Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Safi Larson

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 03:16:39 PM

Grix smiled as Cayden joined them at the table, he knew the guys on Cayden,s team were specialists and it wasn't so long ago he would have been on one of those teams.
"Well seeing as you are both here, I might aswell get to the point firstly Miss Larson, i want you to wear this while you are on duty" he reached into his pocket and pulled out the box John had given him and handed it to Safi "Lieutenant Commander Larson with immediate affect you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander" he raised his glass and took a sip.

"And now the second item of business, Admiral Brown has given me permission to recruit who i want from the staion to fill two major holes in my crew, So Cayden would you consider coming back to the Churchill as Chief of Operations and if you say yes, then we need to discuss my choice to run security, I would like Master Chief James Booth as Security Chief and COB, what do you two think to that as a suggestion?" he placed his glass on the table interested to see who responded first.


Safi took the Pip looked at it for a long moment then spoke towards the two men plaining and directly

"I appreciate your faith in being a Full Commander but James Booth I got concerns with hes a Romanizing Bastard and His Reproductive system might get into an accident  you know troubolifts might fail" Finished Larson with a sly smile

Christian Grix

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 10, 2014, 03:25:32 PM

McConnell smiled as he watched Grix slide the box across the table towards Larson.

"Congrats, Commander." He said raising his glass. Taking a sip he looked back across the table at the Captain.

"Me? At OPS, sir? I mean, I can understand bringing Master Chief Booth aboard to be the COB and Chief of Security but me at OPS? I mean, I would love to be back aboard with you guys. So I guess, yes."

"Good I will get that confirmed and welcome home Cayden" Christian was about to add more to his statement instead he just raised his glass to his friends and tapped them together before taking a drink, just as his PADD beeped.
Quote from: Bradley Miller on June 11, 2014, 12:21:08 AM

After that had been sent, he continued typing, getting ready to send a quick message out to Chris.

Captain Chris, As Chief Engineer and on behalf of the Churchill Engineering Department, I am formally requesting a clarification/confirmation of orders. I wish it to be confirmed that we are indeed transferring ships. Provided the previous is true, I wish it to be clarified to which ship on this Starbase we are moving to, and by what time we are expected to complete said transfer. Please respond as quickly as possible, preferably within 90 minutes. Thank you. End Message.

He once again hit the send key and the console beeped to inform him that that message too had been sent. At this, he turned on his heel and walked into his office, deciding without thought that he would start his own personal preparations/actions with the necessary materials in his office. He'd also have to grab his Engineers Toolkit and oversee the shut down of all systems in the Engineering Room ... and that was before even mentioning his personal items in his Quarters ... though that didn't actually comprise much ...

Grix looked to his companions "Excuse me"  he tapped his comm badge with a wry smile on his lips =/\= Grix to Commander Miller, Bradley the U.S.S Bellerophon at Docking bay 37, just completed its Re-fit and is currently being renamed Churchill and having the registry transferred as for time limit as long as she is ready to launchon time I dont care if you do it by the skin of your teeth but if you need help you can request it from Spacedock or I can ask Commander Larson to coordinate things =/\= He smiled to himself knowing both he and Safi were ex chief engineers and neither of them would have been happy trusting the job to anyone else.
Quote from: Safi Larson on June 11, 2014, 02:14:39 AM


Safi took the Pip looked at it for a long moment then spoke towards the two men plaining and directly

"I appreciate your faith in being a Full Commander but James Booth I got concerns with hes a Romanizing Bastard and His Reproductive system might get into an accident  you know troubolifts might fail" Finished Larson with a sly smile

Stifling a laugh as Safi spoke and at the same time noticing Booth at the bar "You've met him before then, well I can only tell you what i've seen but he is a changed man since he found out he had a daughter" Christian looked to where Booth sat and saw the way he looked at Safi "Didn't you serve with him on the Gibson? as he's only at the bar I can call him over".

Safi Larson

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 02:56:25 AM

"Good I will get that confirmed and welcome home Cayden" Christian was about to add more to his statement instead he just raised his glass to his friends and tapped them together before taking a drink, just as his PADD beeped.

