin knew about Tess' boyfriend she have had around the time she had joined Starfleet, he had been big in pretending to have feelings for her. Not that Rayek was like Eshriv personality-wise - not at all - but what if there were different ways to take advantage of a person like his sister? That was mainly what had been going on in Benjin's head the past days now. Especially since Rayek had not chosen to speak of that delusion thing - Roberto had been so kind to explain to him that the delusion was created of somebody's real wishes and desires - although he had claimed to want to be open and genuine with them.

Clearing his throat as a means of somehow muster up the courage to broach that subject, Benjin glanced back to Rayek. "Are Romulans monogamous people?" He was not aware how unrelated and out of context that question must sound. And it probably wasn't the best way to bring this up. "I mean ..." He licked his lips nervously and almost wished he had not taken that step, but now it was too late. "Like having ... the same relationship standards as humans have with ... being, you know ... faithful?"

This was a mess. Benjin - maybe a little unnecessarily - started to calculate their flight path, but the computer had already chosen the ideal one, so there really was no tweaking needed. But it provided distraction.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 25, 2020, 05:16:04 PM

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[IKS Lod Qan - Bridge]

Benjin sat next to Eli at the Conn station, using the time to get some more used to the flight console system of the ancient Klingon ship. Since his assignment to join this mission had been "˜last-minute', Benjin have had to familiarize himself with the ancient alien system of the Klingon ship and shuttles on the way. Klingon was not a language he spoke, so he was glad that they had the possibility to translate letterings into Federation Standard.

So far the mission went well. While he wasn't used to being around Klingons "" his fear was that he might get a target of (friendly) mockery given the rather harsh tone that prevailed among Klingon crews "" Benjin felt a constant discomfort which he hoped would go away eventually.

Right now while Eli was calculating the flight paths for the probes, Benjin monitored their orbital path around the planet chu'ghoS VII. The computer showed the orbital parameters that identified the orbit of the planet and Benjin was extra attentive as they neared the orbital perigee. Orbits changed over time due to gravitational perturbations, so Benjin ran the calculations of the orbital path in a routine pattern, defining the orbital state vectors anew every time to get the most exact outcome.

While he did that, Benjin picked up on his name being mentioned and he lifted his head slightly to look over at Rayek at the tactical station. Part of him was excited to get some piloting time in the shuttle, but the other part of him realized that he'd be alone with Rayek. He always got along with his brother-in-law but the latest news had been a bit much and even a week after learning all this about him, Benjin couldn't get rid of the bad feeling about it. It was clear to him why Rayek specifically chose him to join him in the shuttle. His jaw stiffened as he glanced to the HoD and then back to Rayek. Of course he wouldn't disobey an order.

After the permission was given, Benjin raised a little stiffly from his seat, tugging out of a gesture of awkwardness at the hem of his Starfleet uniform. He glanced over to Rayek with a hesitant smile while he waited for the Romulan to join him so they could walk to the shuttle bay together.

Eli gave a nod as Benjin took over the flight responsibilities with Rayek. He glanced between the two men, noting Benjin's stance, stiffly, as if a wild animal was about to drop from the ceiling, before the smile came. Eli was was very much accustomed to keeping to himself; it was not his place to demand answers of private matters.

This time, though, it struck him as odd. Benjin was directly under him for instruction; flying a Klingon shuttle was well within his opportunity for field learning. But, personal issues? That could interfere with instruction. Eli swallowed it back, filing it away for later, and he attended the helm, checking probe telemetry, as well as monitoring the shuttle's flight.

Next to him, K'mpoc announced difficulty with getting what information they needed. The limits of probes was frustrating to him. But, a new signal was going to potentially interfere with a full survey. His brow furrowed, eyebrow ridges knitting in to an odd look that might appear that he was ill, if his face was turned towards anyone. Thankfully, his attention was on the shuttle.

