Mission 07: Retribution and Reckonings

Started by Christian Grix, June 09, 2014, 07:39:26 AM

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Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 25, 2014, 04:10:15 AM


Safi looked around annoyed to high heaven she looked at James Booth before speaking plaining

"Well; I will be intrested in the follow up with the Crewman in telling him about Regulations on the Churchill" Finished Safi as she walked into the Ready Room after getting a few steps into the Room turning

"Now What the Frack is going on and why did I have to relveil who I am and this better be good Admiral or I skin you from here ton Betazed cut you alive then feed you to a Targ and a Clown on Vulcan" Finished Safi

[Ready Room]

"Mi Lady; Your Saftey within the Federation is at risk due to us being called upon by the Old Treaty Of the Romluan Star Empire for assitaince with that the Federation is at risk to be invaided so General Rayar wants your saftey

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 24, 2014, 08:51:59 PM

"The anger is a little more blinding, let's get that out of the way first." He grinned. He was way to shy to go and talk to Estal so he felt it was better to stall.


Chira nodded.  "Fair enough.  Anger should be worked through, first and foremost, lest it fester."  She gave Thompson a quick and impish smile.  "However...we will return to the topic of that Engineering crewman."

Glancing down the hall, Chira nodded her head in that direction.  "Care to talk while we walk?  What's weighing on your mind?" she asked.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Safi Larson

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on June 25, 2014, 04:15:56 AM

[Ready Room]

"Mi Lady; Your Saftey within the Federation is at risk due to us being called upon by the Old Treaty Of the Romluan Star Empire for assitaince with that the Federation is at risk to be invaided so General Rayar wants your saftey

"You Got to Be Kidding me the Romluans use that fracking treaty they has'nt been used in over 300 Years" Snarled Larson as she turned and looked out of the Window seeing the Iconion vessels surrounding the Churchill she took a few steps closer.

"Give me one good reason not to throw you out of the Air Lock" Finished Larson

Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 26, 2014, 04:41:48 AM

"You Got to Be Kidding me the Romluans use that fracking treaty they has'nt been used in over 300 Years" Snarled Larson as she turned and looked out of the Window seeing the Iconion vessels surrounding the Churchill she took a few steps closer.

"Give me one good reason not to throw you out of the Air Lock" Finished Larson

Mi Lady as you know we were only awaken from our slumber and you are the reason........the Elder Race is causing our Children the Romluans problems we must do somthing...... as he looked to the Window a Flash of Light filled it only to see an Iconion vessel appear within moment it started to glow heading for the Churchill the sight was scary for those who were looking as the ship inched closer and closer to the Churchill.

The Lord Admiral Jump to action pressed a button on his wrist as three Vessels changed Course and Rammed the Vessel the Flash of Orange Light flashed as the Ship shook everyone fell as sparks and bulkheads started flying

Safi Larson

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on June 26, 2014, 04:53:45 AM

Mi Lady as you know we were only awaken from our slumber and you are the reason........the Elder Race is causing our Children the Romluans problems we must do somthing...... as he looked to the Window a Flash of Light filled it only to see an Iconion vessel appear within moment it started to glow heading for the Churchill the sight was scary for those who were looking as the ship inched closer and closer to the Churchill.

The Lord Admiral Jump to action pressed a button on his wrist as three Vessels changed Course and Rammed the Vessel the Flash of Orange Light flashed as the Ship shook everyone fell as sparks and bulkheads started flying

[Ready Room]

Safi hair was a mess she was coughing though the smoke that filled the Ready Room she looked up seeing everyone was alright but one person was'nt it was the Commanding Officer she ran to his side and felt the Pluse it was weak

~Computer Site to Site Transport Captian Grix to Sickbay~

"Crap......" Finished Safi looking at James Booth her face of one of confustion she for the first time in her life did'nt know what to do " Okay......Guess I got to do somthing....." Safi stated at she took a seat in the Chair as he pressed the Terminal

"Starbase Horzion, this is Commander Larson from the Churchill I need to Speak to Fleet Admiral Brown==^==

As Safi Spoke she got flustered as she gotten more confused when she was dealing with the Sterner Man and after closing the channel she looked up her mouth was dry

"Jam.......I  mean Mr.Booth prepare the Crew......" Finished Larson then she pressed the Intercomm ==^== Commander McConnell report to the Ready Room==^==

