S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation

Started by Ian Galloway, January 08, 2024, 12:30:54 PM

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Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger dropped out of warp on the outskirts of system L7-425977 exactly 30 hours later. The unnamed system only consisted of six planets, an outermost gas giant and five rocky inner worlds. It was the fourth planet that drew Ian's attention. Scans had revealed a pre-warp society roughly equivalent to Earth in 2080. There was an extensive network of satellites around the inhabited planet. Ops had tapped into this network and the Universal translator had easily cracked the local language.

The locals called the planet the rather prosaic name of "Land" and the star held the title of "Light". This gave the impression that the Landsers were an unimaginative people. However, very careful analysis of their technology showed they had devised a means of interstellar travel that was undocumented in any other civilization. This project was a planetary effort and was thus available on open source broadcasts. The locals called their invention "Fold Space'. The idea was as simple as it was innovative, rather than travel the distance between points in space, you essentially folded the map to bring the two points closer together.

Unfortunately, the Landser's primitive sensors failed to detect that in order to fold the space, it required a manipulation of space/time to activate and it was these unintended alterations that was causing the temporal ripples being felt throughout the region. Ian sat in the command chair and decided now was a good time to update his log.

"Captain's Log, supplemental, we have arrived at system L7-425977, now officially charted as the Landser system. It turns out the temporal disturbances are the result of a novel faster than light technology called Fold Space. While faster than light capability normal allows for immediate contact with a new civilization found ta possess that ability, there is a problem. The gold standard used by Starfleet is specifically warp capability, the Landsers dinnae have warp, which technically mean they fall under the Prime Directive. However, their technology is causin' repercussions far outside of their home system, which might be a loop hole ta the regulations. As a result, I find myself in a dilemma, break the Prime Directive ta inform the Landsers that their technology is too unstable or maintain the Prime Directive and figure out a way ta redirect an entire planetary project away from their goal. It is times like this I'd stayed a pilot. End log."

When Ian was finished with the log, he scanned the bridge and figured, he wasn't alone and he needed to tap into the resources he had available to him.

"Okay everyone. Anyone got any ideas?"

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on January 18, 2024, 11:25:12 AM

[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - > Deck 8 - > Deck 15 ]

Jettis nodded to Cordon at the request. "Sure. I meant to send some over anyhow once I made some more sense of the readings. Distortions and electronics don't typically mix, so I may give you an officer or two to try and head off any future complications before they arise. And you may know a bit more on what type of power source this could be."

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Briefing Room->Main Engineering]

"Thank you, Doctor." She replied, grabbing her PADD. She typed as she walked out of the room, barely noticing anything as she bee-lined it to the Turbolift. She mumbled things as she stood, the gears turning for her.

Neva burst into her Sanctum, head up and PADD held out. "OK my little worker bees! Time to see what you've been taught can translate to real-world needs! We have some juicy problems to sort out, so let's get to it!"

Neva bellied up to the pool table and banged on it to show the data she was given. She surveyed those who gathered at her summons and was pleased. "OK, we've got some distortions that don't look normal from a system at the edge of currently known space. For whatever reason, these lovely beings decided to generate a bit of a space-timey mix that's fixing to make things suck for ehh-vor-ree-buh-dee." She drew out the word because she needed them to understand how godawful these people had made things.

The image expanded and Neva pointed at one planet in the system. "If you look here..." And on it went from there, people bandying about theories, questions, and ideas. Chief Neva had found her true place...


With that settled, he jotted down a few notes on his PADD, before standing as they were dismissed. Headed off by Ian before he could escape to start his busywork, he shot the man a tight-lipped smile. "I feel eternally relieved. Hopefully we don't encounter any full-blown wormholes, though. I can't promise my best behavior." He laughed, shaking his head as he re attached his PADD to his side. "But I think he'll be great for the cadets. Maybe he can even scare them straight with threats of abandonment and airlocking."

Slipping out of the room back to the turbolift, he had three stops to make. The first was to track down all of the brats he had to monitor, which was thankfully made easy by all of them being crammed into the labs currently. He was a bit surprised at who was leading them - Zalos, was it? He'd met her briefly a few times, and gave her a small nod.

"Ensign Zalos, thank you for taking over the tour in my stead." Flashing a wide grin to all of the science officers, his eyes briefly scanned them all for ranks. "I'll give you all half an hour to familiarize yourselves with the labs and ask questions, and then another hour to eat and prepare for the most spreadsheeting you've ever done in your lives. There'll be a special guest once you get back."

His gaze scanned around labs for his unsuspecting next-in-line. Gaze falling on Randell, he grinned and moved to clap two hands on the man's shoulder. "And this will be your designated questions man!"

Ignoring the panicked glares being thrown his way, he marched the Lieutenant out to the sea of wide and fresh eyes. That's what he got for skipping out on welcoming them and making the newbie do it. "Ensign Zalos, you're with me." He grinned, checking his PADD once more before motioning her over to the turbolift.

"Since you seem to be well acquainted with the labs so far, and basically all of the senior scientists are going to try to run away, I think you're the best person to collaborate with our specialist. Tomorrow I'm not going to be able to focus on just running scans, I'm going to be processing the information as we try to track down what exactly is causing it. So..."

The door slid open on deck 15, and he moved over to Stellar cartography. Eyes scanning almost cautiously, he tried to track down the little ant. "Hey, Hyperion! You swimming in data yet? Because you're about to be."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Kyan Mackenzie


[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger]

It was always so awkward when the captain of the ship recorded his log while he was sitting in the chair. For five decades, minus a few non-consecutive years where he'd quit for various reason, Kyan had been in Starfleet. And on every ship he'd ever been on, one universal thing among all ship's captains was that they would sit right there in that chair and do their log.

He never understood it.

What if someone sneezed? Or coughed? Or what if someone just let one rip right in the middle of the log? Or worse still, at the end of it. Was someone going to go back and re-record the whole log because Ensign Billy crop-dusted the bridge? No. So then for all of eternity, Ensign Billy's mishap would be preserved in an official Starfleet document, which could end up being used in a tribunal, or on display at a museum if the Captain did big things.

And it wasn't hypothetical either. It had happened! In 2366, Kyan had been a freshly promoted junior lieutenant on the USS Zhukov. On one of his first shifts at tactical Captain Tarik was recoding his Captain's log on the bridge. He was almost finished. Then the Helmsman, a Bolian named Haro Dras, thereafter referred to as "Havmo Gas" let loose a thunderous gastrointestinal expression. It was later learned that poor Haro had been holding that monster at the gates for some time, and thought he might be able to relieve some of the pressure without causing a scene.

