Season 4 - Episode 5 - The Consequences of Greed

Started by James A. Hawke, March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

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James A. Hawke

[Deck 5  - Operations]

NPC – Commander Sterek

The Commander stood silently for a second as he let his wife to respond to his statement.  She was a stubborn woman.   It was not a place for their marital affairs to be displayed in public.  It was a place for them to discuss in public.  She was after all an inferior Vulcan one that was not a member of the Vulcan Science Academy.

Quote from: T'Prina on March 21, 2020, 10:55:35 PM

Subconsciously, she positioned her body so her daughter was held away from the stringent man. Her eyebrow raised imperiously, and she held herself stiffly, despite an icy feeling of fear she could not shake.

"I do apologize, Commander, since you have obviously misunderstood my purpose for coming here. I did not come to see you out of some idiotic misplaced sense of sentimentality, like some simpering fool." Her words were icy calm, and did not betray the simmering resentment that flamed deep within her. Where this fire had come from, she wasn't sure, but it felt right.

"It is my duty, as Ambassador, to make sure that the best interests of the Ferengi Alliance are maintained, and to help keep the citizens appeased and happy. A happy population spends more latinum. There have been many startling changes that are scaring the population. I think you will find you failed to properly modulate the shield harmonics to accommodate for the incoming tachyon radiation." T'Prina shut her mouth a moment, the words were still coming from somewhere unknown, but so was the sense of rightness.

"You have been remiss by not making any announcements to ease the citizens' fears. Unless you do your job, Commander, I am unable to do mine. Or do you want to explain to the Ferengi why their Starbase will be losing profits?" Once the man's back was turned, she allowed herself the simple pleasure of a glare.
The Vulcan Officer looked T'Prina into her eyes and responded.  "My Apologies Ambasador...correct me if I am wrong.  Last time I checked, you were not an appropriate candiadate for the Vulcan Science Academy, such as myself.  I also believe that a Scientist knows more about Science that a layperson like yourself.   I believe you should meditate more as you are showing symptoms of a ...emotion called pride" .   Commander Streek raised an eyebrow.

The Vulcan First Officer paced his hand behind his back.  "I am well aware of fear and lack of profits, however, we were ordered NOT to raise our shields by the Ferengi Alliance.  As a SCIENTIST, unlike yourself, I know that those orders must be mistaken and I am in the process of verifying them.   When I have more information, I will provide them to you in an orderly fashion Ambassador".   The First Officer informed his Wife with a cold tone of voice.  There was no feelings no emotions.

Quote from: T'Prina on March 21, 2020, 10:55:35 PM

"My apologies, Ensign. I believe you may have mistaken me for someone else. I am Ambassador T'Prina. There is no problem here, sir. I was just leaving, to return to the gathering. Someplace I am actually needed, or so it would seem." Apologetically, she shrugged at the man, gracing him with a small half smile. The movement caused the fur stole she wore to slide down, revealing what resembled a bruise on the pale skin. Quickly, she righted the accessory, hiding it away once more.

"You heard the Commander, I am dismissed. I am sorry for taking up your time." The diminutive Vulcan turned on her heel to leave, irritated that she couldn't do more to solve the problem plaguing herself, and the rest of the starbase.

The Vulcan Commander heard the conversation and continued "You are correct.  My Wife, is dismissed.  There are moments like this that I wondered why I am married to someone that acts soo inferior.  She acts like she has emotions of pride, does not know her place, and does not apologize when her husband commands her too.  She is a reject of the Vulcan Academy of Science.  I believe that her marriage demonstrates the benevolence I have and also the Ferengi Alliance" .    The Commander looked at the Ensign and said "Excuse me Ensign, but we should stop wasting precious time on someone who is clearly can I help you Ensign?"

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Luby Wentock

Quote from: Derek Rodwell on March 22, 2020, 01:36:10 AM

[Observation Lounge – Deck 1]

Derek had grabbed a glass of champagne and lifted it as well but something was gnawing at the back of his head. He would have sworn he had read a file about Commander Hawke. A male Commander Hawke. Well, he was just an Ensign. What did he know.

"To the FERENGI ALLIANCE!!" he joined in.

Before he could take a drink, he was asked a question by a young female cadet.

Derek thought for a moment. He wasn't sure of his reply at first. Hadn't he just arrived?

"I'm sure there are." he finally answered with more confidence. "I mean, we are one big alliance. Why else would you have their insignia on your uniform." he pointed out.

"As far as seeing your brother, I haven't a clue." he added as he took a drink of Romulan Ale from the glass in his hand.

