Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Christian Grix

After being recalled to earth the entire crew have been told to stay on the ship at Earth Spacedock incase they are required apart from that Grix had been give no further information

"Helm take us into spacedock" Grix sat in the centre seat and stared at the screen before opening a channel "Earth Spacedock this is the USS Churchill, requesting permission to dock as per Admiral Brown's orders.

He was looking forward to seeing his old friend again and also to see the crew get some time to restock and then get the welcome home they deserved.

James Booth

Earth - Spacedock

Docking Bay 47

Master Chief Booth stood in the observation lounge for Docking Bay 47, that bay was assigned to the Churchill once she was in. He'd only been away from the ship for a few weeks, but he surely missed her and some of the people on it.

=/\=Spacedock Control to Chief Booth, the Churchill is on final approach to dock.=/\= Said a voice over Booths comm badge.

With a tap of his badge. =/\=Acknowledged, Booth out=/\=

Jimmy turned to face the detachment of ten Security personnel, who were with him. Booth's reunion with the Churchill was not going to be pleasant, in fact it couldn't further from pleasant. Securing his phaser, Jimmy nodded to his team. On que they all left the lounge and headed to the docking port.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Non-Playing Character 4


Earth - Spacedock

Dock Control

The duty Controller, Lt Samantha Watkins sat observing her several screens. She'd picked up the I.D signal for the USS Churchill a few moments earlier and as order had notified her Supervisor, who had since stepped to one side to call somebody. Keeping her attention on the screens, she sent out a standard signal to the travel pods and worker bees inside the dock.
=/\=Assume safe position, starship incoming=/\=
The message was to alert the Pilots of the craft to move into an area, where they would not obstruct an incoming starship. Usually there weren't too many floating around, but with the war it was busier than normal. Within a few moments, a signal was received indicating all traffic had ceased inside the dock.
Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

"Earth Spacedock this is the USS Churchill, requesting permission to dock as per Admiral Brown's orders."

Samantha rolled her eyes at the voice, it wasn't as if she or spacedock would turn a ship away without good reason. Tapping a control interface by her right hand, she opened the same channel.

=/\=Acknowledged Churchill, we have you at Outer Marker Three, request you drop out of warp and approach at no more than full impulse, please acknowledge Churchill=/\=

As Lt Samantha Watkins

Spacedock Controller

Ezra Shanara

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

After being recalled to earth the entire crew have been told to stay on the ship at Earth Spacedock incase they are required apart from that Grix had been give no further information

"Helm take us into spacedock" Grix sat in the centre seat and stared at the screen before opening a channel "Earth Spacedock this is the USS Churchill, requesting permission to dock as per Admiral Brown's orders.

He was looking forward to seeing his old friend again and also to see the crew get some time to restock and then get the welcome home they deserved.

Churchill - Bridge

Ezra sat the Ops position, she was monitoring the ships approach to Spacedock and the other traffic in the area. "Our path shows clear Commander."

Her attention switched to her quarters briefly, the symbolic packed bags on her bed has the focus of her attention. In her relatively short career, she'd moved from one post to another several times and now it was going to happen again. She'd received her transfer orders a few days earlier, she'd been requested by Admiral Brown personally. The only thing odd about the transfer, was the fact that the orders didn't say where the new post was. That in itself was odd, but Admiral Brown had assured her all would be revealed and she'd grown to trust the man.

Native of Dahkur Province

Christian Grix

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 4 on June 09, 2014, 08:22:11 AM

Earth - Spacedock

Dock Control

The duty Controller, Lt Samantha Watkins sat observing her several screens. She'd picked up the I.D signal for the USS Churchill a few moments earlier and as order had notified her Supervisor, who had since stepped to one side to call somebody. Keeping her attention on the screens, she sent out a standard signal to the travel pods and worker bees inside the dock.
=/\=Assume safe position, starship incoming=/\=
The message was to alert the Pilots of the craft to move into an area, where they would not obstruct an incoming starship. Usually there weren't too many floating around, but with the war it was busier than normal. Within a few moments, a signal was received indicating all traffic had ceased inside the dock.

