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S1E3 - New Horizons

Started by Nira Said, May 20, 2024, 02:00:07 PM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2024, 05:27:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Senior officers were trickling back and everybody getting back to their duties when Nira came back, with her list to Captain Galloway. She smiled when she saw Ian and Don together; coupled between her and Torra, it was a reunion in terms of the Discovery.

"Glad to see you, Captain Galloway," Nira said. "I do have some things to show you. We're in especial need of some computer systems and isolinear chips to help with our systems, especially with the weapons; we're having to reset the weapons systems to factory settings so they can be updated more compatibly to modern systems. Not to mention we'll need a few relays and spare hull components to patch up our breaches. Department heads will be able to provide more information as to what's needed to fix things up again...

"...but on the more brighter note," Nira said, "you'll have to pardon me if I ask this, but if you'll be here temporarily, maybe you can have dinner with me and the Addamses tonight? And also, if you had been traveling with the Horizon for two weeks...well, as a former helm officer especially, how do you think she handled?"

[Ops - Outpost Solaere]

Ian winced at the request for isolinear chips because the demand for them had been so high on Challenger, but they had the replicator mass and could restock at Starbase 153, so he said.

"Certainly Commander. Unfortunately, because of the attack here, we departed Starbase 185 before the yard apes were finished with Challenger's upgrades. We've had ta finish the work on the fly while en route here. Our previous mission stressed the older isolinear chips throughout the ship ta hell and back and many have started ta fail, so we've been goin' through them like shyte through a goose, but worry not. We've got the replicator mass ta make whatever you need. Only shortage we have is Ops and Engineerin' is workin' double shifts already ta get us back in Bristol Fashion, so I nae have many personnel ta be lendin' you."

When asked about the Horizon, Ian looked wistful.

"While I had time ta go over her specs and take a tour, I've been so swamped with gettin' Challenger ship shape, I've never gotten ta fly the Horizon. Sorry Lass, I cannae tell you how she flies, but looks like she's got the right stuff on paper. However, dinner sounds spectacular. You, me, Don, and Torra it will be like we're back aboard the Discovery, or Don's rattletrap Martha again."

Kela Nelois


[Ensign Nelois - Maintenance corrider - Outpost Solaere]

Kela swore under his breathe as he fumbled some wires and shocked himself. He'd been running throughout the station all day helping with fixing the weapons systems and maintenance. After he helped get some phaser arrays getting the power they needed to work they accidentally overloaded a coupling so here he was now replacing it. He grabbed his tools and took a few snips to remove it and set the partially ruined wires in his bag, maybe the Chief Engineer could find a good use to recycle it.

He knew of the new ship coming in and there was a lot of buzz about that. Personally he was glad to be the quiet corriders of the far off areas of the station. He wasn't the best in crowded spaces and the senior officers all being around to inspect the ship and handle the new crew would've meant he would have to inevitably introduce himself to everyone in order to process them. Such is the duties as an ops officer in Starfleet. A part of him was happy though, he was glad the station had managed to turn itself around so quickly, he had misjudged his seniro officers they knew how to operate a station like this well. His wife and kid were likewise getting used to the ship. Zexala had already made a few friends and the amount of Betazoids on the ship as well made it so she could still speak and interact with people of her species and culture.

He finished fusing the new wires together and tapped his badge to let the other crewman he was working with know his job was complete. Looking at the time it appeared more time had passed then he thought. That new ship had to have arrived by now...perhaps he could take a trip to the promenade to check things out before he got new orders...

"I'm just trying to do my job"
Betazoid Male | #CD5AA3 | Age:39 | 1.9m | Operations, Investigations | Outpost Solaere

Charlotte Fawkes

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2024, 05:27:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Senior officers were trickling back and everybody getting back to their duties when Nira came back, with her list to Captain Galloway. She smiled when she saw Ian and Don together; coupled between her and Torra, it was a reunion in terms of the Discovery.

"Glad to see you, Captain Galloway," Nira said. "I do have some things to show you. We're in especial need of some computer systems and isolinear chips to help with our systems, especially with the weapons; we're having to reset the weapons systems to factory settings so they can be updated more compatibly to modern systems. Not to mention we'll need a few relays and spare hull components to patch up our breaches. Department heads will be able to provide more information as to what's needed to fix things up again...

