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S6 - E3 - Tripwire

Started by Ian Galloway, May 17, 2024, 01:11:43 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Mess Hall

Quote from: Tora Zalos on May 23, 2024, 03:38:32 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

But nooooooo. Before she could properly come up with sensible and witty replies to either of those topics the sound of arguing, and then fisticuffs, rent the air, and her hopes were tragically dashed. Again, way to crush a girl's mood. Ouch. A quick glance across the mess hall told her immediately who it was, and a sigh escaped her lips. "Oh, god. Jeyshon! Stop!" Tora was on her feet and walking towards the two in a heartbeat. She'd just met the Tamarian the other day and hit it off quite well with him and honestly, didn't really want to see him get trashed like that. You know, as a friend does. "Hey hey hey, why don't we take a moment-" was all she managed before Rala's fist connected with her nose at more or less full force, and she crumpled to the floor with a strangled groan.

"Beat it, spoonie, or you're next when I'm done with your friend here!" Rala snarled. He kicked her limp body once and aimed a haymaker punch straight at his actual opponent.

Lahr shook his head when the science officer left their table to  try and break up the fight.  Yeah, that was gonna end badly he predicted, and he was right.

The moment Rala swung hitting Tora, Kasey was standing.  "We need to stop them." she urged Lahr.

The Andorian reached out a hand to grab at her jacket hem.  "You're an engineer.  What are you gonna do?" he tried to reason with her.

"Well, we can't just sit back and watch. You were security once, surely you know how to break up fights."

Lahr let out a soft groan. "Yeah but I don't have the authority I used to as Sec/Tac to stun dumbasses like Rala anymore." which was the truth, he didn't. Even if he had a phaser on him, which he didn't, he'd be the one facing charges if he stunned a fellow crewmember.

"Lahr why are you being an ass? Too much of a bother because of your hangover?!" Kasey huffed and pulled away from him to go help Tora to her feet.

Lahr grimaced.  Why was he the bad guy?!

"Fine..but I'm telling Security I was given an order to get involved."

The Andorian got up from his table with a long-suffering look and moved in behind Rala, the instigator, and used his Sec/Tac training to try and get him into an arm-lock.

"Fun is over, crewman.  Sec/Tac is on its way."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 24, 2024, 03:16:48 AM

[Cetacean Labs]

[As Maddy]

Maddy giggled as she and Mo got splashed by the dolphin. Being so close to the tank, she got pretty solidly soggy, and she absolutely loved it. And hearing the dolphins talk about their jobs, she grinned. She had read books about dolphins with her dad and they were just as cool as she had thought.  "You really help the ship to find where to go My mommy helps fly the ship!" she asked, genuinely excited as she talked with the dolphins. "I'm Maddy! I love spaceships and Dinosaurs!" she blurted, as the other kids in the class gave their answers.

[Cetacean Lab - Deck 8 - USS Challenger]

Mirriam tossed her head and laughed in the way of the dolphins before getting as close to Maddy as she could as she stage whispered.

"If not for us, the ship would take twice as long to get anywhere. Honestly, I don't see how the first human starships got anywhere."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 24, 2024, 10:58:20 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Mess Hall

Lahr shook his head when the science officer left their table to  try and break up the fight.  Yeah, that was gonna end badly he predicted, and he was right.

The moment Rala swung hitting Tora, Kasey was standing.  "We need to stop them." she urged Lahr.

The Andorian reached out a hand to grab at her jacket hem.  "You're an engineer.  What are you gonna do?" he tried to reason with her.

"Well, we can't just sit back and watch. You were security once, surely you know how to break up fights."

Lahr let out a soft groan. "Yeah but I don't have the authority I used to as Sec/Tac to stun dumbasses like Rala anymore." which was the truth, he didn't. Even if he had a phaser on him, which he didn't, he'd be the one facing charges if he stunned an officer.

"Lahr why are you being an ass? Too much of a bother because of your hangover?!" Kasey huffed and pulled away from him to go help Tora to her feet.

Lahr grimaced.  Why was he the bad guy?!

"Fine..but I'm telling Security I was given an order to get involved."

The Andorian got up from his table with a long-suffering look and moved in behind Rala, the instigator, and used his Sec/Tac training to try and get him into an arm-lock.

"Fun is over sir.  Sec/Tac is on its way."

[Mess Hall - USS Challenger]

Ian, Blackfeather, and four security officers arrived at this point to break up the fight. Once everyone was standing in a single rank at the position of attention, Ian gazed down the line with a basilisk-like stare. When he spoke, it was in an icy tone.

"I'm nae goin' ta bother with askin' who threw the first punch. I'm nae even goin' ta ask why. What am goin' ta do is have the Senior Chief sort out the combatants from the bystanders who tried ta stop the fight. Those involved in actual brawlin' clearly have too much unused energy on your hands. While we are at warp, you will, as a team, work together ta scrub the carbon filters. The next time we drop out of warp, you will, under the supervision of the Senior Chief discover the joy of scrubbin' the outer hull with a toothbrush for a whole shift. I hear anything else about brawlin' and havin' a space suit may nae be an option. I do hope I've made myself understood."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 24, 2024, 02:01:32 PM

...The next time we drop out of warp, you will, under the supervision of the Senior Chief discover the joy of scrubbin' the outer hull with a toothbrush for a whole shift. I hear anything else about brawlin' and havin' a space suit may nae be an option. I do hope I've made myself understood."