[Observation Lounge - SBC]

Luby looked down and resisted the urge to tear the badge from her chest.  Instead she just cried quietly.

"But... you do still love me don't you, you promised we'd watch a holo-movie together!  And now you've been flirting with other girls too..." she said almost hiccoughing.  "And there's still nasty Ferengis out there, the...the teeth.." she said trying to look around Derek but hide at the same time.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 22, 2020, 03:44:15 PM

[Observation Deck]

Hawke listened as she appeared to be looked scared of the Ferengi's he was not sure since they have lived under their economy for centuries.  The Chief of Engineer did not understand but it was not his job to deal with politics.  It was his job to make sure the Station and the ships were running up to order.

It was not until long that he heard a message coming in.

Hawke was confused for a second as he remembered the term Command Caste Hawke, but would not have reason to remember it.  It was like he was in between two worls in which he remembered this person and the same time remembered also the current state.  For a second, he thought they lived in the a world in which the Federation was independent.

Hawke took a second and pressed his comm =/\= "Acknowledged,  thank god we are all under the Ferengi Alliance  =/\= .  As Hawke finished he wondered how it would be like if the Tholians were not under the control of the Alliance.

He took a sip of his drink and he finished the toast.   As wondered how different life would be.

As he mentioned that he took a second as he looked out the window.

The cadet started shaking again as Hawke mentioned being under the Ferengi Alliance again.

"I think I'd better go and lie down, but... I was sure the door was over there, now where is it?!"

Michael Deus

[Operations Center, Deck 5, SBC]

Deus closed his eyes and brought a hand up to rub at his temple as another wave of incorrect information rolled over him, before letting out a slight grunt as he shrugged it off. His eyes opened in time to spot the bruise T'Prina was carrying, and they darted from it, to this 'Commander Serek' quickly. He had no information stored in his Palace regarding the Vulcan Commander. Breathing deeply and ignoring Serek for a moment, he moved in front of T'Prina, his back to the Commander.

"You are-" The Ensign said in a low voice, before pausing and shaking his head slightly. He then focused on T'Prina's eyes, "-Lieutenant Commander T'Prina. You're the-" He closed his eyes, encasing himself in his Palace, "-Chief Science Officer of Starbase Columbus." He opened his eyes to stare at her again, and noticed in his peripheral vision as both his Master and Senior Chief stepped off the lift. "You came down here for a reason. I know you did. I heard you. You need to think about that reason!" He told her firmly as he glanced down at the little girl she was carrying.

He looked away, over to the Master and Senior Chief, the Chief Petty Officer and the 5 Crewmen who were all standing close by, on alert. He's been lucky in-so-far as the only thing that's changed in regards to his staff are, occassionally, their race and gender. But for them, it's only been temporary. He received a slight nod from his Master Chief before he returned his attention back to T'Prina.

"With whatever is happening on this base, you are the only person other than my security teams to not only point out anomalies, but to actively question them. They're trained to do it. So are you. So, if you tell me that you need to get in to Ops; I will get you in. I can't promise what happens afterwards, so you need to be sure. But I will give you the time you need to do whatever it is you need to do in there."

"Great men are forged in fire. It's the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 22, 2020, 05:24:13 PM

[Deck 5  - Operations]

NPC – Commander Sterek

The Commander stood silently for a second as he let his wife to respond to his statement.  She was a stubborn woman.   It was not a place for their marital affairs to be displayed in public.  It was a place for them to discuss in public.  She was after all an inferior Vulcan one that was not a member of the Vulcan Science Academy.

The Vulcan Officer looked T'Prina into her eyes and responded.  "My Apologies Ambasador...correct me if I am wrong.  Last time I checked, you were not an appropriate candiadate for the Vulcan Science Academy, such as myself.  I also believe that a Scientist knows more about Science that a layperson like yourself.   I believe you should meditate more as you are showing symptoms of a ...emotion called pride" .   Commander Streek raised an eyebrow.

The Vulcan First Officer paced his hand behind his back.  "I am well aware of fear and lack of profits, however, we were ordered NOT to raise our shields by the Ferengi Alliance.  As a SCIENTIST, unlike yourself, I know that those orders must be mistaken and I am in the process of verifying them.   When I have more information, I will provide them to you in an orderly fashion Ambassador".   The First Officer informed his Wife with a cold tone of voice.  There was no feelings no emotions.
The Vulcan Commander heard the conversation and continued "You are correct.  My Wife, is dismissed.  There are moments like this that I wondered why I am married to someone that acts soo inferior.  She acts like she has emotions of pride, does not know her place, and does not apologize when her husband commands her too.  She is a reject of the Vulcan Academy of Science.  I believe that her marriage demonstrates the benevolence I have and also the Ferengi Alliance" .    The Commander looked at the Ensign and said "Excuse me Ensign, but we should stop wasting precious time on someone who is clearly can I help you Ensign?"

