S6: E2 - Truth and Consequences

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, March 19, 2024, 05:30:28 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Regular Civilian Kyan Mackenzie | In a Jeffries Tube, USS Challenger]


First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate"¦ I don't know"¦ fill it in later. Stardates are stupid anyway.

Ok computer, I dinnae got much time. Jalen's probably out looking for me the now. It's like a Ferengi chasing latinum he is! But I know his giant self is nae gonna come crawling in here.

Ok. So it's been four weeks since we went to Land. I just woke up about a week ago from me coma, thanks tae that great blue bawbag and his brain torture. They told me about how everything went after he knocked me out. Read Galloway's log fer them bits. Anyways, we're docked at Starbase 185 the now, and the admirals are in a proper tizzy. They've been investigatin the whole thing and asking everyone questions about what happened. They cannae ask me though, thank the Powers on account of because I'm on medical leave and doing Immersion Roleplay Therapy again. Me an Max are staying with Jalen and Lorian and Leran in their quarters, and I'm doin me recovery. Jalen told me that me heart stopped three times and he had tae pound on me chest so it would start again. Broke three of me ribs doin it too the lumbering giant! It still hurts some, but not too much. But I'm still alive so I am, and happy tae be so. Since me commission is deactivated the now, I cannae do any work, the which is why I'm hidin in this Jeffries tube tae do this log. Zhuk has been fillin in for me but if the fat admirals get their way, he might hafta end up bein the Captain of the ship. Bet he'd like that"¦.. Computer Pause.

Kyan looked up from the padd and listened. He heard a pair of Jeffries tube doors whisk open and closed again and voices. Putting the padd down he began looking through his clothes. "œI know ye put one of them trackers on me!" he muttered as he searched. Finding nothing he doffed his shoes and shirt. The shoes were empty but there on the back of his shirt was a small circular patch no bigger than an old Earth dime. Kyan peeled it off and stuck it to the bulkhead beside him before putting his shirt and shoes back on. "œIt's a sly old devil ye are Jalen." He laughed. The voices were getting closer now. Kyan considered taking off right then, but picked up the padd again.

Computer Resume log.

Ok, where was I"¦ Oh yeah. Like I said, the ship is docked here at the station the now and most of the crew is on leave. It's a big station with lots tae do. I dunno what's gonna happen with the investigation, so this might be me last log. If it is, I want it tae be known that Galloway dinnae do nothing wrong and the Admirals what sent him off tae New Zealand are all jobby wankers who could nae find their own arse with two hands and three tries. And if they DO put us in prison"¦ well"¦ I been tae New Zealand. It's nice there so it is.. Shite"¦ I gotta go computer. [Indiscernible chatter in the background.]

Kyan hurriedly put the padd back in his backpack before shrugging it on and scampering down the Jeffries tube.

[A short time later, in Jalen and Lorian's quarters]

The doors to the Kartos' quarters whisked shut behind him as Kyan walked into his temporary accommodations. It wasn't as spacious as his own quarters, although since it was designed for a family it wasn't too far off so as to feel cramped. "œDas"¦Max"¦Leran.. I'm home!" Kyan called out, hanging his backpack up. When he turned around Max and Leran were standing in the doorway.

"œYou're in trouble." Max grinned. "œJalen was looking for you."

"œI had tae get something from our quarters." Kyan replied evenly.

The other two looked at each other knowingly. Neither of them bought it. It wasn't the first time Challenger's erstwhile First Officer had snuck off to do something work related. Last time it had been the Security office to see Blackfeather. The non-com had all but frog-marched him back home. This time it was Leran that spoke. "œI bet you tried to sneak into your closet on the bridge again."

"œI dinnae! Besides, ye know they won't let me even on the bridge." Kyan shot back. "œI was just getting something! Relax."

"œWhat was it?" Max giggled. "œAll your action figures are here"¦ Jo-Jo's here. And Toby."

Kyan's face began to match his hair at the mention of the stuffed Targ. "œDinnae worry on it. I dinnae find it anyways so"¦"

Leran chuckled as he turned to go back into the next room. "œYou'd better have a better excuse when dad gets back."

Max came over and grabbed his friend by the arm. "œC'mon. We're playing Bat'leths & BiHnuchs. We got the Tribble Campaign expansion pack!"

Kyan brightened at that. The three of them had been pestering Jalen and Lorian about it for days. "œBully! I'm gonna be a Smooth head this time!"

Ian Galloway

[Guest Quarters - Starbase 185]

Ian stared out the large viewports of the quarters he'd been assigned on arrival at the Starbase. The entire crew was on the station and restricted from going aboard the Challenger. The ship was getting the latest software and a few other overdue upgrades as well as having Starfleet Engineering Corps combing through her carefully to see if there were any residual effects of the temporal pulse.

So far, questioning had been informal with an intense emphasis on the fold space technology. The clandestine scans Lahr had made had him in the hot seat as much as Ian, Jettis, Evan, and Alex. Starfleet wanted to know all they could about the Landser technology, especially the temporal pulse effect.