Samantha rolled her eyes at the voice, it wasn't as if she or spacedock would turn a ship away without good reason. Tapping a control interface by her right hand, she opened the same channel.

=/\=Acknowledged Churchill, we have you at Outer Marker Three, request you drop out of warp and approach at no more than full impulse, please acknowledge Churchill=/\=

As Lt Samantha Watkins

Spacedock Controller

=/\= Acknowledged Spacedock =/\= Grix replied as they approached the mood became more and more sombre, "Helm reduce to 3/4 impulse and follow directions from control.

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on June 09, 2014, 09:18:04 AM

Churchill - Bridge

Ezra sat the Ops position, she was monitoring the ships approach to Spacedock and the other traffic in the area. "Our path shows clear Commander."

Her attention switched to her quarters briefly, the symbolic packed bags on her bed has the focus of her attention. In her relatively short career, she'd moved from one post to another several times and now it was going to happen again. She'd received her transfer orders a few days earlier, she'd been requested by Admiral Brown personally. The only thing odd about the transfer, was the fact that the orders didn't say where the new post was. That in itself was odd, but Admiral Brown had assured her all would be revealed and she'd grown to trust the man.

Looking to the back of Ezra, a wave of sorrow crossed over him he was sad he was going to lose the Bajoran Ops Chief but at the same time he understood her reasons and would not stand in her way. "Thank you, Lieutenant Ezra, if the new posting doesn't work out you will be welcome back anytime"

Spacedock always locked so awe inspiring but today all it did was fill him with dread, Irvine was in the brig and they were to hand him over to the Security team who would be boarding when they docked.

=/\= Grix to security, Station security will be boarding to take our guest off the ship, Cayden could you attend as the officer please".

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 10:18:44 AM

=/\= Acknowledged Spacedock =/\= Grix replied as they approached the mood became more and more sombre, "Helm reduce to 3/4 impulse and follow directions from control.

Looking to the back of Ezra, a wave of sorrow crossed over him he was sad he was going to lose the Bajoran Ops Chief but at the same time he understood her reasons and would not stand in her way. "Thank you, Lieutenant Ezra, if the new posting doesn't work out you will be welcome back anytime"

Spacedock always locked so awe inspiring but today all it did was fill him with dread, Irvine was in the brig and they were to hand him over to the Security team who would be boarding when they docked.

=/\= Grix to security, Station security will be boarding to take our guest off the ship, Cayden could you attend as the officer please".

==^== Commander Grix Report to Starfleet Command to Fleet Admiral's Irvines Office Brown out==^== The sound of the voice was gruff and a very hard tone

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 09, 2014, 10:49:24 AM

==^== Commander Grix Report to Starfleet Command to Fleet Admiral's Irvines Office Brown out==^== The sound of the voice was gruff and a very hard tone

That's all i need today, this better not be another cover up Turning to Safi, well Commander you appear to have the bridge" Grix stood up and walked from the bridge to the turbolift =/\=On my way Admiral =/\=

Docking Bay 47

As he had walked down to the docking umbilical the auto docking systems has seamlessly took over and guided the ship to it's berth.

Grix waited for the doors to open and the first face he saw was one he know "Master Chief Booth, good to see you again I believe your guest i waiting for you" he stepped forward towards Booth holding his hand out for him to shake.

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 11:03:27 AM

That's all i need today, this better not be another cover up Turning to Safi, well Commander you appear to have the bridge" Grix stood up and walked from the bridge to the turbolift =/\=On my way Admiral =/\=

Docking Bay 47

As he had walked down to the docking umbilical the auto docking systems has seamlessly took over and guided the ship to it's berth.

Grix waited for the doors to open and the first face he saw was one he know "Master Chief Booth, good to see you again I believe your guest i waiting for you" he stepped forward towards Booth holding his hand out for him to shake.