Haro was mistaken.

Misjudgment aside, Kyan also suspected that the Bolian wasn't being entirely truthful. Being a first-generation Ambassador Class Starship, the Zhukov's tactical station was situated such that Kyan could clearly see the Bolian sitting at his station. It was a fact that the cerulean pilot had shifted to the side just before his unfortunate faux pas. He never admitted it, but to Kyan's reckoning, he'd befouled the Stoic Vulcan's log entry... and the air.. on purpose.

Tarik, proper Vulcan that he was, didn't even arch an eyebrow. Everyone else was very professional. None of the other crew even let on that it had happened. Kyan however, had neither the restraint nor the inclination to let that gas be passed without further incident. He had laughed until it hurt. Ole Tarik made him leave the bridge to compose himself. And that had been fine with him because the smell was something almost as spectacular as the initial eruption. Kyan still played back that log sometimes and even after forty years, it was still as hilarious as the day it happened.

As he sat cross-legged in what was now his chair, which was still too damned high, Kyan stifled a laugh recalling the incident as his current captain finished his own log entry. At Galloway's question, the diminutive First Officer shrugged.

"Well..." he began, looking over. "It's true so it is, that Starfleet does nae like tae go mucking around with pre-warp planets the now... but since they got themselves a Faster than Light engine... broken as it is... they could still come an visit any of the planets nearby... so I dinnae think it would hurt nothin if we go an talk to 'em... or at least go down an see things fer ourselves so."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Main Engineering] (immediately after briefing meeting)

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 19, 2024, 11:20:47 AM

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Briefing Room->Main Engineering]

"Thank you, Doctor." She replied, grabbing her PADD. She typed as she walked out of the room, barely noticing anything as she bee-lined it to the Turbolift. She mumbled things as she stood, the gears turning for her.

Neva burst into her Sanctum, head up and PADD held out. "OK my little worker bees! Time to see what you've been taught can translate to real-world needs! We have some juicy problems to sort out, so let's get to it!"

Neva bellied up to the pool table and banged on it to show the data she was given. She surveyed those who gathered at her summons and was pleased. "OK, we've got some distortions that don't look normal from a system at the edge of currently known space. For whatever reason, these lovely beings decided to generate a bit of a space-timey mix that's fixing to make things suck for ehh-vor-ree-buh-dee." She drew out the word because she needed them to understand how godawful these people had made things.

The image expanded and Neva pointed at one planet in the system. "If you look here..." And on it went from there, people bandying about theories, questions, and ideas. Chief Neva had found her true place...

The unique thing about his earbuds - a gift from Commander Said at his promotion to CPO - was that while they were noise cancelling on sounds, when it came to voices the music faded out and voice came forward.  So when Chief Cordon called on the engineers to gather, Lahr actually heard it.     He watched as the Ensigns and fourth year cadets clustered about her as she stood at 'pool table' - the engineering main console.

As an enlisted, who lacked the years of theoretical training that that the officers and cadets had, there was likely nothing he could offer to the conversation yet Lahr listened from his station.  The idea that this species had figured out how to 'fold' space was rather remarkable.  It was just a damn shame that it came with huge time distortion issues.

The ship needed to be able to navigate through these just in order to approach the system, much less the planet.  Ideas on how to deal with that were brainstormed; and after hearing someone remark that no idea was too outrageous even Lahr offered up one.

He lifted a hand like it he was calling for a teacher's attention. "Yo, Chief Cordon, if real space and time are being distorted and we need to travel through it to get to the planet...  what if we take ourselves out of sync with normal space and time? The distortions shouldn't affect the ship then, right?"

There were numerous incidents rumored to have happened to some of the Fleet's more famous flagships wherein they were out of phase... with normal space and time.   How to actually do that Lahr had no clue... but that's what science folks - like Ruth - were for.   Thinking of Ruth and how she would have had a solution in no time only had the Andorian missing her all the more.   His antennae sagged a bit more.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Main Engineering] (after planning session)
Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 19, 2024, 07:36:11 AM

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Main Engineering]

Neva looked equally worried and about to laugh at Lahr's reaction to her. Before she could stop herself, she felt his tiredness and worry over someone. Shaking it off, she smiled. "Thank you, Lahr, that's high praise indeed."

Neva looked around then back at the Andorian. With a smirk, she murmured. "Lahr,  lets drop the 'ma'am' and 'Chief' between you and I. Since we've worked together a good bit before this, lets agree that you can call me 'Neva' from here on." She dropped the smirk to one of slight embarrassment. "Chief Cordon is too damned formal anyway."

Straightening up, she turned away from him and scanned the room. "Hey Gang, listen up!" She called with a smile. "From now on, do not call me 'Chief Cordon' from here on out." She took a deep but shaky breath, then continued. "When you talk to or about me, its 'Chief Neva,' ok?" She smirked as she took in their mostly surprised faces and softly chuckled. "Yes everyone, i am serious. Live it, love it, do it! Dismissed!" She turned back to Lahr. "Lets go to my office, ok?" Neva asked with a smile. "We need to get all that stupid  formal stuff out of the way."

"Neva..." the Andorian parroted back testingly.  It sounded a little awkward at first, but then Lahr was usually one to prefer things less formal.

"Alright, hope you don't regret it." he remarked, then listened as she addressed the rest of the staff in main engineering -  noting her preference for 'Chief Neva'.   That could work, and was less likely for others to claim him being rude or disrespectful.

As he followed her towards her office at her suggestion, he wondered what more formal stuff there was to deal with.
Once in her office, Lahr took a seat.   He looked about, curiously.  In all his 2 years prior within Engineering, Lahr realized that this was the first time he'd actually been invited into inside the Chief's office.  The Tellerite usually would just yell at him from the main room, where everyone could hear.   This was kinda novel.

"So... Neva...forgive me for asking but what'd I do to deserve this 'special' treatment?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on January 18, 2024, 05:17:21 PM

[ USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography ]

"Unfortunately, the new personnel aren't going to get the opportunity to settle in." He shook his head, sensing Tora's concern at the intrusion. Honestly, he wasn't entirely certain how the duty of greeting them had gotten shuffled over to her, but he wasn't going to complain. It made his life easier, and it seemed she was ecstatic about the duty.