Ian wasn't certain what was taking so long for them to get to the court martial, but he was putting his latinum on the admirals waiting on Kyan to regain consciousness, which he did. However, that was two weeks ago. Why they were waiting now he didn't know. Until then, barred from his ship and with no official duties, Ian made the most of his leave, although having this much time off without Jess really put a damper on the possibilities. Especially given he was not free to leave the station. So, he'd been racking up a lot of stick time in his Tomahawk over China in the holodeck on the starbase. In fact, he had time booked in an hour, so he turned to don his proper Flying Tiger gear and head out for the skies above Kunming.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Starbase 185 - Debriefing room]

After having been eventually found on the floor of the shuttlebay, Lahr had been an unwilling resident of Sickbay for several days while his blood-sugar levels were stabilized.  Apparently his poor and sporadic eating habits had caught up to him and he'd developed severe hypoglycemia.  He was better now, three and half weeks later,  but had been warned of the seriousness of the condition and been requested to come in to Sickbay once a week to help monitor his levels.  That's where he'd been headed just prior to being ordered to yet another debriefing with Starfleet Intelligence.

Lahr looked around the sparsely furnished room with a sigh.  The Andorian was seated across the table from two serious-faced officers.  The single light in the room was positioned so that it shone into his face, so brightly that he squinted most of the time he was here.  He felt like this was more an interrogation than a debrief.

"Look, there are only so many ways I can repeat the same information.  I don't know what the Landser's use to power their capsule.  You've seen the scans.  There's no doubt you guys have engineers smarter than me looking at them... so if you and they can't figure it out, why the hell do you assume I can?"

"Just humour us, ch'Verret. Start at the beginning."

Lahr sighed again, realizing he was gonna be late for his appointment.  "Fine, but can I get bite to eat... been told by my doc that I need to snack often to keep up my blood-sugar levels."

The two stone-faced faced officers looked to one another silently a moment - almost as if they were in silent communication with one another.  It was rather creepy.  When they turned back to face him the one on the right, who Lahr had taken to thinking of as Tweedle-dee,  answered. "After your statement."

Frowning, Lahr wondered if he collapsed from his condition whether they would even send for help?  "Fine.  Let's see.  I received orders to discreetly check the Landser capsule for anything of threat."

"And who gave you those orders?"

"Well at first Lieutenant Fisk said I needed to go up to the bridge and do scans of the capsule but then when I got to the bridge, the new guy... Wu...  I mean Lieutenant Wu... he explained that he wanted me to do some discreet scans of the capsule to be certain that there wasn't anything on board overly hazardous which would make it a danger to have on board.  So to be discreet in my scans, I donned an isolation suit and started to look for known fuels and other accelerants."

"And what did you find?

"Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  The capsule had wiring and mechanics like every other engineered vessel... but no power source."

"And the space-fold drive?"

Lahr gave a snort.  "Your guess is as good a mine.  Nothing in that capsule, resembled anything I could attribute to what might fold space."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

[Guest Starring as Admiral Gillespie]

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | VIP Suite | Starbase 185]

To say that the investigation on the Landser technology was making Gillespie gobsmacked was one reason the investigation was taking so long, and why the court martial was taking so long.

Gillespie was not surprised that Ian Galloway was in trouble again. He had warned him before that the worst he could do was to adjust the Challenger on the outside. And he would do just as easily to give the word to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Unfortunately, aside from the investigation, the only reason he decided not to call for a change in the hull was because the bloody bureaucracy in Starfleet Command would only discuss the matter, and at the end of the day, nostalgia would prevent such an upgrade on the outer bloody hull.

This was just a period to compile material before the trial; he certainly did not need any agents to help him. Captain Worf was too heavy handed, if not overkill. Commander Ro was deader than a doornail, an excellent operative to be missed. Raffi Musiker? Assigned as first officer of the new Enterprise-G"¦if one could call it new. Gillespie had asked for reassurance that, once the Enterprise-G had its shakedown cruise, it would return to drydock for an extra three hundred meters to be added from the star drive, and he had not yet had responses back yet. In any case, he never trusted that narcoleptic.

In particular, this wasn't something he can call Nira for a temporary assignment on, she too had First Officer work on her. At least he liked to give temporary assignments and keep her up to speed, a sort of way to compensate for the fact that Nira turned down being a full time contractor for Starfleet Security, her first loyalty being to the fleet. This wasn't anything major, just a trial.

All that's been required so far was to investigate, conduct interviews, look over starship records. Fortunately, there's a good lass helping with that. Ruzal Mail had been working a desk job at Starfleet Security since she was released from Starfleet Medical, the short hair evidence of the burns and scarring she sustained fighting the assimilated youth on the Echelon. It was a good period for her to make a recovery, but Gillespie could tell the Trill woman needed something interesting while she still made her psychological recovery, and he found just the thing.

After some time of reviewing the files, Ruzal looked up. "œAdmiral, this has to be the craziest crap I have ever seen."

