Season 4 - Episode 5 - The Consequences of Greed

Started by James A. Hawke, March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

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James A. Hawke

[T'Prina/Hawke's Quarters]

First Officer's Log: Supplemental

The last couple of weeks have been filled with extraordinary change.  Situations and the admiralty of Starfleet Command have requested a major change.  With our Mystery with the Cardassians and rising Tensions elsewhere, the Federation has reshuffled major components on the Fleet, the Shran my old ship has been requested to Temporary Dock in the Starbase as an effort to bolster our numbers.   As such, we have a situation in which the crew has and will change dramatically.  To say that I am nervous about the case is an understatement. Computer...Pause

A chime was heard in the background as the computer stopped the recording.  Hawke was in his quarters, looking into space.  He took a second and gathered his thoughts.  For a second, he believed that the log would reflect too much humanity.  As he was admitting he was not sure.  The First Officer had a background of making brash decisions, but this was different.  This felt different.  This had a completely different crew and a completely different feel and he was not sure of the consequences of anything.

He crossed his arms for a second and he thought what to say next. "Computer Resume Log"

With all the anxiety and the change, I believe that it would be prudent to have a Social Gathering as a Get Together.  It will take place in the lounge in which everyone will have a beautiful view on Deck 1.   Hopefully, the crew meeting me in a atmosphere will make this less...intimidating"

Hawke finished and said "Computer...End Log  As he finished he look in space and wondered how the even would go.  Hopefully, it would go well as it was a way for the crew and also the Tholians to meet them.  He hope by sending them to more Social events they would learn about Starfleet Culture via exposure instead of lectures.

James looked himself as he had his red Uniform.  He was about to leave for a second when he heard a message.

=/\= Commander, we got something weird that happened.  We got an anomaly...that is releasing Tachyon Particles, they are about to reach the Station.  =/\=

James then looked down for a second.  He thought for a second of canceling the event and then thought maybe, it would be too rash. =/\= "All right, I'll inform the Commander, for now, Raise Shields out of an abundance of precaution and place us onto Yellow Alert, once we are done with the event tonight, Commander T'Prina and myself will go to Ops.  Thank you =/\= .  Hawke finished giving his orders as he thought shield would protect them from the Radiation.

Before leaving he thought the diplomatic ramifications, he approached the console and opened a channel to the Tholian ship in orbit.   =/\= This is Command Caste Hawke, to Eydis.  We have detected some Tachyon particles approaching the Station.  I have raised our shields as we investigate what is happening.  I hope you honor us with your presence at our Social gathering.  Hawke out =/\= . As Hawke finished he looked in the Mirror.

As he was about to leave, Hawke stopped for a second.  He then when to the main living room of the quarters and informed T'Prina.  "Hey, I'm about to head to the Social Gathering a little early in Deck 1, I invited the Tholians.  Ummm....we detected an anomaly with Tachyon Radiation heading to our Station.  I ordered a Yellow Alert and raised shields, that should protect us from Radiation. But, I know ....I want to go and check the anomaly yourself, but right now this gathering is essential for the Station and the Shran.  We only get one shot at this.".  Hawke said.  It was not stated but his Command style was more depending on people trusting him and with almost a new crew with little say on him he felt the pressure.

[Deck 1 – Lounge]

Hawke arrived in the Lounge area as it was filled with decorations and drinks.  On the Top near the ceiling there was a banner.

He walked in the room as he was alone.  He was gathering his thoughts hoping that everything would work.

Click on the Badge to see bio


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

[ T'Prina/Hawke's Quarters]

As he was about to leave, Hawke stopped for a second.  He then when to the main living room of the quarters and informed T'Prina.  "Hey, I'm about to head to the Social Gathering a little early in Deck 1, I invited the Tholians.  Ummm....we detected an anomaly with Tachyon Radiation heading to our Station.  I ordered a Yellow Alert and raised shields, that should protect us from Radiation. But, I know ....I want to go and check the anomaly yourself, but right now this gathering is essential for the Station and the Shran.  We only get one shot at this.".  Hawke said.  It was not stated but his Command style was more depending on people trusting him and with almost a new crew with little say on him he felt the pressure.

[LtCmdr. T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN -T'Prina and Hawke's Quarters]

T'Prina looked up at Hawke from where she sat on the sofa, small fidgeting child perched on her knee as her fingers nimbly braided the long dark hair. The social gathering was a necessary evil in her opinion, and since James was eager things go well, she would do her best to support him. The tachyon anomaly did catch her interest though.

"You assume correctly, James. Tachyon radiation could be the sign of something dangerous approaching, and as Chief Science Officer it is my duty to examine it." She paused as she tied a ribbon on the end of ANaLYN's braid.

"However, I agree with your judgment. Raised shields should suffice so long as they remember to modulate the shield harmonics to accommodate for the incoming tachyons. If it is only a small burst, systems should be minimally affected, if at all. There is no harm in being over prepared." T'Prina began working on the other side of the AI child's hair, fingers working quickly and efficiently despite the girl's inability to hold still for long.

"As soon as ANaLYN is ready, we will join you in the lounge. I know you are in some distress over the situation we find ourselves in. Take the time you need, and know we will come through it together. Remember to breathe, ashalik."

She offered James a small half smile, attempting to reassure him of her support. Things were decidedly unsettled on the Starbase as of late, a fact she found no comfort in. With everything so... "up in the air" or so the phrase went, it only made her want to dig in her heels and cling tighter to who and what was familiar and dear to her. Perhaps Hawke wasn't the only one who was feeling the stress, she thought with an ironic eyebrow raise, as she watched the door to their quarters close behind him.


[Deck 1 – Lounge]

ANaLYN clung to T'Prina's hand, chubby toddler fingers intertwined with her 'mother's' longer, delicate ones. She was trying hard to contain her excitement. It had been difficult and sad when some of her friends had left, but she was beginning to understand away did not always mean gone forever. And now she had the chance to make all new friends.

They entered the Lounge which had been tastefully, if brightly decorated. The large colorful sign over head, couldn't help but draw attention.

ANaLYN's attention however went first to the balloons, and secondly to the refreshments. She tugged at T'Prina's arm.

"Mama, can I have a cookie, please?" The little AI girl did her best to look sweet and innocent. She really did want a cookie. And maybe a couple of balloons to play with until the other guests arrived.

