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Cult of Elder (4.6)

Started by James Carter, February 07, 2020, 02:55:29 AM

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Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: James Carter on April 05, 2020, 02:01:15 AM

[Village - Vallen]

Jacob shrugged slightly. "Unfortunately I've not made myself privy to the operations of a cult. They keep a lot of that quiet. More than likely they're still in their 'secret' bunker which is known of by everyone at this settlement." He replied bluntly. "They sure think we don't know, but we do. There's a pressure sensor in the wall in that alleyway. It's naked with a brick that's a lighter tint directly above it. It opens the hatch. Should be roughly 11 of them in total now that I knocked this one out."

[Village, Vallen]

Katheryn listened as Jacob answered both her and Alice's questions, whilst also appreciating how this was affecting those who lived here. Taking notice of not only the fact that the villager's were aware of the secret bunker, despite the cult's best efforts to disguise what they were doing, as well as how they now had a way in, thanks to the pressure sensor. This would help them a lot in locating the Captain and given how many cultists there were, she was confident that they would be able to infiltrate the bunker without too many issues.

" Thank you, its appreciated and what you've told us will help us a lot, you're welcome to join us".

The XO then tapped her commbadge. =/\= Brighton to away team, please join us immediately so we can proceed with our plan and head towards the bunker =/\=

Academy Commandant

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Esmeralda Van'Roe on April 03, 2020, 11:04:13 AM

[Village | Vallen]

Esme looked up round at Ensign Gid Sherem, surprised that they were relaxed enough given the situation to check up on her. She smiled ever so slightly, though her stomach cramped at the realisation that yet again; she was wearing her emotions too plainly for others to see. She nodded, hoping it would reassure the Ensign.

"Just waiting on further orders," she said quietly, as though it needed saying at all. "Eager to see the Captain safe, and get back to the Roberts." Where I'm useful, she thought.

[Ensigns Gid and Jael Sherem | Vallen Village]

Gid and Jael both saw the smile. It definitely helped to reassure them. They were both feeling relaxed on the matter; after all, they heard stories from their mother about similar situations in her missions before her defection, and now, they were in one. They couldn't wait to tell them when this was all over.

"You and us both," they said simultaneously, almost in the same way twins would.

Quote from: Katheryn Brighton on April 05, 2020, 06:46:26 AM

The XO then tapped her commbadge. =/\= Brighton to away team, please join us immediately so we can proceed with our plan and head towards the bunker =/\=

Upon hearing Commander Brighton's order to rendezvous with her and proceed to raid the bunker, they followed the away team along.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


[Village, Vallen]

Alice 312 followed Jacob's direction to the alley, confirming it was the one that the high priestess (of the cult, she realised) had emerged from earlier. Minus Jacob's intervention, she realised this was still the same plan as earlier, only without the estimated 3.5 seconds that would've been spent finding the pressure sensor and plus the estimated 3.5 minutes spent speaking to Jacob. While the team assembled, Alice ventured towards the alleyway, searching for RF and wifi signals that might indicate further security. They needed to proceed quickly, before the captain was sacrificed, or, in legal terms, ritually murdered. The android had no hope that he would survive, nor fear that he would not, it was out of her control. But she had a strong requirement that they succeed in rescuing him, and her neural network would be so depressed if they failed and he was killed.

Caleb Brighton

[ Village, Vallen ]

Quote from: Katheryn Brighton on April 02, 2020, 09:12:43 AM

=/\= Brighton to away team, hold your position for the moment and standby for further orders =/\=

Caleb and Edward began to follow the group. This was all just so chaotic and all he wanted was to get the captain back safe. He was glad to be a part of the Athena crew to get the job done. He was also thankful his services were not needed so far. Injuries were never fun. He moved with the group along with Edward. He was glad also to have not needed to fire his phaser. He had hoped this would remain the case. He kept his gaze sharp and his readiness ready to fire if needed.

"Imagine putting all the emotion and passion of hurt behind something positive rather than self destructive. Don't take the easy way out"


Village, Bunker

K'lizh maintained his position behind Commander Brighton, his motions slow, deliberate, except for the slight crack of his mouth and the flare of his nostrils. "The Captain's down there, all right," K'lizh confirmed. "Along with...twelve... no, eleven other people. Ugh, one of them has diarrhea." That part the rest of the crew probably didn't need to know, but it would have made his eyes water if he had tear ducts. He drew his phaser. Diarrhea-guy was going to be the first person he'd shoot.