Kyan entered the mess hall in time to hear the tail end of Galloway's speech. He walked over and appraised the apparent combatants without comment. He noticed Tora being seen to by Jones from Damage Control and frowned. She wasn't a fighter, so either she'd been targeted for whatever reason, or she'd paid the price for being a good Samaritan.

"Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp" Jeyshon nodded. Then, "Erhmm.. Yes captain."

Given his darker skin tone and bony cranial ridges, the Tamarian appeared to have taken less damage than Crewman Rala, who had instigated the fight and was sporting a swollen eye for his trouble. Yet the Tamarian appeared chastened while the Bajoran glared at everyone through his one good eye, but said nothing for a moment. Then ne nodded. "Aye sir." he grumbled finally. "But my earring is still missing."

"Aye an yer after thinking he took it?" Kyan asked with a laugh pointing to Jeyshon. "How's he tae wear it without ears?"

"He's the only one who could have!" Rala growled, staring daggers at the diminutive First Officer. "Who else could it have been?"

Kyan liked this one. He had some fire in him. Most Bajorans did though. But he knew it wouldn't be a good look to overlook his attitude in front of the crew, let alone the Captain. Even though he didn't care about a little snark, the grups did. And if he let it go, it'd just be a hassle later.

"I dinnae ken who took yer earring so I don't. But I do ken the now dat yer attitude is shite, an no mistake so when yer done wi' yer chores the Captain gave to ye, you can come an see me. I got just the thing tae help ye sort that out so I do." He grinned as he sized the Bajoran up. He wasn't small, but he wasn't huge either. And he couldn't have been more than twenty.

Since he'd been hurt on the Landser mission, Kyan hadn't been able to do any proper sparring. Rala would be a good partner to knock the rust off, and they'd fix that attitude. 2 birds with the same rock.

"Is it ok with you den boss?" he asked, peerinng up at Ian.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Mess Hall

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 24, 2024, 02:01:32 PM

[Mess Hall - USS Challenger]

Ian, Blackfeather, and four security officers arrived at this point to break up the fight. Once everyone was standing in a single rank at the position of attention, Ian gazed down the line with a basilisk-like stare. When he spoke, it was in an icy tone.

"I'm nae goin' ta bother with askin' who threw the first punch. I'm nae even goin' ta ask why. What am goin' ta do is have the Senior Chief sort out the combatants from the bystanders who tried ta stop the fight. Those involved in actual brawlin' clearly have too much unused energy on your hands. While we are at warp, you will, as a team, work together ta scrub the carbon filters. The next time we drop out of warp, you will, under the supervision of the Senior Chief discover the joy of scrubbin' the outer hull with a toothbrush for a whole shift. I hear anything else about brawlin' and havin' a space suit may nae be an option. I do hope I've made myself understood."

Subduing Rala had been rather easy, and the fight was over before Galloway, Blackfeather or the four Sec/Tac needed to do anything other than claim that they'd done a good job.  Lahr, being found with Rala in an arm-lock was lined up with the other two and and given the 'scrub the hull with a toothbrush' spiel; it being the go-to punishment of the Captain's. The Andorian had been tasked with it more than once... back when Lahr was more familiar with Ruth's less strict style of command... but not recently.  He really didn't want to go through the punishment again.

Rather than acknowledge the Captain's words with a verbal response, which Lahr felt might accidentally get him lumped into the 'combantants' category, Lahr instead gave a slight nod before looking to Blackfeather.  "Bystander.. I called you just before a superior officer said I should intervene."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 24, 2024, 11:35:44 PM

Kyan entered the mess hall in time to hear the tail end of Galloway's speech. He walked over and appraised the apparent combatants without comment. He noticed Tora being seen to by Jones from Damage Control and frowned. She wasn't a fighter, so either she'd been targeted for whatever reason, or she'd paid the price for being a good Samaritan.

"Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp" Jeyshon nodded. Then, "Erhmm.. Yes captain."

Given his darker skin tone and bony cranial ridges, the Tamarian appeared to have taken less damage than Crewman Rala, who had instigated the fight and was sporting a swollen eye for his trouble. Yet the Tamarian appeared chastened while the Bajoran glared at everyone through his one good eye, but said nothing for a moment. Then ne nodded. "Aye sir." he grumbled finally. "But my earring is still missing."

"Aye an yer after thinking he took it?" Kyan asked with a laugh pointing to Jeyshon. "How's he tae wear it without ears?"

"He's the only one who could have!" Rala growled, staring daggers at the diminutive First Officer. "Who else could it have been?"

Kyan liked this one. He had some fire in him. Most Bajorans did though. But he knew it wouldn't be a good look to overlook his attitude in front of the crew, let alone the Captain. Even though he didn't care about a little snark, the grups did. And if he let it go, it'd just be a hassle later.

"I dinnae ken who took yer earring so I don't. But I do ken the now dat yer attitude is shite, an no mistake so when yer done wi' yer chores the Captain gave to ye, you can come an see me. I got just the thing tae help ye sort that out so I do." He grinned as he sized the Bajoran up. He wasn't small, but he wasn't huge either. And he couldn't have been more than twenty.

Since he'd been hurt on the Landser mission, Kyan hadn't been able to do any proper sparring. Rala would be a good partner to knock the rust off, and they'd fix that attitude. 2 birds with the same rock.