"But don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to help them out, we're going right back up. But, we have about thirty hours to come up with some answers for the Captain, and adding in a proper welcoming committee to that is complicated." He stepped further into the room, motioning for Tora to do the same if she chose to. "Especially with half of our senior personnel getting whisked off. So," He motioned to Hyperion, who by now had made his appearance. "Reinforcements!"

Allowing the bot to introduce himself, he shot a muted smile to the AI. "Glad to hear it. You're still mobile, right?" Unfortunately. "I'd like to bring you up to deck 8 to make it easier to coordinate. Ensign Zalos is helping out with acclimating a few new recruits with our labs before they get to work, and I thought to best streamline the process, you could confirm and forward any data that is catalogued from the labs. Savar and Randell are swamped, and I have to go through the new personnel files for them to all get their codes and schedules."

With a nod, he turned back to Tora to further explain his reasoning for dragging her off. "Since you will primarily be teaching and helping them with how to properly document everything, I thought it best you meet Hyperion first. I imagine there will be a bit of a fuss in the labs once they see him."

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Stellar Cartography|Deck 15|USS Challenger]

"Oh. Right." Tora smiled at the android. They had an android on board? Now that was interesting. Very interesting. Maybe, just maybe, she'd have to find some way to find out more - not only as an anthropologist, but also out of personal interest. His views of the world would tell her plenty about where he'd been and the cultures he'd met with - or perhaps been programmed with. Now that was fascinating.

"I'd be happy to help introduce him, sir." Tora replied. "Just in case some of them get antsy around him. Is there anything else you require of me?"

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Deck 4 - Enlisted Crew Mess Hall]

Almost as if it had been timed to perfection, Abas felt the thrum of the ship as she dropped from warp into L7-425977. Modern ships were marvels of engineering, from the ground up designed to be beacons of comfort, Federation style, and technological innovation. However, at the end of the day, they were still massive mechanical beasts of burden, an interconnected hive of systems and harmonics. Abas couldn't pretend to understand everything when it came to how he could tell (that was the domain of the Engineers), but he could still somehow feel when the ship dropped from warp. Something about the subtle vibrations and hum of equipment.

For Abas's part, the days continued to run together smoothly. Day in and day out, the average life of an enlisted crewmember was rather benign. The ship relied on the unseen, unheard true lower decks - a phrase that belonged to the Enlisted crew no matter how much idealistic, upstart Ensigns might want to claim it - to keep the ship in working order and ensure that the crew was on their A-Game. While Officers led, gave orders, and did chip in their fair share of work (for the most part), it was the Enlisted who turned the button-presses on the Bridge into action and dutifully carried out the commands they were given.

The last few days had been just like any other days. With over 500 crew onboard, the needs of the medical staff were constant. Physicals, Lab Tests, responses to normal everyday bumps and scrapes, and the occasional disease of random origins, the days were constantly abuzz with activity, though little of it was particularly exciting.

For the moment, Abas was enjoying a few minutes of peace in the Enlisted crewman's mess hall. While not as ornate or fancy as the other mess facilities, this was a perfectly sufficient place to grab a quick meal, where it was exceptionally rare to run into any officers. This made the hall a hotbed of gossip among the lower-enlisted information superhighway, which seemed to travel faster than any isolinear circuit, as well as a place where a relaxed, carefree attitude could be adopted like sailors of old. No ranks, no responsibilities, just a place to let loose.

He listened to the dull hum of voices as he ate his meal. He had around twenty minutes before he had to report back to his station - one of the ready medical stations on deck three, home of the children's primary school. It was a hotbed of injuries, routinely coming in the top parts of the ship for minor medical incidents. But that was the life of schoolchildren - and so life on the starship continued.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 17, 2024, 10:35:10 AM

[Briefing Room - Deck 1 - USS Challenger]

As Ian listened to Jettis' report his heart sank. Artificial power meant intelligence, given no warp signatures had been detected, that implied they were dealing with a pre-warp civilization and now the Prime Directive was active. He pinched his nose bridge in an effort to suppress the headache threatening to form.

"Well, that news bloody complicates things. If'n we truly are dealin' with a pre-warp civilization, we have ta tread lightly. Now the question I have for you Lieutenant Jyur is, what kind of technology are these buggers muckin' about with that's bendin' temporal stability? We'll enter the system by 2000 hours tomorrow. Science has got 30 hours ta find some answers. Dismissed."

Ian stood and as he filed out of the briefing room he intercepted Jettis before he could leave.

"I ken full well you nae like Hyperion, but he is an astrometrics expert, I'm certain he will be very useful ta the chartin' that needs ta be done. It would be useful for the cadets ta get ta ken the little bugger, he is a useful resource and is grossly underutilized. This mission is a chance for him ta shine. He has apologized and has promised ta never kidnap you again you know."

Ian clapped Jettis on the shoulder and returned to his ready room to continue to study the personnel files of the new people.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | En route to L7-425977 System]

While Mrekrerhas expected the Captain to answer his question, he was glad to have a member of Science like Lieutenant Jyur chip in to do so. He frowned momentarily as the Lieutenant admitted that there was no information he could employ to prepare the men and women under his command, in case things got rough. He supposed that he would make do with what they discovered. He returned to a more neutral stance, silently agreeing with Jettis at the fact that they were being given people who were far too green and most likely problematic to carry out an important assignment like this one.

"Appreciated, Lieutenant Jyur. Such a clarification is vital for my subsequent steps to follow. If you require anything from Security, just allow me to know. We shalt assist to the best of our capabilities."

One of his ears swished at the Captain's response, as he deduced that they were more than likely working with a Pre-Warp civilization. Certainly not good. But, at least to the Caitian, it made no sense as to why they could be causing any kind of shifts in the temporal stability around them. Maybe it was a similar situation to the one he had already experienced. Maybe an ancient civilization's gifts (or curses) were causing havoc to the developing nations of the planet.

His interest was certainly piqued now, though, at the same time, he did not enjoy the idea of having to intervene in a nascent culture. Zhuk supposed that he would have to endure it, just like he always did. With this thought, he stood up from his seat and proceeded to head outside as the Captain dismissed them.

