Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 09, 2014, 03:21:18 PM

Henriks looked up as the doors swished open to admit Thompson. "Sveiki, Matt," he returned, with a slight pause before the name as he reminded himself not to say the last name. The man was to be a friend, after all. But still, calling everybody by last name was a hard habit to break. Henriks gave a small chuckle of his own. "She might be off running some errand or doing a walking talk with another patient," he mused. "But yeah, it would be a rather long shift. Good to see you though."

He gave a slight frown when Thompson sighed but then shrugged with a look that said beats me. "After awhile, you learn to just roll with it." Another small chuckle escaped, and he reached for a tricorder. "If you'd like to take a seat, I can check the numbers for you."


As the bay doors swished open, Chira instantly looked for Henriks.  She felt her hair rustle on the back of her head as she swiveled around.  It still felt a little strange, being chopped off a lot shorter than she'd had it in years.  It seemed like a great idea at the time, but now that the moment of truth was here...well.  She wasn't quite sure how Henriks would take it.  Sometimes men were funny about their significant others suddenly showing up with short hair...

"Ah," she said, seeing Abols and walking up to him.  She was mildly surprised to see Thompson here, too.  "Henriks.  Matt.  How's it going?" she asked, cool as a cucumber, as if her hair looked as normal as any other day.  Taking out a padd, she scrolled through the day's workload.  It was quite short, since they would be leaving soon.  "The ship's quiet as the proverbial painting," she grinned.  "I guess we'll all be disembarking, soon."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Cayden McConnell


McConnell had left the brig to arrange the escort and transfer of his prisoner, V'ruk. After having Petty Officer Smith's stasis pod escorted off the ship, he turned to having V'ruk's stasis pod taken off.

He watched as the pod was tractored onto a anti-grav lift and while one crewman directed the lift, he and his team flanked the lift.

Escorting the lift to Docking port 47, he passed through it and headed to a beam out area for the pod.

=/\= McConnell to Epimetheus, stasis pod ready for transport. =/\=

He watched the pod become enveloped by the confinement beam and de-materialized. Looking at his team, he nodded.

"You guys are on leave until further notice. Dismisssed."

He watched as his team scattered and went their separate ways. He hoped the info that SFI got out V'ruk, would equate into a strike against more high value targets.

Walking back towards the docking port, he saw Commander Grix walking with CPO Booth. Catching up to them, he fell in stride next to them.

"I appreciate the ride home, Captain. I need to see about having the Boreas transferred back to the Epimetheus, sir. It seems that the ship is on some sort of lock down and I would like to have the Boreas back on board before the Epimetheus leaves."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Christian Grix

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 09, 2014, 03:58:56 PM

McConnell had left the brig to arrange the escort and transfer of his prisoner, V'ruk. After having Petty Officer Smith's stasis pod escorted off the ship, he turned to having V'ruk's stasis pod taken off.

He watched as the pod was tractored onto a anti-grav lift and while one crewman directed the lift, he and his team flanked the lift.

Escorting the lift to Docking port 47, he passed through it and headed to a beam out area for the pod.

=/\= McConnell to Epimetheus, stasis pod ready for transport. =/\=

He watched the pod become enveloped by the confinement beam and de-materialized. Looking at his team, he nodded.

"You guys are on leave until further notice. Dismisssed."

He watched as his team scattered and went their separate ways. He hoped the info that SFI got out V'ruk, would equate into a strike against more high value targets.

Walking back towards the docking port, he saw Commander Grix walking with CPO Booth. Catching up to them, he fell in stride next to them.

"I appreciate the ride home, Captain."

"Any time Commander and thank you for your help, I hope we can work together again someday Cayden "Thinking back to his frist day on the Churchill when Cayden had been the first person to speak to him "we've been to hell and back together or Alpha 343".

He shook Cayden's hand and smiled "Until next time my friend"

Quote from: James Booth on June 09, 2014, 02:50:14 PM

McConnell had Jimmy heard Grix correctly, even if he did it didn't matter. Booth's only concern at that moment, was to see Grix taken to Irvines office. "I know all about your Prisoner Commander, as far as I'm concerned, he can be thrown into a room with a bunch of his own kind. I'm sure the other Prisoners will love to pay with the Admirals pretty boy."