"Solluk hod, we might be able to launch a second shuttle to expand the sensors capability and maybe run data faster." Eli was always of the opinion that more data sources was better.

Rayek trLhoell

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 28, 2020, 08:14:52 AM

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[chu' ghoS system - IKS Lod Qan - Turbolift >>> Shuttlebay - day 5]

Benjin had glanced at Rayek just in time to see the smile flicker over his face, but it didn't seem genuine and so Benjin wondered why Rayek had asked after Padrini in the first place? He was still mulling over that even as Rayek quickly changed the topic to something else and Benjin felt even more uncomfortable.

[chu'ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

The silence that fell over them was crushing. Benjin didn't even realize how rigidly he sat in the pilot seat, his jaw clenched subconsciously. Was he reading his mind right now? What added to his nervousness and insecurity was that he didn't have a real understanding how telepathy really worked. In his head there was the image of his thoughts coming out like speech bubbles out of his head for Rayek to read. And even if he tried not to, how could he possibly ignore that completely without picking up on bits?

When Rayek suddenly addressed him, Benjin almost flinched in his seat. He glanced briefly to Rayek, but saw that he kept his gaze elsewhere. Him using his first name already hinted on a private thought of Rayek's that would follow and so it was. Benjin kept his eyes turned away from Rayek as well while he listened, not sure what was to come now. The notion of talking about the issues that had arisen in the past week now and here made Benjin want to just run away. How could he confront Rayek with all the things he had heard? He really was not great in that.

Benjin's mouth had gone dry all of a sudden so he was grateful when Rayek continued to speak, explaining why he had chosen to keep his ability a secret - and Benjin had to give him that it was relatable in a way. He then felt Rayek's eyes on him and Benjin hesitantly looked back at him while he asked him to believe he wouldn't do anything to harm them and that he would respect their privacy of mind and asked him to believe that.

"I- I do!", Benjin stuttered, trying to sound as convinced as he wanted to be. "I mean, I - ... I don't know what to think anymore. It's all so confusing to me." He sighed grimly. "I believe you that you are not intentionally reading minds, but ... what if it just happens?" He grimaced, fearing he might sound like a complete idiot.

He bit his lip again as his eyebrows knitted in the confusion of his thoughts. The worst thing that really bothered him was the seed of doubt about Rayek's sincerety regarding Tess that Roberto subtly had implanted in his mind. If he looked at Rayek and Tess as an outsider, he always would have said that their love to each other is obvious. But then again, Benjin only knew Rayek for a couple of months before he had married his sister. And really, Tess had only been together with Rayek for a couple of months earlier before they had married. Benjin knew about Tess' boyfriend she have had around the time she had joined Starfleet, he had been big in pretending to have feelings for her. Not that Rayek was like Eshriv personality-wise - not at all - but what if there were different ways to take advantage of a person like his sister? That was mainly what had been going on in Benjin's head the past days now. Especially since Rayek had not chosen to speak of that delusion thing - Roberto had been so kind to explain to him that the delusion was created of somebody's real wishes and desires - although he had claimed to want to be open and genuine with them.

Clearing his throat as a means of somehow muster up the courage to broach that subject, Benjin glanced back to Rayek. "Are Romulans monogamous people?" He was not aware how unrelated and out of context that question must sound. And it probably wasn't the best way to bring this up. "I mean ..." He licked his lips nervously and almost wished he had not taken that step, but now it was too late. "Like having ... the same relationship standards as humans have with ... being, you know ... faithful?"

This was a mess. Benjin - maybe a little unnecessarily - started to calculate their flight path, but the computer had already chosen the ideal one, so there really was no tweaking needed. But it provided distraction.

Benjin's blurt of stuttered affirmation came much too fast for Rayek to feel it was sincere.  However, Rayek didn't feel insulted.  It's not like the boy meant to lie.  Few people ever intend to lie to themselves. Still, Rayek regarded his brother-in-law skeptically.  Then Benjin clarified and questioned about "˜what if'.  Given Rayek's past difficulties it was a valid question.