"...but on the more brighter note," Nira said, "you'll have to pardon me if I ask this, but if you'll be here temporarily, maybe you can have dinner with me and the Addamses tonight? And also, if you had been traveling with the Horizon for two weeks...well, as a former helm officer especially, how do you think she handled?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 05, 2024, 12:07:16 PM

[Ops - Outpost Solaere]

Ian winced at the request for isolinear chips because the demand for them had been so high on Challenger, but they had the replicator mass and could restock at Starbase 153, so he said.

"Certainly Commander. Unfortunately, because of the attack here, we departed Starbase 185 before the yard apes were finished with Challenger's upgrades. We've had ta finish the work on the fly while en route here. Our previous mission stressed the older isolinear chips throughout the ship ta hell and back and many have started ta fail, so we've been goin' through them like shyte through a goose, but worry not. We've got the replicator mass ta make whatever you need. Only shortage we have is Ops and Engineerin' is workin' double shifts already ta get us back in Bristol Fashion, so I nae have many personnel ta be lendin' you."

When asked about the Horizon, Ian looked wistful.

"While I had time ta go over her specs and take a tour, I've been so swamped with gettin' Challenger ship shape, I've never gotten ta fly the Horizon. Sorry Lass, I cannae tell you how she flies, but looks like she's got the right stuff on paper. However, dinner sounds spectacular. You, me, Don, and Torra it will be like we're back aboard the Discovery, or Don's rattletrap Martha again."

| Ensign Fawkes | Science Officer | Deck 1, Conference Room | Outpost Solaere |

Returning to her station in Ops, Charlotte could see the excitement surrounding the arrival of the Challenger and the Horizon. Both ships would be invaluable in the station's defenses, though nothing could make up for the caused by the pirates. Standing in for Savar, Fawkes had been in and out of Operations Center over the last 24 hours, checking the science station now and then. Otherwise, she aided whoever needed the help with upgrades or repairs.

Listening to Commander Said and Captain Galloway, the ensign was pleased to hear that the station could receive new assistance. Solaere needed all the help she could get.

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” - Carl Sagan
Human Female | 24 | 1.74m

Nira Said

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 05, 2024, 02:58:18 AM

[Hangar bay]

The ship was pretty nice, Kinley had to admit. She was no expert on ships, by any means. She was good at running the scanners and lab equipment on any given ship, maybe even the computers, given that she minored in the Computer Sciences aspect of the Operations department, but that was the extent of it. As long as the ship was able to fly, it was a beautiful ship to her. If it meant that they'd get rid of those darn pirates, then, yes, she was a very pretty ship indeed.

Unfortunately for her, getting said ship meant talking with a member of the Brass. She'd personally would have preferred that the requisition request had just been with minimal fanfare, but apparently, there was some history involving the ship that warranted this visit. Either that or the Admiral had wanted to do their annual check at the same time to save the trip. Both? Probably both.

Internally, she sighed. She had her own thoughts on the Upper Management messing with her day job of *actually * managing the station, but at the end of the day, it was all part of the song and dance to get the vital things the Station needed, and if she had to, she'd do it, distasteful as it was given the Frontier Day incident. She had no problem with this particular admiral, but right now, she  just wanted to get back to work.

Her internal thoughts intruded as she smiled as the Admiral came to talk with her to ask her about something. Bringing herself back to the present, she stood up straight, with a little wince. That was one of her ribs.

Maybe it might have been better if I had  just stayed unconscious?.... Nope Someone's gotta do it. It probably should be me.

She gave her most winning smile to pretend she wasn't not listening at the moment,

"Of course, Sir, what can I do for you?"

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Commanding Officer's Ready Room | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Upon arrival to the ready room, Gillespie nodded at Mail, who attached a device by the door. Gillespie then explained to Kinley, "First, excuse the device. It's a precaution. For a little moment, internal comms with your office will be cut off. Anybody who detects it will assume it's a system glitch; it'll be harmless but gobsmacking enough to keep anybody buggered and guessing until it clears out. Scans will be rendered ineffected. Again, it's a precaution, but Outpost Seven has had rumored eavesdroppers in the past. Rumored, but it's one reason why I'm here with my aide."

Then Gillespie said, "Noo, to business: I can see how the situation about pirates is bad enough, but I had no idea it would be this bad. I wish for station, sensor and system logs to be reviewed by me and my aide," he added, gesturing to Commander Mail. "If this has been going on for two months, we need to see what went wrong. I mean, this station should have been able to withstand a pirate attack, even against hundred year old vessels.