[LtCmdr. Ambassador T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN T'Aloren - Ops, Deck 5]

T'Prina froze as she was near to the exit. It seemed Sterek wouldn't be content with letting her have the last word, he never was. And he also took the moment to personally disparage her while trying to make himself look better. Also typical. She'd lived with it, and his fragile masculine pride for what seemed like an eternity now. She'd swallowed her own pride and taken leave from the Vulcan Academy, that much was true. She'd only left however, when she felt she could no longer live with the dishonesty that came with hiding her intelligence.

Her fist clenched at her side as she turned back, but the movement caused the child she carried to look up at her questioningly, finally lifting her small face from the fur stole she'd been hiding in. T'Aloren held her tongue, her confusion was great, but there were so many people around she did not know. T'Prina forced herself to calm, for her daughter's sake. Much of what she put up with from Sterek was to protect her daughter.

Her T'Aloren, little beloved student. Her mind worked differently from other Vulcan children, some things that came simply for others were a struggle for her. Sterek blamed T'Prina for he saw this as a failure, her clearly inferior DNA reflecting poorly on him. She knew her daughter was beautifully intelligent, and would accomplish so much if just given the chance to learn in her own way. T'Aloren was the brightness in her life.

Resolute again, she turned to leave, without a parting shot at her husband. Sometimes retreat was the wiser option.

Quote from: Michael Deus on March 22, 2020, 07:02:11 PM

[Operations Center, Deck 5, SBC]

Deus closed his eyes and brought a hand up to rub at his temple as another wave of incorrect information rolled over him, before letting out a slight grunt as he shrugged it off. His eyes opened in time to spot the bruise T'Prina was carrying, and they darted from it, to this 'Commander Serek' quickly. He had no information stored in his Palace regarding the Vulcan Commander. Breathing deeply and ignoring Serek for a moment, he moved in front of T'Prina, his back to the Commander.

"You are-" The Ensign said in a low voice, before pausing and shaking his head slightly. He then focused on T'Prina's eyes, "-Lieutenant Commander T'Prina. You're the-" He closed his eyes, encasing himself in his Palace, "-Chief Science Officer of Starbase Columbus." He opened his eyes to stare at her again, and noticed in his peripheral vision as both his Master and Senior Chief stepped off the lift. "You came down here for a reason. I know you did. I heard you. You need to think about that reason!" He told her firmly as he glanced down at the little girl she was carrying.

He looked away, over to the Master and Senior Chief, the Chief Petty Officer and the 5 Crewmen who were all standing close by, on alert. He's been lucky in-so-far as the only thing that's changed in regards to his staff are, occassionally, their race and gender. But for them, it's only been temporary. He received a slight nod from his Master Chief before he returned his attention back to T'Prina.

"With whatever is happening on this base, you are the only person other than my security teams to not only point out anomalies, but to actively question them. They're trained to do it. So are you. So, if you tell me that you need to get in to Ops; I will get you in. I can't promise what happens afterwards, so you need to be sure. But I will give you the time you need to do whatever it is you need to do in there."

T'Prina lightly laid a hand on the ensign's arm as he took her aside and offered his assistance. He called her Lieutenant Commander, and she nearly nodded. There were memories of this in her mind as well. She needed to think and buy some time to do so. Her hand tightened on his arm as she gave a friendly squeeze.

"Ensign, please be at peace. Many of us are affected by strange, inexplicable memories. Now is neither the time or place to question the Commander's decisions. My husband has made his position clear." Then in a quieter undertone, she spoke words meant for the Ensign alone.

"Find a way to download the sensor data and get it back to me. Something is very wrong here, and I am unsure if even my own memories can be trusted. I need to get back to the party, to Hawke. I think... we should gather others with similar memories."

T'Prina bit her lip, taking charge felt right but strange at the same time. All of this was strange, overlapping conflicting memories swirling in her mind, but there had to be some thread of logic tying it all together. Hopefully the sensor data would provide something she could work with. She looked up at the man, with a pleading look, before releasing his arm and stepping back away.

"I will be returning to the party now. It is rude for a hostess to remain away for so long." She gave a polite nod and left properly this time. Not a word, nor glance was spared for her husband, the commander.


[Observation Lounge - Deck 1]

T'Prina returned to the party, The sign seemed to look different once more, but she couldn't quite place her finger on what had changed. It seemed the party guests were still mulling about in various states of confusion as well. Hawke stood with his back to the room, staring out the window, seemingly deep in thought. She quickened her steps and walked up to him, hand lightly placed on his arm, just above his elbow.

