S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation

Started by Ian Galloway, January 08, 2024, 12:30:54 PM

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Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian plopped into the command chair at the beginning of Alpha shift. The ship was traveling comfortably at warp 8 and according to the briefing from Lieutenant jg Wilma Schultz who had the Gamma shift bridge watch, all systems were nominal.

While he was preparing for his day, Ian had received a priority message from Starfleet Command. Once settled, he ordered a change of course that would take them along the largely uncharted border between the most rimward edge of the Federation and the Delta quadrant.

"Captain's log. Stardate 79020.3. It's been a long nine months since the unmitigated fiasco of Frontier Day and our own encounter with a Doomsday Machine. As one of a a limited number of ships ta avoid casualties from the last gasp of the Borg, we've had ta cover down on more than our fair share of the patrol and show the flag missions ta reassure the member planets of the Federation that all was well with Starfleet.

"At least that was the show we were presentin'. Truth is, Starfleet is still in tatters. We have increased our readiness from a pathetic 20% all the way up ta just a miserable 50%, so I suppose that's progress. On the down side, as a ship that didn't lose any senior officers, I've had ta fight tooth and nail ta avoid bein' pirated for personnel, but only ta a point.

"I was unable ta keep Nira, she was shanghaied early on and given a postin' on a newly reactivated space station on the rimward side of the Romulan border. I'm certain I will lose more of my seniors ta the 'needs of the service.'

"Until then, duty continues ta call and this mornin', we received a new assignment. We're ta travel ta an as yet unnamed star system, currently known by its astronomical catalogue entry of L7-425977.

"It seems long range sensor scans have detected the system is a massive source of space-temporal disruptions. Anytime you mention summat buggerin' up time, Command tends ta fash. So, we are en route ta this L7 system and will arrive in 36 hours.

"Until then, we will continue ta maintain normal operations, but I will have the science department increase the type and intensity of long range scans. End log."

Jettis Jyur

[ Bridge - USS Challenger ]

It was odd, returning to the Challenger again. It was even more odd returning alone, something he hadn't really done in years. Sure, he would occasionally travel without Theresa or Alani for studies, or for a convention - but that was short term. A few days, a week or two at most. This felt... permenant.

Of course, he knew it wasn't and Theresa would join him soon, but that didn't stop him from dragging his feet as he readied himself for his first bridge shift. Sleep hadn't gone well - it typically didn't, so he'd polished off a few raktajinos by the time the turbolift doors opened onto the bridge.

He inhaled deeply, glad to be back in familiarity. Of all the ships and stations he'd ever been on, this one was certainly home. The Gamma shift was just filtering out, and he grinned at Randell manning the science station, before setting his eyes on Ian.

Standing to attention, he offered Galloway a salute. "Prodigal son Jyur reporting for duty, Kapitan." He'd spent most of his time off on Earth for obvious reasons - and in the rush to move hadn't been able to board the Challenger any earlier than was required. "I trust there's no black holes swallowing the ship whole, yet?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on January 08, 2024, 02:46:33 PM

[ Bridge - USS Challenger ]

It was odd, returning to the Challenger again. It was even more odd returning alone, something he hadn't really done in years. Sure, he would occasionally travel without Theresa or Alani for studies, or for a convention - but that was short term. A few days, a week or two at most. This felt... permenant.

Of course, he knew it wasn't and Theresa would join him soon, but that didn't stop him from dragging his feet as he readied himself for his first bridge shift. Sleep hadn't gone well - it typically didn't, so he'd polished off a few raktajinos by the time the turbolift doors opened onto the bridge.

He inhaled deeply, glad to be back in familiarity. Of all the ships and stations he'd ever been on, this one was certainly home. The Gamma shift was just filtering out, and he grinned at Randell manning the science station, before setting his eyes on Ian.

Standing to attention, he offered Galloway a salute. "Prodigal son Jyur reporting for duty, Kapitan." He'd spent most of his time off on Earth for obvious reasons - and in the rush to move hadn't been able to board the Challenger any earlier than was required. "I trust there's no black holes swallowing the ship whole, yet?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian looked up at the familiar voice and smiled broadly. He rose from the command chair and shook Jettis' vigorously.

