Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 19, 2014, 12:53:11 PM

[Personal Quarters]

Henriks was just pushing himself back onto his feet when the chime rang. Raising a brow, he briefly looked to the door before turning back to Teodors. "It seems we have a visitor," he told the cat, making his way swiftly towards the door. The door swished open to reveal the loveliest face on the entire ship. "Sveika, m'lady," he said with a grin, taking her hand into his so that he could kiss it. "I hope your meeting went well." He looked back into his quarters then back to her. "It still feels a little lonely in there." Their new quarters were closer on this new ship than it had been on the old one. Nothing would please him more right then to share quarters with his lovely lady though. He would do anything her heart desired to make her happy, so far as remaining clothed would go.


"Hey, Apple," Chira grinned as the door opened.  She felt that very familiar, pleasant flush in her cheeks as he took her hand and kissed it, all very courtly-like.  Taking up his hand in her own, she drew Henriks close, kissing him full on the mouth...taking her time in doing it, too.  "It...it doesn't have to be lonely," she practically purred, her doe-brown eyes looking up into his.  The look continued on for a handful of seconds, with Chira smiling lightly and planting another quick kiss.  "You have Teodors, after all.  Speaking of which..."

Chira knelt down, leaning a knee on Henriks' bed, and scratching the kitten lightly behind the ears.  "Hullo, there, Mr. Ted," she said, making little kissy gestures.  She looked back up at Abols, shrugging lightly.  "I guess we get to see our new sickbay, today."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on June 19, 2014, 06:49:09 PM


"Hey, Apple," Chira grinned as the door opened.  She felt that very familiar, pleasant flush in her cheeks as he took her hand and kissed it, all very courtly-like.  Taking up his hand in her own, she drew Henriks close, kissing him full on the mouth...taking her time in doing it, too.  "It...it doesn't have to be lonely," she practically purred, her doe-brown eyes looking up into his.  The look continued on for a handful of seconds, with Chira smiling lightly and planting another quick kiss.  "You have Teodors, after all.  Speaking of which..."

Chira knelt down, leaning a knee on Henriks' bed, and scratching the kitten lightly behind the ears.  "Hullo, there, Mr. Ted," she said, making little kissy gestures.  She looked back up at Abols, shrugging lightly.  "I guess we get to see our new sickbay, today."

[Personal Quarters]

Henriks was sure that his cheeks were turning red as an apple as she kissed him full on, a pleasant warmth enveloping his entire body. And then, looking into her eyes, he could have just gotten utterly lost in them if she hadn't spoken again. "Mmm, yes, I do have a cat," he mused, letting the corners of his lips curl up into a smile as he tilted his head slightly. "But... it still lacks a certain, wonderful lady." He grinned, kissing her on the forehead.

Teodors perked his head up Chira knelt down beside him on the bed. As she scratched behind the ear, he closed his eyes, lifted his head, and purred quite loudly, thumping his tail against the covers. "Yes, I suppose we do need to see the new sickbay at some time or another. I wonder how the Bellerophon's will compare to our last ship." He refused to call the new ship the Churchill. Henriks chuckled, "It seems Teodors does not want us to leave." The kitten had turned himself so that he lay on his back with his belly exposed and paws dangling in the air. He cocked his head, looking at Chira, and continued to purr.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 19, 2014, 07:18:58 PM

Another Sec/Tac crewman appeared on the bridge to relive him. "Really? Already? Alright then." He stood walingk to his quarters. =/\= Thompson to Arthur, did you still want that conversation? My shift just ended so if you'd like now is a good time =/\=

Henriks tapped his comm badge to reply. =/\=Swing on by to sickbay if you wish, Matt. We'll be there shortly.=/\= Taking Chira's hand, he asked, "Shall we be off then, m'lady?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Olivia Briggs

Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography

After Jiseth had left for the bridge Donna had completed the rest of the diagnostics on the new churchills system as she wanted to make sure everything was running as efficiently as possible before the ship launched. Once this was done she decided to check in with T'Mautlan on Deck 2 before heading to the mess hall to grab a quick bite to eat.

Before leaving the lab she thought she would hail Tam first
=/\= D'ana to Syrika are you in your lab =/\=

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 20, 2014, 08:31:38 AM

Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography

After Jiseth had left for the bridge Donna had completed the rest of the diagnostics on the new churchills system as she wanted to make sure everything was running as efficiently as possible before the ship launched. Once this was done she decided to check in with T'Mautlan on Deck 2 before heading to the mess hall to grab a quick bite to eat.

Before leaving the lab she thought she would hail Tam first
=/\= D'ana to Syrika are you in your lab =/\=

T'Mautlan looked up from her workstation when she heard her comm badge chirp and tapped it.

=^=Syrika to D'ana, yes I am. Are you in need of something?"

