S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation

Started by Ian Galloway, January 08, 2024, 12:30:54 PM

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Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on February 26, 2024, 04:06:02 AM


Maddy tensed at the thought of getting a shot, but she let the doctor give her the medicine. She wasn't going to show her new friends she was scared.  They were already scared enough.  "œOkie." she said, giving a brave face. She was feeling a lot better now. It didn't hurt all that much like she thought it would.  Why her mom didn't like getting shots or seeing doctors, she didn't know.

"œ Did other people get headaches too?  Why'd everyone get hurt all at the same time? Can I help?" she asked, her normal curious self returning as she noticed the teacher come over to the doctor with a message.  "œI guess Daddy is worried . "œ she said, noting that as she could finally hear him again without it hurting.


The quiet hiss of the hypo was all that gave away the injection, over as soon as it had started. The medicines worked quickly, and either through the fortune of modern knowledge, the impact of the placebo effect, or maybe a combination of both the young girl's headache soon disappeared. Abas nodded, blinking his pale-white eyes as he deftly placed the hypo back in its case. "Yes, many people got headaches. I got one too, quite severe. But it passed and we're okay now," he said, trying his best to be reassuring.

When it came to what had caused the situation, Abas was in many ways not that much more knowledgeable than Maddy herself. He also didn't want to scare her, but he shared what he knew and what he thought would be best for her to hear. Abas wasn't a parent - and he wasn't exactly good with children. He didn't like talking aloud at the best of times, but far less when he had to limit his words even further. "A planet we're around was testing a spaceship, and it had side effects. They didn't mean to, I'm sure," he said. It wasn't the full truth, but it was all he really knew. He didn't mention what he knew about other ship crewmembers stuck on the planet, or what he had overheard on the bridge - and it wouldn't have done Maddy any good to hear it.

He was also keenly aware of the other children in the area listening in. If one started to panic, they would all panic. If he could keep her calm, maybe they could keep the rest of the children calm enough to continue fine. The little shows of strength from each of them would hopefully set them up well for whatever was to come next. But only time would tell how they would react, and if anything Abas said would assuage them. He sensed the presence of the teacher walking over to him, and without looking up, spoke. "How can I help, ma'am?" he asked, fidgeting briefly with the enlisted rank insignia on his neck before standing back upright from where he had been with Maddy.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 19 - Main Shuttlebay >>> Port Nacelle]

Quote from: Alexander Wu on February 25, 2024, 07:53:12 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"Grelek, can you take care of that please?" Alex asked, his mind still very much on his daughter's unknown level of hurting. Forcing himself back into thinking like a commander for a second, he added, "Keep a sensor lock on that crewman's EVA suit and monitor their progress, keep an open channel with them during the repairs."

"Yes sir." Grelek had no visuals to watch, with their outboard cameras all inactive, but he still brought up the tracking screen to follow along.

=/\="Workbee A-3, this is Petty Officer Grelek. Permission granted, proceed as filed to the portside nacelle. We will be maintaining an open commlink for the EVA." =/\=

Inside his EV suit, Lahr grinned at hearing the Vulcan's monotone voice.  It had been a while.  During Lahr's nine month absence searching for Ruth, Grelek had been assigned a new cabinmate.  Now Lahr was assigned with Blackfeather, and while the man was an amazing Sec/Tac Petty Officer, he wasn't the sort that took to Lahr's sort of tomfoolery as well as Grelek had.

With permission granted, the rest of DCT1 moved away from the workbee, as Hicks lifted the Workbee off the deck and toward the forcefield that kept the airpressure in the mainshuttle.  A moment later they were out the shuttlebay with an expansive view of space and the planet below.

With the comms no longer being used for directing the workbee out of the shuttlebay, Lahr took advantage of the captive audience.  =/\= "Hey Grel! Good to hear your voice, buddy!  Never thought I'd miss it - especially your singing, but yeah... I did.  Even the whole of Earth's database of other Vulcan singers didn't cut it." =/\=

Though he was saying this to tease the Vulcan, it was in part true; the Andorian had tried to find the particular chant that Grelek normally practiced each morning in the shower, in the Earth's database, but nothing came close to it.

Then inspiration struck.  =/\= "Hey, any chance I can get you to help settle my nerves out here with a little bit of your Vulcan monk chanting?   It's been nearly a year since I last had to do this sort of spacewalk and it's a little be daunting.  I think your singing would help me keep calm and focused.  What do you say?" =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 26, 2024, 10:53:54 AM

The president arched her eyebrow at Neva's comments and her expression hardened even further.

"Commander, are subordinates always allowed to interrupt during negotiations in your Federation? I cannot say I care for her tone or her implications of our incompetency. The 'Great Work' is the product of generations of effort and our scientists have all agreed that it is safe. Our most recent test was a complete success and we are about to move to manned exploration with our next test. You now say our technology doesn't work when we have verified data that it does. You claim there are no hidden agendas, but it seems like you either want or fear our technology-"

Before the president could continue, an aide arrived and the two spoke telepathically for a moment before the president returned her attention to Kyan and the others.

"It seems you have reinforcements arriving. A small space craft has arrived with the blessing of the Moot Master. Care to explain this development Commander, or will your disrespectful underling care for another outburst?"

This. This right here was why he liked being a tactical officer or security chief. Because this didn't happen. It was simple. No people skills required. Get mission, do mission. Point and shoot. Some people decried the chaos that was always associated with conflict, but to Kyan, the chaos was home. It gave him focus. It left no time for second guessing and indecision. Diplomacy was tediously slow and there was too much talking, too many emotions, and way too much lying. Combat was honest. Intent was unambiguous from the beginning.

"Fighting is better than talking" If he ever got a ship of his own, that was going on the plaque. That or, Swords Rule and Pens Drool." Yeah"¦ that one was good too.

He glanced back at Zhuk and Neva before turning back to the Landser woman. "It's sorry I am for that, the which won't happen again."

The news about a shuttle arriving was fortunate though. "œZhuk," he turned to the Caitian. "œYou and Neva go check out the shuttle. I'll stay and handle this." When he turned back to the President he continued. "œBut, she's nae wrong in what she said. Yer space folding drive works as ye said it does. But theres also side effects from it that ye cannae ken because yer sensors cannae detect it. Ours can. That's why we come here, tae warn ye of it. We dinnae want yer technology. We're after warning you so ye dinnae makea mistake and hurt yerselves and others with it."

"Yes." K'ren replied cooly. "The... space time ruptures or... whatever they're called that our sensors can't detect. It seems as though if our engine were causing such disruptions, they would be evident, even to our"¦.primitive equipment."

Kyan heaved an exhasperated sigh. He was ready to just let them find out the hard way. They could beam back up to the ship"¦ or catch a ride with the shuttle and just drop a quarantine buoy on their way out of the system. But if the Landsers continued on their course, a buoy wouldn't save people from the damage that their engine was going to cause. Unlike the scientific misadventures of his own people, the damage wrought by Landser scientists mucking around with things they didn't fully understand would have damaging effects wherever they went.

An idea hit him just then. "œMadam President, on my own planet, we were nearly wiped out because our scientists couldn't understand the damage that their own "œGreat Work" was causing."

