Season 16: Episode 1: Perfect Replicas

Started by Tekin Nevir, January 02, 2024, 10:51:11 PM

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Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 08, 2024, 10:03:05 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 9 - Outside Sickbay]

Tekin sighed, before turning around to face the doctor.  "With all due respect, Doctor, I'm trying to keep this ship from being taken over by treasonous Intelligence operatives.  I'll be happy to submit to a scan, but once I am sure my ship is secure." he explained, turning and about to walk down the hall.

Damn.... he thought, as he glanced back at the CMO as the sick doors closed.  Once they were, he reached out and hit the secure lock on the door.  Probably wouldn't detain Sickbay long, but enough time.  The Bajoran ran.

=/\= "Tekin to Reyak and Hrafn.  Novi has compromised us.  I'm activating Starfleet's Pegasus protocol.  We need to initiate Phase 3 immediately. Recommend Betaika, Broadshire, and Lek.  Especially Betaika." =/\= he stated, jumping into an empty turbolift.

"Beta Bridge." he ordered, as the turbolift moved, and then he took a breath.  =/\= "Computer, this is Captain Tekin Nevir.  Voiceprint authorization Tekin-Omega-Two-Two-One.  Initiate the Pegasus Protocol." =/\=

Throughout the ship, the Red Alert sounded as consoles locked out throughout the ship.  Command codes were restricted.  Doors closed and secured the vital sections of the ship, and the personnel quarters were locked.  That would prevent a good two-thirds of the ship from interfering, and he just needed to deal with the senior staff and Alpha shift.

Hrafn meanwhile had just reached the Armory, and used the Captain's codes to access a phaser and rifle.  She made quick work, moving through the ship and reaching Main Engineering.

"Lek! Secure the warp core.  The Captain and I have discovered that we have been infiltrated.  We need to secure Engineering!"

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]

Tekin slipped out of the bay before Betaika could react. Noticing that the captain locked sickbay doors, he ran over to the door panel in pursuit.

Security Clearance Not Authorised

Computer science had never been his strong suit, so a swift phaser blast from his pocketed weapon removed the obstacle. Looking around outside, it was clear that the captain was long gone. Taking another look at the panel, he discovered that some emergency coms were still active despite the protocols that the captain had evidently put in place. Finding a way to patch into the ship, he cleared his throat. "œThis is Chief Medical Officer Betaika, I have taken command of the ship as I have relieved the captain of his duty. He is an imposter. Use any means necessary to incapacitate him immediately."

Terminating the communication, he looked towards his sickbay team. "œI request that you arm yourselves and follow me." Betaika ordered with a stoic confidence that he mustered after his warning to the ship.

Dem Broadshire

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem judged by Betaika's communication that things had moved from bad to worse. If only there was an aggressive, trigger happy tactical officer that could assist in the hunt for the captain, he chuckled to himself. "œHansen, go find him and take him down." Dem said with a smile. "œGood luck."

Ch'e N'ok Savyn

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 08, 2024, 08:49:32 PM

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]

Tekin slipped out of the bay before Betaika could react. Noticing that the captain locked sickbay doors, he ran over to the door panel in pursuit.

Security Clearance Not Authorised

Computer science had never been his strong suit, so a swift phaser blast from his pocketed weapon removed the obstacle. Looking around outside, it was clear that the captain was long gone. Taking another look at the panel, he discovered that some emergency coms were still active despite the protocols that the captain had evidently put in place. Finding a way to patch into the ship, he cleared his throat. "œThis is Chief Medical Officer Betaika, I have taken command of the ship as I have relieved the captain of his duty. He is an imposter. Use any means necessary to incapacitate him immediately."

Terminating the communication, he looked towards his sickbay team. "œI request that you arm yourselves and follow me." Betaika ordered with a stoic confidence that he mustered after his warning to the ship.

USS Discovery-B | Sickbay]

Suddenly, Savyn let go of Fvienn looking back at the other doctors who were preparing to leave. He glanced back at the little boy for a brief moment, frowning slightly.

"I... I have to go, Fvienn," he sighed. "They need me. I will... I will return shortly."

He stood and quickly turned on his heel, not wanting to see the boys expression fall as he left to grab a phaser and join the others.

Vulcan Male. 20 Years Old. Character Bio

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 07, 2024, 04:44:47 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station -  Cloning lab]

While Vila went to work, Rayek's attention returned to the comm from Ensign Hansen.