"Tis Bloodly good ta see you Jettis. Challenger isna Challenger when you're nae aboot. Looks like you've decided ta prodigal at the right time. Some sort of temporal muckery afoot in an uncharted system. Seems you'll get ta boffin sooner than you might have thought. I've ordered additional full spectrum scans as we approach, maybe get an idea of what's what before we arrive."

Jettis Jyur

[ Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Jettis gladly took the man's hand, grinning. "Well I couldn't just leave the ship to that shady character Randell, my conscience wouldn't allow it." He ignored the cries of indignance from Randell, raising a brow. "Temporal muckery? My favorite kind," his voice dripping with sarcasm. He would have to brace for some Af-Kelt in his near future. Something he knew both he and Ian could agree on, was a disdain for time-related issues.

Releasing his hand, he stepped over to his station to start his shift. Full spectrum scans right off the bat, before they were even in the system was the first troubling factor. Thankfully nothing seemed to be amiss so far, but there was a long time yet for something to happen.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on January 08, 2024, 03:10:18 PM

[ Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Jettis gladly took the man's hand, grinning. "Well I couldn't just leave the ship to that shady character Randell, my conscience wouldn't allow it." He ignored the cries of indignance from Randell, raising a brow. "Temporal muckery? My favorite kind," his voice dripping with sarcasm. He would have to brace for some Af-Kelt in his near future. Something he knew both he and Ian could agree on, was a disdain for time-related issues.

Releasing his hand, he stepped over to his station to start his shift. Full spectrum scans right off the bat, before they were even in the system was the first troubling factor. Thankfully nothing seemed to be amiss so far, but there was a long time yet for something to happen.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian snorted at science officer's outrage and replied sardonically.

"I'll have you know Mister Jyur, Lieutenant Randall has been doin' yeoman work while you were off galavantin' wherever you were galavantin'."

As Ian was well aware of Jettis' opinion on the matter, he decided to yank the El-Aurian's chain.

"As we're ta be chartin' new space, we happen ta have a stellar cartography specialist aboard and I'm certain Hyperion would be glad ta lend you a hand."

Cole Shepard


Cole was sitting at the Helm when the Captain arrived and ordered a course change. He entered the coordinates and smiled when he saw it was to an uncharted region. He felt this was going to be a good thing. Cruising around, mapping things out. Much better than trying to out fly an enemy that was trying to turn you into space dust.

With the Challenger on its way, he leaned back slightly and relaxed.

Kyan Mackenzie


[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Mess Hall, USS Challenger]


First Officer's Log, Stardate 79022.7

Hey Computer. I'm meant tae be doing this log thing every other day on account of Commander Said jumpin' ship tae go be XO on some outpost. And since Catalan will off tae be the new First Officer of the USS Princeton, and Tharn is soon tae be shoved off somewhere too, they made me XO here on Challenger. I told Gillespie he was daft fer it, but he dinnae care. He said I been doing Security long enough, and now I need tae be moving up. I guess it's ok. It could be worse. I could have gotten stuck with a Vulcan as the Captain, instead of Galloway.

Oh.. And speaking of the Boss, his girlfriend is leaving too, the which he's not happy for. He was cussin the admiralty pretty good about it. Ye cannae fault him though. Him and Fellows was like tae be getting married sometime, and now they cannae be doing that, well...unless one of em quits Starfleet. But he better not! They'd probably get some crusty Vulcan tae replace him, or worse... make me do it. And the last two times they made me an XO, the boss disappeared! I'm not gonna let that happen again though. Since it's me job tae make certain the Captain doesn't go off and get himself killed.

Tae be honest, I dinnae ken why they want me tae be First Officer. But here we are. So I'll do me best. But just between me an you computer... I'll probably get fired. So if'n someone new starts up doing these logs... you know what happened.

"Heya Kyan." Jackie Mulligarawny's gravely baritone rang out as the Onlie entered the galley. "You want the special?"

