Featured Mission - A Life Well Lived

Started by Malik Grippen, March 01, 2024, 04:17:52 PM

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Malik Grippen

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 06, 2024, 10:11:09 PM


Vila's skin shivered as they entered the cave. She hated caves. They reminded her too much of her time in the Occupation. At first, they had hid in caves. Then she was in them, like a war trench, tracking Cardassians, as a teenager. They were cold, and damp, and often smelled bad.

Vila's eyes flicked across the space. "The uniform is 2200's, but I don't recognize the ship, no," she said. "I'd have to look it up, and....well." She couldn't. "Poor jerk. Well, I guess we can have the Doc come back later and do...whatever it is they do. Human, looks like," she said. "Or one of the races that passed as such," she said. Too bad for him. "Guess the England never came back for them," she said. Unlike theirs. Hopefully. She wondered how many other people had been marooned here. She didn't want to think about it. She turned around. "Let's go on," she said.

As they proceeded a little further into the cavern, Vila grabbed Malik's hand at one point. "Holy shit, what IS that?" She flashed her light on a strange creature.


Malik looked towards the alien creature, half expecting it to be some monstrous cave-bear. Instead, it looked a lot like a Risan-piglet. "Looks like we found ourselves some dinner."

Malik's hunger was getting the better of him and the thought of roasted meat made his mouth water. He tentatively made his way towards the creature and reached out his hands to grab it. The thing didn't resist and allowed itself to be picked up. Probably having never encountered humanoids before it didn't perceive them as a threat.

"It's kinda cute, don't you think."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Lorut Vila


She let go of his hand when the light revealed what they were seeing. She couldn't help it, a small "aww" sound escaped her lips. Vila might not have been able to be a mother herself but she still thought small, childlike things were cute. She looked to Malik.

"You want to eat THAT?" she said. "We're going to need more..." she said. It looked a bit like a Hesperat, actually, and if they were anything like a rodent, they reproduced quickly, so taking a few as foodstuffs wouldn't harm the ecosystem. "How do we get more? And yea, he's cute," she said. She smiled. "Think Tekin would let me bring one on board the Disco?" She asked. 

Rayek trLhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Alien Planet] (Afternoon - Day 2)

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 10, 2024, 04:37:07 AM

[Alien Planet]

Dem started to analyse the tree that had been tentatively pointed out by murphy. He started to create a design in his mind about how he would create their temporary home. He repeated temporary until his intrusive thoughts about their situation were suppressed. They would have to down a tree, and place one end in the V created by the forked branches from Murphy's discovery. They could then weave branches and leaves together on top of that, to create a semi-waterproof layer.

In the distance, he spied Helga in the distance, placing down a large fish against the base of a tree not dissimilar to the one he had planned to construct his shelter. Helga walked towards him and informed him of the injury. Klingons had always been taught to be the most difficult and obnoxious patients of all. Maybe it was her human side, but he could just see past her strong outer shell as she asked for some help.

"Ok, can you sit down on the base of this tree? Try to relax. I know it's not exactly your favourite." Dem informed, immediately making his diagnosis. Textbook reaction to a poison or irritant. Dem walked towards the concave leaves that held some water from the night before. Carefully ripping off his undershirt with the assistance of a crude spear tip that was crafted from the night before, he then soaked it in water, bringing that and a leaf of water toward her.
He started to wash the wound out with some of the water, trying to remove as much foreign matter as possible before applying the bandage. He figured that the sleeve of his undershirt was relatively clean, at least compared with other resources available. While placing the bandage on slowly, he spoke again to the Klingon. "Drink plenty of water" He offered, intrigued by what the Klingon might possibly respond with.

Helga was stoic and unflinching as the doctor cleaned the wound.  When he suggested that she drink of water, she looked to him to see if he was making a joke.  Her ridged forehead furrowed a moment before she answered.  "Sure, I'll get right on that, sir.  Can I leave you to start on cooking the fish I managed to catch? Be careful of it's spines if you do... I don't think you would do as well with its poisonous spines."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 14, 2024, 11:27:40 PM


She let go of his hand when the light revealed what they were seeing. She couldn't help it, a small "aww" sound escaped her lips. Vila might not have been able to be a mother herself but she still thought small, childlike things were cute. She looked to Malik.

"You want to eat THAT?" she said. "We're going to need more..." she said. It looked a bit like a Hesperat, actually, and if they were anything like a rodent, they reproduced quickly, so taking a few as foodstuffs wouldn't harm the ecosystem. "How do we get more? And yea, he's cute," she said. She smiled. "Think Tekin would let me bring one on board the Disco?" She asked.