Rayek wasn't sure what to make of the Sec/Tac ensign's concerns.  Nor was he all that trusting of the ensign as a source.  If there was a real concern on the ship about the Captain, it should be the CMO or Lieutenant Broadshire contacting him, not an ensign.  However, Rayek couldn't merely dismiss the intel - given what he suspected they were dealing with.

He was about to thank the ensign for her report, when she continued on to say that she'd been secretly monitoring the comms.  This was a breach of protocol - especially for mission classified at this level.  It definitely warranted a reprimand... however she did also provide information that Rayek found useful.

Though he had been up in Ops recently, Rayek hadn't used the comms there at all, so his presence shouldn't have been traced there.   Hansen must be referring to the same message he'd overheard earlier - his voice informing the Captain that the Away Team was about to arrive at Ops (the prompt for him to leave there).

He was about to answer - that no he wasn't at Ops - when he recalled that the communications console had been monitoring all channels.  Was this current comm being monitored? he wondered; and if so by who?  His replicant self?

Rayek realized then, that he couldn't confirm anything to the ensign, as this might paint a target on the woman's back if overheard by his other self or Hrafn. The Romula thankfully was saved from having to make his ignoring of her question too obvious, as Dem's voice was heard in the background.

Rayek understood Broadshire's concern and would have ordered the same, still he needed to get a warning to them if he could. He thought quickly.

=/\= "Tell Broadshire that I'll want a raincheck on tonight's 21st Century movie night. The day has been too much like oblivion," =/\= Rayek remarked casually, stressing the last word of his sentence, then opted to cut the comm himself.  He hoped someone on the bridge might pick up on his movie clue.

[Ensign Lilly Hansen - Deck 1 - Tactical]

=/\= "Tell Broadshire that I'll want a raincheck on tonight's 21st Century movie night. The day has been too much like oblivion," =/\= Lilly sighed. And before she could reply he cut the comm. But then the Lt. decided to get mouthy. Lilly let that slide. But then he gave her a order. Once she had kinda been waiting on.

"œHansen, go find him and take him down." Dem said with a smile. "œGood luck."

Lilly nodded. "Yes Sir". She then grabbed a rifle from the Bridge weapons locker and moved to the Lift. It was time to play a game of hide and seek. A Deadly game of hide and seek. She then opened a comm to all the Secuirty Officers on the ship.  =/\=Attention All Secuirty Officers, Captain Tekin is a Imposter, All Officers are to gear up imdeelity, We are to capture him alive, Phaser set to stun." =/\= She then arrived at the Armory and grabbed a vest. Better safe than sorry.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on April 08, 2024, 04:56:23 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery

Lek heard the red alert and figured things were going from bad to worse. He would have set up a self-destruct sequence if he could, but he couldn't do it without the Captain and First Officer. So, he had to settle for the precautions he'd already put in place. When an armed woman he didn't know, entered engineering half a dozen phasers swung her way. What Lek hadn't told anyone outside, but the engineers were more than just armed. They'd replicated plates of tritanium and welded them into improvised strong points. No one was going to take any engineering space without a serious fight.

"I don't know who you are, but if you don't drop those weapons, if you blink, you will hit the deck in the dark."

[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Main Engineering]

Hrafn froze in confusion and raised an eyebrow, while holding her hands and the rifle up in surrender.  "What do you mean you don't know who I am?  We've met, Lek.  Hrafn Falleq-Tekin?  Your Captain's wife?  My son used to constantly run down to Engineering."

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 08, 2024, 08:49:32 PM

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]

Tekin slipped out of the bay before Betaika could react. Noticing that the captain locked sickbay doors, he ran over to the door panel in pursuit.

Security Clearance Not Authorised

Computer science had never been his strong suit, so a swift phaser blast from his pocketed weapon removed the obstacle. Looking around outside, it was clear that the captain was long gone. Taking another look at the panel, he discovered that some emergency coms were still active despite the protocols that the captain had evidently put in place. Finding a way to patch into the ship, he cleared his throat. "œThis is Chief Medical Officer Betaika, I have taken command of the ship as I have relieved the captain of his duty. He is an imposter. Use any means necessary to incapacitate him immediately."

Terminating the communication, he looked towards his sickbay team. "œI request that you arm yourselves and follow me." Betaika ordered with a stoic confidence that he mustered after his warning to the ship.

"Doctor Betaika, he must have been-" she stated, and then sighed.  "Nevermind... the Captain said you would be a problem."