"G'Mornin Jackie." Kyan answered, still in the process of waking up. "Just cereal and some toast."

"You could have replicated that!" the big Human laughed, "Besides, you don't come here for cereal. Scrambled eggs and sausage coming up."

Kyan just shrugged. Jackie never let him eat cereal. But he was a good chef, and he had some pretty good stories too, so he supposed it was a fair trade. And he was right; if he'd wanted to just eat cereal, he could have just replicated it in his quarters. Although he couldn't have done that today, because he was meeting Neva and Jalen for breakfast.

Since he'd taken over for Nira and they'd each been told that they'd soon be taking over their departments, it had become a weekly thing for them to all meet in the galley and have breakfast. Sometimes Lorian and Leran came too.

Max came on occasion, but he had been busy lately. The other Onlie had decided to take advantage of the new Direct commissioning program that Starfleet trotted out after Frontier Day. Max was a cadet now. He hadn't chosen a department yet, but he was leaning towards engineering. Today he was in the shuttle bay, helping with the shuttlecraft maintenance.

Not long after Kyan has trudged over and sat down in his regular seat, Jackie came by with some orange juice. "Eggs will be out in a minute." he offered, putting the glass on the table. "Are Lieutenant Cordon and Doctor Kartos coming?"

Kyan nodded, taking the glass and downing some of the juice. "Yeah but not Max. He's fixing shuttles."

"Well good for him!" Jackie answered jovially. "He was in here yesterday working on the fresher. He's got a knack for it."

"Sure and I'm just glad he's found summat he likes. I was afraid he'd leave after the stuff on Angdarr and then the Planet Killer thing." Kyan replied, putting his glass back. "But I dinnae think he'd join Starfleet."

Jackie nodded. "Well, it kinda makes sense. You and Doctor Kartos are the two people he knows best, and you're both in Starfleet."

He was right, Kyan knew. But he also knew of Starfleet's tendency to re-assign people on a whim. He thought of Sitol and Xasik then, and even Hrafn Falleg and her brood. After the Planet Killer and Frontier Day, Kyan had expected Max to leave. And if he had, Kyan might have gone too. But his friend had decided to stay, and even joined the first Cadet class assigned to Challenger. Given his own history at the Academy, Kyan really didn't know if Max would like it, but so far he had. And the instructors and engineering people that had been training him gave him good reports. "œWell at least he dinnae take up bein a doctor or sommat." Kyan said finally. "œI dunno if we coulda stayed living together if he did."

Jackie laughed. "œWell, I'd better get back in there. I'm sure Lieutenant Cordon and Doctor Kartos will be in before too long."

When he left, Kyan reached into the backpack he'd brought and fished out a padd. It was the latest crew readiness reports. It was much less interesting than Security and Tactical reports. But he already read those. He'd put off the crew reports til last.  And he knew what it was going to say. "œShortages in all areas. We need more people. Ensign Snuffy sucks at his job and Crewman Joe is insubordinate. Blah Blah Blah. He sighed as he dropped it on the table and thumbed it on. Hopefully Jalen and Neva would be here soon and he could talk to them instead of reading about Crappy Ensigns and uppity Crewmen.

Jalen Kartos


[Mess Hall | Deck 3 | USS Challenger-A]

Jalen's usual habit had been to take breakfast in his quarters with his family, but alas that habit of familial bliss had been broken in the wake of the recent disasters. "˜Well', he mused to himself as he approached the doors to the Officer's Mess, "˜The only constant in the universe is change'. Thankfully both Lorian and Leran were seemingly OK with the change of routine, and more often than not he brought one or the other along with him to the breakfast meeting. This morning however Leran's class had a special project they were working on, and in the wake of the disasters Lorian found himself being called upon as an unofficial Ship's Chaplain as he was the only ordained clergyman on board. It seems that many people in their attempts to process what had happened to them have turned to long dead religious inclinations for solace.