"Is it ok with you den boss?" he asked, peerinng up at Ian.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 25, 2024, 02:07:29 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Mess Hall

Subduing Rala had been rather easy, and the fight was over before Galloway, Blackfeather or the four Sec/Tac needed to do anything other than claim that they'd done a good job.  Lahr, being found with Rala in an arm-lock was lined up with the other two and and given the 'scrub the hull with a toothbrush' spiel; it being the go-to punishment of the Captain's. The Andorian had been tasked with it more than once... back when Lahr was more familiar with Ruth's less strict style of command... but not recently.  He really didn't want to go through the punishment again.

Rather than acknowledge the Captain's words with a verbal response, which Lahr felt might accidentally get him lumped into the 'combantants' category, Lahr instead gave a slight nod before looking to Blackfeather.  "Bystander.. I called you just before a superior officer said I should intervene."

[Mess Hall --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyan and Lahr's input and tying together clues gleaned from the Senior Chief unusual appearance and report to Zhuk, there was just enough information to deduce there had been a theft and the implication was that there had been more than one. One of the most unacceptable behaviors in any service was that of a 'barracks thief'. That one member of the crew could think so little of the rest of the crew and the service that they would steal from their shipmates was something that made Ian's blood boil. However, figuring out who was the theft was not his purview. Zhuk was his security chief and he trusted him completely. He would not usurp his authority.

"I believe Mister Mrekrerhas is aware of the theft issue Kyan. Let him do his job and track down whoever has been nickin' things. Once we ken that, if'n you still wish ta engage in some wall ta wall counselin', as First Officer, that is your business."

He replied quietly to Kyan.

"I will leave this theft issue ta you and Zhuk. I need ta return ta the bridge. Good huntin'."

Ian exited the mess hall and took the short ride back to the bridge. On arrival, he replaced Zhuk in the command chair.

"I believe you have a situation Mister Mrekrerhas. Report back when you have more information.

Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Mess Hall | USS Challenger]

The first thing Tora noticed upon waking up was the noise going on around her. The captain's weird accent, Shran, others she couldn't bring immediately to mind. She was laying on the floor. Why was she laying on the floor? That was weird. She lifted a hand to her face, and it came away sticky and red right where her nose was. Panic filled her immediately as she touched the bridge, and it felt way softer than normal. "Oh. Oh god." She murmured to herself, glancing in complete confusion at the crowd around her - and the Bajoran who'd punched her, who was thankfully now in custody and unable to do more than hurl insults, presumably. What a relief. "I gotta get to sickbay." She murmured, sitting back upright. Something sticky dripped into her mouth, and she nearly recoiled at the metallic taste of her own blood.

"Stay down, spoonhead. My grandmother died at the hands of one of your kind! She was sweet and kind and she treated me like her own child! She's a spy and a deceiver! Don't trust her! She's gonna betray you all-" More was not heard as Rala, ranting and raving, was led away by security personnel.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 21, 2024, 04:17:36 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the Challenger approached the old Neutral Zone border, they received a hail from their escort which was waiting and uncloaked for their arrival. Challenger dropped out of warp and after a short exchange of pleasantries, the RFS Harkma took up station on Challenger's port beam and both ships accelerated back to warp eight for the eight day trip to the closest point of the Free State border to Starbase 153.

As Zhuk stood at Tactical, he noticed Senior Chief Petty Officer Ryan Blackfeather enter the bridge, which was unusual. The Senior Chief usually avoided the bridge whenever he could. He moved next to his Security Chief and spoke softly, relying on the Caitian's acute hearing to keep his report quiet.

"Sir, there is a situation that has come to my attention. As embarrassing as this is, I believe we have a thief. Several crew members have reported small items missing. Nothing of extreme value, a silver hairbrush, a Tholian silk scarf, an Academy ring, among other things. These thefts have occurred only in crew quarters. Nothing from the ship's components, thing is, neither internal sensors or security scanners have detected anything. It is still small items, but there have been nine thefts since we left Starbase 185 and I figured you needed to know."

[Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Lieutenant Commander took notice of the escort as it uncloaked, keeping an eye on the sensors while the two ships resumed their travel at Warp 8. So concentrated Zhuk was, in fact, that his tail puffed up as he overheard Blackfeather. He had successfully managed to sneak upon the Caitian, a feat that he believed the Chief Petty Officer deserved commendation for. Nonetheless, Zhuk decided to concentrate on the situation that had arisen within the ship, his ear pivoting to properly overhear the whispered words relayed to him,

"That is... a set of unwelcome news. I appreciate they have been brought to me, however. Even if it is not critical, I believe determining who may be the culprit is important. Let us deploy a Security team to try and identify patterns and revise the security footage. All thieves eventually commit a mistake..."

Zhuk stated, with certainty. Though this event certainly was unexpected, it also amused him. It was a good opportunity to show off his abilities as the new Chief of Security and ingratiate himself with the new crewmembers. The training of the Security officers would also be placed to the test.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 23, 2024, 10:51:52 AM

[Bridge --> Mess Hall - USS Challenger]

When Blackfeather made his report to Zhuk, he had done so discretely enough that despite Tactical only being a few meters from his command chair, Ian had not heard what he had said. Given its method of delivery, it was clearly meant to be a security issue and thus he did not pry. However, the calls from Mulligatawny and Lahr came in all too loud and clear to ignore. He thought.

"A fight? On my ship? Security issue or not, I will not allow that sort of behavior. The Challenger was a Starfleet starship not a Hankow junk. This may not be my business, but it is my prerogative as Captain ta be wherever I choose."

Out loud he said.