She left the rifle swing down with her arms and pulled the trigger, spraying wildly as she ducked behind the bulkhead, grimacing as some of the shots hit her.  They weren't security officers, but they were still precision officers. Before they could find her, Hrafn dove for the nearest Jefferies tube, locking it behind her.  She smirked as a forcefield flashed over the door.  Tekin was able to monitor her.  Instead, she made her way to the next point, slipping down to Deck 11 and into Gamma Hull, before reaching a turbolift.

=/\= "Computer, recognize.  Falleq-Tekin, Hrafn.  Lieutenant Commander." =/\=


The doors opened and she dashed in, waiting for the doors to close as security officers appeared in the hall.  She waved to them, as she ordered the turbolift to head to the next secure point: Gamma Bridge.

J.B Dersch

NOTE For Tactical Entrys:
- Is a term used to describe the execution of precisely planned building entry for a specific purpose usually to perform an arrest or search.
- Is most often used in high-risk situations when the likelihood of resistance appears great, increasing the danger to officers and the public
Goals of Tactical Entry:
complete law enforcement(And/or StarFleet) mission
performing arrest, search, seizure, etc.
maintain safety of all involved
-prioritizing officers and bystanders(No Bystanders)
-avoiding harm to suspects when possible(Not On Hansen List of Don't)
-minimize property damage (Should be Easy todo)
-using least amount of force necessary(Sadly, Hansen don't really Care about this one.)

-Has officers move in a straight line diagonally through the entry, with officers coming from opposite sides

[Ensign Lilly Hansen - Beta Bridge - USS Discovery]

Hansen had 6 Other Security officers with her. They were heading for Beta Bridge. She wanted to secure all the bridges, Main Bridge was good, This was the last to be secured. She did a quick scan after arriving at the door. Locked and guess how as in there.

"Alright, Listen up, The Non-Cap is in there, And We have been through Tactical entrys when at the academy right?" She asked the Sec/Tac officers, Who all nodded.

"Good, We will be doing a criss-cross entry, And We will circle around the outer edge of the bridge. Non-Cap will most likey be sitting in the Middle, In the Command Chair, The First and Last Chair Center seat he will ever sit in. Understood?" They all nodded. They then all got into position around the door. Hansen at spot number 1, JT at Numder 2, and Hansen had 4 on her side, the other had 3. Hansen then placed a small exsplvie on the doors key padd. Then they all back up a few feet when hansen made the call. It made a small boom then the doors opened.

"Breach!" They then quickly moved into the room. Hansen in first, Then JT, then the second in line behind hansen then the one after JT and it kept going till they were all in the beta bridge. They then quickly circle around the middle chair.

"Captain Tekin, Hands Now! Don't Make me Stun your Ass and Drag it out of that Chair" Hansen ordered. She was ready to drop him if needed.

[Other Sec/Tac Officers - Gamma Bridge - USS Discovery]

Thier Cheif at the moment, Ensign Hansen had ordered all Bridges be secured, She was at the moment on Beta cpautreing the Cap. There were 4 Stationed here at Gamma. 2 had rifles, and two only had pistols. Not Hansens orders, but His. Orders he would soon regret.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Rayek trLhoell

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

Quote from: Malik Grippen on April 07, 2024, 01:34:26 PM

[Station, Ops]

"Aye, commander..." Malik did as ordered and began to lock down the entire station. No one would be able to move unless they forced the doors or blasted them open. He issued a station-wide hail to everyone aboard =/\= "This is Starfleet. Security Lockdown is in effect until we resolve the unrest. Remain where you are." =/\=

It was about time they gained control of the situation and stopped the killing.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 08, 2024, 10:03:05 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 9 - Outside Sickbay]

=/\= "Tekin to Rayek and Hrafn.  Novi has compromised us.  I'm activating Starfleet's Pegasus protocol.  We need to initiate Phase 3 immediately. Recommend Betaika, Broadshire, and Lek.  Especially Betaika." =/\= he stated, jumping into an empty turbolift.

The Romulan up in the Operations Center grimaced as the 'Captain' clearly didn't realize that his Rayek didn't have the ear comms that the other had. This could be problematic.  Worse, the Bajoran didn't realize that other than Lek, this Rayek didn't have clue of who he was talking about.   Well, here's hoping the station Operations computer had better intel than he.

He cast a glance towards the Vulcan and Caitian.  Had they overheard the Captain's message?   Rayek decided the Captain was right - it was time to 'activate' his fellow clones.