Jalen stepped through the doors and surveyed the room quickly finding Kyan sitting by himself, as he approached the table he caught the tail end of a conversation. He politely slowed his pace so as to give the Only and the host time to finish their conversation, and in the process heard quite abit of what was said.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 09, 2024, 07:43:42 AM

"Sure and I'm just glad he's found summat he likes. I was afraid he'd leave after the stuff on Angdarr and then the Planet Killer thing." Kyan replied, putting his glass back. "But I dinnae think he'd join Starfleet."

Jackie nodded. "Well, it kinda makes sense. You and Doctor Kartos are the two people he knows best, and you're both in Starfleet."

He was right, Kyan knew. But he also knew of Starfleet's tendency to re-assign people on a whim. He thought of Sitol and Xasik then, and even Hrafn Falleg and her brood. After the Planet Killer and Frontier Day, Kyan had expected Max to leave. And if he had, Kyan might have gone too. But his friend had decided to stay, and even joined the first Cadet class assigned to Challenger. Given his own history at the Academy, Kyan really didn't know if Max would like it, but so far he had. And the instructors and engineering people that had been training him gave him good reports. "œWell at least he dinnae take up bein a doctor or sommat." Kyan said finally. "œI dunno if we coulda stayed living together if he did."

Jackie laughed. "œWell, I'd better get back in there. I'm sure Lieutenant Cordon and Doctor Kartos will be in before too long."

Jalen tapped Jackie on the shoulder and indicated that he wanted his usual of Waffles, Fried Eggs, and Orange Juice, served of course with Jumja Syrup. He then pulled out his chair and with a slightly scolding tone said.

"œCome now Kyan, not all Doctors are bad, and I know you care deeply about Max. Even if you two haven't yet come to the same realization. I am certain no matter which path he settles on, that you two will still be together. Perhaps there are enough Onlies in Starfleet now that y'all could have your own ship. Being able to sleep in a pile would certainly free up a lot of internal compartment space for more advanced equipment, or perhaps entertainment space, after all. Though you would still need a Chaperone, so perhaps I might end up there myself." He cocked a sideways smile as he sat down. "œNow wouldn't that be something One very old man and a bunch of young looking but very old children galivanting around the universe solving all the problems? But I digress, what have you got for us today?"

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 4 - Enlisted Mess] (early morning - during last ¼ of Gamma shift)

When Lahr first heard about the massacre that had gone on back at Earth... Earth where his Ruth was teaching at Starfleet Academy... during the Frontier Day celebrations, he called in on favors owed him by friends in Ops to make a discreet call back to Earth in hopes to hear that she was okay.   Things were far from good though.  Ruth was reported missing - last seen fighting off her students shortly after the Borg signal first took hold.

Lahr immediately put in a Leave of Absence to help her family look for her.  The twins, both of whom themselves had been assimilated during the massacre and now felt responsible for deaths their borg-selves had committed, were beside themselves with worry over their older sister.  Lahr scoured all of San Francisco.  Hell, he scoured and searched all of Earth and even followed several leads possible leads off-planet during the first six months.

However, his leave ran out after 9 months and Lahr had an unpleasant decision to make.  Quit Starfleet to continue his search (because they still hadn't found a body), or return to Challenger and hire others to search for her in his stead.   Lahr chose the latter, though he felt he was betraying Ruth to do.

Now, he was back, having caught a passing transport vessel to the ship just the other day.  He was given a day to settle in, so today was his first day back on duty after 9 months.  First thing he'd noticed when reviewing the duty roster this morning at breakfast was that he was scheduled for a shift at a station in Main Engineering.  Huh??  That wasn't typical.

"Well, well. Seems rumor had it right.  The wayward Andorian returns." a voice taunted from the doorway of the mess hall.

Lahr recognizing the voice, didn't bother to turn around and face the owner, knowing Burke would join him at his table soon enough.  A minute later the human sat down across from him with a coffee in hand.

"Good God, you look terrible." Crewman Frank Burke stated before taking a swallow of his replicated coffee.

Lahr knew the man's observation was true.  His once blue complexion was purplish now and washed out - at least compared to what he used to look like; his eyes were somewhat sunken in, and his antennae were in a perpetual sagging state.  "When did you get back" Burke questioned.