"The fact is, Garrison,"
the Admiral continued, "Mail and I have our suspicions, what we've mulled over the past two weeks getting the Horizon here. We spoke with Starfleet Command before coming here. We have had loads of convoys heading to Ciden IV. Most, if not all, of the ones heading for Oaish'le, had been attacked and pillaged.

"We've had time in the two weeks journey here on the Horizon,"
Gillespie added, gesturing between him and Mail. "Even the reports we got forwarded over, relayed to us from Starfleet from you until your comms got shut off a few days ago. The fact that only convoys heading to Oaish'le have been getting hit really shows a pattern.

"Now, aside from the logs, Mail and I are going to be doing some checks-aroond; I've also reviewed reports regarding Outpost Seven before the Dominion War. We have our inklings, we need some investigating to do. The Challenger will be here for twenty-four hours; tomorrow afternoon, after Challenger leaves, I expect you, Said and your senior staff at a briefing aboard the Horizon. We will explain everything to you lot by then, and the results of our investigation."

[Hangar Hidey-Hole | Behind the Jefferies Tubes | Above the Hangar Module]

From one of his favorite spots hidden in the Jefferies Tubes, the informant was focused on viewing the ship. He stared long and hard at the new ship. Finally he decided, screw it. He recognized it as a souped-up Aquarius class. It was a yacht. What chance did a yacht have?

A beep gave him notification. Somehow, the system was blinded to what was usually Captain Javiera's office, but had been taken over by a prissy girl. He sighed; the comm system was outdated a long time. As linkable as it was to internal comms, it tended to bug off now and again.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Feeva Drylo


Outpost Solaere|Turbolifts-Medical

Feeva smiled. "It's ok. Calm down," she said. "No need to be so nervous." She shook her head a little bit, and then pumped the air full of calming vibes.


Not yet, ma'am. I guess I can do that after we're done making sure no one's, uh, bleeding to death.

This illicited another smile from the small redhead. "Indeed, that's prudent," she said. She raised her voice a notch.

"Anything exciting happen whilst I was out collecting our new team member here?" She asked the head nurse.

No, ma'am. I just let Petty Officer Thompson go. He was the Engineer. His vitals were good.

Feeva nodded. "Very good. He wasn't gravely injured, so I think that's fine," she said.

She turned back to Doni.


Coffee sounds great! I think I'll need it to keep up...I'm more of a tea person, but I hear the coffee here is...out of this world.

Fee chuckled. "Well, considering it's from Orion, I'd say so," she said, joking around herself. "Come along then." It was only then that she noticed the other small redhead. She glanced over the rim of her glasses. "And who are you?" She asked.

Therem Estraven

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 03, 2024, 03:13:24 AM


Kinley gave Torra a bit of an awkward grin. Torra was right, of course. not much she could do about that. "Indeed. I do appreciate all your hard work that has happened." She rubbed her side that still felt very much bruised "Anyhow,  I didn't want to miss this, after all.  Kind of a special occasion, after all." She could see people that she recognized all assembling.

"Heya Therem. Glad to see you here. How's business going?" she asked, steadying herself as she waited for the Admiral to arrive.


Therem was having a staring contest with the ceiling when Commander Garrison approached. He perked up since the Horizon was still going through the docking procedures, but all of the volunteering civilians still had to wait around in the hangar.

"The pirates scared off all the business, so I've just been stockpiling resources.  I did hear about a few traders that tried to make deals with the pirates themselves, and haven't heard from them since. My new job is gonna be the Horizon's space-janitor, hopefully.

What's going on with you? Lots of important meetings about getting a giant laser attached to the station, I hope. And with your injuries, they should let you work from one of those fancy, floating beds."

They chatted for a bit before Kinley's other duties pulled her away and Therem was left to fend for himself again. Space travel always sounds like a lot of fun until you realize you have to sit in a box and wait around most of the time... but it was still preferable to being shot at by pirates.

Voice Color | 5'7 Human Male | Age: 29 | Federation Mining License #CM-923CR4

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Outpost Solaere - Deck One - Operations Center]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 05, 2024, 12:07:16 PM

[Ops - Outpost Solaere]

Ian winced at the request for isolinear chips because the demand for them had been so high on Challenger, but they had the replicator mass and could restock at Starbase 153, so he said.