T'Prina looked down at her, and considered. The child really had been on her best behavior, and quite contrite since the incident that had destroyed her quarters.

"Alright, one cookie, Little One. And try to be neat with it. Remember the napkins like you have been taught."

"Thank you, Mama!" The little girl hugged the Vulcan around the knees and skipped off to the refreshments table.

T'Prina herself hesitantly approached Hawke. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and she was loath to disturb him, but her own discomfort with social engagements meant she did not wish to stand in silence with her own thoughts. Lightly, she placed her hand on his arm, so as not to startle him when she spoke.

"I believe the old Earth saying is 'Penny for your thoughts.' However I find your thoughts to be of more worth to me than an old copper coin." Her fingers tightened some, giving his arm a lightly affectionate squeeze.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Luby Wentock

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

[Deck 1 – Lounge]

Hawke arrived in the Lounge area as it was filled with decorations and drinks.  On the Top near the ceiling there was a banner.

He walked in the room as he was alone.  He was gathering his thoughts hoping that everything would work.

[Deck 1 - Lounge]

"Um..." Luby began, wondering if she'd got the right place, and feeling very out of her depth.  "I was supposed to report to a Commander Hawke...have I got the right place, I hope I'm not intruding on a private party.  Cadet First Class Lucy Belle Wentock.  I go by Luby, Sir."

For all Luby was a 4th year cadet, she was also 25 years old, having finished her degrees on Earth prior to joining the fleet, she was also a stickler for the rules, so bar stowing her gear and getting into a fresh uniform to face 'the boss' for the first time... impressions count and all that... she had reported straight away.

Charles Stratton

After what Stratton presumed was the shortest ever Shadow Fleet ship assignment that did not end in death, dismemberment or court marshall, he found himself transferred from the USS Shran to Starbase Columbus. He had experienced incredible highs.. To now.. Spectacular lows.

Within a day of being assigned to the USS Shran, Stratton found himself, a mere crewman assigned to an away team. He had been good naturedly ribbed by his fellow crewman that he was, surely, 'nothing more than expendiable cannon fodder'. But he had not cared. He was going to experience life on an alien planet. A planet not Earth.. And he had. An experience he would cherish for the rest of his life.


Stratton had failed in such a fashion that he found himself being transferred from the USS Shran to the first available Starbase they came across. Even though his ship mates tried to shore up his spirits by telling him, 'this happens. Don't take it to heart.' He did. He was older than the average crewman. He didn't have any special skill to recommend him except tenacity. But tenacity had not won him any points planet side, had it?

Stratton broke himself out of his reverie as he nursed the synthetic alcoholic drink he had been given when he entered the 'Welcome Aboard' get together. He moved out of the way of normal party foot traffic, content to observe. He had been beamed the invite as soon as he embarked the station, but he honestly thought it had been a mistake. He wasn't an officer. He fully expected to be chucked out once the mistake was realized.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

Stratton had been in the midst of raising the drink to his lips when he heard the yellow alert klaxon sound. Dammit! He had not fully read the starbase manual yet. He didn't know his duty station. Even though he was off duty, he felt sure he needed to be somewhere else.. But he did not know where.

James A. Hawke

[Deck 1 – Observation Lounge]

It was quiet as the first officer stayed alone in the lounge.  He was in the center quietly gathering his thoughts.  He was uncomfortable as he was not sure about the command decisions.  He had no control over the admiralty and their choices and especially those who would be in command.  It was not his crew; it was Naira's and Felicity's crews, and without them, there was little reason for them to follow him.  He hoped that some newcomers would come, which is always a relief for him.   The First Officer had an easier time working with the new crew than transfers.

As he stood in the quiet of the room he heard from the distance a person come in.

Quote from: T'Prina on March 10, 2020, 11:59:58 PM

[LtCmdr. T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN
T'Prina herself hesitantly approached Hawke. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and she was loath to disturb him, but her own discomfort with social engagements meant she did not wish to stand in silence with her own thoughts. Lightly, she placed her hand on his arm, so as not to startle him when she spoke.

"I believe the old Earth saying is 'Penny for your thoughts.' However I find your thoughts to be of more worth to me than an old copper coin." Her fingers tightened some, giving his arm a lightly affectionate squeeze.

He heard for a second a person approach him and the conversation abot cookies.  Hawke could tell from their voices who they were.  He smiled and looked down the ground as their concerned about a cookie.  As he remained silent he felt a hand gently on his shoulder as she asked for his thoughts.  "I don't know this is weird.....  Hawke responded quietly as he looked down.  He heard her hand for a second and said "I don't know with Starfleet changes if I am the right person for the job.  Only time will tell" .  Hawke responded quiet for a second as he heard the room come in someone coming in.  For a second he looked at a person, it was a young female human.  She was a brunette.
Quote from: Luby Wentock on March 11, 2020, 12:11:05 PM

[Deck 1 - Lounge]

"Um..." Luby began, wondering if she'd got the right place, and feeling very out of her depth.  "I was supposed to report to a Commander Hawke...have I got the right place, I hope I'm not intruding on a private party.  Cadet First Class Lucy Belle Wentock.  I go by Luby, Sir."

Hawke took a second and addressed the cadet in front of him.  "Ahh Cadet Wentock...I'm sure is unusual but you are in the right place".  Hawke looked around as he noticed the decorations and imagined that it would be unusual for a Cadet to be in a meet with greet with other officers.  He then said "Cadent Wentock, please meet your Chief of Science Lt. Commander T'Prina....T'Prina, please meet Cadet Wentock, she is studying medicine and is a medical technician from Starfleet Command.  She has an impressive resume, we're lucky to have her on the Columbus.  So tell us Cadet what you expect to get from the Starbase?"   Hawke genuinely inquired as he tried to see if there was something he could do to help the Cadet achieve her goals.

Before Cadet could answer he heard his pin chime.  "Excuse Me".  Hawke mentioned apologetically.  As he walks from the ladies for a second.

=/\= Commander =/\=

=/\= Hawke here. =/\=

=/\= Commander, the yellow alert has created some confusion with the new personnel, Orders sir? =/\=

James looked down and said =/\= "Inform all the new personnel that  things go as normal, once this event if over I am sure that Commander T'Prina would make some recommendations. Hawke out =/\= .  Hawke stood silent for a second as he wondered what to next.