"Yesterday, but I had reams of Return to Work forms to fill out.  Not to mention a lengthy discussion with the Quartermaster to find me a suitable accommodation.  Seems Grelek got himself a new bunkmate while I was on Leave so I'm assigned sharing a room with Koroz now.".  Korok was a Klingon Petty Officer in the Sec/Tac department.  Lahr gave Burke a very put upon look.

Burke laughed.  "Ha! It's no better than you deserve for ditchin' us.".

Lahr frowned at this. Lahr knew Burke had never really been approving of his relationship with Ruth; but it was surprising that the man would think he needed punishment for taking time away to try and find her.  Had he honestly expected Lahr to not go?!  Rather than point this out Lahr sought to change the subject.

"How about you?  How have things been on the ship these past 9 months? I hear Zhuk is now Chief.  How's that going?" Lahr asked.

While Burke answered sharing stories about the ship's adventures while Lahr had been away, the Andorian engineer found his attention wavering.  The human's voice became a faint drone at the edge of his consciousness while his thoughts turned to the most recent search results he'd been sent from the 'Private investigator' he'd hired to take his place; but he was jolted back to full attention when Burke grabbed him in a headlock suddenly.

"You think it's safe to zone me out?  Not a chance my friend!  Noogie time!"

Lahr struggled to get out of the headlock, but Burke had 4 years more Sec/Tac training and experience than he, and was about a third larger than him too.  The only way Lahr was getting free was if he did something drastic that could physically hurt his friend.  Nope, not worth it.  "Aw, come on man. Aren't you a little old for this?"  Lahr tried to shame and mock his friend into letting him go. But it didn't seem to be working as he felt knuckles grate against his white haired head.  To be fair, Burke was being careful to not jostle his antennae - so the 'attack' was meant all in fun.

Lahr supposed he could play the rank card... but knowing Burke's bullyish personality that would only just sour their friendship.  Yeah, again something Lahr wasn't willing to do just to avoid a noogie in repayment for being a poor friend and not listening.  "I'm sorry, alright?.. Give it a rest. I got to be presentable for work shortly."

That seemed to do the trick.  Burke released him.  "Yeah, I gotta go too. Am just here on a coffee break." the forever crewman admitted.  "Let's meet later tonight after you're off shift. Ok?"

Lahr nodded.  "Yeah, I'll buy you a drink at the Lounge."

Then with a wave Burke left and a moment later, a reminder on Lahr's PADD sounded.  It was time to go to work.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2024, 04:24:57 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian snorted at science officer's outrage and replied sardonically.

"I'll have you know Mister Jyur, Lieutenant Randall has been doin' yeoman work while you were off galavantin' wherever you were galavantin'."

As Ian was well aware of Jettis' opinion on the matter, he decided to yank the El-Aurian's chain.

"As we're ta be chartin' new space, we happen ta have a stellar cartography specialist aboard and I'm certain Hyperion would be glad ta lend you a hand."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Turbolift --> Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | En route to L7 System]

Zhukdra'shar leaned back against the walls of the turbolift, as it traveled upwards to the Bridge. It was time for his shift to start. He took a moment to collect his thoughts as he glanced at his feet. Things had been quite hectic lately, that with the re-structuring and shuffling of Starfleet. His previous Commander, Nira Said, had now been posted to a space station named Outpost Solaere. He was sure the emplacement would welcome her leadership, but he would surely miss her.

Just like T'Kel, he felt a strange sensation of emptiness, even if it meant that he was now the de-facto Chief of Security, as Commander Kyan Mackenzie had become the First Officer. Perhaps, it had to do with how she had been present and worked with him since his posting within the USS Challenger. She had helped him grow more confident in himself, as well as given him emotional support when he required it.

He supposed there was no sense in yearning for the past. There surely could be some communication between them through messages in the future. And he had to look up to his new promotion with a positive attitude, correct? He felt tense at the responsibility on his shoulders, however, more than relief. At least, he had to admit that he was proud at such a meteoric rise in the ranks, from Ensign about two years ago, to almost Lieutenant Commander now.