"Certainly Commander. Unfortunately, because of the attack here, we departed Starbase 185 before the yard apes were finished with Challenger's upgrades. We've had ta finish the work on the fly while en route here. Our previous mission stressed the older isolinear chips throughout the ship ta hell and back and many have started ta fail, so we've been goin' through them like shyte through a goose, but worry not. We've got the replicator mass ta make whatever you need. Only shortage we have is Ops and Engineerin' is workin' double shifts already ta get us back in Bristol Fashion, so I nae have many personnel ta be lendin' you."

When asked about the Horizon, Ian looked wistful.

"While I had time ta go over her specs and take a tour, I've been so swamped with gettin' Challenger ship shape, I've never gotten ta fly the Horizon. Sorry Lass, I cannae tell you how she flies, but looks like she's got the right stuff on paper. However, dinner sounds spectacular. You, me, Don, and Torra it will be like we're back aboard the Discovery, or Don's rattletrap Martha again."

Don was oddly quiet at the Nira's suggestion for a dinner together with Galloway.  His silent had the Grazerite wondering if his time as Challenger's XO had done something to sour his and Galloway's relationship?  Maybe the Captain was why Don had needed to 'find himself'?

For the past year, Torra had believed it was herself and his altered memories... but maybe there had been more to it?

The silence stretched out uncomfortably, so Torra took it upon herself to answer the Commander's suggestion of dinner together, the four of them.  "While that does sound lovely, Ops and Engineering are quite busy; and I was hoping to ask Don to give me a hand."

She however offered a slight ray of hope.  "We'll see what we can arrange."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was unsure of what he should do. He didn't remember being put in charge of a department, but he could simply perform a basic inventory and see what was needed for the next quarterly expenditures and filled it out. With that, Gohun sent the needed materials in a message.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: BlueDonim on June 05, 2024, 09:42:07 AM

Doni smiled warmly, feeling a bit more relaxed now that the treatment was complete. "Nice to meet you, Kyan. I'm Doni Rimous. Glad I could help. And remember, take it easy for a bit, alright?" He turned back to Feeva with a smile, eager to prove himself further. "Next patient, please," he said. "Ready for whatever comes next, ma'am."

As the Human medic repeated the canned phrases of his profession, "Don't do the same stuff that got you injured." and "Take it easy." and "Quit fighting Nausicaans." Well, he didn't say Nausicaans specifically... but same same... Kyan listened and watched him work. After the grupling had introduced himself and stole a glace back at what the Onlie figured was his boss he followed his eyes back to the diminutive woman. If he didn't know better, Kyan would have thought her one of his people at first glance. But she was definitely a grup. And a Betazoid too, given her black eyes.

He felt a bit sorry for her, being only a few inches taller than his own four feet and five inches. He'd get taller... eventually. But this blue shirt was likely as big as she was ever going to be. Probably why she picked this job, and not a fun one like Security. Kyan thought. Then he grinned and waved back with his prepared arm. "He done a good job so he did Boss Doc!" Then he regarded Doni. "I cannae promise nothin. Captain Galloway likes ta take the Challenger off an fight baddies so, and I gotta get back ta me old form after what them dirty Landsers did.. well, the red robed git. He almost killed me off so he did, the 'jobby creature."

Kyan hopped off the bed. "But I'll be better from it pretty soon so. Grups been trying ta murder me forever. Too slow and dumb tae get it done." He grinned. "An a lot of them gone off ta make their excuses ta the Powers on why they dinnae get me. Anyways, Merry Met to ye Mister Rimous, an thanks fer the fix-up!"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 05, 2024, 12:07:16 PM

[Ops - Outpost Solaere]

Ian winced at the request for isolinear chips because the demand for them had been so high on Challenger, but they had the replicator mass and could restock at Starbase 153, so he said.

"Certainly Commander. Unfortunately, because of the attack here, we departed Starbase 185 before the yard apes were finished with Challenger's upgrades. We've had ta finish the work on the fly while en route here. Our previous mission stressed the older isolinear chips throughout the ship ta hell and back and many have started ta fail, so we've been goin' through them like shyte through a goose, but worry not. We've got the replicator mass ta make whatever you need. Only shortage we have is Ops and Engineerin' is workin' double shifts already ta get us back in Bristol Fashion, so I nae have many personnel ta be lendin' you."

When asked about the Horizon, Ian looked wistful.