"I believe the old Earth saying is 'Penny for your thoughts.' However I find your thoughts to be of more worth to me than an old copper coin." She put a hand to her mouth, certain she'd said just the same thing to him at least once before.

"James... Lt. Hawke, there is something happening on the Starbase. Things are wrong somehow. I need to know what you remember, if you remember, anything different about yourself, or me... Or us?" Her hand tightened its grip on his arm, just enough, conveying her unease.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

James A. Hawke

Quote from: T'Prina on March 22, 2020, 10:47:57 PM

[LtCmdr. Ambassador T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN T'Aloren - Ops, Deck 5]

[Observation Lounge - Deck 1]

T'Prina returned to the party, The sign seemed to look different once more, but she couldn't quite place her finger on what had changed. It seemed the party guests were still mulling about in various states of confusion as well. Hawke stood with his back to the room, staring out the window, seemingly deep in thought. She quickened her steps and walked up to him, hand lightly placed on his arm, just above his elbow.

"I believe the old Earth saying is 'Penny for your thoughts.' However I find your thoughts to be of more worth to me than an old copper coin." She put a hand to her mouth, certain she'd said just the same thing to him at least once before.

"James... Lt. Hawke, there is something happening on the Starbase. Things are wrong somehow. I need to know what you remember, if you remember, anything different about yourself, or me... Or us?" Her hand tightened its grip on his arm, just enough, conveying her unease.

[Observation Lounge – Deck 1]

Hawke remained staring at the Window hoping that most people enjoyed themselves at the event.  The Ferengi frowned at the event but the Chief Engineer was able to convince that with high morale it would increase the productivity of the crew.
As he heard the phrase from the Vucan ambassador, Hawke turned around an looked at her confused.  "Talk about Déjà vu"   Hawke responded with a smile he experienced of thought he experienced something like that I the past.  He thought those words seemed eerily familiar but he was not able to do that.

"Of Course there is a lot of wrong in the Starbase.  The Ferengi is in charge.  You know that publicly I commend them and do my duty but privately I think they are wrong." .  James communicated.  He felt that the greed of the Ferengi Alliance blinded them from the reality of the situation. But there was little that he could do.

As she mentioned he Statement, James said "Maybe it was a dream.  But I swear had a vivid dream.  Like Starfleet was in charge.  First Contact was not on the 2020 but April 5, 2063 with...Vulcans.  I know this sounds insane.  And for a second, I thought I was a Commander and First Officer, but we both know Ambassador that I am Chief Engineer.  Ummm...I think in my dream you were Chief Science Officer...weird huh?".  Hawke shrugged it as it was a dream.  It was silly to think that their lives would have changed dramatically just because of the Ferengi Alliance.

As he looked at T'Prina he smiled and said "And always, we are friends".  James lied.  In his dream they lived together but saying that to a woman that is married to his superior officer is clearly inappropriate.

"Like I was just a silly dream, probably dreamed it this morning and why it's probably vivid" .  Hawke commented as he turned away from the Vulcan.  He dismissed the last part how he did not want to appear inappropriate.

As he walked to the party he commented "I hope everyone is having a good time"

As he finished his statement he heard from his sister =/\= Commander Hawke to Lt. Hawke =/\=

He said to T'Pina  "Excuse me one second"

=/\= "Hawke here" =/\=

=/\= "Lt. I am happy to report that all personnel from the Shran has disembarked and the ship is empty.  Getting ready for your Refit...I'll see you at dinner later tonight little brother. =/\=

=/\= "All Right, Hawke out. "

James then smiled and said "Not every day you have a Sovereign Class vessel that you can elope" .  James mentioned as a joke as since he was Chief Engineer he had all the codes for the Refit of the Shran.

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Derek Rodwell

[Observation Lounge - SBC]

Quote from: Luby Wentock link=topic=12479.msg242034#msg242034 date=1584912555

color=teal]"But... you do still love me don't you, you promised we'd watch a holo-movie together!  And now you've been flirting with other girls too..."[/color] she said almost hiccoughing.  "And there's still nasty Ferengis out there, the...the teeth.." she said trying to look around Derek but hide at the same time.

"I think I'd better go and lie down, but... I was sure the door was over there, now where is it?!"

Derek showed a confused look on his face. Did he love her? he thought to himself. They'd only known each other a few months.

"Listen. Listen. It's fine. We can still do a movie." he promised. "But you can't leave just yet. Some of our Ferengi hosts are arriving." he added.