"Computer, display holding cell security cameras on the Ops viewscreen."

The main screen switched on and revealed multiple camera views of the occupants of the Lab holding cell.   What was a surprise to the Romulan was that the captives were not there alone.  The camera showed the Bajoran female officer staring at herself in the holding cell, while holding a phaser on Rayek's original self who  was dressed in the hospital gown he had switched with him earlier.  Dammit, he should have just killed his original in the first place and disposed of the body, but no, he'd balked at the thought of pulling the trigger himself.

He turned to look to the Lieutenant Commander working beside him.  "You, like myself, are a clone."  He looked to the Vulcan and Caitian.  "Each of you are clones.  I've given you the same programming I was designed with.  Our loyalty is not to the Federation or Starfleet but to the Thinkers who are working to save the galaxy from a threat greater than any faced before."

He turned to looked toward the viewscreen and pointed towards Lorut.  "Contact that woman and order her to take out Commander tr'Lhoell.  He's a threat to our plans to rejoin the Thinkers in the Gamma Quadrant.  He needs to be eliminated.  After that we will take over the ship."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

NPC Fvienn tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay - CMO's office]

Quote from: Ch'e N'ok Savyn on April 08, 2024, 11:51:13 PM

USS Discovery-B | Sickbay]

Suddenly, Savyn let go of Fvienn looking back at the other doctors who were preparing to leave. He glanced back at the little boy for a brief moment, frowning slightly.

"I... I have to go, Fvienn," he sighed. "They need me. I will... I will return shortly."

He stood and quickly turned on his heel, not wanting to see the boy's expression fall as he left to grab a phaser and join the others.

Fvienn watched Eneh's friend Savyn leave.  He didn't cry or fuss because  Eneh's friend said he would return, and Fvienn trusted he would.  Fvienn decided to play with Eve while he waited.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station -  Cloning lab-  outside the holding cells]


"It would appear that one of you is a clone. Which is which - I honestly don't know."

Still with his hands up to show he was not a threat, Rayek tried to reason with this Lorut and this Tanner, who was nearby listening in no doubt.  Rayek had his suspicions as to which was the original and which was the clone, based on the knowledge that Hansen had just called to say the Captain was acting weird and Rayek could see a hospital gown wearing Tekin in the next cell over.

"Lieutenant, I don't know why the Away Team has been cloned but I do have my suspicions of by who, and for his part in this I apologize.  My replicant-self should not have done so.  It's quite likely you are a clone, but that matters little if you remain true to who Lorut Vila is."

He couldn't tell if he was reaching her or not.  "Vila, help me wake these captives and figure out what is going on."   He nodded towards the wall panel that controlled the holding cells force fields, and then pushing his luck he lowered his hands and moved towards the wall panel. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


After hearing they were clones, M'nia felt this powerful compulsion to go to the gamma quadrant. However, she was not one to obey blindly. Not for something like this. Not because somebody programmed it into her. OK she was a clone, but she was still M'nia and she was her own person. She would not obey! She would not! She would fight it! "I am not someones slave! I will not obey some blind compulsion! I will not!" She said. "I am a starfleet officer! Clone or not, I will never betray Starfleet! Never!" She said defiantly!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila


Vila was...shocked. Dumbfounded. Verklempt, even. Her brown eyes darted from Romulan to the figure on the biobed and back to the Romulan.

"That fucking..." she stopped speaking when she realized that her language was a bit...suggestive for the company of her CO. Oops. "Excuse me," she said. "Was this...Mrs Tekin? I TOLD them..." she wasn't making sense. Her head was spinning, and she felt...strange. She had all day. Like when she'd been pregnant but was about to vomit. Nauseated but unable to expel anything.
Something in her brain clicked into gear. She was being called to the Alpha Quadrant. Home! She wanted to go home!! But her gut overrode her brain. Goddamn that-she'd always had a bit of intuition-she believed that's what had kept her alive so long. She shook her head, but spoke aloud. "NO! I cannot go home yet!"
Inexplicably, she moved forward, through the door. Her phaser was still raised, but she now had it trained on her...clone? Alter? She didn't know. She saw the others lying there-Grippen, and the Captain, and M'Nia. All breathing, but none awake, as far as she could tell. Her sleep seemed more fitful than the others-well. Some things never changed, she supposed. She turned around. "Commander. If that's really your name," she said, "I am going to wake her up," she said. "YOU," she said, turning to Lachlan. "YOU will guard my six, and if you miss, I will kill you, understood?" She said, moving towards...herself. Quickly, she tapped her foot to the sound of a familiar Bajoran drumbeat, and brown eyes fluttered.

