Season 16: Episode 2: A Night at the Opera

Started by Tekin Nevir, June 10, 2024, 02:25:59 PM

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Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 22, 2024, 05:01:13 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - Armory]

The Klingon/Human hybrid had been 'dating' the Ferengi chief engineer for over 4 years (not counting the last year that she'd been off ship for her recovery).  At first their relationship had been purely physical - which had been fine by Helga; but relationships like that were rarely stable, especially for a species as passionate as a Klingon, and she soon developed rather strong feelings for Lek.  All too soon he was her parmaqqay and she had marked him as belonging to her.

Their romance had always ran hot and cold.  Fiery moments of passionate when their schedules synced, and then weeks of neglect while Lek hyper-fixated on his first love, his career.  Helga had struggled at times not to be jealous of the time he spent with the ship's engines (first Challenger's and now Discovery's), but beneath it all she did believe he loved her so she put up with his quirks - even forgiving him for not even thinking of asking her to come with to his best-friends wedding.

This time, however, it was she who had closed herself off and avoided contact, even after she had made her initial recovery in Discovery's Sickbay.  Because of the intensive ship repairs her majority of her rehab had been done off ship and she had requested that go alone.  Some might think she did this so that Lek wouldn't see her weakened state, but that wasn't the real reason.  Helga was ashamed - she had fallen victim to the Borg's influence during the Frontier Day massacre; and if that weren't bad enough, she'd been ordered to hunt down Lek and eliminate him.

To her knowledge, he didn't know that, and she cowardly couldn't bring herself to tell him.

When the ship and crew had returned to duty, Helga had quietly rejoined.  She knew from past experience that following any repair at a Starbase, Lek and his team of engineers would be kept busy running their own checks on the system.  She figured it would be several weeks if not more before Lek realized she was aboard again.  She'd hoped during that time she could come up with some way to reconcile her guilt and cowardice.

However, as she looked up from her inventory list, hearing Lek's distinctive nasal voice greeting her and commenting on her well-being, her rehearsed apologies and explanations fled her.

All she could manage to say was his name. "Lek."

[Armory - Deck 2 - USS Discovery]

Lek could tell Helga was both surprised and deeply disturbed by something, which was not the reaction he expected. He smiled to reassure her and said.

"It's been too long and I'm certain that's probably my fault, so I'm here to see if you have any interest in seeing if we have a future."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Upon his return, Rayek reviewed the bridge log and the department statuses that had been reported to the Captain.  Things appeared to be quiet with everyone seeming to be kept occupied with their day to day tasks. Even the Captain seemed lost in his report reading.  A side-glance showed that the report on the Captain's PADD appeared to be last night's long range science report on the Verallias 12 binary star system - the system they were swiftly approaching.  Tekin seemed engrossed in it.  Rather than disturb the Bajoran Captain, Rayek rose from his seat and toured the bridge.  Stopping briefly at each station to check in with each officer.

He circled counter clockwise, starting with his own preferred station of Tactical.  "Lieutenant, given our current lull, I think it would do our the sec/tac personnel some good to be run through an unexpected security drill.  Please coordinate with junior lieutenant Lorut in arranging that."

The First Officer looked over towards the Operations station to be sure that Lorut had overheard his orders to Tanner.  "Nothing too intense though, it shouldn't interfere with science's mapping task."

He then circled in front of the Helm station, nodding to both Malik and Mr. Graham.  A glance at their consoles as he walked past, told him that the ship was close to approaching the binary star system - a statement that one of them would likely be making shortly.  "Gentlemen.  Any concerns navigation-wise in entering the Verallias 12 system?"  Rayek knew that some systems - like the Sol system had an Oort cloud surrounding it - making navigation a bit more challenging.  He wondered if that were the case with the Verallias 12 system.
Rayek knew once the ship did arrive within the system, the quiet of the Bridge would be lost as every science personnel on shift dealing with the scan and mapping task would of course reach out to discuss their 'fascinating' discoveries with their Department Head - a position presently held by the Captain.  Oh well, the peace and quiet was pleasant while it lasted.

He paused by the Science station console where Ramort seated. "Mister Ramort, I am glad to see it is you who are manning the station for this shift." Rayek greeted as his stride took him around to the Science section of the Bridge.  "Is there anything on medium range scans that might be of particular interest?" he asked, but his glance had already moved on toward the back of Bridge where he noted the engineering station was vacant.

