S2 - M9B - Lod Qan - Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

Started by Solluk, August 14, 2020, 08:32:55 PM

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[Bridge - IKS Lod Qan]

Zex logged out of her station.  A process that look a bit longer given her lack of sleep.  Her lack of practice with the Klingon system also played a part.

She heard K'mpoc offer to fill in for her and Falleg while they were gone.   It was an unexpected surprise.  But one that she was grateful for.  "nuqneH" she said to the Klingon while he waited for Falleg to vacate her seat.  She offed a dip of her head to further convey her thanks.

Then she turned in the opposite direction to exit her seat.  She stood just as Eydid announced interest in joining the away team.  "What a kind offer.  I welcome the company" she replied to Eydis and Solluk.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Solluk on August 23, 2020, 02:30:06 AM

IKS Lod Qan - Transporter Room

Kost nodded to his superior as they assembled in the transporter room, donning the required environmental suits.

"It is not the Klingon way to complain about discomfort... but even I must acknowledge that the Old Man is much warmer than usual.  It is also true we have never been cloaked and at high warp for so many days in a row.  Not since He was brought back out of retirement and refit as a Diplomatic Cruiser.

I assumed the heat was connected to the unusual strain.  I am not an Engineer, so I may be mistaken."

"Oh. I was not complaining. I had wanted to be sure that we have a ship to return too," he said with a haughty laugh.

The Klingons assembled on the transporter pad.  At Kal's command, they would be beamed down to the planet below.

Kal had never dreamed that they where wearing environment suits for a planetary mission. That was something he had never imagine to see or experience. There was no nodding cause of the design of the suit.

"Energize," he ordered.

The familiar feeling of the insides started to feel weird and just like that you are gone.


[Kal will be speaking in Klingon through this whole area of this mission]

The place where they beamed was a clearing in a vast forest of giant mushrooms and towering ferns.  The entire landscape was bathed in the red light of the distant red-dwarf star.  The atmosphere was thick and wet, though the landing party could not feel it through their well-insulated and independently cooled Environmental Suits.  No immediate sign of danger presented itself.  No animal life was in evidence, and no plants seemed to be carnivorous or ambulatory... at least not at the moment.

The group found themselves in a forest of mushrooms. The mushrooms had to sending poisoning in the air. Then he turned to the security landing party.

"If we come across the natives of this planet. Do not shoot first," he ordered the Ne's and he gave a good stare to Kost bu'. "Use your hunters instinct for wisdom."

Then he Kal saw their was moist developing on the armor they had on. The tint of air was like dark pink from red enhanced light from the sun.

Kal was escorting the party. "We will keep make circular observation. Do not approach anything. The suits might be damage. This will not be a warriors way to die," he said.

Rayek trLhoell

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS LoD Qan - Bridge - day 5]

Rayek glanced over towards the Ambassador and the Deltan with a bit of frowning look, when the Tholian all but told the Ca... HoD that they would 'escort' Zex down to the planet.   Since when did VIP guests invite themselves to escort officers in their performing of their duties?  Sure he understood that the Tholian could do what it pleased - go down to the planet if they wanted - but that shouldn't include disrupting proper Starfleet ... or Klingon... procedure.

But as no one else seemed to think the statement problematic, Rayek kept his thoughts to himself and focused his attention on his tactical scans.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs


IKS Lod Qan - In orbit of chu' ghoS VII

Solluk regarded the Tholian.

"Ambassador, you are welcome to join the teams on the planet below.  And I realize you have served within the warrior caste of your people in the past.  However, I must emphasize that you are a visiting diplomatic envoy and also our guest on this mission.  It is you who will be diligently protected."

Solluk glanced briefly towars K'mpoc before concluding, "And in fact, there is much about this mission that relies on your well-being.  I trust you will not endanger yourself while you accompany our survey team.

And with that said... please proceed to gather in the transporter room.  I'm sure our security teams will declare the landing zone to be clear presently."

Planet's Surface - Landing Zone

The troops quickly acknowledged their orders, beginning a circular patrol of the LZ.  The ferns responded to the passage of the suited figures by recoiling their leaves.  The giant mushrooms- wet with moisture- towered above most of the landing party.  Occasionally, one of the mushrooms would shudder.  Then, a cloud of spores would be expelled from the massive fungi.

