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Prologue to Voyages of USS Lirpa

Started by Kirok, August 12, 2018, 02:26:00 PM

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Quote from: Inzjana on August 25, 2018, 08:46:07 AM


Lieutenant Inzjana walked on to the bridge of the brand new Quantum Slipstream Drive powered USS Lirpa after making herself acquainted with the science labs on board.

As Admiral Kirok had also just walked on to the bridge from his ready room and the engineer had announced that the Quantum Drive was back on line, she made her way over to the admiral to formally introduce herself.

"Na'Shaya Admiral," Inzjana stated stoically, with the Vulcan salute and choosing to use the Vulcan word of greeting instead of the typical Federation standard. "Lieutenant Inzjana, sir, permission to come on board?" Inzjana continued, with the in way of recognition, an old naval tradition still help by Starfleet.

[Admiral's Office]

Kirok stood after calling out the request for the person at his door to 'Enter.'  To his surprise, it was one his oldest friends.  "Na'Shaya, Inzjana.  It is agreeable to see you again.  Please come in and sit with me" he said as he motioned toward a chair in front of his desk.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
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