Malik didn't say anything, but Vila touching his hand illicated a welcome and unexpected response. He'd always seen the Ops officer as a colleague, but alone together in this cave he saw her in a different light.

"Meat's meat. Looks like good eatin' to me. And I don't see why not, after it's been cleared safe."

He walked further into the cave and spotted another one of the creatures. He scooped that one up to. He now had an alien-piglet in each hand. "If we can get these two alone together, perhaps they'll do what comes naturally if you know what I mean."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Lorut Vila


Vila was now investigating slightly further into the cave. She wouldn't go far-she wasn't exactly excited about being alone in a cave with...well, he wasn't exactly a strange man, was he? Still. She wasn't trying to die anytime soon.


"Meat's meat. Looks like good eatin' to me. And I don't see why not, after it's been cleared safe.

Vila couldn't argue. "You're right...it's meat. It'll suffice," she said. She smiled lightly.


If we can get these two alone together, perhaps they'll do what comes naturally if you know what I mean.

Vila made a face. "Really?" She asked, but returned to his side. "Nothing up ahead...at least nothing that sets my senses off," she said. She meant "no danger." "If you tell anyone I panicked for a moment, I'll phase you into the last century, by the way..." she said. She looked at the piglets.

"Well. I guess we head back now, and see if we can have a pig roast tonight. Wonder if we could ferment some berries..." she said, half joking.

Malik Grippen

[5 Years Later...]

Malik stared out at the sunrise from their cave dwelling. He reflected on all their struggles over the past few years as their isolation on this planet continued. Some years had been easier than others. The winters were always the most difficult and they had verged on dying of starvation more times than he could count.

All semblances of maintaining an orderly appearance had long since vanished. Malik's tattered and shredded uniform was barely recognisable now and he mostly used animal skins for clothing. His hair and beard had grown long and thick. His body had become thinner and more sinewy.

His previous life in Starfleet was becoming a distant memory, as all efforts were focused on just surviving through each winter. The Discovery was becoming a distant memory and so to had the hope of being rescued. The Observers had made good on their promise. They were alone.

Still, there was hope. They had fashioned the cave into a home, with makeshift beds, blankets and sourced a steady supply of water. They had a sizeable alien-piggy farm going that provided them with meat, fat for torches and sinew for ropes along with hides for clothing. It was a harsh and tough life, but it was still a life.

Amongst the away team relationships had formed, along with many falling outs and arguments, even fights.

Malik had accepted by now that this was it for them. Whatever the Observer's had done, there was no way off this planet and he would die of old age or injury here. So would everyone else, though some still maintained the hope of rescue one day.

Everyone had coped and accepted their fate differently.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Malik Grippen on June 19, 2024, 12:56:32 PM

[5 Years Later...]

Malik stared out at the sunrise from their cave dwelling. He reflected on all their struggles over the past few years as their isolation on this planet continued. Some years had been easier than others. The winters were always the most difficult and they had verged on dying of starvation more times than he could count.

All semblances of maintaining an orderly appearance had long since vanished. Malik's tattered and shredded uniform was barely recognisable now and he mostly used animal skins for clothing. His hair and beard had grown long and thick. His body had become thinner and more sinewy.

His previous life in Starfleet was becoming a distant memory, as all efforts were focused on just surviving through each winter. The Discovery was becoming a distant memory and so to had the hope of being rescued. The Observers had made good on their promise. They were alone.

Still, there was hope. They had fashioned the cave into a home, with makeshift beds, blankets and sourced a steady supply of water. They had a sizeable alien-piggy farm going that provided them with meat, fat for torches and sinew for ropes along with hides for clothing. It was a harsh and tough life, but it was still a life.

Amongst the away team relationships had formed, along with many falling outs and arguments, even fights.

Malik had accepted by now that this was it for them. Whatever the Observer's had done, there was no way off this planet and he would die of old age or injury here. So would everyone else, though some still maintained the hope of rescue one day.

Everyone had coped and accepted their fate differently.

[Somewhere - 5 years later]

Day.... What day was it again on this nightmare rock? 1750? Murphy lost count a while ago. The mental breakdowns hadn't helped. Every moment was one where he could nearly die, either by some nasty beast or plague-filled water, or who knew what, and the anxiety he had felt that first day had never really left him. It kept him alive, for sure, but at a cost, as every little snap of a branch or whistle of wind through the leafy canopies seemed to forebode some awful fate, and sent him far into overdrive. The fact he had lost the use of his hand due to a bite from "Trapclaw" or what he called one of the native predators of this place didn't seem to help his anxiety, so the skinny, scraggly ensign always kept to keeping a watch over the camp, even if it wasn't specifically his turn to.  It was out from behind him where he saw Malik, startling the poor ensign. "Oh- h-hi Malik. Was just about to ch-check the traps. Want to come along?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Lorut Vila


{Planet X}

The strained alien sun peeking through the door of the cave roused the Bajoran, as did Malik's moving about next to her in the bed. Her hair was splayed out across his chest, and she could hear the steady beating of his heart. She groaned lightly. "Time to rouse the troops," she said, sleepily, but sat up to dress. After a bit, she was ready, and stepped out of the cave, ready to go.