He turned back to his console as he began his answer. "In the unlikely situation that I experience a relapse of pa'nar, and I found myself within your mind...  I would let you know immediately - yet discreetly, and then withdraw as soon as possible.  I would not sift your memories and would instead occupy my mind so as to not pick up too much from your surface thoughts.   If it occurred with anyone else who does not already know... then I would attempt to discreetly leave their mind as soon as possible. In both situations afterwards inform Tess so that she could be certain the Pa'nar was not transferred.  I would discuss with Tess why the pa'nar treatment failed and look into my only other option... surgery."

His explanation was likely far more detailed than Benjin was probably looking for but Rayek wanted the youth to realize that he took his concerns seriously and that he was making every possible effort to be mindful of his ability.

Yet after his answer, Benjin questioned something completely unexpected. "Monogamous?" Rayek questioned back... even as Benjin explained.

"You're concerned about my faithfulness to Tess?" Even though he said it as a question, it seemed fairly obvious that was the case... and Rayek had a fair idea where he might have gotten the notion that he might be unfaithful.

"The bonds of marriage are very important to me as they are to my people - with the majority of our relationships being monogamous.  It is through marriage that Clans are bound to one another.  Normally, it is the husband that joins his wife's clan... but Tess and I discussed this and it was she that suggested I keep my mother's Clan name and she would join the Lhoell clan, so that my family's clan name would not die out."

Rayek glanced over towards Benjin knowing that none of what he explained proved his faithfulness.  In truth, only time would prove him so.   Rayek could only offer his reassurance that he loved Tess wholly and would be completely faithful to her.   But it was suspicious that Benjin had such concerns now.  "As for my faithfulness to Tess... there is little I can say that will prove such but what I will say, is that I intend to live my life each day proving it to her."

It was at about this time that the small craft began its route around to the far side of the sun.  Rayek turned his attention to scanning the area and as expected found no hidden fleet there.   With that paranoia settled, Rayek resumed their conversation.  "I find it both curious and a bit suspicious that you would question my faithfulness now... months after our marriage, rather than before.   Is there something I have done now.. or in the past that might suggest a lack of faithfulness?" he questioned.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs


[The planet surface]

After Kal attempted to move Falleg out of the way, Zex remembered her duty to protect Eydis.  So she took a small breath.  Then moved herself in between the creature and the Tholian.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



chu' ghoS VII - Planet's Surface

Everything happened at once.

Zex shouted a warning, stepped in front of Eydis, and collected image data with her device.

Kal tried to push Hrafn out of the way, firing his weapon in her defense.

Other nearby Klingon troops also responded, drawing their weapons.  But none were as swift as their senior officer.  There was some uncanny speed coiled up in that human.  Speed that suggested much about his challenging childhood.

The disruptor bolt struck the attacking vine full in the 'mouth', disintegrating most of its body in a cascade energy effect.

For a moment, silence filled the clearing.  Then, gradually, the ferns uncoiled themselves.  The underbrush was motionless.  All seemed as it had been:  Placid, peaceful, and safe.

IKS Lod Qan - In orbit of chu' ghoS VII

Solluk considered Eli's proposal.  "It's not a bad idea, but I think the second shuttle was recently destroyed in a collision with Katra Station."

"HoD," K'mpoc interjected, "I had ordered a new shuttle assembled from spare parts.  It means we will not have the parts readily available to make repairs, but we do have two functioning shuttles, now."

Solluk nodded, "I see.  Very well, Eli lagh.  Take the second shuttle on a jaunt off-axis from the system's orbital plane.  See if you can get a clearer signal, and transmit it back to the Lod Qan.  We will share it with the Tholians.  They may make more sense of it."

As he spoke, he got up from his command chair.  "Do not bother the relief officer.  I will man your station until you return."