President K'ren arched an eyebrow, which Kyan took as an invitation to continue. "œWhen Mister Zhuk said that I just look like a "œjuvenile", he was wrong. I am. And I have been fer more den four hundred years. On my world, the scientists made a virus what was supposed to make aging slower. And it worked for all of us who are still alive so it did. But it only worked for kids. I've nae aged but a few months since then. The virus killed all the grups, what ye'd be after calling adults. And whenever one of us would start puberty, dey'd get the blue spots and die too. We was by ourselves for three hundred years until the Federation came. They cured the blue spots an now we're part of the Federation. An we're not the only ones. The Bajorans are in the Federation now too since we helped them after the Cardassian occupation. And there's others too." Kyan paused for a moment. "œSo ye see, the Federation is nae after stealin yer technology. We're only here tae help."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 27, 2024, 08:46:24 AM

This. This right here was why he liked being a tactical officer or security chief. Because this didn't happen. It was simple. No people skills required. Get mission, do mission. Point and shoot. Some people decried the chaos that was always associated with conflict, but to Kyan, the chaos was home. It gave him focus. It left no time for second guessing and indecision. Diplomacy was tediously slow and there was too much talking, too many emotions, and way too much lying. Combat was honest. Intent was unambiguous from the beginning.

"Fighting is better than talking" If he ever got a ship of his own, that was going on the plaque. That or, Swords Rule and Pens Drool." Yeah"¦ that one was good too.

He glanced back at Zhuk and Neva before turning back to the Landser woman. "It's sorry I am for that, the which won't happen again."

The news about a shuttle arriving was fortunate though. "œZhuk," he turned to the Caitian. "œYou and Neva go check out the shuttle. I'll stay and handle this." When he turned back to the President he continued. "œBut, she's nae wrong in what she said. Yer space folding drive works as ye said it does. But theres also side effects from it that ye cannae ken because yer sensors cannae detect it. Ours can. That's why we come here, tae warn ye of it. We dinnae want yer technology. We're after warning you so ye dinnae makea mistake and hurt yerselves and others with it."

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building->Outside]

It was all Neva could do to keep her eyes from rolling at the "underling" comment, though a smirk slipped out. When Kyan gave her leave, she nodded and turned on her heel, not waiting for Zhuk to join her. She wasn't sorry for what she said one bit, nor was she embarrassed. "Betazoid Blunt" had its uses and many times, other beings couldn't swallow that bitter pill.


"Yes." K'ren replied cooly. "The... space time ruptures or... whatever they're called that our sensors can't detect. It seems as though if our engine were causing such disruptions, they would be evident, even to our"¦.primitive equipment."

Kyan heaved an exasperated sigh. He was ready to just let them find out the hard way. They could beam back up to the ship"¦ or catch a ride with the shuttle and just drop a quarantine buoy on their way out of the system. But if the Landsers continued on their course, a buoy wouldn't save people from the damage that their engine was going to cause. Unlike the scientific misadventures of his own people, the damage wrought by Landser scientists mucking around with things they didn't fully understand would have damaging effects wherever they went.

An idea hit him just then. "œMadam President, on my own planet, we were nearly wiped out because our scientists couldn't understand the damage that their own "œGreat Work" was causing."

President K'ren arched an eyebrow, which Kyan took as an invitation to continue. "œWhen Mister Zhuk said that I just look like a "œjuvenile", he was wrong. I am. And I have been fer more den four hundred years. On my world, the scientists made a virus what was supposed to make aging slower. And it worked for all of us who are still alive so it did. But it only worked for kids. I've nae aged but a few months since then. The virus killed all the grups, what ye'd be after calling adults. And whenever one of us would start puberty, dey'd get the blue spots and die too. We was by ourselves for three hundred years until the Federation came. They cured the blue spots an now we're part of the Federation. An we're not the only ones. The Bajorans are in the Federation now too since we helped them after the Cardassian occupation. And there's others too." Kyan paused for a moment. "œSo ye see, the Federation is nae after stealin yer technology. We're only here tae help."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 27, 2024, 01:14:42 PM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building->Outside]

It was all Neva could do to keep her eyes from rolling at the "underling" comment, though a smirk slipped out. When Kyan gave her leave, she nodded and turned on her heel, not waiting for Zhuk to join her. She wasn't sorry for what she said one bit, nor was she embarrassed. "Betazoid Blunt" had its uses and many times, other beings couldn't swallow that bitter pill.

[Outside Magana Capital Hall]

Ardy landed the Mjolnir in the open area right in front of the steps that led into the capital. Lieutenant Zorr and Petty Officer Heesou exited the shuttle with full medical bags. They looked around for a moment, then locked onto Zhuk and Neva at which point, Zorr asked.

"I understand there is a medical emergency."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 27, 2024, 08:46:24 AM

This. This right here was why he liked being a tactical officer or security chief. Because this didn't happen. It was simple. No people skills required. Get mission, do mission. Point and shoot. Some people decried the chaos that was always associated with conflict, but to Kyan, the chaos was home. It gave him focus. It left no time for second guessing and indecision. Diplomacy was tediously slow and there was too much talking, too many emotions, and way too much lying. Combat was honest. Intent was unambiguous from the beginning.

"Fighting is better than talking" If he ever got a ship of his own, that was going on the plaque. That or, Swords Rule and Pens Drool." Yeah"¦ that one was good too.

He glanced back at Zhuk and Neva before turning back to the Landser woman. "It's sorry I am for that, the which won't happen again."

The news about a shuttle arriving was fortunate though. "œZhuk," he turned to the Caitian. "œYou and Neva go check out the shuttle. I'll stay and handle this." When he turned back to the President he continued. "œBut, she's nae wrong in what she said. Yer space folding drive works as ye said it does. But theres also side effects from it that ye cannae ken because yer sensors cannae detect it. Ours can. That's why we come here, tae warn ye of it. We dinnae want yer technology. We're after warning you so ye dinnae makea mistake and hurt yerselves and others with it."

"Yes." K'ren replied cooly. "The... space time ruptures or... whatever they're called that our sensors can't detect. It seems as though if our engine were causing such disruptions, they would be evident, even to our"¦.primitive equipment."

Kyan heaved an exhasperated sigh. He was ready to just let them find out the hard way. They could beam back up to the ship"¦ or catch a ride with the shuttle and just drop a quarantine buoy on their way out of the system. But if the Landsers continued on their course, a buoy wouldn't save people from the damage that their engine was going to cause. Unlike the scientific misadventures of his own people, the damage wrought by Landser scientists mucking around with things they didn't fully understand would have damaging effects wherever they went.

An idea hit him just then. "œMadam President, on my own planet, we were nearly wiped out because our scientists couldn't understand the damage that their own "œGreat Work" was causing."

President K'ren arched an eyebrow, which Kyan took as an invitation to continue. "œWhen Mister Zhuk said that I just look like a "œjuvenile", he was wrong. I am. And I have been fer more den four hundred years. On my world, the scientists made a virus what was supposed to make aging slower. And it worked for all of us who are still alive so it did. But it only worked for kids. I've nae aged but a few months since then. The virus killed all the grups, what ye'd be after calling adults. And whenever one of us would start puberty, dey'd get the blue spots and die too. We was by ourselves for three hundred years until the Federation came. They cured the blue spots an now we're part of the Federation. An we're not the only ones. The Bajorans are in the Federation now too since we helped them after the Cardassian occupation. And there's others too." Kyan paused for a moment. "œSo ye see, the Federation is nae after stealin yer technology. We're only here tae help."

[Inside Magana Capital Hall]

President K'ren looked at Kyan without expression. If his words had any impact, he simply couldn't tell until she spoke.