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 26, 2014, 05:01:04 AM

[Ready Room]

Safi hair was a mess she was coughing though the smoke that filled the Ready Room she looked up seeing everyone was alright but one person was'nt it was the Commanding Officer she ran to his side and felt the Pluse it was weak

~Computer Site to Site Transport Captian Grix to Sickbay~

"Crap......" Finished Safi looking at James Booth her face of one of confustion she for the first time in her life did'nt know what to do " Okay......Guess I got to do somthing....." Safi stated at she took a seat in the Chair as he pressed the Terminal

"Starbase Horzion, this is Commander Larson from the Churchill I need to Speak to Fleet Admiral Brown==^==

As Safi Spoke she got flustered as she gotten more confused when she was dealing with the Sterner Man and after closing the channel she looked up her mouth was dry

"Jam.......I  mean Mr.Booth prepare the Crew......" Finished Larson then she pressed the Intercomm ==^== Commander McConnell report to the Ready Room==^==

McConnell heard his comm badge beep and listened as Commander Larson summoned him to the ready room.

=/\=Acknowledged. =/\=

He waited for the lift to stop at the bridge. As soon as the doors opened, he headed straight for the ready room. Entering, he looked around for the Captain, finding it odd that he wasn't there.

"Commander McConnell reporting as ordered, ma'am."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

James Booth

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 26, 2014, 05:01:04 AM

[Ready Room]

Safi hair was a mess she was coughing though the smoke that filled the Ready Room she looked up seeing everyone was alright but one person was'nt it was the Commanding Officer she ran to his side and felt the Pluse it was weak

~Computer Site to Site Transport Captian Grix to Sickbay~

"Crap......" Finished Safi looking at James Booth her face of one of confustion she for the first time in her life did'nt know what to do " Okay......Guess I got to do somthing....." Safi stated at she took a seat in the Chair as he pressed the Terminal

"Starbase Horzion, this is Commander Larson from the Churchill I need to Speak to Fleet Admiral Brown==^==

As Safi Spoke she got flustered as she gotten more confused when she was dealing with the Sterner Man and after closing the channel she looked up her mouth was dry

"Jam.......I  mean Mr.Booth prepare the Crew......" Finished Larson then she pressed the Intercomm ==^== Commander McConnell report to the Ready Room==^==

Jimmy ran back out onto the bridge and took the tactical station. The alert klaxons were screaming away, the acrid smoke on the bridge was tickling the back of the Chief's throat. A quick review of the sensor logs revealed one ship had appeared, but it'd been taken care of by the other vessels present. Though not before the damage was done to the Churchill.

=/\=All hands this is the COB, all hands report to battle stations=/\=

Booth's console chimed, he looked down to see what had come up. "Shields are at seventy eight percent, weapons are good." Jimmy shot a glance to Safi. "What the hell is going on Commander?, we get visited by Iconians, then we get attacked by more Iconians."

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 26, 2014, 01:06:46 PM


"Everytime.." He said under his breath. "Chira, we will continue this conversation in a moment, get back to Sickbay; you should be safe there." He ran down the corridor stopping at the security console picking up a better weapon. =/\= Computer; Status report =/\= the computer responded with what had happened. =/\= Thompson to Booth, Larson, and Grix; what do you need from me? =/\= He started towards the ready room knowing they were there.

Acknowledging Crewman Thompson's signal. =/\= Thompson this is Booth, we were just attacked. I need you in Sick Bay the Captain has been injured I want a Guard in there until further notice, Booth out =/\=

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Orantom Trea

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on June 22, 2014, 04:51:42 PM

Within moments Flashes of Light was seen  as over 40 Vessels Appeared Surrounding the Churchill


~Computer:Red Alert Iconion BattleCluster Detected~


The deck turned red, and Estal's face erupted in a fierce grin. For days, weeks, months, she'd stopped keeping track, there was a pitiful lack of things to do aboard the Federation installation she'd been drilled, regimented and bored out of her mind in. Then the world changed, and she was aboard something moving, something alive. The ship throbbed and pulsed with life, and the crewmen working it sat here as if sat among the inner-workings of some great starbeast that carried them from place to place. When faced with an actual warp core, with actual people and a real, present need for radiation shielding aboard a ship that actually, really needed her to work, it was easy to forget just how tiny a cog she was. But this... this worked. The red lights, the klaxons, and all the cogs jumped from their specially - and sometimes arbitrarily - assigned tasks, and into roles set in drills thousands of times before. Estal herself was at a power redirection console. An admittedly boring job, a little like playing a dance-rhythm game, in which one basically just put plasma through pipes as one was told. Dance-rhythm games, however, had a lot more polish than the cold, utilitarian console before her, which suited her just fine. She liked fun, colourful things, but there was something to be said for having nothing standing between oneself and one's job.