=/\= Hawke to Stratton report to Observation Deck 1 =/\= .  Before their arrival Hawke did his duty as a First Officer and studied everyone personnel file.  The individual served on the Shran and was able to help him understand the crew better.  Someone had to tell the new crew what he wanted them to do and no one is better that one of their own.

As the conversation finished Hawke approached both the Cadet and the Commander.  He then asked "I apologize, did I miss anything?" .

As he asked the question his comm went off again.

=/\= Ops to Hawke...the Tachyon Particles are approaching us =/\=.

=/\= Understood, umm keep the yellow Alert and follow the Commande T'Prina's recommendation...keep me informed Hawke out =/\= .

Hawke smiled for a second and said "I apologize Cadet, things seemed to be busy at the Station, but I would like to get to know the new crew better" .

Click on the Badge to see bio

Luby Wentock

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 11, 2020, 11:49:57 PM

[Deck 1 – Observation Lounge]

It was quiet as the first officer stayed alone in the lounge.  He was in the center quietly gathering his thoughts.  He was uncomfortable as he was not sure about the command decisions.  He had no control over the admiralty and their choices and especially those who would be in command.  It was not his crew; it was Naira's and Felicity's crews, and without them, there was little reason for them to follow him.  He hoped that some newcomers would come, which is always a relief for him.   The First Officer had an easier time working with the new crew than transfers.

As he stood in the quiet of the room he heard from the distance a person come in.

He heard for a second a person approach him and the conversation abot cookies.  Hawke could tell from their voices who they were.  He smiled and looked down the ground as their concerned about a cookie.  As he remained silent he felt a hand gently on his shoulder as she asked for his thoughts.  "I don't know this is weird.....  Hawke responded quietly as he looked down.  He heard her hand for a second and said "I don't know with Starfleet changes if I am the right person for the job.  Only time will tell" .  Hawke responded quiet for a second as he heard the room come in someone coming in.  For a second he looked at a person, it was a young female human.  She was a brunette.
Hawke took a second and addressed the cadet in front of him.  "Ahh Cadet Wentock...I'm sure is unusual but you are in the right place".  Hawke looked around as he noticed the decorations and imagined that it would be unusual for a Cadet to be in a meet with greet with other officers.  He then said "Cadent Wentock, please meet your Chief of Science Lt. Commander T'Prina....T'Prina, please meet Cadet Wentock, she is studying medicine and is a medical technician from Starfleet Command.  She has an impressive resume, we're lucky to have her on the Columbus.  So tell us Cadet what you expect to get from the Starbase?"   Hawke genuinely inquired as he tried to see if there was something he could do to help the Cadet achieve her goals.

Before Cadet could answer he heard his pin chime.  "Excuse Me".  Hawke mentioned apologetically.  As he walks from the ladies for a second.

=/\= Commander =/\=

=/\= Hawke here. =/\=

=/\= Commander, the yellow alert has created some confusion with the new personnel, Orders sir? =/\=

James looked down and said =/\= "Inform all the new personnel that  things go as normal, once this event if over I am sure that Commander T'Prina would make some recommendations. Hawke out =/\= .  Hawke stood silent for a second as he wondered what to next.

=/\= Hawke to Stratton report to Observation Deck 1 =/\= .  Before their arrival Hawke did his duty as a First Officer and studied everyone personnel file.  The individual served on the Shran and was able to help him understand the crew better.  Someone had to tell the new crew what he wanted them to do and no one is better that one of their own.

As the conversation finished Hawke approached both the Cadet and the Commander.  He then asked "I apologize, did I miss anything?" .

As he asked the question his comm went off again.

=/\= Ops to Hawke...the Tachyon Particles are approaching us =/\=.

=/\= Understood, umm keep the yellow Alert and follow the Commande T'Prina's recommendation...keep me informed Hawke out =/\= .

Hawke smiled for a second and said "I apologize Cadet, things seemed to be busy at the Station, but I would like to get to know the new crew better" .

[Deck 1 - Observation Lounge, SBC]

"No worries Commander,.." Luby smiled, " gave me time to think and phrase my answer. "

The cadet figured that Commander Hawke looked like the sort of person who could take a joke, and if not.... well better to get any part of unpleasantness out of the way early in her career.

"I figured that I was unlikely to find a very rich man to keep me in a manner to which I am totally unaccustomed to marry me down on Earth so I figured I'd best do something with the degrees I have, hence joining the Fleet.  Specifically working on the base, or your support ship... well that's a simple matter of getting some 'hands on' experience since up to now it's all been classroom simulations unless you count fixing a fellow cadet's shoulder following a Parises Squares injury."

She gave him a mischievous look and added "Unless you happen to know any reasonably well off, drop dead gorgeous bachelors on this base?!"

She turned slightly to the Vulcan Science Chief and gave a small bow of the head.  "Commander T'Prina.  While I'm assigned to Medical I am doing classes in both Medical and Science at the Academy so it is likely that we'll cross paths a few times, I'm sure Dr. Lunn will liaise with you as to who has me on duty, where and when!  Pleasure to meet you."

Luby turned back to Commander Hawke.  "So..." she said gesturing at the decorations.  " I'm guessing this isn't all for my benefit?!" she said with an impish grin.

Mondo'li Nari


Mondo's Quarters, SBC

Mondo finished putting away the last of his things, and it felt like closing the drawer was also closing another chapter of his career.  He had heard that some officers and crew might spend the majority of their careers on one posting, but apparently such stability was rare.  For him, Starfleet service had been an exercise in change and adaptation.

He felt a throbbing in his shoulder.  A psychological ache, no doubt, triggered by his thoughts of change.   Even Mondo's body had not survived the past year without being changed.

But life was change.  Change and growth.  When either of those things stopped happening, it meant you were dead.

He looked around the room.  Bigger than his quarters on the Shran, though he still had a roommate.  Still, most people he'd met in the fleet were easy to live with.  Everyone had quirks, but Starfleet personnel were selected partially for their stability and ability to get along well with others.  In a service this diverse, such an attitude wasn't just nice.  It was essential.

Taking a moment to view himself in a mirror, Mondo smoothed his uniform.   Then he made his way to the Observation Lounge where the gathering was being held.   Along the way, a Yellow Alert sounded, and Mondo checked his holstered PADD for new orders.  But there was no change for him.