It was now time to test his new Security team. And to inspect the records of the rest of the crew that was transferred.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck 2 | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | En route to L7-425977 System]

Bursts of phaser fire coursed through the jungle, the sounds of feet shuffling under the fallen leaves under the tree canopy reached the Caitian's ears as he peeked from behind a fallen tree trunk. A mischievous grin came across his face as he prepared to engage the 'enemy'. He was immersed within an illusory jungle that he had asked the computer to construct, based on his observations back in Angdarr Prime. He thought that such a natural, but challenging environment would make for a perfect setting to test the newcomers.

He had divided the current Security team in two, with Devenport and Blackfeather leading the otherwise inexperienced members. Their objective was to defeat the opposing team, led by him, and composed of Zala, Koloz, and Thompson, as well as other established members of Security. To do so, they had to employ holographic Type-2 phaser rifles to disable their counterparts, and then take the flag tied around their belt. The stun effect only was programmed to last for five minutes, so no one was in true danger.

He had to admit, though he did not expect the group to do so well, they had thus far done a good job of maintaining themselves as a cohesive unit. Thompson and the rest of his team had been defeated, so only he, Koloz, and Zala remained. That wasn't to say that they had not given them a hard time back, however. This was meant to put them through the fire, after all, so only a team of six remained, Blackfeather and Davenport at the lead.

He glanced down at the three flags that he had acquired, allowing the footsteps to get closer and closer, until...

He swiftly peered out from the tree and sent forth a couple of shots to the chest that struck Davenport square on the chest, much to his delight, another one landing on one of the male Security officers, disabling him. Blackfeather and the rest quickly took cover behind a rock and fired against him. Using his Caitian agility, he swiftly moved out of view, changing his position towards another tree.

A cry of surprise then reached his ears, and it was at that moment that he realized that his plan had gone perfectly. Zala had been perched up at the top of one of the trees and had proven to be a spectacular sniper. Another burst of phaser came forth, and another grunt was produced. He peeked from the tree, noticing how the remainder of the opposite team had their backs turned from where he was now aiming. Unfortunately, he also noticed how Zala was hit by Blackfeather's careful aim.

Dang it!

He retreated to his cover and waited, as he wondered how he should proceed. Reaching Zala's flag would certainly be a challenge, so he either expected them to hunt him down, or attempt to head for the cloth. He hoped for the latter, as it would leave them vulnerable, but with Blackfeather still leading them, it was not likely.

Then, like an Ave Maria, he heard the war roar of a Klingon. He once more glanced in its direction, just to see a furious Koloz charging against the remaining two. A barrage of phaser fire met him, but he did not fall. In retrospect, he had realized far too late into the exercise that Koloz's powerful physiology meant that he needed way more power to be neutralized. It was something for them to remember.

Even then, though he managed to take Blackfeather down, he too fell into a slump, leaving only him and a remaining male human alone. He slowly approached him, wanting to congratulate him, but also, to savor the thrill of victory by himself. Using the natural elements as cover, as well as muffling his steps as much as possible, he surprised the man by pouncing just in front of him.

Instead of attempting to fire, or evade him, however, he fell onto his butt, dropping his rifle.

"Congratulations. You have proven to-"

"Ggguhh... n-no please... n-not again..." The human male broke in front of him, hyperventilating and beginning to ugly cry as he grabbed ahold of his curls and began to rock back and forth, "I-I don't want to be like them... n-not anymore... please... please no..."

Zhukdra'shar felt a sense of discomfort as he saw the sad scene. He thought about perhaps scolding the man for his behavior. Or maybe reprimand him later. He knew that if he fought like this, his enemies were not likely to have mercy.

But he could.

"I... do not worry... the exercise is over. No one shalt take you... uhm..."

He thought about approaching, glancing at the rest of the Security team for answers, that they could not give in their paralyzed state. Who had cleared him for duty, anyway? Argh...

He decided not to, and instead, called for the Ship's Counselor. It was the safest bet.

=/\= "Lieutenant Mills. I humbly request for thy expertise within Holodeck Two. I have a situation..." =/\=

30 hours later...
Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 19, 2024, 10:58:42 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger dropped out of warp on the outskirts of system L7-425977 exactly 30 hours later. The unnamed system only consisted of six planets, an outermost gas giant and five rocky inner worlds. It was the fourth planet that drew Ian's attention. Scans had revealed a pre-warp society roughly equivalent to Earth in 2080. There was an extensive network of satellites around the inhabited planet. Ops had tapped into this network and the Universal translator had easily cracked the local language.

The locals called the planet the rather prosaic name of "Land" and the star held the title of "Light". This gave the impression that the Landsers were an unimaginative people. However, very careful analysis of their technology showed they had devised a means of interstellar travel that was undocumented in any other civilization. This project was a planetary effort and was thus available on open source broadcasts. The locals called their invention "Fold Space'. The idea was as simple as it was innovative, rather than travel the distance between points in space, you essentially folded the map to bring the two points closer together.

Unfortunately, the Landser's primitive sensors failed to detect that in order to fold the space, it required a manipulation of space/time to activate and it was these unintended alterations that was causing the temporal ripples being felt throughout the region. Ian sat in the command chair and decided now was a good time to update his log.

"Captain's Log, supplemental, we have arrived at system L7-425977, now officially charted as the Landser system. It turns out the temporal disturbances are the result of a novel faster than light technology called Fold Space. While faster than light capability normal allows for immediate contact with a new civilization found ta possess that ability, there is a problem. The gold standard used by Starfleet is specifically warp capability, the Landsers dinnae have warp, which technically mean they fall under the Prime Directive. However, their technology is causin' repercussions far outside of their home system, which might be a loop hole ta the regulations. As a result, I find myself in a dilemma, break the Prime Directive ta inform the Landsers that their technology is too unstable or maintain the Prime Directive and figure out a way ta redirect an entire planetary project away from their goal. It is times like this I'd stayed a pilot. End log."

When Ian was finished with the log, he scanned the bridge and figured, he wasn't alone and he needed to tap into the resources he had available to him.

"Okay everyone. Anyone got any ideas?"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | L7-425977 System]

Zhukdra'shar gazed upon his Tactical Console as he analyzed the information gathered by its sensors. It certainly relieved him that at least he would not need to deal with a society that was still organized in tribes. But instead, they were attempting to take to the stars. He believed that made them more understanding and accepting of first contact, and less likely to impact them negatively, if the Prime Directive was correct. Which he supposed it was.

