Season 16: Episode 1: Perfect Replicas

Started by Tekin Nevir, January 02, 2024, 10:51:11 PM

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Rayek trLhoell

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 06, 2024, 10:41:07 AM

[Unknown location - USS Discovery]

Finally, the range of the tractor beam was increased, and Nevir and Hrafn took their seats in the cockpit of where they were hiding... the Captain's Yacht.  It disconnected and moved ahead of the ship, and then sent its own tractor beam out to impact the station.  The station was obviously much bigger and wouldn't move, but then the tractor beam from Discovery was activated from the Yacht, tracking onto the ship.  The bridge created, the Yacht was pulled towards the station, while Discovery was being pulled by its control on the Yacht.  Breaking a sigh of relief, he activated his comms to the clone Rayek.

=/\= "Discovery is moving.  Lek tried to trick us by faking systems online, so we had to find a more... creative solution.  I do not know how long we have, but we are preparing to take care of the rest of the crew.  Get to the Bridge and I'll release the lockout.  Discovery should know where Hrafn and I are by now." =/\=

=/\= "I believe this is the point at which your wife would exclaim. 'Science rules!'" =/\= rRayek chuckled.

=/\= "Thank you Captain.  Your efforts are appreciated." =/\=

Between the ship being dragged closer and the reprogramming of the defense buoy to act as a signal booster, they were ready to 'abandon the station'.

rRayek left the Ops station and went to retrieve a medkit.  As he opened kit and retrieved the hypospray, he explained his actions to the Vulcan-clone.  "With the ship's shield frequency that the Captain gave me, I'm able to transport us directly onto the Bridge.  Have your phaser in hand and set to wide-beam.  They'll hear our beam in and likely be ready for us.  A high dose of stimulant in our system will give us an advantage, even if struck by their phasers on stun setting."

He injected himself first then offered the hypo to the Vulcan, before returning to the Ops station to activate the transporter cycle.

"Energizing." he called out as pulled his own phaser and dialed up its strength to its lethal setting.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Lilly Hansen on May 08, 2024, 01:39:55 PM

[Ensign Lilly Hansen - Deck 1 -  USS Discovery]

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Hansen.  I've found the original away team and we're... safe for the moment. Captain included." =/\=

Hansen sighed. " Understood Commander, We will work on getting you off the station."

Then the captain's yacht took off and then the Discovery tractor beam began to pull it to the station.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 06, 2024, 10:41:07 AM

"The easy answer is Regula, but at this point those types of stations have been built and rebuilt almost none of them are built like any others.  Plus SI having their own equipment makes it even more difficult.  That said, they should all have similar controls.  Relays, Ops, Infirmary, Engineering access, transporters and shuttles.  What are you thinking?" he asked in response to Lorut's question.

He however, sighed, when Rayek made his suggestion.  "Normally I am all for that... but I've been jerked around a bit too much by Starfleet Intelligence.  I'm half temped to blow this place up myself, which is how I know my clone is more than willing to do it at any time.  The only reason we are probably still alive is that your own counterpart is likely here on the station still.  I'm also holding out hope that Lek's normally pessimistic and distrustful nature will prevent me from being able to access weapons and transporters.  The lockout is useless if no one is able to activate the ship's systems.  Unless they reroute power from a bridged connection to the holodeck system and put it through the holo-systems and life support so that interfering with those relays would put the entire ship at risk, then they can use the deflector to... I better stop thinking.  If I can figure out this fast, so can he... and he probably has." the Captain said with a sigh, as they entered into a transporter room from the looks of things.

"See if you can extend the range... unless Discovery gets closer we won't be able to beam off." he ordered (those working on the transporters), turning towards Rayek.

"The right thing to do is try to stop the self destruct, and I have a feeling that its going to be one of us. I'd probably argue that it should be me, but I'm the only one that can access Discovery's systems right now.  If you try, it is very nearly a death sentence.  There are a number of things that can go wrong, and you're going to be relying on my ability to restore systems before the countdown is over.  I'm not ready to lose a First Officer because an echo from the past came back."

Rayek was somewhat surprised by Tekin's strong reaction and the Bajoran's willingness to let the station be destroyed - with all hands aboard.  He would have thought that the former science officer would have more understanding for the morally grey areas of some sciences and those who are ordered to do such studies.

"You won't need to look for an new First Officer.  I have no intention of dying here, sir.  Tess would kill me." he added with a slight amused smile.

Rayek then looked to Malik and was reminded that he'd suggested the Risan be in charge. "What are your orders, Mr. Grippen?  Do I stay and attempt to shutdown the self-destruct or do I go with the Away Team back to the ship, leaving hundreds to die without even an attempt to stop it?"

The question was unfair; biased even - but that was sort of situation command officers dealt with a lot of the time.  Rayek knew what his choice would be.  Question was:  what was Malik's decision?

While Rayek waited on Malik's response, the Romulan noted Lorut working diligently on the transporters.  He moved to look over her shoulder and was surprised by what the readings on the board showed.  While the ship was out of range, a 'bridge' of sorts seemed to have been made using the Captain's yacht and tractor beams between it and the station and it and the USS Discovery.

"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam." The Romulan advised, even though that was likely what the Bajoran Ops officer was already doing. She knew her job well.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila


Unnamed station
Real Vila


The easy answer is Regula, but at this point those types of stations have been built and rebuilt almost none of them are built like any others.  Plus SI having their own equipment makes it even more difficult.  That said, they should all have similar controls.  Relays, Ops, Infirmary, Engineering access, transporters and shuttles.  What are you thinking?

"If I can blow up the lab, it'll buy us time, and probably also draw out at least one or two more clones-yours, hopefully," she responded, keeping her tone even. "I can figure something out--it'd be easiest to just set my phaser on the chemicals in here," she said. Guerrilla warfare was something she knew, and while she wasn't as eager as she'd once been, it WAS her strong suit, and a place where she could be useful currently.

They finally made their way to the Transport room, the sabotage forgotten. Apparently, it was set to self-destruct anyway. Damn the luck. She'd just have to blow things up in the holodecks, she guessed.

A "bridge" of sorts to the Disco had been made, and Vila got to work even before the Romulan spoke.


"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam."

"Already on it, sir," she said, head bent over a console, typing furiously. "Captain...are you sure you don't want to try...I don't know, something a bit...not me?!" She asked the other Bajoran. While Lorut was often of the mind that evil people deserved the worst, she also did understand that clones weren't sentient, per se, and some of them likely weren't totally willing participants, much like the Comfort women on her own planet. After a moment or so, she raised her head, hazel eyes firing.