"œAye, that it is," said Gillespie. "œThe Carters and I are just as gobsmacked. I am at such a loss as to how somebody can be so technologically advanced, in regards to wibbly-wobbly time-wimey gobbledegook, and yet still be in such a pre-warp stage to make this a violation of the Prime Directive."

"œNo warp capability, obviously,"
Ruzal said with a shrug.

"œIt's gobsmacking, I ken," he said. "œDinnae why all the muckery..." He sighed. He needed to interview the command staff again. Kyan Mackenzie was still unavailable, and in any event, he didn't want to talk to the psychotic little bugger about time together with his family and when Hamish himself was just a wee bairn. Again, better to talk with Ian Galloway. He tapped his comm badge.

"œGillespie to Galloway. I want you to meet with me in the next hour and a half. My assistant, Commander Mail, and I wish to talk more about these Landsers."

As he awaited a response, he thought solemnly to himself: Whatever the ends with, better he be punished with a change to his ship than him removed from Starfleet, what with the shortage of officers we have.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jettis Jyur

[ Starbase 185 ]

The Tetris effect had fully taken hold of Jettis' life by this point. The past two weeks had him in shackles, chained to a small selection of locations. Married to either his quarters, or his office in the labs. Not only did he have the mess that was all of the charting to check - (he knew he shouldn't have let Ian set loose a bunch of Ensigns in his lab, he would have words to Hyperion) - but the detail heavy report of their contact with Landsers.

He understood where Starfleet was coming from. They had to ensure everything was in the clear, dot all their Ts and cross their eyes or whatever the saying had been. But here was only so much pep-talking he could give himself before the numbers and letters started to crowd his vision even when he closed his eyes.

Something that only seemed to worsen once they made it to the Starbase. He tried to make the most of it, spend some time meditating and talking with Theresa about it. Checking in that she was alright after the incident, she had already been in such a fragile place to start with, so she was understandably shaken up. He'd also drafted up what felt like a hundred different ways to tell Tanner - all of which had been deleted or eternally mothballed into his drafts folder. Somehow, the words didn't seem to come out right. Sometimes they were too formal, they read like his correspondence with the higher ups about the Landsers. He blamed that on writing the report. Sometimes they read as too dismissive, acting like it was just another sunday, something he couldn't see her taking well.

In the end he settled on a video call, but every time he moved to press the button, something whispered wait. Staring at his screen for a moment, the letters swirled and jumbled again. Growling, he stood abruptly, moving to shut the device off. He needed something to clear his head instead, and thankfully he knew Reese was with Chigi and lIr'el, which left him with limited possibilities of what to do. Stepping outside of their temporary quarters, he let his feet carry him aimlessly before landing him in a small coffee shop. It looked cozy, and there weren't as many officers and civilians in it as there seemed to be everywhere else. So he ordered himself caramel raktajino, and squirreled himself away in the far corner. Rather than picking out his PADD as he normally would, he simply sat back to watch as people filtered in and out.

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 19, 2024, 10:28:27 AM

[Guest Quarters - Starbase 185]

Ian stared out the large viewports of the quarters he'd been assigned on arrival at the Starbase. The entire crew was on the station and restricted from going aboard the Challenger. The ship was getting the latest software and a few other overdue upgrades as well as having Starfleet Engineering Corps combing through her carefully to see if there were any residual effects of the temporal pulse.

So far, questioning had been informal with an intense emphasis on the fold space technology. The clandestine scans Lahr had made had him in the hot seat as much as Ian, Jettis, Evan, and Alex. Starfleet wanted to know all they could about the Landser technology, especially the temporal pulse effect.

Ian wasn't certain what was taking so long for them to get to the court martial, but he was putting his latinum on the admirals waiting on Kyan to regain consciousness, which he did. However, that was two weeks ago. Why they were waiting now he didn't know. Until then, barred from his ship and with no official duties, Ian made the most of his leave, although having this much time off without Jess really put a damper on the possibilities. Especially given he was not free to leave the station. So, he'd been racking up a lot of stick time in his Tomahawk over China in the holodeck on the starbase. In fact, he had time booked in an hour, so he turned to don his proper Flying Tiger gear and head out for the skies above Kunming.

Starbase 185 -official offices]

Another day, another inquisition. Like, she was aware of her role in this entire mess that happened after the Landser Disaster. But as with the previous Court Martials she had done before, they were never satisfied with just a simple one-off interview. They had to have multiple inquiries and everything. No stone was left unturned. If she wasn't convinced that the Prime Directive was so important before, she certainly was now.

She stared at the interviewer as he asked her yet another very similar question. After a long day doing this whole song and dance, she just wanted to be over and done with it all. School for Maddy wouldn't last forever and she was going to have to pick her up at some point later today if Alex was still in an interrogation of his own.  She was aware of the possibility of prison time, and the ramifications of that for both Alex and Maddison, but right now she just had to

"œYes.  I had to lift off prematurely because we were being surrounded by several hostile forces who were trying to interfere with the medical evacuation of the away team.  I did engage in a dogfight with the intent to shoot  as necessary in order to protect the passengers onboard. Fortunately, their bullet-style weapons were not able to damage the Flyer, but we were prepared to shoot to disable if the situation worsened."

