Season 4 - Episode 5 - The Consequences of Greed

Started by James A. Hawke, March 10, 2020, 09:28:34 PM

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Luby Wentock

Quote from: Hiro Shima on April 10, 2020, 04:35:57 AM

Ensign Hiro Shima
[USS Shran - Deck One - Bridge]

While Hiro waited with anticipation for the... Lieutenant? Commander? rogue Captain?.. to reply back wondering if he should mention his fascination for the ComicComs to the man, his attention was drawn to the cadet in the gold collared uniform.  Hiro smiled happy to be of help.

"Foro tu-saarasando nynateena?  Sat wouldo be very lieka  Americanu crosa,." (translation: For 2019?  That would be very like American clothes)

Hiro looked to the Tholian and rethought his statement. "Ashepeshuree if yu pranu to dressu Comiconu." (translation: Especially if you do plan to dress comic com.

[Bridge - USS Shran]

"Kon'nishiwa Ensign Shima-san, I hope I said that right.  Japanese isn't a language I have studied.  Anyhow, you reckon that it would work, for our Tholian friend I mean?" Luby asked.  It took a bit to get her ear in but she started understanding the Japanese Ensign more as she heard more.

"You like Comic Cons?  If you had the choice who or what would you dress as? I think I'd go as the comic hero 'Wonder Woman' she had long black hair like me and a similar figure so it might work!"

Hiro Miyazaki


Ensign Hiro Miyazaki
[USS Shran - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Luby Wentock on April 10, 2020, 01:35:35 PM

[Bridge - USS Shran]

"Kon'nishiwa Ensign Miyazaki-san, I hope I said that right.  Japanese isn't a language I have studied.  Anyhow, you reckon that it would work, for our Tholian friend I mean?" Luby asked.  It took a bit to get her ear in but she started understanding the Japanese Ensign more as she heard more.

"You like Comic Cons?  If you had the choice who or what would you dress as? I think I'd go as the comic hero 'Wonder Woman' she had long black hair like me and a similar figure so it might work!"

Hiro perked a bit on hearing the cadet offer a greeting in Japanese.  "That is very good..  Konnichiwa."   He replied back with a bow.  Her question about in regards to the Tholian gave him a bit of pause.  He tried to recall any anime or cartoon costume that could possibly hide the species in plain view.

"If Comic Con is possible, then maybe a Dalek from Doctor Who.. but would be big.  Otherwise the burka would be best, I believe.."

When she questioned him personally as to his personal favorite, Hiro thought over the many comic and anime heroes he adored.   Captain America, Superman, Allmight.. but there was one that stood out above the rest.   "Goku from Dragon Ball Z."

(3rd alt of Rayek tr'Lhoell) Human male 5'6"

Luby Wentock

Quote from: Hiro Shima on April 11, 2020, 12:57:07 AM

Ensign Hiro Shima
[USS Shran - Deck One - Bridge]

Hiro perked a bit on hearing the cadet offer a greeting in Japanese.  "Sat isa very guta.  Konnichiwa."  (translation: That is very good. Konnichiwa (translation: good day))  He replied back with a bow.  Her question about in regards to the Tholian gave him a bit of pause.  He tried to recall any anime or cartoon costume that could possibly hide the species in plain view.

"Ifa Comiconu isa possiboru, sen may bi a 'Dairecku' fromu Doctoru Who.. but woudu be bigu.  Oserwisa si buruka would be bestu, I beereevu." (translation: If Comic Con is possible, then maybe a Dalek from Doctor Who.. but would be big.  Otherwise the burka would be best, I believe.")

When she questioned him personally as to his personal favorite, Hiro thought over the many comic and anime heroes he adored.   Captain America, Superman, Allmight.. but there was one that stood out above the rest.   "Goku fromu Dragono Barro She." (translation: Goku from Dragon Ball Z)

[Bridge - USS Shran]

"I can see you and I exchanging a lot of holomovies and comic collections!" Luby said with a grin.  "Even if we don't get to go to a Comic Con, we should organise one on Columbus when this is over! We'd probably have to have virtual guests tho, not as fun."

