Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 13, 2014, 02:17:54 PM


John walked over and took a seat in the First Officers Chair next to Christian he looked around and smiled looking over he spoke

"You Know I miss this Chair but with what Irvine has been doing I had to take charge now the President is sending me to Command a Starbase in the Heearn Sector dealing with Polictics I feel like Sisko if they call me a God I swear I will retire" Chuckled Brown then he looked at him "This First PADD is the Secret Orders we discussed and the reason we are doing all this and this is your final chance to back out as with this you will need to find a chance when you see it to do something risky to get you noticed by our old friend when that Happens Officially I can't help you or Acknowledge your Orders I am giving you it is considered Black Book and Classified on this PADD will be the only thing that would safe you if Captured you are only to use it if Captured as it is the Authority for your Mission from the President" FInished John sighing

"You sure you want to do this Chris?" asked Brown

Christian stood up and offered the chair to John "You want to see hoe it feels?" he took the first padd and walked around the bridge slowly " Do I want to take this, John it's a chance to end this war, we have lost too many good people to this war, maybe not on the Churchill apart from Regina George, who I intend to name the mess hall after" he looked towards the helm, the spot where Regina had fallen and then back to John "So yes without doubt I will take the mission"

Moving up to tactical he leant on the console "who would have thought I'd have come from here to there!"

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 13, 2014, 02:41:27 PM

Christian stood up and offered the chair to John "You want to see hoe it feels?" he took the first padd and walked around the bridge slowly " Do I want to take this, John it's a chance to end this war, we have lost too many good people to this war, maybe not on the Churchill apart from Regina George, who I intend to name the mess hall after" he looked towards the helm, the spot where Regina had fallen and then back to John "So yes without doubt I will take the mission"

Moving up to tactical he leant on the console "who would have thought I'd have come from here to there!"

"I wish I could be going with You but I am not so I will be there in Spirt and this is the Reason I gave you an Intrepid you going to need the Speed and Plus I personalty Oversaw the Upgrades to her so shes a New Ship" Finished John with a smile "I have gotten you some revenge but Don't Kill Him for the Love of God do'nt kill him he needs to debriefed dos'nt mean he can't have an accident if you catch my drift just he needs to be alive and able to talk" Finished Brown passing him a PADD "Well Martland thought he force my hand but I was able to get a track on him he got a Old Klingon Bird Of Prey piece of Crap really on that PADD is the information to modify you sensors to track him while cloaked hes in the Beta Quadrant Currently you ready for the Mission my Friend......Command Bitched me giving you this but the Crew are my family so the Churchill deserves this" Finished John

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 13, 2014, 02:59:19 PM

"I wish I could be going with You but I am not so I will be there in Spirt and this is the Reason I gave you an Intrepid you going to need the Speed and Plus I personalty Oversaw the Upgrades to her so shes a New Ship" Finished John with a smile "I have gotten you some revenge but Don't Kill Him for the Love of God do'nt kill him he needs to debriefed dos'nt mean he can't have an accident if you catch my drift just he needs to be alive and able to talk" Finished Brown passing him a PADD "Well Martland thought he force my hand but I was able to get a track on him he got a Old Klingon Bird Of Prey piece of Crap really on that PADD is the information to modify you sensors to track him while cloaked hes in the Beta Quadrant Currently you ready for the Mission my Friend......Command Bitched me giving you this but the Crew are my family so the Churchill deserves this" Finished John

"I will bring him back alive and able to talk sir, I have a very talented Doctor, with the ability to make sure he's alive when we get back, i'm guessing for this to work the rest of the fleet has to believe we are defecting ?" he shook the PADD at John .

"Who can I tell about this only my crew or those i trust with my life, I'll have to tell Zero and Jiseth who we are going after, I no WE owe Jiseth that much Sir"

John Brown

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 13, 2014, 04:01:48 PM

"I will bring him back alive and able to talk sir, I have a very talented Doctor, with the ability to make sure he's alive when we get back, i'm guessing for this to work the rest of the fleet has to believe we are defecting ?" he shook the PADD at John .