She said it , her voice monotonously repeating the same details of that long day to the interviewer, who was casually taking notes.

"œI see. And you say you were not under orders?" "

"œMy orders were to evacuate the injured away team first. I had to modify that when it was evident that we were surrounded and under attack.

This is not your first time disobeying or modifying orders, is it? Nor is it your first Court-martial?" asked the interviewer pointedly.

She gritted her teeth in annoyance. Of course, they'd bring up her previous infractions. "I've modified my orders when it was necessary for the safety of the rest of my crew. This time was no exception. And yes, I have been in a court-martial proceeding before. I assume you haven't read it, but it was in our effort to save the Federation President from getting assassinated. That is why I did what I did."

She bristled at the interrogator. "I think I've told you everything I can. Can I leave? My kid's going to be getting out of school at some point soon and I'm going to have to pick her up." She asked, clearly ready to be done with the whole thing.

"œI see.  We shall call you back should we require any further information from you." Said the interviewer who looked clearly done with her. At least it got her out of there. She'd have to find Alex somewhere.

She was more than glad to leave the office when she passed by the holodeck and saw Galloway heading over. "œGlad to see you're not in the slammer just yet, boss."

[As Maddy]


School was fun and all for Maddy, and she really liked learning stuff, but some days, it wasn't all that fun. She really liked reading stories and drawing, especially about spaceships and dinosaurs but there was other things that she had to do, like learning how to minus numbers that she didn't like.

It didn't help that she could tell that Mommy and Daddy were worried about something big.  Maybe they were even in trouble. She hoped not. It would be scary if something bad happened to them. But unfortunately, she couldn't go out and find them, as much as she wanted to go out to get them. She got in trouble the last time that happened.  So she'd have to wait until they picked her up.

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

Neva Cordon


[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185 Official Offices]

Neva sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, eyes closing and head falling to her chest in the movement. Looking back up, she gave the Starfleet Brass a tired and peeved stare.

"Ok, I've told you everything about the mission and given you my staff's records of all that was done in Engineering during my time on the Landser planet. Since you think I'm lying, why don't you tell me what you think I should tell you?"

The Admiral gave her an annoyed glare as his adjunct tried to hide a smile as she took notes of the meeting.

"What do you think I'm wanting then, Lieutenant?" He blustered back. "Since you know what I'm thinking of course." Denton Garabaldi crossed his arms over his chest and sat back, smugness rolling off him.

'Ooohh...tet a tet huh? Oh this is rich!' she thought as Neva glared back at him, smiling herself.

"Admiral, I don't know what you think I'm lying about, but even a Non-Betazoid could tell you think I'm holding something back." Neva mirrored his stance, down to the smugness. Two can play this game...

"Now, Lieutenant...Neva-" Garabaldi tried to coo, but the young Engineer's hand sliced the air between them.

"No, don't 'Neva' me, Admiral. You don't have that right or my permission to do so." She shot back, bursting up to lean forward and bang her forearms on the table one in front of the other. "You should know, Admiral Garabaldi-" she sneered the title and continued. "that Betazoids NEVER lie. It's just not in our nature. Let's stop deluding ourselves that this is anything akin to just a briefing." She sat back once more, arms crossed over her chest.

"Well then Lieutenant, tell me what you did once you were on the planet?" He leaned one forearm on the table fingers drumming.

"Ok, I woke up on a cliff, my isolation suit in tatters. I got up and took it off, digging a hole in the ground near rocks to hide it, hoping to tell someone where to find it later....

[Several Hours Later|Starbase 185|Restaurant]

After the interrogation, Neva had gleefully gone to her assigned quarters and took a shower as hot as she could stand. She felt unclean from what she'd been through, and hoped she could balm its effects if she could. All it did accomplish was heighten the tiredness the ordeal had caused. Before she fell asleep, she remembered talking to Ardyn on the way back to the Starbase.

Hitting her comm badge, she smiled. =^=Lt. Neva Cordon to Ensign Ardyn Jaeger. Hey, wanna take me up on that drink & dinner I promised? Let me know where and when you want to meet. Remember, it's all on me, kay?"=^=

Stretching, she settled her knitted green chenille blanket over her head and laid her head on the pillow. "Computer! Wake me in 2 standard hours." She called out, not wanting to move from under her cocoon. An answering chirp made her sigh gratefully and fall asleep.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ch'e N'ok Savyn

[Starbase 185 | Sickbay]

Savyn was quiet as he worked, standing in the medical bay of some Starbase he'd never been to, running tests on blood samples and marking down the results in his PADD. He wasn't really there though, not by any means. Well, of course, physically he was present in the space, but his mind was elsewhere.

He couldn't keep himself from thinking about his reassignment, how sudden it had seemed. He hadn't spent long on Discovery, he knew it was illogical to form such a bond with the ship so quickly, but Savyn had never been good with change. He had assumed it was some sort of promotion, that he'd done good work and it had earned him a new place higher up on the metaphorical ladder that was the Starfleet Ranking system, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Suddenly, in his distraction, his tremors grew suddenly worse, sending one of his tubes full of chemicals tumbling to the ground, shattering instantly. He swore quietly under his breath and crouched to begin cleaning.

