Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Christian Grix

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 22, 2014, 05:11:18 PM


"I am going to Kill Him" Snarled Larson as she walked out and headed for the Bridge


"You reqired my presence Captian?" Asked Safi as she looked at the Screen

Grix almost cracked a smile as he saw how quick Safi had responded  "Thank you Commander, now will you please explain to the Lord Admiral that the Queen they are looking for is not on board this ship, he might believe it from you Safi"

Turning to look at the viewscreen again and then walking around to stand at ops just as the Iconions beamed in.  "What the frak, Oh you have got to be kidding me!"  He looked at all the faces on the bridge to see if he was the only one who could not think of a word to say.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 22, 2014, 06:00:44 PM

He tapps his comm badge and quitly whispers in =/\= I need a security team on bridge, do not enter until I give my word. =/\= =/\= Thompson to Sickbay, stand-bye. =/\= He thinks to himself "I'm going to regret this aren't I?" He immediately stood a phaser in each hand and point one at each gaurd. "I will not hesitate to use these. They're both set to stun but I will drop all three of you if you try anything."

The Lord Admiral Looked up and took a Device out of his Pocket he started to chuckle then looked at the Man in front of him

"If I wanted you dead it would happen already this Device would have disabled your Phasers and your Surrounded by an Battle Cluster of the Iconion Empire" Finished the Lord Admiral as he looked at Safi waiting for her to speak

Safi Larson

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 22, 2014, 05:20:21 PM

Grix almost cracked a smile as he saw how quick Safi had responded  "Thank you Commander, now will you please explain to the Lord Admiral that the Queen they are looking for is not on board this ship, he might believe it from you Safi"

Turning to look at the viewscreen again and then walking around to stand at ops just as the Iconions beamed in.  "What the frak, Oh you have got to be kidding me!"  He looked at all the faces on the bridge to see if he was the only one who could not think of a word to say.


Safi looked at Christian and put her one hand behind her head as if she was dealing with a itch then looking at Christian she chucled nervously

"Well......You See......Oh Frack I am Screwed.......You See.......thats Not Exactly True" Finished Safi

Christian Grix

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 22, 2014, 06:00:44 PM

He tapps his comm badge and quitly whispers in =/\= I need a security team on bridge, do not enter until I give my word. =/\= =/\= Thompson to Sickbay, stand-bye. =/\= He thinks to himself "I'm going to regret this aren't I?" He immediately stood a phaser in each hand and point one at each gaurd. "I will not hesitate to use these. They're both set to stun but I will drop all three of you if you try anything."

"Thank you Mr Thompson, stand down I'm sure they mean us no harm" Grix signalled to the security crewman to go back to work, no one on the ship would ever be in trouble with him for doing their job.....

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 23, 2014, 04:02:15 AM


Safi looked at Christian and put her one hand behind her head as if she was dealing with a itch then looking at Christian she chucled nervously

"Well......You See......Oh Frack I am Screwed.......You See.......thats Not Exactly True" Finished Safi

From the actions of The Lord Admiral and Larson's reaction Grix had already started to make conclusions "Well Commander I think you have something you need to tell me" in the back of his mind he already knew the answer but what worried him most was the thought that James Booth was possibly a Prince and the father of the next in line to the throne.  "Come on Safi, I'm not angry".

Safi Larson

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 23, 2014, 04:32:38 AM

"Thank you Mr Thompson, stand down I'm sure they mean us no harm" Grix signalled to the security crewman to go back to work, no one on the ship would ever be in trouble with him for doing their job.....

From the actions of The Lord Admiral and Larson's reaction Grix had already started to make conclusions "Well Commander I think you have something you need to tell me" in the back of his mind he already knew the answer but what worried him most was the thought that James Booth was possibly a Prince and the father of the next in line to the throne.  "Come on Safi, I'm not angry".

Safi took a deep breath before speaking

"Well I am the Queen and Empress and Leader of the Iconion People...."Safi Said Taking a Breath "The Lord Admiral is in charge of my protection there is always a Battlecluster following me were ever I go......" Finished Safi "Oh and another thing I lied to Starfleet about who I really was I do'nt think they would have like me beiing a Starfleet Officer but good news I did'nt Kill Anyone or yell today is'nt that Progress Captian" Finished Safi with a Smile

James Booth


Booth entered the bridge, in light of all that was going on and Thompson's call. His phaser was holstered to his left hip, his right hand was hovering over it and ready to pull it if needed. He had to admit he was dumbfounded by what he was seeing, whoever the Intruder was was on a knee in front of Safi. Good luck there Pal The Chief thought to himself.

