Truth and Consequences ~ Discussion and Updates

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, March 21, 2024, 03:54:11 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Hey guys, to keep everyone up to speed with the goings on in mission, we're going to use this. I'll post a rundown of updates as they happen so we can stay coordinated. First, a quick recap of the last mission.

Majel Barrett voice...

Last time... on Star Trek: Challenger

The Prime Recommendation

The Challnger detected space time anomalies around a class M planet with a pre-warp civilization. When they arrived, the crew learned that these people, the Landsers, were in the testing stages of developing a Faster than Light engine. Rather than the Matter/Anti-matter reaction engines employed by most space faring races, the Landsers had a developed a Space Fold Drive. Unbeknownst to them, their "Great Work" as it was known on the planet, was responsible for all the damage being done to space time in their vicinity.

Captain Galloway sent an away team consisting of Lt. Cmdr Mackenzie, Lt. Jyur, Lt. Mrerakhas (Zhuk), and the new Chief Engineer, Lt.jg Cordon. When the away team entered the atmosphere they were seen and engaged by the air force of one of the planet's nation states, Magana. The away team decided to beam to the surface and send the shuttle back to Challenger. Unfortunately the transporter malfunctioned and they materialized in different locations. Mackenzie materialized in the air and landed in a tree, destroying his Isolation suit. He was found by a Landser boy and his sister and brought into their house. Jyur and Cordon landed relatively close to one another. Zhuk was the only one who's suit still worked, and he landed close to the town where Mackenzie landed.

Back on the ship, the Landsers test of the engine knocked the crew unconscious disabled Challenger's shields, leaving the ship visible to the Landsers. When communications were restored, Captain Galloway sent a message to the Landsers but it wasn't understood. Chaos ensued on the planet.

The away team attempted to complete their mission. After seeing Galloway's message and learning that the Landsers couldn't understand that they were peaceful, Mackenzie asked the Lansder kids to take him to the Capitol of Magana to speak to their President. Along the way, they ran into Jyur, Zhuk, and Cordon, but Jyur was captured by a group called the "An-Shok". The rest of the team made it to the capitol. Mackenzie sent out a video on a Landser social media app stating the crew's peaceful intentions that could be understood, which went "viral" in Magana and elsewhere.

On the ship, systems were restored and because they couldn't contact the away team, Galloway decided to take a second team to the Land Moot, the "United Nations" of the Landsers. He also sent a shuttle to Magana to recover the away team after Lt. Cordon was able to get an emergency message through to the ship. They met with the Moot Master and others, but the An-Shok forced them to withdraw after recovering Lt. Jyur.

In Magana, the President didn't believe Mackenzie and attempted to detain the away team after the second shuttle arrived, flown by Lt. Jaeger. Mackenzie ordered them all to leave and remained to be a prisoner of the Magana government. He was then captured by the An-Shok and tortured via an illegal telepathic procedure known as a "Mind Ripping." Unknown to Presidet K'ren, one of the Landser children who brought the away team to the capitol recorded K'ren ordering Mackenzie tortured and her confirming the existence of the An-Shok, who had been thought disbanded decades prior. Once K'ren learned of this she fled in disgrace. The Landser Military Chief of Staff legally assumed the office of President and saved Mackenzie's life. He contacted Challenger where Lt. Wu sent another shuttle to pick up Kyan and a Landser delegation from Magana to come to the ship and see the truth about their Space Fold drive.

Captain Galloway's team was rescued by Lt. Jaeger and returned to the ship with minor injuries sustained in a shootout with the An-Shok. Once there, Galloway invited representatives from all the Landser nation states to come to the ship and see what their engine was doing to the area around their planet. They did without further incident, but did not fully commit to stopping the work on their engine.

And Now....
Truth and Consequences

-Main plot points

  • The Challenger is docked at Starbase 185 for repairs and an inquiry into the events of their previous mission.
  • The crew has been moved off the ship and is temporarily staying in guest quarters on the starbase.
  • Admirals James Carter (played by Anna) and Hamish Gillespie (played by Nira) have been tasked with running the investigation, possibly with a third flag officer to form the courts martial.
  • The crew is mostly on leave, and being questioned by the Admirals and their staffs about the Landser mission.
And there we are. If I missed anything let me know! And if you're having trouble getting into the mission, also let me or someone else know and we can get you going. Like I said, it's pretty much a free for all right now with just the questioning going on. It's all free form at the moment, so go nuts! Have an adventure on the Starbase. Visit the shops. Start a barfight.  ;D This is a good chance for som spontaneous fun or character development.

Alexander Wu

I've noticed alot of NPC usage so far in terms of opening posts, is the idea that Carter and Gillsespie will call each person in to run the investigation and the characters are all on their own time until then? Or would you like us to keep using NPCs?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Kyan Mackenzie

I think it's either or. I'd imagine that the NPCs might do preliminary interviews and Carter and Gillespie will follow up. Or that the Admirals would want to talk to the main players themselves. But however you guys want to do it is ok.

Kyan Mackenzie


So we're a few weeks in, and here's what's happening thus far.....

The inquiry is ongoing. Galloway has been questioned by Gillespie and Carter, but no one else has as yet.

Admiral Jelllico and his aide have arrived at the station. Feel free to use either of them as NPCs in your posts if you want. Jellico is a hardass, but he's fair. His aide, Commander Durham has a vested interest in seeing Galloway get convicted. He wants to get the Challenger for himself. He's a smarmy beauracrat type.

The party is now going! The Klingon band is playing. So if you're looking for something to do, drop by and shake it till you break it! :D

🡱 🡳

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