Of course, while he was certain it had partly to do because he was a dependable and capable individual, those were not the only two reasons. But he tried not to ponder on them too much. After 9 months, two of the six friends he had made in Starfleet Academy were no more. Gone, after what had transpired within Frontier Day. And those who remained were traumatized by what they were forced to do.

Once more, he was glad that the USS Challenger was not on Earth. Zoraida had broken down in tears after she recalled her experience when he came to visit her after they had arrived on Earth. His other classmates were marginally better, but not by much. His heart hurt when he remembered, but at least, he was sure they were on the path to recovery. And his fur made for a fluffy shoulder to cry on.

He too remembered the fear he felt at seeing the remainders of Sol Station, and the debris of those ships which had tried to free themselves from the control of the Borg. It reminded him of how many lives had been lost as a result.

He took a deep breath and shook his head as the turbolift stopped at its destination. He reminded himself that he was who remained and had to be strong for Starfleet's sake. For the innocent. For those that couldn't fight.

Like himself, six years ago, when he was first found.

He walked into the Bridge with his characteristically serious expression, hands behind his back as he offered a nod to the Ensign manning the Tactical console. The human male answered with a nod of his own, as he took his leave without much need for words. Zhuk wondered if he should have told him something, but as he took a side glance, he was by the turbolift now. Too late, he supposed.

"Greeting Captain Galloway. It makes me glad to be on duty once more."

He inspected the systems on the Tactical console. They were nominal. The Ensign had done an excellent job keeping them up, it seemed.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Holodeck - Ice Moon of Andoria]

The wind howled around Abas as he sat in quiet contemplation. The heat of his body neatly offset the chill blast of the wind as he dangled his legs over the cliff face. This was home to Andorians and Aenar alike. The windswept cliffs and subterranean mountains. He was somewhere near the equator during mid-summer, where the temperature was only around negative ten degrees centigrade. Perfect weather, perfect calm.

Like all natives to the ice moon, Abas was perfectly comfortable here in nothing more than his uniform and a light fur jacket. Most who called this moon home were just as comfortable here as in normal Federation rooms of around 20-22 degrees. Biology had its benefits... and it meant he was less likely to be disturbed.

It had been nine long months since Starfleet had been hobbled. Nine long months of piecing together what had been taken in a senseless, violent attack. Nine long months where he hadn't once been able to return home. Communication to the northern polar regions was rare, as very few Aenar ever left their home to explore. Messages traveled slowly, and visitors were few and far between outside of regular resupply runs. He hadn't been able to check on his family, nor tell them of his promotion. But, no matter. He'd do his duty as he always did. He wondered if his telepathic communication with them would be lessened if he ever got home. Aenar in the northern wastes rarely, if ever, spoke aloud, but here, everything was different. So many beings were not gifted with these abilities, and entering another's mind unwelcome was one of the cardinal sins. He was out of practice, and sometimes found him speaking his mind into the void, without a care in the world. Who knows if anyone would recognize the stray thoughts and sounds he loosed occasionally?

When Abas needed to clear his head, though, he found that the holodeck did a passable version of his home. At the very least, it was a good place to just get away from it all, save for the one or two Andorians on the ship who might be drawn to such a program. He'd been here for the better part of two hours, lost in his thoughts about nothing really in particular, feeling the heat of his hands melt the snow beneath his palms, and feeling the cut of the wind as his antennae were buffeted by the constant flow of air. He could almost feel the slow accumulation of snow on his boots before a gentle swing of his legs shed the powder into the currents of air below.

Mentally, he began to sing into the void, the nostalgic lines of an old Andorian ice cutter's shanty floating away from his mind as he flopped onto his back and spread his arms into the snow, feeling the textures and cold bite as he continued to dangle his legs off the edge, making what almost looked like half a snow angel with his upper body. Peaceful. Happy. Content. He'd have to go to work later, but he wasn't on shift for now. For now, he could be himself.

