Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 04:07:33 AM

"Aye Sir, I won't argue with you about Irvine Junior but on several ocassions he told us and indeed me that he was untouchable and after we found the gap in his records I may have over reacted, but that is in the past now". Christian looked directly at Carver and then back to Brown "Do you have a replacement for my other vacancy Cayden will be a great asset at either post, but I would prefer him at Tactical rather than someone i don't know".

Grix stood to attention, any other day he would have been proud to have made Captain, but today it seemed like he had been given it to keep him quiet, loosing the flagship was one thing but then being sent to the back end of nowhere to map some space was not what he was used to, maybe it was for the best at least he had an INTREPID class and he hoped it would feel like home again in a way the Sternbach never had.

"Am i dismissed Sir?" he asked as he stood waiting for permission to leave and inform the crew of the 'good' news.

John stood up and walked up to Christian he handed him a PADD that was Labled "Classified Admiralty Eyes Only" taking a breath

"Christian, those are your Orders and remember things happen for a reason" Finished Brown

Olivia Briggs

Quote from: Bradley Miller on June 09, 2014, 11:01:40 PM

[Several Hours Prior]

Miller nodded and smiled.

"Well that's good, yeah. It's always good to enjoy where you work and where you live, and for us they're interchangeable so it's even more important."

His smile grew a bit as he enjoyed the last comment he made, silently thinking himself witty. He wasn't egotistical at all, however he wasn't above enjoying his own comments in silence either. In any case, it didn't really cost anyone around him anything anyways. After a brief pause, he continued.

"I know over the past month of me being here, I've begun to feel settled in. Largely in part to yourself and Chira and Amy ... although Amy's moved on now."

Donna smiled and said "I agree and I'm glad that I've helped you to settle in , and you've also helped me aswell". She was enjoying his companythen the call came over the commlink that all crew had to leave the ship "Would you like to accompany me to the station as I would love to continue our conversation". Deep down she didnt like the thought of being reassigned but hopefully she would be able to stay with people she knew especially Bradley.

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 10, 2014, 04:17:50 AM

John stood up and walked up to Christian he handed him a PADD that was Labled "Classified Admiralty Eyes Only" taking a breath

"Christian, those are your Orders and remember things happen for a reason" Finished Brown

"Yes Sir" Christian took the PADD and then stepped back "If you don't mind sir i'd like to inform my crew, they will be concerned as to what is happening" he turned on his heels and walked out the door.

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

=/\= Grix to Lieutenant Jiseth, Lieutenant I hope you heard the news please tranfer your belongings to the new ship and I look forward to seeing you flying us out of spacedock tomorrow =/\=

He walked with purpose and the spring coming back to his step as he did until he reached the lounge, stepping inside he saw both Commanders sat in different places in the lounge, he walked to the bar and ordered a double Sour Mash Whiskey before walking over to Safi and taking a seat, knowing Cayden would join them when he finished talking to his team. "Miss Larson we got off on the wrong foot, as we have a new ship can we try again? Hello Lieutenant Commander Larson, I am Captain Christian Grix, Christian or Chris to my friends" he sipped the Whiskey and then added "You and me need to work together and a stubborn, pig headed Xo is no good to anyone even if he has been promoted to Captain, so you keep doing what you are doing and I won't promise i will always follow your advice but i will listen, do we have a deal?"


Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

=/\= Grix to Lieutenant Jiseth, Lieutenant I hope you heard the news please transfer your belongings to the new ship and I look forward to seeing you flying us out of spacedock tomorrow =/\=

The Romulan paused and glanced toward the ceiling as the room began to hum with murmuring. Snapping her fingers twice, the room fell silent before she hit her commbadge.

=/\= Understood, sir. Preparations are being made. =/\=

Jiseth rubbed the bridge of her nose with her eyes clamped shut as she began to plan the next twenty-four hours in her head. It was a tremendous amount of work on such short notice, but still within possibility. Looking to the display on the podium, she selected from the registry the ship at Gate 37 and a moment later the holographic image of an Intrepid-class ship appeared in front of the Sternbach.

"Ship we're getting is two decades old, well-traveled. USS Bellerophon. Some of you had relatives on it, but for all of us, we're going home."