He took a moment to process it all within his mind, as he finally spoke up,

"Captain, mine suggestion is to send a small Security team to scout the current population and determine their state. With such intel, we may be able to proceed into perhaps making First Contact, or in a better case, find a way to communicate how their current operations may be devastating the temporal and spatial continuum. If such options are not feasible, I may also proceed with sabotaging their technology, so that they may not cause more harm."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 20, 2024, 07:09:18 AM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger]

As he sat cross-legged in what was now his chair, which was still too damned high, Kyan stifled a laugh recalling the incident as his current captain finished his own log entry. At Galloway's question, the diminutive First Officer shrugged.

"Well..." he began, looking over. "It's true so it is, that Starfleet does nae like tae go mucking around with pre-warp planets the now... but since they got themselves a Faster than Light engine... broken as it is... they could still come an visit any of the planets nearby... so I dinnae think it would hurt nothin if we go an talk to 'em... or at least go down an see things fer ourselves so."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyan and felt that the Onlie had the right of the situation. Technically the Landsers were not a warp capable civilization, but their absolutely unique technology did more than just bend space/time, it bent the regulations enough that making contact made more sense than not doing so. The question now was how to go about doing so. Looking at Kyan and imagining how him leading a first contact would be perceived he had to state the obvious.

"Kyan, while I have complete faith in you as my First Officer, for this particular situation, I believe I will have ta take lead. While I ken you are nae ta be trifled with, the Landsers will see a child and may not take you or the Federation seriously. I will beam down with a small team, myself, two security, and a science officer..."

"Excuse me Sir."

Lieutenant Randall at Science Two spoke.

"I do not recommend any transporter use. Between those temporal disruptions and the chroniton particles that have accumulated in our ablative armor since we've been so long without a stop at a spacedock you could materialize any when."

Ian smirked at this information and replied.

"Aye, that would nae be so good. Okay then, I will take down the Onizuka, she's a Type-9 and should appear less intimidatin'. However, Ops, I want ta try and speak ta someone in the Landser government before we arrive. I dinnae want ta create a panic."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on January 22, 2024, 10:36:22 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | L7-425977 System]

Zhukdra'shar gazed upon his Tactical Console as he analyzed the information gathered by its sensors. It certainly relieved him that at least he would not need to deal with a society that was still organized in tribes. But instead, they were attempting to take to the stars. He believed that made them more understanding and accepting of first contact, and less likely to impact them negatively, if the Prime Directive was correct. Which he supposed it was.

He took a moment to process it all within his mind, as he finally spoke up,

"Captain, mine suggestion is to send a small Security team to scout the current population and determine their state. With such intel, we may be able to proceed into perhaps making First Contact, or in a better case, find a way to communicate how their current operations may be devastating the temporal and spatial continuum. If such options are not feasible, I may also proceed with sabotaging their technology, so that they may not cause more harm."

On hearing Zhuk's input, Ian had to pause and rethink his strategy. It would be good to have a grasp of the Landser's attitudes about aliens. One would think if they were about to explore space, they would be open to meeting other species, but they could be raging xenophobes for all they knew. Ian nodded and made his decision.

"Very good suggestion Lieutenant. Guess you will get ta lead the way after all Kyan Lad. I still suggest takin' the Onizuka, which will limit your team ta four.

"Once I have your report, then I'll have an idea of who ta talk ta and how ta proceed."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 20, 2024, 09:13:18 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Main Engineering] (immediately after briefing meeting)

The unique thing about his earbuds - a gift from Commander Said at his promotion to CPO - was that while they were noise cancelling on sounds, when it came to voices the music faded out and voice came forward.  So when Chief Cordon called on the engineers to gather, Lahr actually heard it.     He watched as the Ensigns and fourth year cadets clustered about her as she stood at 'pool table' - the engineering main console.

As an enlisted, who lacked the years of theoretical training that that the officers and cadets had, there was likely nothing he could offer to the conversation yet Lahr listened from his station.  The idea that this species had figured out how to 'fold' space was rather remarkable.  It was just a damn shame that it came with huge time distortion issues.

The ship needed to be able to navigate through these just in order to approach the system, much less the planet.  Ideas on how to deal with that were brainstormed; and after hearing someone remark that no idea was too outrageous even Lahr offered up one.

He lifted a hand like it he was calling for a teacher's attention. "Yo, Chief Cordon, if real space and time are being distorted and we need to travel through it to get to the planet...  what if we take ourselves out of sync with normal space and time? The distortions shouldn't affect the ship then, right?"

There were numerous incidents rumored to have happened to some of the Fleet's more famous flagships wherein they were out of phase... with normal space and time.   How to actually do that Lahr had no clue... but that's what science folks - like Ruth - were for.   Thinking of Ruth and how she would have had a solution in no time only had the Andorian missing her all the more.   His antennae sagged a bit more.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Main Engineering] (after planning session)

"Neva..." the Andorian parroted back testingly.  It sounded a little awkward at first, but then Lahr was usually one to prefer things less formal.

"Alright, hope you don't regret it." he remarked, then listened as she addressed the rest of the staff in Main Engineering -  noting her preference for 'Chief Neva'.   That could work, and was less likely for others to claim him being rude or disrespectful.

As he followed her towards her office at her suggestion, he wondered what more formal stuff there was to deal with.
Once in her office, Lahr took a seat.   He looked about, curiously.  In all his 2 years prior within Engineering, Lahr realized that this was the first time he'd actually been invited into inside the Chief's office.  The Tellerite usually would just yell at him from the main room, where everyone could hear.   This was kinda novel.

"So... Neva...forgive me for asking but what'd I do to deserve this 'special' treatment?"

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Chief Engineer's Office]

Neva walked behind him, heading first to the replicator. She asked for her signature coffee, then looked at Lahr with an inquiring eye. "Go ahead and get something if you want." She  then went to her desk, sliding in behind it.

Neva gave a slightly embarrassed shrug at his question. "Well, it's honestly very simple. As I said before, we've worked together enough that you calling me 'Chief' just feels...well, wrong." She cocked her head a little and smiled at him. "I could honestly use someone to help me with this. Someone who knows what's going on and can occasionally-" Neva gave him a hopeful smile. "Give me a push in the right direction?"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Chief Engineers's Office]

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 22, 2024, 12:40:46 PM

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Chief Engineer's Office]

Neva walked behind him, heading first to the replicator. She asked for her signature coffee, then looked at Lahr with an inquiring eye. "Go ahead and get something if you want." She  then went to her desk, sliding in behind it.