It seemed like two lifetimes ago that Solluk had been a Flight Control officer on the Tempest.  But the truth was, he'd been itching to get his hands on the helm of this aged beast since he'd taken command of her.  A man never forgot his first love.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 29, 2020, 05:16:04 AM

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Benjin's blurt of stuttered affirmation came much too fast for Rayek to feel it was sincere.  However, Rayek didn't feel insulted.  It's not like the boy meant to lie.  Few people ever intend to lie to themselves. Still, Rayek regarded his brother-in-law skeptically.  Then Benjin clarified and questioned about "˜what if'.  Given Rayek's past difficulties it was a valid question.

He turned back to his console as he began his answer. "In the unlikely situation that I experience a relapse of pa'nar, and I found myself within your mind...  I would let you know immediately - yet discreetly, and then withdraw as soon as possible.  I would not sift your memories and would instead occupy my mind so as to not pick up too much from your surface thoughts.   If it occurred with anyone else who does not already know... then I would attempt to discreetly leave their mind as soon as possible. In both situations afterwards inform Tess so that she could be certain the Pa'nar was not transferred.  I would discuss with Tess why the pa'nar treatment failed and look into my only other option... surgery."

His explanation was likely far more detailed than Benjin was probably looking for but Rayek wanted the youth to realize that he took his concerns seriously and that he was making every possible effort to be mindful of his ability.

Yet after his answer, Benjin questioned something completely unexpected. "Monogamous?" Rayek questioned back... even as Benjin explained.

"You're concerned about my faithfulness to Tess?" Even though he said it as a question, it seemed fairly obvious that was the case... and Rayek had a fair idea where he might have gotten the notion that he might be unfaithful.

"The bonds of marriage are very important to me as they are to my people - with the majority of our relationships being monogamous.  It is through marriage that Clans are bound to one another.  Normally, it is the husband that joins his wife's clan... but Tess and I discussed this and it was she that suggested I keep my mother's Clan name and she would join the Lhoell clan, so that my family's clan name would not die out."

Rayek glanced over towards Benjin knowing that none of what he explained proved his faithfulness.  In truth, only time would prove him so.   Rayek could only offer his reassurance that he loved Tess wholly and would be completely faithful to her.   But it was suspicious that Benjin had such concerns now.  "As for my faithfulness to Tess... there is little I can say that will prove such but what I will say, is that I intend to live my life each day proving it to her."

It was at about this time that the small craft began its route around to the far side of the sun.  Rayek turned his attention to scanning the area and as expected found no hidden fleet there.   With that paranoia settled, Rayek resumed their conversation.  "I find it both curious and a bit suspicious that you would question my faithfulness now... months after our marriage, rather than before.   Is there something I have done now.. or in the past that might suggest a lack of faithfulness?" he questioned.

Benjin listened to Rayek's explanation - an explanation that was far more thorough than he would have expected. But it had the effect on him that Rayek probably had been looking for. It eased his mind at least a little bit. But there still were things Benjin didn't quite grasp yet. "And without pan'ar ...? I mean, don't you pick up on people's thoughts constantly?" He glanced to Rayek, his eyebrows knitted in puzzlement. "I imagine it like ...", he made a gesture towards his head, "my thoughts are a melody playing constantly and you can't do anything but overhear it even if you don't want to."

At the topic Benjin then had breached he noted a certain bafflement coming from his brother-in-law. Which probably was nothing to be surprised about if someone questioned your faithfulness and admittedly, Benjin felt a little embarrassed that he had made such a insinuation. He glanced back to Rayek with his cheeks colored in a bright shade of red while the shuttle circled gracefully - as graceful as such an 'ancient' seeming shuttle could go - around the sun. Benjin glanced at the calculated flight path back to the ship as he heard Rayek asking if there was something he had done that might have prompted such an assumption from him. Benjin picked up on the word 'suspicious' Rayek used. Suspicious?

