A Quick Bite and Chit-Chat

Started by Feeva Drylo, May 25, 2024, 09:19:17 PM

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Feeva Drylo

[Outpost Solare|Promenade|Fiddler's Green Tavern]

Feeva had decided to meet Sven at the Promenade at a tavern. Or what passed for one one a run-down gas station in deep space.

She was nervous, oddly, though to her, this wasn't a date. It wasn't MEANT to be a date. At least she didn't think so. Still, it was a man she wasn't related to, and she hadn't been alone with one of those outside of her professional duties in...awhile. Several months. Leena had been fine with it-in fact, the four year old had shocked her by suggesting she kiss the man after. Where she'd learned that, Fee had no idea, but she told her kid that it wasn't nice to say things like that, and if Melody Clarke, the young woman who had babysit her back on the Triton (her former posting) had taught her that, there'd be an intergalactic war. She was, of course, kidding, but her annoyance had gotten the best of her. As such, she was careful to not dress up too much- just in jeans, heels, and a lacy blouse. Her red hair hang down, and Fee had only refreshed the small amount of makeup she wore at work that day.

She found the "tavern," which had boasted itself as being "authentically Scottish" but seemed...drab and was ran by a Klingon couple, and waited.


It wasn't a date. He told himself. It's not a date. Just meeting another adult, after work. Besides, he needed to socialize more. After the traumatic events aboard the Broken Bow he knew that he would, at some point, have ti start being more receptive to forging friendships. Besides, he did find Fee, very interesting. In her own unique way.

He was dressed nicely for a pub. Jeans, a button up black shirt, with the top two buttons undone. Black leather boots. He shaved his head to make sure that it was neat, and glistened.

He made his way down to the tavern, and saw her. He gave her smile and a wave.

"Heya!" he said. It was so nice to be with someone, and not be on duty for once. It had been a long time.

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo



Feeva offered him a smile as he arrived at her side.

''Allo!" She said. "Nice to see you. You look well!" She said. He did. Not only was he dressed nicely, he did seem a bit happier than he'd been in her office. She was glad.

She opened the door to the tavern. "Shall we go in?" She asked. "I am looking forward to a cold ale," she said. "I haven't had on in ages, and my daughter is with her new little friend, so I have a few free hours." She was chattering idly, trying to fill the awkward silence. She was unused to being out anywhere with another adult, let alone a male one (!). "A booth, you think?" She asked Sven. 


Sven flashed a winning grin.

"Thank-ya" he said as she held open the door to the tavern. The proprietors did an excellent job recreating some old joint.

"Sure. Booth sounds great. So, ya got a little one? How old, an' wha's their name?" He inquired as they settled into the booth. Sven sat across from her.

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo

Feeva smiled. He was chattier than they'd been at their appointment. She was glad for that.

As they approached the booth, Feeva realized that the table was about as tall as she was. Bloody hell, why was everything so BIG here? She managed to climb up and settle in, though, and by sitting on her feet, she could see him over the table top.

"Her name is Leena," she said. "She's four. Looks just like my late husband, and nothing like me," she said. The waiter appeared. "A ale, please. Don't care what kind," she said.


"Leena? That's a nice name. She's 4? Tha's close in age t'my Niece. Learnin' t'say no, an' gettin' bigger personalities."

The large man handed the counselor a menu.

The waiter took Sven's drink order. "Water. Lemon. No ice." He said, glancing back at the menu.  "So how did ya end up 'ere on this station?" He asked her.

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo

Feeva chuckled.

"Yes, that's right. Big personality, big mouth," she said. Much like her father. "You have a niece, then?" She asked. "What's she like?" She asked. The waitress left, and she smiled.

"My husband passed two years ago now...Leena was the only grandchild on both sides until this year. His sister had a baby, so now Leena is a big cousin. She thinks that means she can be bossy," Feeva smiled lightly. "Just before we came aboard here, we managed to see them; her husband is on a Starship attached to DS9, and he's a science officer there," she said.

"SO. Have you managed to make any friends yet?" She asked, getting down to business. 


Sven thought about that for a moment.  "Well, sorta.  I used t'be Commander Saids commandin' officer back on the Athena.  So in a way, yes an' no.  I haven't made any real new friends since gettin' here.  Well, I was betrayed by Dersch.  I thought he was my friend until he tossed us all in the trash and ran off with the merc crew."

He took a sip of his drink. "I've typically kept work and personal life seperate."

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo

Feeva nodded, sipping at the ale in front of her.

"Dersch did...what?" She asked, an eyebrow raised, interest piqued. "He was on the other ship you all come from, right?" She asked. "Discovery," she clarified. "His file seemed...interesting. Would've liked to have gotten into his head. Shame. Reminds me of what happened with me boss, too," she said. She was still reeling from Tana being...not exactly what she'd thought. "Seems like you've learned to have a hard time trusting folks," she observed.