Grix looked to his companions "Excuse me"  he tapped his comm badge with a wry smile on his lips =/\= Grix to Commander Miller, Bradley the U.S.S Bellerophon at Docking bay 37, just completed its Re-fit and is currently being renamed Churchill and having the registry transferred as for time limit as long as she is ready to launchon time I dont care if you do it by the skin of your teeth but if you need help you can request it from Spacedock or I can ask Commander Larson to coordinate things =/\= He smiled to himself knowing both he and Safi were ex chief engineers and neither of them would have been happy trusting the job to anyone else.

Stifling a laugh as Safi spoke and at the same time noticing Booth at the bar "You've met him before then, well I can only tell you what i've seen but he is a changed man since he found out he had a daughter" Christian looked to where Booth sat and saw the way he looked at Safi "Didn't you serve with him on the Gibson? as he's only at the bar I can call him over".

Safi looked at him and shook her head then spoke towards Christian

"I doubted he informed you that he also is a father of my child  we were an item on the Gibson at the time my Body had uges still dose but I learned to control them" Finished Larson

Christian Grix

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 11, 2014, 03:01:54 AM

Safi looked at him and shook her head then spoke towards Christian

"I doubted he informed you that he also is a father of my child  we were an item on the Gibson at the time my Body had uges still dose but I learned to control them" Finished Larson

"No you are right he didn't but let's just say Booth and me didn't get off to such a good start as you and me" he got up from his seat "but if you two want too pretend you don't care for each other, then as long as it doesn't interfere with your jobs it is none of my business" Draining his glass before adding "I'll be moving my quarters and then on the new bridge if anyone needs me" with that he nodded to Safi and Cayden and started to leave for the bar stopping at Booth.

"Chief I want you back as my COB and head of security on the INTREPID class i've been assigned to, will the fact Commander Larson is my XO be an issue?" he asked Booth directly the two of them had too much experience to dance around the subject with small talk and neither man was famous for it.

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 03:52:25 AM

"Chief I want you back as my COB and head of security on the INTREPID class i've been assigned to, will the fact Commander Larson is my XO be an issue?" he asked Booth directly the two of them had too much experience to dance around the subject with small talk and neither man was famous for it.

Booth looked across the room to Safi, he gave her a smile, not one of his seductive ones. Looking to Grix, who'd surprisingly had been given a fourth pip, Jimmy tried not to look so obvious that he'd noticed the addition. "It won't be a problem to me Comm....Captain and I would be honoured to come back to the Churchill. Let's just say HQ life doesn't suit me."

His eyes trailed back to Safi, he hoped that he would get the chance to talk to her soon. Things had been left to fester for too long and it needed to be sorted.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: James Booth on June 11, 2014, 05:03:52 AM

Booth looked across the room to Safi, he gave her a smile, not one of his seductive ones. Looking to Grix, who'd surprisingly had been given a fourth pip, Jimmy tried not to look so obvious that he'd noticed the addition. "It won't be a problem to me Comm....Captain and I would be honoured to come back to the Churchill. Let's just say HQ life doesn't suit me."

His eyes trailed back to Safi, he hoped that he would get the chance to talk to her soon. Things had been left to fester for too long and it needed to be sorted.

Christian placed his hand on Booth's shoulder and smiled "Thanks Chief I lost the Flagship and that hurts but I got this to keep me quiet, now go talk to her I can see the way you look at her" Christian then signalled the bar man for another drink before he could pour it Christian took the bottle by the neck and took up a seat on one of the stools, pouring him self a shot that soon turned into a double, a treble and then a glass.

TMautlan Syrika

T'Mautlan was at working at one of the Tertiary Workstations  going over data gathered on the Haroz Nebula by herself, Lieutenant Daniels and Ensign Mantooth.  She was about to go over the senor logs once again when her comm badge chirped.

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

She tapped her comm badge, opening a channel. =^=Syrika to Grix, Astrometrics will be ready=^=

An Intrepid class ship. We are finally going home. she thought to herself.

After logging off her station, T'Mautlan walked over to Lieutenant Reynolds.

"Kathryn, I am going to the Lounge for a bit. I will be back to help ready things for the transfer to the new ship."