Tapping her chin she mused.  "A Dalek is a possibility although to me it seems ironic having an alien species, no offence meant Mr. Eydis, hidden inside a fantasy alien species.... but plausible.  Would have to be a rather large Dalek though."


Quote from: James A. Hawke on April 07, 2020, 08:18:16 PM

[U.S.S. Shran

James looked at the Bridge and approached the Captain's chair.  It would be odd for him to take the chair but on this operation, he would be the Senior Officer in charge.  He wondered for a second what he was doing and the risk involved.  They were about to steal a ship and not just any ship it would be a Sovereign ship.

Hawke looked around for a second as he noticed the first person coming in.

James stood up from the Captain's chair for a second and responded "Nah...not really.  This is where future criminals hang out.  If we keep together, we might start a gang" .  Hawke responded.  He smiled as he was kidding but they were stealing a ship or planning too.  He hoped that they would all know the plan.

James then looked at the individual in Engineering and explained.  "Pretty Shortly...I will start the sequence.  We will go into Red Alert and go into a catastrophic matter/antimatter issue.  The Starbase will be forced to let us go and dumb the core into open Space...and then we go, with a stolen ship.  So thank you for your work" .  James acknowledged the Engineer Officer.

As he began starting the sequence, he looked at Mondo approaching him and offering a drink.  Hawke looked at him for a second and responded "No, thanks.  Y'know what's weird....I feel like I read about you not as a servant but as a tactical officer." .  Hawke mentioned to the individual.

He was shocked for a second and told him "In public, I am a supporter of the Alliance.  In Private I think what they did to humanity was awful.  We eradicated legal slavery and now with the alliance is legal.  Sometimes it feels that greed made us take a step backwards" .  Hawke reflected.  If this was the end of his carrier of the Alliance at least stealing a ship would make him go out with a bang.

Hawke then remembered what he was informed of what they needed to do.  Go back in time fix the timeline.

James reacted by leeting the Tholian Borg to sit next to his chair.  He wanted to share that this situation was one that affected any of them but affected all of them as a crew.  He would not be lost to what to do with the situation when he began listening.

"Computer Initiate the Operation." Hawke stated

Within seconds the lights turn low and began with a Red Alert.

As the shipe went to Red Alert a message was heard on the entire ship

"Warning Warp Core Breach Imminent, Please Evacuate"

Hawke then nodded and said "Open Hailing Frequency to the Starbase"

=/\= "Columbus, this is the Shran he had a matter/antimatter containment error in the Refit of the Ship...this ship is going to blow like a Roman Candle on the Fourth of July...we need to leave the Station ASAP.  Requesting Emergency Departure =/\=

As Hawke mentioned he pointed at Statton and said "Mr. Stratton, do you mind taking us out?  No need for specific commands, we are on a state of "Emergency".  Hawke ordered with a smile as everyone should know that he was kidding as it was all fake.

As he stood he mentioned "All right, did we evacuate most of the "nonessential" personnel?" Hawke asked as he wanted to see that the ship was mostly empty.

"Sir there is an Ensign Shima in Engineering" The officer informed.

"CRAP!"   Hawke responded as he stood silent for a second.   If he was there in person any engineer would know that there was no containment failure and that if checked it was a false alarm.  He needed to make sure that no one prevented it.

=/\= Hawke to ....the Ensign in to the Bridge, we are trying to fix the Matter/Antimatter here.  Drop Everything and head here ASAP...That's an order =/\=   As Hawke mentioned it  he then looked and said "Don't tell me is weird ordering someone to steal the ship" .

He then explained to everyone "All right this is what he know...  Aparently we are in a temporal displacement and we are all feeling like we are in two timelines.  We are going to take the Shran into the Anomaly, which I presume would take us to Earth in in the year 2019.  We need to find out what happened and how to stop it.  There are two timelines:  The Ferengi Alliance Timeline, Earth First Contact was in 2020 with the Ferengi Alliance, the alternative timeline Earth made the first contact in 2063.  Soo...we need to make preparations" .

He then turned to first Cadet Wentock, "I see you are wearing Gold, but my memories tell me you used to be in Medical...I want you to take everyone and try to make them look more ...human if possible.".  Hawke commented as he did not know what to do.

