Love or Something Like It (V-day themed party for ALL-family friendly)

Started by Feeva Drylo, August 30, 2024, 02:27:06 PM

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Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck | Outpost Solaere]

The doors opened and Nira arrived arm in arm with Savar.

"Salaam, everybody," she said. "Savar and I just got off duty and we heard about this Valentine's party. We thought it would be romantically enjoyable to take part in."

"Logical, since we are lovers," Savar put in.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kinley Garrison


Kinley grinned as Charlotte came in.  "You didn't miss too much. Steve was the real "ladies man." Those little girls really wore him out.  You wouldn't think a hologram could get tired,but he definitely needs a reboot after all that, " She giggled as she picked up the sleepy and lethargic dinosaur. It would only take a few minutes before the dino woke up, and rebooted but that gave her a bit of time to socialize.

"I've never gotten a chance to ask you,  but what have you been working on?  I've never had much of a chance to go down to the labs recently. I miss being down there. I get reports, but that isn't the same, you know?" she asked Charlotte, requesting one of her usual drinks: a Shirley Temple, extra grenadine.  The grenadine made the ginger ale pink, so it was fitting, she felt like.

She smiled as she saw Nira and her boyfriend come down. The shift must have ended. That was nice.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Charlotte Fawkes

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 28, 2024, 12:58:18 AM


Kinley grinned as Charlotte came in.  "You didn't miss too much. Steve was the real "ladies man." Those little girls really wore him out.  You wouldn't think a hologram could get tired,but he definitely needs a reboot after all that, " She giggled as she picked up the sleepy and lethargic dinosaur. It would only take a few minutes before the dino woke up, and rebooted but that gave her a bit of time to socialize.

"I've never gotten a chance to ask you,  but what have you been working on?  I've never had much of a chance to go down to the labs recently. I miss being down there. I get reports, but that isn't the same, you know?" she asked Charlotte, requesting one of her usual drinks: a Shirley Temple, extra grenadine.  The grenadine made the ginger ale pink, so it was fitting, she felt like.

She smiled as she saw Nira and her boyfriend come down. The shift must have ended. That was nice.

| Lt. JG Fawkes | Holodeck | Party |

"Thank you, Counselor. You look lovely," Fawkes said, returning Drylo's polite greeting. "I think I can manage an enjoyable evening," she quipped before stepping further into the hall and finding herself surrounded by more familiar faces. Charlotte focused on the bar but smiled delightedly as the captain greeted her.

"Ladies Man, huh?" she said, watching Garrison scoop up the raptor. "Well, he's adorable, so that I can see why." The captain seemed a bit tired, which was understandable with children around. Fawkes enjoyed kids, but the lieutenant was glad she skipped the earlier party.

Fawkes had not seen Steve up close as she had been between Ops, the labs, and her quarters for most of her tenure at the station. "He's impressive, Captain." She gave the holographic raptor a playful scratch under the chin as Garrison asked about her work.

"Recently, I've been studying a particular plant species from Ciden IV that resembles an extinct species, Halipatica, or the moss flower. I believe this new specimen, Marachantiophyta, is a descendent or mutation of the moss flower, which means the plant survived the devastation of the Hobos supernova. It is interesting that the Halipatica was originally an aquatic plant that needed a lot of water. And yet, this new species is growing in a desert."

Offering a nod and a smile to those she couldn't quite place, Charlotte arrived with Garrison at their destination – the bar. "Sazerac, please." Noticing Lt. Litt at the other end of the bar, Fawkes waved to the gentleman. It was then Commander Said entered with Savar. "She looks lovely," Charlotte said, her eyes never moving from the commander.

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.- Carl Sagan
Human Female | 24 | 1.74m

Charlotte Bio  Mira Bio

Therem Estraven

[Therem Estraven | Holodeck | Party]

Therem arrived somewhat late in a simple red outfit, since he had read that it was the proper color for Valentines day on Earth. The reason for his lateness was apparent, and he had a tray of red velvet cookies along with some red table wine for the event. Before schmoozing around with the crew, he spotted Counselor Feeva and to drop off the goods and to thank her for putting on the event.

"Counselor, thanks for throwing this party! I was late making the icing for these cookies. On my first attmept, I made cream cheese soup instead of frosting. Whoops. And this wine is in case no one likes the cookies. Just bang them on the back of the head with the bottle until they forget."

It was nice to see the Federation officers in a more relaxed mood, since Therem mostly interacted with them in more militaristic settings. Although for some of the crew, it seemed like they would be more comfortable in a uniform than dress clothes.