Kathryn smiled that smile. She had heard the comm and knew why T'Mautlan was going to the Lounge. She knew of T'Mautlan and Grix's relationship and was very happy for them.

Taking her hands in hers, Kathryn patted them gently. "You go be with Chris, we will handle things here."

[Earthdock Lounge Near Docking Port]

T'Mautlan walked into the lounge and found Chris instantly. He was at the bar, a bottle of Jack Daniels on the bar in front of him. She made her way over to him. Laying her hand gently on his shoulder, she leaned down and whispered in his ear. "May I join the sexiest man in Star Fleet for a drink?"

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Christian Grix

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 11, 2014, 06:37:33 AM

T'Mautlan was at working at one of the Tertiary Workstations  going over data gathered on the Haroz Nebula by herself, Lieutenant Daniels and Ensign Mantooth.  She was about to go over the senor logs once again when her comm badge chirped.

She tapped her comm badge, opening a channel. =^=Syrika to Grix, Astrometrics will be ready=^=

An Intrepid class ship. We are finally going home. she thought to herself.

After logging off her station, T'Mautlan walked over to Lieutenant Reynolds.

"Kathryn, I am going to the Lounge for a bit. I will be back to help ready things for the transfer to the new ship."

Kathryn smiled that smile. She had heard the comm and knew why T'Mautlan was going to the Lounge. She knew of T'Mautlan and Grix's relationship and was very happy for them.

Taking her hands in hers, Kathryn patted them gently. "You go be with Chris, we will handle things here."

[Earthdock Lounge Near Docking Port]

T'Mautlan walked into the lounge and found Chris instantly. He was at the bar, a bottle of Jack Daniels on the bar in front of him. She made her way over to him. Laying her hand gently on his shoulder, she leaned down and whispered in his ear. "May I join the sexiest man in Star Fleet for a drink?"

Grix turned and smiled to Syrika "Is that a good idea?" he pointed to the seat next to him "We will need to get ready to change ships soon, how's the lab?" he swung round on his stool so T'Mautlan could see his collar.

Grix drained off his drink and pushed the bottle away from him "We need to pack and then get over to the Churchill are you moving in with me when we get there?" It was something he had meant to ask her for months now and everyone knew she spent more time in his anyway.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 02:56:25 AM

"Good I will get that confirmed and welcome home Cayden" Christian was about to add more to his statement instead he just raised his glass to his friends and tapped them together before taking a drink, just as his PADD beeped.

Grix looked to his companions "Excuse me"  he tapped his comm badge with a wry smile on his lips =/\= Grix to Commander Miller, Bradley the U.S.S Bellerophon at Docking bay 37, just completed its Re-fit and is currently being renamed Churchill and having the registry transferred as for time limit as long as she is ready to launchon time I dont care if you do it by the skin of your teeth but if you need help you can request it from Spacedock or I can ask Commander Larson to coordinate things =/\= He smiled to himself knowing both he and Safi were ex chief engineers and neither of them would have been happy trusting the job to anyone else.

Stifling a laugh as Safi spoke and at the same time noticing Booth at the bar "You've met him before then, well I can only tell you what i've seen but he is a changed man since he found out he had a daughter" Christian looked to where Booth sat and saw the way he looked at Safi "Didn't you serve with him on the Gibson? as he's only at the bar I can call him over".

McConnell smiled at the thought of serving on the Churchill.  Rising from his chair, he turned towards the exit.

"If you will excuse me Commander,  I need to get my gear moved to the Churchill and stowed. I shall see you on the bridge."

Turning he headed out and off to the station's guest quarters. Grabbing all of his tactical gear,  he was in luck that the rest of his personal effects were still stored in their cases.

=/\= McConnell to Quartermaster.  Please have my gear moved to the Intrepid class refit docked at bay 47. Thank you. =/\=

Leaving his quarter's, he headed for the docking port that the new Churchill was "tied" off to. Reaching the docking port, he looked out the viewing window and saw the familiar shape of an Intrepid Class starship.

"Hello ship." He said as he entered the gangway, and boarded the New Churchill.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"



Jiseth entered and went straight to the end of her bed and sat there, leaning the bat'leth against the mattress. One elbow went to her knee with her balled fist under her chin. Her eyes went scanning around the room. There was an awkwardness about it. She and the ship had never quite come to terms with each other. It was still the Patton to her.