"SIR? I got the transporter up," she said. "I don't know how long Clone Captain will allow it so haul ass," she said. She made her way to the light beams.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 09, 2024, 04:38:38 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

=/\= "I believe this is the point at which your wife would exclaim. 'Science rules!'" =/\= rRayek chuckled.

=/\= "Thank you Captain.  Your efforts are appreciated." =/\=

Between the ship being dragged closer and the reprogramming of the defense buoy to act as a signal booster, they were ready to 'abandon the station'.

rRayek left the Ops station and went to retrieve a medkit.  As he opened kit and retrieved the hypospray, he explained his actions to the Vulcan-clone.  "With the ship's shield frequency that the Captain gave me, I'm able to transport us directly onto the Bridge.  Have your phaser in hand and set to wide-beam.  They'll hear our beam in and likely be ready for us.  A high dose of stimulant in our system will give us an advantage, even if struck by their phasers on stun setting."

He injected himself first then offered the hypo to the Vulcan, before returning to the Ops station to activate the transporter cycle.

"Energizing." he called out as pulled his own phaser and dialed up its strength to its lethal setting.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Rayek was somewhat surprised by Tekin's strong reaction and the Bajoran's willingness to let the station be destroyed - with all hands aboard.  He would have thought that the former science officer would have more understanding for the morally grey areas of some sciences and those who are ordered to do such studies.

"You won't need to look for an new First Officer.  I have no intention of dying here, sir.  Tess would kill me." he added with a slight amused smile.

Rayek then looked to Malik and was reminded that he'd suggested the Risan be in charge. "What are your orders, Mr. Grippen?  Do I stay and attempt to shutdown the self-destruct or do I go with the Away Team back to the ship, leaving hundreds to die without even an attempt to stop it?"

The question was unfair; biased even - but that was sort of situation command officers dealt with a lot of the time.  Rayek knew what his choice would be.  Question was:  what was Malik's decision?

While Rayek waited on Malik's response, the Romulan noted Lorut working diligently on the transporters.  He moved to look over her shoulder and was surprised by what the readings on the board showed.  While the ship was out of range, a 'bridge' of sorts seemed to have been made using the Captain's yacht and tractor beams between it and the station and it and the USS Discovery.

"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam." The Romulan advised, even though that was likely what the Bajoran Ops officer was already doing. She knew her job well.


To Malik the decision was clear. "Starfleet would expect us to try. We must attempt to shut down the self destruct no matter the cost to us. We also need to update Starfleet Command asap on the situation here and request immediate reinforcements should Discovery escape with the clones onboard. I will stay with you to attempt to disable the countdown, everyone else get back to the ship and regain control by whatever means necessary. Good luck everyone.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Vadok Alvarez

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 09, 2024, 04:38:38 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

=/\= "I believe this is the point at which your wife would exclaim. 'Science rules!'" =/\= rRayek chuckled.

=/\= "Thank you Captain.  Your efforts are appreciated." =/\=

Between the ship being dragged closer and the reprogramming of the defense buoy to act as a signal booster, they were ready to 'abandon the station'.

rRayek left the Ops station and went to retrieve a medkit.  As he opened kit and retrieved the hypospray, he explained his actions to the Vulcan-clone.  "With the ship's shield frequency that the Captain gave me, I'm able to transport us directly onto the Bridge.  Have your phaser in hand and set to wide-beam.  They'll hear our beam in and likely be ready for us.  A high dose of stimulant in our system will give us an advantage, even if struck by their phasers on stun setting."

He injected himself first then offered the hypo to the Vulcan, before returning to the Ops station to activate the transporter cycle.

"Energizing." he called out as pulled his own phaser and dialed up its strength to its lethal setting.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Rayek was somewhat surprised by Tekin's strong reaction and the Bajoran's willingness to let the station be destroyed - with all hands aboard.  He would have thought that the former science officer would have more understanding for the morally grey areas of some sciences and those who are ordered to do such studies.

"You won't need to look for an new First Officer.  I have no intention of dying here, sir.  Tess would kill me." he added with a slight amused smile.

Rayek then looked to Malik and was reminded that he'd suggested the Risan be in charge. "What are your orders, Mr. Grippen?  Do I stay and attempt to shutdown the self-destruct or do I go with the Away Team back to the ship, leaving hundreds to die without even an attempt to stop it?"

The question was unfair; biased even - but that was sort of situation command officers dealt with a lot of the time.  Rayek knew what his choice would be.  Question was:  what was Malik's decision?

While Rayek waited on Malik's response, the Romulan noted Lorut working diligently on the transporters.  He moved to look over her shoulder and was surprised by what the readings on the board showed.  While the ship was out of range, a 'bridge' of sorts seemed to have been made using the Captain's yacht and tractor beams between it and the station and it and the USS Discovery.

"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam." The Romulan advised, even though that was likely what the Bajoran Ops officer was already doing. She knew her job well.

Clone Vadok listened attentively to Rayek's instructions, processing the plan with precision and focus. As Rayek injected himself with the stimulant, Vadok mirrored the action, administering the hypo with a steady hand. The rush of adrenaline coursed through his system, heightening his senses and sharpening his reflexes in anticipation of the imminent confrontation.

"Understood, Commander," Vadok acknowledged, his voice composed yet resolute. With his phaser at the ready and set to wide-beam, he braced himself for the transporter sequence.


Real Vadok paused briefly, his mind racing through the station's systems, searching for a solution that aligned with his expertise. "Considering the interconnected nature of the station's infrastructure and the unique nature of the cloning process, there might be a biochemical pathway or genetic marker that distinguishes the clones from the originals," Vadok proposed, his tone growing more animated as he delved into the scientific possibilities.

"If we can identify the specific genetic sequences or protein markers unique to the cloned individuals, we might be able to develop a targeted intervention strategy," he continued, his excitement building as he envisioned the potential application of his scientific knowledge in this critical situation.

"With access to the station's lab and some advanced diagnostic tools, we could remotely deploy a tailored genetic disruptor or nanotech inhibitor that selectively targets the clones' cellular replication process," Vadok explained, his voice brimming with confidence. "This approach would disable the clones while leaving the originals unharmed, effectively neutralizing the immediate threat without endangering innocent lives."