Deck 1 – Observation Lounge

Mondo arrived, and offered a wrinkly-faced smile at the people gathered here.  Many cultures had rituals for welcoming new arrivals into the fold.  This gathering was one such ritual, to bring everyone peace and contentment with the change of environment and structure.

For Mondo's part, he had no need of such things.  But that didn't mean he lacked appreciation for the effort.  Not everything had to be necessary for it to be nice.

Charles Stratton

 [Deck 1 – Observation Lounge]

Looking about, Stratton tried to find a terminal that might give him the details of the yellow alert. Had he been on the ship, he would have known there were various reasons to go Yellow, but a Starbase? He racked his memory, but the only thing he seemed to recall for a station to go to yellow was when an invasion seemed imminent in some part of the quadrant. But as he looked at the people still arriving at the welcome aboard party and some officers, he surmised it must be something he had not come across in his studies.

Spying another lone figure in the room, Stratton contemplated approaching that person and asking about the alert. But, he glanced down at his attire, he was not in uniform. Would someone who didn't know him, even give him information? Would they think he was suspect or find him suspicious?If someone approached him in such a manner, being asked for information just after a yellow alert sounded, he would find it odd. He might even hazard a guess they were up to no good.

He glanced at the time. Maybe he had time to go back to his quarters, change into his uniform and return. Maybe while he was changing he might give the Station's standard operating procedures for Yellow Alert a quick perusal as well.

Yes. That's what he would do.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 11, 2020, 11:49:57 PM

=/\= Hawke to Stratton report to Observation Deck 1 =/\= .  Before their arrival Hawke did his duty as a First Officer and studied everyone personnel file.  The individual served on the Shran and was able to help him understand the crew better.  Someone had to tell the new crew what he wanted them to do and no one is better that one of their own.

As the conversation finished Hawke approached both the Cadet and the Commander.  He then asked "I apologize, did I miss anything?" .

As he asked the question his comm went off again.

=/\= Ops to Hawke...the Tachyon Particles are approaching us =/\=.

=/\= Understood, umm keep the yellow Alert and follow the Commande T'Prina's recommendation...keep me informed Hawke out =/\= .

Hawke smiled for a second and said "I apologize Cadet, things seemed to be busy at the Station, but I would like to get to know the new crew better" .

"Bloody hell." He muttered under his breath.

He hadn't even managed to take a step toward the exit and he was being summoned to the very place he wished to leave.

'No matter.' He told himself sternly. 'You've got this. It's probably just someone crossing t's and dotting i's. Making sure all crew is accounted for.'

Stratton made his way through the crowd, toward the officer. He realized a bit belatedly this wasn't 'a t crossing' item to be checked off the list. This looked a bit more.. In depth.  He waited for the appropriate moment and introduced himself.

"Crewman Stratton reporting, Sir." He almost saluted, his hand coming up, when he realized he was still holding the glass of Synthale.

'Bloody hell. This just keeps getting better.' Thinking to himself, but valiantly not allowing his dismay to show on his face. He carefully and deliberately set the drink down.


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

[T'Prina/Hawke's Quarters]

First Officer's Log: Supplemental

The last couple of weeks have been filled with extraordinary change.  Situations and the admiralty of Starfleet Command have requested a major change.  With our Mystery with the Cardassians and rising Tensions elsewhere, the Federation has reshuffled major components on the Fleet, the Shran my old ship has been requested to Temporary Dock in the Starbase as an effort to bolster our numbers.   As such, we have a situation in which the crew has and will change dramatically.  To say that I am nervous about the case is an understatement. Computer...Pause

A chime was heard in the background as the computer stopped the recording.  Hawke was in his quarters, looking into space.  He took a second and gathered his thoughts.  For a second, he believed that the log would reflect too much humanity.  As he was admitting he was not sure.  The First Officer had a background of making brash decisions, but this was different.  This felt different.  This had a completely different crew and a completely different feel and he was not sure of the consequences of anything.

He crossed his arms for a second and he thought what to say next. "Computer Resume Log"

With all the anxiety and the change, I believe that it would be prudent to have a Social Gathering as a Get Together.  It will take place in the lounge in which everyone will have a beautiful view on Deck 1.   Hopefully, the crew meeting me in a atmosphere will make this less...intimidating"

Hawke finished and said "Computer...End Log  As he finished he look in space and wondered how the even would go.  Hopefully, it would go well as it was a way for the crew and also the Tholians to meet them.  He hope by sending them to more Social events they would learn about Starfleet Culture via exposure instead of lectures.

James looked himself as he had his red Uniform.  He was about to leave for a second when he heard a message.

=/\= Commander, we got something weird that happened.  We got an anomaly...that is releasing Tachyon Particles, they are about to reach the Station.  =/\=

James then looked down for a second.  He thought for a second of canceling the event and then thought maybe, it would be too rash. =/\= "All right, I'll inform the Commander, for now, Raise Shields out of an abundance of precaution and place us onto Yellow Alert, once we are done with the event tonight, Commander T'Prina and myself will go to Ops.  Thank you =/\= .  Hawke finished giving his orders as he thought shield would protect them from the Radiation.

Before leaving he thought the diplomatic ramifications, he approached the console and opened a channel to the Tholian ship in orbit.   =/\= This is Command Caste Hawke, to Eydis.  We have detected some Tachyon particles approaching the Station.  I have raised our shields as we investigate what is happening.  I hope you honor us with your presence at our Social gathering.  Hawke out =/\= . As Hawke finished he looked in the Mirror.

As he was about to leave, Hawke stopped for a second.  He then when to the main living room of the quarters and informed T'Prina.  "Hey, I'm about to head to the Social Gathering a little early in Deck 1, I invited the Tholians.  Ummm....we detected an anomaly with Tachyon Radiation heading to our Station.  I ordered a Yellow Alert and raised shields, that should protect us from Radiation. But, I know ....I want to go and check the anomaly yourself, but right now this gathering is essential for the Station and the Shran.  We only get one shot at this.".  Hawke said.  It was not stated but his Command style was more depending on people trusting him and with almost a new crew with little say on him he felt the pressure.

[Deck 1 – Lounge]

Hawke arrived in the Lounge area as it was filled with decorations and drinks.  On the Top near the ceiling there was a banner.

He walked in the room as he was alone.  He was gathering his thoughts hoping that everything would work.