"While I had time ta go over her specs and take a tour, I've been so swamped with gettin' Challenger ship shape, I've never gotten ta fly the Horizon. Sorry Lass, I cannae tell you how she flies, but looks like she's got the right stuff on paper. However, dinner sounds spectacular. You, me, Don, and Torra it will be like we're back aboard the Discovery, or Don's rattletrap Martha again."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on June 07, 2024, 03:01:57 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Outpost Solaere - Deck One - Operations Center]

Don was oddly quiet at the Nira's suggestion for a dinner together with Galloway.  His silent had the Grazerite wondering if his time as Challenger's XO had done something to sour his and Galloway's relationship?  Maybe the Captain was why Don had needed to 'find himself'?

For the past year, Torra had believed it was herself and his altered memories... but maybe there had been more to it?

The silence stretched out uncomfortably, so Torra took it upon herself to answer the Commander's suggestion of dinner together, the four of them.  "While that does sound lovely, Ops and Engineering are quite busy; and I was hoping to ask Don to give me a hand."

She however offered a slight ray of hope.  "We'll see what we can arrange."

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Nira practically chuckled at mention of the Martha. It was good for the Martha to be at the station, especially after she outran pirates.

"I understand, Lieutenant," Nira said. "If you both have time, your presence is appreciated."


[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | Outpost Solaere]

The absence of Savar still bothered Nira; she never spent time in her quarters alone in a long time. At least she had her holodog Ahkbar and her live arboreal hybrid Nahida for company. She can understand if Torra and Don will be late, if they show up at all. It was her and Ian together again.

"You'll have to pardon my pets, Captain,"
Nira said. "I made Akbhar based on my old childhood dog when I first heard of Steve; I've often worried that Kinley's own pet would scare people. Nahida, the arboreal hybrid...well, she's a present from my Betazoid family; some members of the First House of Betazed are botanists, and they learned cloning works, courtesy of studying Dominion cloning technology, and were making hybrid arboreal animals, since most pets from Betazed tend to be moving plants.

"In regards to how much of the inside of the station you've seen,"
Nira added, "what did you think of the station? I mean, once we get it up and running again? And what adventures transpired with the Challenger when I transferred off?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Therem Estraven on June 07, 2024, 12:08:56 AM


Therem was having a staring contest with the ceiling when Commander Garrison approached. He perked up since the Horizon was still going through the docking procedures, but all of the volunteering civilians still had to wait around in the hangar.

"The pirates scared off all the business, so I've just been stockpiling resources.  I did hear about a few traders that tried to make deals with the pirates themselves, and haven't heard from them since. My new job is gonna be the Horizon's space-janitor, hopefully.

What's going on with you? Lots of important meetings about getting a giant laser attached to the station, I hope. And with your injuries, they should let you work from one of those fancy, floating beds."

They chatted for a bit before Kinley's other duties pulled her away and Therem was left to fend for himself again. Space travel always sounds like a lot of fun until you realize you have to sit in a box and wait around most of the time... but it was still preferable to being shot at by pirates.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 06, 2024, 09:19:20 PM

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Commanding Officer's Ready Room | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Upon arrival to the ready room, Gillespie nodded at Mail, who attached a device by the door. Gillespie then explained to Kinley, "First, excuse the device. It's a precaution. For a little moment, internal comms with your office will be cut off. Anybody who detects it will assume it's a system glitch; it'll be harmless but gobsmacking enough to keep anybody buggered and guessing until it clears out. Scans will be rendered ineffected. Again, it's a precaution, but Outpost Seven has had rumored eavesdroppers in the past. Rumored, but it's one reason why I'm here with my aide."

Then Gillespie said, "Noo, to business: I can see how the situation about pirates is bad enough, but I had no idea it would be this bad. I wish for station, sensor and system logs to be reviewed by me and my aide," he added, gesturing to Commander Mail. "If this has been going on for two months, we need to see what went wrong. I mean, this station should have been able to withstand a pirate attack, even against hundred year old vessels.

"The fact is, Garrison,"
the Admiral continued, "Mail and I have our suspicions, what we've mulled over the past two weeks getting the Horizon here. We spoke with Starfleet Command before coming here. We have had loads of convoys heading to Ciden IV. Most, if not all, of the ones heading for Oaish'le, had been attacked and pillaged.

"We've had time in the two weeks journey here on the Horizon,"
Gillespie added, gesturing between him and Mail. "Even the reports we got forwarded over, relayed to us from Starfleet from you until your comms got shut off a few days ago. The fact that only convoys heading to Oaish'le have been getting hit really shows a pattern.