As she waited for her to reply, T'Mautlan stood, raised her arms over her head and stretched then walked a few times around her lab.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 19, 2014, 11:33:36 PM

[Personal Quarters]

Henriks was sure that his cheeks were turning red as an apple as she kissed him full on, a pleasant warmth enveloping his entire body. And then, looking into her eyes, he could have just gotten utterly lost in them if she hadn't spoken again. "Mmm, yes, I do have a cat," he mused, letting the corners of his lips curl up into a smile as he tilted his head slightly. "But... it still lacks a certain, wonderful lady." He grinned, kissing her on the forehead.

Teodors perked his head up Chira knelt down beside him on the bed. As she scratched behind the ear, he closed his eyes, lifted his head, and purred quite loudly, thumping his tail against the covers. "Yes, I suppose we do need to see the new sickbay at some time or another. I wonder how the Bellerophon's will compare to our last ship." He refused to call the new ship the Churchill. Henriks chuckled, "It seems Teodors does not want us to leave." The kitten had turned himself so that he lay on his back with his belly exposed and paws dangling in the air. He cocked his head, looking at Chira, and continued to purr.

Henriks tapped his comm badge to reply. =/\=Swing on by to sickbay if you wish, Matt. We'll be there shortly.=/\= Taking Chira's hand, he asked, "Shall we be off then, m'lady?"


Laughing softly, Chira continued to play with little Teodors, tickling his exposed belly and making the kitten happily squirm.  "No, I think he'd rather we stay right here and play with him," she smiled, standing up.  Gripping Henriks' uniform lapels, she drew him close, kissing him.  "Are you saying that your quarters could use a woman's touch, Mr. Abols?"  Well.  Was he hinting that she wanted her to move in?  It sounded like they had some conversations to go over, in the near future.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 20, 2014, 12:04:55 PM

He realized that he was the only person there and thinks to himself "Maybe I should hide and see how long it takes them to find me." But instead Matthew sat and read.


Whistling happily, Chira smiled as the doors of Sickbay slid open.  She wasn't quite sure what the tune was...something about being 'all together now'?  It was a song she'd picked up from Henriks.  Anyway.

She instantly saw that the new Sickbay was quite empty, save for one - Crewman Matthew Thompson.  "Hullo, Matt," she said, giving Henriks' hand a squeeze before letting him go and walking over to the sec/tac.  "Are you allergic to Retinax?" she asked, nodding at his glasses.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 20, 2014, 09:28:44 PM

Matthew had forgotten to take off his glasses when the two entered and when Chira asked he nervously took off his glasses. "Sure 'allergic' let's go with that." He said sheepishly. He may trust the pair but it still didn't override his blinding fear of treatments. He closed his book and sat it down, same as when they met in the mess hall earlier "The Silmarillion" the book appeared old and somewhat worn but still in good condition for it's age. "Anyways what did you want to talk about, or was it me that wanted to talk." The shift was stressful and he could barely remember which way was up. But never-the-less he'd needed to have an uninterrupted conversation with Chira for a couple days to talk through traumatic experiences with someone.


Resisting the urge to raise an eyebrow, Chira only nodded.  She'd seen nothing in Thompson's medical files to indicate any particular allergy, so it was likely psychosomatic.  Either that, or he just didn't want the treatments.  Either way...it wasn't really something they'd solve right here and now, but it was definitely something to be discussed later.

"I think it was you," she said, smiling.  Suddenly, her brown eyes lit up.  "Actually...hold on."  Chira moved off to a side room, one that was obviously meant for storage.  Most rooms on a starship tended to be modular, able to be broken down, shrunk or expanded as need called.  This one was fairly small, but there'd be room for a few chairs and maybe a little table.  "Wonder if I can sweet-talk Grix into giving me my own office..." she mused, turning back around.  "If you'd like to come in here, we can talk, Matt," she said, shrugging.  "There's some...er...crates we can sit on."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Olivia Briggs

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 20, 2014, 02:33:35 PM

T'Mautlan looked up from her workstation when she heard her comm badge chirp and tapped it.

=^=Syrika to D'ana, yes I am. Are you in need of something?"

As she waited for her to reply, T'Mautlan stood, raised her arms over her head and stretched then walked a few times around her lab.

=/\= D'ana to Syrika, I have something for you that you might find interesting , is it ok to pop down? =/\=

As Donna waited for Tams reply she picked up the Archeology book she had found amongst her belongings when she had unpacked and thought her friend might appreciate it.

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 21, 2014, 06:54:24 AM

=/\= D'ana to Syrika, I have something for you that you might find interesting , is it ok to pop down? =/\=

As Donna waited for Tams reply she picked up the Archeology book she had found amongst her belongings when she had unpacked and thought her friend might appreciate it.

T'Mautlan was about to sit back down at the workstation when she heard her friend's voice on the comm.

=^=Syrika to D'ana, Yes my friend, come see me. I can not wait to visit with you.=^=

Donna and I have  much to catch up on. I can not wait for my friend to arrive.  she thought to herself as she retook her seat.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 21, 2014, 12:50:41 PM


"Crate sitting, how prestigious." He said jokingly. As he walked into the room he noted it would be a decently sized room for an office. "So it this your new office?" He asked, looked more like storage but who knows.