"A tragic tale to be sure Commander. However, your appearance on our would is most suspicious. You arrive just as we prove our Great Work is functional. Your 'help' seems like an attempt to trick us into giving our hard work to you. Thus you can stick to your claim that your Federation doesn't take what it wants.

"The most suspicious part of your claim is that our technology is causing problems with time, but you base this on your 'sensors' detecting something ours cannot. The Great Work is the culmination of our entire planet's effort. Even if I believed you, and I am not saying that I do, I cannot stop the progress of the tests. Only the Land Moot can decide such a major change. I will communicate with the Moot Master your concerns. Until then, I think it best that you remain here in Kormaga as our honored guests."

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 26, 2024, 10:53:54 AM

[Outside --> Inside Land Moot Hall]

When Ardy reported the Landsers were telepathic, Ian cringed as he'd always been suspicious of telepaths. However, it wasn't like he could do anything about it, they were here and he had to work with the circumstances he'd been given.

"Thank you Lieutenant, go ahead and get the doctor ta Kyan's team, they've asked for help."

Going inside the hall and seeing the Landser international seat of government, Ian could only imagine how much effort had gone into having a place where multiple nation-states could attempt to act in concert. Earth's UN tried and mostly failed in that role. When Inti asked his question, at least it was one Ian could answer.

"Members of the Land Moot. I am here because your 'Great Work' drew us here. While we applaud your success, our own scientists have long thought foldin' space was impossible, it turns out there is a dangerous side effect of the technology. You see, foldin' space also means foldin' time. This results in powerful temporal pulses that our sensors detected. The Federation has had interaction with time travel and have learned it is a dangerous thing. Thus, anything that involves time draws my government's attention. Your last test sent out a pulse that disrupted the systems on my ship and revealed our presence before we were ready ta talk ta you.

"Havin' studied your history and knowin' your desire ta reach the stars, I know that what I have ta say next will nae be popular, but popular or no, it must needs be said. We already know that your fold space technology has a temporal effect. We don't yet ken how that effect will interact with the fabric of space around Land. It is very possible that you could find yourselves isolated in a pocket of space/time separate from the rest of the Universe. We need time ta study your technology ta ensure it isn't goin' ta harm our space/time continuum. For now, I am askin' you ta suspend tests of your fold space until our scientists can work with yours ta secure all of our safety."

The silence that met Ian was deafening and he hoped that his words were not being seen as a declaration of war.

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Land Moot]

Someone had to get the ball rolling here; someone like them. Hard evidence would be more than convincing, Tora hoped - assuming, of course, these people weren't so obstinate in their beliefs. Hopefully the size of this cavernous government chamber also translated to open-mindedness to ideas and opinions. "Our crew and ship were substantially affected by your tests. Several of us were rendered unconscious by the effects of the temporal folding, for example Surely it is reasonable to conclude that the same might happen to others." Case in point, her own experience and that of many others. Imagine that backfiring on the Landsers themselves... or it being weaponized. "We would be pleased to show you some of the data we collected as well as the medical logs of those of us affected."

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on February 26, 2024, 10:00:45 PM

He was also keenly aware of the other children in the area listening in. If one started to panic, they would all panic. If he could keep her calm, maybe they could keep the rest of the children calm enough to continue fine. The little shows of strength from each of them would hopefully set them up well for whatever was to come next. But only time would tell how they would react, and if anything Abas said would assuage them. He sensed the presence of the teacher walking over to him, and without looking up, spoke. "How can I help, ma'am?" he asked, fidgeting briefly with the enlisted rank insignia on his neck before standing back upright from where he had been with Maddy.

[NPC Post: Teacher Muriel Atkins]

[USS Challenger - Schoolroom]

"Sorry to bother you, doctor, I have one of Maddy's parents calling and asking for an update on her, a Lieutenant Wu? He also asked about the other children as well." Muriel stood next to the medical officer, leaning closer so her commbadge would be able to pick up his voice. Many of Maddy's classmates seemed to gravitate towards them as well, finding the pale man's reassurance and his ability to make everything better comforting. Some of the braver ones even looked like they were on the cusp of raising hands to ask more questions about the spaceship and planet he had mentioned. =/\="Lieutenant, are you still there? I have the doctor on the line now, Maddison's here too, she's looking much better after her medicine!" =/\=


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 27, 2024, 06:49:56 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
With the comms no longer being used for directing the workbee out of the shuttlebay, Lahr took advantage of the captive audience.  =/\= "Hey Grel! Good to hear your voice, buddy!  Never thought I'd miss it - especially your singing, but yeah... I did.  Even the whole of Earth's database of other Vulcan singers didn't cut it." =/\=

Though he was saying this to tease the Vulcan, it was in part true; the Andorian had tried to find the particular chant that Grelek normally practiced each morning in the shower, in the Earth's database, but nothing came close to it.

Then inspiration struck.  =/\= "Hey, any chance I can get you to help settle my nerves out here with a little bit of your Vulcan monk chanting?   It's been nearly a year since I last had to do this sort of spacewalk and it's a little be daunting.  I think your singing would help me keep calm and focused.  What do you say?"

[NPC Post: Petty Officer 2nd Class Grelek]

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

If Lahr had hoped to cause Grelek any discomfiture, he would've been ecstatic to see that his teasing had elicited a single raised eyebrow from the otherwise expressionless Vulcan. Of course, the Andorian engineer wasn't currently privy to Grelek's facial betrayal or the wide variety of silent reactions from the other bridge crew. None of that hidden exasperation pervaded into his voice as he replied deadpanned, =/\="Searching Earth's database for Vulcan meditation chants would be equally as illogical as searching for Benedictine Gregorian chants on Vulcan. It is unsurprising you were unsuccessful." =/\=

=/\="The bridge is not the proper venue for retrospection. If the computer memory core was fully functional, I would suggest downloading your desired auditory compositions. However, I do not believe those datafiles are currently assessable." =/\=

Grelek would never admit it, but to those around him, he appeared to turn a slightly darker shade of green. He considered Lahr's request again, finally deciding that there was no significant disadvantage in accommodating the engineer's appeal.

=/\="Very well. I will assist you in completing your duties on this, and only this, instance. In the form of zhit-ralash-tanaf, I will recite for you, I'kushizhau etek salan." =/\=

Squaring his shoulders and taking a deep breath, Grelek began in a tonal, yet resonating, inflection. =/\="Vesht akarshif, lesh Vuhlkansular, ulidar t'falek, t'saluran-mazhiv, heh t'yontaun-yel. Vesht sharush solektra yokul etek, vesht tam-tor salan fi'urozh heh vok-tor kahrlar. Vesht tusa etek fna'kusut heh kali-tor na'rishan." =/\=

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Alexander Wu


[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Previously in Alex's occupation, the loss of control over any given situation was always anticipated but never welcomed, from a cargo bay losing grav plating to spilling coffee over one's pants right before giving a group presentation. He always tried to prepare for eventualities, like by keeping a spare change of clothes in his office, but there was only so much that could be done ahead of those unseen emergencies. Maddison being in danger was one of those things that couldn't be helped so long as he and Ardyn were on active duty, and he knew that. It didn't help with the guilt in knowing that she had to share in the same dangers as they did, and there was only so much he could do to protect her.