"Now, aside from the logs, Mail and I are going to be doing some checks-aroond; I've also reviewed reports regarding Outpost Seven before the Dominion War. We have our inklings, we need some investigating to do. The Challenger will be here for twenty-four hours; tomorrow afternoon, after Challenger leaves, I expect you, Said and your senior staff at a briefing aboard the Horizon. We will explain everything to you lot by then, and the results of our investigation."

[Hangar Hidey-Hole | Behind the Jefferies Tubes | Above the Hangar Module]

From one of his favorite spots hidden in the Jefferies Tubes, the informant was focused on viewing the ship. He stared long and hard at the new ship. Finally he decided, screw it. He recognized it as a souped-up Aquarius class. It was a yacht. What chance did a yacht have?

A beep gave him notification. Somehow, the system was blinded to what was usually Captain Javiera's office, but had been taken over by a prissy girl. He sighed; the comm system was outdated a long time. As linkable as it was to internal comms, it tended to bug off now and again.

[Main hangar]

[Before getting pulled away to do business..]

Kinley smiled as Therem chatted with her. She liked hearing about the lives about the people living here. Even if they were still impacted by the pirate problem they were having.  Anyhow, while she wasn't

"I feel that. Better to have the stockpiles now than not have them when you need them. Either way, I really do appreciate your willingness to help on the Horizon. we'll figure a way to use your skills beyond just janitorial. " she grinned.

" You know, that's not a bad idea,  Now if I could use one to get through all the paperwork and bureaucracy, I think a giant laser would be a great idea. " she half-joked. (To be honest, if she could get her hands on one, she absolutely would.) "I'm doing just as well as I can be, given being injured and all. The Doctors have me on really light duties and pretty darn good painkillers right now, but I can't afford to get too far behind, y'know. Paperwork stops for no one, unfortunately..."

[Ready Room]

Kinley nodded as she went in to the room, somewhat skeptical about the jamming device that the Admiral had placed in the room. She had assumed that it was a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility,  as per the supposed standard when it was refit, but given the state that they had found the Station (and the stuff that was left behind here when they had first gotten here, ) who knew what sort of things were left behind that had yet to be flushed out?

She was internally annoyed at the Admiral's seeming implication that she hadn't done enough to quell the pirates. If anything, the most recent attack seemed to prove everything to her beyond just the reports that managed to make it all the way back to Earth.  It was bad out here. She couldn't deny that.

Unfortunately, with an aging, outdated station, old, half-broken weapon systems that were practically patched together with duct tape, and a very limited crew to protect the people of this sector already, they were already stretched thin as is. Requisitioning anything took next to ages to come, and even then, this new ship they had gotten already took weeks to even get across the probably full desks of whoever approved it.

All this combined only seemed to embolden the pirates.  It was hard to do humanitarian work for the desperate people on the planet below when they had to fend for themselves on all fronts first. It aggravated her to no end, but they had to make it work.

"I'll make sure my assistant gets the needed files to you as soon as possible, What do you think you're looking for? What sort of pattern?" she asked, concerned at what the investigation would bring up.  She didn't like being kept in the dark.

Listening to the Admiral go on, she felt justified enough to speak her mind. She was angry,  given everything, but she didn't let it show to the Admiral.

"With all due respect sir, we're already stretched thin as is and I've lost several good people here due to these pirates and our lack of resources.  This place is 202 years old here. Even with the upgrades that were made when Outpost Seven was changed into Solaere, there's only so much modern retrofitting can do when things are as old as they are and with Starfleet as short-handed as it is. We are doing what we can with what we have, but we can't do everything as well as we want, and that's costing us. Believe me. I know very well. " 

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 08, 2024, 03:58:54 AM

[Ready Room]

Kinley nodded as she went in to the room, somewhat skeptical about the jamming device that the Admiral had placed in the room. She had assumed that it was a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility,  as per the supposed standard when it was refit, but given the state that they had found the Station (and the stuff that was left behind here when they had first gotten here, ) who knew what sort of things were left behind that had yet to be flushed out?

She was internally annoyed at the Admiral's seeming implication that she hadn't done enough to quell the pirates. If anything, the most recent attack seemed to prove everything to her beyond just the reports that managed to make it all the way back to Earth.  It was bad out here. She couldn't deny that.