She allowed a few seconds of cheering and clapping to boost their morale while she finished planning. The Romulan snapping once again brought the room to hush. "First priority will be moving personal belongings, you have four hours to pack up everything. Alpha and Charlie flights will assemble in Cargo Bay One, while Bravo and Delta flights assemble in Cargo Bay Three. After transport of baggage, take to your assigned shuttles for mass transit, get your things to your quarters and return to the shuttles for quick turnarounds. Otto, sort yourself for transfer and man the tower of our new ship."

"Gladly, my lady." With a bow, the hologram disappeared.

Jiseth continued, "Second priority is the movement of specialized equipment and project resources. If it's not classified, put it on the transporter. If it is, get it on a shuttle and over to the respective cargo hold. Remember to hydrate and take breaks. After that is completed, we'll head to the closest station mess. By then we'll have roughly six hours left, so get some sleep. Ninety minutes prior to departure, Bravo flight will report in for a shortened shift and duty rotations will go from there."

Cutting off the projections, the lights in the room brightened slowly as Meru called the room to attention. It took barely a second to pass for them all to be standing as the Lieutenant took hold of the bat'leth, "Don't trample anyone, dismissed!"

With that the flight personnel filed out and began to briskly jog down the corridor back to the ship.

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

"Yes Sir" Christian took the PADD and then stepped back "If you don't mind sir i'd like to inform my crew, they will be concerned as to what is happening" he turned on his heels and walked out the door.

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

=/\= Grix to Lieutenant Jiseth, Lieutenant I hope you heard the news please tranfer your belongings to the new ship and I look forward to seeing you flying us out of spacedock tomorrow =/\=

He walked with purpose and the spring coming back to his step as he did until he reached the lounge, stepping inside he saw both Commanders sat in different places in the lounge, he walked to the bar and ordered a double Sour Mash Whiskey before walking over to Safi and taking a seat, knowing Cayden would join them when he finished talking to his team. "Miss Larson we got off on the wrong foot, as we have a new ship can we try again? Hello Lieutenant Commander Larson, I am Captain Christian Grix, Christian or Chris to my friends" he sipped the Whiskey and then added "You and me need to work together and a stubborn, pig headed Xo is no good to anyone even if he has been promoted to Captain, so you keep doing what you are doing and I won't promise i will always follow your advice but i will listen, do we have a deal?"

Booth had waited outside the Admirals office, his intent was to have a word with Grix when he exited the room. He had a morbid curiousity, as to Christian's fate. He looked like he had a little spring in his step when he left, so whatever had happened couldn't have been all bad. Pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on, Jimmy followed the Commander to the lounge.

He took a couple of breaths before entering, once inside he stopped in his tracks as he saw her. Safi Larson was in the lounge, she was wearing a red shirt that really suited her beauty. He was lost for words and just stood a little gobsmacked.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Cayden McConnell

McConnell looked over and saw the Captain and his new Executive Officer,  sitting nearby. Getting up from the table that his team occupied, he headed for the two Starfleet officers.

"Captain, I heard that you had asked for me? How can I be of service sir?" He said as he stood before the Captain and XO.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Safi Larson

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

"Yes Sir" Christian took the PADD and then stepped back "If you don't mind sir i'd like to inform my crew, they will be concerned as to what is happening" he turned on his heels and walked out the door.

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

=/\= Grix to Lieutenant Jiseth, Lieutenant I hope you heard the news please tranfer your belongings to the new ship and I look forward to seeing you flying us out of spacedock tomorrow =/\=

He walked with purpose and the spring coming back to his step as he did until he reached the lounge, stepping inside he saw both Commanders sat in different places in the lounge, he walked to the bar and ordered a double Sour Mash Whiskey before walking over to Safi and taking a seat, knowing Cayden would join them when he finished talking to his team. "Miss Larson we got off on the wrong foot, as we have a new ship can we try again? Hello Lieutenant Commander Larson, I am Captain Christian Grix, Christian or Chris to my friends" he sipped the Whiskey and then added "You and me need to work together and a stubborn, pig headed Xo is no good to anyone even if he has been promoted to Captain, so you keep doing what you are doing and I won't promise i will always follow your advice but i will listen, do we have a deal?"


Safi looked at him then nodded and smiled a bit

"We Have a Deal as long as we work together we will be a Good Team" Finished Larson then looking over

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 10, 2014, 02:54:22 PM

McConnell looked over and saw the Captain and his new Executive Officer,  sitting nearby. Getting up from the table that his team occupied, he headed for the two Starfleet officers.