"My Guest?" Booth asked with confusion. He looked down at the hand offered by Grix, but instead of taking it he placed a PADD in Grix's hand. On it were special orders, directly from Admiral Brown. "Sorry about this Commander, I must ask that you accompany me to Admiral Irvines office. But first you are to order your crew to use this access port only and you are also to disable your transporter systems. Nobody is to beam on or off the Churchill, your crew is to disembark and await reassignment." Jimmy's eyes flicked up to meet Christians. "Please do not make this any worse Commander."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Henriks Ābols


Henriks smoothed out his tunic, checking one last time for any lingering cat hairs, before entering sickbay. Teodors favorite spot to sleep had become atop his uniform, and the cat was getting bigger every day, which meant more fur every day. But there were no hairs that he could see, so he passed through the doors that opened to admit him.

Sickbay was practically a ghost town. Only one other medic currently occupied the space besides him, but not his brown eyed girl. But knowing her, she'd be in soon enough to poke her tongue at him. He grinned slightly at the thought. He loved it when she did that. Stepping over to the nearest console, he pulled up the list of appointments for the day. There were only a handful, the first of which was not for another fifteen minutes or so, unless they decided to show up early, which rarely happened. And seeing as how everything was already prepped for the start of a new shift, Henriks contented himself to listen to the soft hum and beeping of machines until someone walked through the doors.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: James Booth on June 09, 2014, 11:34:45 AM

"My Guest?" Booth asked with confusion. He looked down at the hand offered by Grix, but instead of taking it he placed a PADD in Grix's hand. On it were special orders, directly from Admiral Brown. "Sorry about this Commander, I must ask that you accompany me to Admiral Irvines office. But first you are to order your crew to use this access port only and you are also to disable your transporter systems. Nobody is to beam on or off the Churchill, your crew is to disembark and await reassignment." Jimmy's eyes flicked up to meet Christians. "Please do not make this any worse Commander."

"What do you mean worse I have Irvine in the brig ready for you and wait did you just say reassignment?" Grix stood still for a second before tapping his comm badge.

=/\=Grix to Churchill all access and exit for the Churchill is to be through Docking Bay 47, Lieutenant Ezra disable all transporter systems and then all crew prepare to disembark for reassignment =/\=

He then nodded to Booth and "Lead the way Master Chief, but if this is a cover up then I can't promise I will go so quietly". He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that Brown wouldnt do this to the Churchill but in the back of his mind SPECTRE's warning not to trust him kept playing through his head.




The EPH was at the helm, quietly performing all the ship maneuvers as ordered. He had taken over many of his superior's functions while she was relieved of duty. He had also watched over her and Zero since then, the whole department had. If Fornell was a shield, then the holographic man was javelin, able to dispose of things beyond ordinary reach. However, as he watched each increment window pass by on the flight display and come to a stop as the docking arms extended, his thoughts focused on an audio link to his memory from the hangar where the gathering was taking place.

[Shuttle Bay Two]

It was quiet aside from the foot steps of Jiseth along with Fornell and Meru who flanked her. The entirety of the USS Churchill Flight Control had been assembled, all in a circle formation, facing inward and with a small missing segment which was filled when the three stood there. All eyes were on them. Then attention turned to Jiseth as she reached over her shoulder and grabbed the end of the bat'leth sticking out. SWOOO-CLING! Sparks scattered from the impact of the tip of the blade and the hard flooring.

The Lieutenant had their attention. None jumped, or even flinched, from the strike as the echo faded and she rested both hands upon the back of the curved metal near the other tip. Her eyes went to those of each scarlet clad figure there, inspecting them. This had become her home.

"I know what some of you, perhaps all of you, have been planning. Intercepting a prisoner transfer with these shuttles is a bold ploy... but a foolish one. The burden I carry is mine and mine alone. None of you are to interfere. If there are any who wish to object to my orders, my will, then step forward and be cut down to be blown out into space with the rest of the detritus."

The circle widened as everyone stepped back, including Meru and Fornell, leaving Jiseth the only one standing out for her own threat. It gave her pause. So profound and simply wordless. Her message was clear, but so was theirs. "I see..."

Lifting blade, she held it in by the center handle before turning toward the door. "Listen well. Never go to war. Especially with yourself..." Fornell and Meru turned about and filed out with each half of the circle following behind them.