"Lead the way the Mr Booth let's get this over with shall we?"  Grix walked along side Booth all the way to Irvine's office, Stopping just outside he turned to Booth "We may not always have seen eye to eye Chief, but one thing you have always been is honest with me and for that i thank you" he waited a few seconds and then added "Do you need to anounce my arrival ?" he smiled as he spoke and held his hand over the access panel.

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on June 09, 2014, 03:57:09 PM


As the bay doors swished open, Chira instantly looked for Henriks.  She felt her hair rustle on the back of her head as she swiveled around.  It still felt a little strange, being chopped off a lot shorter than she'd had it in years.  It seemed like a great idea at the time, but now that the moment of truth was here...well.  She wasn't quite sure how Henriks would take it.  Sometimes men were funny about their significant others suddenly showing up with short hair...

"Ah," she said, seeing Abols and walking up to him.  She was mildly surprised to see Thompson here, too.  "Henriks.  Matt.  How's it going?" she asked, cool as a cucumber, as if her hair looked as normal as any other day.  Taking out a padd, she scrolled through the day's workload.  It was quite short, since they would be leaving soon.  "The ship's quiet as the proverbial painting," she grinned.  "I guess we'll all be disembarking, soon."


The doors swished open once again, and Henriks turned his head automatically to see who it was. A grin quickly plastered itself across his face. "'Tis the wonderful Lady herself," he said, with a brief sideways glance to Thompson. Looking back to Chira, he tilted his head slightly. "You're missing something," he said, stepping closer to run a hand along her hair. "Looks wonderful, m'lady." He gave her a quick peck to the forehead before turning back to Thompson.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 09, 2014, 04:04:14 PM

"I'd say that is probably the best idea." He said sitting down and smiling. "I do feel like I'm performing better, more alert and aware; but that could also be because I've somewhat got my bearings on the ship."

"Glad to hear you're feeling better, Matt," Henriks said, waving the tricorder over Thompson. "Dopamine levels are looking good," he told the crewman. "But it may still be some time before we see any major improvements." At the very least, things weren't getting worse. "How do you find the Churchill so far?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Cayden McConnell

McConnell watched the two men walk away. It seemed as if there was something more going on. Shaking his head, he headed to the guest quarters that had been arranged for him. Stowing his gear and weapons, he headed for the closest bar.

Reaching the bar closest to Docking port 47, he sat near the entrance and ordered a small batch bourbon.

Sipping his bourbon, he let his mind wonder through the events of the past few months. Where will I go from here, he thought.

Seeing his team enter the bar, he waved them over and they all ordered drinks. Holding their glasses for a toast, he gestured to them.

"To Petty Officer Smith." He lifted the glass and downed the liquid and ordered another. He watched as each member of his team, sat in silence,  seemingly lost in their thoughts.

Each man knew that they would be sent out, it was only a matter of when. The Epimetheus would transport V'ruk to a secret SFI facility and begin interrogating him. Once Starfleet Intelligence got the information they needed out of him, they would send his team out again. The process was continuous, find target,  extract target, wait for intel, and repeat.

Sitting back in his chair, he looked at the Churchill and wondered what her next mission would be.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 04:26:40 PM

"Any time Commander and thank you for your help, I hope we can work together again someday Cayden "Thinking back to his frist day on the Churchill when Cayden had been the first person to speak to him "we've been to hell and back together or Alpha 343".

He shook Cayden's hand and smiled "Until next time my friend"

"Lead the way the Mr Booth let's get this over with shall we?"  Grix walked along side Booth all the way to Irvine's office, Stopping just outside he turned to Booth "We may not always have seen eye to eye Chief, but one thing you have always been is honest with me and for that i thank you" he waited a few seconds and then added "Do you need to anounce my arrival ?" he smiled as he spoke and held his hand over the access panel.