=/\="Yes, I'm still here, how are my daughter and the other children doing? Do you need any other resources?" =/\=

Waiting for a report from Atkins and the doctor, Alex had to force himself to refocus on the simultaneous issues demanding his attention, going over the most critical points again as he thought about what else could be done from their end to help Galloway and Mckenzie below. Integrating with the Landser satellite to communicate with the surface was a bust, apparently it's limited technology only allowed them to receive telemetry and messages from the away teams intermittently, with two-way communication impossible until their subspace transceiver antennas were repaired. That was being handled by Engineering. Booker was still monitoring the situation below, and the amount of electronic transmissions had compounded astronomically over the past hours, so much so that some of the nations were limiting usage to official government and military only.

"Randall, what's happening with that fold-space device?" Alex asked, turning to the science officer after a glance at Grelek, who was speaking rather oddly to the engineers working outside on the nacelle. "Any indications that it could be preparing for another test?"

Frowning, Randall squinted at his display, carefully reviewing the compiled sensor readings. "No movement or increased energy output so far. The probe has been uploading alot of data to it's base on the Landser moon, terrabytes of whatever it complied during it's programmed trip. Wait...there's a new signal emanating from the moon, I think they're transmitting something to the probe. Increased thermal readings, it's firing thrusters and moving into a lower orbit!"

"Put it on screen, magnify." Alex ordered, leaning forwards to visually study the object closer while going through all the options in his mind. Galloway had been cautious about doing anything which might provoke the Landsers, including interfering with their fold-space device, but if they intended on running another test, it could lead to a whole new unknown set of destructive variables. They had already detected multiple temporal anomalies in the planet's upper atmosphere, if they kept tearing new holes in the fabric of space time, the Landsers might not only wreak havoc with any travelers passing through the sector, but could also destroy the planet and themselves. Challenger was protected for now, but who knew how long it'd be before those on the planet surface began experiencing the effects. With Ardyn and the others below, it wasn't a risk Alex could afford to keep taking.

Frowning as the device reoriented itself when it reached a new lower altitude, Alex thought he saw something on it's previously hidden aspect, now turned towards them, an uncannily familiar feature on spacecraft that he was more accustomed to. "Is that a cockpit?" He asked incredulously. More strange sounds were coming from behind him, irritatingly distractive, but Alex brushed it off while examining the bulbous protuberance on the probe's otherwise smooth hull. "I think it is." Adelle confirmed from her vantage closer up front. "If they're moving the probe-or I guess ship is more accurate, into a lower orbit, could they be trying to put actual people on that thing?"

Cognizant that time was running out for them to noninvasively intervene, but that anything they did could jeopardize whatever, if any, progress Captain Galloway and the away teams had made below, Alex needed actual facts rather than presumptions more than ever. He needed two way communication. "Mr. Randall, prepare to deploy the dampening field. Ms. Booker, go to yellow alert. Grelek, what's the progress on-wait, are you singing?"

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 27, 2024, 02:49:47 PM

[Outside Magana Capital Hall]

Ardy landed the Mjolnir in the open area right in front of the steps that led into the capital. Lieutenant Zorr and Petty Officer Heesou exited the shuttle with full medical bags. They looked around for a moment, then locked onto Zhuk and Neva at which point, Zorr asked.

"I understand there is a medical emergency."


[Inside Magana Capital Hall]

President K'ren looked at Kyan without expression. If his words had any impact, he simply couldn't tell until she spoke.

"A tragic tale to be sure Commander. However, your appearance on our would is most suspicious. You arrive just as we prove our Great Work is functional. Your 'help' seems like an attempt to trick us into giving our hard work to you. Thus you can stick to your claim that your Federation doesn't take what it wants.

"The most suspicious part of your claim is that our technology is causing problems with time, but you base this on your 'sensors' detecting something ours cannot. The Great Work is the culmination of our entire planet's effort. Even if I believed you, and I am not saying that I do, I cannot stop the progress of the tests. Only the Land Moot can decide such a major change. I will communicate with the Moot Master your concerns. Until then, I think it best that you remain here in Kormaga as our honored guests."

Quote from: Tora Zalos on February 27, 2024, 09:40:27 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Land Moot]

Someone had to get the ball rolling here; someone like them. Hard evidence would be more than convincing, Tora hoped - assuming, of course, these people weren't so obstinate in their beliefs. Hopefully the size of this cavernous government chamber also translated to open-mindedness to ideas and opinions. "Our crew and ship were substantially affected by your tests. Several of us were rendered unconscious by the effects of the temporal folding, for example Surely it is reasonable to conclude that the same might happen to others." Case in point, her own experience and that of many others. Imagine that backfiring on the Landsers themselves... or it being weaponized. "We would be pleased to show you some of the data we collected as well as the medical logs of those of us affected."

[Land Moot]

Ardy nodded to the Cardassian scientist, thinking those same things, not really caring that the Landsers would "œhear" her thoughts. These people were likely going to kill themselves if they kept this %&#$ experiment going!

She already had mostly recovered from the first temporal wave, but she didn't know if there were any further side effects that they just didn't know about.  She had to say something.  If she had been affected, it would have probably been so much more for Maddy.  These people probably wouldn't stand a chance.

"œWhen those people get up there on the manned flight and fly into that thing, They're probably gonna get hit just as bad if not worse. The energy messes with your head and any telepathic abilities you've got? It'll make it so much worse. "œ

"œWe were able to protect ourselves somewhat and we still got hurt! How are you going to prevent the crew from dying?! "  she warned,  motioning to the others to head back to the shuttle.  The mood seemed to grow significantly more sour.  "œLet's get to our injured teammate. I think we might be wearing out our welcome ."

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 27, 2024, 02:49:47 PM

I will communicate with the Moot Master your concerns. Until then, I think it best that you remain here in Kormaga as our honored guests."[/color]

No wonder she didn't get to hang out with the other leaders at the big Land Moot. This woman was positively remedial. Kyan shook his head.

"No." he replied. "We won't. If you're after having a prisoner you can keep me. My crew is leaving. And if ye try and stop them, then I'll order them to defend themselves and yer people gettin hurt will be on you. My people are all bully marksmen. An our weapons are better'n yours."

Kyan though about drawing his own phaser but decided not to. Instead he crossed his arms and continued. "It's obvious the now that you're as daft as ye are blue. Them kids over there." he indicated the Landser children with a wave, "...got more brains than you do, and you're supposed tae be a leader?" Kyan laughed. "Ye got the ability tae read thoughts right? Tae see if folks is tell ye truth or lies? Read mine. Den you'll see. We came here tae help ye. If we wanted, we coulda destroyed yer space fold drive from orbit. We coulda bombed yer cities. Our ship has the ability to kill everyone on this planet. But we dinnae do any of those things. And we wouldn't do it, even if ye killed everyone we sent down here. Why d'ye think that is? When we came here, we came in isolation suits so as tae not scare yer people. That dinnae work an I already apologized for it. Now I'm done bein nice and not gettin anywhere." Kyan tapped his com badge.

=/\= Mackenzie tae Zhuk. Yer tae take Neva an whoever else came on the shuttle and go tae the Land Moot. Tell them that we tried explaining it and this daft bi... that President K'ren would nae listen and she has two of our crew as prisoners. If they try tae keep you from leaving, leave anyway. I'm staying here. That's an order so it is. =/\=

Kyan looked back up at the President. "Well what's it tae be then? Are ye gonna start acting smart, or are ye gonna keep bein a blowhard politician?"

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 27, 2024, 02:49:47 PM

[Outside Magana Capital Hall]

Ardy landed the Mjolnir in the open area right in front of the steps that led into the capital. Lieutenant Zorr and Petty Officer Heesou exited the shuttle with full medical bags. They looked around for a moment, then locked onto Zhuk and Neva at which point, Zorr asked.