Neva gave a slightly embarrassed shrug at his question. "Well, it's honestly very simple. As I said before, we've worked together enough that you calling me 'Chief' just feels...well, wrong." She cocked her head a little and smiled at him. "I could honestly use someone to help me with this. Someone who knows what's going on and can occasionally-" Neva gave him a hopeful smile. "Give me a push in the right direction?"

Lahr's antennae lifted a bit at the offer to replicate something.  For a moment he toyed with the idea of ordering an Andorian ale, just to see the look on her face but that wasn't at all professional and Lahr didn't want a harmless joke to forever be on his record if Neva wasn't the tolerant type.   So he'd order the next best thing.

The Andorian rose from his seat and moved to the replicator as she answered him as to why the special treatment.  It sounded like hogwash to him.  He couldn't recall a mission that the pair had actually been together on.  As an officer, she was selected for important away missions, while he remained behind on the ship.

Oh wait! There had been the one mission when Commander Mackenzie was kidnapped.  He'd volunteered to help on that... but even then they'd been split up almost immediately so hadn't really worked together.

From his position by the replicator Lahr, looked over toward the Betazoid, wondering if the Chief was in his head, reading his doubt.  "Can't guarantee I know what's going on, but yeah.. I'm often told I butt in where I'm not wanted all the time.. - usually about relationships - but yeah I can offer my thoughts on other things too, if you really want me to."

He turned to the replicator and ordered a Slug-o-cola in a can.  The taste wasn't as bad as most people expected - once you got over the thickness of the drink.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 21, 2024, 12:25:51 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Stellar Cartography|Deck 15|USS Challenger]

"Oh. Right." Tora smiled at the android. They had an android on board? Now that was interesting. Very interesting. Maybe, just maybe, she'd have to find some way to find out more - not only as an anthropologist, but also out of personal interest. His views of the world would tell her plenty about where he'd been and the cultures he'd met with - or perhaps been programmed with. Now that was fascinating.

"I'd be happy to help introduce him, sir." Tora replied. "Just in case some of them get antsy around him. Is there anything else you require of me?"


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger dropped out of warp on the outskirts of system L7-425977 exactly 30 hours later. The unnamed system only consisted of six planets, an outermost gas giant and five rocky inner worlds. It was the fourth planet that drew Ian's attention. Scans had revealed a pre-warp society roughly equivalent to Earth in 2080. There was an extensive network of satellites around the inhabited planet. Ops had tapped into this network and the Universal translator had easily cracked the local language.

The locals called the planet the rather prosaic name of "Land" and the star held the title of "Light". This gave the impression that the Landsers were an unimaginative people. However, very careful analysis of their technology showed they had devised a means of interstellar travel that was undocumented in any other civilization. This project was a planetary effort and was thus available on open source broadcasts. The locals called their invention "Fold Space'. The idea was as simple as it was innovative, rather than travel the distance between points in space, you essentially folded the map to bring the two points closer together.

Unfortunately, the Landser's primitive sensors failed to detect that in order to fold the space, it required a manipulation of space/time to activate and it was these unintended alterations that was causing the temporal ripples being felt throughout the region. Ian sat in the command chair and decided now was a good time to update his log.

"Captain's Log, supplemental, we have arrived at system L7-425977, now officially charted as the Landser system. It turns out the temporal disturbances are the result of a novel faster than light technology called Fold Space. While faster than light capability normal allows for immediate contact with a new civilization found ta possess that ability, there is a problem. The gold standard used by Starfleet is specifically warp capability, the Landsers dinnae have warp, which technically mean they fall under the Prime Directive. However, their technology is causin' repercussions far outside of their home system, which might be a loop hole ta the regulations. As a result, I find myself in a dilemma, break the Prime Directive ta inform the Landsers that their technology is too unstable or maintain the Prime Directive and figure out a way ta redirect an entire planetary project away from their goal. It is times like this I'd stayed a pilot. End log."

When Ian was finished with the log, he scanned the bridge and figured, he wasn't alone and he needed to tap into the resources he had available to him.

"Okay everyone. Anyone got any ideas?"


On hearing Zhuk's input, Ian had to pause and rethink his strategy. It would be good to have a grasp of the Landser's attitudes about aliens. One would think if they were about to explore space, they would be open to meeting other species, but they could be raging xenophobes for all they knew. Ian nodded and made his decision.

"Very good suggestion Lieutenant. Guess you will get ta lead the way after all Kyan Lad. I still suggest takin' the Onizuka, which will limit your team ta four.

"Once I have your report, then I'll have an idea of who ta talk ta and how ta proceed."

[ USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography ]

Jettis shook his head, smiling at her acceptance of the duty. "No, that is all. I will let you coordinate with Hyperion before we head up to the main labs. Most of the newbies should be back by then, and you can get them oriented while I conjure up their official shifts."

Nodding, he shot a parting glance to Hyperion, before leaving once they had gotten the details sorted.

[ Thirty hours later... - USS Challenger - Bridge - Science Station One ]

After some gruelling hours of work and a short reprieve for rest, Jettis was back on shift again. Bridge duty, ironically, was the least excitement he'd had in the past few days, and he welcomed the reprieve. Even though looking at numbers was starting to hurt his eyes.

He didn't have much to input by way of a decision, but decided to throw in his hat for what they had in sheer information so far. "From what we've uprooted in planet to satellite communications so far, we haven't figured out yet if they've discovered any indication of life outside their system, yet. No logs of interstellar trading, and given they've spun out a few passing ships I'm willing to bet they have no idea."

He shot a look towards the security officer. "But, just because they can't detect the anomalies doesn't tell us what they can detect. No telling if your shuttle will get tractor-beamed if you get spotted by air control." He laughed. "So you may err on the side of caution, we can only beam you out in an absolute emergency."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 23, 2024, 03:24:45 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Chief Engineers's Office]

Lahr's antennae lifted a bit at the offer to replicate something.  For a moment he toyed with the idea of ordering an Andorian ale, just to see the look on her face but that wasn't at all professional and Lahr didn't want a harmless joke to forever be on his record if Neva wasn't the tolerant type.   So he'd order the next best thing.