"Commander Said is a nice lady," she said. "She must trust you a lot to have made you the XO, and to give you so much responsibility here," Feeva noted. "Make sure you remember that." She said. She went on.

"What do you like about the station so far?" She asked. 


Sven chuckled.

"No, I was Said's XO when she was right out of the Academy and a wet-behind-the-ears Ensign, back on the Athena."

He mused for a moment.  "I guess the whole Dersch affair is a reminder as to why I don't really let people in, and become buddy-buddy with them so easily.  As for the Station.  It should be scrapped.  We can't even get OEM parts for it anymore and the tactical systems have been so jury-rigged that it's damn near impossible to determine what's what and what's feeding into whom."

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo

Feeva nodded, blushing lightly from her mistake.

"I see," she said. "My apologies," she said. She probably sounded like an idiot right now. But how was she to know, really? She'd read his personnel file, but she didn't REMEMBER it; taking over as acting Medical Officer had really thrown her for a loop for a few days, and she was just now beginning to recover.

"Well, anyway, the Fleet believes in you," she said. "That does matter." She nodded. "I do, too," she said, with a small smile.

Then, she fell silent for a moment, thinking abut how to respond.

"I don't know," she said. "One bad apple shouldn't spoil the barrel," she said. "After all, you're allowing ME in, and I won't hurt you. Not on purpose, anyway," she said. True, it was her JOB to have people trust her, but only those willing truly let her do exercises like this. "BUT I suppose it is a good learning experience. Just because you think you know someone, doesn't necessarily mean you DO. Still. Was it a loss? Surely, he brought something good to your life?" She was always the optimist. "And I do agree...this station is old, and unkempt. I sort of feel I am being punished for something, being posted here, instead of a ship," she admitted. It sounded harsh, but it was true. She'd been feeling a little guilty for hiding during the Borg attacks on her ship, BUT she'd had to save her child, and Leena's little friend. 


Sven considered her for a minute.

He felt hurt by Dersch. To the point of betrayal.  The same sore spot that his former captain on the Broken Bow had done to him.  It was getting harder and harder to trust people.

"I suppose.  If there was one redeeming value, is that he's a crack-shot.  But that matters little if you can't trust where he's pointing the barrel.  And if he abandoned Starfleet, and his team once, who's to say he won't do it again."

He sighed.

"The simple fact is this.  He broke my trust, and it's going to be one hell of a climb to earn it back again. Honestly, if we weren't short handed, I'd have him and his family shipped off to a low level penal colony where he would spend the rest of his career playing guard duty to embezzlers and pick-pockets."

He poked at his plate with his fork.

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo

Feeva nodded, but sipped her ale before she replied.

"I understand," she said. "A betrayal like that is indeed hard to come back from. You're not wrong in how you feel," she said. "Do you think he'd be further danger to the crew or anyone else?" She asked. His next answer would inform hers. If the man WOULD be a further danger, it wasn't just Sven's duty to pack him off, it was hers to report it, too, most especially because she couldn't risk her own safety because of her child.

"He must be of some mettle to have been around the Fleet this long, though," she said. "Maybe I'll call him in, see what's going on," she said. "Sometimes the hotheads have their own trauma...or something they feel they need to prove. There's better ways, though," she explained. "I just wish I could get into Said's head a little more. Tough nut to crack, that one'll be," she said.

"Now, what shall we order?" She asked, lightening the mood a moment. 


"That's an interesting question.  I think if he was offered another mercenary crew, he'd take it.  From what I gathered, he has a savior complex.  So yes,  he's a danger to himself, and those around him.  Especially if he is a pivotal part of a team."

He poked at his food for a moment.

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Feeva Drylo

Feeva nodded again. "Aye," she said. "Then you need to send him off," she said, with a shrug. She used the PADD to order herself a meal-cheeseburger, fries, side salad. Simple, but easy and quick to eat.

"I won't report it YET, though I am duty bound to do so if I hear a credible report of danger," she said, "but deal with it, ok?" She said, frankly. "You don't have to eat it, you know. I won't judge you," she said. She was tempted to dig into his mind, but it was a line she'd only cross if it was necessary, and her wanting to fix things didn't equal necessary. She sighed. How to get him to talk? She changed the subject.

"Anyway. Tell me. Have you done anything fun for yourself since the last time we've spoken?" She said. Her food arrived then, and they paused a moment to give the staff a moment to leave. "Myself? I've taken Leena to the holodeck. We need to get an Arboretum set up; that's my next project," she said. "I think she'd like you," Feeva said. "Leena, I mean." 

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