Vulcan Male. 20 Years Old. Character Bio

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on March 19, 2024, 06:43:16 PM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | VIP Suite | Starbase 185]

After some time of reviewing the files, Ruzal looked up. "œAdmiral, this has to be the craziest crap I have ever seen."

"œAye, that it is," said Gillespie. "œThe Carters and I are just as gobsmacked. I am at such a loss as to how somebody can be so technologically advanced, in regards to wibbly-wobbly time-wimey gobbledegook, and yet still be in such a pre-warp stage to make this a violation of the Prime Directive."

"œNo warp capability, obviously,"
Ruzal said with a shrug.

"œIt's gobsmacking, I ken," he said. "œDinnae why all the muckery..." He sighed. He needed to interview the command staff again. Kyan Mackenzie was still unavailable, and in any event, he didn't want to talk to the psychotic little bugger about time together with his family and when Hamish himself was just a wee bairn. Again, better to talk with Ian Galloway. He tapped his comm badge.

"œGillespie to Galloway. I want you to meet with me in the next hour and a half. My assistant, Commander Mail, and I wish to talk more about these Landsers."

As he awaited a response, he thought solemnly to himself: Whatever the ends with, better he be punished with a change to his ship than him removed from Starfleet, what with the shortage of officers we have.

[Holodeck Twelve - Starbase 185]

The call from the Admiral came as Ian was in trouble. Having had nothing to do for the past two weeks, he'd been hitting the holodeck hard and had upped the difficulty from the base level 6 to level 8 and it showed. He was certain he could have finished off the Nate fighter he was tangling with, but he knew he couldn't keep the admiral waiting. He was in a bad position anyway against a damn good pilot, so he played to the Tomahawk's strengths, he snap rolled inverted and dove hard for the deck. He heard several metallic clangs as if someone was hitting a metal garbage bin with a hammer as the Nate got in a few hits before he could get out of range of the Japanese fighter's light machine guns. Pulling up low over the Chinese countryside at nearly 400 miles an hour, he was able to reply with his throat mic.

"Galloway here admiral. Acknowledge 90 minutes. Galloway out."

Bracing himself because it was always jarring to go from a seated flying position to the grid of the holodeck, Ian said.

"Computer. End program."

He was dropped some three meters to the golden grid of the holodeck, but landed on his feet having prepared for the transition. He exited quickly as the last thing he needed was to be late given the trouble he was already in.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on March 20, 2024, 04:10:38 AM

Starbase 185 -official offices]

Another day, another inquisition. Like, she was aware of her role in this entire mess that happened after the Landser Disaster. But as with the previous Court Martials she had done before, they were never satisfied with just a simple one-off interview. They had to have multiple inquiries and everything. No stone was left unturned. If she wasn't convinced that the Prime Directive was so important before, she certainly was now.

She stared at the interviewer as he asked her yet another very similar question. After a long day doing this whole song and dance, she just wanted to be over and done with it all. School for Maddy wouldn't last forever and she was going to have to pick her up at some point later today if Alex was still in an interrogation of his own.  She was aware of the possibility of prison time, and the ramifications of that for both Alex and Maddison, but right now she just had to

"œYes.  I had to lift off prematurely because we were being surrounded by several hostile forces who were trying to interfere with the medical evacuation of the away team.  I did engage in a dogfight with the intent to shoot  as necessary in order to protect the passengers onboard. Fortunately, their bullet-style weapons were not able to damage the Flyer, but we were prepared to shoot to disable if the situation worsened."

She said it , her voice monotonously repeating the same details of that long day to the interviewer, who was casually taking notes.

"œI see. And you say you were not under orders?" "

"œMy orders were to evacuate the injured away team first. I had to modify that when it was evident that we were surrounded and under attack . I think I've told you everything I can. May I leave? My kid's going to be getting out of school at some point soon and I'm going to have to pick her up." She asked, clearly ready to be done with the whole thing.

"œI see.  We shall call you back should we require any further information from you." Said the interviewer who looked clearly done with her. At least it got her out of there. She'd have to find Alex somewhere.

She was more than glad to leave the office when she passed by the holodeck and saw Galloway heading over. "œGlad to see you're not in the slammer just yet, boss."

"Thank you Lieutenant. Hopefully it stays that way."

Ian rushed on to make sure he had time to shower and change back into his proper Starfleet uniform. At the appointed time, Ian signaled and entered Gillespie's quarters.

"Captain Ian Galloway reporting as ordered Sir."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 20, 2024, 02:59:19 PM

"Galloway here admiral. Acknowledge 90 minutes. Galloway out."

At the appointed time, Ian signaled and entered Gillespie's quarters.

"Captain Ian Galloway reporting as ordered Sir."

[Guest Starring as Admiral Gillespie]

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | VIP Suite | Starbase 185]

After ninety minutes of reviewing, Gillespie and Ruzal were each looking so glad, it was obvious it was in each others' faces, that Captain Galloway showed up. They both decided that it was time to hear it from Ian's own voice.