Voice Color | 5'7 Human Male | Age: 29 | Federation Mining License #CM-923CR4

Kinley Garrison


Steve, while still rebooting, subconsciously purred and kicked his leg in response to the scratches, clearly enjoying the attention, even while  he recalibrated .

She nodded as she listened to Charlotte talk about the plant species she was observing. That was fascinating on its own.  "That's fascinating! The biodiversity is slowly somehow recovering after the supernova. I wonder how the adaptive radiation will be in the long term for this species as stuff bounces back. " she mused.

She smiled as Charlotte "Why thanks. He's an interesting one. Part of my long-term observation of holographic sentience. I'm watching him on behalf of his creator. Given his nature to be emotionally intelligent and aware, he has already advanced far more than a standard holographic animal. "

Seeing Theren coming in and joking about his cooking attempts, she grinned. "Believe me, you're a better cook than I am.  When I was an ensign, I really liked to cook as a hobby, but... everything I do tends to turn into some kind of disaster. I even burnt soup once. I had to formally warn my department head of when I'd be making something." She said, giving a self-deprecating shrug

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Lilly Hansen

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 28, 2024, 02:44:05 PM


Steve, while still rebooting, subconsciously purred and kicked his leg in response to the scratches, clearly enjoying the attention, even while  he recalibrated .

She nodded as she listened to Charlotte talk about the plant species she was observing. That was fascinating on its own.  "That's fascinating! The biodiversity is slowly somehow recovering after the supernova. I wonder how the adaptive radiation will be in the long term for this species as stuff bounces back. " she mused.

She smiled as Charlotte "Why thanks. He's an interesting one. Part of my long-term observation of holographic sentience. I'm watching him on behalf of his creator. Given his nature to be emotionally intelligent and aware, he has already advanced far more than a standard holographic animal. "

Seeing Theren coming in and joking about his cooking attempts, she grinned. "Believe me, you're a better cook than I am.  When I was an ensign, I really liked to cook as a hobby, but... everything I do tends to turn into some kind of disaster. I even burnt soup once. I had to formally warn my department head of when I'd be making something." She said, giving a self-deprecating shrug

(Just no Vest on)

Lilly walked in with her Search and Rescue dog, Lucy, who wagged her tail excitedly at the sight of new faces. Without hesitation, Lucy darted forward, bounding right up to Captain Garrison, her enthusiasm palpable.

"Lucy, no!" Lilly called out, urgency in her voice as she rushed after her. "I'm so sorry, Captain! I'll take her back to my quarters," she said, gently tugging at Lucy's leash.

Lilly quickly reached Lucy and pulled her back, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Watching Lucy interact with the captain, Lilly felt a wave of anxiety—wondering if she was late to the party—but seeing her dog so happy and welcomed eased her worries. The warmth of the moment made her feel at home, and she couldn't help but smile as she settled Lucy at her side.

| Human Female | Age:22 | 1.68m |  Sec/Tac Officer, Tactical Medic, K9 Rescue Handler, K9 Lucy  | Outpost Solaere |

Charlotte Fawkes

| Lt. JG Fawkes | Holodeck | Party |

Charlotte studied the captain's question of adaptive radiation within the back of her mind. Depending on the evolution of biomes, the species could split in any number of ways. It was something for future study. Enjoying the brief conversation, Fawkes forgot that Garrison's interest was science. She was about to ask another question regarding Steve when Therem approached the table with his cookies.

"Hi there." Fawkes greeted the rock hound, somewhat surprised he showed but pleased that he did. "Those look delicious, Mr. Estraven. I must say you are tempting me," she joked, perusing over the iced treats. Stealing one from the tray, she laughed while Garrison regaled the crew with her dreadful cooking skills. "I love to cook but rarely have the time." Biting into the cookie, Fawkes savored the subtle chocolate flavor. "Mmmm. Very good, Therem. Excellent." She gave the civilian a thumbs up.

Lucy came running up to the captain. Fawkes moved back, contemplating stealing another cookie. Smiling, she offered Garrison and her new friend plenty of room. "How have you been?" she asked Therem, eyeing the cookies again.

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.- Carl Sagan
Human Female | 24 | 1.74m

Charlotte Bio  Mira Bio


Sven was enjoying himself, so it came to no surprise when he received a dispatch call.  Apparently a brawl had broken out at Slotan's dive bar.

"I'm sorry." He said, "But I have to go handle this."

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Richard James Litt

[Lt. Litt · Holodeck · Valentine's Day Celebration]

As soon as the door opened and Commander Said entered with Savar, Litt smiled and waved at the two. "Welcome!" he said in a calm, welcoming tone before taking another sip of the drink in his glass and joining another conversation with a different group.

Shortly after, Therem entered, bringing some cookies and wine. Litt also smiled at him and waved again but didn't say anything, as he was engaged in conversation with another group.