He then turned to Rodwell "Ensign, we might need someone to know some ancient Earth history from 2020 and what to wear.  I am sure you can study this and make suggestions" .

He looked at Eydis and said "The only I can think of for Tholians, is to drop them to some sort of Comic Book Comic Con?.  Hawke shrugged as he was looking for ideas.

"Mondo, have you ever wanted to look more human?" .  Hawke asked as he wondering what to do with some people in the crew.

[USS Shran] Eydis would watch what was occurring but in her thought space was currently focused on remaining a Tholian.  The encroaching borg collective was unrelenting its persistances to get control over her.  She would lurch forward a little a hand going to the captains chair and the hand becoming a wicked serrated metal claw. Her right side was transforming to bring her body more into line with this timelines Eydis. A red laser replaces her right eye for a second and she would look at Hawke.
" You will not stop this future, you are only human after all. Soon the entire universe and every being it will belong to the collective. The ferengi allowed the borg collective a foothold. She would her right hand towards james throat. Before she jerks violently and stumbles down to her hands and knee joints. I Can not mantain myself in this timeline for much longer, the borg collective will soon over take me as it is doing to my crew and ship. I must get out of this timeline as quickly as possible, The borgs influneces is overwhelming lattice,I can no longer sense my own ship
She lurches upwards as she focuses on retaining herself against the endless onslaught of cold mechanical thoughts.

" The borg will have access to the song of my homeworld as they have asorbed it in this timeline. And all of our technology

She would collapse as the strain began to overwhelm her, as more and more of her suit is transformed into a borgs armored suit. Twisted metal and gears steadily consuming her exterior exoskeleton as the suit was melted away. She had decided to go unconscious for now and focus on retaining what was left of herself in her thought space. The last words she heard was something about a comic con and dressing up for it. What a strange thing the human command caste hawke had said. She didnt recognize what a comic con was 

Hiro Miyazaki


Ensign Hiro Miyazaki
[USS Shran - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Luby Wentock on April 11, 2020, 01:36:16 PM

[Bridge - USS Shran]

"I can see you and I exchanging a lot of holomovies and comic collections!" Luby said with a grin.  "Even if we don't get to go to a Comic Con, we should organise one on Columbus when this is over! We'd probably have to have virtual guests tho, not as fun."

Tapping her chin she mused.  "A Dalek is a possibility although to me it seems ironic having an alien species, no offence meant Mr. Eydis, hidden inside a fantasy alien species.... but plausible.  Would have to be a rather large Dalek though."

Quote from: Eydis on April 11, 2020, 03:59:20 PM

[USS Shran] Eydis would watch what was occurring but in her thought space was currently focused on remaining a Tholian.  The encroaching borg collective was unrelenting its persistances to get control over her.  She would lurch forward a little a hand going to the captains chair and the hand becoming a wicked serrated metal claw. Her right side was transforming to bring her body more into line with this timelines Eydis. A red laser replaces her right eye for a second and she would look at Hawke.

" You will not stop this future, you are only human after all. Soon the entire universe and every being it will belong to the collective. The ferengi allowed the borg collective a foothold. She would her right hand towards james throat. Before she jerks violently and stumbles down to her hands and knee joints. I Can not mantain myself in this timeline for much longer, the borg collective will soon over take me as it is doing to my crew and ship. I must get out of this timeline as quickly as possible, The borgs influneces is overwhelming lattice,I can no longer sense my own ship
She lurches upwards as she focuses on retaining herself against the endless onslaught of cold mechanical thoughts.

" The borg will have access to the song of my homeworld as they have asorbed it in this timeline. And all of our technology

She would collapse as the strain began to overwhelm her, as more and more of her suit is transformed into a borgs armored suit. Twisted metal and gears steadily consuming her exterior exoskeleton as the suit was melted away. She had decided to go unconscious for now and focus on retaining what was left of herself in her thought space. The last words she heard was something about a comic con and dressing up for it. What a strange thing the human command caste hawke had said. She didnt recognize what a comic con was

"Nani?! Eki komikon!? Hontōni kanōda to omoimasu ka!" Hiro in his excitement spoke rapid Japanese which was translated by the Ferengi trade translators, that were worn as part of every uniform in the comm badges, as "Oh really?! A comic trade-market on the station!? Do you really think it would make a profit?"