Booth never acknowledged McConnell verbally, he did afford the Command a nod, but he couldn't allow himself to be distracted. The journey to Irvines office was short. Pressing his hand on the access panel, Booth lead the way into the office and announced to the back of a chair.

"Admiral, Master Chief Booth reporting with Commander Grix as ordered."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on June 09, 2014, 05:03:03 PM

Booth never acknowledged McConnell verbally, he did afford the Command a nod, but he couldn't allow himself to be distracted. The journey to Irvines office was short. Pressing his hand on the access panel, Booth lead the way into the office and announced to the back of a chair.

"Admiral, Master Chief Booth reporting with Commander Grix as ordered."

[Admiral Irvine's Office]

John turned in his Chair and looked directly at Christian he looked over at James Booth for a long moment before speaking,

"Thank You Mr.Booth you have your assignment; Dismissed" Finished John sternly as he picked up two PADDs  then looking at the Door as James Booth Left

"First Fleet Admiral Irvine has been reassigned and now I am taking over Fleet Operations with my other duties so now we start" Replied John as he looking at one PADD "I have reviewed what the Churchill has been doing for the last week and  your actions as Commanding Officer has been far from what I expect" John stated " Capitan Carver over to my left has been a great help in going though the mess in order to get this resolved quickly and efficiently I have two PADD's in front of Me the Second PADD is a reassignment and Demotion to Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Engineer on Listening Outpost 253 monitoring the Romluan Neutral Zone" John stated Sternly As he took a Sip from his Water "The Following is going to be happening You have lost the Flag Status and the Most Advanced Ship in the Fleet the U.S.S Bellerophon just completed its Re-fit so you will be commanding her with a Name Change of Churchill....Seeing you have a problem in doing things by the Book and conducting yourself as with your station you are to take the Churchill to the Beta-499 System you are to survey the System if a single partial of Space Dust is missing I will take the Churchill Back from you so fast Your Ass Will feel it from here to the Hobus System I will be checking to make sure that you have done this correctly I hope you don't Disappoint me again Christian....But I am going to give you this with hope that my faith in you is warranted do'nt let me down " Finished Brown as he past an Oak Box to Christian

William Carver

Quote from: John Brown on June 09, 2014, 06:57:55 PM

[Admiral Irvine's Office]

John turned in his Chair and looked directly at Christian he looked over at James Booth for a long moment before speaking,

"Thank You Mr.Booth you have your assignment; Dismissed" Finished John sternly as he picked up two PADDs  then looking at the Door as James Booth Left

"First Fleet Admiral Irvine has been reassigned and now I am taking over Fleet Operations with my other duties so now we start" Replied John as he looking at one PADD "I have reviewed what the Churchill has been doing for the last week and  your actions as Commanding Officer has been far from what I expect" John stated " Capitan Carver over to my left has been a great help in going though the mess in order to get this resolved quickly and efficiently I have two PADD's in front of Me the Second PADD is a reassignment and Demotion to Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Engineer on Listening Outpost 253 monitoring the Romluan Neutral Zone" John stated Sternly As he took a Sip from his Water "The Following is going to be happening You have lost the Flag Status and the Most Advanced Ship in the Fleet the U.S.S Bellerophon just completed its Re-fit so you will be commanding her with a Name Change of Churchill....Seeing you have a problem in doing things by the Book and conducting yourself as with your station you are to take the Churchill to the Beta-499 System you are to survey the System if a single partial of Space Dust is missing I will take the Churchill Back from you so fast Your Ass Will feel it from here to the Hobus System I will be checking to make sure that you have done this correctly I hope you don't Disappoint me again Christian....But I am going to give you this with hope that my faith in you is warranted do'nt let me down " Finished Brown as he past an Oak Box to Christian

Carver came to stand beside Brown, he gave Grix a smile, although he didn't expect one in return. "Commander." He said with a little bit of bitterness in his tone. "So far your conduct into the investigation has been unacceptable, you attempted to imprison a man without giving him the charges. You then cut off the communication system and deprived the fore mentioned man of communicating with anyone." Carver shot Grix a stern expression. "Then you entered a nebula, to hide the Churchill from any form of scanning equipment, effectively going dark." Dropping a PADD on the desk he finished with. "You're lucky the Admiral is giving you a choice Christian, had it not been for his support, you would be a lowly Engineer by now and would certainly not have any hope of sitting in a Captains chair again."