"Here is the blackness of space, the myriad stars gleaming like diamond dust or, as some people would say, like great balls of exploding hydrogen a very long way off. But then, some people would say anything." - Terry Pratchett

Esmeralda Van'Roe

Quote from: Katheryn Brighton on April 05, 2020, 06:46:26 AM

The XO then tapped her commbadge. =/\= Brighton to away team, please join us immediately so we can proceed with our plan and head towards the bunker =/\=

Quote from: Alice on April 06, 2020, 04:06:00 AM

Alice ventured towards the alleyway, searching for RF and wifi signals that might indicate further security.

Upon hearing Commander Brighton's commbadge order, Esme followed the Sherem twins to from their secluded position to where their XO was standing in the street. She consciously gravitated towards Alice, though not to the extent of following the android sister as she walked away, Esme was still relieved to see she was now clothed again and looked completely unharmed. She wondered if she could convince the sisters to install some sort of self-preservation software. Esme wasn't sure how much use she'd be storming the bunker unless there was some sort of engineering issue, but she could kiss the stranger for helping them. She hoped, more than anything, that Captain Carter was unharmed.
Quote from: Klizh on April 06, 2020, 01:05:46 PM

Village, Bunker

"The Captain's down there, all right," K'lizh confirmed. "Along with...twelve... no, eleven other people. Ugh, one of them has diarrhea."

She grimaced at Lieutenant Commander K'lizh's intel, wondering just how much he knew about their crew but heightened sense of smell alone; she was definitely avoiding him next time she was ill.

James Carter

[Bunker - James Carter - Ealier]

Once the two people had left him alone Carter silently placed the shackle that bound him on the table behind him. His thumb was still in quite a lot of pain from having dislocated it earlier. He gripped it in his right hand and squeezed to lighten the discomfort slightly. With his shoulder he quickly pushed the door to his cell open and snuck down the hallway. Suddenly his eyes trained on one of the cultist guards on rotation. More importantly his eyes trained on the man's weapon which rest at his side. Like a predator attacking its prey James moved swiftly and quietly. His right arm slid across the mans throat with his left hand covering his mouth. Whithin a few seconds the man went limp and was unconscious. Thinking quickly James dragged the man back into his old cell and took the phaser from his belt. That's when he heard the hangar door open again.

In moments James was out of the cell once again and closed the door behind him. He slipped into a small broom closet located a short walk from his cell. His plan was hide out until someone discovered him, then take the fight to them.

[James Carter - Present]

The hangar door opened once again. 'Oh great. More of them. Just what I need.' He thought to himself. Slowly he creeped the door open and glanced down the hallway. No one was there, but his cell door was open once again. He stepped out into the open hallway knowing he needed to take action now if he was going to make it back to his daughter and fiancé.

In the main corridor 2 shots from a phaser whizzed from one side to the other, hitting a couple of the cultists. Many of them looked to volley fire with the prisoner, but one or two stared straight at the Athena's crew.

Katheryn Brighton

[Village Bunker]

Once everyone had assembled as ordered, Katheryn wasted no time in following behind Alice, as they made their way towards the bunker. Her phaser was already out and ready, as the group approached and Alice began checking the area. The security instincts that never truly went away were back in full force as she assessed their current surroundings. Although when K'lizh then confirmed the Captain's signature along with how many targets there were, even she had to suppress a comment, at the predicament that one of them, was in.

" Thank you, Commander, that was insightful and useful, now everyone, please ensure phasers are .......".

Before she could complete her order, the entry to the bunker opened and the unmistakable sound of phaser fire could be heard. Hopefully that was thanks to the Captain's efforts or if it wasn't then she would see to it, that he was avenged. When some of the cultists then looked in their direction, Katheryn's weapon was clearly visible as she then spoke up.

" I suggest that you lower your weapons and let us have our Captain back, you're outnumbered and I won't hesitate to call in further reinforcements from our ship in orbit and our associates on the Roberts".

It was their call now and if they refused, then she wasn't about to let them escape punishment for their crimes against not only Starfleet but also the colony.