The spores were yellow particulates, and settled onto the ground, the ferns, and the personnel.  They seemed to have no deleterious effect on the environmental suits.  Nothing in the area seemed to be dangerous at all.

After consulting with the other troops, Kost reported to Kal.

"There are no reports of hostility in the local flora.  And we have seen no trace of animal or insect.  So far, it seems no such creature exists on this world.  Or, at least not in this place."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


[Bridge - IKS Lod Qan]

Zex listened to Solluk as he delivered his decision regarding Eydis and the away mission.  It was true, Eydis did play a critical role in the current mission.  There was a risk to the mission if Eydis got hurt or worst.

As such, she would go the extra mile to keep the Tholian safe.  Despite his protective nature when it came to her.   The shoe was on the other foot so to speak.

"Aye, Sir.  I'll lead the way" the Deltan said.  She, of course, waited for Falleg.  Then she headed to the transporter room.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Eydis would remain silent and only offer a brief nod as hir response to solluk. Turning to follow after zex towards the transporter room. A thought had occurred to Eydis part way to the transporter room. Would it be able to beam hir to the surface intact and Alive. After all it was more geared to organic carbon based life forms. Considering shi was crystalline in nature and emitted a nature low level radiation. Shaking hir head shi would pass onward to the science officer that if the beaming was in fact fatal. Shi wanted the mission complete at all cost and that hir second in command should take over. Arkona was a competent if not more experience and by the book tholian warrior. Shi held little doubt that hir ship would be in good hands under Arkona.

Shi would step into the transporter room and look over at it for a second. How embarrassing a death would it be to die having hir crystalline body take apart at the molecular level and erroneous put make together at the target location. Eydis daughter of the famous commander Loskene of the tholian warrior caste turned into a cloud of sugar sized granduals of crystal dust. Shi eyed the beaming pad distrustfully, as if shi was trying to Scare it. Off course it would Very likely work. Eydis looked at zex and tilted hir head a little. Zex Friend, You trust this transporter device of yours?

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Solluk on August 24, 2020, 06:32:05 AM

IKS Lod Qan - In orbit of chu' ghoS VII

Solluk regarded the Tholian.

"Ambassador, you are welcome to join the teams on the planet below.  And I realize you have served within the warrior caste of your people in the past.  However, I must emphasize that you are a visiting diplomatic envoy and also our guest on this mission.  It is you who will be diligently protected."

Solluk glanced briefly towars K'mpoc before concluding, "And in fact, there is much about this mission that relies on your well-being.  I trust you will not endanger yourself while you accompany our survey team.

And with that said... please proceed to gather in the transporter room.  I'm sure our security teams will declare the landing zone to be clear presently."

Planet's Surface - Landing Zone

The troops quickly acknowledged their orders, beginning a circular patrol of the LZ.  The ferns responded to the passage of the suited figures by recoiling their leaves.  The giant mushrooms- wet with moisture- towered above most of the landing party.  Occasionally, one of the mushrooms would shudder.  Then, a cloud of spores would be expelled from the massive fungi.

The spores were yellow particulates, and settled onto the ground, the ferns, and the personnel.  They seemed to have no deleterious effect on the environmental suits.  Nothing in the area seemed to be dangerous at all.

After consulting with the other troops, Kost reported to Kal.

"There are no reports of hostility in the local flora.  And we have seen no trace of animal or insect.  So far, it seems no such creature exists on this world.  Or, at least not in this place."

As they walked the reaction of the mushrooms were interesting. They were exhaling pores into the air. He held his hand to catch the yellow particles to observe them. He held it up to view the flakes.

The gut in him felt there was never a life form. There had to be a always something. Unless the air in an empty box to have nothing inside.

Kal ne' slowly looked out the land for any possible hidden locations for inhabitants to hide. The decision to say it was clear for the science to beam down to their science stuff.

=/\= IKS Lod Qan, Security reporting to say it is safe for science to beam down. If they need to broaden the science research we will need to expand the scouting and more time will be needed. =/\= Kal reported.