At least for now, all was at peace in the world.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on January 09, 2024, 11:16:36 AM

"œCome now Kyan, not all Doctors are bad, and I know you care deeply about Max. Even if you two haven't yet come to the same realization. I am certain no matter which path he settles on, that you two will still be together. Perhaps there are enough Onlies in Starfleet now that y'all could have your own ship. Being able to sleep in a pile would certainly free up a lot of internal compartment space for more advanced equipment, or perhaps entertainment space, after all. Though you would still need a Chaperone, so perhaps I might end up there myself." He cocked a sideways smile as he sat down. "œNow wouldn't that be something One very old man and a bunch of young looking but very old children galivanting around the universe solving all the problems? But I digress, what have you got for us today?"

The first part of what Jalen said, about doctors and he and Max sticking together was par for the course in their banter. It was a fact that medical people in general were some of the Onlie's least favorite, and ill-trusted people. The El-Aurian was an exception to that rule. But he was in slim company. As to he and Max, or course he cared about him. He was an Onlie firstly, and secondly, they were friends. More than that really, they were more like brothers now. Though he'd never had one himself, biological or otherwise, Kyan figured that if he had, it would be like how he and Max got on.

He laughed about the ship crewed by Onlies. "Aye that'd be a fine thing too so it would. But them Admirals would never go for it. An if dey did, it'd be a Nova or sommat like that... running around scanning nebulas we'd be...an I'd be bored tae death."

Kyan had heard an Onlie that made captain once... a Scientist named Nolan Marc. But he was the only one. And they HAD given him a Nova Class ship. And he probably had a Vulcan First Officer too.

"Well," Kyan shrugged, shaking off his reverie for current affairs, "It's less than a week til you an Neva take over... and They're gonna send more cadets and trainees... and even some civilian doctors for sickbay. So there's that."

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

A ship at warp develops a rhythm as it travels. There are a myriad of tasks that must be accomplished to keep the ship and crew functioning properly. The Challenger was no different from any other ship in Starfleet in that respect. In addition to these mundane tasks, even when simply transiting from one place to another, a Starfleet ship was always busy. The most common thing a ship built for exploration would do at virtually all times was to scan the area around the ship to see what there was to see. Most of the time, ships were moving through well charted space or space that had been scanned by probes at one point. However, Challenger was doing something that spoke to the very core of Starfleet's existence, she was moving through uncharted space, so she was looking at the composition of this region of the void up close for the first time, and that was always exciting. The entire science department was working long shifts cataloging what they were detecting. Everyone from Lieutenant Jyur the Chief Science Officer through to the ship's astrometrics consultant Hyperion were capturing as much information as possible to increase the Federations staggering body of knowledge.

Regardless of this behind the scenes activity, it was Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops that broke the quiet with an announcement.

"Captain, we are being hailed by the USS Farragut."

Ian was a bit surprised as he thought the Challenger was the only ship in the area, but said.

"On screen."

The screen resolved to an older woman whose bald pate immediately marked her as a Deltan.

"Hello Captain Galloway, I am Captain Chiva. I have orders to rendezvous with Challenger for personnel exchange. I am sending you a file with the transfers approved by Starfleet Command."

Ian nodded as Chiva spoke as he he looked up the Farragut and saw she was one of the new Inquiry-Class starships equipped with quantum slipstream, which neatly explained how the ship showed up in an area that she shouldn't have been. He dearly loved Challenger, but slipstream was a game changer and was the thing that was going to put his beloved ship out to pasture one day.

"Understood Captain, opening the file now."

He scanned through the file as it confirmed his worst fears as he thought

"Tharn, no shock there. Catalan, same. Oh buggerin' hell. Fellows."

The rest of the conversation with Chiva became indistinct as he realized he was going to be separated from Jess again. He sighed and managed to say.

"We'll be ready Captain. Galloway out."

Ian took it upon himself to notify those about to be transferred personally. They would only have an hour to pack, so time was short. He let Catalan know immediately as he was on the bridge. He then went down to engineering to let Tharn know and after a particularly fine string of curses, she said.

"As far as humans go, you don't suck like most do."

"I'll miss you too Dashlish."