Academy Commandant


[Bunker, Village]

With a precise tap on the pressure sensor, Alice 312 opened the bunker door and stepped swiftly inside, covering for her companions, her phaser raised as photoreceptors recorded the scene; as software conducted image analysis, mapped the environment, picked out figures, identified hostiles by their raised weapons; as targeting systems calculated trajectories, raised her arm, and squeezed the trigger. Her phaser beam struck and stunned one cultist, then another, and another, the android shooting with unerring efficiency.

Then she was overwhelmed by a flurry of error messages and internal alarms, she registered system failures, she estimated damage. Alice looked down, saw sparks exploding from the hole in her lower torso. How did that happened? An enemy phaser beam had hit her. 'Oh scrap.' she said, and shut down—

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Katheryn Brighton on April 08, 2020, 05:24:58 AM

[Village Bunker]

Once everyone had assembled as ordered, Katheryn wasted no time in following behind Alice, as they made their way towards the bunker. Her phaser was already out and ready, as the group approached and Alice began checking the area. The security instincts that never truly went away were back in full force as she assessed their current surroundings. Although when K'lizh then confirmed the Captain's signature along with how many targets there were, even she had to suppress a comment, at the predicament that one of them, was in.

" Thank you, Commander, that was insightful and useful, now everyone, please ensure phasers are .......".

Before she could complete her order, the entry to the bunker opened and the unmistakable sound of phaser fire could be heard. Hopefully that was thanks to the Captain's efforts or if it wasn't then she would see to it, that he was avenged. When some of the cultists then looked in their direction, Katheryn's weapon was clearly visible as she then spoke up.

" I suggest that you lower your weapons and let us have our Captain back, you're outnumbered and I won't hesitate to call in further reinforcements from our ship in orbit and our associates on the Roberts".

It was their call now and if they refused, then she wasn't about to let them escape punishment for their crimes against not only Starfleet but also the colony.

Quote from: Alice on April 08, 2020, 09:08:09 AM

[Bunker, Village]

With a precise tap on the pressure sensor, Alice 312 opened the bunker door and stepped swiftly inside, covering for her companions, her phaser raised as photoreceptors recorded the scene; as software conducted image analysis, mapped the environment, picked out figures, identified hostiles by their raised weapons; as targeting systems calculated trajectories, raised her arm, and squeezed the trigger. Her phaser beam struck and stunned one cultist, then another, and another, the android shooting with unerring efficiency.

Then she was overwhelmed by a flurry of error messages and internal alarms, she registered system failures, she estimated damage. Alice looked down, saw sparks exploding from the hole in her lower torso. How did that happened? An enemy phaser beam had hit her. 'Oh scrap.' she said, and shut down—

[Ensigns Gid and Jael Sherem | Cultist Bunker | Vallen Village]

Gid and Jael nodded again to Commander Brighton's words. Even if she was interrupted, they had the impression that phasers were to be set on stun.

With that, the doors open, and shots were exchanged. Gid and Jael saw the way Alice fired.

"Nice shooting, Lieutenant," they both said, in the way twins were simultaneous.

Then they saw Alice get shot. Jael saw it must've been some kind of critical shot, because the android was shutting down.

"Commander, Alice is down!" she said.

Gid turned back to the action. He saw firing cease and Commander Brighton threaten them. He was definitely sure Commander Brighton wasn't bluffing about getting reinforcements from the Roberts. Question was, would they be back in time if someone went to get reinforcements?

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

James Carter


Once the remaining cultists had been neutralized Carter stepped out into the open. He pointed his phaser at the opening, still unaware of who was waiting for him. The realization that it was his crew gave him a sigh of relief as he dropped his weapon. "Right on time. Let's get this wrapped up quickly. We're going to have to send for backup to assist the Roberts while we escort our new prisoners to the nearest Starbase for prosecution." He said as he approached the crew. "Ah! Doc! Glad you're here. I may have ever so slightly injured myself. It would be brilliant if you could fix me up when we get back to the Athena."

Within an hour all relevant evidence had been gathered. The cult's bunker had been picked through with a fine-tooth comb and the many cultists had been relocated to the brig of the Athena. A message had been sent to the Roberts to key them into the situation at hand and the crew was off.

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