[Cruiser Acrux] Eydis would respond to the hailing and invitation of commander hawke  =/\= Commander Eydis responding, we have begun to detect the same.  I have recalled my 4 widow escorts and would like to prepare and dock at the station until we know more about what is occurring. I believe there is a old human saying about circling the wagons.   =/\=

The Cruiser Acrux would begin to move towards the starbase its shields raised but weapons not online with its four small widow fighter escorts in tow. They would begin a approach to dock with the starbase that the cruiser Acrux and its commander had since its encounter always been weary of and stand offish. 

John Michael Kane

[Dr John Michael Kane. Deck 1 – Observation Lounge]

Dr Kane looked around, taking silent note of the familiar faces present. He had grown attached to the Shran in the short time he had spent aboard the ship, and the announcement that she was returning to the Starbase til further notice had kind of left him shell-shocked.

Still, after internally debating with himself for a while, and consulting with some of his senior colleagues, the surgeon had come to realize that such sudden and unprecedented change was a regular feature of Starfleet life.

He stared at the huge welcome symbol, silently, from one corner. While there were quite a few familiar faces from the Shran present, Doctor Kane realised he probably hadn't interacted with most of them in the past.

That, and he didn't even know what Department he was in now. Science, or back to Medicine? John tried to locate Commander Hawke amongst those present; the most likely person, by way of his rank, to have an answer.

Dr. John Michael Kane, MD FRCS PhD
Ensign, USS Shran NCC-81735-A

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Luby Wentock on March 12, 2020, 02:16:40 PM

[Deck 1 - Observation Lounge, SBC]

"No worries Commander,.." Luby smiled, " gave me time to think and phrase my answer. "
"I figured that I was unlikely to find a very rich man to keep me in a manner to which I am totally unaccustomed to marry me down on Earth so I figured I'd best do something with the degrees I have, hence joining the Fleet.  Specifically working on the base, or your support ship... well that's a simple matter of getting some 'hands on' experience since up to now it's all been classroom simulations unless you count fixing a fellow cadet's shoulder following a Parises Squares injury."

She gave him a mischievous look and added "Unless you happen to know any reasonably well off, drop dead gorgeous bachelors on this base?!"

She turned slightly to the Vulcan Science Chief and gave a small bow of the head.  "Commander T'Prina.  While I'm assigned to Medical I am doing classes in both Medical and Science at the Academy so it is likely that we'll cross paths a few times, I'm sure Dr. Lunn will liaise with you as to who has me on duty, where and when!  Pleasure to meet you."

Luby turned back to Commander Hawke.  "So..." she said gesturing at the decorations.  " I'm guessing this isn't all for my benefit?!" she said with an impish grin.

James smiled at the Cadet as he listened to her story.  He smiled and chuckled at the joke.  "I see, I am sorry to hear that your first plan of finding someone to fit your needs might be harder than having two degrees.  But, you're in luck I am sure that Columbus have rich bachelors around.  I happen to know several Ferengis that might be interested".  Hawke smiled as he shot back at the humorous answer.  He looked around as he heard her story.  "I'm sure Commander T'Prina would be a good teacher, and if I might brag for a second we have a Tholian Warp Specialist, which is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. .

Hawke looked around for a second as she asked about the event.  Hawke then responded "Of course Cadet, this was all for you" .  He smiled for a second as he hopes she got the sarcasm.   He was being friendly, but maybe it was a little bit much.  "Actually there has been some major reshuffle in the personnel for several ships in this sector.  And I wanted them to meet their new First Officer, in a social setting instead of a formal  Hawke was talking in Mid Sentence when be observed Mondo approach.    "If you excuse me.".

Hawke already knew that  T'Prina was aware this was typical of him to try and do several things at once. However, he felt the new Cadet might need to get used to him trying to address several things.

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on March 12, 2020, 06:29:42 PM

Deck 1 – Observation Lounge

Mondo arrived, and offered a wrinkly-faced smile at the people gathered here.  Many cultures had rituals for welcoming new arrivals into the fold.  This gathering was one such ritual, to bring everyone peace and contentment with the change of environment and structure.

For Mondo's part, he had no need of such things.  But that didn't mean he lacked appreciation for the effort.  Not everything had to be necessary for it to be nice

James approached the Hupryrian  and extended his hand.  "Petty Officer Nari, it's a pleasure to meet you.  I read your record and read about your skills we are lucky to have you.  It's good to have another tactical mind around the station in these times of ...uncertaintly" .  Hawke commented.   As he walked to the man he would point to the place where they were gathering.  As he walked he stopped for a second and he realized he did not introduce himself.  "I'm sorry that was rude of me...I'm Commander Hawke, First Officer, please take a second and enjoy yourself for a second.    I know change can be hard for a lot of people, but at least we can build a community here." .  Hawke finished his statement as he observed another person coming in.

"If you excuse second"  Hawke said as he pointed towards T'Prina and Cadet Wentok as he tried to have him socialize.

Quote from: Charles Stratton on March 12, 2020, 09:31:22 PM

'No matter.' He told himself sternly. 'You've got this. It's probably just someone crossing t's and dotting i's. Making sure all crew is accounted for.'

Stratton made his way through the crowd, toward the officer. He realized a bit belatedly this wasn't 'a t crossing' item to be checked off the list. This looked a bit more.. In depth.  He waited for the appropriate moment and introduced himself.

"Crewman Stratton reporting, Sir." He almost saluted, his hand coming up, when he realized he was still holding the glass of Synthale.

'Bloody hell. This just keeps getting better.' Thinking to himself, but valiantly not allowing his dismay to show on his face. He carefully and deliberately set the drink down.

He left the crew and tried to approach the crewman.  The person introduced himself formally.  Hawke as a first officer appreciated the formality of the situation.  As he expected a situation like this to happen.  He was not known to be the best formal officer but he could appreciate the discipline.

"Relax Crewmen, it's James, I'm the first Officer" .  Hawke then extended his hand to greet the Crewmen.  He had his plan to talk to him in Ops if there was anything he needed to be aware.  James did not want to waste much time.  "As you are aware, the crew merger of the Columbus and the Shran.  It's going to be hard for a lot of people.  I need you to be my eyes and ears when it comes to the crew of the Shran, personalities and morale.  In sort, I want you to be my communication about the day to day life and you will have complete access to myself.  Can you do this?" .  Hawke asked the man.  He knew his request was unusual but also he knew that he did not have the same merits and trust as their former Captain.