This puzzled Rayek as he knew from Lek's report yesterday that the engineering checks which had dominated the Ferengi's every waking moment for the past few weeks were done.  So surely someone from engineering could be spared to man the Bridge.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - Armory]

Quote from: Lek on June 22, 2024, 02:41:33 PM

[Armory - Deck 2 - USS Discovery]

Lek could tell Helga was both surprised and deeply disturbed by something, which was not the reaction he expected. He smiled to reassure her and said.

"It's been too long and I'm certain that's probably my fault, so I'm here to see if you have any interest in seeing if we have a future."

Helga was surprised.  She hadn't anticipated that Lek would come here during her workshift to ask such a thing.  The Klingon hybrid, looked to her work partner briefly wondering if the new crewman could be convinced to ignore regulation and go take a five-minute coffee break - leaving her and Lek alone to speak privately.  Maybe, but then Helga realized she wasn't prepared to talk - not yet.

She looked back to Lek. "This is not the right time nor place for this discussion, Lek." she stated, avoiding the question.  "I'll find you after my shift."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 23, 2024, 06:13:28 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - Armory]

Helga was surprised.  She hadn't anticipated that Lek would come here during her workshift to ask such a thing.  The Klingon hybrid, looked to her work partner briefly wondering if the new crewman could be convinced to ignore regulation and go take a five-minute coffee break - leaving her and Lek alone to speak privately.  Maybe, but then Helga realized she wasn't prepared to talk - not yet.

She looked back to Lek. "This is not the right time nor place for this discussion, Lek." she stated, avoiding the question.  "I'll find you after my shift."

[Armory - Deck Two - USS Discovery]

Lek stood silent for several long seconds after Helga finished talking and then said.

"I see. Good day to you Petty Officer Tragnar."

Lek then spun on his heel without another word or looking back. He returned to Engineering and though he wanted to lash out, he did not as none of his people had done anything wrong to deserve his ire. He instead went to his office and began catching up on his datawork.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 23, 2024, 06:13:28 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Upon his return, Rayek reviewed the bridge log and the department statuses that had been reported to the Captain.  Things appeared to be quiet with everyone seeming to be kept occupied with their day to day tasks. Even the Captain seemed lost in his report reading.  A side-glance showed that the report on the Captain's PADD appeared to be last night's long range science report on the Verallias 12 binary star system - the system they were swiftly approaching.  Tekin seemed engrossed in it.  Rather than disturb the Bajoran Captain, Rayek rose from his seat and toured the bridge.  Stopping briefly at each station to check in with each officer.

He circled counter clockwise, starting with his own preferred station of Tactical.  "Lieutenant, given our current lull, I think it would do our the sec/tac personnel some good to be run through an unexpected security drill.  Please coordinate with junior lieutenant Lorut in arranging that."

The First Officer looked over towards the Operations station to be sure that Lorut had overheard his orders to Tanner.  "Nothing too intense though, it shouldn't interfere with science's mapping task."

He then circled in front of the Helm station, nodding to both Malik and Mr. Graham.  A glance at their consoles as he walked past, told him that the ship was close to approaching the binary star system - a statement that one of them would likely be making shortly.  "Gentlemen.  Any concerns navigation-wise in entering the Verallias 12 system?"  Rayek knew that some systems - like the Sol system had an Oort cloud surrounding it - making navigation a bit more challenging.  He wondered if that were the case with the Verallias 12 system.
Rayek knew once the ship did arrive within the system, the quiet of the Bridge would be lost as every science personnel on shift dealing with the scan and mapping task would of course reach out to discuss their 'fascinating' discoveries with their Department Head - a position presently held by the Captain.  Oh well, the peace and quiet was pleasant while it lasted.

He paused by the Science station console where Ramort seated. "Mister Ramort, I am glad to see it is you who are manning the station for this shift." Rayek greeted as his stride took him around to the Science section of the Bridge.  "Is there anything on medium range scans that might be of particular interest?" he asked, but his glance had already moved on toward the back of Bridge where he noted the engineering station was vacant.

This puzzled Rayek as he knew from Lek's report yesterday that the engineering checks which had dominated the Ferengi's every waking moment for the past few weeks were done.  So surely someone from engineering could be spared to man the Bridge.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Almost as if on cue, the sensors went off after picking up energy readings.  High energy readings. And they were emanating around the 2nd planet of the system. The Captain looked up and raised an eyebrow. After hearing the confirmation of the sensor readings, he frowned.