[Sickbay - Storage]

Chira grinned as she plopped down on top of one of the supply crates.  "Ah...yeah.  My office," she said, gesturing expansively around her.  "Welcome to it.  Maybe I can ask Ops if they have any cable spools I can use for a table..."

Keeping an open, friendly look on her face, Chira leaned back on the crate, looking somewhat child-like as she drummed her heels against the metal crate.  "So.  What's on your mind?"

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Olivia Briggs

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on June 21, 2014, 07:53:23 PM

T'Mautlan was about to sit back down at the workstation when she heard her friend's voice on the comm.

=^=Syrika to D'ana, Yes my friend, come see me. I can not wait to visit with you.=^=

Donna and I have  much to catch up on. I can not wait for my friend to arrive.  she thought to herself as she retook her seat.

=/\= D'ana to Syrika I'm on my way =/\=

Donna grabbed the book and left the lab she was looking forward to catching up with T'Mautlan and it didn't take her long to reach Deck 2.

Entering the lab she spotted her friend and went over "Hi Tam how are you ?" she said " I've got a present for you I thought you'd might like it " she added and handed over the book to her friend.

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 21, 2014, 08:50:57 PM

"Do you remember me telling you about my ex-fiancé?" He asked. He sat on a crate across from her. "When it comes time by the way, I'd be happy to help you and Henriks get everything arranged assuming I'm not on shift. Can we go to the Mess Hall? I'd love coffee."

[Storage Office]

Chira nodded as Matthew mentioned his ex.  She wasn't quite sure what all that had to do with her and Henriks, but she figured that if there was a connection, he'd delve into it.  "I think we're both pretty well settled, if you're referring to moving in," she said, shrugging with a smile.

She had to laugh a little at the mention of going to the mess hall.  "Oh, you mean my hard metal packing crates don't make for a comfortable environment?"  Hopping up, she dusted her uniform trousers off.  "Mess hall sounds fine to me.  Lead the way," she said, playfully gesturing.  Chira figured sickbay would be fine without her.  Besides, it was her job to make her fellow crewmembers feel comfortable.  Sometimes that meant talking to people in places other than what would be considered a standard workstation.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Non-Playing Character 2


Four Days Later

Within moments Flashes of Light was seen  as over 40 Vessels Appeared Surrounding the Churchill


~Computer:Red Alert Iconion BattleCluster Detected~

[Iconion Flag Ship]

==^== Federation Starship Churchill this is  Lord Admiral Braxis of the Iconion Empire You are Allow us to Speak to the Holy Queen and Empress==^==

Christian Grix

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on June 22, 2014, 04:51:42 PM

Four Days Later

Within moments Flashes of Light was seen  as over 40 Vessels Appeared Surrounding the Churchill


~Computer:Red Alert Iconion BattleCluster Detected~

[Iconion Flag Ship]

==^== Federation Starship Churchill this is  Lord Admiral Braxis of the Iconion Empire You are Allow us to Speak to the Holy Queen and Empress==^==

=/\= Lord Admiral Braxis this is Captain Christian Grix of the Federation Starship Churchill. We do not have an Empress or Queen aboard this ship, infact the only Iconian we have on board is my First Officer Commander Larson =/\=.

Grix broke the link and the opened an internal channel =/\= Grix to Commander Larson, Safi come to the bridge please we have an Iconiaon battle fleet who seem to think we have their Queen on board"

Grix stood and walked towards the screen before reopening the comm channel =/\= I have asked my XO to join us Lord Admiral =/\=

Safi Larson

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 22, 2014, 05:02:36 PM

=/\= Lord Admiral Braxis this is Captain Christian Grix of the Federation Starship Churchill. We do not have an Empress or Queen aboard this ship, infact the only Iconian we have on board is my First Officer Commander Larson =/\=.

Grix broke the link and the opened an internal channel =/\= Grix to Commander Larson, Safi come to the bridge please we have an Iconiaon battle fleet who seem to think we have their Queen on board"


"I am going to Kill Him" Snarled Larson as she walked out and headed for the Bridge


"You reqired my presence Captian?" Asked Safi as she looked at the Screen

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 22, 2014, 05:02:36 PM

=/\= Lord Admiral Braxis this is Captain Christian Grix of the Federation Starship Churchill. We do not have an Empress or Queen aboard this ship, infact the only Iconian we have on board is my First Officer Commander Larson =/\=.

Grix broke the link and the opened an internal channel =/\= Grix to Commander Larson, Safi come to the bridge please we have an Iconiaon battle fleet who seem to think we have their Queen on board"

Grix stood and walked towards the screen before reopening the comm channel =/\= I have asked my XO to join us Lord Admiral =/\=


A Flash of Light and the Lord Admiral Appreared on the Bridge with Two Guards now kneeling at the Sight of Safi

"Mi Lady" Finished the Lord Admiral Getting on his Knees

🡱 🡳

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