Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Quote from: Zero Alpha on June 11, 2014, 03:00:27 PM


Hearing Jiseth's voice from the bedroom, Zero followed the sound and smiled slightly, sitting on the edge of the bed.  "Sickbay will require work before I consider it ready to accommodate patients, but it will eventually reach a point wherein I can work there."

She tilted her head to one side as she considered her lover, her pale eyebrows furrowing slightly in a frown.  "All is not well with you, Jiseth," she said softly, reaching out to tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her pointed ear.  "What is wrong?"


Closing her eyes, Jiseth turned her head towards Zero, "Irvine is gone, but there are still four others somewhere. I suppose they'll be dealt with. I just seems out of my hands now. I suppose that's the way it's should be, let law take care of it." Rolling over, her eyes opened and she gave a hard look at Zero, "You're a citizen now. We didn't have to kill or make them fear us to get it."

With a sigh, she sat up and leaned forward, placing a warm kiss on Zero's lips, "They may have proven us both wrong about Starfleet after all. Maybe." Her smile emerged again, "I want to leave all the ill will of this ship here and take none of it with us." Jiseth moved her hand over the Augment's lower stomach gently.

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 07:29:35 AM

Grix turned and smiled to Syrika "Is that a good idea?" he pointed to the seat next to him "We will need to get ready to change ships soon, how's the lab?" he swung round on his stool so T'Mautlan could see his collar.

Grix drained off his drink and pushed the bottle away from him "We need to pack and then get over to the Churchill are you moving in with me when we get there?" It was something he had meant to ask her for months now and everyone knew she spent more time in his anyway.

T'Mautlan kissed Chris on his cheek then sat in the seat next to him.  Memories of the last time she had drank came to mind. "You are right, I should not. The lab is good. Lieutenant Reynolds has taken charge of getting the lab ready for the transfer. "  Then she leaned in close and whispered. "Sometime I would like to try an old Earth drink I only recently heard of. But only when we are alone."

As she leaned back, Chris' collar caught her eye. She reached up and rubbed her fingers over the gold pips.

"You have been promoted to Captain! Congratulations t'hy'la! When did this happen?!"

She stopped speaking for a moment, watching her love as he finished off his drink, imagining the liquor looked as it slid slowly and seductively between his lips and down his throat.

Suddenly the lounge felt very warm to her as she sat watching his lips as he spoke.

Jumping up , she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. "ah t'hy'la ah! I am moving in with you!"

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 11, 2014, 12:35:26 PM


A pleasant tingling filled his arm as Chira lightly placed her hand on it, and so Henriks grinned slightly. "Unless I misheard him, we do have twenty four hours, well, a little less than that now, but that should be plenty of time. And I don't really have a ton of stuff either, mostly just a duffel bag and a cat." Everything he'd brought with him when he joined Starfleet was burned to a crisp when the first Churchill had exploded. He hadn't had time to fetch anything when he and Oswald beamed to the Patton to take care of a patient, and he hadn't gotten around to replacing much of it.

But this time they were not on a ship about to explode, so they had time to transfer what they had to the new ship, and they could probably move both their things all in one go. "Maybe we can finagle adjacent quarters, m'lady," he mused, his grin widening slightly.

[Station - Mess Hall]

It took very little time to transfer their possessions to new quarters, but even so, by the time they were finished, Henriks was starving. His stomach was beginning to grumble quite loudly about the lack of food within it, so Henriks shrugged and offered a small smile to Chira as they walked into the station's mess hall, which already had a sizable crowd of various crews mingling and eating together. Henriks began to scan the crowd for their new found friend, Matt.


"Oh," Chira grinned happily, "we can probably pull some strings and be neighbors."  Better to be roommates, she thought, but honestly...she had no idea how he'd react to that suggestion.  And he hadn't actually brought it up.  So she'd leave it be.

[Starbase - Mess Hall - Later]

Moving was fairly easy when you didn't have that much to your name.  As the pair moved into the mess area of the station, Chira took in the sights of everything.  It was a bit different than the starship, namely because she didn't know anyone.  Glancing over to Henriks, Chira smiled, slipping her hand into his.

Suddenly, her padd beeped.  Chira took the padd out and read the message, quirking an eyebrow as she did so, and giving a little frown.  "Oh.  Damn," she said.  "Medical wants to meet with be during the layover."  Sighing, Chira put the padd away.  "They want to do a follow-up now that I've been promoted to Petty Officer.  Shouldn't take long," she said, leaning up to plant a kiss on him.  "But I don't gotta go just yet."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on June 11, 2014, 08:18:28 PM


"Oh," Chira grinned happily, "we can probably pull some strings and be neighbors."  Better to be roommates, she thought, but honestly...she had no idea how he'd react to that suggestion.  And he hadn't actually brought it up.  So she'd leave it be.