"Who can I tell about this only my crew or those i trust with my life, I'll have to tell Zero and Jiseth who we are going after, I no WE owe Jiseth that much Sir"

"That you do best in the Fleet I say and Yes Chris so you might have to return fire from our friends but try to have a Safe Harbour outside of Federation Space...only those who you trust we ca'nt let the truth of this be known and keep it small easier to control the information....No WE do'nt I owe it to her I failed her for not being here to Stop Martland Sooner and not being able to know what Irvine did to her I failed her more then most" Finished John

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 13, 2014, 11:20:00 AM

McConnell gave the question some thought.

"Things aren't how they used to be. I feel like I've been gone too long. Like everything has passed me by. It is good to be back though."

"I served on the Churchill for a brief time before she became a Sternbach class vessel. I agree things have changed considerably. There is a lot to become familiar with again."

She looked at the young officer sat across from her.  He seemed so sad, as if something had been lost to him. Her heart went out to him.  Then it occurred to her.

Mother and father would be so upset with me for forgetting my manners. I have yet to introduce myself.

"Please forgive me Sir, I have been terribly remiss. I have yet to introduce myself. My name is T'Mautlan Syrika. My current assignment is as a Science Crewman in the Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab."

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

James Booth

Station - Mess Hall

Booth felt a little angered at Safi's refusal to speak to him, deciding it was better to bot get into it in front of the Captain, Jimmy left for the Mess Hall. He grabbed the bridge of his nose and stopped for a moment. Taking a look around the Mess Hall, he saw a few faces he recognized. The main one being Henriks, who'd been promoted a couple of grades since their last meeting. Henriks was a good man and Booth had no doubt he could go far if the man chose to.

The Master Chief vaguely recognized the blue shirted woman, who sat with Henriks, Chira Arthur from the Medical Staff. Booth hadn't had anything to do with her, he wasn't sure if she'd made it a policy to avoid him or a meeting simply never happened. The gold shirt was a complete mystery to Booth, him he didn't know from Adam. Taking a cup of coffee, Jimmy walked towards the table. The Chief had an inkling that Henriks didn't like him so much, or that he was scared of Booth for some reason. After a brief pause, Jimmy decided he was going to right some of the wrongs and try and develop a working relationship with the crew, especially the enlisted side.

Coming to a stand beside PO1 Á,,â,¬bols, Jimmy extended his right hand. "Henriks, may I congratulate you on your promotion to Petty Officer One?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 13, 2014, 07:58:54 PM

"I served on the Churchill for a brief time before she became a Sternbach class vessel. I agree things have changed considerably. There is a lot to become familiar with again."

She looked at the young officer sat across from her.  He seemed so sad, as if something had been lost to him. Her heart went out to him.  Then it occurred to her.

Mother and father would be so upset with me for forgetting my manners. I have yet to introduce myself.

"Please forgive me Sir, I have been terribly remiss. I have yet to introduce myself. My name is T'Mautlan Syrika. My current assignment is as a Science Crewman in the Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab."

McConnell nodded to the crewman.

"I believe we met at a ball, prior to my departure."

That ball seemed a lifetime ago, he thought as he stared out the viewport.

"How are things in astrometrics?"

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 13, 2014, 04:08:56 PM

He grinned. "I find I enjoy the small things the most. Chess with friends, swimming, and to clear my mind I use the holodeck to run simulations, I find that also keeps my accuracy and reaction time high. Besides that, I enjoy reading and keeping my body at peak performance." He wasn't very use to having friends honestly, his prior nomad lifestyle never allowed it. It was definitely a change for the better.

[Station - Mess Hall]

"The simple things really are the best," Henriks agreed. "We ought to play a game of chess sometime. I'm not going to pretend to be any good, just average, but I do well enough to enjoy the game. What I really enjoy, though, is card games." He listened attentively as Thompson continued, and then a thought occurred to him. "Maybe sometime you can give me pointers on how to shoot better. Booth kept trying to get me to."

Quote from: James Booth on June 14, 2014, 04:15:10 AM

Station - Mess Hall

Booth felt a little angered at Safi's refusal to speak to him, deciding it was better to bot get into it in front of the Captain, Jimmy left for the Mess Hall. He grabbed the bridge of his nose and stopped for a moment. Taking a look around the Mess Hall, he saw a few faces he recognized. The main one being Henriks, who'd been promoted a couple of grades since their last meeting. Henriks was a good man and Booth had no doubt he could go far if the man chose to.