=/\= Commander, this is Ops the Tachyon Pulse  Radiation is making contact with our shields.  Also, Commander Eydis is requesting authorization to dock"  =/\=

James then smiled and said "Duty Calls.  Once Second, Crewmen" .   Before he could listen to his answer Hawke walked away from the crewmen to seek more privacy. =/\= Commander Hawke to Commander Eydis,  welcome to the Columbus.  You are more than welcome to observe a social gathering from Starfleet as you might want to observe them and report it back to your government.  =/\= .  The First Officer was not sure if the Commander was going to fulfill their request.

=/\= Hawke to Ops, Permission granted. =/\= .

As he finished the message.  He looked at the banner and saw something different.

As he looked at the banner he looked at it "I would have sworn that it was different" .  Hawke said to himself.

He pointed at the Crewmen as he wanted him to approach the group with everyone.

Quote from: John Michael Kane on March 13, 2020, 12:58:20 PM

[Dr John Michael Kane. Deck 1 – Observation Lounge]

Dr Kane looked around, taking silent note of the familiar faces present. He had grown attached to the Shran in the short time he had spent aboard the ship, and the announcement that she was returning to the Starbase til further notice had kind of left him shell-shocked.

Still, after internally debating with himself for a while, and consulting with some of his senior colleagues, the surgeon had come to realize that such sudden and unprecedented change was a regular feature of Starfleet life.

He stared at the huge welcome symbol, silently, from one corner. While there were quite a few familiar faces from the Shran present, Doctor Kane realised he probably hadn't interacted with most of them in the past.

That, and he didn't even know what Department he was in now. Science, or back to Medicine? John tried to locate Commander Hawke amongst those present; the most likely person, by way of his rank, to have an answer.

He was approached by Doctor Kane and Hawke extended his hand to the Doctor.  "Dr. Kane, Commander Hawke.  I had the chance to read about you.  We are lucky to have you in Medical.  Follow me for a second, if you please" Hawke then pointed out to the group.

"Doctor Kane, this is Cadet Wentock, we will be working with you in Medical under the guidance of Dr. Lunn, which he is quite a ....character".  Hawke mentioned as he wanted to be diplomatic.  "Speaking of which, I might need to have my head scan, I would have sworn that the banner was different. "  Hawke made the comment as he asked everyone "Can I offere anyone a drink"

Click on the Badge to see bio


Quote from: Luby Wentock on March 12, 2020, 02:16:40 PM

[Deck 1 - Observation Lounge, SBC]

"No worries Commander,.." Luby smiled, " gave me time to think and phrase my answer. "

The cadet figured that Commander Hawke looked like the sort of person who could take a joke, and if not.... well better to get any part of unpleasantness out of the way early in her career.

"I figured that I was unlikely to find a very rich man to keep me in a manner to which I am totally unaccustomed to marry me down on Earth so I figured I'd best do something with the degrees I have, hence joining the Fleet.  Specifically working on the base, or your support ship... well that's a simple matter of getting some 'hands on' experience since up to now it's all been classroom simulations unless you count fixing a fellow cadet's shoulder following a Parises Squares injury."

She gave him a mischievous look and added "Unless you happen to know any reasonably well off, drop dead gorgeous bachelors on this base?!"

She turned slightly to the Vulcan Science Chief and gave a small bow of the head.  "Commander T'Prina.  While I'm assigned to Medical I am doing classes in both Medical and Science at the Academy so it is likely that we'll cross paths a few times, I'm sure Dr. Lunn will liaise with you as to who has me on duty, where and when!  Pleasure to meet you."

Luby turned back to Commander Hawke.  "So..." she said gesturing at the decorations.  " I'm guessing this isn't all for my benefit?!" she said with an impish grin.

[LtCmdr. T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN - Observation Lounge, Deck 1]

T'Prina linked her arms behind her back and raised an eyebrow. The medical cadet was certainly spirited. Hopefully it'd serve her well.

"Dr. Lunn is a talented surgeon, but he can be... difficult. You seem to be possessed of a strong mind and sure of yourself. I am sure both will see you through whatever the future holds in store. I myself specialized in medical research for a time. Particularly bacteriology. However I now find much of my time monopolized by the meetings and paperwork that come with managing the science department. The privileges of rank, Cadet Wentock." She gave the younger woman a small half smile, and considered the room. More guests were filing in. At least James wouldn't have to worry about no one showing up. The man had enough on his plate as it was.


Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on March 12, 2020, 06:29:42 PM

Deck 1 – Observation Lounge

Mondo arrived, and offered a wrinkly-faced smile at the people gathered here.  Many cultures had rituals for welcoming new arrivals into the fold.  This gathering was one such ritual, to bring everyone peace and contentment with the change of environment and structure.

For Mondo's part, he had no need of such things.  But that didn't mean he lacked appreciation for the effort.  Not everything had to be necessary for it to be nice.[/size]

ANaLYN stood at the refreshments table, nibbling a cookie partially wrapped in a napkin. There was a small chocolate streak on one cheek, but mostly she'd managed to stay clean. Her long dark hair hung in two straight braids, though she still wore her headband with fake
Vulcan ears attached. She was dressed in her usual customized pink skirted Starfleet uniform, small crown shaped pip on her collar. More people were starting to walk in to the party. Mama and Mander Hawkey were busy talking to some of the newcomers. The little AI girl took a pile of cookies, carefully wrapped in a fresh napkin and went to make new friends in her own way. She skipped up to a very tall man and decided to introduce herself.

"Hi there! I'm ANaLYN. I like your face, you look really nice." In her small hand, she held the pile of cookies up as an offering.

"Do you want a cookie? The chocolate chip kind are my favorite. I already had one so these are for sharing." She smiled up at him, dark eyes crinkling in her young round face. Her head tilted to the side a moment later, as she seemed to be in thought.

"I don't seem to know your name yet. Not all of the new crew records have been entered in the station records. That's super weird."


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 13, 2020, 01:33:26 PM

James smiled at the Cadet as he listened to her story.  He smiled and chuckled at the joke.  "I see, I am sorry to hear that your first plan of finding someone to fit your needs might be harder than having two degrees.  But, you're in luck I am sure that Columbus have rich bachelors around.  I happen to know several Ferengis that might be interested".  Hawke smiled as he shot back at the humorous answer.  He looked around as he heard her story.  "I'm sure Commander T'Prina would be a good teacher, and if I might brag for a second we have a Tholian Warp Specialist, which is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. .