Rayek trLhoell


Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS LoD Qan - Bridge - day 5]

Rayek continued to watch his tactical readouts frowning at the 'sensor gaps' in his scan data.   His paranoia always had him fully aware of the limitations of each specific scan, and right now it bothered him that he couldn't 'get eyes' on the far side of the sun.

"HoD with your permission, while the Science team is collecting planetary data, I'd like to take a shuttle out to do a scan of the far side of the sun. There are quite a few 'blind-spots' in the tactical scans which are concerning - especially if we are going to be visible and stationary for the next hour or so.  I was thinking cadet Mor...pardon.. Benjin bekk could benefit with some time in the pilot seat of one of the LoD Qan's shuttles."

Another reason why Rayek specified Benjin rather than given the opportunity to Eli, the cadet's senior, was because as yet, Rayek hadn't had the 'bonding' time he'd hoped to have to with Tess' brother.  It had been nearly a week since Benjin had been informed of Rayek's past.   Rayek wanted to know whether the young man's apprehension of him had eased any.  What better way to test that than have them work together in close quarters?

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Hrafn Falleg

[OOC - Skipping tags to catch up as I've been away... sorry]

[Bridge - IKS Lod Qan]

Hrafn almost hugged K'mpoc for letting them both go.  Instead she gave him the brightest smile and resolved to make sure she did him some favour or sent him a bottle of the best blood wine or something.  She wanted to give Zex a treat going on an away mission for once, and it was sort of a reply favour for letting the children have a look at Eydis's ship.

"Oh nuq DaSovqangpu'mo'!  I hope I said that right.  Thank you that is very kind if I ended up saying Scrambled Targ Eggs and Tequila or something!" the Science Officer winked, logging out of her console and giving a grateful look at K'mpoc.

"C'mon then Zex, we can gather more in 15-20 mins with two pairs of hands rather than just mine!  Ambassador Eydis, I don't mean to sound rude, you are welcome to be with us but please stay with the Security so that we can work quickly and efficiently.  Otherwise it could be like the Earthen saying 'Too many cooks spoilt the broth'... as in too many people, precious samples could get trampled or whatever.  But if you're just observing it should be totally fine and as an honoured guest we welcome you to our party!"

Hrafn hoped she'd mixed just the right tone of diplomatic with 'please stay out of our way' authority with that little speech.

"We'll keep comms open, HoD, and be back directly."

[Transporter Room - 1]

Once she and Zex were suited up, and she'd collected sample boxes, a small field medkit, Type 2 phaser (just in case) and her Scientifically calibrated tricorder she presented herself to Transporter Room 1 and waited for Zex to announce her readiness.

Quote from: Kal

=/\= IKS Lod Qan, Security reporting to say it is safe for science to beam down. If they need to broaden the science research we will need to expand the scouting and more time will be needed. =/\= Kal reported.

The CSO heard this and waited for Eydis and Zex to report their readiness.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[IKS Lod Qan - Bridge]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 25, 2020, 03:28:43 AM

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS LoD Qan - Bridge - day 5]

Rayek continued to watch his tactical readouts frowning at the 'sensor gaps' in his scan data.   His paranoia always had him fully aware of the limitations of each specific scan, and right now it bothered him that he couldn't 'get eyes' on the far side of the sun.

"HoD with your permission, while the Science team is collecting planetary data, I'd like to take a shuttle out to do a scan of the far side of the sun. There are quite a few 'blind-spots' in the tactical scans which are concerning - especially if we are going to be visible and stationary for the next hour or so.  I was thinking cadet Mor...pardon.. Benjin bekk could benefit with some time in the pilot seat of one of the LoD Qan's shuttles."

Another reason why Rayek specified Benjin rather than given the opportunity to Eli, the cadet's senior, was because as yet, Rayek hadn't had the 'bonding' time he'd hoped to have to with Tess' brother.  It had been nearly a week since Benjin had been informed of Rayek's past.   Rayek wanted to know whether the young man's apprehension of him had eased any.  What better way to test that than have them work together in close quarters?