"Glad you're here, Galloway," Gillespie drawled. "This is my assistant, Commander Ruzal Mail. And, yes, she's a survivor of Frontier Day, if you were wondering about the hair."

"I was more worried about my symbiote, to be honest," Ruzal commented. "And given your record of where you were that day, all I can say is: Galloway, you lucky sonova..."

"Anyway," Gillespie cut off, hoping to keep Ruzal from ranting, as every Mail host had a habit of doing, according to the Trill authorities. "As you know, we're in the investigation stage of the trial. We currently have personnel interviewing your crew regarding the situation, but Commander Mail here and I want to hear your perspective on this situation. It's just that, frankly, we're flummoxed, gobsmacked even, by this. I mean, it's true it's a trial in regards that it was a violation-of-the-Prime-Directive situation, but what gobsmacks us is how technologically advanced these Landsers are and yet are not warp-capable."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jalen Kartos

[Medical Ward | Starbase 185]

Lorian & Jalen found themselves rather busy on the station. Jalen, having been medically cleared to return to duty, was already tapped to fill the much-needed Pediatrician Role with the station's medical staff, and thus was back to working 8+ hour days putting bandages on bruises and wiping runny noses. The kind of thing that he found, was beneath most "˜Starfleet Doctors'. Who preferred to practice their medicine on the "˜important stuff' that being trauma and not the day-to-day stuff. The new duty was severely cutting into his Juma Sucker stores. Due to this, the last thing Jalen did before ending his shift that today as to put in an express order for more from Bajor, they should be here in a day or two, so hopefully before the Challenger had to leave again. Just as he was logging off his terminal beeped indicating that he had an incoming comms, he knew before he answered exactly whom it would be.

"œDoctor Kartos, this is the 4th time I have commed you today." The irate woman said on the other end of the line. She wore command red and sported the single pip of an ensign.

"œYes, it is, sadly I was packed with appointments today. The burden of the medical profession, you understand of course." Jalen said nonchalantly.

"œThis is a serious matter Doctor Kartos, and you can't just keep putting us off." The woman said red faced at his response.

"œOh, I am sure it is serious to you, but not so much to me." Jalen said, further exasperating the woman.

"œDoctor Kartos, the team needs to speak to Lieutenant Commander Kyan." She looked as if she was going to say more but Jalen raised a hand.

"œAnd as I have told you time and again, once he is medically fit for Interrogations, I shall change his status. But for now, he is not up for such things, and he is still at a critical point in his healing process. As such you and the Admiral will have to wait. Unless of course the Admiral himself feels like he needs to throw his weight around, at which point he can contact me himself. Good day!" Jalen then disconnected the comms and left the medical ward.


[Small Cargo Bay | Starbase 185]

Lorian being the only Vedek within a dozen lightyears of Starbase 185, found himself presiding over the lives of the handful of Bajoran Families on the station. They had arranged to convert one of the smallest cargo bays into a makeshift Shrine, and Lorian spent his days tending to the souls of the Bajorans who called Starbase 185 home. Today he had dedicated 4 babies to the Prophets, over saw a much overdue Rite of Passage for a 14yo Bajoran girl (usually this was done at 12) and counselled 4 members who had various crises of faith and morality. All in all his time here, not only today, but in all had been quite productive. He was just closing things down for the night when the door opened and Jalen appeared.

"œHello my Love" Jalen said as he stepped into the makeshift Chapel, made an obeisance to the prophets and then embraced his Husband kissing him deeply.

"œWhat was that for?" Lorian asked as they broke the kiss.

"œI just didn't want you to forget how good I am at that." Jalen said with a coy smile. Keeping his arm around Lorian's waist the two walked out of the cargo bay and made their way down the halls back to the habitat wing.

"œSo how was your day?" Lorian asked of his husband as they walked.

"œThe usual, mostly scrapes and bruises. Though there was one Andorian boy"¦ well half Andorian half Aenar, who suffers from a genetic condition. So that was interesting. The highlight though was having to chase Kyan over half the station, but the little scamp found the tracker I placed on him. Though the next one he surely won't find. The small viridium patch I am going to subcutaneously inject in that little imp the next time I get him in sickbay, will solve that problem"¦ though knowing him he'll find it and cut it out. But hopefully for awhile it will stump him. But you how was your day?" Jalen said with a coy smile. Tracking Kyan was as much a treatment as anything else, and exercised both their minds and kept them distracted from their healing. Lorian listened, he didn't approve of everything this Husband did in regard to Kyan, as he would never have allowed such things to happen to his own child"¦ though come to think about it as much as Kyan looked and acted the child, he was far from it. As well it was a major part of the Bajoran religion that self-determination was a thing, and if Kyan didn't Object to what was happening, it certainly wasn't his place to do so.