Vadok Alvarez

Vadok's expression remained composed but inwardly, his thoughts raced at the unexpected revelation. The Romulan's words echoed in his mind "" he was a clone, designed and programmed with a specific loyalty that extended beyond the bounds of Starfleet. It was a startling realization, one that challenged his understanding of identity and purpose.

However, Vadok maintained his outward composure, his training in Vulcan stoicism guiding his response. He exchanged a brief glance with the Caitian beside him, acknowledging the gravity of the situation with a subtle nod.

"Understood," Vadok replied calmly, his voice measured

Human-Vulcan hybrid,male

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lilly Hansen on April 10, 2024, 08:09:33 AM

NOTE For Tactical Entrys:
- Is a term used to describe the execution of precisely planned building entry for a specific purpose usually to perform an arrest or search.
- Is most often used in high-risk situations when the likelihood of resistance appears great, increasing the danger to officers and the public
Goals of Tactical Entry:
complete law enforcement(And/or StarFleet) mission
performing arrest, search, seizure, etc.
maintain safety of all involved
-prioritizing officers and bystanders(No Bystanders)
-avoiding harm to suspects when possible(Not On Hansen List of Don't)
-minimize property damage (Should be Easy todo)
-using least amount of force necessary(Sadly, Hansen don't really Care about this one.)

-Has officers move in a straight line diagonally through the entry, with officers coming from opposite sides

[Ensign Lilly Hansen - Beta Bridge - USS Discovery]

Hansen had 6 Other Security officers with her. They were heading for Beta Bridge. She wanted to secure all the bridges, Main Bridge was good, This was the last to be secured. She did a quick scan after arriving at the door. Locked and guess how as in there.

"Alright, Listen up, The Non-Cap is in there, And We have been through Tactical entrys when at the academy right?" She asked the Sec/Tac officers, Who all nodded.

"Good, We will be doing a criss-cross entry, And We will circle around the outer edge of the bridge. Non-Cap will most likey be sitting in the Middle, In the Command Chair, The First and Last Chair Center seat he will ever sit in. Understood?" They all nodded. They then all got into position around the door. Hansen at spot number 1, JT at Numder 2, and Hansen had 4 on her side, the other had 3. Hansen then placed a small exsplvie on the doors key padd. Then they all back up a few feet when hansen made the call. It made a small boom then the doors opened.

"Breach!" They then quickly moved into the room. Hansen in first, Then JT, then the second in line behind hansen then the one after JT and it kept going till they were all in the beta bridge. They then quickly circle around the middle chair.

"Captain Tekin, Hands Now! Don't Make me Stun your Ass and Drag it out of that Chair" Hansen ordered. She was ready to drop him if needed.

[Other Sec/Tac Officers - Gamma Bridge - USS Discovery]

Thier Cheif at the moment, Ensign Hansen had ordered all Bridges be secured, She was at the moment on Beta cpautreing the Cap. There were 4 Stationed here at Gamma. 2 had rifles, and two only had pistols. Not Hansens orders, but His. Orders he would soon regret.

[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Beta Battle Bridge]

The "Captain" was indeed in the center chair, and he looked like he could care less about the security team and the phasers pointed at him. He calmly sat in the chair with a PADD in his hand.

"Temper, temper." he chided, looking down at the PADD record.  "Ensign Lilly Hansen, a top student at the Academy, primary specialization in... Medical?  My young dear, what on earth are you doing wearing red and holding a phaser... you might hurt somebody." he teased, shaking his head.

"You're still pretty green, but officers that can straddle two departments will certainly help.  I'm going to have to put you pretty high on the list.  You're exactly what the Thinkers need."

He stood up, regardless of who would have shot first.  The truth was then revealed; the Clone was not actually there.  It was a hologram. The Prometheus class was one of the first ships to be equipped with holoemitters all over the ship to allow their holoprograms like the EMH access to all parts of the ship.  And with the Pegasus protocol, the 'Captain' and only those he allowed had access to any of the ship's systems, including the holo emitters.