Human-Vulcan hybrid,male

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 09, 2024, 04:38:38 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]
=/\= "I believe this is the point at which your wife would exclaim. 'Science rules!'" =/\= rRayek chuckled.
=/\= "Thank you Captain.  Your efforts are appreciated." =/\=
Between the ship being dragged closer and the reprogramming of the defense buoy to act as a signal booster, they were ready to 'abandon the station'.
rRayek left the Ops station and went to retrieve a medkit.  As he opened kit and retrieved the hypospray, he explained his actions to the Vulcan-clone.  "With the ship's shield frequency that the Captain gave me, I'm able to transport us directly onto the Bridge.  Have your phaser in hand and set to wide-beam.  They'll hear our beam in and likely be ready for us.  A high dose of stimulant in our system will give us an advantage, even if struck by their phasers on stun setting."
He injected himself first then offered the hypo to the Vulcan, before returning to the Ops station to activate the transporter cycle.
"Energizing." he called out as pulled his own phaser and dialed up its strength to its lethal setting.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]
Rayek was somewhat surprised by Tekin's strong reaction and the Bajoran's willingness to let the station be destroyed - with all hands aboard.  He would have thought that the former science officer would have more understanding for the morally grey areas of some sciences and those who are ordered to do such studies.
"You won't need to look for an new First Officer.  I have no intention of dying here, sir.  Tess would kill me." he added with a slight amused smile.
Rayek then looked to Malik and was reminded that he'd suggested the Risan be in charge. "What are your orders, Mr. Grippen?  Do I stay and attempt to shutdown the self-destruct or do I go with the Away Team back to the ship, leaving hundreds to die without even an attempt to stop it?"
The question was unfair; biased even - but that was sort of situation command officers dealt with a lot of the time.  Rayek knew what his choice would be.  Question was:  what was Malik's decision?
While Rayek waited on Malik's response, the Romulan noted Lorut working diligently on the transporters.  He moved to look over her shoulder and was surprised by what the readings on the board showed.  While the ship was out of range, a 'bridge' of sorts seemed to have been made using the Captain's yacht and tractor beams between it and the station and it and the USS Discovery.
"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam." The Romulan advised, even though that was likely what the Bajoran Ops officer was already doing. She knew her job well.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem was all ready to move in proximity of the station and beam his friends over. Until the captains yacht detached and started to tow the ship. Even a child could figure something was up. Instinctually, he ran towards the tactical station and tried to fire upon the recently stolen ship. The captain had taken care of that contingency – weapons were offline. Starting to project his question to the bridge about his options, the operations officer cut over him. "Lieutenant, seven life signs beaming to the bridge" The young officer cried. A surge of adrenaline pumped through him, as he ducked down and scanned his recently drawn phaser across the room from over the tactical station.

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 09, 2024, 11:14:38 PM

Unnamed station
Labs -Transporter
Real Vila

"If I can blow up the lab, it'll buy us time, and probably also draw out at least one or two more clones-yours, hopefully," she responded, keeping her tone even. "I can figure something out--it'd be easiest to just set my phaser on the chemicals in here," she said. Guerrilla warfare was something she knew, and while she wasn't as eager as she'd once been, it WAS her strong suit, and a place where she could be useful currently.

Rayek wasn't so certain that destroying the lab would draw out the replicant. The station was already set to destroy itself, but as she was speaking to the Captain and not him, he'd let Tekin deal with her.
Quote from: Vadok Alvarez on May 10, 2024, 02:09:52 PM

Real Vadok paused briefly, his mind racing through the station's systems, searching for a solution that aligned with his expertise. "Considering the interconnected nature of the station's infrastructure and the unique nature of the cloning process, there might be a biochemical pathway or genetic marker that distinguishes the clones from the originals," Vadok proposed, his tone growing more animated as he delved into the scientific possibilities.

"If we can identify the specific genetic sequences or protein markers unique to the cloned individuals, we might be able to develop a targeted intervention strategy," he continued, his excitement building as he envisioned the potential application of his scientific knowledge in this critical situation.

"With access to the station's lab and some advanced diagnostic tools, we could remotely deploy a tailored genetic disruptor or nanotech inhibitor that selectively targets the clones' cellular replication process," Vadok explained, his voice brimming with confidence. "This approach would disable the clones while leaving the originals unharmed, effectively neutralizing the immediate threat without endangering innocent lives."

Rayek looked between Vadok, Malik, and the Captain as he listened to the Science officer's increasingly animated tone as the Vulcan spoke about possibly finding a means to not only detect which were the clones but also possibly discovering an advantage over them.  "You'd be risking your life on the hope that the self-destruct can be stopped." he cautioned, but when he met eyes with the Captain and then Malik he gave a slight nod indicating that he was in favor of the idea.
Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 09, 2024, 11:14:38 PM

They finally made their way to the Transport room, the sabotage forgotten. Apparently, it was set to self-destruct anyway. Damn the luck. She'd just have to blow things up in the holodecks, she guessed.

A "bridge" of sorts to the Disco had been made, and Vila got to work even before the Romulan spoke.

"Already on it, sir," she said, head bent over a console, typing furiously. "Captain...are you sure you don't want to try...I don't know, something a bit...not me?!" She asked the other Bajoran. While Lorut was often of the mind that evil people deserved the worst, she also did understand that clones weren't sentient, per se, and some of them likely weren't totally willing participants, much like the Comfort women on her own planet. After a moment or so, she raised her head, hazel eyes firing.

"SIR? I got the transporter up," she said. "I don't know how long Clone Captain will allow it so haul ass," she said. She made her way to the light beams.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on May 10, 2024, 08:45:15 AM


To Malik the decision was clear. "Starfleet would expect us to try. We must attempt to shut down the self destruct no matter the cost to us. We also need to update Starfleet Command asap on the situation here and request immediate reinforcements should Discovery escape with the clones onboard. I will stay with you to attempt to disable the countdown, everyone else get back to the ship and regain control by whatever means necessary. Good luck everyone.

While Lorut directed the others towards the transporter pad, Rayek nodded his agreement towards Malik whose orders matched what he had intended.  However rather than crawl through yet more jeffries tubes to get to the upper level, Rayek moved to take over the transporter controls.  "Malik, once the others are on the ship, let's use the transporter to beam ourselves up to the Operations level.  Ops might have transporter inhibitors... but not the hallways leading to it... and I already know that doors to Ops were beaten down, so gaining access should be just a matter of taking on those who might be guarding the room."
rRayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Bridge]
Quote from: Vadok Alvarez on May 10, 2024, 02:09:52 PM

Clone Vadok listened attentively to Rayek's instructions, processing the plan with precision and focus. As Rayek injected himself with the stimulant, Vadok mirrored the action, administering the hypo with a steady hand. The rush of adrenaline coursed through his system, heightening his senses and sharpening his reflexes in anticipation of the imminent confrontation.