The five years they'd been marooned here had changed her-not just physically, as she was nearing fifty  years old now, but also emotionally. Calmer now; things bothered her less. Maybe it was the sheer drive to survive. Maybe it was Malik. She didn't know. She made her way to the base camp fire pit to get things going. The others had learned of her life, her struggles, and her pain. But also her triumphs-she had survived things that would've killed a weaker person. As such, she had sort of become a de-facto mother type figure.

Their overlords, The Guardians or whatever the hell they called themselves, sometimes left "gifts" for them. Usually foodstuffs, but sometimes materials necessary for survival, medications, and building supplies. Still. Vila was uneasy today...She couldn't place why. She greeted the others who had gathered-not many, but a few were early risers like she.

"Good morning," she said. She picked up one of the piglets that had become a pet-not all were, but a few were-and held him close to her. "Hello, Wilbur," she said, giving him a small kiss on his smooth little head. "Does anyone else feel...differently today?!" Maybe she was catching something.

Malik Grippen

Malik looked at poor Murph. Perhaps he had suffered the worst of all of them, and losing his hand hadn't helped matters. He was lucky to be alive, the spider bite could easily have ended him.

"Sure, let's take a look."

Malik stood on shaky feet. His knees weren't what they used to be after years of hard labour on this planet. His body felt like it had aged at least 10 years.

Then his planet-mate, Vila woke. They had been together a couple of years now, lending on each other for comfort and support.

"Different? I feel the usual. Are you feeling ok my love?"

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Dem Broadshire

[Alien Planet]

Over the years, Dem had kept quiet, and mostly to himself. The small team had highs and lows over the past few years, and he found himself of foul mood at the present. He sat back in his room, slowly carving with his knife, a gift for his 25th Birthday from Malik. It was from what he could only assume a few years ago now. He started whittling a short time after that. Initially just necessities, like spoons and knives, bun then he started to branch out. He had made around a hundred creations so far, each getting better than the last. All sorts of things, ranging from Discovery, to his childhood pets. Smoothing out the last few carves, he placed down his most beautiful creation yet. His parents. They had a look that was hard to describe, one of desperation, masked by a joyous expression. He wondered how his parents would react if they saw it. He wondered if it would even look like them. Time takes a toll on even the most precious memories.

He felt his hands start to shake more and more, and he was glad to hear someone else's voice, even if they were complaining of a problem. He walked towards Vila and Malik. Even after so long, he was still the main doctor of the team. He sat down quietly next to Malik. He had grown to despise Vila over the years, and a recent fight left a taste of bitter resentment even now. He had earned respect from the team after his quick thinking with Murphy. He wasn't about to throw it away for petty fight between the two Bajorans. 

Lorut Vila


"Different? I feel the usual. Are you feeling ok my love?"

She smiled. "Yeah, it's...I don't know. I am fine," she said. It was something in the air, but then, they WERE due for a change in season.

"Hey, Dem. What's going on?" she asked. The two had butted heads, but Vila didn't hold grudges against him. "Whittling again?" She asked. At least someone had found something to distract themselves with. "Anyone want to venture back into the caves and see if the berries are starting to ripen?" She asked. They had found a cave that had a vast planting of berries; a rare treat, as they seemingly only ripened twice per year. Besides, if she sat around camp too long, she'd lose what was left of her mind. Her eyes watched as Malik assisted Murph, and then she set the piglet down to run around.

"And we need to jiggle around the watch schedule again," she said, to anyone who was listening. Slowly, more and more people were waking, and appearing for the day. 

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 27, 2024, 11:11:58 PM

She smiled. "Yeah, it's...I don't know. I am fine," she said. It was something in the air, but then, they WERE due for a change in season.

"Hey, Dem. What's going on?" she asked. The two had butted heads, but Vila didn't hold grudges against him. "Whittling again?" She asked. At least someone had found something to distract themselves with. "Anyone want to venture back into the caves and see if the berries are starting to ripen?" She asked. They had found a cave that had a vast planting of berries; a rare treat, as they seemingly only ripened twice per year. Besides, if she sat around camp too long, she'd lose what was left of her mind. Her eyes watched as Malik assisted Murph, and then she set the piglet down to run around.

"And we need to jiggle around the watch schedule again," she said, to anyone who was listening. Slowly, more and more people were waking, and appearing for the day.