"I understand there is a medical emergency."


[Inside Magana Capital Hall]

President K'ren looked at Kyan without expression. If his words had any impact, he simply couldn't tell until she spoke.

"A tragic tale to be sure Commander. However, your appearance on our would is most suspicious. You arrive just as we prove our Great Work is functional. Your 'help' seems like an attempt to trick us into giving our hard work to you. Thus you can stick to your claim that your Federation doesn't take what it wants.

"The most suspicious part of your claim is that our technology is causing problems with time, but you base this on your 'sensors' detecting something ours cannot. The Great Work is the culmination of our entire planet's effort. Even if I believed you, and I am not saying that I do, I cannot stop the progress of the tests. Only the Land Moot can decide such a major change. I will communicate with the Moot Master your concerns. Until then, I think it best that you remain here in Kormaga as our honored guests."

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Outside Kayala City Council Building]

When the sunlight hit Neva's eyes as she and Zhuk walked out, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. Migraine...

Neva stepped aside from the door and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the glare. Hearing the call, the engineer was relieved. She waved her other arm in reply and managed to call out to them.

"Yeah Doctor, I do! I think the effects of my earlier escapade are still with me."

Neva crept carefully down the steps, holding out a searching hand. "I'm afraid to open my eyes much." She admitted, smiling with embarrassment.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Alexander Wu on February 28, 2024, 12:41:17 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Previously in Alex's occupation, the loss of control over any given situation was always anticipated but never welcomed, from a cargo bay losing grav plating to spilling coffee over one's pants right before giving a group presentation. He always tried to prepare for eventualities, like by keeping a spare change of clothes in his office, but there was only so much that could be done ahead of those unseen emergencies. Maddison being in danger was one of those things that couldn't be helped so long as he and Ardyn were on active duty, and he knew that. It didn't help with the guilt in knowing that she had to share in the same dangers as they did, and there was only so much he could do to protect her.

=/\="Yes, I'm still here, how are my daughter and the other children doing? Do you need any other resources?" =/\=

Waiting for a report from Atkins and the doctor, Alex had to force himself to refocus on the simultaneous issues demanding his attention, going over the most critical points again as he thought about what else could be done from their end to help Galloway and Mckenzie below. Integrating with the Landser satellite to communicate with the surface was a bust, apparently it's limited technology only allowed them to receive telemetry and messages from the away teams intermittently, with two-way communication impossible until their subspace transceiver antennas were repaired. That was being handled by Engineering. Booker was still monitoring the situation below, and the amount of electronic transmissions had compounded astronomically over the past hours, so much so that some of the nations were limiting usage to official government and military only.

"Randall, what's happening with that fold-space device?" Alex asked, turning to the science officer after a glance at Grelek, who was speaking rather oddly to the engineers working outside on the nacelle. "Any indications that it could be preparing for another test?"

Frowning, Randall squinted at his display, carefully reviewing the compiled sensor readings. "No movement or increased energy output so far. The probe has been uploading alot of data to it's base on the Landser moon, terrabytes of whatever it complied during it's programmed trip. Wait...there's a new signal emanating from the moon, I think they're transmitting something to the probe. Increased thermal readings, it's firing thrusters and moving into a lower orbit!"

"Put it on screen, magnify." Alex ordered, leaning forwards to visually study the object closer while going through all the options in his mind. Galloway had been cautious about doing anything which might provoke the Landsers, including interfering with their fold-space device, but if they intended on running another test, it could lead to a whole new unknown set of destructive variables. They had already detected multiple temporal anomalies in the planet's upper atmosphere, if they kept tearing new holes in the fabric of space time, the Landsers might not only wreak havoc with any travelers passing through the sector, but could also destroy the planet and themselves. Challenger was protected for now, but who knew how long it'd be before those on the planet surface began experiencing the effects. With Ardyn and the others below, it wasn't a risk Alex could afford to keep taking.

Frowning as the device reoriented itself when it reached a new lower altitude, Alex thought he saw something on it's previously hidden aspect, now turned towards them, an uncannily familiar feature on spacecraft that he was more accustomed to. "Is that a cockpit?" He asked incredulously. More strange sounds were coming from behind him, irritatingly distractive, but Alex brushed it off while examining the bulbous protuberance on the probe's otherwise smooth hull. "I think it is." Adelle confirmed from her vantage closer up front. "If they're moving the probe-or I guess ship is more accurate, into a lower orbit, could they be trying to put actual people on that thing?"

Cognizant that time was running out for them to noninvasively intervene, but that anything they did could jeopardize whatever, if any, progress Captain Galloway and the away teams had made below, Alex needed actual facts rather than presumptions more than ever. He needed two way communication. "Mr. Randall, prepare to deploy the dampening field. Ms. Booker, go to yellow alert. Grelek, what's the progress on-wait, are you singing?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The crew responded quickly to the change of alert status and all departments reported in that they were ready, this Alex could see on the command chair's display. All departments also reported that many systems were still impaired, but the most critical systems were operation, to include phasers which had been low priority. When he turned to face the science one station, Randall spoke.

"Sir, dampening field is ready. However, I don't think the Landsers are ready. Based on the flood of telecommunications we're monitoring, it seems like there is a big ceremony for the crew that will pilot the first manned space flight; looks like the ceremony is going long."

"Confirmed Sir, our intercepts show that a shuttle will take the crew to the probe and then they will make their first manned flight. I estimate they will launch within twenty minutes. Add in another half hour of flight time for the shuttle and at least another thirty minutes to run final checks before they are ready to activate their fold space drive."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 28, 2024, 07:06:53 AM

No wonder she didn't get to hang out with the other leaders at the big Land Moot. This woman was positively remedial. Kyan shook his head.

"No." he replied. "We won't. If you're after having a prisoner you can keep me. My crew is leaving. And if ye try and stop them, then I'll order them to defend themselves and yer people gettin hurt will be on you. My people are all bully marksmen. An our weapons are better'n yours."

Kyan though about drawing his own phaser but decided not to. Instead he crossed his arms and continued. "It's obvious the now that you're as daft as ye are blue. Them kids over there." he indicated the Landser children with a wave, "...got more brains than you do, and you're supposed tae be a leader?" Kyan laughed. "Ye got the ability tae read thoughts right? Tae see if folks is tell ye truth or lies? Read mine. Den you'll see. We came here tae help ye. If we wanted, we coulda destroyed yer space fold drive from orbit. We coulda bombed yer cities. Our ship has the ability to kill everyone on this planet. But we dinnae do any of those things. And we wouldn't do it, even if ye killed everyone we sent down here. Why d'ye think that is? When we came here, we came in isolation suits so as tae not scare yer people. That dinnae work an I already apologized for it. Now I'm done bein nice and not gettin anywhere." Kyan tapped his com badge.

=/\= Mackenzie tae Zhuk. Yer tae take Neva an whoever else came on the shuttle and go tae the Land Moot. Tell them that we tried explaining it and this daft bi... that President K'ren would nae listen and she has two of our crew as prisoners. If they try tae keep you from leaving, leave anyway. I'm staying here. That's an order so it is. =/\=

Kyan looked back up at the President. "Well what's it tae be then? Are ye gonna start acting smart, or are ye gonna keep bein a blowhard politician?"

[Inside Capital Hall - Kormaga - Magana - Land]

The Landsers were caught off guard that badge Kyan wore functioned as a communication device and were unable to stop the order to the others. Several Landser soldiers rushed forward and grabbed Kyan as K'ren snarled.