"It might be hard for you to understand, Miss Hansen, but I'm not doing this out of malice.  In fact I'm not even going to try to convince you that killing me would kill your captain, since I doubt you would believe that either. But know that my loyalties are for something much, much higher.  I'm doing this to protect you.  We just need a ship.  And what better ship to face a galactic threat than a Prometheus class?  The fact that Hrafn's husband... or rather, me, is the Captain of one such ship is a happy coincidence. As long as you don't threaten my or the other's lives, we won't harm you.  Starfleet Intelligence on the other hand... they deserve what they get."

The 'Captain' shook his head.  "Oh Prophets, I'm rambling.  But it made its purpose.  Its interesting how the priority for security is so obvious and ingrained that I knew you would have a team here, and probably trying to get to Hrafn on the Gamma hull.  But what use are the bridge consoles when the Captain's locked them out to anyone of lower rank?  Having people on the bridge is no longer a threat."

As if on cue, the recently breached door reengaged and slammed closed, and the exits to the bridge had the familiar tone of a forcefield activating.

"I promise you, Miss Hansen, that you will not be harmed.  I know your loyalty lies with Starfleet, so we would never try to convince you otherwise.  We just need a simple medical scan.  Get comfortable; we'll be by after this is all over." he said, as he shimmered and vanished.  The program deactivated.

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2024, 09:08:06 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Beta Battle Bridge]

The "Captain" was indeed in the center chair, and he looked like he could care less about the security team and the phasers pointed at him. He calmly sat in the chair with a PADD in his hand.

"Temper, temper." he chided, looking down at the PADD record.  "Ensign Lilly Hansen, a top student at the Academy, primary specialization in... Medical?  My young dear, what on earth are you doing wearing red and holding a phaser... you might hurt somebody." he teased, shaking his head.

"You're still pretty green, but officers that can straddle two departments will certainly help.  I'm going to have to put you pretty high on the list.  You're exactly what the Thinkers need."

He stood up, regardless of who would have shot first.  The truth was then revealed; the Clone was not actually there.  It was a hologram. The Prometheus class was one of the first ships to be equipped with holoemitters all over the ship to allow their holoprograms like the EMH access to all parts of the ship.  And with the Pegasus protocol, the 'Captain' and only those he allowed had access to any of the ship's systems, including the holo emitters.

"It might be hard for you to understand, Miss Hansen, but I'm not doing this out of malice.  In fact I'm not even going to try to convince you that killing me would kill your captain, since I doubt you would believe that either. But know that my loyalties are for something much, much higher.  I'm doing this to protect you.  We just need a ship.  And what better ship to face a galactic threat than a Prometheus class?  The fact that Hrafn's husband... or rather, me, is the Captain of one such ship is a happy coincidence. As long as you don't threaten my or the other's lives, we won't harm you.  Starfleet Intelligence on the other hand... they deserve what they get."

The 'Captain' shook his head.  "Oh Prophets, I'm rambling.  But it made its purpose.  Its interesting how the priority for security is so obvious and ingrained that I knew you would have a team here, and probably trying to get to Hrafn on the Gamma hull.  But what use are the bridge consoles when the Captain's locked them out to anyone of lower rank?  Having people on the bridge is no longer a threat."

As if on cue, the recently breached door reengaged and slammed closed, and the exits to the bridge had the familiar tone of a forcefield activating.

"I promise you, Miss Hansen, that you will not be harmed.  I know your loyalty lies with Starfleet, so we would never try to convince you otherwise.  We just need a simple medical scan.  Get comfortable; we'll be by after this is all over." he said, as he shimmered and vanished.  The program deactivated.

[Ensign Lilly Hansen  - Deck 6 - Beta Battle Bridge - USS Discovery]

"Temper, temper." he chided, looking down at the PADD record.  "Ensign Lilly Hansen, a top student at the Academy, primary specialization in... Medical?  My young dear, what on earth are you doing wearing red and holding a phaser... you might hurt somebody." he teased, shaking his head.

"This Girl holding the phaser is about to stun your ass and drag out the chair that's what" Lilly was about to just blow this fakers head off and deal with the troubleing reports later. But then he stood and on of the others misfired, It shot right through him. Hologram. Damn the Luck

"You're still pretty green, but officers that can straddle two departments will certainly help.  I'm going to have to put you pretty high on the list.  You're exactly what the Thinkers need."

Thinkers? There's some bigger I am missing...Shitttt.. "Wheres the Real Captain Teki...." But yet again he spoke.