"Understood, Commander," Vadok acknowledged, his voice composed yet resolute. With his phaser at the ready and set to wide-beam, he braced himself for the transporter sequence.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 11, 2024, 09:07:17 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem was all ready to move in proximity of the station and beam his friends over. Until the captains yacht detached and started to tow the ship. Even a child could figure something was up. Instinctually, he ran towards the tactical station and tried to fire upon the recently stolen ship. The captain had taken care of that contingency – weapons were offline. Starting to project his question to the bridge about his options, the operations officer cut over him. "Lieutenant, seven life signs beaming to the bridge" The young officer cried. A surge of adrenaline pumped through him, as he ducked down and scanned his recently drawn phaser across the room from over the tactical station.

rRayek knew that incoming transporter beams always announced themselves with a distinctive sound... that sound would alert those on the Bridge, who would no doubt be already armed.  Of course, the stimulant he and the Vulcan-clone had injected into their system would give them an advantage, but that was not assurance enough. The Romulan intended to not arrive where most might suspect.

While, the Vulcan-clone would beam in just in front of the Captain's chair - a lovely distraction for Sec/Tac minded, rRayek planned his arrival a second after the Vulcan's and positioned close to the Captain's ready room door where he would have a clear sweeping vantage of the entire bridge with no one behind him since neither Captain were on the ship. Ideally the bridge crew's attention would be on taking out the Vulcan, and his arrival a moment later would be noticed too late as he dropped in from the ceiling - a signature move of his.

The shimmer effect of the transporter took the Vulcan-clone, and rRayek crouched to be less of a target as a moment later it took him as well.

When he materialized exactly where expected -the ceiling near to the Captain's ready room door - the replicant Romulan had a fraction of a second to take in the battle layout before he dropped the few feet to the ground.  He was surprised to see how busy the bridge was. It seemed more than just he and the Vulcan-clone had beamed onto the ship's bridge. Was that the Captain he saw out of uniform?  Fvadt! The Away Team originals had made it back!

As he was already in a crouch, it was an easy thing to tuck and roll to avoid injury as he landed on the bridge deck.  He rolled towards the Sec/Tac console, which gave him some cover against those with phasers who might have noticed his arrival.  As he uncurled, coming up out of his roll, he had his phaser aimed towards the person manning the Sec/Tac station, and fired.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 12, 2024, 03:37:32 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Rayek wasn't so certain that destroying the lab would draw out the replicant. The station was already set to destroy itself, but as she was speaking to the Captain and not him, he'd let Tekin deal with her.

Rayek looked between Vadok, Malik, and the Captain as he listened to the Science officer's increasingly animated tone as the Vulcan spoke about possibly finding a means to not only detect which were the clones but also possibly discovering an advantage over them.  "You'd be risking your life on the hope that the self-destruct can be stopped." he cautioned, but when he met eyes with the Captain and then Malik he gave a slight nod indicating that he was in favor of the idea.
While Lorut directed the others towards the transporter pad, Rayek nodded his agreement towards Malik whose orders matched what he had intended.  However rather than crawl through yet more jeffries tubes to get to the upper level, Rayek moved to take over the transporter controls.  "Malik, once the others are on the ship, let's use the transporter to beam ourselves up to the Operations level.  Ops might have transporter inhibitors... but not the hallways leading to it... and I already know that doors to Ops were beaten down, so gaining access should be just a matter of taking on those who might be guarding the room."
rRayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Bridge]

rRayek knew that incoming transporter beams always announced themselves with a distinctive sound... that sound would alert those on the Bridge, who would no doubt be already armed.  Of course, the stimulant he and the Vulcan-clone had injected into their system would give them an advantage, but that was not assurance enough. The Romulan intended to not arrive where most might suspect.

While, the Vulcan-clone would beam in just in front of the Captain's chair - a lovely distraction for Sec/Tac minded, rRayek planned his arrival a second after the Vulcan's and positioned close to the Captain's ready room door where he would have a clear sweeping vantage of the entire bridge with no one behind him since neither Captain were on the ship. Ideally the bridge crew's attention would be on taking out the Vulcan, and his arrival a moment later would be noticed too late as he dropped in from the ceiling - a signature move of his.

The shimmer effect of the transporter took the Vulcan-clone, and rRayek crouched to be less of a target as a moment later it took him as well.

When he materialized exactly where expected -the ceiling near to the Captain's ready room door - the replicant Romulan had a fraction of a second to take in the battle layout before he dropped the few feet to the ground.  He was surprised to see how busy the bridge was. It seemed more than just he and the Vulcan-clone had beamed onto the ship's bridge. Was that the Captain he saw out of uniform?  Fvadt! The Away Team originals had made it back!

As he was already in a crouch, it was an easy thing to tuck and roll to avoid injury as he landed on the bridge deck.  He rolled towards the Sec/Tac console, which gave him some cover against those with phasers who might have noticed his arrival.  As he uncurled, coming up out of his roll, he had his phaser aimed towards the person manning the Sec/Tac station, and fired.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Being shot at is a hard thing to comprehend for anyone. It all happens so fast. The moment Dem's brain processed the muzzle flash from the commander's weapon, it had impacted and exploded the panel in front of him. Diving back well after the sparks had subsided, he covered his face from the heat of a direct blast. It took him a few moments to recover, but when he did he was met with an unusual sight. The commander and the entire team. This was even a little too overwhelming for Dem. "Everyone who has just arrived hands up. Hands up." He shouted, motioning to the existing crew to disarm them, while he scanned the room for the known hostile.

Alexander Graham

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alexander followed the others towards the transporter pad. The situation while it seemed to be dire he held out hope that a solution could be worked out to prevent any further destruction. He didn't want to risk losing anyone on the crew. He didn't plan on dying. If there was anything that he could do to help then he would have offered to help out.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 09, 2024, 04:38:38 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Rayek was somewhat surprised by Tekin's strong reaction and the Bajoran's willingness to let the station be destroyed - with all hands aboard.  He would have thought that the former science officer would have more understanding for the morally grey areas of some sciences and those who are ordered to do such studies.

"You won't need to look for an new First Officer.  I have no intention of dying here, sir.  Tess would kill me." he added with a slight amused smile.

Rayek then looked to Malik and was reminded that he'd suggested the Risan be in charge. "What are your orders, Mr. Grippen?  Do I stay and attempt to shutdown the self-destruct or do I go with the Away Team back to the ship, leaving hundreds to die without even an attempt to stop it?"

The question was unfair; biased even - but that was sort of situation command officers dealt with a lot of the time.  Rayek knew what his choice would be.  Question was:  what was Malik's decision?