In any case, the deck sprang into action, and all across the red-lit space people of all races sprang into their cog-fittings with the same precision they'd practiced for months or years before, and would practice for months and years after. Estal, herself, was ready to watch something burn. Goodness knew, she'd spent far too long keeping the ship running to no avail. She wanted to see the titanic powers that ended every Federation war before. Come on. Show me.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 07:39:48 PM

As he walks threw he reaches engineering and sees Estal, he quickly ducked behind something having turned bright red, he shot back into the corridor. =/\= Chira I need you help at engineering. Thompson out. =/\=

It figured that sec-tac would be in the most sensitive part of the ship, watching for boarders, but that one looked... edgy. In the split second that Estal saw of him, anyway. He walked past her, looked in her general direction and... saw something scary? Was it some kind of non-Federation alien? She had nothing to do until shots were fired, having put her little corner of the ship into standard red-alert patterning for now, so she dared take another look in the opposite direction, trying to find... whatever it was he'd been looking at. She thought he'd looked at her, but she wasn't as scary as she'd like to be... right?

She knew one thing for certain. The dude was creepy. She hoped the Federation navy's civil rights laws were as well-enforced as the Trill's were individually.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 24, 2014, 02:29:37 PM

He seemed somewhat flustered both in a good way and bad. "Well I went for a walk because Booth took away the two things I had left of my parents so thankfully shift was ending and I went for a walk in this direction. That's when I saw her." He said point to Estal. "Nothing bad, quite the opposite; frankly I'm just nervous is the main problem now." He started blushing again.

There he was again. Estal was just standing there, snapped to attention, gripped onto the console and ready for the inevitable waves of kinetic force that were so goddamn common on Federation ships - why did it never occur to anyone to build in shockwave protection? - and the weird sec-tac guy was there, talking to someone from... the red flashes made it hard to tell, but... medical? What, was this some kind of a race thing? Something against Trills or something?

Paranoia was the last thing she needed. She turned back to the console.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on June 26, 2014, 04:53:45 AM

The Lord Admiral Jump to action pressed a button on his wrist as three Vessels changed Course and Rammed the Vessel the Flash of Orange Light flashed as the Ship shook everyone fell as sparks and bulkheads started flying

...And just in time. The deck shook and the stupider crewmen were sent flying as brightness filled the room. Estal, herself, was knocked low by the blast, but she held on. It didn't occur to her to wonder what the hell was happening, but the life support was suddenly losing viability on her screen - she shot a report to damage control teams, and kept working on control. Containment fields, deck sealings, and the eternal problem of power balancing were all a concern. She, herself, just had to be grateful that most of the power on most ships was taken up in the warp drive, and that wasn't engaged right now. She gritted her teeth, and waited for orders.


[Shuttlebay One]

The hum of the hangar door opening echoed throughout the cavernous shuttle bay. Her crews worked farther back in the adjoining Shuttlebay Two, some wishing for the greater space that had been afforded by the USS Patton. Nevertheless, they carried about while Jiseth stood far away near the force field, bathing in the blue light that kept her from the harsh vacuum of space.

Zero had not been feeling well, which occurred sporadically so far during the pregnancy. As such, the Lieutenant was spending most of her time jumping between the Daedalus and her companion in the last four days. Something concerned her more, however. The emerald circles stared beyond the barrier to the formation of ships that surrounded them.

Iconians... Her exhale blew a faint wisp of smoke from between her lips, a thin cigar held firmly between her teeth. She was forbidden to use it in her quarters, which Jiseth was more than happy to abide as the alternative would incur the wrath of her Augment lover. Khan was child's play compared to what Zero was capable of. A fact Jiseth was unable to determine if it made her more proud or terrified, though there was solace in that soft cool touch that she longed for whenever the two were apart.

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