"So the truth of it is revealed! Your words of help and friendship are all lies. You wanted your thoughts read, well, you will get your wish you impudent child thing. Let's see how your species stands up to Mind Ripping. Call for the An-Shok! Tell them no mercy!"


Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 28, 2024, 08:35:43 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Outside Kayala City Council Building]

When the sunlight hit Neva's eyes as she and Zhuk walked out, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. Migraine...

Neva stepped aside from the door and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the glare. Hearing the call, the engineer was relieved. She waved her other arm in reply and managed to call out to them.

"Yeah Doctor, I do! I think the effects of my earlier escapade are still with me."

Neva crept carefully down the steps, holding out a searching hand. "I'm afraid to open my eyes much." She admitted, smiling with embarrassment.

[Outside Capital Hall - Kormaga - Magana - Land]

When Neva spoke, Doctor Zorr pulled out his tricorder and scanned her.

"Yes, your neural transmitters are all over the place Lieutenant, let's have you sit down in the shuttle so I can check you out properly."

As the group moved toward the Mjolnir, Kyan's order came through and for a second everyone froze. It was against everything taught at the Academy to leave someone behind, but the order was clear. Adding motivation was the sudden appearance of Magani soldiers, with weapons drawn and running their way! This new threat was more than enough to get the away team moving and as they were only steps away from the shuttle, they were easily aboard before the soldiers could reach them.

As Ardy had kept the shuttle on hot standby, it only took her seconds to lift off, which was good, because the soldiers had begun firing on the Mjolnir as it took off. Although it grated to abandon Kyan, they'd been given a course and a quick look at the sensors showed a pair of Magani atmospheric interceptors heading their way for addition incentive to get moving.


Quote from: Tora Zalos on February 27, 2024, 09:40:27 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Land Moot]

Someone had to get the ball rolling here; someone like them. Hard evidence would be more than convincing, Tora hoped - assuming, of course, these people weren't so obstinate in their beliefs. Hopefully the size of this cavernous government chamber also translated to open-mindedness to ideas and opinions. "Our crew and ship were substantially affected by your tests. Several of us were rendered unconscious by the effects of the temporal folding, for example Surely it is reasonable to conclude that the same might happen to others." Case in point, her own experience and that of many others. Imagine that backfiring on the Landsers themselves... or it being weaponized. "We would be pleased to show you some of the data we collected as well as the medical logs of those of us affected."

[Inside Land Moot Hall]

Ian smiled as Tora spoke up, Reports on her performance during her time on Challenger indicted a certain timidity and he'd hoped that being in an environment that spoke to her strengths would help her find her footing as a Starfleet officer. It also helped that her suggestion mirrored that of his own thoughts.

"Ensign Zalos has the right of it Sir. Her role on the Challenger is in the science department with the specific specialty of anthropology. Starfleet's primary role is that of exploration, the meetin' of new people and her trainin' makes her an expert in understandin' other cultures so that we might better understand each other and build a relationship on friendship.

"I understand that, here we are, outsiders that claim a project you have been workin' on for generations and finally have operational is dangerous, but have no proof of what we say. If'n I were you, I'd be skeptical too as the only evidence we speak of is based on technology you do not have and therefore cannae verify.

"I offer whoever you deem ta be the best judge of such things ta come aboard my ship. We will take you there and, on my word of honor, return you unharmed, so that you can see the disruptions ta the space/time continuum that your fold space technology is causin'."

Before Inti could reply, a side door opened and in walked several Landsers, two wearing red uniforms, flanked by four soldiers. Shuffling along in the middle of the soldiers was Jettis, looking decidedly the worst for wear.

"What is this outrage!" Inti growled.

"Sorry for the interruption of the most august Land Moot, I am Charnaga of the An-Shok and our world, our beloved Land Ta has been invaded by aliens!"

Ian ground his teeth and clenched his fists at his side to keep from speaking at the sight of Jettis. He was livid, but he couldn't allow his anger to interfere with the negotiations with the Landsers which clearly were on the razor's edge. He took a deep breath and spoke as calmly as he could.

"Moot Master, may I speak?"

Inti eyed Ian for several moments before nodding.

"Thank you Sir. This man is obviously part of my crew. As I mentioned, our most sacred law is ta nae interfere with another species' development. When we detected the temporal disruption, we were sent ta see what was causin' them. As I also mentioned, the Federation is very protective of the timeline, so that gave us permission ta come close and observe your people.

"It was our intent ta look around without bein' detected ta understand the danger ta the timeline and then make contact with you ta come ta some understandin' on how we could co-exist. Unfortunately, much of that plan fell apart almost from the start. Lieutenant Jyur was part of the covert team and while attemptin' ta complete their mission, got scattered.

"Shortly after that, we discovered just how dangerous your fold space is. The temporal pulses we'd detected from a distance were magnified exponentially up close and it disabled the Challenger. This revealed us ta you and forced me as her captain ta make contact with you sooner than we'd planned. I can assure you Lieutenant Jyur is nae an invader. He is a scientist and I would ask your forbearance ta see fit ta hand him over ta me."

"The Invader speaks honeyed words Moot Master, do not fall for his lies. This being must be tried and made an example to any alien that would defile Land Ta."

"Spoken like a true member of the An-Shok, Brother Charnaga. We of the Land Moot are aware of the aliens and as you can see are in conversation with their leader. While I respect the remit of the An-Shok to protect Land Ta from all threats. Our own 'Great Work' was to prove that aliens existed, now the presence of this being, this Captain Iangalloway proves beyond doubt that life does exist beyond Land. Your remit and how we view ourselves are going to have to change in the face of this new reality.

"The Moot must discuss these things in depth before any rulings can be made. Therefore, Brother Charnaga and Captain Iangalloway, please make yourselves comfortable in the Hall while the members of the Land Moot deliberate."

With that, Inti and the rest of the members of the Land Moot rose and exited the Great Hall. What would happen next was anyone's guess.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger -  Port Nacelle (spacewalk)]

Quote from: Alexander Wu on February 27, 2024, 11:31:06 PM

[NPC Post: Petty Officer 2nd Class Grelek]

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

If Lahr had hoped to cause Grelek any discomfiture, he would've been ecstatic to see that his teasing had elicited a single raised eyebrow from the otherwise expressionless Vulcan. Of course, the Andorian engineer wasn't currently privy to Grelek's facial betrayal or the wide variety of silent reactions from the other bridge crew. None of that hidden exasperation pervaded into his voice as he replied deadpanned, =/\="Searching Earth's database for Vulcan meditation chants would be equally as illogical as searching for Benedictine Gregorian chants on Vulcan. It is unsurprising you were unsuccessful." =/\=

=/\="The bridge is not the proper venue for retrospection. If the computer memory core was fully functional, I would suggest downloading your desired auditory compositions. However, I do not believe those datafiles are currently assessable." =/\=

Grelek would never admit it, but to those around him, he appeared to turn a slightly darker shade of green. He considered Lahr's request again, finally deciding that there was no significant disadvantage in accommodating the engineer's appeal.