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 09, 2014, 06:57:55 PM

[Admiral Irvine's Office]

John turned in his Chair and looked directly at Christian he looked over at James Booth for a long moment before speaking,

"Thank You Mr.Booth you have your assignment; Dismissed" Finished John sternly as he picked up two PADDs  then looking at the Door as James Booth Left

"First Fleet Admiral Irvine has been reassigned and now I am taking over Fleet Operations with my other duties so now we start" Replied John as he looking at one PADD "I have reviewed what the Churchill has been doing for the last week and  your actions as Commanding Officer has been far from what I expect" John stated " Capitan Carver over to my left has been a great help in going though the mess in order to get this resolved quickly and efficiently I have two PADD's in front of Me the Second PADD is a reassignment and Demotion to Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Engineer on Listening Outpost 253 monitoring the Romluan Neutral Zone" John stated Sternly As he took a Sip from his Water "The Following is going to be happening You have lost the Flag Status and the Most Advanced Ship in the Fleet the U.S.S Bellerophon just completed its Re-fit so you will be commanding her with a Name Change of Churchill....Seeing you have a problem in doing things by the Book and conducting yourself as with your station you are to take the Churchill to the Beta-499 System you are to survey the System if a single partial of Space Dust is missing I will take the Churchill Back from you so fast Your Ass Will feel it from here to the Hobus System I will be checking to make sure that you have done this correctly I hope you don't Disappoint me again Christian....But I am going to give you this with hope that my faith in you is warranted do'nt let me down " Finished Brown as he past an Oak Box to Christian

Quote from: William Carver on June 09, 2014, 07:10:57 PM

Carver came to stand beside Brown, he gave Grix a smile, although he didn't expect one in return. "Commander." He said with a little bit of bitterness in his tone. "So far your conduct into the investigation has been unacceptable, you attempted to imprison a man without giving him the charges. You then cut off the communication system and deprived the fore mentioned man of communicating with anyone." Carver shot Grix a stern expression. "Then you entered a nebula, to hide the Churchill from any form of scanning equipment, effectively going dark." Dropping a PADD on the desk he finished with. "You're lucky the Admiral is giving you a choice Christian, had it not been for his support, you would be a lowly Engineer by now and would certainly not have any hope of sitting in a Captains chair again."

"So you have only heard Mr Irvine's version of events I wonder we here they came from firstly I wanted Lt Irvine detaining for his own safety, not for what he was charged with, Secondly my orders were to investigate that nebula and in doing so we lost comms and not the other way around" Grix paused and picked up the box and opened it " ahh I see well the fact I lost the Flagship I can live with the Chin 'Toka should be anyway, Admiral if I take this I will need a new Security Chief and a a new Chief of Operations, before we leave again".

Looking towards Carver, Christian remembered he had something he needed to say to him "Captain Carver I owe you two apologies one for being a pain in the ass when you were co and two for letting Martland shoot you"

Grix took out the fourth pip and added it to his collar "can I ask what has happened to the Irvine's?"

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 09, 2014, 04:28:28 PM


The doors swished open once again, and Henriks turned his head automatically to see who it was. A grin quickly plastered itself across his face. "'Tis the wonderful Lady herself," he said, with a brief sideways glance to Thompson. Looking back to Chira, he tilted his head slightly. "You're missing something," he said, stepping closer to run a hand along her hair. "Looks wonderful, m'lady." He gave her a quick peck to the forehead before turning back to Thompson.

"Glad to hear you're feeling better, Matt," Henriks said, waving the tricorder over Thompson. "Dopamine levels are looking good," he told the crewman. "But it may still be some time before we see any major improvements." At the very least, things weren't getting worse. "How do you find the Churchill so far?"