"œOh the usual, mending the spiritual hurts, and guiding people along the path of that the Prophets have laid out for them." Both of them were able to talk about their work, but only to an extent, and each respected the other for it. "œThe highlight was the Rite of Passage; the girl was so honoured and grateful to be able to finally become an "˜adult' and wear the personalized earing she had been working on for over 4 years." Lorian explained. Jalen nodded his head, he knew how important that time was for Bajoran children, and he was looking forward to Leran's Rite of Passage. The boy was very artistic and crafty, so he was certain the earing he would make would be very nice"¦ far better the Jalen's own meager attempt. Jalen mused as his and absently rose up and played with his earing. Lorian noticed the movement and knew how self-conscious his usually, so self-assured husband was about it. He leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"œDon't worry about it dear, your earing is perfect just the way it is, as it is yours." Jalen self-consciously removed his hand from his ear and smiled at his husband.

"œI know, but still. I worry that it isn't as nice as others." Lorian chuckled a little at Jalen's comment, he had lost track of how many times he had said that it wasn't the beauty or quality of an earing that makes it special. And since they had made it to their quarters now was not the time to address it again.

"œCome now, we have 3 kids to deal with in there, and they got that expansion today for their game, so they will be a little high strung, I am sure. So, we'll need all our faculties to wrangle them for dinner." Jalen nodded and set himself as if for battle as he hit the door controls and opened the doors on what they would find inside.

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

James Carter


[USS Athena-B | Guest Suite | Two Hours Prior]

Carter had only recently returned to duty after the catastrophic Frontier Day caused Starfleet to urgently need leadership to help rebuild. He'd spent ever since working in logistics trying to clean up messes and distribute key resources to assist the fleet. But when news of a potential court marshal came across his desk for people he'd met no less, he took the opportunity to stretch his legs. =/\= Admiral. We're rapidly approaching Starbase 185. We should be arriving within the next 10 minutes. We've already alerted the base of our arrival. We got a new report from the Wisconsin for you as well and I've sent Ensign Conners to meet you in the transporter room with that. Is there anything else we can do sir? =/\=

Carter laughed lightly as he stood from his temporary desk and started towards the transporter room. =/\= There is something else you can do for me Captain Masters. Stop calling me sir, we were in the same class at the academy. Just keep taking care of my old ship and we'll be all good yeah? =/\= Carter called out.

[Starbase 185 | Conference Room | Now]

As soon as Carter had materialized on the station he adjusted his uniform. Even now he didn't feel like uniforms ever quite fit just right. They were always just a bit too restrictive. He likely could have gotten away with wearing a field uniform on official business when he was a Captain. Maybe he could have gotten away with it when he was a Rear Admiral. But as a full Admiral? It seemed...unprofessional. However it didn't matter, right now he just had a job to focus on. He quickly made his way to the stations conference room which he had requisitioned to be a temporary base of operations during his stay on the Starbase. =/\= Admiral Gillespie, this is Admiral Carter. I apologize for the delay in my arrival, there was some trouble on our journey that side tracked the Athena, admittedly I should have seen that coming. I'd appreciate a debrief as soon as you're available to get me up to speed on everything you've looked into since we last spoke. Carter out. =/\=

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on March 20, 2024, 09:54:06 PM

[Guest Starring as Admiral Gillespie]

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | VIP Suite | Starbase 185]

After ninety minutes of reviewing, Gillespie and Ruzal were each looking so glad, it was obvious it was in each others' faces, that Captain Galloway showed up. They both decided that it was time to hear it from Ian's own voice.

"Glad you're here, Galloway," Gillespie drawled. "This is my assistant, Commander Ruzal Mail. And, yes, she's a survivor of Frontier Day, if you were wondering about the hair."

"I was more worried about my symbiote, to be honest," Ruzal commented. "And given your record of where you were that day, all I can say is: Galloway, you lucky sonova..."

"Anyway," Gillespie cut off, hoping to keep Ruzal from ranting, as every Mail host had a habit of doing, according to the Trill authorities. "As you know, we're in the investigation stage of the trial. We currently have personnel interviewing your crew regarding the situation, but Commander Mail here and I want to hear your perspective on this situation. It's just that, frankly, we're flummoxed, gobsmacked even, by this. I mean, it's true it's a trial in regards that it was a violation-of-the-Prime-Directive situation, but what gobsmacks us is how technologically advanced these Landsers are and yet are not warp-capable."

[Admiral's Quarters - Starbase 185]

Ian remained silent as Gillespie spoke as he knew he wasn't on the best of terms with him and his aide seemed particularly hostile over something that happened to her during the Frontier Day debacle. When given leave to talk, there was little he could add to what he'd already told.

"Aye Sir, that's the rub of it innit? How is it possible for an otherwise mid-21st Century society could develop a technology that has eluded 25th Century Federation technology for centuries. Our best boffins have nae even gotten anything off a drawin' board with fold space and the Landsers have done it. I suppose when you put the collective effort of an entire planet behind summat for 150 years, you get results."