While Rayek waited on Malik's response, the Romulan noted Lorut working diligently on the transporters.  He moved to look over her shoulder and was surprised by what the readings on the board showed.  While the ship was out of range, a 'bridge' of sorts seemed to have been made using the Captain's yacht and tractor beams between it and the station and it and the USS Discovery.

"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam." The Romulan advised, even though that was likely what the Bajoran Ops officer was already doing. She knew her job well.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 09, 2024, 11:14:38 PM

Unnamed station
Real Vila

"If I can blow up the lab, it'll buy us time, and probably also draw out at least one or two more clones-yours, hopefully," she responded, keeping her tone even. "I can figure something out--it'd be easiest to just set my phaser on the chemicals in here," she said. Guerrilla warfare was something she knew, and while she wasn't as eager as she'd once been, it WAS her strong suit, and a place where she could be useful currently.

They finally made their way to the Transport room, the sabotage forgotten. Apparently, it was set to self-destruct anyway. Damn the luck. She'd just have to blow things up in the holodecks, she guessed.

A "bridge" of sorts to the Disco had been made, and Vila got to work even before the Romulan spoke.

"Already on it, sir," she said, head bent over a console, typing furiously. "Captain...are you sure you don't want to try...I don't know, something a bit...not me?!" She asked the other Bajoran. While Lorut was often of the mind that evil people deserved the worst, she also did understand that clones weren't sentient, per se, and some of them likely weren't totally willing participants, much like the Comfort women on her own planet. After a moment or so, she raised her head, hazel eyes firing.

"SIR? I got the transporter up," she said. "I don't know how long Clone Captain will allow it so haul ass," she said. She made her way to the light beams.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on May 10, 2024, 08:45:15 AM


To Malik the decision was clear. "Starfleet would expect us to try. We must attempt to shut down the self destruct no matter the cost to us. We also need to update Starfleet Command asap on the situation here and request immediate reinforcements should Discovery escape with the clones onboard. I will stay with you to attempt to disable the countdown, everyone else get back to the ship and regain control by whatever means necessary. Good luck everyone.

[Station Transporters - Real Captain Nevir]

"The one time I am on your side in wanting to blow things up, you ask for a not-you solution?" Nevir said with a smirk towards Lorut as she worked.

"Doing anything to the lab will waste precious time, and may jeopardize attempts to stop the self-destruct or at least get people off the station.  Don't worry about my clone.  If he even notices what is happening he won't have time to process it.  By the time they break the connection, we'll already be on Discovery.  What I would be concerned with is where the clones transport.  Prepare for a fight." he stated, turning towards Rayek and Malik, and glancing at Vadok.

"I will try to get a transporter lock on you guys once we get Discovery back.  I will pull you out if you run out of time." he stated sternly, before turning towards the others and stepping on the pad.

"Listen up!  Discovery will be locked out to anyone below the rank of Captain. No one will be able to do anything until I lift the lockdown.  We don't really have a means of giving a heads-up to Discovery, nor any guarantee that they would believe its really us.  Be ready to fight your own crewmates, especially if you end up seeing yourself on the bridge. It will be easy to see which one of me is the real me; I'm the one out of uniform.  If my clone shows up, knock his ass out.  Keep weapons on stun; we're Starfleet.  Alright, energize." he stated, as his world of view shimmered.


[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain shimmered as he appeared on the ship, and mentally cursed the seconds it took to do so.  Someday they needed a millisecond type of transporter.  He ended up near a console in the front, facing the back, and was surprised when he saw Vadok by his chair.  Wait didn't he...?

The Captain dodged phaser shots as he dove behind the helm console, unsure if it was his own crew or the clones firing at him.  There were plenty of people in the away team, he didn't need to participate.

"Computer, recognize. Tekin, Nevir.  Captain, USS Discovery"

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 13, 2024, 02:50:32 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Being shot at is a hard thing to comprehend for anyone. It all happens so fast. The moment Dem's brain processed the muzzle flash from the commander's weapon, it had impacted and exploded the panel in front of him. Diving back well after the sparks had subsided, he covered his face from the heat of a direct blast. It took him a few moments to recover, but when he did he was met with an unusual sight. The commander and the entire team. This was even a little too overwhelming for Dem. "Everyone who has just arrived hands up. Hands up." He shouted, motioning to the existing crew to disarm them, while he scanned the room for the known hostile.

Nevir put down the rifle as he stood up and raised his eyes.  He stared at Dem, and calmly spoke.

"Computer, release Pegasus lockout, authorization Tekin two pi alpha gamma."

With an acknowledgment chime, the screens lit up with their normal functions, and the crew was given access. Crew quarters were unlocked, and Main Engineering had full controls restored.

"Dem.  Raise the shields." he said, not moving.  He kept his eyes on him.  "Trust me, raise the shields before-"

The Bridge shook as weapons fire hit it.  The Captain's Yacht had fired on Discovery.


[Captain's Yatch - Clone Tekin]

"Oh... so we are going to play, are we, Lek?  I should have taken you out when I had the chance..." Nevir growled as the ship's thrusters stopped and the reverse thrusters activated.  So Lek knew what he was doing.  Luckily for him (and the real away team it turned out), the ship was already comfortably in the range for the transporters.  To slow the ship's pull away from the station, both Nevir and Hrafn worked to strengthen the tractor beams, and even pulled a buoy or two to help with bridging power.

"Jalat... there is a second transporter beam."

"What?" he asked, looking over at Hrafn's monitor.  Sure enough, the power band readout for the transporter power was larger... much larger than just two individuals.

"Captain, you clever bastard.  We can't disrupt it without threatening our own Rayek."

"Yeah, let's not kill him to get your clone... we've been around longer than you.  Also the hull stress is increasing, we may want to deal with that first."

Nevir growled and jumped back into his seat, strengthening the integrity field until Hrafn announced that the transporter was complete.  "Alright, cut power to the beams and divert to weapons.  We can still disrupt them long enough to take over." he stated, as he activated the phasers and torpedoes.

"Lockout has been released.... Nevir, your original is there."

"Good... he's proving too dangerous to be kept alive.  Rayek was right.  Targetting the bridge, let's do a strafing run." he stated, as he fired on his own ship.

Lorut Vila


-Unnamed Station-Disco


The one time I am on your side in wanting to blow things up, you ask for a not-you solution?"