(actual translation: What?! A Comic Con on the station!? Do you really think that would be possible?)

What with Hiro's excitable attention focused on the cadet and their conversation about Comic Con, costumes and holding one on the station, Hiro had missed the otherwise notable back and forth transformation of the Tholian into a Borg.

However even he wasn't oblivious when the crystaline figure, seen in the periphery of his vision, suddenly dropped.  He turned towards the fallen alien and took a step or two towards thinking to offer help, but was brought up short at seeing the prone figure become more borglike.

His eyes widened in surprise and he stepped back in alarm.  A Tholian-Borg!?  The more he watched the more Hiro began to understand that this was a timeline paradox.  So that was why Hawke wanted to travel back to 2019.

"We should hurry sir, before the Borg takes over them completely and is a danger to the ship," Hiro spoke out to Hawke in his strong accent.

(3rd alt of Rayek tr'Lhoell) Human male 5'6"

Luby Wentock

Quote from: Hiro Miyazaki on April 12, 2020, 04:25:53 AM

Ensign Hiro Miyazaki
[USS Shran - Deck One - Bridge]

"Nani?! Eki komikon!? Hontōni kanōda to omoimasu ka!" Hiro in his excitement spoke rapid Japanese which was translated by the Ferengi trade translators, that were worn as part of every uniform in the comm badges, as "Oh really?! A comic trade-market on the station!? Do you really think it would make a profit?"

(actual translation: What?! A Comic Con on the station!? Do you really think that would be possible?)

What with Hiro's excitable attention focused on the cadet and their conversation about Comic Con, costumes and holding one on the station, Hiro had missed the otherwise notable back and forth transformation of the Tholian into a Borg.

However even he wasn't oblivious when the crystaline figure, seen in the periphery of his vision, suddenly dropped.  He turned towards the fallen alien and took a step or two towards thinking to offer help, but was brought up short at seeing the prone figure become more borglike.

His eyes widened in surprise and he stepped back in alarm.  A Tholian-Borg!?  The more he watched the more Hiro began to understand that this was a timeline paradox.  So that was why Hawke wanted to travel back to 2019.

"We should hurry sir, before the Borg takes over them completely and is a danger to the ship," Hiro spoke out to Hawke in his strong accent.

[USS Shran - Deck One - Bridge]

"Well...I dunno, would be down to the Command... but..." Luby began then her eyes followed to what Hiro had seen and she rushed over too.


Mondo'li Nari

USS Shran - Bridge

Mondo turned away from the tactical console he had been studying.  There was much about the situation which he did not understand.  This was not unusual.  Servants were not routinely informed about ongoing operations.  But if this ship was being stolen for an illegal operation, then there was no reason to pretend to be the cowed servant he had been posing as for the past several years.  Everyone here was a criminal, and none of their roles mattered.  The authorities would not be enforcing roles or discipline.

"I do not understand much of what is transpiring.  I can see we believe the timeline has been altered, or is in flux.   I should not be aware of it, but even I must confess that I feel it.  Somehow.

But how do we know we must go to Earth?  Why is inserting Tholians into a popular convention going to be important to getting a resolution?  Why do we need to place people in loose-fitting full-body robes?  Is this operation going to require cultural infiltration?

What is actually causing the timeline shift, and how are we planning to fix it?

What do we actually know?  And what is the plan, exactly?"

Michael Deus

[Operations Center, Deck 5, SBC]

Quote from: T'Prina on March 22, 2020, 10:47:57 PM

[LtCmdr. Ambassador T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN T'Aloren - Ops, Deck 5]

T'Prina lightly laid a hand on the ensign's arm as he took her aside and offered his assistance. He called her Lieutenant Commander, and she nearly nodded. There were memories of this in her mind as well. She needed to think and buy some time to do so. Her hand tightened on his arm as she gave a friendly squeeze.

"Ensign, please be at peace. Many of us are affected by strange, inexplicable memories. Now is neither the time or place to question the Commander's decisions. My husband has made his position clear." Then in a quieter undertone, she spoke words meant for the Ensign alone.