Glancing back to Rayek, Benjin worried his lower lip for a moment as he tried to find the best way to put it. "I ... have heard about the Numati and the effect they had on some people ...  that it revealed someone's personal wishes and desires. And yours was to have babies with the whole female population of the station." Benjin's gaze was glued to the console as he didn't really dare to look Rayek in the eyes. "Is that true? I mean ... is that what you want or the reason you're together with Tess?" Roberto had told Benjin the distorted version of his own opinion on the matter. Including hinting on the medics doubt hat Tess was really in love with Rayek and that it was some manipuation on the Romulan's part. "I have heard Tess didn't even like you at first and then ... she suddenly did."

Benjin stiffled a frustrated sigh as he rubbed his hand over his face. "I don't want to say that ... you don't love each other", he tried to clarify. He still thought it was clear to see that they loved each other. "But all the things I've heard now ... from yourself and others ... I thought I knew you but now I feel like I don't anymore."[/list]

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 29, 2020, 01:23:14 PM

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

Benjin listened to Rayek's explanation - an explanation that was far more thorough than he would have expected. But it had the effect on him that Rayek probably had been looking for. It eased his mind at least a little bit. But there still were things Benjin didn't quite grasp yet. "And without pan'ar ...? I mean, don't you pick up on people's thoughts constantly?" He glanced to Rayek, his eyebrows knitted in puzzlement. "I imagine it like ...", he made a gesture towards his head, "my thoughts are a melody playing constantly and you can't do anything but overhear it even if you don't want to."

When Benjin questioned "And without pa'nar?", Rayek was uncertain what he meant. Thankfully his brother-in-law immediately clarified - though the imagery was alarming. "What?! No wonder Benjin was concerned, if that's what the boy thought.  "By the Elements.  No.  Constantly hearing others thoughts would be maddening.  No, Benjin, that is not how my telepathy works.  Usually, I require conscious effort to read another's surface thoughts.. so I normal would only be able to read what someone was thinking in the moment... requiring me to 'lead' the conversation so that they would think about the topic I wanted to learn about."

Surface thoughts and a few Reman pain-inducing tricks had been the limit of his ability until he'd been introduced to the Vulcan method of mindmelding but hopefully Benjin didn't need to know that.

"As such, if I were in your mind and it wasn't the pa'nar... then either you would have given your permission for the contact and thus would be aware of my presence... or I would have broken my word to you and likely would have done so in secret and you would be none the wiser - unaware of my presence."   It was not a pleasant  thought but Rayek was being honest.

"If you are concerned about that, a trick I was taught to use when I suspect my own thoughts might be being read was to use fill my thoughts with sudden shocking imagery.   Torture scenes involving the suspected individual was what I was told to use.... but perhaps for you... filling your mind with jokes or slap-stick comedy suddenly.. could prompt a reactionary smile or laugh which would be a give away that I was in your thoughts."  Since Rayek never intended to read the cadets thoughts - teaching him this trick did little harm.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 29, 2020, 01:23:14 PM

At the topic Benjin then had breached he noted a certain bafflement coming from his brother-in-law. Which probably was nothing to be surprised about if someone questioned your faithfulness and admittedly, Benjin felt a little embarrassed that he had made such a insinuation. He glanced back to Rayek with his cheeks colored in a bright shade of red while the shuttle circled gracefully - as graceful as such an 'ancient' seeming shuttle could go - around the sun. Benjin glanced at the calculated flight path back to the ship as he heard Rayek asking if there was something he had done that might have prompted such an assumption from him. Benjin picked up on the word 'suspicious' Rayek used. Suspicious?