Hawke looked around for a second as she asked about the event.  Hawke then responded "Of course Cadet, this was all for you" .  He smiled for a second as he hopes she got the sarcasm.   He was being friendly, but maybe it was a little bit much.  "Actually there has been some major reshuffle in the personnel for several ships in this sector.  And I wanted them to meet their new First Officer, in a social setting instead of a formal  Hawke was talking in Mid Sentence when be observed Mondo approach.    "If you excuse me.".

Hawke already knew that  T'Prina was aware this was typical of him to try and do several things at once. However, he felt the new Cadet might need to get used to him trying to address several things.

As he looked at the banner he looked at it "I would have sworn that it was different" .  Hawke said to himself.

He pointed at the Crewmen as he wanted him to approach the group with everyone.

He was approached by Doctor Kane and Hawke extended his hand to the Doctor.  "Dr. Kane, Commander Hawke.  I had the chance to read about you.  We are lucky to have you in Medical.  Follow me for a second, if you please" Hawke then pointed out to the group.

"Doctor Kane, this is Cadet Wentock, we will be working with you in Medical under the guidance of Dr. Lunn, which he is quite a ....character".  Hawke mentioned as he wanted to be diplomatic.  "Speaking of which, I might need to have my head scan, I would have sworn that the banner was different. "  Hawke made the comment as he asked everyone "Can I offer anyone a drink"

It was on the tip of T'Prina's tongue to remind Hawke to try and relax, when his comment about the banner worried her. She eyed it with suspicion, and tried to look around to see if there were any other noticeable 'changes.'

"It is different, James. With your permission, I would like to be excused to go to Ops. I need to run a scan." She purposely did not mention the tachyon pulse, but was certain he would understand her concern.

ANaLYN still stood near the tall security officer, however the cookies in her hand had changed from chocolate chip to raisin. It wasn't a noticeable difference though. She was more concerned that the balloons were gone now, replaced with tall tropical flowers. Her lip puckered out some, in a pout, as she still wanted a balloon.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Luby Wentock

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 13, 2020, 01:33:26 PM

James smiled at the Cadet as he listened to her story.  He smiled and chuckled at the joke.  "I see, I am sorry to hear that your first plan of finding someone to fit your needs might be harder than having two degrees.  But, you're in luck I am sure that Columbus have rich bachelors around.  I happen to know several Ferengis that might be interested".  Hawke smiled as he shot back at the humorous answer.  He looked around as he heard her story.  "I'm sure Commander T'Prina would be a good teacher, and if I might brag for a second we have a Tholian Warp Specialist, which is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. .

Hawke looked around for a second as she asked about the event.  Hawke then responded "Of course Cadet, this was all for you" .  He smiled for a second as he hopes she got the sarcasm.   He was being friendly, but maybe it was a little bit much.  "Actually there has been some major reshuffle in the personnel for several ships in this sector.  And I wanted them to meet their new First Officer, in a social setting instead of a formal  Hawke was talking in Mid Sentence when be observed Mondo approach.    "If you excuse me.".

Hawke already knew that  T'Prina was aware this was typical of him to try and do several things at once. However, he felt the new Cadet might need to get used to him trying to address several things.

James approached the Hupryrian  and extended his hand.  "Petty Officer Nari, it's a pleasure to meet you.  I read your record and read about your skills we are lucky to have you.  It's good to have another tactical mind around the station in these times of ...uncertaintly" .  Hawke commented.   As he walked to the man he would point to the place where they were gathering.  As he walked he stopped for a second and he realized he did not introduce himself.  "I'm sorry that was rude of me...I'm Commander Hawke, First Officer, please take a second and enjoy yourself for a second.    I know change can be hard for a lot of people, but at least we can build a community here." .  Hawke finished his statement as he observed another person coming in.

"If you excuse second"  Hawke said as he pointed towards T'Prina and Cadet Wentok as he tried to have him socialize.

He left the crew and tried to approach the crewman.  The person introduced himself formally.  Hawke as a first officer appreciated the formality of the situation.  As he expected a situation like this to happen.  He was not known to be the best formal officer but he could appreciate the discipline.

"Relax Crewmen, it's James, I'm the first Officer" .  Hawke then extended his hand to greet the Crewmen.  He had his plan to talk to him in Ops if there was anything he needed to be aware.  James did not want to waste much time.  "As you are aware, the crew merger of the Columbus and the Shran.  It's going to be hard for a lot of people.  I need you to be my eyes and ears when it comes to the crew of the Shran, personalities and morale.  In sort, I want you to be my communication about the day to day life and you will have complete access to myself.  Can you do this?" .  Hawke asked the man.  He knew his request was unusual but also he knew that he did not have the same merits and trust as their former Captain.

=/\= Commander, this is Ops the Tachyon Pulse  Radiation is making contact with our shields.  Also, Commander Eydis is requesting authorization to dock"  =/\=

James then smiled and said "Duty Calls.  Once Second, Crewmen" .   Before he could listen to his answer Hawke walked away from the crewmen to seek more privacy. =/\= Commander Hawke to Commander Eydis,  welcome to the Columbus.  You are more than welcome to observe a social gathering from Starfleet as you might want to observe them and report it back to your government.  =/\= .  The First Officer was not sure if the Commander was going to fulfill their request.

=/\= Hawke to Ops, Permission granted. =/\= .

As he finished the message.  He looked at the banner and saw something different.

As he looked at the banner he looked at it "I would have sworn that it was different" .  Hawke said to himself.

He pointed at the Crewmen as he wanted him to approach the group with everyone.

He was approached by Doctor Kane and Hawke extended his hand to the Doctor.  "Dr. Kane, Commander Hawke.  I had the chance to read about you.  We are lucky to have you in Medical.  Follow me for a second, if you please" Hawke then pointed out to the group.

"Doctor Kane, this is Cadet Wentock, we will be working with you in Medical under the guidance of Dr. Lunn, which he is quite a ....character".  Hawke mentioned as he wanted to be diplomatic.  "Speaking of which, I might need to have my head scan, I would have sworn that the banner was different. "  Hawke made the comment as he asked everyone "Can I offere anyone a drink"

[Observation Lounge - SBC]

"Ah hi, Doctor... guess you didn't think you'd get a minion the minute you set foot on base!  But here I am.  Luby Wentock at your service.  And Commander, if you need your head scanned, so do I, or maybe my eyes."  Luby said giving John a smile.