"Mr Reyak... the long-range sensors said this system was uninhabited.  What would create high energy readings?" he asked, partly as a question and partly as a rhetorical statement.  With a sign, he turned to Alex at the helm.

"Helm, adjust course for the second planet in the system. Mr. Ramort, run a level 4 diagnostic on all sensors; lets make sure we aren't chasing ghosts."

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 23, 2024, 06:13:28 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

He then circled in front of the Helm station, nodding to both Malik and Mr. Graham.  A glance at their consoles as he walked past, told him that the ship was close to approaching the binary star system - a statement that one of them would likely be making shortly.  "Gentlemen.  Any concerns navigation-wise in entering the Verallias 12 system?"  Rayek knew that some systems - like the Sol system had an Oort cloud surrounding it - making navigation a bit more challenging.  He wondered if that were the case with the Verallias 12 system.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 23, 2024, 10:31:58 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Almost as if on cue, the sensors went off after picking up energy readings.  High energy readings. And they were emanating around the 2nd planet of the system. The Captain looked up and raised an eyebrow. After hearing the confirmation of the sensor readings, he frowned.

"Mr Reyak... the long-range sensors said this system was uninhabited.  What would create high energy readings?" he asked, partly as a question and partly as a rhetorical statement.  With a sign, he turned to Alex at the helm.

"Helm, adjust course for the second planet in the system. Mr. Ramort, run a level 4 diagnostic on all sensors; lets make sure we aren't chasing ghosts."

[USS Discovery, Helm]

"All seems fairly standard to me, commander. Unless Mr Graham can detect anything of note."

On the captain's order, Malik adjusted course towards Verallias 2 and the high energy readings. They were still at warp and had time to run scans before their arrival.

"Aye captain, adjusting course."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

James Ramort

[USS Discovery | Deck 1 | Bridge | Science Station 1]

Ramort sat at the Bridges central science console. At the moment he was the only Science Officer on shift but with their now actualized arrival in the system soon more Officers would join him on the Bridge. The Computers were already booting up sequence after sequence of search and scanning patterns.
His eyes shortly loosing focus he was able to take a look at his own reflection in the polished panels before him. The many coloured and blinking shapes drawing bizare forms on his mirror image, creating abstract patterns on what in reality was his freshly replicated teal Uniform, the hallmark symbol of the Science Division.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 23, 2024, 06:13:28 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]


Rayek knew once the ship did arrive within the system, the quiet of the Bridge would be lost as every science personnel on shift dealing with the scan and mapping task would of course reach out to discuss their 'fascinating' discoveries with their Department Head - a position presently held by the Captain.
Oh well, the peace and quiet was pleasant while it lasted.

He paused by the Science station console where Ramort seated. "Mister Ramort, I am glad to see it is you who are manning the station for this shift."
Rayek greeted as his stride took him around to the Science section of the Bridge.
"Is there anything on medium range scans that might be of particular interest?" he asked, but his glance had already moved on toward the back of Bridge where he noted the engineering station was vacant.


[USS Discovery | Deck 1 | Bridge | Science Station 1]

"I am happy to be present for such an exciting new task!"

A wide grin forming on his face, the prospect of gathering such a treasure trove of new data, as usually resulting form such mapping missions, excited him. Especially when thinking about the new phenomena they might discover.

His train of thought being abruptly interupted by a warning sound emited by the computer. Shifting his focus he began to give the output a quick read.

"Sir, we might have something here. I detect unusual energy readings in a planetary orbit around the secondary Planet. Transfering data to the readout."

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 23, 2024, 10:31:58 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Almost as if on cue, the sensors went off after picking up energy readings.  High energy readings. And they were emanating around the 2nd planet of the system. The Captain looked up and raised an eyebrow. After hearing the confirmation of the sensor readings, he frowned.

"Mr Reyak... the long-range sensors said this system was uninhabited.  What would create high energy readings?" he asked, partly as a question and partly as a rhetorical statement.  With a sign, he turned to Alex at the helm.

"Helm, adjust course for the second planet in the system. Mr. Ramort, run a level 4 diagnostic on all sensors; lets make sure we aren't chasing ghosts."

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"I don't see any issues here commander. I have been keeping a close eye on the navigation systems." He was prepared to do scans so that Lieutenant Commander Grippen could focus on piloting the ship. He was quite curious on what they would find from the high energy readings.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 21, 2024, 04:12:42 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's Office]

Rayek's eyebrow rose slowly at the question about retaining command certification.