The Andorian rose from his seat and moved to the replicator as she answered him as to why the special treatment.  It sounded like hogwash to him.  He couldn't recall a mission that the pair had actually been together on.  As an officer, she was selected for important away missions, while he remained behind on the ship.

Oh wait! There had been the one mission when Commander Mackenzie was kidnapped.  He'd volunteered to help on that... but even then they'd been split up almost immediately so hadn't really worked together.

From his position by the replicator Lahr, looked over toward the Betazoid, wondering if the Chief was in his head, reading his doubt.  "Can't guarantee I know what's going on, but yeah.. I'm often told I butt in where I'm not wanted all the time.. - usually about relationships - but yeah I can offer my thoughts on other things too, if you really want me to."

He turned to the replicator and ordered a Slug-o-cola in a can.  The taste wasn't as bad as most people expected - once you got over the thickness of the drink.

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Chief Engineer's Office]

Neva smirked at his choice of drink. It was weird, but then he was Andorian and they had different tastes. Despite this, she asked. "I expected you to choose something else, but whatever..." She took a drink and set the mug down, leaning forward and setting her elbows on the desk. The joking demeanor had settled into a slightly serious one. "I gotta get this out of the way, cuz I can tell even without being sensitive. I'm not going to be like Chief Tharn, so you can relax right there. You gave a very good call on how to handle our less-than-bright friends' antics. I asked for a group think tank and you're part of that. I don't disregard out of hand what I asked for in the first place."

Neva gave him a meaningful look as she leaned back in her chair again and grabbed her coffee. "To be honest, as nervous and doubtful I am at getting this position, I want someone who can call me to the mat when I screw up." Her grin turned a little less confident. "I learned early on in my life that the best intel from is the people who don't outrank you."

Neva downed the rest of her drink and set it down, skating it a little further away with her fingers. She then folded her arms and sat back, a questioning look on her face. "So...what do you think? Wanna run screaming now?" She gave a cocky grin and chuckled softly.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 22, 2024, 10:50:40 AM

"Very good suggestion Lieutenant. Guess you will get ta lead the way after all Kyan Lad. I still suggest takin' the Onizuka, which will limit your team ta four.

"Once I have your report, then I'll have an idea of who ta talk ta and how ta proceed."

The standard "Captains can't go on away missions to random, possibly hostile planets argument died on Kyan's tongue as Galloway reversed himself. Instead, he nodded and jumped out of his seat and headed for the turbolift. "Arright den. Jettis and Zhuk, lets go."

He thought about doing the Halloween thing like was often done on these types of missions, but eschewed that idea so that the Caitian would be spared the indignity of having his fur shaved. Well, that and that fact that even if they did shave him, there was still the tail and obvious felinoid features to consider. In addition, Kyan had seen the profile on the Landsers. It would take the medical staff forever to put those ears on everyone and get the skin tone right.

And Zhuk wouldn't have been the only one getting shaved. The Landsers all seemed to prefer a mohawk hairstyle. There was no way Kyan was letting the ship's barber do that to him.

=/\= Mackenzie tae Cordon, meet us in the shuttlebay in ten minutes... an bring four Isolation suits. Oh.. an one's fer me so it is, so dinnae get me the grup size. =/\=

When the lift doors had opened and everyone was inside, Kyan ordered it to deck nineteen. Then as the doors closed he turned to the other two, "So umm.. Are either of ye good at flying shuttles?"

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Chief Engineers's Office]

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 23, 2024, 10:40:24 AM

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Chief Engineer's Office]

Neva smirked at his choice of drink. It was weird, but then he was Andorian and they had different tastes. Despite this, she asked. "I expected you to choose something else, but whatever..." She took a drink and set the mug down, leaning forward and setting her elbows on the desk. The joking demeanor had settled into a slightly serious one. "I gotta get this out of the way, cuz I can tell even without being sensitive. I'm not going to be like Chief Tharn, so you can relax right there. You gave a very good call on how to handle our less-than-bright friends' antics. I asked for a group think tank and you're part of that. I don't disregard out of hand what I asked for in the first place."

Neva gave him a meaningful look as she leaned back in her chair again and grabbed her coffee. "To be honest, as nervous and doubtful I am at getting this position, I want someone who can call me to the mat when I screw up." Her grin turned a little less confident. "I learned early on in my life that the best intel from is the people who don't outrank you."

Neva downed the rest of her drink and set it down, skating it a little further away with her fingers. She then folded her arms and sat back, a questioning look on her face. "So...what do you think? Wanna run screaming now?" She gave a cocky grin and chuckled softly.

Lahr popped the tab on his cola, letting the carbonation out.  The fizz in the thick drink came out sounding like a wet fart - which quite honestly, was a huge part of it's appeal to the comedic Andorian.  He then took a long swallow of his cola draining nearly half the can while the Chief talked and commented that she wasn't going to be like the Tellerite.  Lahr hoped not.

When she stated she was looking for someone to call her to the mat when she screwed up, Lahr finally realized where this was going.  Did he really want to saddled with yet more responsibilities? No.  But he also tended to give that sort of advice freely anyways - another reason why Tharn hadn't been his biggest fan.  At least this way it would be expected of him, and he'd be less likely to be on the Chief's bad side.

"I can do that, no problem.  But is there any added incentives for me?  Like a hazard pay of extra credits for risking being sent to scrub the hull when you don't like what I have to say?"  It might sound like a joke but Lahr was being serious.  He could use the extra credits to help finance the continued search for Ruth.

[30 hrs later....]

Lahr's sleep had been rather restless - disrupted and filled with nightmares - like it had been ever since he'd heard the news of Ruth being MIA after the Frontier Day massacre.  He was exhausted but couldn't get restful sleep so instead he stayed awake using caffeine or alcohol.    Today was no different. Because he was on shift again today, Lahr chose to start his day with the former rather than the latter.

He brought a large mug with him into Main Engineering.  To stave off the concerns about 'spilled drinks' on sensitive electronics, Lahr had his drink topped with a 'no-spill' sippy cup lid.

"Morning everyone!" Lahr called out cheerily as he took his station, but those observant enough would note that his antennae still drooped.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 22, 2024, 10:50:40 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyan and felt that the Onlie had the right of the situation. Technically the Landsers were not a warp capable civilization, but their absolutely unique technology did more than just bend space/time, it bent the regulations enough that making contact made more sense than not doing so. The question now was how to go about doing so. Looking at Kyan and imagining how him leading a first contact would be perceived he had to state the obvious.