"It might be hard for you to understand, Miss Hansen, but I'm not doing this out of malice.  In fact I'm not even going to try to convince you that killing me would kill your captain, since I doubt you would believe that either. But know that my loyalties are for something much, much higher.  I'm doing this to protect you.  We just need a ship.  And what better ship to face a galactic threat than a Prometheus class?  The fact that Hrafn's husband... or rather, me, is the Captain of one such ship is a happy coincidence. As long as you don't threaten my or the other's lives, we won't harm you.  Starfleet Intelligence on the other hand... they deserve what they get."
"You can't just make clones, Then send them in place of them, and exspect to steal their ship without getting away with it" Lilly was now getting even more angry.

The 'Captain' shook his head.  "Oh Prophets, I'm rambling.  But it made its purpose.  Its interesting how the priority for security is so obvious and ingrained that I knew you would have a team here, and probably trying to get to Hrafn on the Gamma hull.  But what use are the bridge consoles when the Captain's locked them out to anyone of lower rank?  Having people on the bridge is no longer a threat."

As if on cue, the recently breached door reengaged and slammed closed, and the exits to the bridge had the familiar tone of a forcefield activating.

"I promise you, Miss Hansen, that you will not be harmed.  I know your loyalty lies with Starfleet, so we would never try to convince you otherwise.  We just need a simple medical scan.  Get comfortable; we'll be by after this is all over." he said, as he shimmered and vanished.  The program deactivated.

"DAMN IT!" Lilly then ran over to the consoles, Yep she was locked out. [spoiler]Fuck[/spoiler]! Lilly then turned to the others. "Do we got any charges left?" They shook their heads. "Damn" She tapped her comm badge

=/\= "Hansen to Broadshire, We have a bigger problem at hand. The Captain was only a hologram, And Everyone has been locked out of bridge commands, Only the Ones the Imposter allowed are able to control. We are gonna have to rethink our approach, And Also, Apprwantly the group, I think that is creating the Clones is call the Thinkers, And we may have galactic threat on our hands, The Clone Mentioned they needed this ship to fight a galactic threat, And Also, Me and my team are trapped on Beta Bridge with no way out, How shall we precde? I am half tempted to blow every console till something works..." =/\=

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Lilly Hansen on April 11, 2024, 10:19:40 AM

[Ensign Lilly Hansen  - Deck 6 - Beta Battle Bridge - USS Discovery]

=/\= "Hansen to Broadshire, We have a bigger problem at hand. The Captain was only a hologram, And Everyone has been locked out of bridge commands, Only the Ones the Imposter allowed are able to control. We are gonna have to rethink our approach, And Also, Apprwantly the group, I think that is creating the Clones is call the Thinkers, And we may have galactic threat on our hands, The Clone Mentioned they needed this ship to fight a galactic threat, And Also, Me and my team are trapped on Beta Bridge with no way out, How shall we precde? I am half tempted to blow every console till something works..." =/\=

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem glanced down to his readouts, while priming his phaser rifle. "œBetaikas team is on their way to bust you out. Once that is finished, all of you will go to engineering. It is our last foothold on the ship. The last thing that is stopping the ship from being taken over." Dem requested. Turning his attention towards the remaining bridge staff, he ordered them to take defensive positions, in the likely event that they would be breached.

Doctor Betaika

[Beta Bridge Outside Corridor | USS Discovery]

Acknowledging Dem's order, or suggestion considering that Betaika outranks him, they arrived at the battle bridge. "œThe weakest point of entry to the bridge is just beside the door. 10 centimetres away from the perimeter of the door is best placement. This is just past the force field projectors, at the seam were the bulkhead stars, which is unfortunately relatively impenetrable. Start firing." He lifted his weapon and started to fire. "œHansen, stay clear of the leftward entry point." He ordered, while hoping his fellow officers didn't question why he had so much knowledge on breaking into federation secured areas. That was Tal Shiar 101.

Alexander Graham

[USS Discovery-bridge]

Things weren't looking good and Alex was trying not to panic on the outside like he was on the inside. He gave a slight nod as he understood Lieutenant Broadshire's orders. It was important that they could eventually go to somewhere safe for now. In the meantime he was prepared to take a defensive stance in case something went wrong like a breach. He hoped that it was only a matter of time before Betaika's team arrived.

Rayek trLhoell


rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

Quote from: M'Nia on April 10, 2024, 07:20:32 PM

After hearing they were clones, M'nia felt this powerful compulsion to go to the gamma quadrant. However, she was not one to obey blindly. Not for something like this. Not because somebody programmed it into her. OK she was a clone, but she was still M'nia and she was her own person. She would not obey! She would not! She would fight it! "I am not someones slave! I will not obey some blind compulsion! I will not!" She said. "I am a starfleet officer! Clone or not, I will never betray Starfleet! Never!" She said defiantly!