Glancing back to Rayek, Benjin worried his lower lip for a moment as he tried to find the best way to put it. "I ... have heard about the Numati and the effect they had on some people ...  that it revealed someone's personal wishes and desires. And yours was to have babies with the whole female population of the station." Benjin's gaze was glued to the console as he didn't really dare to look Rayek in the eyes. "Is that true? I mean ... is that what you want or the reason you're together with Tess?" Roberto had told Benjin the distorted version of his own opinion on the matter. Including hinting on the medics doubt hat Tess was really in love with Rayek and that it was some manipuation on the Romulan's part. "I have heard Tess didn't even like you at first and then ... she suddenly did."

Benjin stiffled a frustrated sigh as he rubbed his hand over his face. "I don't want to say that ... you don't love each other", he tried to clarify. He still thought it was clear to see that they loved each other. "But all the things I've heard now ... from yourself and others ... I thought I knew you but now I feel like I don't anymore."

The moment Benjin mentioned the Numati, Rayek frowned.  Had he not explained that situation to him and Fabiano previously?  Evidently not.  Fvadt.  His track record for explaining that particular delusion rare went well.  Even Miss Judy had not truly understood.

As Benjin continued on, eyes glued to his console rather than looking at him, Rayek was a bit perplexed at the notion of Tess not liking him. Her thoughts told Rayek otherwise... but he supposed to an outsider her delusion to want to kill him might seem to be a sign of dislike.   But what troubled him most was Benjin's final comments  - about his doubt that he and Tess loved one another, and that he didn't feel he knew Rayek anymore.

With Benjin avoiding his gaze, Rayek was left looking at the young man in profile. "Benjin, I have always been honest with you.  Been myself with you.  The things I've kept hidden up til now do not define who I am now - who I choose to be.  I am not Major Rayek tr'Lhoell of the Tal'Shiar who would plunder your mind for the secrets he could glean on the Federation in the misguided notion of enmity.   I've... grown.  I am Rayek tr'Lhoell, Lieutenant Commander of Starfleet, assigned to Katra Station, husband to Tess, and soon to be doting father.   My past has shaped me, yes, but I am still who I was before you knew any of this.  It is because of my past that Tess is all the more precious to me.  I love her.  We love each other - never doubt that. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her." he affirmed.

Rayek turned away from looking at Benjin to check the tactical scans.  They were here to do a job after all.  As he worked, Rayek broached the question Benjin had about the Numati delusion.  "As for my Numati delusion... your source doesn't have all the details.."  Rayek had no doubt that it was Padrini bringing up the Numati delusion with Benjin.  "And the delusions were not necessarily about our wishes or desires but aspects of our thoughts that were blown out of proportion.  Hrafn had delusions of being a rather abusive and autocratic queen.  Is there anything of her personality that suggests that is something she desires?  No. It was in her thoughts that day because she was presented with a crown in jest that morning." he reasoned.

He hoped that putting the delusion into that type of perspective might make Benjin more receptive to his explanation.  "My own delusion was rather complex.  On the surface, yes, most will only ever see that I had delusions of having children with nearly every woman that I knew personally.  But I am not a polygamist.  Nor do I have any desire to be.  My delusion stemmed from a need to feel connected to others... and for me there is no closer bond than that of family.  I had just returned to the station after a month of being away for counseling.  My thoughts at the time were in confusion between feelings I thought I felt for someone I left behind on Challenger and someone I thought I loved here.   This was before I realized my actual feelings for Tess..

While I'm embarrassed about the whole delusion incident, I am grateful for it as well.  It was the catalyst that helped bring your sister and I together.  And to correct your information... your sister never hated me - though she had right to.   In fact, she had been fantasizing about me in secret for months by that time, despite my having done something stupid prior to my leaving the month before."

Rayek hesitated, realizing belated that that despite his desire for complete honesty with Benjin, perhaps he shouldn't say anymore.  Tess wouldn't want Benjin to know that her delusion had been to want to kill him.  That would be even harder to explain than his own delusion.   So Rayek tried to steer the conversation to a new path.