Unfortunately, with an aging, outdated station, old, half-broken weapon systems that were practically patched together with duct tape, and a very limited crew to protect the people of this sector already, they were already stretched thin as is. Requisitioning anything took next to ages to come, and even then, this new ship they had gotten already took weeks to even get across the probably full desks of whoever approved it.

All this combined only seemed to embolden the pirates.  It was hard to do humanitarian work for the desperate people on the planet below when they had to fend for themselves on all fronts first. It aggravated her to no end, but they had to make it work.

"I'll make sure my assistant gets the needed files to you as soon as possible, What do you think you're looking for What sort of pattern?" she asked, concerned at what the investigation would bring up.  She didn't like being kept in the dark.

Listening to the Admiral go on, she felt justified enough to speak her mind. She was angry,  given everything, but she didn't let it show to the Admiral.

"With all due respect sir, we're already stretched thin as is and I've lost several good people here due to these pirates and our lack of resources.  This place is 202 years old here. Even with the upgrades that were made when Outpost Seven was changed into Solaere, there's only so much modern retrofitting can do when things are as old as they are and with Starfleet as short-handed as it is. We are doing what we can with what we have, but we can't do everything as well as we want, and that's costing us. Believe me. I know very well. "

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Commanding Officer's Ready Room | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Gillespie could easily tell how angry Kinley looked. He couldn't blame her. He was just about as angry with the brass of Starfleet; he could be just as angry as Kinley would be if he was in her shoes.

"I dinnae blame yeh, lass," he said. "It's one reason we have this many ships out here, and why we're expecting ships from the Corps of Engineers. We're also due for officers from the Exchange Program. Add all that to twelve Starfleet vessels, not counting the Horizon, will be able to accelerate not just the repairs, refits and retrofitting.

"The pattern, lass," he continued, "I expect will be that pirates aren't just targeting ships boond for Oaish'le, but timed it in expectation. My inkling is that somebody on the station is leaking the convoy schedules to the pirates. Commander Mail and I have a good idea how, given old reports about Outpost Seven; we're nae gonna interview the crew, we've done enough interviewing, given a gobsmacking situation Challenger encoontered, not to mention we could give ourselves away to this whistleblower; he, she, or it may not even be one of the officers here.

"We will give a definite answer in our briefing on the Horizon tomorrow," Gillespie added. "And with the new Federation convoy coming with the Corps of Engineer ships, we have time before their arrival in two days. Our twelve ships and the Corps of Engineers will be able to lift burdens off all yehr shoulders."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on June 07, 2024, 11:46:39 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Deck One | Outpost Solaere]

Nira practically chuckled at mention of the Martha. It was good for the Martha to be at the station, especially after she outran pirates.

"I understand, Lieutenant," Nira said. "If you both have time, your presence is appreciated."


[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | Outpost Solaere]

The absence of Savar still bothered Nira; she never spent time in her quarters alone in a long time. At least she had her holodog Ahkbar and her live arboreal hybrid Nahida for company. She can understand if Torra and Don will be late, if they show up at all. It was her and Ian together again.

"You'll have to pardon my pets, Captain,"
Nira said. "I made Akbhar based on my old childhood dog when I first heard of Steve; I've often worried that Kinley's own pet would scare people. Nahida, the arboreal hybrid...well, she's a present from my Betazoid family; some members of the First House of Betazed are botanists, and they learned cloning works, courtesy of studying Dominion cloning technology, and were making hybrid arboreal animals, since most pets from Betazed tend to be moving plants.

"In regards to how much of the inside of the station you've seen,"
Nira added, "what did you think of the station? I mean, once we get it up and running again? And what adventures transpired with the Challenger when I transferred off?"

[First Officer's Quarters - Outpost Solaere]

Ian wasn't sure how to answer Nira's question, some of what he saw during the tour was impressive, some appalled him. However, he knew Nira well enough to be honest with her, so he paused for a moment and said.

"I think you've done miracles with next ta nothing Lass. This station was in worse shape than Deep Space Nine was when the Cardassians pulled out. While the Cardassians looted that station, it hadn't been abandoned like this one. Add in the pirates making it their home and it's amazin' it's functional at all given the time you've had ta work on it.

"Clearly your weapons array is a mess. Those systems were valuable so those were the first looted or outright stolen. It wouldn't surprise me if'n some of the weapons fired at you durin' that pirate raid were your own weapons come back ta haunt you. If'n I were in charge, now that you got the basics operational, I'd put all my efforts on the weapons. Double shifts by Ops and Engineerin' until you had solid coverage from all aspects. Unless you get some shipments of phaser emitters and such, you will nae be as powerful as the station once was, but you'll be able ta give the pirates enough of a bloody nose that they will pick a different topic.