"Captain, I heard that you had asked for me? How can I be of service sir?" He said as he stood before the Captain and XO.

"Have a Seat Commander" Finished Larson

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 10, 2014, 03:01:45 PM


Safi looked at him then nodded and smiled a bit

"We Have a Deal as long as we work together we will be a Good Team" Finished Larson then looking over
"Have a Seat Commander" Finished Larson

"Yes ma'am" McConnell replied, as he slid out a chair and sat down.

Looking over to the water he pointed to his glass and held up a finger, indicating that he wanted another round. The Bajoran waiter brought the glass of bourbon quickly and relieved him of his empty glass. Receiving the fresh glass, McConnell turned back to the conversation.

"What's up Captain?"

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Christian Grix

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 10, 2014, 03:01:45 PM


Safi looked at him then nodded and smiled a bit

"We Have a Deal as long as we work together we will be a Good Team" Finished Larson then looking over
"Have a Seat Commander" Finished Larson

Grix smiled as Cayden joined them at the table, he knew the guys on Cayden,s team were specialists and it wasn't so long ago he would have been on one of those teams.
"Well seeing as you are both here, I might aswell get to the point firstly Miss Larson, i want you to wear this while you are on duty" he reached into his pocket and pulled out the box John had given him and handed it to Safi "Lieutenant Commander Larson with immediate affect you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander" he raised his glass and took a sip.

"And now the second item of business, Admiral Brown has given me permission to recruit who i want from the staion to fill two major holes in my crew, So Cayden would you consider coming back to the Churchill as Chief of Operations and if you say yes, then we need to discuss my choice to run security, I would like Master Chief James Booth as Security Chief and COB, what do you two think to that as a suggestion?" he placed his glass on the table interested to see who responded first.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 03:16:39 PM

Grix smiled as Cayden joined them at the table, he knew the guys on Cayden,s team were specialists and it wasn't so long ago he would have been on one of those teams.
"Well seeing as you are both here, I might aswell get to the point firstly Miss Larson, i want you to wear this while you are on duty" he reached into his pocket and pulled out the box John had given him and handed it to Safi "Lieutenant Commander Larson with immediate affect you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander" he raised his glass and took a sip.

"And now the second item of business, Admiral Brown has given me permission to recruit who i want from the staion to fill two major holes in my crew, So Cayden would you consider coming back to the Churchill as Chief of Operations and if you say yes, then we need to discuss my choice to run security, I would like Master Chief James Booth as Security Chief and COB, what do you two think to that as a suggestion?" he placed his glass on the table interested to see who responded first.

McConnell smiled as he watched Grix slide the box across the table towards Larson.

"Congrats, Commander." He said raising his glass. Taking a sip he looked back across the table at the Captain.

"Me? At OPS, sir? I mean, I can understand bringing Master Chief Booth aboard to be the COB and Chief of Security but me at OPS? I mean, I would love to be back aboard with you guys. So I guess, yes."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"


Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 10, 2014, 05:35:10 AM

Donna smiled and said "I agree and I'm glad that I've helped you to settle in , and you've also helped me aswell". She was enjoying his companythen the call came over the commlink that all crew had to leave the ship "Would you like to accompany me to the station as I would love to continue our conversation". Deep down she didnt like the thought of being reassigned but hopefully she would be able to stay with people she knew especially Bradley.

[15 minutes prior to present time]

Bradley nodded and smiled simultaneously.

"I'm glad I've been able to."

He'd been both enjoying the conversation, and stuck in the thought of being grateful that he'd made a new friend when the call came over the intercom. Bradley sighed and lowered his head slightly, disappointed that the conversation had to come to an end. He looked down at his glass of water, which had been completely emptied and then neglected during the course of their conversation. After a slight pause, he began to stand up.

"Unfortunately I can't, no ... If we are indeed being reassigned or ordered to disembark, then I have to direct the Engineering Department. I'd be willing to meet up with you later however."

He gave his trademark smile and said his farewell, before carrying his empty glass (it wasn't a replicated one, it was his own personal one) with him and out of the Churchill Mess Hall as he began his trip to Main Engineering. The trip took perhaps five minutes, and finally he arrived.


Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on June 09, 2014, 09:41:36 PM


Chira had to practically fight the urge not to make a contented little prrr sound as Henriks ran his fingers through her now-short hair.  Well.  Apparently, he either liked it, or was good at sparing her feelings.  A winning situation, either way...