"After the delusion was revealed for what it was... I had trouble coping with the loss.  I had gone from having several loving families - in my mind... to being bereft of any whatsoever, in the blink of an eye.  It was much too reminiscent of how I lost my parents and siblings with Hobus.  Our wedding day is the anniversary of the night when Tess came to me afterwards and showed me what a future with her could look like."

As he wrapped up that thought, Rayek glanced over to his brother-in-law, hoping that his words had made some positive difference.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Tess tLhoell

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 30, 2020, 06:46:07 AM

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle - day 5]

When Benjin questioned "And without pa'nar?", Rayek was uncertain what he meant. Thankfully his brother-in-law immediately clarified - though the imagery was alarming. "What?! No wonder Benjin was concerned, if that's what the boy thought.  "By the Elements.  No.  Constantly hearing others thoughts would be maddening.  No, Benjin, that is not how my telepathy works.  Usually, I require conscious effort to read another's surface thoughts.. so I normal would only be able to read what someone was thinking in the moment... requiring me to 'lead' the conversation so that they would think about the topic I wanted to learn about."

Surface thoughts and a few Reman pain-inducing tricks had been the limit of his ability until he'd been introduced to the Vulcan method of mindmelding but hopefully Benjin didn't need to know that.

"As such, if I were in your mind and it wasn't the pa'nar... then either you would have given your permission for the contact and thus would be aware of my presence... or I would have broken my word to you and likely would have done so in secret and you would be none the wiser - unaware of my presence."   It was not a pleasant  thought but Rayek was being honest.

"If you are concerned about that, a trick I was taught to use when I suspect my own thoughts might be being read was to use fill my thoughts with sudden shocking imagery.   Torture scenes involving the suspected individual was what I was told to use.... but perhaps for you... filling your mind with jokes or slap-stick comedy suddenly.. could prompt a reactionary smile or laugh which would be a give away that I was in your thoughts."  Since Rayek never intended to read the cadets thoughts - teaching him this trick did little harm.

Rayek's incredulous exclamation had Benjin stare at him wide-eyed in alarm for a moment. But luckily he then assured him that he had the wrong idea of how his telepathy worked. Benjin listened carefully as Rayek went on to explain the steps he'd have to take to actually pick up on the thoughts of others. That it took a conscious effort for that was a slight relief for Benjin. Lifting his gaze he finally felt at ease enough to actually look at Rayek while he was explaining a trick to him if he ever should feel uncertain if he was in his mind. The notion that someone suggested to him to use torture images to test this was rather disconcerting to Benjin. Again, Rayek's past was unsettling. But the advice he gave him was something Benjin definitely could do. The mere fact that Rayek shared this with him put his mind fully at ease about it. He then realized with some embarrassement that he had acted like a fool.

"I-I'm sorry, Rayek", he said quietly, "I probably should have come to you and talk to you about this."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 30, 2020, 06:46:07 AM

The moment Benjin mentioned the Numati, Rayek frowned.  Had he not explained that situation to him and Fabiano previously?  Evidently not.  Fvadt.  His track record for explaining that particular delusion rare went well.  Even Miss Judy had not truly understood.

As Benjin continued on, eyes glued to his console rather than looking at him, Rayek was a bit perplexed at the notion of Tess not liking him. Her thoughts told Rayek otherwise... but he supposed to an outsider her delusion to want to kill him might seem to be a sign of dislike.   But what troubled him most was Benjin's final comments  - about his doubt that he and Tess loved one another, and that he didn't feel he knew Rayek anymore.

With Benjin avoiding his gaze, Rayek was left looking at the young man in profile. "Benjin, I have always been honest with you.  Been myself with you.  The things I've kept hidden up til now do not define who I am now - who I choose to be.  I am not Major Rayek tr'Lhoell of the Tal'Shiar who would plunder your mind for the secrets he could glean on the Federation in the misguided notion of enmity.   I've... grown.  I am Rayek tr'Lhoell, Lieutenant Commander of Starfleet, assigned to Katra Station, husband to Tess, and soon to be doting father.   My past has shaped me, yes, but I am still who I was before you knew any of this.  It is because of my past that Tess is all the more precious to me.  I love her.  We love each other - never doubt that. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her." he affirmed.