"Senior Chief, I think the mess hall is due for a snap inspection. I will accompany you. Mister Mrekrerhas, you have the bridge."

A request for assistance that came from Blackfeather's commbadge made his ears flick. Great. It seemed as if the thief had bitten off more than they could chew, and were being put on their place. He assumed so, at least. As he prepared to give a set of orders to Blackfeather so that they could resolve the situation, the Captain instead spoke up first. It was an unexpected happenstance, but not unwelcome, as it gave him a chance to familiarize himself once more with the Captain's chair.

"Understood, Captain Galloway. Good hunting."

He allowed a smirk to be shown briefly before he took his place upon the Captain's chair as Ian took his leave with Blackfeather.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 24, 2024, 03:16:48 AM


Ardy shook herself out of her daze. "Sorry 'bout that boss. Been a bit preoccupied lately. Wedding stuff and all that drama, if you get my drift Heading to those coordinates now."

She plotted a course to the station, keeping an eye on the various systems. One of her navigations screens seemed to be off. Still a holdover from the hurried launch they had. It was slow enough now, so she figured it might be worth getting it fixed.  And she knew just the guy. She tapped her comms to Alex. =/\=  Hey there. If you have a moment, could you look at the nav systems? They're still off since the last update. Thanks." =/\= She had to keep things professional while on the job. at least, outside speaking. They were both the chiefs of their departments

With plots coordinated, and calls made, she set the ship on autopilot for now. Listening to the background gossip, it looked like there was a fight going on that had to be broken up.  "Seems like we're missing all the fun." joked Ardy to Zhuk as the Cap went down to break it up.

He glanced over at Lieutenant Jaeger's direction, finding her comment amusing. And also fitting. The action was what he usually craved, and this occasion was no different. However, he knew that he had to maintain professionalism in his current posting,

Heh. Mayhaps, but our duty still remains important. There will be a later opportunity for us to join them.

His tone slowly shifted from being entertained to a dry, composed statement. He did wish that he could take things with more humor, but he felt that it was improper.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 25, 2024, 12:46:11 PM

[Mess Hall --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyan and Lahr's input and tying together clues gleaned from the Senior Chief unusual appearance and report to Zhuk, there was just enough information to deduce there had been a theft and the implication was that there had been more than one. One of the most unacceptable behaviors in any service was that of a 'barracks thief'. That one member of the crew could think so little of the rest of the crew and the service that they would steal from their shipmates was something that made Ian's blood boil. However, figuring out who was the theft was not his purview. Zhuk was his security chief and he trusted him completely. He would not usurp his authority.

"I believe Mister Mrekrerhas is aware of the theft issue Kyan. Let him do his job and track down whoever has been nickin' things. Once we ken that, if'n you still wish ta engage in some wall ta wall counselin', as First Officer, that is your business."

He replied quietly to Kyan.

"I will leave this theft issue ta you and Zhuk. I need ta return ta the bridge. Good huntin'."

Ian exited the mess hall and took the short ride back to the bridge. On arrival, he replaced Zhuk in the command chair.

"I believe you have a situation Mister Mrekrerhas. Report back when you have more information.

Zhukdra'shar remained in his posting up until Galloway's return. Offering him a polite nod, he stood up from the chair. Perking up at the instructions given, his tail lightly swished from side to side, "Acknowledged Captain. I shalt deal with this situation in a swift and concise manner."

And with these words, Zhuk headed over to the turbolift.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 24, 2024, 02:01:32 PM

[Mess Hall - USS Challenger]

Ian, Blackfeather, and four security officers arrived at this point to break up the fight. Once everyone was standing in a single rank at the position of attention, Ian gazed down the line with a basilisk-like stare. When he spoke, it was in an icy tone.

"I'm nae goin' ta bother with askin' who threw the first punch. I'm nae even goin' ta ask why. What am goin' ta do is have the Senior Chief sort out the combatants from the bystanders who tried ta stop the fight. Those involved in actual brawlin' clearly have too much unused energy on your hands. While we are at warp, you will, as a team, work together ta scrub the carbon filters. The next time we drop out of warp, you will, under the supervision of the Senior Chief discover the joy of scrubbin' the outer hull with a toothbrush for a whole shift. I hear anything else about brawlin' and havin' a space suit may nae be an option. I do hope I've made myself understood."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 25, 2024, 02:07:29 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Mess Hall

Subduing Rala had been rather easy, and the fight was over before Galloway, Blackfeather or the four Sec/Tac needed to do anything other than claim that they'd done a good job.  Lahr, being found with Rala in an arm-lock was lined up with the other two and and given the 'scrub the hull with a toothbrush' spiel; it being the go-to punishment of the Captain's. The Andorian had been tasked with it more than once... back when Lahr was more familiar with Ruth's less strict style of command... but not recently.  He really didn't want to go through the punishment again.

Rather than acknowledge the Captain's words with a verbal response, which Lahr felt might accidentally get him lumped into the 'combantants' category, Lahr instead gave a slight nod before looking to Blackfeather.  "Bystander.. I called you just before a superior officer said I should intervene."