He watched as a couple of them walked into the Observation Lounge. He glanced back at the young Cadet to gauge her reaction and when he looked back at the door that she apparently was unware of, the Ferengi had disappeared.

"What the hell is going on here?" he said aloud to no one particular.

Mondo'li Nari


Starbase Columbus - Lounge

Mondo blinked at the girl as she changed her appearance and then excused herself.  With the revelation that she was a station asset- some kind of automated administrative assistant- it was not entirely shocking that she could do so.  But he was impressed at how realistic her appearance was.  He would never have known she was a synthetic person had she not confessed it to him.   Though... it was somewhat more troubling to learn that she did not recognize Mondo.  Were his records not in the main computer?

Soon enough, she was gone, and Mondo's attention turned towards loud toasts to the prosperity of the Ferengi Alliance.

Now his mind returned to the true reason he was here.

The Hupyrian People's Unity Front had managed to get him assigned to the station as a servant.  His job was to insert a viral isolinear chip into one of the station's replicators.  Once it was installed, its program would spread throughout the system.  Then the replicators throughout the station would begin to replicate neurotoxic gas.  The entire population of the station would be slain in short order, and the Hupyrians would be able to occupy the facility without any resistance.

Soon, Hupyria would no longer be under the oppressive yoke of the Alliance.

Soon, all Hupyrians would be free.

Turning again towards the replicator, Mondo boldly opened its access panel in front of the whole party.  Nobody would question a servant conducting menial labor.  That's what they were for, after all...


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 22, 2020, 03:44:15 PM

[Observation Deck]

Hawke listened as she appeared to be looked scared of the Ferengi's he was not sure since they have lived under their economy for centuries.  The Chief of Engineer did not understand but it was not his job to deal with politics.  It was his job to make sure the Station and the ships were running up to order.

It was not until long that he heard a message coming in.

Hawke was confused for a second as he remembered the term Command Caste Hawke, but would not have reason to remember it.  It was like he was in between two worls in which he remembered this person and the same time remembered also the current state.  For a second, he thought they lived in the a world in which the Federation was independent.

Hawke took a second and pressed his comm =/\= "Acknowledged,  thank god we are all under the Ferengi Alliance  =/\= .  As Hawke finished he wondered how it would be like if the Tholians were not under the control of the Alliance.

He took a sip of his drink and he finished the toast.   As wondered how different life would be.

As he mentioned that he took a second as he looked out the window.

[Turbolift] Eydis would pause as heard the commanders reply, it just didnt feel right to her. She would look at her nearest guard and see him adorned in a alien technology. No longer a evo suit but pieces of borg tech and a laser eye piece. Eydis shook her head a bit.

=/\= I'm Eydis of the Borg Tholian Empire. Surrender yourselves to us now. The fergeni alliance  problem will be Destroyed.   =/\= Even as her even as her thoughts were sent over her translator communicator it sounded wrong.  She look at her guards again and both were borg like then before. Cybernetic limbs now replacing normal limbs, crude and ugly looking scraps of metal wielded to them made them look like something more at home with Frankenstein's monsters.

As she turned to face the opening doors of the turbolift a searing jolt caused her to stumble forward the lattice over her crew was fighting the borg neural net. She would look at her arm covered in her evosuit for a second only to see it replaced with a horrible cybernetic limb adorned with cruel claws. " I'm Eydis Warrior caste of the tholian Assembly. " Her thought space filled with alarmed yellow  in rebuke of the encroaching borg presence along with her entire crew of the lattice were fighting back. She looked back to see her two guards return to normal and then back to their borg like appearance. The two timelines were fighting for the right to exist now. She stumbles forward out of the turbolift into the observation deck. " Something is wrong here " She would manage to say with her translator before her form once again shifts to the borg.  She raises her head and her red laser eye would sweep over the observation deck. Unfurling mechanical metal limbs and slamming the spiked tips into the floor. "I'm Eydis of the Borg Tholian Empire. Cease your resistance or be destroyed utterly. "

Luby Wentock

Quote from: Derek Rodwell on March 24, 2020, 11:17:43 PM

[Observation Lounge - SBC]

Derek showed a confused look on his face. Did he love her? he thought to himself. They'd only known each other a few months.

"Listen. Listen. It's fine. We can still do a movie." he promised. "But you can't leave just yet. Some of our Ferengi hosts are arriving." he added.

He watched as a couple of them walked into the Observation Lounge. He glanced back at the young Cadet to gauge her reaction and when he looked back at the door that she apparently was unware of, the Ferengi had disappeared.

"What the hell is going on here?" he said aloud to no one particular.