Benjin sat next to Eli at the Conn station, using the time to get some more used to the flight console system of the ancient Klingon ship. Since his assignment to join this mission had been "˜last-minute', Benjin have had to familiarize himself with the ancient alien system of the Klingon ship and shuttles on the way. Klingon was not a language he spoke, so he was glad that they had the possibility to translate letterings into Federation Standard.

So far the mission went well. While he wasn't used to being around Klingons "" his fear was that he might get a target of (friendly) mockery given the rather harsh tone that prevailed among Klingon crews "" Benjin felt a constant discomfort which he hoped would go away eventually.

Right now while Eli was calculating the flight paths for the probes, Benjin monitored their orbital path around the planet chu'ghoS VII. The computer showed the orbital parameters that identified the orbit of the planet and Benjin was extra attentive as they neared the orbital perigee. Orbits changed over time due to gravitational perturbations, so Benjin ran the calculations of the orbital path in a routine pattern, defining the orbital state vectors anew every time to get the most exact outcome.

While he did that, Benjin picked up on his name being mentioned and he lifted his head slightly to look over at Rayek at the tactical station. Part of him was excited to get some piloting time in the shuttle, but the other part of him realized that he'd be alone with Rayek. He always got along with his brother-in-law but the latest news had been a bit much and even a week after learning all this about him, Benjin couldn't get rid of the bad feeling about it. It was clear to him why Rayek specifically chose him to join him in the shuttle. His jaw stiffened as he glanced to the HoD and then back to Rayek. Of course he wouldn't disobey an order.

After the permission was given, Benjin raised a little stiffly from his seat, tugging out of a gesture of awkwardness at the hem of his Starfleet uniform. He glanced over to Rayek with a hesitant smile while he waited for the Romulan to join him so they could walk to the shuttle bay together.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


[Bridge - IKS Lod Qan]

"Yes, Ma'am" Zex replied to Falleg.  The Deltan then waited as the CSO gave further instruction to Eydis.  She effectively reinforced what Solluk had said.

Sadly, now she was thinking of all the bad things that could possibly happen to the Tholian.  Hir evo suit might malfunction.  There were a hundred different possibilities.

[Transporter Room - 1]

Then Eydis asked the obvious question.  The number of possible dangers to the Tholian doubled.  Then tripled in the Deltan's mind.

Zex's head swawed back and forth a bit.  "Transporter errors are rare.  But no technology is 100% perfect.  So, there have been a handful of documented errors over the years" she said.

"I know that the Federation has some experience transporting Tholians.  But I don't know the numbers.  That said, I'm not aware of any warning to not use transporters when it comes to Tholians.

Since arriving on Katra I have been doing a lot of reading about Tholians.  And I have read everything available.  If there were any issues with using transporter on Tholian's I think it would have popped up in my reading already.  Nothing has popped up, so I think you will be safe" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


IKS Lod Qan - in orbit of chu' ghoS VII

Solluk's permission was easily granted.  He watched the young man join Rayek while Hrafn, Zex, and Eydis made ready to depart.  Solluk remembered his first year as an officer.  Everything had been new and amazing.  Each discovery in the wide universe had also helped him to make discoveries about himself.

He felt much more jaded and cynical now.  All the shiny bits of the galaxy had been colored by the shadow of pain and loss that were necessarily accumulated over the years.  But whenever he saw the anticipation and excitement of a freshly-minted recruit or young officer, he remembered.

He remembered why this was the best job in the universe.

From the Science station, K'mpoc spoke up, "Telemetry is continuing to be received from the sensor probes.  We will have a great deal of data even before in-person surveys are conducted on the other worlds."  He paused, and added, "I am also detecting a high-range subspace signal coming from approximately three or four light-years away.  It was not apparent before, but with so many sensor probes adding to our native detection capability, we are now receiving it.

The signal bears some similarity to Tholian lattice network signals.  But it is not clear enough to discern what the content of the signal may be.  With your permission, I will reach out to the Tholian scientist on their attack ship.  They may make more of it."

Solluk nodded, "Certainly."