[Crewman Zala | Deck Four | Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zala swiftly joined Blackfeather's Security retinue as she was near the Mess Hall when the hail was given. Entering the area, she couldn't help but gasp at seeing the scene, watching as Lahr bravely held the Bajoran to keep him from hitting a Tamarian. She still decided to reach for her phaser just as things got uglier. Soon enough, though, the Captain proceeded to dismantle the entire fight with a scary speech. She even felt a chill running down her spine. With Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie also coming into the fray, and with the guidance of Blackfeather, she let out a sigh of relief.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on May 26, 2024, 01:03:28 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Mess Hall | USS Challenger]

The first thing Tora noticed upon waking up was the noise going on around her. The captain's weird accent, Shran, others she couldn't bring immediately to mind. She was laying on the floor. Why was she laying on the floor? That was weird. She lifted a hand to her face, and it came away sticky and red right where her nose was. Panic filled her immediately as she touched the bridge, and it felt way softer than normal. "Oh. Oh god." She murmured to herself, glancing in complete confusion at the crowd around her - and the Bajoran who'd punched her, who was thankfully now in custody and unable to do more than hurl insults, presumably. What a relief. "I gotta get to sickbay." She murmured, sitting back upright. Something sticky dripped into her mouth, and she nearly recoiled at the metallic taste of her own blood.

"Stay down, spoonhead. My grandmother died at the hands of one of your kind! She was sweet and kind and she treated me like her own child! She's a spy and a deceiver! Don't trust her! She's gonna betray you all-" More was not heard as Rala, ranting and raving, was led away by security personnel.

"Stop it, Crewman! You are only making this situation worse for yourself!" Zala exclaimed, gathering what valor she had to place Rale in her place. Or at least, attempt to. Her attention then shifted to Tora, the Cardassian, offering her literal shoulder if she needed it,

"H-Here, uhm... you can support yourself in me if you want to. I can help you get to Sickbay..."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 20, 2024, 05:05:43 PM

[Cetacean Lab - Deck 8 - USS Challenger]

As the other children closed around and Mo worked up the courage to speak, Mirriam tossed her head and slapped the water with her fins. Not enough to splash the children, but enough to get their attention and to draw her companions to surface.

"Yes indeed I am Lobling. I am specifically a Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin from the planet Earth. These are my sisters Sarah and Ruth."

"Welcome Little Swimmers we are happy to have you here and to explain our important role aboard the ship. Even though as little as 400 years ago we were considered to be nothing more than especially clever animals by the rather dense humans of that time, it only took a little modification of our DNA and a cybernetic implant that allowed us to prove which species was the smarter." Said Ruth.

At this point Sarah splashed the water hard enough to get Maddy and Mo wet as she whispered conspiratorially. "It's not the humans." She then laughed at her own joke.

Mirriam gave Sarah a dirty look and continued.

"Our function on the ship is navigation specialists. Because we evolved in a 3D environment we are far superior to humans in maintaining spatial away in space because it also involves three dimensions. We each hold the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Now that's who we are, how about you tell us about yourselves and what you like to do. Impress use and we'll allow you to link with us in the navigation net and you get to see what it is like to swim through space like we do."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 24, 2024, 03:16:48 AM

[Cetacean Labs]

[As Maddy]

Maddy giggled as she and Mo got splashed by the dolphin. Being so close to the tank, she got pretty solidly soggy, and she absolutely loved it. And hearing the dolphins talk about their jobs, she grinned. She had read books about dolphins with her dad and they were just as cool as she had thought.  "You really help the ship to find where to go My mommy helps fly the ship!" she asked, genuinely excited as she talked with the dolphins. "I'm Maddy! I love spaceships and Dinosaurs!" she blurted, as the other kids in the class gave their answers.

[Little Mo | Deck Eight | Cetacean Lab | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Oooh~" Came the impressed voice of Mo as Mirriam explained that she indeed was a dol-pheen. He was surprised to be called a 'Lobling', as it was a Ferengi word for a child, not used often by his teacher or friends. The explanation of the swimming creatures fully captured his attention, even though he still did not understand a few things, like 'Dee-Ene-A', or 'sai-bert-netic'.

A soft 'Eep!' was produced when he was splashed with water, though he began to laugh afterward, clapping his hands together. He hardly minded getting wet, and so, it was an amusing experience.

The petition of Mirriam, however, did confuse him for a moment. He did want to join them because he thought it would be cool, but he wasn't sure he could impress them. So he thought for a moment. Maddy's and his fellow classmates gave him a few ideas, and so, he was one of the last to answer,

"I am Mo! And I am very good at maths. All maths. Even divisions. My sister also tells me I have a 'buzziness mind'! Uhm... a-and my sister is a Security officer hethe!"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Aarwendil Cheizex

[Deck Four | Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

While he walked through the familiar corridors, Aarwendil thought that it was good to be back to the Challenger. He had to leave for a time, but soon returned. The Betazoid couldn't stay away from his duties any longer. Honestly, even if that was offered to him a long time away from the Star Fleet, the young man would never accept.

Working in the Starfleet was as much a part of his life as his telepathy. Being separated from it would be like missing something very important.

At that moment, Aarwendil was walking toward the Mess Hall. This was the best place where he could catch up with the rest of the crew. He arrived right on time to see the end of a commotion. The Betazoid wasn't sure about what had happened, but Ensign Zalos seemed to be hurt.

He could only wonder what had happened here.

Betazoid, Male

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 27, 2024, 12:37:02 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Lieutenant Commander took notice of the escort as it uncloaked, keeping an eye on the sensors while the two ships resumed their travel at Warp 8. So concentrated Zhuk was, in fact, that his tail puffed up as he overheard Blackfeather. He had successfully managed to sneak upon the Caitian, a feat that he believed the Chief Petty Officer deserved commendation for. Nonetheless, Zhuk decided to concentrate on the situation that had arisen within the ship, his ear pivoting to properly overhear the whispered words relayed to him,

"That is... a set of unwelcome news. I appreciate they have been brought to me, however. Even if it is not critical, I believe determining who may be the culprit is important. Let us deploy a Security team to try and identify patterns and revise the security footage. All thieves eventually commit a mistake..."