The rRomulan frowned.  "That is unfortunate to hear."
In one smooth and fluid movement rRayek pulled his phaser and fired on the Caitian.   Only afterwards did he realize that he hadn't changed the setting from  stun.  Oh well, it would do.
Quote from: Vadok Alvarez on April 11, 2024, 04:29:47 AM

Vadok's expression remained composed but inwardly, his thoughts raced at the unexpected revelation. The Romulan's words echoed in his mind "" he was a clone, designed and programmed with a specific loyalty that extended beyond the bounds of Starfleet. It was a startling realization, one that challenged his understanding of identity and purpose.

However, Vadok maintained his outward composure, his training in Vulcan stoicism guiding his response. He exchanged a brief glance with the Caitian beside him, acknowledging the gravity of the situation with a subtle nod.

"Understood," Vadok replied calmly, his voice measured

The rRomulan then, with weapon still in hand but not pointed directly at either of the men who seemed to be activated properly,  acknowledged their support.   "Vulcan, bind her.   I won't go out of my way to kill her, but we can't allow her to disrupt our mission." rRayek stated.

The rRomulan then turned back to the viewscreen which was now showing the Bajoran clone, waking up her original.  Fvadt!.  Of course the Starfleet Intelligence would mess up duplicating the Thinker replicant process!  So far it seemed only half were activating properly.

rRayek looked towards the man in command red beside him.  "Lt Commander, I'm sending you in there to deal with the Bajoran and my original.  Get rid of them!"

With that Rayek prepped the transporter's site to site programming.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station -  Cloning lab-  outside the holding cells]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on April 10, 2024, 08:03:59 PM

Vila was...shocked. Dumbfounded. Verklempt, even. Her brown eyes darted from Romulan to the figure on the biobed and back to the Romulan.

"That fucking..." she stopped speaking when she realized that her language was a bit...suggestive for the company of her CO. Oops. "Excuse me," she said. "Was this...Mrs Tekin? I TOLD them..." she wasn't making sense. Her head was spinning, and she felt...strange. She had all day. Like when she'd been pregnant but was about to vomit. Nauseated but unable to expel anything.
Something in her brain clicked into gear. She was being called to the Alpha Quadrant. Home! She wanted to go home!! But her gut overrode her brain. Goddamn that-she'd always had a bit of intuition-she believed that's what had kept her alive so long. She shook her head, but spoke aloud. "NO! I cannot go home yet!"
Inexplicably, she moved forward, through the door. Her phaser was still raised, but she now had it trained on her...clone? Alter? She didn't know. She saw the others lying there-Grippen, and the Captain, and M'Nia. All breathing, but none awake, as far as she could tell. Her sleep seemed more fitful than the others-well. Some things never changed, she supposed. She turned around. "Commander. If that's really your name," she said, "I am going to wake her up," she said. "YOU," she said, turning to Lachlan. "YOU will guard my six, and if you miss, I will kill you, understood?" She said, moving towards...herself. Quickly, she tapped her foot to the sound of a familiar Bajoran drumbeat, and brown eyes fluttered.
Lorut's reaction and then censoring of herself because of her vulgarity earned a slight smile from Rayek.   He didn't openly admit that he did suspect that Hrafn was also a clone.  Though he did have to wonder- whether Tess' clone was also on the station?  Putting that aside for the moment he continued towards the wall panel.

Rayek was relieved when Lorut didn't shoot him and instead allowed him to access the wall panel where he noted the holding cell contained low-levels of anesthezine, a sedative.  Her outburst drew his attention.

"Lieutenant? Are you okay?" he asked while he worked at gaining access to the controls.  Lorut wasn't the only one that could hack a computer system.  His life had depended on that skill many a time in the Tal'Shiar.

Rather than answer his question, Lorut questioned his identity before stating that she was going to wake herself up. "Commander is not my name, rather it is my rank - but I understand your caution."  He countered as he used the wall panel's controls to remove the sedative from the air and then opened the forcefield granting Lorut access.

"I've experienced this once already - as such I am more than willing submit to the necessary medical checks to confirm that I am who I believe I am."

He then looked to Lachlyn who had been quiet all this time. "Lieutenant? Are you okay?" he repeated himself with slightly more concern. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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