Started by Hrafn Falleg, July 24, 2021, 01:42:13 PM

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Hrafn Falleg

Hi there,

I, and probably a few other people would find it both interesting and useful if we had a list of the specialisations within your fields, secondary departments and also any hobbies/sports etc that might be of relevance/use on missions!

To do this press 'select' and copy the highlighted text in the box below into your reply and then fill out the fields.  (I'll do mine so you can see!).  If you have established NPCs it would be helpful to do this for them too!

[b]Character Name/Rank/Status:[/b]
[b](NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name):[/b]
[b]Cross Training Department:[/b]
[b]Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission:[/b]
[b]Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc):[/b]

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status: Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, Chief Science Officer
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): N/A
Department: Science
Specialisation: Xenolinguistics, Anthropology (Xenobiology and Stellar Cartography are secondary)
Cross Training Department: Operations
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Field Medicine, Classics
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): 14th - 20th Century Earth History, Childrearing/teaching/keeping happy, cooking/baking.  Pretty good at 10 pin bowling, horseriding (cross country and showjumping)

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status: Dr. Anth(ony) McCutcheon
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Science
Specialisation: Synthetics and AI
Cross Training Department: n/a
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Archery, chess
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Speaks 7 Earth languages - English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian and Welsh

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status:Ensign Ruthie Falleg-Tekin
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Science
Specialisation: Geology, Xenolinguistics, Stellar Cartography
Cross Training Department: n/a
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Well versed in Cardassian... well everything having been kidnapped as a baby and lived with a Gul until she was 12 years old.  Since then she has also continued her studies of them and research into the doings of the Obsidian Order.
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Speaks fluent Cardassian, horseback riding, can pick locks and good with electrical circuits.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status: Crista LePrant
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Civilian
Specialisation: Childcare
Cross Training Department: n/a
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Many years of being around starbases so large mental database of knowledge on all kinds of species, smattering of languages and customs, also knows how to handle herself in battle situations without panic.  Rather lethal with non-standard melee weapons (think fly swatters, rolling pins...anything she can pick up and throw at an assailant trying to get at the kids)
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Quite adaptable, good at following instructions/orders so perfect for 'Come here and hold that' or 'Keep pressure on that' situations

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status: James Dalton
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Civilian
Specialisation: N/A
Cross Training Department: N/A
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Trained as an accountant so good with figures.
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Exceptionally quick with logic problems.  Good at Creole cooking.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status:Ujosso Cunzicht
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Education (School Headmistress)/Operations and Engineering (ex KDF)
Specialisation: Conduit repair, Klingon Engineering and systems
Cross Training Department: Operations
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Friends in high-ish places in Klingon hierarchies.
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Knows how to get thru cloaking devices

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status: Mary V'lur
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Education (School Secretary)
Specialisation: Administration
Cross Training Department: n/a
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Good with animals, blackbelt in TaeKwonDo
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Looks like a demure frightened little doe but can kick ass!

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Character Name/Rank/Status: Ensign Sally McCutcheon
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: Engineering
Specialisation: Warp Technology
Cross Training Department: Security (came 2nd in Marksmanship in her 2nd discipline class)
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Parises Squares player
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Plays a mean game of regular Earth chess

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



Character Name/Rank/Status: Lieutenant Jg. Sirol

Department: Science [RFS Exchange Officer]

--- Xenology: [Xeno-sociology, -linguistics, -psychology & behavioural analysis]
--- Theoretical Physics: [Spacial- & Phasic Phenomena]

Cross Training Department:
--- Engineering: Computer Science [Security, cryptography, datamining]

Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission:
--- Scripting and modding of a variety of Holo-sim programs; augmented/virtual reality interfaces in general
--- Increased (desperate) interest in neural interfacing and brain mapping technology.

Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc):
--- Increased language/pattern/algorithmic learning width due to innate telepathic perception and eidetic memory. Since her telepathic perception was never properly trained, it is widely subconscious and subjectively perceived rather synsthetical and subject-based than emotional.