Ian then stopped and waited to see what else Gillespie would ask as he surreptitiously kept an eye on the aide, because one didn't need to be a Betazoid to feel the waves of resentment radiating off of the Commander.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Starbase 185 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Ch'e N'ok Savyn on March 20, 2024, 02:56:05 PM

[Starbase 185 | Sickbay]

Savyn was quiet as he worked, standing in the medical bay of some Starbase he'd never been to, running tests on blood samples and marking down the results in his PADD. He wasn't really there though, not by any means. Well, of course, physically he was present in the space, but his mind was elsewhere.

He couldn't keep himself from thinking about his reassignment, how sudden it had seemed. He hadn't spent long on Discovery, he knew it was illogical to form such a bond with the ship so quickly, but Savyn had never been good with change. He had assumed it was some sort of promotion, that he'd done good work and it had earned him a new place higher up on the metaphorical ladder that was the Starfleet Ranking system, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Suddenly, in his distraction, his tremors grew suddenly worse, sending one of his tubes full of chemicals tumbling to the ground, shattering instantly. He swore quietly under his breath and crouched to begin cleaning.

After several long hours of being detained by Starfleet investigators, who didn't seem to grasp the fact that he couldn't provide them the information they wanted, Lahr was finally released.  A glance at his chronometer showed he was two hours late for his scheduled check-up with the starbase doctor who he'd been assigned to.

When he arrived late to the admitting nurse, he was given a rather sour look.  "Dr. Omajali has a full docket.  We won't be able to fit you in.  Are you willing to be seen by a technician?  I can probably get the temp staff to check your glucose and ketone levels."

Lahr readily agreed.  "Sounds good to me"

"Take a seat in alcove 5.  I'll send a medical technician."

Lahr gave another nod, his somewhat droopy antennae bobbing along with.   As he made his way to the mentioned alcove he could hear the Admitting Nurse put out a call to any available  temp medics to attend a patient in alcove 5 for bloodwork.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: Neva Cordon on March 20, 2024, 12:41:35 PM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185 Official Offices]

Neva sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, eyes closing and head falling to her chest in the movement. Looking back up, she gave the Starfleet Brass a tired and peeved stare.

"Ok, I've told you everything about the mission and given you my staff's records of all that was done in Engineering during my time on the Landser planet. Since you think I'm lying, why don't you tell me what you think I should tell you?"

The Admiral gave her an annoyed glare as his adjunct tried to hide a smile as she took notes of the meeting.

"What do you think I'm wanting then, Lieutenant?" He blustered back. "Since you know what I'm thinking of course." Denton Garabaldi crossed his arms over his chest and sat back, smugness rolling off him.

'Ooohh...tet a tet huh? Oh this is rich!' she thought as Neva glared back at him, smiling herself.

"Admiral, I don't know what you think I'm lying about, but even a Non-Betazoid could tell you think I'm holding something back." Neva mirrored his stance, down to the smugness. Two can play this game...

"Now, Lieutenant...Neva-" Garabaldi tried to coo, but the young Engineer's hand sliced the air between them.

"No, don't 'Neva' me, Admiral. You don't have that right or my permission to do so." She shot back, bursting up to lean forward and bang her forearms on the table one in front of the other. "You should know, Admiral Garabaldi-" she sneered the title and continued. "that Betazoids NEVER lie. It's just not in our nature. Let's stop deluding ourselves that this is anything akin to just a briefing." She sat back once more, arms crossed over her chest.

"Well then Lieutenant, tell me what you did once you were on the planet?" He leaned one forearm on the table fingers drumming.

"Ok, I woke up on a cliff, my isolation suit in tatters. I got up and took it off, digging a hole in the ground near rocks to hide it, hoping to tell someone where to find it later....

[Several Hours Later|Starbase 185|Restaurant]

After the interrogation, Neva had gleefully gone to her assigned quarters and took a shower as hot as she could stand. She felt unclean from what she'd been through, and hoped she could balm its effects if she could. All it did accomplish was heighten the tiredness the ordeal had caused. Before she fell asleep, she remembered talking to Ardyn on the way back to the Starbase.

Hitting her comm badge, she smiled. =^=Lt. Neva Cordon to Ensign Ardyn Jaeger. Hey, wanna take me up on that drink & dinner I promised? Let me know where and when you want to meet. Remember, it's all on me, kay?"=^=

Stretching, she settled her knitted green chenille blanket over her head and laid her head on the pillow. "Computer! Wake me in 2 standard hours." She called out, not wanting to move from under her cocoon. An answering chirp made her sigh gratefully and fall asleep.

[Starbase 185 -  Offices â†'  restaurant.]

It seemed like the Captain was getting called out again. She didn't blame him for skedaddling. He probably had the most interviews and paperwork to do out of the lot of them, and it seemed to be showing. "œGood luck."œ  she said as he almost seemed to be bolting off to his next appointment.

With that, Ardy was left again to her own devices. Though, she did remember one of her crewmates - Neva, if she remembered - wanted to hang out at some point. She could do with some company while she was waiting for something interesting to happen while everyone was on leave or getting asked a billion useless questions. Way better than being grilled for the umpteenth time or sitting on her hands doing nothing.

=/\= "œI'm down. Want to meet sometime for lunch? I've heard the pub down on the promenade has some good food. =/\= she asked.

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

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