Typically certification was only granted to officers once they had attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander.  Broadshire was only a Lieutenant.  Early in Broadshire's career, Rayek had negotiated with the Discovery's Captain and StarFleet Command vouching for medical officer in order to secure him as a second-officer 'in-training' despite his lack of rank.  The Romulan had seen so much potential in the man early on... only to have that potential seemingly crumble under the stress of leadership.

It seemed there was wisdom in not rushing to promote officers.  Thankfully, Grippen had stepped up to fill the void while Broadshire had needed assistance from counselors to cope.

The man's phrase 'just in case' had Rayek pause.  Just in case of what? An emergency?! That seemed to be when Broadshire struggled the most; but to say that aloud would be cruel.

Rayek sent the necessary filled in form to Broadshire's PADD.

"Read through and sign at the bottom." he instructed before answering the man's question.  "Once signed, all previous negotiated 'special circumstances' will be null and void.  Your certification will only be valid if you are promoted to Lieutenant Commander."

[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

With the meeting with Broadshire completed, Rayek returned to the Bridge.  There he noted the change in some of the Bridge crew - namely the arrival of Lieutenant Lachlyn.  Another case where perhaps promotion had been premature. Last mission had seemed to overwhelm the Sec/Tac officer. Rayek hoped it was just the startling presence of her clone that had put doubt into the woman. The ship couldn't afford to have their Sec/Tac Chief being indecisive at a critical moment.

Rayek offered Lachlyn a nod as he walked past her station to resume his seat.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - Armory]

Helga was unsurprised to find herself assigned to working in the armory when she returned to active duty following her lengthy recovery.  The Armory had been her assigned station prior to her injury... so why wouldn't she return to it upon her return to work?  The fact that it wasn't challenging or at all strenuous physically she shouldn't take as a sign that her chief was coddling her.  She knew this. Yet somehow, Helga found herself now unsatisfied with her job.

[XO's Office | USS Discovery]

The curtness of the commander's statement took Dem by surprise. For a moment doubt entered his mind. Either way, he was too far gone now. He dragged his finger along the bottom of the PADD.
That was it. He was free.
Dem said a simple farewell and returned to sickbay, as his shaking hands started to calm. He was done. Now he could focus on really helping people.


Quote from: Lek on June 18, 2024, 10:19:31 AM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek was pleased. The last mission hadn't done any damage to the ship beyond the main bridge being shot up in a shoot out between the crew and their clones. He was still trying to figure out why, of all the people in the Federation to clone, the lunatics of Starfleet Intelligence had chosen the crew of the Discovery to clone. Especially as they had gotten away, he was glad there wasn't a corrupted version of himself running around somewhere doing Blessed Exchequer knows what.

All he knew was the ship was running well and he wasn't in hiding from the crew. However, there was one thing that he did need to fix, his relationship with Helga. Ever sense she'd been assimilated, they really hadn't talked. He knew she had been severely injured during that time and he'd visited her multiple times in sickbay, but she was unconscious at the time and he doubted she knew he was there. After she regained consciousness, her injuries were severe enough that she required months and months of intense physical therapy to recover her full strength and agility. She didn't have time for Lek as she was driven to return to full duty in security. That didn't surprise him as he knew her pride would not allow her to accept anything less than being the warrior she'd been before her injury, thus, they had drifted apart. Their relationship had always been on and off, but never off for this long and he'd decided it was time to turn it back on again. If she would have him.

He went into his office and spoke softly to the computer.

"Computer, locate Petty Officer Helga Tragnar."

"Petty Officer Tragnar is in the armory on Deck 2."

Lek exited his office and said.

"Lieutenant M'Nia, Engineering is yours. I have something I need to look into. I will probably not be gone long."

Lek took the short walk to the turbolift and was more nervous than he had been in a long time. When the car arrived, he simply said.

"Deck Two."

"Aye sir!" Something to look into or someone. Probably going to see helga. She wished him luck. Everybody needs someone. M'nia wished she had some special lady in her life. Ahh well. Perhaps someday. K'tal willing! She looked around engineering just to check on things.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila

{Discovery Bridge|Ops}


Nothing too intense though, it shouldn't interfere with science's mapping task....