Jimmy's eyes flicked across to Thompson, duel wielding phasers on the man before Commander Larson. What the hell is it with the kids these days, they they're all aggressive Stepping to the Crewman's side, the Chief put on a firm voice. "Stand down Crewman and when we have a moment, you can explain why you have two phasers." Booth held out on hand, as a request for Thompson to hand over one of the weapons.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

James Booth

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 02:53:19 PM

He sighed. "They are my parents phasers. It's all that's left of them. Besides; I've been trained to dual-weild if necessary and given the two guards I thought it was." He pulled down his weapons. "I was doing my job, people appear on the bridge, you can bet I take action."

"So they're none regulation too." His eyes flicked across to Grix and Larson for a brief moment. Removing his sidearm, Booth applied the safety and held it out for the Crewman. "Take mine Crewman and hand those two to me, right now." Waiting for Thompson to make the exchange, Booth dropped a nod to the man behind Tactical. On que the Tactical Crewman moved his hand into a position, where he could take action should the Intruder turn hostile. Judging by the mans psoture, hostility didn't seem to be his intent. Looking back to Crewman Thompson, Booth spoke again. "Crewman, the phasers please."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 23, 2014, 04:43:15 AM


Safi took a deep breath before speaking

"Well I am the Queen and Empress and Leader of the Iconion People...."Safi Said Taking a Breath "The Lord Admiral is in charge of my protection there is always a Battlecluster following me were ever I go......" Finished Safi "Oh and another thing I lied to Starfleet about who I really was I do'nt think they would have like me beiing a Starfleet Officer but good news I did'nt Kill Anyone or yell today is'nt that Progress Captian" Finished Safi with a Smile

A smile crossed his face "Well your majesty, I can understand you lying to get out of the Diplomatic corps it's not exactly your strong point" Grix looked towards the Lord Admiral "Welcome Aboard Admiral I am sorry I didn't know my XO was your Queen" . Christian was revelling in what appeared to be Safi's discomfort and decided to tighten the screws a little.

"Mister Booth when you are done there, can you please escort the Queen and our guests to the ready room, I will join you shortly" he made his way to the Captain's seat and opened a comms channel

=/\= Captain to Petty Officer Syrika, please report to the bridge =/\= He knew a chance for the ships Archeologist and Astro Biologist to actually meet the Iconians would be an opportunity she would not want to miss.

James Booth

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 05:05:04 PM

"They are regulation, my parents worked for Starfleet when they were murdered. I don't want your phaser by the way, if I wanted a new one I'd have gotten my own. But if you'd like to check these to make sure they are up to regulation standards be my guest, but when you figure out they are I want at least one back." He handed Booth his parents phasers and grabbed the mans side arm that was offered. "I'll give this back when you give me one of mine back."

Booth arched an eyebrow at the Crewmans brash answer, it was his second answer in as many minutes. The first response had been borderline insubordination, but his latest had crossed the border. He took the two weapons and observered them for a moment. "I can tell you now they will not be of regulation standard and...." Booth was cut off by the Captain.
Quote from: Christian Grix on June 23, 2014, 05:07:07 PM

"Mister Booth when you are done there, can you please escort the Queen and our guests to the ready room, I will join you shortly" he made his way to the Captain's seat and opened a comms channel

In all that was going on with Thompson, Booth had missed what was going with Safi. "Queen?" He asked with surprise, he looked to Safi and the Intruder. He shook his head and looked back to the Captain. "Aye Sir." He replied. Turning to Crewman Thompson, he gave a stern look. "This is not over Crewman, I'll see you in my office, after I have finished with my duties here. You are dismissed Crewman."

As Booth turned back to face Safi, he was reminded of his Alpha Six days. If he'd talked to John Anderson or even John Brown, the way Thompson had just done, he would have been picking his teeth up off the floor. With a smile, he nodded to the Guest and The Queen. "If you'd both like to follow me, I'll escort you to the ready room. This way please." He finished by holding his hand towards the ready room.

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 07:39:48 PM

As he walks threw he reaches engineering and sees Estal, he quickly ducked behind something having turned bright red, he shot back into the corridor. =/\= Chira I need you help at engineering. Thompson out. =/\=


All considered, Chira didn't really mind the interruption from what she'd been doing in Sickbay - inventories and checklists...all the little things that have to be done during the check-in process for a new command.  Not like she'd had that much experience with transitioning to new starships.

Okay...she'd had none.  But, still...she could imagine that the paperwork hadn't grown any easier since the birth of the Fleet.

The bay doors slid open, admitting Chira into a scene of the tightly-controlled chaos that always seemed to be found around Engineering.  It reminded her of her brother, and sister-in-law, every time she entered the Engine Room...and made her smile.

"Um.  Hi?" she asked a passing goldshirt.  Her cheeks suddenly flushed slightly, wondering how silly she sounded.  "I'm looking for a sec/tac crewman.  Mr. Thompson?  He's supposed to be here...somewhere."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 11:44:24 PM

He walked over to Chira still blushed. "Um...hi Chira."