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 09, 2014, 05:27:42 PM

As Chira walked threw the door he raised his right hand waving. "Hello Chira! I'm adjusting well I think; except almost views me as just the new guy, you two are really the only friends I've made since I stepped foot aboard this ship." He let out a slight sigh as those words left his lips.


Chira had to practically fight the urge not to make a contented little prrr sound as Henriks ran his fingers through her now-short hair.  Well.  Apparently, he either liked it, or was good at sparing her feelings.  A winning situation, either way...

"Glad you like it," she said, smiling softly.  "I was starting to feel a little buyer's remorse over choppin' it off.  But," Chira grinned, shrugging.  "It's summertime.  Time to change things up a bit."

She turned her attention to Thompson.  "I'm glad to hear you're doing better, Matt...and I'm glad you count me and Henriks as your friends.  I'm sure you'll make more.  First days can be awkward...no matter who you are."  Glancing around the sickbay, it was apparent that many of the others had cleared out, already, now that the Churchill was docked at Starbase One.  Home.

"Chief Alpha's due for her monthly checkup," Chira said, glancing again at her padd.  "We might have to do it on the starbase.  I'm sure they'll let us use a room."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 07:31:05 PM

"So you have only heard Mr Irvine's version of events I wonder we here they came from firstly I wanted Lt Irvine detaining for his own safety, not for what he was charged with, Secondly my orders were to investigate that nebula and in doing so we lost comms and not the other way around" Grix paused and picked up the box and opened it " ahh I see well the fact I lost the Flagship I can live with the Chin 'Toka should be anyway, Admiral if I take this I will need a new Security Chief and a a new Chief of Operations, before we leave again".

Looking towards Carver, Christian remembered he had something he needed to say to him "Captain Carver I owe you two apologies one for being a pain in the ass when you were co and two for letting Martland shoot you"

Grix took out the fourth pip and added it to his collar "can I ask what has happened to the Irvine's?"

"Christan Your Kidding me right I did'nt need to listen to Jake Irvine I had the report of events from your First Officer as well as reports from various Crewmembers as Christian the moment you knew the situation with Lieutennent Jiseth.Under Federation Law you should have reported to the nearest Starbase to hand him over to the nearest JAG" Finished John then leaning forward "You faild to follow proper protocol it took your Executive Officer as for his Saftey he could be restricted to Quarters but it seems you forgot the simple rule of Law and Regulations" John returned
John took a PADD to his Side looking at it he placed it Down then looking at Christian he took a deep breath

"Commander McConnell needs an assignment so hes reassigned to the Churchill you choose were you would like want him" Replied John as he looked at him "The Full Extent of Federation Law has been used and due to this Issue being current in the process of being dealt with though the JAG office the full details are unable to be released yet but Fleet Admiral Irvine has been reassigned and his Son will be heading to an undisclosed location information ca'nt be released of this" Finished John as he stared at him "And Christian Do'nt hide behind Orders saying my orders said to investigate the Neblua I know exactly what you were doing I might not be in Command On the Churchill but I have more eyes on her then you realize let me give you a piece of Advice Ms.Larson has more Leadership Experence then you relize gain her trust then she will be your greatest asset let her be the First Officer that you or Mike Anderson was if not you will fail" Stated Brown " So Christian follow my orders to the Letter investgate every part of the Beta-499 System and Capitan Carver will be in contact with you while your there to check on your procress; if thats all I wish you God Speed" Finished Brown


[Several Hours Prior]


Donna felt herself relax a bit more now that the atmosphere in the room was returning to normal " It was the same for me aboard my old ship the Pegasus and I've stayed in touch with those I was close friends with" she said then added " It took me a while to get used to being on a new ship but now I've been on board for 4 months I've finally started to feel more settled and I'm definitely feeling a lot more happier than I have done for a long time".

Miller nodded and smiled.

"Well that's good, yeah. It's always good to enjoy where you work and where you live, and for us they're interchangeable so it's even more important."

His smile grew a bit as he enjoyed the last comment he made, silently thinking himself witty. He wasn't egotistical at all, however he wasn't above enjoying his own comments in silence either. In any case, it didn't really cost anyone around him anything anyways. After a brief pause, he continued.