She gave the man a LOOK, but simply nodded. "Understood, sir," she said. "Hold her steady," she said, and pressed a button. "Please let..." she didn't finish her sentence when the sensors sounded. "What the hell?" She said. Her head lowered. "Nothing internal. It's...out there," she said, head tossing towards the outer hulls.

She sighed deeply. If this were more clones or some other similar thing, she was resigning. 

Miraj Edriron

[USS Discovery - Deck 2 - Shield Generator Control doors]

Being the new person on the ship certainly wasn't easy. The initial distrust, the hushed conversations about the newbie behind their back, random rumors spreading around as fast as wildfire. All of that was actually easy for Miraj Edriron to overcome. She was, as stated by her drill officers back in training, socially awkward. No friends made, only alliances. Each acquaintanceship wasn't without a purpose for her. Trying to get to know someone was only useful when done for a reason, everything else was pointless. A waste of time. The mindset of a loner, and yet there was this feeling that was growing inside of her. The box that she put herself inside was closing, getting smaller, crushing her with loneliness. She persevered, she was a survivor. At least for now.

The Ba'ku woman was a new arrival, and she was initially somewhat scared of serving on a ship belonging to the Federation. During her previous job, at commercial freighter, she's been told all kinds of lies and scares about her current position. Hazing, being subjected to the worst jobs, treated like crap, all to make the new soldiers more scared of their own officers than the enemy... And yet none of that was true. People were treating each other with respect while following the chain of command. Previously she could only observe and read about it from outside. And the simulations never properly gave away the true aspects of serving in the Federation. Even Miraj had to admit that from this aspect, it wasn't the worst job in the world.

What could qualify towards that was her current assignment. Guarding the hallway and the doors the Shield Generator Control. She's been there for several hours already, waiting for the computer to tell her when she could return to the Armory that was nearby. She suspected that the higher ups didn't have anything better for her to do, but wanted to keep her in the vicinity of the Armory just in case she was needed.
People were passing by, not paying much attention to her suspicious eyes, and it was very close for her to let down her guard and just relax. And she couldn't have had that.

Suddenly, she caught herself yawning and stretching. Not the greatest look for a security personnel, but her thigh muscles were actually beginning to ache from all the standing. Her body wasn't used to just waiting and doing nothing. But it seemed like she had to get used to it, and soon.

Miraj Edriron - Ba'ku - Female

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's Office] (earlier that day)

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 24, 2024, 03:52:31 AM

[XO's Office | USS Discovery]

The curtness of the commander's statement took Dem by surprise. For a moment doubt entered his mind. Either way, he was too far gone now. He dragged his finger along the bottom of the PADD.
That was it. He was free.
Dem said a simple farewell and returned to sickbay, as his shaking hands started to calm. He was done. Now he could focus on really helping people.

Rayek's expression was impassive as a Vulcan's as he watched Broadshire.  The Romulan was doing his best to not show his disappointment.  This was Dem's decision, not his.

But was it his imagination that the Bajoran hesitated before signing?

At the farewell, Rayek rose and offered the doctor a slight nod.  He hoped Broadshire had made the right decision.

After the doors closed, Rayek forwarded the 'paperwork' on to the Captain.
Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge] (a short while later)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 24, 2024, 10:35:29 PM

{Discovery Bridge|Ops}

She gave the man a LOOK, but simply nodded. "Understood, sir," she said. "Hold her steady," she said, and pressed a button. "Please let..." she didn't finish her sentence when the sensors sounded. "What the hell?" She said. Her head lowered. "Nothing internal. It's...out there," she said, head tossing towards the outer hulls.

She sighed deeply. If this were more clones or some other similar thing, she was resigning.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 23, 2024, 10:31:58 AM

Almost as if on cue, the sensors went off after picking up energy readings.  High energy readings. And they were emanating around the 2nd planet of the system. The Captain looked up and raised an eyebrow. After hearing the confirmation of the sensor readings, he frowned.

"Mr Rayek... the long-range sensors said this system was uninhabited.  What would create high energy readings?" he asked, partly as a question and partly as a rhetorical statement.  With a sign, he turned to Alex at the helm.

"Helm, adjust course for the second planet in the system. Mr. Ramort, run a level 4 diagnostic on all sensors; lets make sure we aren't chasing ghosts."

There were several astronomical phenomena that could create high energy readings... but none that would be associated with a binary star system at this stage.

The Captain's statement might have been rhetorical however, Rayek still chose to respond. "I'm not certain, sir."