She did like the design out of the outer hull, but beauty is only skin deep as they say. The inside of the ship was immensely bothersome. Swarming plague of technical issues aside, it was the crew she resided with. While she was relieved of duty, there was plenty of time to work on the Daedalus project, but also to think. Perhaps the worst individual on board for her to deal with was not Brown or Grix, or Larson, or even Irvine. It was herself.

Leaning back onto the bed she sprawled her arms out, the wings of a flying warbird. Staring at the ceiling, her comforter felt cool which was a relief. The collar around her neck felt like it was getting a bit warm, too tight maybe. Pulling her zipper down a bit, there was a quiet sigh. Four hours was plenty of time since she never seemed to have everything quite unpacked. After the loss of the last Churchill, it became habit to keep things ready to be taken in a moment's notice.

"I wonder where you are right now, Zero..."

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Jiseth on June 11, 2014, 11:35:55 AM


Jiseth entered and went straight to the end of her bed and sat there, leaning the bat'leth against the mattress. One elbow went to her knee with her balled fist under her chin. Her eyes went scanning around the room. There was an awkwardness about it. She and the ship had never quite come to terms with each other. It was still the Patton to her.

She did like the design out of the outer hull, but beauty is only skin deep as they say. The inside of the ship was immensely bothersome. Swarming plague of technical issues aside, it was the crew she resided with. While she was relieved of duty, there was plenty of time to work on the Daedalus project, but also to think. Perhaps the worst individual on board for her to deal with was not Brown or Grix, or Larson, or even Irvine. It was herself.

Leaning back onto the bed she sprawled her arms out, the wings of a flying warbird. Staring at the ceiling, her comforter felt cool which was a relief. The collar around her neck felt like it was getting a bit warm, too tight maybe. Pulling her zipper down a bit, there was a quiet sigh. Four hours was plenty of time since she never seemed to have everything quite unpacked. After the loss of the last Churchill, it became habit to keep things ready to be taken in a moment's notice.

"I wonder where you are right now, Zero..."


Zero walked down the passage, Ghost at her heels, as she headed back to her quarters.  It had been a long day so far, checking on the new ship's sickbay systems and making sure that everything was up to standard.

The young Augment felt strange, afraid.  Almost as it she could feel someone watching her at all times.  That someone's crosshairs were aligned between her shoulderblades.  She dropped a hand to Ghost's head, reassured by his presence at her side.  He lifted his nose, licking her hand gently.  She smiled at the canine.  Ever since he had scented her changing hormones with the pregnancy, he had been reluctant to leave her side.  Now that she was starting to show a very slight bump, he stayed pretty much glued to her heels.

Arriving at the quarters she shared with the love of her life, Zero keyed the access code into the pad next to the door, stepping through as it slid open and then closed behind her.  Now sure that she was in safe hands, Ghost trotted off to his basket, thirstily lapping at the bowl of water kept next to it.  Zero shrugged off her uniform jacket, looking around the lounge area.

"Jiseth?" she called out.  "Are you home?"

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon


Quote from: Zero Alpha on June 11, 2014, 11:58:19 AM

Arriving at the quarters she shared with the love of her life, Zero keyed the access code into the pad next to the door, stepping through as it slid open and then closed behind her.  Now sure that she was in safe hands, Ghost trotted off to his basket, thirstily lapping at the bowl of water kept next to it.  Zero shrugged off her uniform jacket, looking around the lounge area.

"Jiseth?" she called out.  "Are you home?"


"I'm in here!" Her voice was not quite loud enough to be a shout which required too much effort in her relaxed state. While her body was at ease, her mind was not fully. It became more and more difficult to pinpoint what exactly was bothering her. Perhaps it was always being secretive and distant from others, save Zero. When was the last time she actually sat down with Henriks?

The names passed by in her mind, names of the updated crew for the ship they were transferring to. Booth would be joining them as would McConnell. The registry showed Grix as a Captain and Larson a commander. At least she could find loving homes for some of the bottles of Romulan ale she had.