"Glad you like it," she said, smiling softly.  "I was starting to feel a little buyer's remorse over choppin' it off.  But," Chira grinned, shrugging.  "It's summertime.  Time to change things up a bit."

She turned her attention to Thompson.  "I'm glad to hear you're doing better, Matt...and I'm glad you count me and Henriks as your friends.  I'm sure you'll make more.  First days can be awkward...no matter who you are."  Glancing around the sickbay, it was apparent that many of the others had cleared out, already, now that the Churchill was docked at Starbase One.  Home.

"Chief Alpha's due for her monthly checkup," Chira said, glancing again at her padd.  "We might have to do it on the starbase.  I'm sure they'll let us use a room."

"I think I'm starting to like summer," Henriks said with a smile, resisting the urge to run his fingers through her hair again. "Truly, it does suit you. 'Sides, it can always grow back." So he could hardly see why she would have buyers remorse for something that'd grow back whether she had a receipt or not.

"I know it might sound kind of funny," he added to Thompson, "but a ship's crew is like a family, some people more than others. When you find those people, everything seems so much better. But I'm glad you consider us friends. You're off to a good start." Henriks released a small chuckle as Thompson left. He truly was glad to be able to count Thompson among his friends. Sure, everyone on the ship was nice, but very few were among his true friends.

Chira pulled out her padd, remarking something about Chief Alpha needing a checkup. It was a little weird to imagine the Chief receiving one. Normally it was her job to orchestrate such things, not the other way around. But, he supposed, even a doctor needed a doctor from time to time. "I'm sure we'll be able to commandeer something. Or at the very least, we'll have access to a ship sickbay soon enough." I just hope they don't slap the Churchill name on it, he thought to himself.

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

Something about the captain's call had a tone of finality to it. They were leaving another ship, but at least this one wasn't exploding and he didn't have to worry about Jiseth trying to go on a suicide mission. But still, Henriks didn't look forward to leaving the Patton. Why leave a good ship, he murmured to himself. 24 hours to move everything they would need. At least there wasn't much in his quarters to move besides a cat.

"Do you require a strong back to help move your suitcase, m'lady?" Henriks asked with a slight grin. It was a request she had made when promoted to PO and given her own quarters.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Olivia Briggs

Quote from: Bradley Miller on June 10, 2014, 05:10:19 PM

[15 minutes prior to present time]

Bradley nodded and smiled simultaneously.

"I'm glad I've been able to."

He'd been both enjoying the conversation, and stuck in the thought of being grateful that he'd made a new friend when the call came over the intercom. Bradley sighed and lowered his head slightly, disappointed that the conversation had to come to an end. He looked down at his glass of water, which had been completely emptied and then neglected during the course of their conversation. After a slight pause, he began to stand up.

"Unfortunately I can't, no ... If we are indeed being reassigned or ordered to disembark, then I have to direct the Engineering Department. I'd be willing to meet up with you later however."

He gave his trademark smile and said his farewell, before carrying his empty glass (it wasn't a replicated one, it was his own personal one) with him and out of the Churchill Mess Hall as he began his trip to Main Engineering. The trip took perhaps five minutes, and finally he arrived.


"Definetly " she said as he stood up, she watched him leave and looked forward to seeing him again, she took her empty glass to the replicator and left the mess hall. Donna then headed for her quarters where she quickly collected her belongings . She took one last look around the place where she called home for the past 4 months then left the ship.

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 10, 2014, 05:36:31 PM

"I think I'm starting to like summer," Henriks said with a smile, resisting the urge to run his fingers through her hair again. "Truly, it does suit you. 'Sides, it can always grow back." So he could hardly see why she would have buyers remorse for something that'd grow back whether she had a receipt or not.

"I know it might sound kind of funny," he added to Thompson, "but a ship's crew is like a family, some people more than others. When you find those people, everything seems so much better. But I'm glad you consider us friends. You're off to a good start." Henriks released a small chuckle as Thompson left. He truly was glad to be able to count Thompson among his friends. Sure, everyone on the ship was nice, but very few were among his true friends.

Chira pulled out her padd, remarking something about Chief Alpha needing a checkup. It was a little weird to imagine the Chief receiving one. Normally it was her job to orchestrate such things, not the other way around. But, he supposed, even a doctor needed a doctor from time to time. "I'm sure we'll be able to commandeer something. Or at the very least, we'll have access to a ship sickbay soon enough." I just hope they don't slap the Churchill name on it, he thought to himself.