While the Captain ordered a course alternation, and a diagnostic to be run, Rayek addressed Lieutenant Lachlyn.  "Continue with the drill, Lieutenant."

At current speed it would take some time to reach the planet and the source of the high-energy readings.  That was time enough to assess the new security personnel that they had picked up at the last Starbase.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck Two - Armory]

Quote from: Lek on June 23, 2024, 08:56:03 AM

[Armory - Deck Two - USS Discovery]

Lek stood silent for several long seconds after Helga finished talking and then said.

"I see. Good day to you Petty Officer Tragnar."

Lek then spun on his heel without another word or looking back.

Helga watched as Lek exited the armory - evidently with no other agenda to his visit.  She sighed quietly. He'd done exactly as she'd ask - he had dropped the subject.  So why did she feel worse?

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tanner Lachlyn


While the Captain ordered a course alternation, and a diagnostic to be run, Rayek addressed Lieutenant Lachlyn.  "Continue with the drill, Lieutenant."

With a prompt nod to Rayek, Tanner tapped her combadge and moved to the Turbolift, which opened with a quiet whoosh. She called out her deck and tapped her combadge, the soft hum indicating the lift was in motion catching her ears.

=/\= Lachlyn to Lorut and Edriron. Meet me in Security, we're going to run some drills.=/\=

USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Security

Tanner held her PADD and tapped a few buttons while waiting for the rest of the security personnel to arrive. They'd been through so much angst that she had a fun idea to grow their team-building skills and complete the drills as requested.

Lorut Vila

USS Discovery-Bridge

Vila flinched in surprise when her Comms badge went off.


=/\= Lachlyn to Lorut and Edriron. Meet me in Security, we're going to run some drills.=/\=


Her eyes rose to the Captain. "I am the only Ops person on duty today," she said. "Should I go?" She asked. She was hesitant to leave the console alone. She didn't trust anyone else with it. It was her baby. 

She tapped her badge again. 

=/\=Commander tr'Lhoell, please cover the Ops console. I am being requested for some kind of drill. =/\= 

The Romulan was the only other person she felt comfortable asking currently. It was below his station, she knew, but she'd be damned if she was going to leave it to some engineer. 

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]  (enroute to Verallias II)

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on June 27, 2024, 10:42:52 AM

With a prompt nod to Rayek, Tanner tapped her combadge and moved to the Turbolift, which opened with a quiet whoosh. She called out her deck and tapped her combadge, the soft hum indicating the lift was in motion catching her ears.

=/\= Lachlyn to Lorut and Edriron. Meet me in Security, we're going to run some drills.=/\=

USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Security

Tanner held her PADD and tapped a few buttons while waiting for the rest of the security personnel to arrive. They'd been through so much angst that she had a fun idea to grow their team-building skills and complete the drills as requested.

Rayek watched as the Sec/Tac chief rose from her station without a word.  The bridge crew however was like a well-oiled machine.  No sooner had Lachlyn stepped onto the turbolift then the auxiliary sec/tac crewmember - Petty Officer First Grade Bradley Strider in this instance - assumed her station.  Rayek nodded in approval, until he overheard Lachlyn's call to Lorut's combadge.

Well, he had suggested Lorut's involvement...  But had assumed organizing it could have been done there on the bridge.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 27, 2024, 01:39:20 PM

USS Discovery-Bridge

Vila flinched in surprise when her Comms badge went off.

Her eyes rose to the Captain. "I am the only Ops person on duty today," she said. "Should I go?" She asked. She was hesitant to leave the console alone. She didn't trust anyone else with it. It was her baby.

She tapped her badge again.

=/\=Commander tr'Lhoell, please cover the Ops console. I am being requested for some kind of drill. =/\=

The Romulan was the only other person she felt comfortable asking currently. It was below his station, she knew, but she'd be damned if she was going to leave it to some engineer.

Rayek's eyebrow rose at Lorut's statement to the Captain. The only Ops on today?! Had the Vulcan T'Prith and Petty officer Forscher called in sick to her while he was in meeting with Broadshire?  Such should have been reported to him. He'd have to deal with.

His surprise matched her own from a few moments earlier, as she com-called him even though he was standing by the Science station not 3 meters away. Was she mocking him?!  He looked towards the Bajoran woman with a slight frown but nodded.

"Yes, Lieutenant, I will cover your station until either you return or I secure another Ops personnel to cover it for you."

He moved away from the science station and stood by Lorut's chair indicating that she should vacate it.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.