"Find a way to download the sensor data and get it back to me. Something is very wrong here, and I am unsure if even my own memories can be trusted. I need to get back to the party, to Hawke. I think... we should gather others with similar memories."

T'Prina bit her lip, taking charge felt right but strange at the same time. All of this was strange, overlapping conflicting memories swirling in her mind, but there had to be some thread of logic tying it all together. Hopefully the sensor data would provide something she could work with. She looked up at the man, with a pleading look, before releasing his arm and stepping back away.

"I will be returning to the party now. It is rude for a hostess to remain away for so long." She gave a polite nod and left properly this time. Not a word, nor glance was spared for her husband, the commander.

Michael looked down as she placed her hand on his arm, listening to her with a slight frown on his face before she paused and continued on in a quieter tone. After she'd finished, he gave her a nod as she turned away to head back to the party. "Keep an eye on her, Senior Chief." He said quietly without looking to the NCO, who slinked off after the Lieutenant Commander without a word. He turned around and noticed that the Commander, and the little entourage he had gathered, had disappeared, too. Michael frowned again as he turned toward his Master Chief, "Do you trust your counterpart in Ops?"

The man stepped forward and gave a brisk nod, "Yes, Sir. She's solid, and she owes me...or, well, she did, at any rate."

The Ensign rubbed at his forehead as he gave a sigh, "Well, here's to hoping. Get me those readings...quietly."

The Chief gave another nod before wordlessly sliding into the Operations Center, while Deus scratched at the back of his head and walked over toward the elevetor. "Return back to your stations, but remain alert. Notify me of anything more...just more." He told the rest of his crew as he stepped in.

[1 Hour 40 Minutes Later / Security Office, Deck 1]

"Sir...they're up to something."

"Care to be more specific, Chief?" Michael asked as his Master Chief came in and waved a Datastick. Michael took it from him and pocketed the device, before his eyes turned back to the Datapad and all of the new reports.

"I would if I could, Sir. It's hard to get information when nobody trusts anybody. All I could discover is that it involves the Shran. Has anybody said anything to you?"

"No, and if they were going to, they're leaving it a little late. Although I could hardly blame someone if they forgot. Everybody is forgotten a whole lot of everything." The Ensign said as he stood up and reached for his emergency pack. As soon as he'd left Ops, he'd gone back to his room to grab a few things in case anyone tried to do something to resolve the situation. "Keep the base in one piece for me, Chief. I want a bed to come back to, when this is all said and done."

The Chief gave a slight smile, which was a lot considering the circumstances, and gave a nod, "Of course, Sir."

Michael took a moment to swap out of his still-golden shirt and into a black one, before he shouldered the pack, and making sure the datastick was still where he'd left it, he left the room, heading for the Shran.

[Bridge, Deck One, USS Shran]

Having stealthily made his way onto the ship, he proceeded to the Bridge and quietly made his way to a corner of the room. Dropping the backpack down underneath a station, he tucked himself away (the best he could, at any rate, considering he's 6'4" and 220+ lbs.), waiting to see who else would appear.

- - -

He wasn't at all surprised at the culprits, but remained silent as they all appeared (some earlier and later than others). He figured he'd fit in well enough in the year 2019, so made no move to get involved in discussions. His main role was to keep everybody as safe as could be...which wasn't an easy job considering the situation.

"Great men are forged in fire. It's the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."

Derek Rodwell

[Bridge - USS Shran]

Still standing at his station, Derek watched as the readouts informed him that everyone else was now off the ship and he informed Hawke.

"Sir. All non essential personnel are off the Shran. We're ready to head out at your command."

Luby Wentock

[Bridge - USS Shran]

Quote from: Derek Rodwell on April 13, 2020, 08:36:45 PM

[Bridge - USS Shran]

Still standing at his station, Derek watched as the readouts informed him that everyone else was now off the ship and he informed Hawke.

"Sir. All non essential personnel are off the Shran. We're ready to head out at your command."

Luby looked around the Bridge and smiled.  Apparently she was 'essential personnel'.  'Well, Medical cadets come in useful no matter what the situation...' she thought to herself.

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