"The merchant sector seems to be fairly active, but until you can get a handle on this pirate issue, you will nae have a thrivin' commercial operation. Business people want ta make money, they need a place that's safe ta do that, so fix the weapons, fix the business opportunities.

"As for the animals, you can never go wrong with a dog. Never seen the other critters, but they seem friendly enough. I never really took you as the animal sort, but it's good ta see you've gotten settled in here."

Ian smiled when Nira asked about what adventures they'd had since she left and he opened up about their previous mission.

"We met with a people, the Landsers that had actually perfected a fold space drive. Thing that made no sense was, the civilization was other was only at a mid-21st Century level of development. So, they dinna meet the classic 'warp capable' threshold for first contact, but they were star farin' with a technology beyond our own. Problem was, their fold space created temporal pulses that were damagin' the fabric of space. And, for the love of all that's ever been holy, the impact of one of those pulses disabled every system on the Challenger and knocked out everyone board.

"We were spotted by telescopes because our shields went down and we could no longer evade their radio frequency level sensors. Caught with our knickers around our knees, as soon as we could get a shuttle operational, I went down ta the planet ta talk their leadership. So, that turned into an unplanned first contact. They did agree ta stop usin' their fold space when we showed them our sensor data and then we said goodbye and limped back ta Starbase 185.

"Starfleet was all in an uproar about first contact with a non-warp capable species and I was brought before a court martial for that. Fortunately, the Landsers dropped in for a visit with their prototype fold space ship durin' the trial and proved beyond doubt that they were indeed star farin' and I was found not guilty. Then we were ordered ta launch ta come help you out and get ta Starbase 153 for some such, and here we are. You know, a typical Tuesday in Starfleet."

Feeva Drylo

Outpost Solaere|Medical

Feeva watched as they were interrupted by Rimous' working on the Onlie. Only she didn't know yet that that's what this fellow was. He looked like a child in a Starfleet costume, like some of the chislers dressed as at Hallow's Eve. Of did she, but at least she was...developed.


"He done a good job so he did Boss Doc!...I cannae promise nothin. Captain Galloway likes ta take the Challenger off a fight baddies so, and I gotta get back ta me old form after what them dirty Landsers did.. well, the red robed git. He almost killed me off so he did, the 'jobby creature.

Feeva nodded. She understood.

"Well. Please, do your best to stay out of trouble, and if your injuries act up again, report back 'ere immediately," she said. "Mr. Rimous, please join me in the office once your patient is squared away. Do you know how to do the check-out procedures?" She asked the cadet, trying to get them back on track. The Betazed woman didn't handle deviations from schedule too well, though she wasn't mad. Just overwhelmed. 

Nira Said

[Emergency Medical Hologram Mark XII | Sickbay | Deck Fourteen | Outpost Solaere]

The EMH was having his program worked on by some of the Horizon crew. They were connecting a link between the holo-servers in Sickbay to those in the Horizon. It was a new function, a way for the station EMH to connect with the attachment starship. He wouldn't be transferring back and forth; they would be putting him, in a way, into the empty files and whatnot into the Horizon's own EMH.

The EMH figured it was more than just being in two places at once: It was like splitting a brain in half, turning both halves into full brains, and then inserting the second brain into the empty skull of a duplicate, so that the duplicate would have the exact memories of the original. He knew that the Dominion had cloning technology to pull off something like that physically...

"Okay, it looks like it's functioning well," said Ensign Feeka, who had taken part in the work of linking the EMHs. "Congratulations, you now have a twin brother..."

"At least we won't need to see each other much, if at all,"
the EMH said. "Two exact copies. Wonky, won't it be?"

He then noticed Counselor Drylo and a new crewmember...and then was surprised to see enough people worth half of the crew of a medical vessel.

"My god, where did all these people come from?"

[Emergency Medical Hologram Mark XII | Sickbay | Deck Two | USS Horizon NCC-75668-B]

Meanwhile, the EMH aboard the Horizon was coming online. He knew he was the EMH of Outpost Solaere. He had everything he remembered since he came online at the start of the year. He can see that Horizon's Sickbay was small, but perfect for a medical staff of one and two. He proceeded to getting to know the vessel.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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