"Kyan, while I have complete faith in you as my First Officer, for this particular situation, I believe I will have ta take lead. While I ken you are nae ta be trifled with, the Landsers will see a child and may not take you or the Federation seriously. I will beam down with a small team, myself, two security, and a science officer..."

"Excuse me Sir."

Lieutenant Randall at Science Two spoke.

"I do not recommend any transporter use. Between those temporal disruptions and the chroniton particles that have accumulated in our ablative armor since we've been so long without a stop at a spacedock you could materialize any when."

Ian smirked at this information and replied.

"Aye, that would nae be so good. Okay then, I will take down the Onizuka, she's a Type-9 and should appear less intimidatin'. However, Ops, I want ta try and speak ta someone in the Landser government before we arrive. I dinnae want ta create a panic."

On hearing Zhuk's input, Ian had to pause and rethink his strategy. It would be good to have a grasp of the Landser's attitudes about aliens. One would think if they were about to explore space, they would be open to meeting other species, but they could be raging xenophobes for all they knew. Ian nodded and made his decision.

"Very good suggestion Lieutenant. Guess you will get ta lead the way after all Kyan Lad. I still suggest takin' the Onizuka, which will limit your team ta four.

"Once I have your report, then I'll have an idea of who ta talk ta and how ta proceed."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | L7-425977 System]

At the praise offered, Zhuk could not help but puff out his chest and lift his chin slightly. It was good that he maintained a competent appearance, especially with the Captain, to reassure any doubts that he was fit for the role of Chief of Security. And he too was glad that his idea had been taken into consideration. Being careful and observant always carried good results, he firmly believed. And, it would prevent the Captain from making an accidental faux pas or be interpreted as a potential danger to society.

"Much appreciated, Captain Galloway. And duly noted. I believe that such an operation can be achieved with a reduced number of individuals, for certain. It will benefit us to remain inconspicuous."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on January 23, 2024, 10:35:28 AM

[ USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography ]

Jettis shook his head, smiling at her acceptance of the duty. "No, that is all. I will let you coordinate with Hyperion before we head up to the main labs. Most of the newbies should be back by then, and you can get them oriented while I conjure up their official shifts."

Nodding, he shot a parting glance to Hyperion, before leaving once they had gotten the details sorted.

[ Thirty hours later... - USS Challenger - Bridge - Science Station One ]

After some gruelling hours of work and a short reprieve for rest, Jettis was back on shift again. Bridge duty, ironically, was the least excitement he'd had in the past few days, and he welcomed the reprieve. Even though looking at numbers was starting to hurt his eyes.

He didn't have much to input by way of a decision, but decided to throw in his hat for what they had in sheer information so far. "From what we've uprooted in planet to satellite communications so far, we haven't figured out yet if they've discovered any indication of life outside their system, yet. No logs of interstellar trading, and given they've spun out a few passing ships I'm willing to bet they have no idea."

He shot a look towards the security officer. "But, just because they can't detect the anomalies doesn't tell us what they can detect. No telling if your shuttle will get tractor-beamed if you get spotted by air control." He laughed. "So you may err on the side of caution, we can only beam you out in an absolute emergency."

Zhukdra'shar glanced over at Lieutenant Jyur as he offered his input. He supposed that he was correct. There was a chance that the shuttle may be detected, considering the level of advancement that the civilization had. Unfortunate, but Jettis was right. There was an inherent danger to his plan if things were not careful. Then again, perhaps there were ways to surmount the possibility of causing panic amongst the locals,

"I shalt exercise immense caution. You can be certain of that. Still, perhaps we could employ a cartographic map of sorts, to aid us in determining where precisely the satellite array lays and what their respective orbits entail. That way, we may avoid any unwanted contact even further, infiltrating ourselves within the gaps of their system."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 24, 2024, 04:50:12 PM

The standard "Captains can't go on away missions to random, possibly hostile planets argument died on Kyan's tongue as Galloway reversed himself. Instead, he nodded and jumped out of his seat and headed for the turbolift. "Arright den. Jettis and Zhuk, lets go."

He thought about doing the Halloween thing like was often done on these types of missions, but eschewed that idea so that the Caitian would be spared the indignity of having his fur shaved. Well, that and that fact that even if they did shave him, there was still the tail and obvious felinoid features to consider. In addition, Kyan had seen the profile on the Landsers. It would take the medical staff forever to put those ears on everyone and get the skin tone right.

And Zhuk wouldn't have been the only one getting shaved. The Landsers all seemed to prefer a mohawk hairstyle. There was no way Kyan was letting the ship's barber do that to him.

=/\= Mackenzie tae Cordon, meet us in the shuttlebay in ten minutes... an bring four Isolation suits. Oh.. an one's fer me so it is, so dinnae get me the grup size. =/\=

When the lift doors had opened and everyone was inside, Kyan ordered it to deck nineteen. Then as the doors closed he turned to the other two, "So umm.. Are either of ye good at flying shuttles?"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge --> Main Shuttlebay | Deck One --> Deck Nineteen | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | L7-425977 System]

Zhukdra'shar nodded at Kyan as he instructed him to follow to Deck Nineteen. He was happy to be chosen for the job, though he had little doubts that as he had concocted the plan, he would be indeed chosen. So sure he was, that he had forgotten that his Caitian physiology made him much different from the Landsers, and thus, he would not be able to pass as one of them. Fortunately, Kyan had foreseen this and asked for an isolation suit for the four that would go. The Security Lieutenant became only slightly irked. He did not enjoy the idea of having to use what could be a clunky suit for him, though he had a way yet of adapting it to be more comfortable,

=/\= "Lieutenant Junior Grade Cordon. Be advised that another of such Isolation suits shalt be for my use. If you could adapt it to better incorporate a Caitian individual, that would be appreciated." =/\=

He stepped in the turbolift and walked to the back, now more comfortable that he had spoken up, so that his needs would be taken in account. He leaned back and crossed his arms, placidly waiting for the turbolift to reach its destination... up until Kyan made a question that disarmed him,

"I... would not say that I have much experience on flying shuttles, however," He admitted, much to his chagrin, "Not... practical, at the very least. I took a couple of courses within the Academy but... never flew one. They were only Holodeck simulacrums. So while I am certain that I could pilot it, I would most likely not be discreet enough. Perhaps. What about you, Lieutenant Jyur?"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.