Tilting her head towards the bedroom doorway, she smiled in anticipation of Zero's entrance, "We have to get packing soon. What do you think of the new place?"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on June 10, 2014, 10:42:27 PM


Chira smiled as Thompson left sickbay.  "Well," she said, touching Henriks lightly on the forearm.  "It's good that he's doing a lot better."  She opened her mouth to say something else, but then Commander Grix's voice cut in.

"Huh.  Um.  Well, I guess that's our cue to go."  Chira smirked happily as Henriks mentioned helping her move.  "I really don't have that much stuff to move...just my clothes, my potting wheel...Goethe."  Her light touch remained, and she gave him another little squeeze.  "I kinda wish we had a little more time.  Maybe I could help you move."

Chira winked.  "I think we've made a friend, Mr. Apple," she said, tapping her badge.

=^="Chira here.  Sure, Matt.  I'm certain we'll have a chance once we get station-side."=^=


A pleasant tingling filled his arm as Chira lightly placed her hand on it, and so Henriks grinned slightly. "Unless I misheard him, we do have twenty four hours, well, a little less than that now, but that should be plenty of time. And I don't really have a ton of stuff either, mostly just a duffel bag and a cat." Everything he'd brought with him when he joined Starfleet was burned to a crisp when the first Churchill had exploded. He hadn't had time to fetch anything when he and Oswald beamed to the Patton to take care of a patient, and he hadn't gotten around to replacing much of it.

But this time they were not on a ship about to explode, so they had time to transfer what they had to the new ship, and they could probably move both their things all in one go. "Maybe we can finagle adjacent quarters, m'lady," he mused, his grin widening slightly.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 10, 2014, 11:12:58 PM


He grinned =/\= I'll have a table ready when you get here. =/\= After saying that he grabs both a copy of "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien and his reading glasses and headed to the Mess Hall

[Mess Hall]

He finds an empty table and reads his book as he waits for the two. Tolkien's tales of elves and men had fascinated him since he was a boy and recently he decided to read all of Tolkien's Middle-earth books chronologically.

[Station - Mess Hall]

It took very little time to transfer their possessions to new quarters, but even so, by the time they were finished, Henriks was starving. His stomach was beginning to grumble quite loudly about the lack of food within it, so Henriks shrugged and offered a small smile to Chira as they walked into the station's mess hall, which already had a sizable crowd of various crews mingling and eating together. Henriks began to scan the crowd for their new found friend, Matt.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Jiseth on June 11, 2014, 12:13:47 PM


"I'm in here!" Her voice was not quite loud enough to be a shout which required too much effort in her relaxed state. While her body was at ease, her mind was not fully. It became more and more difficult to pinpoint what exactly was bothering her. Perhaps it was always being secretive and distant from others, save Zero. When was the last time she actually sat down with Henriks?

The names passed by in her mind, names of the updated crew for the ship they were transferring to. Booth would be joining them as would McConnell. The registry showed Grix as a Captain and Larson a commander. At least she could find loving homes for some of the bottles of Romulan ale she had.

Tilting her head towards the bedroom doorway, she smiled in anticipation of Zero's entrance, "We have to get packing soon. What do you think of the new place?"


Hearing Jiseth's voice from the bedroom, Zero followed the sound and smiled slightly, sitting on the edge of the bed.  "Sickbay will require work before I consider it ready to accommodate patients, but it will eventually reach a point wherein I can work there."

She tilted her head to one side as she considered her lover, her pale eyebrows furrowing slightly in a frown.  "All is not well with you, Jiseth," she said softly, reaching out to tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her pointed ear.  "What is wrong?"

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 05:34:14 AM

Christian placed his hand on Booth's shoulder and smiled "Thanks Chief I lost the Flagship and that hurts but I got this to keep me quiet, now go talk to her I can see the way you look at her" Christian then signalled the bar man for another drink before he could pour it Christian took the bottle by the neck and took up a seat on one of the stools, pouring him self a shot that soon turned into a double, a treble and then a glass.

As Grix mentioned Safi, Booths eyes traced and locked on to her. He nodded to Grix and casually made his way across to the mother of his latest child. He was at a slight loss for words, the best he could do was smile and say "Hi."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

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