[Starbase - Mess Hall - Later]

Moving was fairly easy when you didn't have that much to your name.  As the pair moved into the mess area of the station, Chira took in the sights of everything.  It was a bit different than the starship, namely because she didn't know anyone.  Glancing over to Henriks, Chira smiled, slipping her hand into his.

Suddenly, her padd beeped.  Chira took the padd out and read the message, quirking an eyebrow as she did so, and giving a little frown.  "Oh.  Damn," she said.  "Medical wants to meet with be during the layover."  Sighing, Chira put the padd away.  "They want to do a follow-up now that I've been promoted to Petty Officer.  Shouldn't take long," she said, leaning up to plant a kiss on him.  "But I don't gotta go just yet."

[Starbase - Mess Hall]

Henriks grinned as her hand slipped into his, sending a warmth throughout his entire body. He let his shoulders rise and fall with a contented grin as they made their way further into the mess hall in search of Thompson. "Well, then I hope you'll expect me showing up at your door every morn'," he told her with a smile, pecking her lightly on the forehead.

He tilted his head slightly as Chira's padd chirped, arching a brow. "I should hope it doesn't take too long, I might need your assistance in sickbay," he added with a sly grin. "I'll count the seconds while you are gone." But all thoughts of that dissolved when she planted one on him, and he could feel his cheeks redden slightly.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 11, 2014, 08:49:01 PM

He glanced up to see his new friends and closes his book. "Hey guys, over here." He waved and remember he had glasses on, reaching up to pull them off his face he realized not many people ever even see him with his reading glasses on.

"Oh, there's Matt," Henriks remarked. Thompson was waving at the two of them... wearing glasses? He quickly took them off, so Henriks shrugged at the thought. He wouldn't ask about them, figuring that Thompson would bring them up if he really wanted to. Chira's hand still in his, Henriks began to make his way towards Thompson, offering the crewman a slight smile. "How are you, Matt? Seems we're to transfer to another ship already." For Henriks, this would be his third ship, all of which bore the name of Churchill, something that often made him want to roll his eyes.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Cayden McConnell

McConnell finished unpacking his gear and setting up his quarters, when he decided to head to the ship's mess hall. It should be relatively empty, he thought.

Entering the corridor, he noticed a few crew members as he passed. They were busy stowing their personal gear and settling in also. Most of the doors to their quarters were open, so as he walked by he glanced in.

[10 minutes later]

Reaching the mess hall, he ordered a hot tea and sat down near a viewport. Looking at his tea cup, he noticed the ship's name had not been reprogrammed in the replicator database. His tea cup had "USS Bellerophon" on it.

Smiling to himself, he slowly sipped his tea and watched the starbase traffic pass by.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 12, 2014, 09:20:56 AM

McConnell finished unpacking his gear and setting up his quarters, when he decided to head to the ship's mess hall. It should be relatively empty, he thought.

Entering the corridor, he noticed a few crew members as he passed. They were busy stowing their personal gear and settling in also. Most of the doors to their quarters were open, so as he walked by he glanced in.

[10 minutes later]

Reaching the mess hall, he ordered a hot tea and sat down near a viewport. Looking at his tea cup, he noticed the ship's name had not been reprogrammed in the replicator database. His tea cup had "USS Bellerophon" on it.

Smiling to himself, he slowly sipped his tea and watched the starbase traffic pass by.

She was on her way to the Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab on Deck Seven when her stomach rumbled loudly. She stopped, placed her hands over her stomach then looked around, hoping no one had heard.

She went on her way to the Mess Hall. Standing in the entrance, she looked around then walked over to the replicator. She ordered only a glass of water though her stomach continued rumbling loudly.

She stood for a moment by the replicator looking for a place to sit. She saw Commander McConnell sitting alone and went over to him.

"Good Evening, Sir. May I join you?"

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 12, 2014, 08:42:24 PM

She was on her way to the Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab on Deck Seven when her stomach rumbled loudly. She stopped, placed her hands over her stomach then looked around, hoping no one had heard.

She went on her way to the Mess Hall. Standing in the entrance, she looked around then walked over to the replicator. She ordered only a glass of water though her stomach continued rumbling loudly.

She stood for a moment by the replicator looking for a place to sit. She saw Commander McConnell sitting alone and went over to him.

"Good Evening, Sir. May I join you?"

McConnell looked up at the newcomer to the Mess hall.

"Absolutely,  have a seat." He said gesturing to the chair across from him.

"How are you settling in?"

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 12, 2014, 10:37:56 PM

McConnell looked up at the newcomer to the Mess hall.

"Absolutely,  have a seat." He said gesturing to the chair across from him.

"How are you settling in?"

She took a seat in the chair Commander McConnell had gestured to.

"I am settling in well Sir. It is good to be back on an Intrepid class vessel."

As she took a drink, a rumbling sound was heard.

bath'pa! kroykah! she thought to herself as she sat the glass down.

"May I ask Sir, how are you settling in?"