"Doing anything to the lab will waste precious time, and may jeopardize attempts to stop the self-destruct or at least get people off the station.  Don't worry about my clone.  If he even notices what is happening he won't have time to process it.  By the time they break the connection, we'll already be on Discovery.  What I would be concerned with is where the clones transport.  Prepare for a fight..."
"Listen up!  Discovery will be locked out to anyone below the rank of Captain. No one will be able to do anything until I lift the lockdown.  We don't really have a means of giving a heads-up to Discovery, nor any guarantee that they would believe it's really us.  Be ready to fight your own crewmates, especially if you end up seeing yourself on the bridge. It will be easy to see which one of me is the real me; I'm the one out of uniform.  If my clone shows up, knock his ass out.  Keep weapons on stun; we're Starfleet.  Alright, energize." he stated, as his world of view shimmered.


Vila nodded. "I am tired, Sir," she said, but she did understand. "When we arrive on the Discovery, I'll see what I can do," she said. It was true; she was getting tired of living forever on edge, and was trying to make her peace with the Fleet's "Prime Directive." She still had a lot of things to say about it, and it's blowback, but there would be a time and place.

She quickly followed the real Captain, M'Nia, and both Tanners iinto the Transporter beam and to the Disco. She kept her phaser trained on the clone Tanner; it was perhaps paranoia but no one could be too careful. Her first course of action was to break off to find the Clone Captain, and have a "word", which, for the Bajoran, meant him meeting the business end of her phaser.

But, her body quickly moved into "fight" mode as they were addressed and fire started. She turned, and, as usual, barked out orders like she had when she was deep in the Bestri Woods, hunting her captors. "Captain, go down to Engineering. Find Commander Lek, and do not leave there, or I will phase you myself. M'Nia, cover me," she said. She was being approached by several clones, in what she assumed was an attempt to be disarmed. On her dead body! She fired quickly, but carefully, making sure there was no blowback. "If someone wants to give me a hand here... You can come with, I think the Commander can handle himself...." She was firing as she spoke, but made eye contact with each individual as she spoke. "And for Prophet's sake, someone get medical up here!" She cried out. She finally got enough sense back to fire on the clone at the Ops station, which stalled the shield for a moment. "Forgive me," she said, as she fired on the panel. Sabotaging her own ship wasn't something she wanted to do, but it seemed necessary, and she'd deal with the consequences later.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Rayek

While Lorut directed the others towards the transporter pad, Rayek nodded his agreement towards Malik whose orders matched what he had intended.  However rather than crawl through yet more jeffries tubes to get to the upper level, Rayek moved to take over the transporter controls.  "Malik, once the others are on the ship, let's use the transporter to beam ourselves up to the Operations level.  Ops might have transporter inhibitors... but not the hallways leading to it... and I already know that doors to Ops were beaten down, so gaining access should be just a matter of taking on those who might be guarding the room."

[Station, Transporter room > Station Operations.]

"Good idea, let's go. We might have seconds left."

The pair materialised on the ops corridor where unbeknown to original Malik and original Rayek their clone counterparts had been a short while ago setting the self destruct: the replicant Rayek had mind-probed the self destruct code straight from the CO's brain.

Malik ran into the operations room to find a single human on the controls. The man was in a command level uniform, Malik presumed it was the station commander clone-Rayek had telepathically stunned earlier.

The station commander turned in surprise to see the Romulan again. "Not you again! Stay out of my damned head!"

"Long story. But that was a clone you met earlier. How long do we have?"

"Less than a minute. That damn Romulan used some sort of custom code I've never seen before. I can't disable it..."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images



Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 15, 2024, 02:07:35 PM

-Unnamed Station-Disco

Vila nodded. "I am tired, Sir," she said, but she did understand. "When we arrive on the Discovery, I'll see what I can do," she said. It was true; she was getting tired of living forever on edge, and was trying to make her peace with the Fleet's "Prime Directive." She still had a lot of things to say about it, and it's blowback, but there would be a time and place.

She quickly followed the CLOs, M'Nia, Lachlan, and the rest into the Transporter beam and to the Disco. Her first course of action was to break off to find the Clone Captain, and have a "word", which, for the Bajoran, meant him meeting the business end of her phaser.

But, her body quickly moved into "fight" mode as they were addressed and fire started. She turned, and, as usual, barked out orders like she had when she was deep in the Bestri Woods, hunting their captors. "Captain, go down to Engineering. Find Commander Lek, and do not leave there, or I will phase you myself. Commander trLohell, cover me," she said. She was being approached by several clones, in what she assumed was an attempt to be disarmed. On her dead body! She fired quickly, but carefully, making sure there was no blowback. "If someone wants to give me a hand here...Captain, do you want to deal with Clone Captain, or shall I? You can come with, I think the Commander can handle himself...." She was firing as she spoke, but made eye contact with each individual as she spoke. "And for Prophet's sake, someone get medical up here!" She cried out. She finally got enough sense back to fire on the clone at the Ops station, which stalled the shield for a moment. "Forgive me," she said, as she fired on the panel. Sabotaging her own ship wasn't something she wanted to do, but it seemed necessary, and she'd deal with the consequences later.

As an engineer, M'nia winced at the damage to her ship. Still it could be repaired. "Umm Captain, I think i should accompany you. Engineering is my department and lek is my friend as well as my CO. I want to make sure he's ok and maybe I can help more there than here."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 14, 2024, 09:36:39 AM

[Station Transporters - Real Captain Nevir]

"The one time I am on your side in wanting to blow things up, you ask for a not-you solution?" Nevir said with a smirk towards Lorut as she worked.

"Doing anything to the lab will waste precious time, and may jeopardize attempts to stop the self-destruct or at least get people off the station.  Don't worry about my clone.  If he even notices what is happening he won't have time to process it.  By the time they break the connection, we'll already be on Discovery.  What I would be concerned with is where the clones transport.  Prepare for a fight." he stated, turning towards Rayek and Malik, and glancing at Vadok.

"I will try to get a transporter lock on you guys once we get Discovery back.  I will pull you out if you run out of time." he stated sternly, before turning towards the others and stepping on the pad.

"Listen up!  Discovery will be locked out to anyone below the rank of Captain. No one will be able to do anything until I lift the lockdown.  We don't really have a means of giving a heads-up to Discovery, nor any guarantee that they would believe its really us.  Be ready to fight your own crewmates, especially if you end up seeing yourself on the bridge. It will be easy to see which one of me is the real me; I'm the one out of uniform.  If my clone shows up, knock his ass out.  Keep weapons on stun; we're Starfleet.  Alright, energize." he stated, as his world of view shimmered.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 15, 2024, 02:07:35 PM

-Unnamed Station-Disco - Lorut-

Vila nodded. "I am tired, Sir," she said, but she did understand. "When we arrive on the Discovery, I'll see what I can do," she said. It was true; she was getting tired of living forever on edge, and was trying to make her peace with the Fleet's "Prime Directive." She still had a lot of things to say about it, and it's blowback, but there would be a time and place.