The arrival of Lilly with Lucy prompted a few friendly laughs from some of the people already at the party; after all, everyone loved a dog. Litt then said goodbye to another group and went looking for something to eat, taking a seat to relax and rest a bit—the children's part of the party had left him somewhat tired.

Feeva Drylo

Feeva stood by, watching the others as they began to arrive. Sven came over, and she smiled. She couldn't say anything, though, because just then, several people arrived. She smiled at each in turn.

"Yes, Ms. Fawkes!! Go wild!!" she said, with a laugh. She took Sven's hand, gently. She hoped he was OK; there had been a lot going on that he was involved with, and she wanted to make sure he was ok. She planned to talk to him later that evening. She let go, and smiled.

She nodded next to Commander Said and Savar. She didn't know they were a couple!! "Welcome," she said. "Sir," she said, with a nod to Savar. She didn't know the man, but she hoped he had a good time. "Enjoy your evening. Shortly, the band will set up. Feel free to sit, and your dinner will be brought out!"

She nodded at Therem when he came in. "Hello!" She said, warmly. "Feel free to sit, and enjoy a drink and some dinner. There'll be music and dancing later!" She said.

Litt's voice rose above the growing din in the room. She smiled. He was cute!! However, she was interrupted in her thoughts by Sven's voice. She nodded, sadly, but understood. "Alright. Don't work too hard. Come see me tomorrow," she said, standing up on her tiptoes and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. She could sense something more was going on with her friend, but she didn't have time right now to address it.

She went back to greeting her guests, and arranging things. Finally, she was able to sit down, herself. 


Sven was about to leave, when he felt Feeva's fingers loop into his.  His heart fluttered and he felt his face flush with heat.

He didn't know what to make of it.  Was it just a friendly squeeze? Did she want more.

"Uh.  Yes.  Um, I'm really sorry.  I would rather be here. But, you know..."

He squeezed her hand gently, then pulled it away to point at the door, "work.  And stuff. He turned and bumped his shoulder rather hard into the door frame as he tried to make his retreat.  He felt really stupid, but not quite as stupid as what he said next. He turned, face red, "ya, there's a door frame here.  They ought to make them wider." He gave a nervous chuckles and quickly, but bravely (?) ran away!

| Lizard Monster Augment Thing (Kaiju) | Male | Combat Engineer |  9'0", 650 lbs | Profile | Character images

Therem Estraven

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 28, 2024, 02:44:05 PM


Steve, while still rebooting, subconsciously purred and kicked his leg in response to the scratches, clearly enjoying the attention, even while  he recalibrated .

She nodded as she listened to Charlotte talk about the plant species she was observing. That was fascinating on its own.  "That's fascinating! The biodiversity is slowly somehow recovering after the supernova. I wonder how the adaptive radiation will be in the long term for this species as stuff bounces back. " she mused.

She smiled as Charlotte "Why thanks. He's an interesting one. Part of my long-term observation of holographic sentience. I'm watching him on behalf of his creator. Given his nature to be emotionally intelligent and aware, he has already advanced far more than a standard holographic animal. "

Seeing Theren coming in and joking about his cooking attempts, she grinned. "Believe me, you're a better cook than I am.  When I was an ensign, I really liked to cook as a hobby, but... everything I do tends to turn into some kind of disaster. I even burnt soup once. I had to formally warn my department head of when I'd be making something." She said, giving a self-deprecating shrug

Quote from: Charlotte Fawkes on October 29, 2024, 05:53:20 PM

| Lt. JG Fawkes | Holodeck | Party |

Charlotte studied the captain's question of adaptive radiation within the back of her mind. Depending on the evolution of biomes, the species could split in any number of ways. It was something for future study. Enjoying the brief conversation, Fawkes forgot that Garrison's interest was science. She was about to ask another question regarding Steve when Therem approached the table with his cookies.

"Hi there." Fawkes greeted the rock hound, somewhat surprised he showed but pleased that he did. "Those look delicious, Mr. Estraven. I must say you are tempting me," she joked, perusing over the iced treats. Stealing one from the tray, she laughed while Garrison regaled the crew with her dreadful cooking skills. "I love to cook but rarely have the time." Biting into the cookie, Fawkes savored the subtle chocolate flavor. "Mmmm. Very good, Therem. Excellent." She gave the civilian a thumbs up.

Lucy came running up to the captain. Fawkes moved back, contemplating stealing another cookie. Smiling, she offered Garrison and her new friend plenty of room. "How have you been?" she asked Therem, eyeing the cookies again.