Privately, Solluk wondered if they were going to get the opportunity to finish this system survey.  If this signal proved to be from the Crystalline entity they were on the hunt for, he suspected the Tholian ambassador would insist on proceeding into Gregari space immediately.

Transporter Room

Overhearing the ongoing conversation, the Klingon transporter officer spoke up.  "The Klingon Empire has never had a transporter accident involving a Tholian," she announced proudly.   Then she bent over her console and prepared to work the controls when they announced their readiness to depart.

When that readiness was declared, she would proceed to manipulate the controls in a professional manner, depositing the science team and guest into the 'landing zone' on the planet's surface.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS LoD Qan - Bridge >>> Shuttlebay - day 5]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on August 25, 2020, 05:16:04 PM

NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[IKS Lod Qan - Bridge]

Benjin sat next to Eli at the Conn station, using the time to get some more used to the flight console system of the ancient Klingon ship. Since his assignment to join this mission had been "˜last-minute', Benjin have had to familiarize himself with the ancient alien system of the Klingon ship and shuttles on the way. Klingon was not a language he spoke, so he was glad that they had the possibility to translate letterings into Federation Standard.

So far the mission went well. While he wasn't used to being around Klingons "" his fear was that he might get a target of (friendly) mockery given the rather harsh tone that prevailed among Klingon crews "" Benjin felt a constant discomfort which he hoped would go away eventually.

Right now while Eli was calculating the flight paths for the probes, Benjin monitored their orbital path around the planet chu'ghoS VII. The computer showed the orbital parameters that identified the orbit of the planet and Benjin was extra attentive as they neared the orbital perigee. Orbits changed over time due to gravitational perturbations, so Benjin ran the calculations of the orbital path in a routine pattern, defining the orbital state vectors anew every time to get the most exact outcome.

While he did that, Benjin picked up on his name being mentioned and he lifted his head slightly to look over at Rayek at the tactical station. Part of him was excited to get some piloting time in the shuttle, but the other part of him realized that he'd be alone with Rayek. He always got along with his brother-in-law but the latest news had been a bit much and even a week after learning all this about him, Benjin couldn't get rid of the bad feeling about it. It was clear to him why Rayek specifically chose him to join him in the shuttle. His jaw stiffened as he glanced to the HoD and then back to Rayek. Of course he wouldn't disobey an order.

After the permission was given, Benjin raised a little stiffly from his seat, tugging out of a gesture of awkwardness at the hem of his Starfleet uniform. He glanced over to Rayek with a hesitant smile while he waited for the Romulan to join him so they could walk to the shuttle bay together.

With permission given, it took a minute or two to join Benjin as Rayek had to hand his station over to the junior Klingon officer who was his relief.  Once that was done, Rayek nodded to Benjin.  "Lead the way to the shuttlebay."

Rayek, of course, knew the entire layout of the Klingon ship by now.  Question was: Did Benjin?   The small craft were stored and launched from the rear of the ship, requiring either a long walk through the neck of the ship or a trip in the Klingon's version of a turbolift.  Rayek normally preferred to walk but given that time was limited, he would have guided them towards the lift had Benjin chose to walk.

While the lift carried them to the back, Rayek made 'small talk' to get Benjin used to his presence once more.   "As part of the officer exchange program, I noted that you were assigned quarters on Deck 8.  Sharing quarters quarters with Padrini.  How's that working out?"

When Rayek had seen the room assignment he'd almost intervened.  He didn't relish the paranoid thought of Padrini and Benjin getting onto the topic of him in the evenings, bored and with both having issue with him.  But he could hear Tess in his thoughts reassuring him that Benjin wouldn't say anything.  It was more Padrini's words he was concerned about.

Arriving on Deck E-2, Rayek had Benjin select out the shuttlecraft of choice and joined the cadet... bekk in prepping for the flight and going through the pre-flight checks.

When all was green Rayek called up to the Bridge with their readiness and then let Benjin do the launch.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Tess tLhoell


NPC Benjin bekk (Cadet; Flight)
[IKS Lod Qan - Bridge >>> Shuttlebay - day 5 aboard]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 26, 2020, 03:35:40 AM

Rayek sogh
[chu' ghoS system - IKS LoD Qan - Bridge >>> Shuttlebay - day 5]

With permission given, it took a minute or two to join Benjin as Rayek had to hand his station over to the junior Klingon officer who was his relief.  Once that was done, Rayek nodded to Benjin.  "Lead the way to the shuttlebay."