The Master Chief vaguely recognized the blue shirted woman, who sat with Henriks, Chira Arthur from the Medical Staff. Booth hadn't had anything to do with her, he wasn't sure if she'd made it a policy to avoid him or a meeting simply never happened. The gold shirt was a complete mystery to Booth, him he didn't know from Adam. Taking a cup of coffee, Jimmy walked towards the table. The Chief had an inkling that Henriks didn't like him so much, or that he was scared of Booth for some reason. After a brief pause, Jimmy decided he was going to right some of the wrongs and try and develop a working relationship with the crew, especially the enlisted side.

Coming to a stand beside PO1 Á,,â,¬bols, Jimmy extended his right hand. "Henriks, may I congratulate you on your promotion to Petty Officer One?"

No sooner had Henriks uttered the Chief's name than the man himself appeared. It was almost a little eery. Henriks pushed his chair back to rigidly stand at attention before asking, "Er, thank you sir. Would you care to join us, sir?" Henriks still didn't like the man, though his respect for him had grown. Still, he knew how scary Chief Booth could be. After a brief moment passed, he added, "This is security crewman Matt Thompson, sir, a recent addition to the crew."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

James Booth

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 14, 2014, 12:49:30 PM

No sooner had Henriks uttered the Chief's name than the man himself appeared. It was almost a little eery. Henriks pushed his chair back to rigidly stand at attention before asking, "Er, thank you sir. Would you care to join us, sir?" Henriks still didn't like the man, though his respect for him had grown. Still, he knew how scary Chief Booth could be. After a brief moment passed, he added, "This is security crewman Matt Thompson, sir, a recent addition to the crew."

Station - Mess Hall

Booth frowned slightly when Henriks stood to attention, he wasn't angry with the younger man, it was more the fact that he didn't want too much attention drawn to them in a relaxed environment. Holding up his hand he gestured, for the rest at the table to stay seated. With a nod Booth replied. "Thank you very much, I would be honored." Taking an empty chair, Booth placed his cup down and observed the Crewman indicated by Henriks. He nodded to the man, who was identified as Thompson. "Pleasure to meet you Crewman, I guess we'll be working together."

Jimmy's attention was drawn back to Henriks, who was still stood up. "Sit down Henriks, people are watching."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: John Brown on June 13, 2014, 04:09:09 PM

"That you do best in the Fleet I say and Yes Chris so you might have to return fire from our friends but try to have a Safe Harbour outside of Federation Space...only those who you trust we ca'nt let the truth of this be known and keep it small easier to control the information....No WE do'nt I owe it to her I failed her for not being here to Stop Martland Sooner and not being able to know what Irvine did to her I failed her more then most" Finished John

Christian spun to look straight at Brown "Don't you do that again, you got there when you could and it wasn't your fault Irvine was corrupt, but it is your job to fix it!"  Grix then stood up straight and crossed to the XO's seat "John you know there are only a handful of people i truly trust that much, there are a few i'm coming to trust but not totally yet"


Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 02:56:25 AM

"Good I will get that confirmed and welcome home Cayden" Christian was about to add more to his statement instead he just raised his glass to his friends and tapped them together before taking a drink, just as his PADD beeped.

Grix looked to his companions "Excuse me"  he tapped his comm badge with a wry smile on his lips =/\= Grix to Commander Miller, Bradley the U.S.S Bellerophon at Docking bay 37, just completed its Re-fit and is currently being renamed Churchill and having the registry transferred as for time limit as long as she is ready to launch on time I dont care if you do it by the skin of your teeth but if you need help you can request it from Spacedock or I can ask Commander Larson to coordinate things =/\= He smiled to himself knowing both he and Safi were ex chief engineers and neither of them would have been happy trusting the job to anyone else.

It had been less than thirty minutes later when Bradley heard the voice of his Captain. He listened and then hit his own combadge to respond.

=/\= "Got it Captain, thank you. I'll let you know. Bradley out." =/\=

It was a very short reply yes, but there was a lot to do. Bradley knew Chris had once been an Engineer himself, and so he figured he'd understand. He turned around to his desk and began typing another message on his Padd.

Message from: Chief Engineering Officer Bradley Miller

Your orders are confirmed. Our new site of operations is currently docked in Docking Bay 37, and bears the same name as the Churchill. Please advise.

End Message

At this, he continued cleaning and preparing his office and the materials within to be transferred. After this, he'd oversee the rest of the operations for the rest of Engineering ... and then hopefully get a few hours of sleep ...