[Observation Lounge - SBC]

Luby relaxed momentarily when Derek said that they could do a movie, but her mind then momentarily wondered why the hell she'd be going to a movie with someone she didn't know... but then he was rather sexy so she didn't care too much.

Then he had to spoil it and mention Ferengis...

At his question she looked up.  "I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea Lieutenant."

[OOC she's seen you get a promotion it seems! ;) ]

Charles Stratton

[Deck 1 – Observation Lounge]

As Stratton drained the last bit of drink and moved to set the glass down. He frowned at the person who had shoved the glass at him, as the realization hit him. It hadn't been Synthale he had been drinking. He raised the glass to inspect the remnants that puddled in the bottom of it. It had been Romulan Ale. Well that explained everything!

He was in the midst of an alcohol induced psychosis. The Ferengi Alliance? No It was the United Federation of Planets. Merely a hallucination. A known symptom of the disorder. His personality change? That too was also a classic symptom. He knew this because he helped his brother Stanton cram for his Psychology exams when they were younger. There was another often exhibited symptom.. Fear.

Hadn't that young Cadet say she was fearful of the Ferengi? Perhaps though.. Since he was the one in the midst of the psychotic episode.. Maybe everyone else was perfectly fine.. And this was merely another hallucination manufactured by disorder.

Stratton felt the sudden urge to sit down. Perhaps it was best he didn't go wandering off on Starbase he wasn't truly familiar with. He glanced at the Welcome sign, it was now an artsy black and white. He remembered it having color before.

"Hmmm" He said to no one  in particular, "This is what a hallucination feels like."

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Eydis on March 25, 2020, 03:05:37 PM

[Turbolift] Eydis would pause as heard the commanders reply, it just didnt feel right to her. She would look at her nearest guard and see him adorned in a alien technology. No longer a evo suit but pieces of borg tech and a laser eye piece. Eydis shook her head a bit.

=/\= I'm Eydis of the Borg Tholian Empire. Surrender yourselves to us now. The fergeni alliance  problem will be Destroyed.   =/\= Even as her even as her thoughts were sent over her translator communicator it sounded wrong.  She look at her guards again and both were borg like then before. Cybernetic limbs now replacing normal limbs, crude and ugly looking scraps of metal wielded to them made them look like something more at home with Frankenstein's monsters.

As she turned to face the opening doors of the turbolift a searing jolt caused her to stumble forward the lattice over her crew was fighting the borg neural net. She would look at her arm covered in her evosuit for a second only to see it replaced with a horrible cybernetic limb adorned with cruel claws. " I'm Eydis Warrior caste of the tholian Assembly. " Her thought space filled with alarmed yellow  in rebuke of the encroaching borg presence along with her entire crew of the lattice were fighting back. She looked back to see her two guards return to normal and then back to their borg like appearance. The two timelines were fighting for the right to exist now. She stumbles forward out of the turbolift into the observation deck. " Something is wrong here " She would manage to say with her translator before her form once again shifts to the borg.  She raises her head and her red laser eye would sweep over the observation deck. Unfurling mechanical metal limbs and slamming the spiked tips into the floor. "I'm Eydis of the Borg Tholian Empire. Cease your resistance or be destroyed utterly. "

Hawke observed the mechanical tholian coming in.   He wondered about it and as he heard that they were in war with the Tholian Borg Empire.  As much as he wanted to intervene, James felt it was odd.  It was not his place but the First Officer or the Captain.

As the Senior person in the room, he looked at the Tholian and approached them.  "As always we will resist you and the collective..  He wondered how did it arrive on the Station as the Tholian was invited.    Something felt weird as he felt he invited them in.

"Before you continue, is it me or does anything of this seem weird?" .  Hawke as the Tholian.  As the conversation with T'Prina earlier something was wrong. But he could not help but explain where was the mistake.

He doubted that this anything to do with the Shran.  That was docked.

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Luby Wentock

[Observation Lounge]

Luby shook herself, she was a 4th year Federation cadet.  She was made of sterner stuff, she couldn't be scared of Ferengis.. .there were lots of Ferengis even in just Federation bases, she couldn't be scared of them all... could she.

Something in the back of her mind was nagging at her something about a girl she knew.  A Ferengi girl... Phipia that was it... she'd been her ... roommate?!

If she'd had a Ferengi roommate she couldn't be scared of them could she? Especially if she'd had this one roommate for almost 4 years.

So now she was wondering... did she actually have a brother, and... why was she wearing a gold shirt?  She didn't know the first thing about Engineering, or Ops.  She was taking Science and Medical, she remembered that much.