=/\="Very well. I will assist you in completing your duties on this, and only this, instance. In the form of zhit-ralash-tanaf, I will recite for you, I'kushizhau etek salan." =/\=

Squaring his shoulders and taking a deep breath, Grelek began in a tonal, yet resonating, inflection. =/\="Vesht akarshif, lesh Vuhlkansular, ulidar t'falek, t'saluran-mazhiv, heh t'yontaun-yel. Vesht sharush solektra yokul etek, vesht tam-tor salan fi'urozh heh vok-tor kahrlar. Vesht tusa etek fna'kusut heh kali-tor na'rishan." =/\=

Hicks wasted no time in getting the workbee into position, even as Grelek began his chanting.  She matched her speed with that of the drifting ship and held position so that Lahr was only a meter away from the communications transceiver panel.
Lahr grinned and silently chuckled hearing the well-familiar chanting.  The Vulcan was so gullible!  The Andorian's  amusement however faded into the background of his awareness as they approached the transceiver and he had to focus on getting the task down.   He could see the recessed O-ring onto which he would need to clip himself onto just ahead.  He reached out towards it with his EVA suit's tether and carabiner in hand.  The clip brushed along the surface but didn't quite catch the O-ring.  Lahr leaned out more but was limited in his maneuverability by the being attached to the workbee arm.

=/\= "ch'Verret, can you reach?" =/\= Clarisse asked, speaking overtop of the Vulcan's chanting, from her seat in the workbee's cockpit.

Lahr focused on reaching out, extending his arm out to its fullest, as he answered. =/\= "It's a bit of stretch - I'm not as limber as I used to be... but yeah I think I can reach it." =/\=

=/\= "I can try moving closer..." =/\= Hicks suggested.

Lahr grimaced at the thought of what a slight miscalculation could do - like crush him against the transceiver or impale him into the workbee arm.

=/\= "That's okay.  I got this." =/\=   The Andorian exhaled completely into his suit and shifted his ribcage forward into the stretch, the carabiner sliding into the recess and then pressing into the O-ring hard enough to depress the flap and latch itself.  =/\= "Ha ha! I'm attached. Releasing from the arm." =/\=

Once released, Lahr drifted forward towards the panel.   To keep himself from free floating about, he attached his second tether to the other side of the panel and then tightening up on both simultaneously as he braced his knees below... the gave him a stable triangle from which work.

Using a special tool which he had attached to a belt on his EV suit, Lahr opened the transceiver panel door manually.   Within, by the light of his EV suit's headlamp, he could see the unpowered isolinear chips.  Carefully, one by one, Lahr pulled out each chip, checked it for damage and then reinserted it, thus resetting it and allowing power to once more travel the circuit.  Soon every chip was lit - a colorful rainbow within the transceiver panel.   Lahr closed panel door and secured it.

=/\= "Challenger, portside transceiver is active." =/\=  the Andorian announced to the now silent Vulcan.  Lahr hadn't noticed when Grelek has stopped his chanting.   Oh well, it had been amusing while it lasted.

Now to do the Starboard transceiver.. and to do that he needed to hitch ride on the workbee again.  However given how much of a stretch it had been to attach the carabiner in the first place, Lahr knew he wouldn't be able to re-attach himself to the workbee arm without releasing his tethers first.

=/\= "Hicks, I can't reach EV suit arm clip at this distance, rather than you coming to me, I'll head to you.  Be ready to grab for one of my tethers if I start to float away from the workbee.  Detaching tethers now." =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 26, 2024, 10:16:43 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building]

Neva still felt woozy and somewhat disoriented from what she had said on the steps, her mind still wide open as a result. She opened her eyes and gently tapped Zhuk's shoulder in a silent request for release. Feeling his intense relief, she wriggled away to stand. Her legs felt jellyish, but she forced them to ground in strength.

Dark eyes fixed on the woman he spoke to and frowned, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.  Neva found the tension and skepticism so thick in the air as to be something she could almost taste.'Time to get them to cut the crap and be Betazoid,' she thought ruefully, giving Zhuk and Kyan an apologetic look.

Stepping forward and crossing her arms over her chest, Neva gazed pointedly at the woman. "Madam President, your space fold theory doesn't work in practice. The fact is, it's screwing with things beyond your ken and you need our help to fix it." Neva shook her head in annoyance as she stepped back to Zhuk's side, only to add. "Quit fishing for hidden agendas, you're not gonna find any K'ren."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 26, 2024, 10:53:54 AM

[Magana Capital City]

The president arched her eyebrow at Neva's comments and her expression hardened even further.

"Commander, are subordinates always allowed to interrupt during negotiations in your Federation? I cannot say I care for her tone or her implications of our incompetency. The 'Great Work' is the product of generations of effort and our scientists have all agreed that it is safe. Our most recent test was a complete success and we are about to move to manned exploration with our next test. You now say our technology doesn't work when we have verified data that it does. You claim there are no hidden agendas, but it seems like you either want or fear our technology-"

Before the president could continue, an aide arrived and the two spoke telepathically for a moment before the president returned her attention to Kyan and the others.

"It seems you have reinforcements arriving. A small space craft has arrived with the blessing of the Moot Master. Care to explain this development Commander, or will your disrespectful underling care for another outburst?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 27, 2024, 08:46:24 AM

This. This right here was why he liked being a tactical officer or security chief. Because this didn't happen. It was simple. No people skills required. Get mission, do mission. Point and shoot. Some people decried the chaos that was always associated with conflict, but to Kyan, the chaos was home. It gave him focus. It left no time for second guessing and indecision. Diplomacy was tediously slow and there was too much talking, too many emotions, and way too much lying. Combat was honest. Intent was unambiguous from the beginning.

"Fighting is better than talking" If he ever got a ship of his own, that was going on the plaque. That or, Swords Rule and Pens Drool." Yeah"¦ that one was good too.

He glanced back at Zhuk and Neva before turning back to the Landser woman. "It's sorry I am for that, the which won't happen again."

The news about a shuttle arriving was fortunate though. "œZhuk," he turned to the Caitian. "œYou and Neva go check out the shuttle. I'll stay and handle this." When he turned back to the President he continued. "œBut, she's nae wrong in what she said. Yer space folding drive works as ye said it does. But theres also side effects from it that ye cannae ken because yer sensors cannae detect it. Ours can. That's why we come here, tae warn ye of it. We dinnae want yer technology. We're after warning you so ye dinnae makea mistake and hurt yerselves and others with it."

"Yes." K'ren replied cooly. "The... space time ruptures or... whatever they're called that our sensors can't detect. It seems as though if our engine were causing such disruptions, they would be evident, even to our"¦.primitive equipment."

Kyan heaved an exhasperated sigh. He was ready to just let them find out the hard way. They could beam back up to the ship"¦ or catch a ride with the shuttle and just drop a quarantine buoy on their way out of the system. But if the Landsers continued on their course, a buoy wouldn't save people from the damage that their engine was going to cause. Unlike the scientific misadventures of his own people, the damage wrought by Landser scientists mucking around with things they didn't fully understand would have damaging effects wherever they went.

An idea hit him just then. "œMadam President, on my own planet, we were nearly wiped out because our scientists couldn't understand the damage that their own "œGreat Work" was causing."

President K'ren arched an eyebrow, which Kyan took as an invitation to continue. "œWhen Mister Zhuk said that I just look like a "œjuvenile", he was wrong. I am. And I have been fer more den four hundred years. On my world, the scientists made a virus what was supposed to make aging slower. And it worked for all of us who are still alive so it did. But it only worked for kids. I've nae aged but a few months since then. The virus killed all the grups, what ye'd be after calling adults. And whenever one of us would start puberty, dey'd get the blue spots and die too. We was by ourselves for three hundred years until the Federation came. They cured the blue spots an now we're part of the Federation. An we're not the only ones. The Bajorans are in the Federation now too since we helped them after the Cardassian occupation. And there's others too." Kyan paused for a moment. "œSo ye see, the Federation is nae after stealin yer technology. We're only here tae help."

Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 27, 2024, 01:14:42 PM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building->Outside]

It was all Neva could do to keep her eyes from rolling at the "underling" comment, though a smirk slipped out. When Kyan gave her leave, she nodded and turned on her heel, not waiting for Zhuk to join her. She wasn't sorry for what she said one bit, nor was she embarrassed. "Betazoid Blunt" had its uses and many times, other beings couldn't swallow that bitter pill.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Capitol | Land | L7-425977 System]

A raging storm swelled inside Zhuk as he was asked to leave by Kyan. That didn't bother him that much. He understood Kyan wanted to attempt to salvage the situation as per the comments of the President. What truly and deeply bothered him was the fact that he had been sent away after such a good speech. She did not even care about it. Not an ounce of introspection, nor serious thought at his position. Zhuk had been practicing his diplomatic approach for a while now, as he felt the Federation classes related to this subject were lacking.

And to have it thrown away like that, it was infurating. He did not know if he had said something incorrect, or if he had been lacking in his approach. Perhaps it was just that she was a total tool, but what if he was the incompetent one?

The situation just vexed him further, and so, it was a silent trip back to the shuttle. In other circumstances, this would not stand. But for now, he had to turn the other cheek and cooperate. He glanced over at Neva, every once in a while, wondering if she had an insight into the situation.

She kept to herself, so he assumed she did not. He couldn't blame her. He also was not sure what to say, in any case.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 27, 2024, 02:49:47 PM

[Outside Magana Capital Hall]

Ardy landed the Mjolnir in the open area right in front of the steps that led into the capital. Lieutenant Zorr and Petty Officer Heesou exited the shuttle with full medical bags. They looked around for a moment, then locked onto Zhuk and Neva at which point, Zorr asked.

"I understand there is a medical emergency."

Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 28, 2024, 08:35:43 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Outside Kayala City Council Building]

When the sunlight hit Neva's eyes as she and Zhuk walked out, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. Migraine...

Neva stepped aside from the door and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the glare. Hearing the call, the engineer was relieved. She waved her other arm in reply and managed to call out to them.

"Yeah Doctor, I do! I think the effects of my earlier escapade are still with me."

Neva crept carefully down the steps, holding out a searching hand. "I'm afraid to open my eyes much." She admitted, smiling with embarrassment.

As Neva and he exited the Capitol, they came across the parked shuttle. The sun forced his pupils to constrict, and a hand was raised to protect himself from the glare. As he approached the Federation officers who had arrived, he noted the abundance of medical equipment. The fur of his back raised somewhat as he recognized one of them especially.

"Affirmative. Lieutenant Junior Grade Neva requested Medical assistance."

He chimed in, once close enough. Zhuk wondered why Head Nurse Davies had not come instead of... Heesou. It would have been good to see Chloe. Heck, anyone else, save for her. He was even angrier now.

Externally, though, Zhuk remained calm and tranquil, accompanying them to the shuttle.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 28, 2024, 02:04:38 PM

[Outside Capital Hall - Kormaga - Magana - Land]

When Neva spoke, Doctor Zorr pulled out his tricorder and scanned her.

"Yes, your neural transmitters are all over the place Lieutenant, let's have you sit down in the shuttle so I can check you out properly."

As the group moved toward the Mjolnir, Kyan's order came through and for a second everyone froze. It was against everything taught at the Academy to leave someone behind, but the order was clear. Adding motivation was the sudden appearance of Magani soldiers, with weapons drawn and running their way! This new threat was more than enough to get the away team moving and as they were only steps away from the shuttle, they were easily aboard before the soldiers could reach them.

As Ardy had kept the shuttle on hot standby, it only took her seconds to lift off, which was good, because the soldiers had begun firing on the Mjolnir as it took off. Although it grated to abandon Kyan, they'd been given a course and a quick look at the sensors showed a pair of Magani atmospheric interceptors heading their way for addition incentive to get moving.

His ears twitched as he overheard the message sent by Commander Mackenzie. With a raised eyebrow, he tapped on his comm badge, "Understood..."

He did not enjoy those sets of orders, but he would obey. However, he did not have much time to ponder about them further, as sudden movement from the soldiers sent him on high alert. As they ran towards the shuttle, Zhuk kept an eye on the soldiers as they tried to storm their position while the rest made it inside, before he joined them with a leap, closing the doors afterward.

Safe. For now at least. The shots would not be able to bring them down.

It was a good thing they had primitive weapons.

"Lieutenant, thou overheard the Commander. To the Moot Hall!"

He took a seat by the Tactical console, and his eyes went wide,

"Contacts! Two vessels of the Landsers!"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Alexander Wu

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 28, 2024, 11:56:52 PM

=/\= "Challenger, portside transceiver is active." =/\=

=/\= "Hicks, I can't reach EV suit arm clip at this distance, rather than you coming to me, I'll head to you.  Be ready to grab for one of my tethers if I start to float away from the workbee.  Detaching tethers now." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 28, 2024, 02:04:38 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The crew responded quickly to the change of alert status and all departments reported in that they were ready, this Alex could see on the command chair's display. All departments also reported that many systems were still impaired, but the most critical systems were operation, to include phasers which had been low priority. When he turned to face the science one station, Randall spoke.

"Sir, dampening field is ready. However, I don't think the Landsers are ready. Based on the flood of telecommunications we're monitoring, it seems like there is a big ceremony for the crew that will pilot the first manned space flight; looks like the ceremony is going long."

"Confirmed Sir, our intercepts show that a shuttle will take the crew to the probe and then they will make their first manned flight. I estimate they will launch within twenty minutes. Add in another half hour of flight time for the shuttle and at least another thirty minutes to run final checks before they are ready to activate their fold space drive."

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Grelek had fallen silent after the question about his singing, appearing to struggle in coming up with an answer, a first for Alex. "Nevermind." He took pity on the Vulcan, asking instead, "Status report on the transceiver repair?"

Listening closely, Grelek quirked his head as the report filtered in. "The repair team is reporting the portside transceiver operational. Chief ch'Verret appears to be having some issues with his safety tethers, but is proceeding with moving back to the workbee."

A horrible mental image of the engineer drifting off into space flailing his arms helplessly crossed Alex's mind, though he didn't let that translate into his voice. "Very well, keep a sensor lock on the Chief. And pass on a bravo zulu from me."

=/\="Grelek to ch'Verret, acknowledged. Lieutenant Wu asked me to tell you 'bravo zulu'. I am uncertain of the meaning behind it, but he seems to assume you would understand." =/\=

Letting Grelek focus on the vital task of monitoring the EVA, Alex next listened to Randall and Davenport's reports. "There's no telling what a dampening field would do to the Landser's launch vehicle, we don't have the option to wait that long. I'm not putting those test pilots at risk because of their politicians' incompetence. If they lose contact with their fold-space device prior to sending the crew, perhaps that'll hold the countdown until they figure out what happened. Randall, set a timer for 18 minutes. If Captain Galloway can't talk them out of proceeding, then we'll have to give them a reason not to. Lieutenant Booker, open comms to the first away team, and I need a location update on all our people down there." The length of time Mackenzie's team had been out of touch was now grievously concerning, especially since the plea for help had come from them and then only silence since.

=/\="Challenger to Commander Mackenzie, how do you copy?"=/\=

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

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