She quickly followed the real Captain, M'Nia, and both Tanners iinto the Transporter beam and to the Disco.

After the first round of personnel beamed to the Bridge, Rayek tried to send Novi and Dranik's team to Engineering to secure that location but there was a forcefield around it.  Rayek would lay odds that it was Lek's doing.   Instead of Engineering, Novi, the Sec/Tac team were sent to Sickbay.

Because Vadok had asked to return to the Lab,  Dranik volunteered to stay, so Rayek sent them back to the Lab.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on May 16, 2024, 06:00:10 PM

[Station, Transporter room > Station Operations.]

"Good idea, let's go. We might have seconds left."

The pair materialised on the ops corridor where unbeknown to original Malik and original Rayek, their clone counterparts had been a short while ago setting the self destruct: the replicant Rayek had mind-probed the self destruct code straight from the CO's brain.

Malik ran into the operations room to find a single human on the controls. The man was in a command level uniform, Malik presumed it was the station commander clone-Rayek had telepathically stunned earlier.

The station commander turned in surprise to see the Romulan again. "Not you again! Stay out of my damned head!"

"Long story. But that was a clone you met earlier. How long do we have?"

"Less than a minute. That damn Romulan used some sort of custom code I've never seen before. I can't disable it..."

Rayek had a good idea of what sort of custom code the Station Commander was referring to.   "Allow me to take a look."

The station Commander looked to Romulan hesitantly, looking to Malik uncertainly but didn't resist when Rayek moved to the console.  Rayek typed in a numerical cypher... based on his son's name and astrological birthdate.  The control blared at him declaring the cypher incorrect.   Rayek frowned a moment before looking to the station commander.

"Commander, is the replicant of Tess t'Lhoell also present on the station?" he asked trying not to sound accusatory.

That the man didn't need to ask who she was spoke volumes to the Romulan about how much the human knew about Rayek and his clones backstory.  The station Commander shook his head.  "No, to my knowledge, she died in Gamma Quadrant. His thoughts were on her often though."

Rayek considered this a moment before nodding and turning back to the console.  He typed in a new set of numerical encryption cyphers, this time based on his wife's birthdate and what he assumed was her death-date.   The console unlocked.

"Commander, if you would be so kind as to disable the self-destruct."
rRayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Main Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 13, 2024, 02:50:32 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Being shot at is a hard thing to comprehend for anyone. It all happens so fast. The moment Dem's brain processed the muzzle flash from the commander's weapon, it had impacted and exploded the panel in front of him. Diving back well after the sparks had subsided, he covered his face from the heat of a direct blast. It took him a few moments to recover, but when he did he was met with an unusual sight. The commander and the entire team. This was even a little too overwhelming for Dem. "Everyone who has just arrived hands up. Hands up." He shouted, motioning to the existing crew to disarm them, while he scanned the room for the known hostile.

rRayek's shot missed the Sec/Tac officer, hitting her phaser instead and exploding it which knocked the ensign off her feet to the ground unconscious.  It would do for the moment.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 14, 2024, 09:36:39 AM

[Real Captain Nevir]
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain shimmered as he appeared on the ship, and mentally cursed the seconds it took to do so.  Someday they needed a millisecond type of transporter.  He ended up near a console in the front, facing the back, and was surprised when he saw Vadok by his chair.  Wait didn't he...?

The Captain dodged phaser shots as he dove behind the helm console, unsure if it was his own crew or the clones firing at him.  There were plenty of people in the away team, he didn't need to participate.

"Computer, recognize. Tekin, Nevir.  Captain, USS Discovery"

Nevir put down the rifle as he stood up and raised his eyes.  He stared at Dem, and calmly spoke.

"Computer, release Pegasus lockout, authorization Tekin two pi alpha gamma."

With an acknowledgment chime, the screens lit up with their normal functions, and the crew was given access. Crew quarters were unlocked, and Main Engineering had full controls restored.

"Dem.  Raise the shields." he said, not moving.  He kept his eyes on him.  "Trust me, raise the shields before-"

The Bridge shook as weapons fire hit it.  The Captain's Yacht had fired on Discovery.

Hearing the call for the new arrivals to raise their hands, the rRomulan still in his crouch behind the Sec/Tac console, smirked.  Surrender was not an option!  Then he heard the Captain's voice calling for voice recognition.  Was that his own? Risking that his stimulant injection would still be protecting him should some eager ensign fired on him, rRayek peeked around the corner of the console to get the man in his sights (making it easier to locate the man's mind) and cast his mind out towards the male Bajoran.  One brief brush against the man's mind told rRayek that this was not a clone.
Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 15, 2024, 02:07:35 PM

-Unnamed Station-Disco

She kept her phaser trained on the clone Tanner; it was perhaps paranoia but no one could be too careful. Her first course of action was to break off to find the Clone Captain, and have a "word", which, for the Bajoran, meant him meeting the business end of her phaser.

But, her body quickly moved into "fight" mode as they were addressed and fire started. She turned, and, as usual, barked out orders like she had when she was deep in the Bestri Woods, hunting her captors. "Captain, go down to Engineering. Find Commander Lek, and do not leave there, or I will phase you myself. M'Nia, cover me," she said. She was being approached by several clones, in what she assumed was an attempt to be disarmed. On her dead body! She fired quickly, but carefully, making sure there was no blowback. "If someone wants to give me a hand here... You can come with, I think the Commander can handle himself...." She was firing as she spoke, but made eye contact with each individual as she spoke. "And for Prophet's sake, someone get medical up here!" She cried out. She finally got enough sense back to fire on the clone at the Ops station, which stalled the shield for a moment. "Forgive me," she said, as she fired on the panel. Sabotaging her own ship wasn't something she wanted to do, but it seemed necessary, and she'd deal with the consequences later.

As he peeked he saw the other Bajoran, the female, firing on the Bridge crew seemingly at random as she ordered the Captain to Engineering. Ha! Seems she was bossy all around.  One of her shots hit the clone Vulcan, but didn't affect him.  Good, the stimulant worked! She also stunned a few of her own people, including the woman at Ops, before destroying the Ops station.  What the Fvadt!?  Was this one the clone, conditioned to sabotage her own ship? In either case, her action meant that the Main Bridge was useless to him at the moment.
Quote from: M'Nia on May 16, 2024, 06:22:02 PM

As an engineer, M'nia winced at the damage to her ship. Still it could be repaired. "Umm Captain, I think i should accompany you. Engineering is my department and lek is my friend as well as my CO. I want to make sure he's ok and maybe I can help more there than here."