Ian then took the long turbolift ride to sickbay. Jess was in her office and as soon as she saw his expression, she knew something was up.

"What's happened?"

"No easy way ta say this love. You're bein' transferred. Due ta the losses from last year, I'm losin' all the lieutenant commanders ta other ships. Great opportunities for all of you. By the way, congratulations are in order Commander Fellows. Seems the transfers come with promotions."

"Not much of a consolation."

"Aye, I ken full well. I guess tis only fair, I had ta split us up when I made Commander, seems only fittin' you get ta do the same when you do as well."

Jess managed a small smile, very small.

"There is that."

She stood and moved to stand next to Ian.

"You won't forget me will you?"

She said half-teasingly.

"Don't be a daft git. We made long distance work before, we can do it again."

"Good answer."

She then leaned in and gave Ian a very passionate kiss regardless of who might be able to see. When she broke contact.

"Remember that. I've got to pack."

Ian stood in silence, breathless, and nodded.

"Aye Lass. No forgettin' that."

Ian then sadly made his way back to the bridge. The rendezvous happened exactly an hour later as the Farragut dropped out of her slipstream channel within 50,000 kilometers of the stationary Challenger. Pleasantries were exchanged and then the transporters on both ships began to hum with activity.

Challenger technically got the better of the exchange in that 34 personnel were transferred off the ship, the senior officers as well as a leavening of experienced enlisted personnel, all clearly chosen to form the cadre for other ships. In return, Challenger gained 67 new people. Of these, 18 were newly graduated ensigns fresh from the Academy, 40 were fourth year cadets attending their cadet cruises, and 9 were civilian medical personnel. These last were an experiment Starfleet was trying out to fill in losses from Frontier Day. Whether the plan would work or not was unknown and it fell to the crew of the Challenger to make every effort to make it succeed.

When the last of the personnel transfers were complete, Chiva bid Galloway goodbye and the Farragut disappeared inside another slipstream corridor. Wistfully, Ian gave the order to resume course for the L7-425977 system and Challenger leapt back to her sedate warp 8. What she thought of these changes, no one thought to ask.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 11, 2024, 10:50:45 AM

Ian took it upon himself to notify those about to be transferred personally. They would only have an hour to pack, so time was short. He let Catalan know immediately as he was on the bridge. He then went down to engineering to let Tharn know and after a particularly fine string of curses, she said.

"As far as humans go, you don't suck like most do."

"I'll miss you too Dashlish."

Lahr arrived for his shift on time and carefully avoided running into Lieutenant Commander Tharn, in the expectation that her assigning him to Main Engineering was a mistake, and that if she caught sight of him she'd remember again why she'd relegated him to the Upper Engineering Support Area, watching the back-up for the back-ups.

Mid-way through morning, the Andorian noticed that after the Captain visited, a new buzz of conversation took hold of the room.

"We're going to miss you."
"Don't be a stranger."
"Oh, Catalan too? All the best people, got picked"

Lahr waited until after the Tellerite Chief Engineer seeming said her good byes to the cluster of people.  Then he sought out someone remaining behind.

"What's going on?" he asked "Who got picked? For what?"

The answer was surprising, but worthy of celebration.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Captain's Ready Room - USS Challenger]

Since the rendezvous with the Farragut, Ian had been reading through the personnel files of the new crew that had beamed aboard. Most were young, so very painfully young. It was hard to believe that these people were old enough to drive let alone be in Starfleet.

After he finished reading, he knew he had to meet with everyone. As there were so many, one on ones would happen in time, but he knew he would have to at least talk to them all together before the individual meetings would occur. However, before he spoke to everyone, he knew what he had to do first.

=/\= "All hands. This is the Captain. Staff meetin' in ten minutes in the briefin' room on deck one. For those of you uncertain as ta who will be attendin', this means Lieutenant Espada, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, Lieutnant Cordon, Lieutenant Booker, Lieutenant Jyur, and Doctor Kartos. That is all." =/\=

As he had read through the files, he had tagged a few of the new personnel for follow up and began to re-read those files.

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