Zhuk stated, with certainty. Though this event certainly was unexpected, it also amused him. It was a good opportunity to show off his abilities as the new Chief of Security and ingratiate himself with the new crewmembers. The training of the Security officers would also be placed to the test.

A request for assistance that came from Blackfeather's commbadge made his ears flick. Great. It seemed as if the thief had bitten off more than they could chew, and were being put on their place. He assumed so, at least. As he prepared to give a set of orders to Blackfeather so that they could resolve the situation, the Captain instead spoke up first. It was an unexpected happenstance, but not unwelcome, as it gave him a chance to familiarize himself once more with the Captain's chair.

"Understood, Captain Galloway. Good hunting."

He allowed a smirk to be shown briefly before he took his place upon the Captain's chair as Ian took his leave with Blackfeather.

He glanced over at Lieutenant Jaeger's direction, finding her comment amusing. And also fitting. The action was what he usually craved, and this occasion was no different. However, he knew that he had to maintain professionalism in his current posting,

Heh. Mayhaps, but our duty still remains important. There will be a later opportunity for us to join them.

His tone slowly shifted from being entertained to a dry, composed statement. He did wish that he could take things with more humor, but he felt that it was improper.

Zhukdra'shar remained in his posting up until Galloway's return. Offering him a polite nod, he stood up from the chair. Perking up at the instructions given, his tail lightly swished from side to side, "Acknowledged Captain. I shalt deal with this situation in a swift and concise manner."

And with these words, Zhuk headed over to the turbolift.

[Crewman Zala | Deck Four | Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zala swiftly joined Blackfeather's Security retinue as she was near the Mess Hall when the hail was given. Entering the area, she couldn't help but gasp at seeing the scene, watching as Lahr bravely held the Bajoran to keep him from hitting a Tamarian. She still decided to reach for her phaser just as things got uglier. Soon enough, though, the Captain proceeded to dismantle the entire fight with a scary speech. She even felt a chill running down her spine. With Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie also coming into the fray, and with the guidance of Blackfeather, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Stop it, Crewman! You are only making this situation worse for yourself!" Zala exclaimed, gathering what valor she had to place Rale in her place. Or at least, attempt to. Her attention then shifted to Tora, the Cardassian, offering her literal shoulder if she needed it,

"H-Here, uhm... you can support yourself in me if you want to. I can help you get to Sickbay..."

[Little Mo | Deck Eight | Cetacean Lab | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Oooh~" Came the impressed voice of Mo as Mirriam explained that she indeed was a dol-pheen. He was surprised to be called a 'Lobling', as it was a Ferengi word for a child, not used often by his teacher or friends. The explanation of the swimming creatures fully captured his attention, even though he still did not understand a few things, like 'Dee-Ene-A', or 'sai-bert-netic'.

A soft 'Eep!' was produced when he was splashed with water, though he began to laugh afterward, clapping his hands together. He hardly minded getting wet, and so, it was an amusing experience.

The petition of Mirriam, however, did confuse him for a moment. He did want to join them because he thought it would be cool, but he wasn't sure he could impress them. So he thought for a moment. Maddy's and his fellow classmates gave him a few ideas, and so, he was one of the last to answer,

"I am Mo! And I am very good at maths. All maths. Even divisions. My sister also tells me I have a 'buzziness mind'! Uhm... a-and my sister is a Security officer hethe!"

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"Ooh, thank you so very much. I'll treat you to some food or something when I've had my nose un-broken and my head's no longer spinning. No, I insist." Tora promised the young crewman who offered her assistance. Someone was probably going to give her a bonking for wanting to mix around with enlisted personnel, but she'd never really bought into that anyway. She looped her arm around the young woman's shoulders and used that to help herself up - the two nearly buckled, but thankfully Zala held her weight, and Tora managed a wry smile. "Well. I think I shouldn't waste too much time now, should we? I'd hate to redden my face more than Rala's fist already has. Goodness gracious."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 27, 2024, 12:37:02 PM

[Little Mo | Deck Eight | Cetacean Lab | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Oooh~" Came the impressed voice of Mo as Mirriam explained that she indeed was a dol-pheen. He was surprised to be called a 'Lobling', as it was a Ferengi word for a child, not used often by his teacher or friends. The explanation of the swimming creatures fully captured his attention, even though he still did not understand a few things, like 'Dee-Ene-A', or 'sai-bert-netic'.

A soft 'Eep!' was produced when he was splashed with water, though he began to laugh afterward, clapping his hands together. He hardly minded getting wet, and so, it was an amusing experience.

The petition of Mirriam, however, did confuse him for a moment. He did want to join them because he thought it would be cool, but he wasn't sure he could impress them. So he thought for a moment. Maddy's and his fellow classmates gave him a few ideas, and so, he was one of the last to answer,

"I am Mo! And I am very good at maths. All maths. Even divisions. My sister also tells me I have a 'buzziness mind'! Uhm... a-and my sister is a Security officer hethe!"

[Cetacean Lab - Deck 8 - USS Challenger]

Miriam tossed her head back which was how a dolphin expressed amusement as Mo explained his skills. Miriam gave Mo a hard stare and he could feel a sort of vibration rattle through his body, it wasn't a good sensation, but it didn't hurt. Mo had no way of knowing the Miriam had just used in innate sonar on him, it was the dolphin equivalent of scanning someone with a tricorder.