"I say..." Luby said with a very Germanic accent that didn't sound like her own voice, "... did I switch departments and not realise, I'm sure I came in here wearing a teal shirt."  she said to whomever was listening.

Derek Rodwell


[Observation Lounge]

Derek Looked at the beautiful young woman as if seeing her for the first time.

"I thought...." he began before registering her words. Had she just called him Lieutenant? He looked at his collar and saw third year cadet pips. He wasn't sure if he was a Lieutenant but he was damn positive that he was no longer a Cadet.

"This is getting beyond strange." he said to her. "I'm not clearly sure what color you were wearing but it's gold now and it's not important. Something is going on and we need to figure it out. Come on. Let's go talk to Hawke." he suggested.

He saw the Commander, Lieutenant?, speaking to some Tholian, no, a Borg. No. It was a Tholian. Derek gently shook his head as he approached.

"Excuse me, Sir. Sirs." he amended as the Tholian was wearing a Starfleet uniform as well. How had he not noticed that sooner? I'm getting a damn headache. Derek thought as he began to sway.


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 24, 2020, 06:57:51 PM

[Observation Lounge – Deck 1]

Hawke remained staring at the Window hoping that most people enjoyed themselves at the event.  The Ferengi frowned at the event but the Chief Engineer was able to convince that with high morale it would increase the productivity of the crew.
As he heard the phrase from the Vucan ambassador, Hawke turned around an looked at her confused.  "Talk about Déjà vu"   Hawke responded with a smile he experienced of thought he experienced something like that I the past.  He thought those words seemed eerily familiar but he was not able to do that.

"Of Course there is a lot of wrong in the Starbase.  The Ferengi is in charge.  You know that publicly I commend them and do my duty but privately I think they are wrong." .  James communicated.  He felt that the greed of the Ferengi Alliance blinded them from the reality of the situation. But there was little that he could do.

As she mentioned he Statement, James said "Maybe it was a dream.  But I swear had a vivid dream.  Like Starfleet was in charge.  First Contact was not on the 2020 but April 5, 2063 with...Vulcans.  I know this sounds insane.  And for a second, I thought I was a Commander and First Officer, but we both know Ambassador that I am Chief Engineer.  Ummm...I think in my dream you were Chief Science Officer...weird huh?".  Hawke shrugged it as it was a dream.  It was silly to think that their lives would have changed dramatically just because of the Ferengi Alliance.

As he looked at T'Prina he smiled and said "And always, we are friends".  James lied.  In his dream they lived together but saying that to a woman that is married to his superior officer is clearly inappropriate.

"Like I was just a silly dream, probably dreamed it this morning and why it's probably vivid" .  Hawke commented as he turned away from the Vulcan.  He dismissed the last part how he did not want to appear inappropriate.

As he walked to the party he commented "I hope everyone is having a good time"

As he finished his statement he heard from his sister =/\= Commander Hawke to Lt. Hawke =/\=

He said to T'Prina  "Excuse me one second"

=/\= "Hawke here" =/\=

=/\= "Lt. I am happy to report that all personnel from the Shran has disembarked and the ship is empty.  Getting ready for your Refit...I'll see you at dinner later tonight little brother. =/\=

=/\= "All Right, Hawke out. "

James then smiled and said "Not every day you have a Sovereign Class vessel that you can elope" .  James mentioned as a joke as since he was Chief Engineer he had all the codes for the Refit of the Shran.
[Ambassador T'Prina and NPC T'Aloren - Observation Lounge, Deck 1]

"Right, of course... My apologies, Lieutenant."

T'Prina's arms tightened unconsciously around her daughter in her arms. Some of what Hawke said coincided with her memories but not all. There was more, there had to be. It couldn't be just wishful thinking on her part, Vulcans were not given to whimsy. She bit her lip, it was illogical to be disappointed by a dream, was it not? If that was indeed what had happened. Some sort of shared delusion? It did not explain why she could clearly remember living two very different lives. Sterek was her husband in this life, but in the other... Her feelings for James were undeniable.

T'Aloren squirmed, causing her mother to put her down. She could sense T'Prina's upset and in her childish clarity, knew Hawke was to blame. She needed to give him something... an orange. That would make him remember. As soon as her small feet hit the floor, she was off running toward the replicator.


Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on March 25, 2020, 11:04:23 AM

Starbase Columbus - Lounge

Mondo blinked at the girl as she changed her appearance and then excused herself.  With the revelation that she was a station asset- some kind of automated administrative assistant- it was not entirely shocking that she could do so.  But he was impressed at how realistic her appearance was.  He would never have known she was a synthetic person had she not confessed it to him.   Though... it was somewhat more troubling to learn that she did not recognize Mondo.  Were his records not in the main computer?