Character Name/Rank/Status: Crewman Julian "˜Jules' T. Greene

Department: Operations

N/A (He is young and still finding himself)

Cross Training Department:
--- Fligt

Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission:
--- He is semi-versed in Klingon, Vulcan and Romulan. It may be no match for a designated xenolinguist but Greene could order a Pizza and decline a salesman call in their respective languages any time.
--- He "˜speaks' fluent Federation Standard Type- and Vulcan Base Type Sign Language.

Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc):
--- Due to his physical limitations he can mostly operate sitting in a chair. Physical combat is out of the question for Greene.
--- He wears a beanie in the same colour as his department. He has a special permission allowing him to wear a hat on duty.


Character Name/Rank/Status: Citizen Amar tr'Kovnin

Department: Embassy Administration

--- Embassy Work [Administration, communication, relaying and maintaining interactions.]

Cross Training Department:
--- Medical: Used to be a medical practitioner in his last career, and can still give profound advice on questions of Vulcanoid health matters.

Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission:
--- He can offer a plethora of insights into recent Romulan developments of political-, diplomatic-, or economical nature.
--- He never forgets a face.

Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc):
--- Rather the opposite. He is elderly and fragile; mostly has to use a walking aid and has a hard time adapting to Federation cuisine.


Character Name/Rank/Status: Healer Peylix

Department: N/A
Note: Peylix' character was created as an advisor for Xasik, and his player has full permission to move Peylix as he sees fit.

--- Medical: [Healthcare, first aid, child-hatching and -care & psychology]

Cross Training Department:
--- Tholians are usually spliced for a single, specific purpose, hence wiggle room and multi-specialisations being rather uncommon.

Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission:
--- Peylix is a knowledgeable molecular geneticist.
--- Unbeknownst to most, they are interested in-, and exceptionally well-versed in interstellar fine arts.

Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc):
--- Blessed with a variety of useful innate abilities ranging from the racial memory of their people over the ability to utilise the Lattice down to emitting radiation bursts for the purpose of both: communication and defense.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Susan Markington


Character Name/Rank/Status: Ensign Susan Markington
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): N/A
Department: Security/Tech [Mainly patrol and guard duty for diplomats]
Specialisation: JAG
Cross Training Department: TBA
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Chess, Archery, cooking, karate, childcare (taking care of brother when younger), pet care (earth pets only)
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Has a puppy named Snoopy.



Character Name/Rank/Status: Rojol Takima/Ensign
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name):
Department: Operations
Cross Training Department: Security
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Climbing walls (almost flat and smooth surfaces/ Martial Arts (Romula style ), cooking, botanist, speaks 2 other languages, sign languages in Romulan and 2 other languages and Basic, likes riddles and mysteries
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc):
Patients like a rock. Very secretive.

Serena King

Character Name/Rank/Status: Serena King, Lieutenant JG
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name):N/A
Department: Engineering
Specialisation: M/ARA design (Major); Power/Data distribution (Minor)
Cross Training Department: Operations
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: "Titanium stomach": the ability to eat almost any food regardless of cultural or taboo bias (and also managing not to become physically ill)
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): "First Principles deduction" (the ability to distill any issue to basic facts)

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Schatzi Jyur

Character Name/Rank/Status: Counselor Schatzi (Zero) Jyur / Ensign
Department: Medical/Counseling
Specialisation: Mental Health Counseling, Marriage/Family Counseling (Major) - Rehabilitation Counseling (Minor)
Cross Training Department: Medical
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Fencing and Kormerek training
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): -Empath/Telepath
-His German accent is quite strong
-Had a brief placing as a teacher, about a years experience in that

Hrafn Falleg


Character Name/Rank/Status: Tekin Nerys
(NPCs only) Run by (Main char on Katra name): Hrafn
Department: N/A - Child (but nominally Science)
Specialisation: Anthropology
Cross Training Department: Xenolinguistics, Xenobiology - anything she can read in Hrafn/Sirol's Science documents!
Interesting skills/hobbies which might be of use in a mission: Absolute brainbox and will turn her hand to anything.
Anything else? (special abilities like super strength etc): Can telepathically communicate with her mother and siblings, strongest with Tidu her twin


"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

🡱 🡳

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