"Well Lobling, this is your lucky day as humans would say. If your teacher allows, you can get fitted with a wet suit and join us in our home. If you are able to tolerate the water, then you can be fitted with one of our cyber-links and see space how we see it. If you are brave enough."

Jettis Jyur

[ USS Challenger - Holodeck 1 ]

Jettis exhaled a breath slowly, trying to avoid fogging his goggles for the umpteenth time as his hand caught his next handhold. The snow-covered rock, thankfully didn't budge in his grip. The same rush of adrenaline hit him, as he continued his descent from the mountain.

Time off had thankfully come into his possession more readily, after the entire upset of Land and the court martial. He'd spent such time dusting off long forgotten and abandoned hobbies, like free climbing.
He'd managed to ascend the mountain in record time, and got halfway down before his smart watch began shrilley alerting him that his time was up. Sighing, he lifted his goggles and glared down at the device. "Computer, end program."

The landscape dissipated, leaving him standing on solid ground. "I'm going to have to block out more holodeck time," he muttered to himself. Reaching up to fix his hair, ensuring it was still tightly tied back, he stepped out of the holodeck, giving a passive wave to the next person who had scheduled it.

Right, back to his quarters. A quick check of his watch and he knew he'd missed Theresa's lunch break from school, so he'd settle for picking up something light before sequestering himself off in his office. His eyes briefly observed the scene that was already being handled, and promptly decided it wasn't apart of his wheelhouse and grabbed a sandwich to go. He was ready to make his escape, before he noticed one of his officers being helped out of the messhall. Damn wheelhouse.

"Ensign Zalos, are you alright?" he called out, making his way over.

Alexander Wu


[USS Challenger - Ops Chief Office]

By some strange twists of fate, Alex found himself in possession of an office again, along with the inherited responsibility for Challenger's largest personnel department. The handover with Booker had been so rushed, she'd left behind a smattering of personal belongings which Alex would have to mail back to her once they arrived at Starbase 153. Truth be told, while he had half-expected to make Chief again, with Galloway's officer cadre being very much so on the greener side, Alex wasn't happy about losing Adelle. She knew the ship and crew better than most, and would've made a great 2IC, but the career mangler had refused to make an exception. Booker had been needed elsewhere, and gotten transferred off at Solaere.

The end result was that Alex now found himself elbow deep in half completed tasks, from staff evaluations to the latest suggested updates and calibrations from Starfleet Operations, and his own self implemented studying up on Challenger's systems. Then there were the mandatory meetings and reports to be attended and written, and the constant flow of new requisitions to be discussed and approved. On the homefront, Maddison was finally trying to behave, ever since her escapade on Starbase 185, only for that particular stress to be replaced by his and Ardyn's upcoming nuptials. Alex had thought he knew the intricacies of Betazed wedding traditions. How wrong he'd been.

I need a coffee. Stifling a yawn, Alex pushed back from his desk, rising to stretch a surprisingly stiff back. He'd only managed a few steps away towards the replicator before his computer notified him of an incoming memo. Gauging the potential pros and cons of ignoring the message for a few more minutes, he let out a quiet "Ugh." before returning to his desk emptyhanded. Reading Chief Engineer Sunik's message quickly, Alex could practically feel what little hope he had of a somewhat relaxing evening slipping away. Point zero five four three percent. That's what I'll be pulling a double shift for. Fantastic.

It was at moments like these Alex felt pangs of jealousy towards his imzadi, who had remained a pilot and thus had far less tedious tasks to worry about. Maybe not less tedious in quality, but certainly in quantity. Almost like she'd sensed him thinking about her, his commbadge went off with a familiar voice.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 24, 2024, 03:16:48 AM

=/\=  Hey there. If you have a moment, could you look at the nav systems? They're still off since the last update. Thanks." =/\=

=/\="I'll be there shortly."=/\= If that wasn't a reasonable excuse to get out of his office for the next half hour, Alex didn't know what was. He did make a stop for something more essential than his toolkit before heading up however. "Large raktajino, hot, in a travel mug."

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"G'morning, Zhuk." Alex greeted the Caitian commander as they switched places in the turbolift, feeling a fair bit friendlier and awake after his first few sips of the strong Klingon brew. "Morning, Captain." After exchanging pleasantries with a few of the other bridge officers while making his way forward, Alex placed his mug on the helm console before kneeling behind it to remove a maintenance panel. "So what did you do again to break this, Ardy?"

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Ardyn Jaeger


Ardy got that feeling of wanting to be in the middle of the action. She more than anything wanted to be in the middle of the action, especially when a bar fight over dubious reasons was brewing, but the ship wouldn't fly herself, and Maddy had already proven that she was a lot more observant and troublesome and didn't need to pick up more unwarranted bad habits just yet. "You're probably right, Zhuk.  Gotta have someone be the adult in the room. There may yet be some barfight next shore leave. That'll spice things up," she said, with a smirk as Zhuk headed down the turbolift.

Ardy could smell the bitter Raktaijino blend Alex had in his mug before she noticed him come up. Klingon coffee blends always seemed to have a sharp aroma that was  heavily pronounced when brewed.

"Heya handsome." she said, noticing the tired look on his face. Another busy day making sure things didn't inexplicably break around them at any given notice. She did give a wry grin at the mention of her breaking the ship. " Oh, you know, the usual, Barrel rolls, MVA separation, the works. Might even have ejected the warp core."