Rayek turned away from looking at Benjin to check the tactical scans.  They were here to do a job after all.  As he worked, Rayek broached the question Benjin had about the Numati delusion.  "As for my Numati delusion... your source doesn't have all the details.."  Rayek had no doubt that it was Padrini bringing up the Numati delusion with Benjin.  "And the delusions were not necessarily about our wishes or desires but aspects of our thoughts that were blown out of proportion.  Hrafn had delusions of being a rather abusive and autocratic queen.  Is there anything of her personality that suggests that is something she desires?  No. It was in her thoughts that day because she was presented with a crown in jest that morning." he reasoned.

He hoped that putting the delusion into that type of perspective might make Benjin more receptive to his explanation.  "My own delusion was rather complex.  On the surface, yes, most will only ever see that I had delusions of having children with nearly every woman that I knew personally.  But I am not a polygamist.  Nor do I have any desire to be.  My delusion stemmed from a need to feel connected to others... and for me there is no closer bond than that of family.  I had just returned to the station after a month of being away for counseling.  My thoughts at the time were in confusion between feelings I thought I felt for someone I left behind on Challenger and someone I thought I loved here.   This was before I realized my actual feelings for Tess..

While I'm embarrassed about the whole delusion incident, I am grateful for it as well.  It was the catalyst that helped bring your sister and I together.  And to correct your information... your sister never hated me - though she had right to.   In fact, she had been fantasizing about me in secret for months by that time, despite my having done something stupid prior to my leaving the month before."

Rayek hesitated, realizing belated that that despite his desire for complete honesty with Benjin, perhaps he shouldn't say anymore.  Tess wouldn't want Benjin to know that her delusion had been to want to kill him.  That would be even harder to explain than his own delusion.   So Rayek tried to steer the conversation to a new path.

"After the delusion was revealed for what it was... I had trouble coping with the loss.  I had gone from having several loving families - in my mind... to being bereft of any whatsoever, in the blink of an eye.  It was much too reminiscent of how I lost my parents and siblings with Hobus.  Our wedding day is the anniversary of the night when Tess came to me afterwards and showed me what a future with her could look like."

As he wrapped up that thought, Rayek glanced over to his brother-in-law, hoping that his words had made some positive difference.

Feeling more at ease now to be here with Rayek, Benjin listened once more as his brother-in-law explained about the delusion, adding some information that had be unknown to Benjin as yet and changed the view on the whole incident quite a bit - to Rayek's favor. It touched him especially when he was so open to him to say that he'd been on counseling and that it reminded him of losing his family in Hobus when the delusion disappeared. It all made quite some sense.

When Benjin noticed that Rayek glanced over to him, Benjin do so as well, meeting eyes with him. He smiled weakly before he looked back down on his console. "This sounds ... reasonable", he said purposefully lightly. He took a deep breath. The tension was gone now.

"I'm sorry that ... my asking after this brought back those memories for you." He fell silent for a moment, chewing on his lip. "When Roberto told me about this, it all sounded so different from what you have told me now. He is a medic, Tess is a medic, he seemed to know her very well. Probably because they work together. So it sounded believable to me." He frowned. "Though ... he seemed rather frustrated when he talked about you." Benjin recalled Rayek's forced smile when he had asked him if he would get along well with Padrini. "It kinda confirmed my own uncertain feelings about you at that time."

Benjin watched as they left the sun behind and the shuttle strated its way back. He checked the flight path and seeing it was clear, he looked back to Rayek. "You should talk to him too, he has a really twisted view on you and Tess." Now that he thought about it, Roberto had seemed rather jealous. But maybe that was just his poor judgement.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

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