Chira jumped slightly at the sound of Thompson's voice.  "Matt!" she said, giving him a mock-stern look.  "Do you...make it a habit of jumping out at people from behind consoles?"  She glanced around.  "I got your hail, obviously...do you want to meet in here, or would you like to go somewhere else?" Chira didn't imagine that the Engineering bay would make a productive meeting spot (unless one was an engineer, they tended to be more comfortable around all the chaos and blips and beeps, she'd found), but the choice was up to him.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 24, 2014, 11:01:36 AM


"Can we step out into the hallway for a minute?" He asked gesturing to the door, he shot a look around still bright red.

"Of course we can," Chira said, feeling a little trepidation at the sight of Thompson's obvious stressed disarray.  Hopefully, she could get at the root of what his problems were.  Otherwise...well.  She was in no position to be making value judgments on the careers of others, but she knew that a security man without mastery of his own feelings and hangups probably wouldn't last long.  "I think the engineers are startin' to look funny at us, anyway," she said, smiling as she re-entered the hallway.


Outside Engineering, Chira moved a few steps away from the Engine Room's doors, keeping out of the way of any traffic.  "What's on your mind, Matt?"

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 24, 2014, 02:29:37 PM

He seemed somewhat flustered both in a good way and bad. "Well I went for a walk because Booth took away the two things I had left of my parents so thankfully shift was ending and I went for a walk in this direction. That's when I saw her." He said point to Estal. "Nothing bad, quite the opposite; frankly I'm just nervous is the main problem now." He started blushing again.


Chira opened her mouth, and then closed it again, frowning slightly.  Apparently, she was missing something, here.  "Wait...Booth did what?"  She'd heard nothing but bad things about CPO Booth ever since her assignment to this vessel, but had had very little contact with the man.  He intimidated Henriks, and for that, she wasn't overly fond of him...but there were always multiple sides to every story.

She raised an eyebrow at the mention of Estal, who she assumed to be a crewmember of the ship.  "So.  Let me see if I have this straight.  Booth took your items, you came here, and saw this Estal.  And...that's what has you flustered?  Do you know Estal from somewhere else?"

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 24, 2014, 04:03:07 PM

He began again. "No, I've never seen her before. Which is unfortunate because...well...look at her." He blushed again. "Like I said, with Booth it was anger, with her it's nervousness."


"I...oh," Chira said, her face showing a slight bit of confusion.  Great going, Arthur.  Just stumble over your own words...*that'll* make you sound like a public health professional...  She smiled, then, warmly, at Thompson.  "Well!  Mr. Thompson," she said, leaning against the bulkhead wall.  "I think...well, I think that your first step, before anything else, would be to actually introduce yourself to this person?  You can't really go any further before you do that, you know."

Love at first sight.  Or...something like that, it sounded like, at least.  She wondered if it was actually a real thing.  Chira thought back to the first day she'd met Henriks.  Well...actually, that day had been during an explosion on a space station.  But, later, during their talks and walks and lunches...she couldn't really pinpoint the exact moment she'd realized that she had been falling for him.  Probably during the dancing in the Mess Hall, she thought.

"Very well.  It sounds as if you have two conflicting emotions - the anger, and the nervousness.  Which would you like to discuss first?"

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Safi Larson

Quote from: James Booth on June 23, 2014, 05:40:35 PM

Booth arched an eyebrow at the Crewmans brash answer, it was his second answer in as many minutes. The first response had been borderline insubordination, but his latest had crossed the border. He took the two weapons and observered them for a moment. "I can tell you now they will not be of regulation standard and...." Booth was cut off by the Captain.

In all that was going on with Thompson, Booth had missed what was going with Safi. "Queen?" He asked with surprise, he looked to Safi and the Intruder. He shook his head and looked back to the Captain. "Aye Sir." He replied. Turning to Crewman Thompson, he gave a stern look. "This is not over Crewman, I'll see you in my office, after I have finished with my duties here. You are dismissed Crewman."

As Booth turned back to face Safi, he was reminded of his Alpha Six days. If he'd talked to John Anderson or even John Brown, the way Thompson had just done, he would have been picking his teeth up off the floor. With a smile, he nodded to the Guest and The Queen. "If you'd both like to follow me, I'll escort you to the ready room. This way please." He finished by holding his hand towards the ready room.


Safi looked around annoyed to high heaven she looked at James Booth before speaking plaining

"Well; I will be intrested in the follow up with the Crewman in telling him about Regulations on the Churchill" Finished Safi as she walked into the Ready Room after getting a few steps into the Room turning

"Now What the Frack is going on and why did I have to relveil who I am and this better be good Admiral or I skin you from here ton Betazed cut you alive then feed you to a Targ and a Clown on Vulcan" Finished Safi

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