[Therem Estraven | Holodeck | Party]

Seeing that Fawkes and others enjoyed the sweets was a relief, since he didn't know any exotic recipes that Federation officers might be used to eating. However, if they were overworked anything homemade probably tasted good.

"Burnt soup reminds me of home, Captain. For the next party maybe you can get Steve to make something."

Therem set the cookies down with some of the other food and grabbed himself a dark pink cocktail that was smoking from the top. He had no idea what it was, but it sure did look festive. He came back to Fawkes with an extra cookie since she was eyeing them. He shouldn't have been surprised, but the number of officers in civilian clothes was throwing him for a loop. Officers always seemed to be wearing their uniforms on the station.

"Evening Fawkes, you're looking sharp and ready to break some hearts. I think that's what Valentines day is about, half of the time anyway.

I've been good every since I found the temperature controls in my office. I was about to crack a window open to cool off, but I'll save that for next time... How's the science work? Blow up anything interesting?"

Voice Color | 5'7 Human Male | Age: 29 | Federation Mining License #CM-923CR4

Kinley Garrison


Kinley lost her drink, almost  her balance,  and nearly her grasp on the raptor as the dog came bounding towards her, "Woah doggo!" she said, her petite frame almost tumbling to the floor  under the sheer  amount of dog. The dog didn't mind, giving her copious amounts of kisses. "Hey, hey! good girl. Down!" she said, gently pushing the dog down before brushing off the fur from her now-soggy lab coat.

"If you could keep her down, it would be appreciated.  She can stay, but I don't want her to accidentally eat any chocolate tonight, y'know?" she said to Lilly, trying to ease the situation, all the while snagging one of Therem's cookies.

"That's pretty good!" she said. , enjoying the ambiance. "I didn't know burnt soup makes you feel at home, Therem. Might have to call up one of the Admirals to get cleared to make you some.  Though you might have better luck from the Raptor." she joked. "Where are you from, if I might ask? " she asked, genuinely curious as she noticed the situation happening in the back with Sven and Feeva.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Richard James Litt

[Lt. Litt · Holodeck · Valentine's Day Celebration]

As the Valentine's party came to life, Richard Litt felt the excitement in the air. He was observing the interactions around him, a playful smile forming on his face as he watched Feeva and Sven interact. "Maybe there's something more between them," he thought as he observed their dynamic.

Soon after, he joined the small group that had formed to grab another cookie. "Therem, these treats are a hit! You should consider becoming a full-time chef," Litt commented, a cheerful grin on his face.

A little later, he noticed the situation with the captain and the puppy Lucy, smiling at Kinley. "Looks like someone really likes you, Captain," he said quietly before staying nearby, chiming in with the occasional comment and sipping on his drink.

Lilly Hansen

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on November 01, 2024, 11:57:35 PM


Kinley lost her drink, almost  her balance,  and nearly her grasp on the raptor as the dog came bounding towards her, "Woah doggo!" she said, her petite frame almost tumbling to the floor  under the sheer  amount of dog. The dog didn't mind, giving her copious amounts of kisses. "Hey, hey! good girl. Down!" she said, gently pushing the dog down before brushing off the fur from her now-soggy lab coat.

"If you could keep her down, it would be appreciated.  She can stay, but I don't want her to accidentally eat any chocolate tonight, y'know?" she said to Lilly, trying to ease the situation, all the while snagging one of Therem's cookies.

"That's pretty good!" she said. , enjoying the ambiance. "I didn't know burnt soup makes you feel at home, Therem. Might have to call up one of the Admirals to get cleared to make you some.  Though you might have better luck from the Raptor." she joked. "Where are you from, if I might ask? " she asked, genuinely curious as she noticed the situation happening in the back with Sven and Feeva.

"If you could keep her down, it would be appreciated.  She can stay, but I don't want her to accidentally eat any chocolate tonight, y'know?" she said to Lilly, trying to ease the situation, all the while snagging one of Therem's cookies.

Lilly sighed thankfully. "She will, She gets excited when she gets to meet new people,besides I use this as a training, She remembers Crew scents from the party, If I say a number, She remembers that scent and she searches for it, In case of something happening to a crewmemeber or even a family member" Lilly told the Captain. Lilly then bent down to Lucy. "All right girl, Stay down, Or your gonna have to go to bed." Lucy ears perked at Bed, But also thought. Bedtime already? In Trouble? What it is!. Lilly gave Lucy a few pets then stood and begun to walk around allowing Lucy to get the scents of every officer in attendance, Including the children, Lilly wanted Lucy ready to rock and roll if something were to happen.

| Human Female | Age:22 | 1.68m |  Sec/Tac Officer, Tactical Medic, K9 Rescue Handler, K9 Lucy  | Outpost Solaere |

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