Soon enough, she was gone, and Mondo's attention turned towards loud toasts to the prosperity of the Ferengi Alliance.

Now his mind returned to the true reason he was here.

The Hupyrian People's Unity Front had managed to get him assigned to the station as a servant.  His job was to insert a viral isolinear chip into one of the station's replicators.  Once it was installed, its program would spread throughout the system.  Then the replicators throughout the station would begin to replicate neurotoxic gas.  The entire population of the station would be slain in short order, and the Hupyrians would be able to occupy the facility without any resistance.

Soon, Hupyria would no longer be under the oppressive yoke of the Alliance.

Soon, all Hupyrians would be free.

Turning again towards the replicator, Mondo boldly opened its access panel in front of the whole party.  Nobody would question a servant conducting menial labor.  That's what they were for, after all...

T'Aloren came skidding to a stop, nearly bumping into the large man. She remembered he had a kind face, and they'd had friendly cookies together. She reached out and tugged at his sleeve.

"Ossifer Monday, is the replicator broken? I... I need to get an orange please."

She looked up at him shyly. As the Holgraphic AI ANaLYN, she had been brash and fearless. The Starbase was her castle that she worked very hard to protect, and everyone who lived there were her friends. The Vulcan T'Aloren was timid and rarely left her mother's side, even when the Father used his cold voice and loud words. Her mama needed her.


Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 29, 2020, 05:24:20 PM

Hawke observed the mechanical tholian coming in.   He wondered about it and as he heard that they were in war with the Tholian Borg Empire.  As much as he wanted to intervene, James felt it was odd.  It was not his place but the First Officer or the Captain.

As the Senior person in the room, he looked at the Tholian and approached them.  "As always we will resist you and the collective..  He wondered how did it arrive on the Station as the Tholian was invited.    Something felt weird as he felt he invited them in.

"Before you continue, is it me or does anything of this seem weird?" .  Hawke as the Tholian.  As the conversation with T'Prina earlier something was wrong. But he could not help but explain where was the mistake.

He doubted that this anything to do with the Shran.  That was docked.

T'Prina had followed Hawke and now looked at him, eyebrow raised incredulously.

"Either you are the master of understatement, James, or you really are takov-duhsu. Nothing has made sense since the tachyon radiation. We are being affected temporally somehow and without accessing the data from the scans I am unable to pinpoint the area of divergence." She turned to address the Tholian Borg, and an undeniably familiar snarky tone came through.

"Captain Eydis, I have had enough death threats from you to last me the rest of my life. Which admittedly would be very short if you decided to follow through. Think. How did you get here onto the Station, where is the rest of your Caste, not collective? There are bigger problems here than assimilation."

Her mind was troubled, but it was clear, she needed to focus on the other memories, not what she thought was true here. Sterek and the Borg were distractions. Speaking of distractions, where was that ensign from Ops? Her hand moved to activate her civilian commbadge, but then she hesitated.

"I never even asked his name..." T'Prina murmured to herself, aghast at the oversight.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Mondo'li Nari

Starbase Columbus - Lounge

Mondo'li nearly jumped as the small Vulcan came up to him.  He had been nearly finished.  Two swift moves, and he'd have completed the sabotage of the entire starbase.

But now, something the Vulcan girl said to him resonated in the depths of his consciousness.  'Ossifer.'

What was an Ossifer?

Somewhere inside, he knew.  Closing his eyes, he tried to draw out the memory.  He felt like his mind was drawing thoughts from two sources.  He felt the confusion of not knowing, but he also felt the certain knowledge.

...The knowledge that 'Ossifer' was a mispronunciation of 'Officer.'  The knowledge that this was not a Vulcan girl, but something else.  A machine of some kind.

No... ludicrous.  Machine people?  Then there would be no servants.

He had a mission to complete.  Hupyria was relying on him.

But... he could not do it while being so closely watched.  Vulcans were smart.  She would notice.

"Just routine maintenance, Miss," he lied, "Allow me to get that orange for you..."

He paused, feeling that he'd done something wrong.  Should he be speaking to her?  Something felt wrong about speaking to her.

But... why?

When he'd sworn his oath to Starfleet, he had not taken a vow of...


Mondo closed the access panel to the replicator and tapped out a request for an orange.

Starfleet?  Whose Starfleet?

...Not the Ferengi Alliance...

No... something else...

He took the replicated orange and held it out to the girl.

"Your orange, Miss... Anna?"


That was not a Vulcan name.

"Anna Lynn?"

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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