"And Ferengi's not my cup of tea as hubby material, Sir, no offence.  They'd need to shell out too much GPL to keep me in a manner to which I'd like to be accustomed!" she added with a chuckle.

Quote from: T'Prina on March 14, 2020, 12:30:19 AM

[LtCmdr. T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN - Observation Lounge, Deck 1]

T'Prina linked her arms behind her back and raised an eyebrow. The medical cadet was certainly spirited. Hopefully it'd serve her well.

"Dr. Lunn is a talented surgeon, but he can be... difficult. You seem to be possessed of a strong mind and sure of yourself. I am sure both will see you through whatever the future holds in store. I myself specialized in medical research for a time. Particularly bacteriology. However I now find much of my time monopolized by the meetings and paperwork that come with managing the science department. The privileges of rank, Cadet Wentock." She gave the younger woman a small half smile, and considered the room. More guests were filing in. At least James wouldn't have to worry about no one showing up. The man had enough on his plate as it was.

"I'm sure I'll find out in due course.  He sounds like my..." she hesitated seeing as she was actually talking about James Wentock rather than Antonin Kolev her biological father.  She decided to hedge her bets but be truthful at the same time and say "...mother's husband.  He can be quite... difficult to get along with at times.  I'm sure I'll manage but thank you for the forewarning, Ma'am."

"My mind is playing tricks, not just the banner, but you seem shorter, Commander.  This is... disturbing." the cadet said with a worried look on her face.

Charles Stratton

Stratton was saved from answering as the Commander was immediately hailed and had to move away due to protocol. He watched as the Commander strode off. He was horrified. The Commander wanted him to be the eyes and ears for former Shran personnels morale? Him? The newest and most inept Shran crewman ever?

Just exactly, how did he go about correcting the senior officer's thought process? Should he tell the Commander, he was not exactly what one would call chatty? That the bulk of the conversations he had previously had with Shran crew, outside duty hours, added up to precisely.. seventeen words?

Stratton recalled the past conversation.

"Excuse me.." Spoken to by a pretty redhead.

Stratton had looked up at her somewhat startled.

"Oh.. uh.. sorry.." he said absently as he collected his thoughts and dragged his attention away from PADD in his hand. "Hello.."

The girl dimpled at him "Hi.. so.. Is this seat taken?"

"No.." Surprised, pleasantly so. "No.. no it is not."

"Then you don't mind if I take it?" Asked smilingly.

"Absolutely not.. Please.. Be my guest. Help yourself."

And she did, by taking the seat and dragging it to another table where the group was rearranging their chairs to accommodate one more.

He sighed, reached over and picked up the drink he had just recently set down. He tossed it back in a single gulp.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 13, 2020, 01:33:26 PM

He pointed at the Crewmen as he wanted him to approach the group with everyone.

He was approached by Doctor Kane and Hawke extended his hand to the Doctor.  "Dr. Kane, Commander Hawke.  I had the chance to read about you.  We are lucky to have you in Medical.  Follow me for a second, if you please" Hawke then pointed out to the group.

"Doctor Kane, this is Cadet Wentock, we will be working with you in Medical under the guidance of Dr. Lunn, which he is quite a ....character."  Hawke mentioned as he wanted to be diplomatic.  "Speaking of which, I might need to have my head scan, I would have sworn that the banner was different. "  Hawke made the comment as he asked everyone "Can I offer anyone a drink"

Stratton had only just set the empty glass down when he noticed the Commander pointing at him and indicating he should approach. He knew he should have changed into his uniform. Nevertheless, he attempted to straighten his attire, only to note he was.. Wearing his uniform after all.

'No.. this cannot be right.' He gazed around the room. His gaze stopped and pinned on the table with his empty glass. There were four empty drink glasses on the table. Stratton frowned. Synthale was not supposed to affect memory. How could he have..

He snapped himself out of his thoughts and back to the Commander. He would worry about the drinks and blackout later. Maybe.. If he didn't speak. He could bluff his way through this. He joined the Commander's group.

Mondo'li Nari


Starbase Columbus - Deck 1 - Observation Lounge


James approached the Hupryrian  and extended his hand.  "Petty Officer Nari, it's a pleasure to meet you.  I read your record and read about your skills we are lucky to have you.  It's good to have another tactical mind around the station in these times of ...uncertaintly" .  Hawke commented.   As he walked to the man he would point to the place where they were gathering.  As he walked he stopped for a second and he realized he did not introduce himself.  "I'm sorry that was rude of me...I'm Commander Hawke, First Officer, please take a second and enjoy yourself for a second.    I know change can be hard for a lot of people, but at least we can build a community here." .  Hawke finished his statement as he observed another person coming in.

Mondo was surprised to be approached by the station's Executive Officer.  He was doubly surprised that the man would have heard anything about him.

"An honor to meet you, Sir.  And thank you for the compliment."  Mondo somewhat awkwardly shook the human's hand, being unaccustomed to such informality with people so far above his station.   Soon enough, Hawke was drawn into another social encounter.  Mondo watched the man go.

It might have been easy enough to dismiss the brief encounter as mere politeness, but the fact that Commander Hawke had remembered the name of an inconsequential Petty Officer suggested to Mondo that the man's words had been genuine.  The Hupyrian couldn't help but feel a bit puffed up with pride that he had been singled out for rememberance.

Mondo collected a drink for himself once the Commander departed.  He took a cup of the bramberry juice on offer, pre-replicated on a tray.  It was sweet and delicious.  He quickly finished the beverage, and then reached down to take another.

His second cup was less sweet, and more sour and tangy.

Artelis Fruit.


He could have sworn that this particular tray was filled with cups of bramberry fruit juice to the exclusion of all other flavors.

Well... there was nothing wrong with artelis fruit juice.

He shrugged, finishing his second cup.

Then he brought the pair of empty vessels to the replicator alcove for recycling.

As he did so, he met someone new- a young girl who described herself as Analyn.

"Do not apologize for not knowing me, Miss Analyn.  You can't be expected to memorize every face on the station.  There must be tens of thousands here."

He smiled at her, "In any event, it is a pleasure to meet you.  I am Petty Officer Mondo'li Nari."

Mondo took up one of the cookies and tried it.  "Delicious.  Thank you for sharing."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.