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Christian Grix

[USS Bellerophon USS Churchill Bridge]

As he entered the bridge Grix was surprised but pleased to see it was deserted he walked around the bridge slowly taking in all the familiar sights and sounds of an Intrepid Bridge, as he stood behind tactical he thought back to his first day on the ship and how the first man he had spoken to was now not only he friend but one of the few, the few he trusted totally. Looking down at the centre seat he couldn't help thinking hoow much it was just like the one John used to have.

He walked slowly down to the seat and slowly sat down, it felt good and more comfortable than the Sternbach's ever had. He slipped the PADD from his pocket looking at it "Well Admiral what have you got planned for me this time?" he spoke to himself as he read the PADD totally immersed in the information he had before him and in a world of his own.

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 13, 2014, 09:02:40 AM

She took a seat in the chair Commander McConnell had gestured to.

"I am settling in well Sir. It is good to be back on an Intrepid class vessel."

As she took a drink, a rumbling sound was heard.

bath'pa! kroykah! she thought to herself as she sat the glass down.

"May I ask Sir, how are you settling in?"

McConnell gave the question some thought.

"Things aren't how they used to be. I feel like I've been gone too long. Like everything has passed me by. It is good to be back though."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 13, 2014, 09:21:12 AM

[USS Bellerophon USS Churchill Bridge]

As he entered the bridge Grix was surprised but pleased to see it was deserted he walked around the bridge slowly taking in all the familiar sights and sounds of an Intrepid Bridge, as he stood behind tactical he thought back to his first day on the ship and how the first man he had spoken to was now not only he friend but one of the few, the few he trusted totally. Looking down at the centre seat he couldn't help thinking hoow much it was just like the one John used to have.

He walked slowly down to the seat and slowly sat down, it felt good and more comfortable than the Sternbach's ever had. He slipped the PADD from his pocket looking at it "Well Admiral what have you got planned for me this time?" he spoke to himself as he read the PADD totally immersed in the information he had before him and in a world of his own.


John walked out of the Ready Room and looked at Christian and Smiled then looking around the Bridge then looking back at him

"Welcome Home Chris" Finished Brown as he walked up as he was now sporting his new rank as Fleet Admiral he held two PADD's in his Hand

Henriks Ābols

[Station - Mess Hall]

Henriks turned briefly and made his way to the nearest food replicator. "Ginger beer, lÁ...«dzu," he told the computer. The drink materialized quickly, and he raised the glass to his lips to take a sip before turning back towards Thompson. Henriks closed the short distance remaining between him and Thompson with a few quick strides. Slipping into a vacant chair, Henriks offered the crewman a slight smile before saying, "Good to see you again, Matt." He was growing used to the first name, so it did not take nearly as much mental reminder to say it. "Have your stuff all moved?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 13, 2014, 01:25:04 PM


John walked out of the Ready Room and looked at Christian and Smiled then looking around the Bridge then looking back at him

"Welcome Home Chris" Finished Brown as he walked up as he was now sporting his new rank as Fleet Admiral he held two PADD's in his Hand

"Congratulations Admiral, you seem to be getting around a bit, How can i help you John?" Christian looked over at his mentor "I hope you have some good news for me, like this mission really is a survey mission" he held up the PADD "But i doubt it!!"

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 13, 2014, 01:58:17 PM

"Congratulations Admiral, you seem to be getting around a bit, How can i help you John?" Christian looked over at his mentor "I hope you have some good news for me, like this mission really is a survey mission" he held up the PADD "But i doubt it!!"


John walked over and took a seat in the First Officers Chair next to Christian he looked around and smiled looking over he spoke

"You Know I miss this Chair but with what Irvine has been doing I had to take charge now the President is sending me to Command a Starbase in the Heearn Sector dealing with Polictics I feel like Sisko if they call me a God I swear I will retire" Chuckled Brown then he looked at him "This First PADD is the Secret Orders we discussed and the reason we are doing all this and this is your final chance to back out as with this you will need to find a chance when you see it to do something risky to get you noticed by our old friend when that Happens Officially I can't help you or Acknowledge your Orders I am giving you it is considered Black Book and Classified on this PADD will be the only thing that would safe you if Captured you are only to use it if Captured as it is the Authority for your Mission from the President" FInished John sighing

"You sure you want to do this Chris?" asked Brown

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 13, 2014, 01:52:33 PM

"Yes actually, just got it moved before coming here. I travel fairly light due to my former life being a 'get-up-and-go' lifestyle." He smiled.

[Station - Mess Hall]

"That's good," Henriks returned. "Traveling light, I mean. Lets you move around more easily. Less effort to maintain too," he laughed. "Maybe it's just me, but having more clutter make my mind feel cluttered and makes it harder to think. I travel light too because, well, most of my personal belongings were incinerated in February when the ship exploded. Nothing that couldn't be replaced." He shrugged and took another sip of his ginger beer. "So... what kind of things do you do in your free time, besides visit the mess hall?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

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