Rayek, of course, knew the entire layout of the Klingon ship by now.  Question was: Did Benjin?   The small craft were stored and launched from the rear of the ship, requiring either a long walk through the neck of the ship or a trip in the Klingon's version of a turbolift.  Rayek normally preferred to walk but given that time was limited, he would have guided them towards the lift had Benjin chose to walk.

While the lift carried them to the back, Rayek made 'small talk' to get Benjin used to his presence once more.   "As part of the officer exchange program, I noted that you were assigned quarters on Deck 8.  Sharing quarters quarters with Padrini.  How's that working out?"

When Rayek had seen the room assignment he'd almost intervened.  He didn't relish the paranoid thought of Padrini and Benjin getting onto the topic of him in the evenings, bored and with both having issue with him.  But he could hear Tess in his thoughts reassuring him that Benjin wouldn't say anything.  It was more Padrini's words he was concerned about.

Arriving on Deck E-2, Rayek had Benjin select out the shuttlecraft of choice and joined the cadet... bekk in prepping for the flight and going through the pre-flight checks.

When all was green Rayek called up to the Bridge with their readiness and then let Benjin do the launch.

Benjin bit his lower lip nervously as he waited near the door for Rayek to be relieved from his station. This was going to be the most tense shuttle ride ever, he thought to himself. Not only had he learned about Rayek's questionable past, but his bunk mate on the ship, Roberto Padrini, had mentioned something else that had shocked Benjin quite a bit. While there was very little to do for recreation on the Klingon ship, Benjin found himself rather bored after shift and with the beds on the Lod Qan being the most uncomfortable he had ever seen, it was hard to get much sleep. So there was a lot of time to talk. He had not talked about Rayek's psionic abilities, but Roberto had talked about a certain Numati affect on the Romulan that had revealed what kind of man Rayek really was - at least that had been Roberto's opinion. Benjin had told himself that it had just been an delusion - but the words stuck with him. He never had any issues with his brother-in-law, they got along well. But his overall view on Rayek with everything he had learned in the past week made it start to change and right now he wasn't able to do something about it.

When Rayek finally joined him and called for him to lead the way, Benjin chose the quickest way automatically. He had been very thorough in memorizing where the shuttlebays were and the path from the bridge to them so it was easy for him to follow the prompt.
The doors of the lift closed and Benjin subconsciously held his breath as he tried to figure out where to look. Anywhere but at Rayek. He felt kind ridiculous for this, but he couldn't help himself. When he then started a conversation, Benjin glanced to him for a second before regarding the handle at the turbolift wall again as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Uh, yeah, um ... it's okay", Benjin replied. "He's ... a nice guy." He glanced to Rayek once more a little insecure just as the doors opened.

At the shuttlebay, Benjin selected one of the two Chal Pum type shuttles and after getting inside, he started the check-up procedure. It took him a little longer than it would have with the familiar Starfleet shuttles, but he managed it a decent time. After Rayek had called the bridge to get the okay for the to go, Benjin started to steer the shuttle slowly out the hangar doors and then they were in open space.

[Chal Pum Long Range Shuttle]

Benjin calculated the path for their approach on the far side of the sun. He made sure to choose a wide and far circle around it as they started their cruise along the line of planets so they wouldn't get too close to the hot burning sun of the chu'ghoS system once they were there."We have reached cruising speed, sir", Benjin reported dutifully while he kept his eyes on the console readings, maybe a little bit more eager than he usually would have been.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


[Planet surface]

A swirl of blue light deposited Zex on the planet surface.  Given all the talk to transporter issues the Deltan checked herself over.   10 fingers, check, 10 toes, check.

Then she checked her ship-mates.  She looked from one to the next.  "Everyone ok?" she asked.

Then she turned her attention outward.  "It's beautiful.  Breath taking" she uttered.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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