"I know over the past month of me being here, I've begun to feel settled in. Largely in part to yourself and Chira and Amy ... although Amy's moved on now."

Safi Larson


Safi pressed the Button on the Command Chair opening the Internal communications

==^== All Decks this is Lieutennent Commander Larson as per Starfleet Order all Personal are to depart the Churchill and wait for reassignment==^==

Safi stood up and looked around then taking a deep breath then walked to the troubolift followed by the limited Bridge Crew that were on station


~Docking Port~

[Docking Port]

Safi walked towards the Docking port then looking around then walked out towards the Lounge


[Starbase Corridor]

Perhaps it was the sound of many boots marching together that drew people to stop and look around, both docking and starship personnel. Perhaps it was the two columns of red shirts being lead by a trio comprising of a Bajoran woman, a mammoth of a human and a balding man following a Romulan carrying a bat'leth in one hand. Their eyes focused straight ahead, their movements crisp and in unison. They snaked out of the docking arm and down the long, windowed corridor as onlookers moved to the wall to give them space.

[Conference Room]

By the time Jiseth had spotted a door with a green vacancy light, they were parallel to the ends of the Churchill's nacelles. It was large enough for both columns to fit through without issue and they split off to opposite ends of the room before filling in the rows of seats. The entry door shut and soon after the room fell silent as the flight control personnel stood at attention. The EPH, Meru and Fornell lined up along the wall to Jiseth's side as she rested the bat'leth against the podium. "Be seated," she said as the lights dimmed and a holographic projection appeared, between her and her audience, of their ship.

"Looks like mom and dad are having us move again. We're taking all of our assets, including sensitive materials."

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 09, 2014, 09:44:36 PM

"Christan Your Kidding me right I did'nt need to listen to Jake Irvine I had the report of events from your First Officer as well as reports from various Crewmembers as Christian the moment you knew the situation with Lieutennent Jiseth.Under Federation Law you should have reported to the nearest Starbase to hand him over to the nearest JAG" Finished John then leaning forward "You faild to follow proper protocol it took your Executive Officer as for his Saftey he could be restricted to Quarters but it seems you forgot the simple rule of Law and Regulations" John returned

John took a PADD to his Side looking at it he placed it Down then looking at Christian he took a deep breath

"Commander McConnell needs an assignment so hes reassigned to the Churchill you choose were you would like want him" Replied John as he looked at him "The Full Extent of Federation Law has been used and due to this Issue being current in the process of being dealt with though the JAG office the full details are unable to be released yet but Fleet Admiral Irvine has been reassigned and his Son will be heading to an undisclosed location information ca'nt be released of this" Finished John as he stared at him "And Christian Do'nt hide behind Orders saying my orders said to investigate the Neblua I know exactly what you were doing I might not be in Command On the Churchill but I have more eyes on her then you realize let me give you a piece of Advice Ms.Larson has more Leadership Experence then you relize gain her trust then she will be your greatest asset let her be the First Officer that you or Mike Anderson was if not you will fail" Stated Brown " So Christian follow my orders to the Letter investgate every part of the Beta-499 System and Capitan Carver will be in contact with you while your there to check on your procress; if thats all I wish you God Speed" Finished Brown

"Aye Sir, I won't argue with you about Irvine Junior but on several ocassions he told us and indeed me that he was untouchable and after we found the gap in his records I may have over reacted, but that is in the past now". Christian looked directly at Carver and then back to Brown "Do you have a replacement for my other vacancy Cayden will be a great asset at either post, but I would prefer him at Tactical rather than someone i don't know".

Grix stood to attention, any other day he would have been proud to have made Captain, but today it seemed like he had been given it to keep him quiet, loosing the flagship was one thing but then being sent to the back end of nowhere to map some space was not what he was used to, maybe it was for the best at least he had an INTREPID class and he hoped it would feel like home again in a way the Sternbach never had.

"Am i dismissed Sir?" he asked as he stood waiting for permission to leave and inform the crew of the 'good' news.

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