What to Improve About Star Trek Generations?

Started by Nira Said, March 22, 2024, 01:02:23 PM

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Nira Said

Having recently seen Star Trek Generations, it's a movie that can certainly use improvements. I feel it could be a good idea to discuss what should be improved about Generations in your opinions. My points to start off:

-Have Spock and McCoy in the beginning instead of Scotty and Chekov (and the Producers would need to pay Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley so they won't say no). Maybe even Christine Chapel in the background, and have Majel Barret play two roles;

-Continue to have Spock the whole time, he'd be negotiating endorsement for the Unification Movement and Lxwanna Troi would be among the party of Federation diplomats, they'd finish in time to watch Worf get promoted.

-Cut out the overt emotional moments for Data.

-Picard's Nexus vision...instead of just different people and a different lady...well, this was something I looked at in Quora, and to quote: "He's retired after a long and successful career in Starfleet. He's married to Beverly, she runs a country practice, he tends his vineyard. On a beautiful summer day he has all his old crewmates over for a reunion. They have a wonderful meal outside, joke, catch up, reminisce. Riker and Troi are married, Geordi brings his wife. Their kids play together in the garden. Data is the same as ever. Everyone is happy. Everything is perfect. As evening closes in they put the kids to bed and stay up playing poker. At last, everyone turns in and Picard goes to sleep in his wife's arms. Then, in the middle of the night, he hears a noise in the living room. He goes downstairs and finds Guinan. She looks at him, intently, with those mysterious ancient eyes. 'This isn't real. Is it?' he asks her quietly. She shakes her head."

-On Kirk's end, who the heck is Antonia? Have the lady be Carol Marcus, the only one of Kirk's flames to sire a son, and David would still be alive, even.

-On the final battle, the one where it can be rewound, have it take place amidst the battle against the Duras sisters. Again, to quote from Quora: "The final battle is against an old Klingon B'Rel class cruiser. Who knows more about them in Starfleet than the guy who actually captained one? Have Picard assign Kirk to the bridge to fight the Klingons ship to ship while he and Riker lead the away team against Soren. Given Soren some Klingon troops to make things interesting." Actually, it would be a good point: Soren ought to have some Duras loyalists guarding him, even prevent Picard from getting to Soren in the first time (after he crawls under the force field). And it makes sense for Kirk to command the Enterprise-D against the Durases rather than fumble around looking for options.

-Keep the saucer crashing, but this time, the Enterprise star drive will have gone out fighting (never mind the core breach from a last torpedo from the Durases, have a piece of that exploded bird of prey hit it in a way to cause the core breach, or have that bird of prey explode closer to the Enterprise-D).

-Again, to quote from Quora: "...have Kirk take the conn. Kirk gets injured in the crash. He survives long enough for his final farewell to Picard..." in a way that Kirk saved the crew. If Kirk had to die, then it would fit that he would save Picard's crew. However, I would prefer it that Kirk would remain alive, despite the saucer crash, and at the end, it would be Picard and Kirk, with Riker and Spock, the two captains and their Number Ones together as they beam out, and maybe a post-credits scene of Kirk gifted a retired starship to use for Kirk's own uses, and it would be named after one of the other ships he was assigned to before he became Captain (like the Republic).

Those are my thoughts, of course. I'll be curious to hear your opinions here, of course.

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J.B Dersch

I have only watched a certain amount of TNG, I would truly say, It seemed all fine for me,

-Cut out the overt emotional moments for Data.
Truly those moments were always intriguing, Since Andirods were exactly human, but still had emotions

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

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