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 12:30:24 PM

"What do you mean worse I have Irvine in the brig ready for you and wait did you just say reassignment?" Grix stood still for a second before tapping his comm badge.

=/\=Grix to Churchill all access and exit for the Churchill is to be through Docking Bay 47, Lieutenant Ezra disable all transporter systems and then all crew prepare to disembark for reassignment =/\=

He then nodded to Booth and "Lead the way Master Chief, but if this is a cover up then I can't promise I will go so quietly". He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that Brown wouldnt do this to the Churchill but in the back of his mind SPECTRE's warning not to trust him kept playing through his head.

Docking Port 47

Booth tilted his head to one side and arched an eyebrow. "I resent the implication Commander." One thing about Booth was or wasn't as the case may be was a liar. He had at times kept things to himself, mainly for security reason or an assignment counted on it. Did that make him a liar or someone who would cover things up, Jimmy didn't think so. In his eyes, the words cover up went hand in glove with the word lies.

Looking to two of his Security Detachment, he spoke. "Renko, Abbot, get down to the Brig and collect that bilge water locked up there. Take his sorry ass to Dock Security."

Turning back to face Grix, Booth gestured towards the Spacedock corridor. "Shall we Mr Grix?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: James Booth on June 09, 2014, 12:51:17 PM

Docking Port 47

Booth tilted his head to one side and arched an eyebrow. "I resent the implication Commander." One thing about Booth was or wasn't as the case may be was a liar. He had at times kept things to himself, mainly for security reason or an assignment counted on it. Did that make him a liar or someone who would cover things up, Jimmy didn't think so. In his eyes, the words cover up went hand in glove with the word lies.

Looking to two of his Security Detachment, he spoke. "Renko, Abbot, get down to the Brig and collect that bilge water locked up there. Take his sorry ass to Dock Security."

Turning back to face Grix, Booth gestured towards the Spacedock corridor. "Shall we Mr Grix?"

Booth's reaction was just what Grix had hoped for "Thank you Booth, I had hoped you wouldn't be swayed by the fact the accused is Admiral Irvine's son, Commander McConnell and one of my Security team are waiting for the transfer. While he waited for Booth to finish issuing details.

Once he gestured towards the door Grix nodded "Lead the way Master Chief"

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 02:12:26 PM

Booth's reaction was just what Grix had hoped for "Thank you Booth, I had hoped you wouldn't be swayed by the fact the accused is Admiral Irvine's son, Commander McConnell and one of my Security team are waiting for the transfer. While he waited for Booth to finish issuing details.

Once he gestured towards the door Grix nodded "Lead the way Master Chief"

McConnell had Jimmy heard Grix correctly, even if he did it didn't matter. Booth's only concern at that moment, was to see Grix taken to Irvines office. "I know all about your Prisoner Commander, as far as I'm concerned, he can be thrown into a room with a bunch of his own kind. I'm sure the other Prisoners will love to pay with the Admirals pretty boy."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 09, 2014, 12:35:13 PM

He peaks his head through the doors of the sickbay. "Ah! Henriks, hello!" He says with some amount of joy in his voice. "Is Chira not in today? That'll make a boring day for you." He chuckles slightly. "I wanted to come back in and just see if the treatment I've been on is working. I know I forgot making an appointment which makes me feel kind of awful but here I am!"

He sighs. "How does this keep happening?"

Henriks looked up as the doors swished open to admit Thompson. "Sveiki, Matt," he returned, with a slight pause before the name as he reminded himself not to say the last name. The man was to be a friend, after all. But still, calling everybody by last name was a hard habit to break. Henriks gave a small chuckle of his own. "She might be off running some errand or doing a walking talk with another patient," he mused. "But yeah, it would be a rather long shift. Good to see you though."

He gave a slight frown when Thompson sighed but then shrugged with a look that said beats me. "After awhile, you learn to just roll with it." Another small chuckle escaped, and he reached for a tricorder. "If you'd like to take a seat, I can check the numbers for you."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

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