It was then that rRayek noted that there were two of one officer.  The Sec/Tac woman. Between her and the Vulcan, they should be able to cause enough disruption and confusion that he could make his escape.

"Clones, take the Bridge at all cost!" he called as he rose firing on the Captain, then crouched once more tapping on his comm badge and speaking quietly.

=/\= "Computer, emergency transport to Beta Bridge." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 14, 2024, 09:36:39 AM

[Station Transporters - Real Captain Nevir]
"The one time I am on your side in wanting to blow things up, you ask for a not-you solution?" Nevir said with a smirk towards Lorut as she worked.
"Doing anything to the lab will waste precious time, and may jeopardize attempts to stop the self-destruct or at least get people off the station.  Don't worry about my clone.  If he even notices what is happening he won't have time to process it.  By the time they break the connection, we'll already be on Discovery.  What I would be concerned with is where the clones transport.  Prepare for a fight." he stated, turning towards Rayek and Malik, and glancing at Vadok.
"I will try to get a transporter lock on you guys once we get Discovery back.  I will pull you out if you run out of time." he stated sternly, before turning towards the others and stepping on the pad.
"Listen up!  Discovery will be locked out to anyone below the rank of Captain. No one will be able to do anything until I lift the lockdown.  We don't really have a means of giving a heads-up to Discovery, nor any guarantee that they would believe its really us.  Be ready to fight your own crewmates, especially if you end up seeing yourself on the bridge. It will be easy to see which one of me is the real me; I'm the one out of uniform.  If my clone shows up, knock his ass out.  Keep weapons on stun; we're Starfleet.  Alright, energize." he stated, as his world of view shimmered.
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]
The Captain shimmered as he appeared on the ship, and mentally cursed the seconds it took to do so.  Someday they needed a millisecond type of transporter.  He ended up near a console in the front, facing the back, and was surprised when he saw Vadok by his chair.  Wait didn't he...?
The Captain dodged phaser shots as he dove behind the helm console, unsure if it was his own crew or the clones firing at him.  There were plenty of people in the away team, he didn't need to participate.
"Computer, recognize. Tekin, Nevir.  Captain, USS Discovery"
Nevir put down the rifle as he stood up and raised his eyes.  He stared at Dem, and calmly spoke.
"Computer, release Pegasus lockout, authorization Tekin two pi alpha gamma."
With an acknowledgment chime, the screens lit up with their normal functions, and the crew was given access. Crew quarters were unlocked, and Main Engineering had full controls restored.
"Dem.  Raise the shields." he said, not moving.  He kept his eyes on him.  "Trust me, raise the shields before-"
The Bridge shook as weapons fire hit it.  The Captain's Yacht had fired on Discovery.
[Captain's Yatch - Clone Tekin]
"Oh... so we are going to play, are we, Lek?  I should have taken you out when I had the chance..." Nevir growled as the ship's thrusters stopped and the reverse thrusters activated.  So Lek knew what he was doing.  Luckily for him (and the real away team it turned out), the ship was already comfortably in the range for the transporters.  To slow the ship's pull away from the station, both Nevir and Hrafn worked to strengthen the tractor beams, and even pulled a buoy or two to help with bridging power.
"Jalat... there is a second transporter beam."
"What?" he asked, looking over at Hrafn's monitor.  Sure enough, the power band readout for the transporter power was larger... much larger than just two individuals.
"Captain, you clever bastard.  We can't disrupt it without threatening our own Rayek."
"Yeah, let's not kill him to get your clone... we've been around longer than you.  Also the hull stress is increasing, we may want to deal with that first."
Nevir growled and jumped back into his seat, strengthening the integrity field until Hrafn announced that the transporter was complete.  "Alright, cut power to the beams and divert to weapons.  We can still disrupt them long enough to take over." he stated, as he activated the phasers and torpedoes.
"Lockout has been released.... Nevir, your original is there."
"Good... he's proving too dangerous to be kept alive.  Rayek was right.  Targetting the bridge, let's do a strafing run." he stated, as he fired on his own ship.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem hesitated for a moment too long as the ship shook from the raining fire. "Shields Shields yep, ok." He started to rather clumsily input the required information into his console. "Firing back, disabling shots only" He offered, before remembering that they still had an intruder onboard. "Find the clone, he's still on the bridge." He commanded with a renewed confidence, still acting like he was in command. He was still slightly hesitant towards the captain.

Lorut Vila


USS Discovery


Clones, take the Bridge at all cost!" =/\= "Computer, emergency transport to Beta Bridge." =/\=

Vila shook her head. SHe'd managed to dodge the efforts to disarm her, though she didn't know how long she'd be able to hold them off. "CAPTAIN. I MEAN NOW." She said. "Someone get the REAL Captain off the bridge!" She shouted over the noise. Where the hell was the Vulcan?! She could really use Grippen or Rayek right now; both men were taller and stronger than she, and both knew her..."leadership" style and would possibly back her up.

She fired off several more phaser shots, unfazed by the "fake" Rayek's still standing. Killing the Bridge would render it all useless anyway. With luck, it could even cause an override code to take over, shutting down the clones' movements. So far, that didn't seem to be happening.

Dem's voice came into her ear over the sounds of phaser fire and the clones closing in. Luckily, in a beam of light, she appeared on Beta Bridge. "For fuck's SAKE," she said, sighing deeply. "What the HELL is going on?" It was a rhetorical question. "Sir, I really think it's best if you go hide in Engineering with Commander Lek," she said. She might dislike the Ferengi, finding him rather full of himself, but he had the same sort of passion she did, even if he channeled it to different things.


Shields Shields yep, ok...Firing back, disabling shots only...Find the clone, he's still on the bridge.

"Yeah, I am working on it," she said, her head bent over the Ops console. Because she had killed the other one, the one on Beta bridge was fritzing but it had enough power still to get a life signs scan. Perfect. She headed back for the Main bridge, pausing only long enough to extract a second weapon from a nearby hull locker. She had run several internal schematics before this had all happened, and knew where they all were. In case.

She arrived back at the Bridge to chaos. Quietly, she slipped beneath the closest bank of consoles, taking out the legs of the two people seated there, and firing on them. If she could get a vantage point, she could phaser the sucker on her own. Of course, it would be better if she had a hand.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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