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 14, 2014, 10:23:15 AM

McConnell nodded to the crewman.

"I believe we met at a ball, prior to my departure."

That ball seemed a lifetime ago, he thought as he stared out the viewport.

"How are things in astrometrics?"

"You are right Sir. I had forgotten, please forgive me."  She then  watched as he stared out the viewport.

He seems so sad, so lost. I wish there was something I could do to help him. But alas, I know there is not.

"Astrometrics is coming along fine Sir. Lieutenants Reynolds, Daniels and the others assigned to Astrometrics have things well in hand. The Lab will be fully operational soon."

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 14, 2014, 03:46:17 PM

He nods at the man grinning. "I'm sure I can help, I have a specific holodeck program my parents wrote when I was a kid for that. Card games are great as a matter of fact I always carry a deck of cards with me." He says pulling out a deck.

[Station - Mess Hall]

"Fantastic," Henriks replied. "I carry one too." He grinned, patting his pocket. Before Chira became part of the crew, he had passed many long hours during his ghost town shifts spreading the cards out along a biobed. Solitaire was usually his game of choice. Cards, he had found, were also very handy on long shuttle rides.

Quote from: James Booth on June 14, 2014, 03:56:24 PM

Station - Mess Hall

Booth frowned slightly when Henriks stood to attention, he wasn't angry with the younger man, it was more the fact that he didn't want too much attention drawn to them in a relaxed environment. Holding up his hand he gestured, for the rest at the table to stay seated. With a nod Booth replied. "Thank you very much, I would be honored." Taking an empty chair, Booth placed his cup down and observed the Crewman indicated by Henriks. He nodded to the man, who was identified as Thompson. "Pleasure to meet you Crewman, I guess we'll be working together."

Jimmy's attention was drawn back to Henriks, who was still stood up. "Sit down Henriks, people are watching."

Henriks didn't really care if anyone was watching. With this many people in one area, there was always someone watching, people staring at various areas of the room for a few seconds at a time. But he sat anyway, as he had been told to. "My apologies, sir," Henriks said as he took his seat. "I guess I'm just a little jumpy today. Changing ships tends to do that, I guess." He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. He downed the rest of his ginger beer before asking, "So, Chief, what do you think of the new ship they're moving us all to?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

James Booth

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 14, 2014, 05:02:39 PM

He thinks to himself: "James Booth..sounds oddly familiar, maybe he passed through the academy while my parents were instructors." He finally speaks. "How are you sir?"

Booth dropped a single nod to the Crewman. "I'm good, but..." Before Jimmy could continue.
Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 15, 2014, 12:49:49 AM

[Station - Mess Hall]

Henriks didn't really care if anyone was watching. With this many people in one area, there was always someone watching, people staring at various areas of the room for a few seconds at a time. But he sat anyway, as he had been told to. "My apologies, sir," Henriks said as he took his seat. "I guess I'm just a little jumpy today. Changing ships tends to do that, I guess." He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. He downed the rest of his ginger beer before asking, "So, Chief, what do you think of the new ship they're moving us all to?"

"Well, so so, you know how it is." Jimmy had gotten to the point in his career, that he just went with the flow. In other words, he went wherever Starfleet needed him. As he took another swig of his coffee, his eyes switched between the three enlisted, the three young enlisted. Perhaps they didn't know how it was, at the age of 46 Booth judged that he had 15 - 20 years on the three of them. Perhaps an explanation was in order, placing his cup down and letting out a sigh, Jimmy told them how it was. "For me and I guess people who have served for a good deal of time, you get to a point where things such as service, transfers and the like become routine." He sat back in his chair and smiled to them all in a slow motion of his head. "You'll see what I mean one day, one assignment becomes like another."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 14, 2014, 08:20:16 PM

"You are right Sir. I had forgotten, please forgive me."  She then  watched as he stared out the viewport.

He seems so sad, so lost. I wish there was something I could do to help him. But alas, I know there is not.

"Astrometrics is coming along fine Sir. Lieutenants Reynolds, Daniels and the others assigned to Astrometrics have things well in hand. The Lab will be fully operational soon."

McConnell listened to her talk about her department. He smiled at her and lifter his teacher cuo, sipping it. Setting the cup back on the saucer, he continued.

"So, what's new on the ship? I mean aside from the new ship, what's new with the crew? Trying to catch up on the ship gossip." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

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