Something about the captain's call had a tone of finality to it. They were leaving another ship, but at least this one wasn't exploding and he didn't have to worry about Jiseth trying to go on a suicide mission. But still, Henriks didn't look forward to leaving the Patton. Why leave a good ship, he murmured to himself. 24 hours to move everything they would need. At least there wasn't much in his quarters to move besides a cat.

"Do you require a strong back to help move your suitcase, m'lady?" Henriks asked with a slight grin. It was a request she had made when promoted to PO and given her own quarters.


Chira smiled as Thompson left sickbay.  "Well," she said, touching Henriks lightly on the forearm.  "It's good that he's doing a lot better."  She opened her mouth to say something else, but then Commander Grix's voice cut in.

"Huh.  Um.  Well, I guess that's our cue to go."  Chira smirked happily as Henriks mentioned helping her move.  "I really don't have that much stuff to move...just my clothes, my potting wheel...Goethe."  Her light touch remained, and she gave him another little squeeze.  "I kinda wish we had a little more time.  Maybe I could help you move."

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 10, 2014, 08:01:58 PM

=/\= Thompson to Arthur and Áƒ"žbols: Would you like to grab a cup of coffee while we have time? =/\=

Chira winked.  "I think we've made a friend, Mr. Apple," she said, tapping her badge.

=^="Chira here.  Sure, Matt.  I'm certain we'll have a chance once we get station-side."=^=

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams


Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 10, 2014, 05:42:58 PM

"Definetly " she said as he stood up, she watched him leave and looked forward to seeing him again, she took her empty glass to the replicator and left the mess hall. Donna then headed for her quarters where she quickly collected her belongings . She took one last look around the place where she called home for the past 4 months then left the ship.

"Alrighty, I'll see you later then." Miller said with a smile as he left the Mess Hall.

A short while later, he arrived in Main Engineering. He addressed the room at large, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear but not so loud that people would think he's upset; Bravo Shift was the one currently working.

"Alright people! You've all heard the announcement. Your orders are to disembark, to take all the preparations and actions necessary for you personally and for you in Engineering to do so. Plan to be operational at a new site in twenty-one hours, I know the message said twenty-four, I'm saying twenty-one. If that doesn't work for you, or if it isn't possible, you need to come see me immediately. Expect a confirmation and/or expansion of orders to be sent to you within two hours of now. Alright, that's what you need to know people, make it happen!"

As soon as Miller had finished speaking, everyone in Main Engineering (there were actually only nine people in the spacious room at the moment, one of them Mr. Miller himself, eight of them assigned to the Bravo Shift) sprang into action. They quickly began moving and one could note that they had all chosen a different direction than the one they'd had prior to Miller speaking. Some climbed down ladders and some climbed up. Some grabbed various things or began typing on a console. Whatever they chose to do, Main Engineering was very suddenly alive with activity.

Miller himself walked, at a reasonable pace, over to the Master Console and began typing two messages. The first one he finished and sent away to all members of the Engineering Department.

In case you have not heard, we have been ordered to transfer ships. Your job and your orders are to ensure that all of the necessary preparations and actions to move you personally and you in Engineering are completed within the next 21 hours. If a problem arises and this cannot be done, see me immediately. Expect a confirmation and/or expansion of orders within the next two hours. End Message.

After that had been sent, he continued typing, getting ready to send a quick message out to Chris.

Captain Chris, As Chief Engineer and on behalf of the Churchill Engineering Department, I am formally requesting a clarification/confirmation of orders. I wish it to be confirmed that we are indeed transferring ships. Provided the previous is true, I wish it to be clarified to which ship on this Starbase we are moving to, and by what time we are expected to complete said transfer. Please respond as quickly as possible, preferably within 90 minutes. Thank you. End Message.

He once again hit the send key and the console beeped to inform him that that message too had been sent. At this, he turned on his heel and walked into his office, deciding without thought that he would start his own personal preparations/actions with the necessary materials in his office. He'd also have to grab his Engineers Toolkit and oversee the shut down of all systems in the Engineering Room ... and that was before even mentioning his personal items in his Quarters ... though that didn't actually comprise much ...

🡱 🡳

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