She laughed at her own joke in comparison to the mundane issue she'd been dealing with for the past few hours. "It's really the secondary navigation computers. I'm receiving some off readings on it, in comparison to the system scans. I think it was only partially fixed when we had to leave the base and nobody really got around to it."

[Cetacean labs]

Maddy wasn't sure what Miriam the dolphin was talking about, but she was definitely interested in swimming with the dolphins! She was really good at it too, even, as she had learned to swim in the lake when she was really little. "Ooh! I can! I can!" she said, already jumping ahead of the other kids and leaving the teacher behind.  Looking at Mo,  she grinned. " Can you swim, Mo?"

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Mess Hall

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 25, 2024, 12:46:11 PM

[Mess Hall --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyan and Lahr's input and tying together clues gleaned from the Senior Chief unusual appearance and report to Zhuk, there was just enough information to deduce there had been a theft and the implication was that there had been more than one. One of the most unacceptable behaviors in any service was that of a 'barracks thief'. That one member of the crew could think so little of the rest of the crew and the service that they would steal from their shipmates was something that made Ian's blood boil. However, figuring out who was the theft was not his purview. Zhuk was his security chief and he trusted him completely. He would not usurp his authority.

"I believe Mister Mrekrerhas is aware of the theft issue Kyan. Let him do his job and track down whoever has been nickin' things. Once we ken that, if'n you still wish ta engage in some wall ta wall counselin', as First Officer, that is your business."

He replied quietly to Kyan.

"I will leave this theft issue ta you and Zhuk. I need ta return ta the bridge. Good huntin'."

The Captain and Commander Mackenzie quickly turned their attention away from Lahr to deal with the issue of Rala, and the more pressing issue of the thievery.  Since Tora was being assisted by Zala and Ensign Jones, Lahr took advantage of their distraction to slip away to nurse his hangover in peace.

A glance at a nearby wall panel, had the Andorian groaning at the realization that it was nearly time for his shift.  At this rate, he'd have no choice but to head up to Sickbay and ask for yet another anti-intoxicant shot. Since his return to active duty at the start of the year, Lahr's dependency on the 'miracle cure' had grown.  At first it was only needed after two-days off following a 'weekend' drinking binge.

But then last month, after having received word back from the detective Lahr had hired to take over the search for Ruth that there had been no progress, Lahr's drinking grew to problematic proportions.  Now he was drinking between shifts on his work days.  Sometimes he stopped drinking only an hour before his scheduled shift.

He'd been fortunate at the time that the administering nurse hadn't been Chloe, who'd been recovering from her injury, and instead was a new nurse that hadn't been on the ship long enough to have been warned away by his ex.  As it so happened, the young nurse, finding Lahr charming, 'looked the other way' and 'forgot' to record the drugs usage and explained his presence in Sickbay as him 'checking on his blood sugar levels'.  This happened not just once, but several times.  Until just last week, when Chloe returned to work after her recovery, and Lahr had no choice but to ask for an anti-intoxicant shot from her.

Today's required dose would be his 3rd since then and unfortunately he knew Chloe was working today.  At this point, Lahr was certain she would turn him away, and let his Chief deal with his drinking habit.  Lahr's antenna hung low as he slowly made his way to Sickbay.  With any luck, Chloe will be busy with Tora by the time he arrives, and he'll get the other other nurse.

"Roohz! What was her name again?!"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on May 28, 2024, 02:37:23 PM

[ USS Challenger - Holodeck 1 ]

Jettis exhaled a breath slowly, trying to avoid fogging his goggles for the umpteenth time as his hand caught his next handhold. The snow-covered rock, thankfully didn't budge in his grip. The same rush of adrenaline hit him, as he continued his descent from the mountain.

Time off had thankfully come into his possession more readily, after the entire upset of Land and the court martial. He'd spent such time dusting off long forgotten and abandoned hobbies, like free climbing.
He'd managed to ascend the mountain in record time, and got halfway down before his smart watch began shrilley alerting him that his time was up. Sighing, he lifted his goggles and glared down at the device. "Computer, end program."

The landscape dissipated, leaving him standing on solid ground. "I'm going to have to block out more holodeck time," he muttered to himself. Reaching up to fix his hair, ensuring it was still tightly tied back, he stepped out of the holodeck, giving a passive wave to the next person who had scheduled it.

Right, back to his quarters. A quick check of his watch and he knew he'd missed Theresa's lunch break from school, so he'd settle for picking up something light before sequestering himself off in his office. His eyes briefly observed the scene that was already being handled, and promptly decided it wasn't apart of his wheelhouse and grabbed a sandwich to go. He was ready to make his escape, before he noticed one of his officers being helped out of the messhall. Damn wheelhouse.

"Ensign Zalos, are you alright?" he called out, making his way over.

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"Barely. Crewman Rala decided to take a swing at me when I tried to stop him from beating the snot out of Jeyshon over there." Tora pointed backwards at the poor Tamarian - the poor guy didn't ask for any of this, really, and here he was caught right in the middle. She felt sorry for him, really. When all this was over he was chief among the first few she wanted to bring out to a nice meal and possibly a massage on the holodeck - as an apology of sorts, in his case. "I'll be sure to turn up on duty as soon as possible, promise! Lots to do!" Which would be within the hour or something, she was sure of that, provided the doctors didn't find anything serious floating around her brain fluids or something. 

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