Murphy nodded to Malik, offering him his good hand to help him get up so they could take a better look at the various snares that they used to catch any wandering predators or other animals they could use to make for dinner or whatever else they would need. He used to be really good at tying those knots for the snares, but losing his hand made it infinitely harder to do some of the knots without a little extra help. He was trying to find ways to adapt, sans hand, but things were still rough, and he was pretty sure the others saw him as the weakest link out of all of them. He didn't blame them.

Today's trapping wasn't really too successful, just a couple rodent-like animals and a Trapclaw spider. Not a lot of food, but it was probably enough for dinner. He shuddered as he saw that biting thing clamoring at the cage before stabbing it with a spear to end it before it could eat him or Malik. Those things scared him. More than the Borg, or even his mother.

"T-there! It's de-dead. " he said, pulling his trusty knife out of the bag he always carried nowadays. he looked over nervously. Nothing in sight, but then again, those spiders could be anywhere. He knew they called him paranoid, or he thought they called him paranoid. It didn't make a difference. Real or imagined, they were right. One lapse of judgement could doom them all.

Coming back to the caves, he saw Vila and Dem mulling about. "I d-dont feel too different. Still feels like my hand's there, but it's not. Don't think I'll ever get used to th-that. You getting berries?" he asked, a curious excitement now in his voice. Those berries were the one good thing that they found growing every year. Never lasted as long as he wanted them to. "I can still do the w-watch. after the sun sets."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Helga Tragnar
[Alien Planet] (Five Years Later)

From her vantage point on the cliffside above the caves, Helga kept had kept watch overnight with a stash of stone-tipped spears that she had crafted.  A spear was generally only good for one solid throw, so having a dozen at hand made defending the cave and those within much easier.  Domesticated pig-farming while it might put food on the table so to speak, did nothing for Helga's Klingon warrior soul.  She was a hunter! It was in her blood.

As those within the cave began to rouse, that was Helga's cue to descend from the cliff.  After the others vacated the cave would be when Helga would slip in to get a few hours sleep.  She had long ago chosen to be their group's night watchman.  Any excuse to leave to the cave while the two 'love-birds' copulated.

At first, Helga couldn't care less about their being together.  It's not like she had any interest in Malik.  But now after five years abandoned, the realization was that her only other choices for a mate were Broadshire or Murphy - neither were all that appealing, but a Klingon's passion could only be ignored so long.

As Helga entered the cave, she overheard Lorut commenting on changing the watch schedule.  "I've got the best night vision so I claim the night shift." Helga stated in no uncertain terms.  If they didn't like it, they could try fighting her for the position.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 27, 2024, 11:11:58 PM

She smiled. "Yeah, it's...I don't know. I am fine," she said. It was something in the air, but then, they WERE due for a change in season.

"Hey, Dem. What's going on?" she asked. The two had butted heads, but Vila didn't hold grudges against him. "Whittling again?" She asked. At least someone had found something to distract themselves with. "Anyone want to venture back into the caves and see if the berries are starting to ripen?" She asked. They had found a cave that had a vast planting of berries; a rare treat, as they seemingly only ripened twice per year. Besides, if she sat around camp too long, she'd lose what was left of her mind. Her eyes watched as Malik assisted Murph, and then she set the piglet down to run around.

"And we need to jiggle around the watch schedule again," she said, to anyone who was listening. Slowly, more and more people were waking, and appearing for the day.

[Alien Planet]

Dem was relieved to find nothing was wrong with Vila. At this point, even a small infection could prove fatal. He heard the Bajorans intrigue in his latest creation. "Yeah... It's my parents" He softly mumbled. He noted Helga walking into the cave as they conversed about rotating their watches. He admitted to himself that he was initially intimidated by the Klingons imposing nature, but over time he had found it as more of a comfort. She was no nonsense, honest. He flashed her a brief, awkward smile before returning to the back of the cave where he slept. He took out his knife, and started to chip away at his latest inspiration.

Malik Grippen

"I'll get breakfast going..." Malik sounded positive. Breakfast was always the highlight of his day. He brought the spider and rodents to the fire and began to butcher them with skilled hands at this point. The spiders were good enough to eat, so long as you removed the venom sacs first. They'd learned that lesson the hard way. They cooked to a crunchy consistency, like crispy bacon.

Soon enough the meat was cooked and ready for eating. Malik knew they had to stick together and maintain morale, because the group was their source of strength. They needed each other to survive.

"Nothing like a good dose of protein to get you going. Say, can anyone remember the names of our old ship crew. My mind's starting to go fuzzy on the details...I wonder what they're up to now. I think we had a Romulan, but I forget..."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

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