Prologue to Voyages of USS Lirpa

Started by Kirok, August 12, 2018, 02:26:00 PM

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[Admial's Office on the USS Lirpa]

Kirok sat at his desk.  It was a typical day for him.  But at least he was doing something that interested him.

Last year, the fleet had made the bold choice to send a task group to the Gamma Quadrant.  So far the Athena, Tempest, and Shran had encountered a variety of new species and civilizations.  As such, they were truly fulfilling the primary goal of Star Fleet.

But one thing had been lacking.  A permenent and constant presence in the Gamma Quadrant.  A space station on the other side of the wormhole that everyone in the Gamma Quadrant could gather for diplomatic purposes and refuse if needed.

There has been recent talked about establishing a star base in the Gamma Quadrant.  Those talks had progressed to point that the type of star base to install had become the major question.  The fact that the parts for the potential star base would need to be tranported threw the wormhole in order to get to the Gamma Quadrant make the choice in type of star base that much harder.

As such, size was an issue.  Specifically, the star base may need to start off smaller in size in comparison to most others in order to get it up an running.  But there were other factor to consider as well.

Some desings had already been submitted.  Kirok look at each of them.  He had started three piles of data padd, yes, no, maybe.

And so he worked thought the padds.  Placing one in a pile.  And then straighening it to make user to stacked perfectly in line with the others.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Malik Grippen

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Malik sat at the helm, soaking in the sights, sounds and feel of the Lirpa's bridge. He had never expected to be given this special assignment at such a low rank, but for whatever reason the admiral himself had approved it. Grippen knew little to nothing about Admiral Kirok or their assignment, but the opportunity to fly the fastest ship in the fleet was a no brainier for any pilot.

In the almost twenty years since the USS Voyager's return to Earth, quantum propulsion had remained elusive. No longer it would seem however for the Lirpa was, as far as Malik knew, the only Starfleet vessel equipped with a fully functioning slipstream drive. Hitherto unreachable regions of the galaxy were now within their grasp. It was surely the dawn of a new golden age of exploration. Or perhaps Grippen was just being fanciful.

He tapped on the command board to view the status of said drive, it was offline in diagnostic mode. Curious.

=/\= "Ensign Grippen to Engineering, is everything alright with the quantum drive?" =/\=

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Judith Eastman


[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Judy really didn't know why she was wanted on this mission as a counselor. She was a noted linguist, a capable manager, and a decent lawyer, but not a counselor. Last time she served as one was the Fiji, an episode she was loath to revisit. Still, an order was an order.
Judy also wasn't sure how she, who had been an Ensign only months ago (but was now proudly a full Lieutenant), was now the ranking officer on the bridge (awaiting the arrival of the chief engineer, first officer, or Admiral Kirok, who were senior to her). Still, she found herself, for the time, in the center seat (she'd take the counselor's seat, to its left, when a superior arrived).
Sitting there, Judy noticed the helmsman comm over to engineering about some issue. She instinctively stood up, walked to him (being unaccustomed to the hands-off style of many captains, on account in part of her being the Tempest's CSO and not the Captain), and inquired, "Ensign, what's going on?"
The command "Ensign, report" had stood on her tongue, but Judy did not use it. It was too martial, too harsh, too blunt for her.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



[Admial's Office on the USS Lirpa]

Kirok's computer pinged with a reminder.  It was time for a scheduled call with his father.  A task Kirok, in all honesty, did not look forward too - but had agreed to nonetheless.

Kirok put hit padds down and moved to the telepresence communication center.  A device that would allow his father to see his image.  And a device that would allow Kirok to see his father's image.

As his father's image came into view, the half Vulcan immediatley notice several things.  First of all this father was sitting instead of standing.  Second, his father's hair was white - completely colorless.  And his father was looking down.  All signs that things had gone from bad to worse in Kirok's mind.

The half Vulcan's heart rate increased slightly.  Two year ago his father had bening diagnosed with teminal cancer.   He had survived chemo, but the cancer became active again and chemo was no longer a possibilyt.

"Father" Kirok said.  It was neither a question or a statement.  He was simply trying to get his father's attention.

The man looked up and dropped his eyes again.  "Kirok.  You are off the hook.  I have removed you as the executor of my will.  You know longer need to worry yourself with the matter.  Your half brother will handle the task of pulling the plug when the time comes" his father said without preable.

Kirok was silent for a moment as he considered the comment.  He know that this conversation would be hard.   But he had not expected this new development.

"If that is your wise, I will respect it.   But I must ask if you are certain he will be able to do so when the time comes.  And what are you wishes after you are dead?" he forced himself to ask.

"You are not on Vulcan, so my choices are limited.  I will address the issue with your half brother.  As for after I have passed, I want my body to be preserved and for it to be mouned in the local gathering place.  No church" he said between coughs.  His hand dissapeared and then reappeared with a glass of water.  He sipped from it and put the glass back down.

"Very well.  What of your katra, father?  What are your wishs for it?" Kirok asked.

"My katra.  My mind has not been healthy for many years.  I have chosen not to pass to another" his father said.

"Father?" Kirok asked.  But his father had managed to raise a hand to stop the conversation.  "That is my decision.  Let it be" his father said and then started coughing again.

"I must go" his father said after the coughing passed.   Then his image disappeared.  Kirok took in a deep breath to calm himself and then retuned to his desk.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Judy Eastman on August 12, 2018, 07:39:29 PM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Judy really didn't know why she was wanted on this mission as a counselor. She was a noted linguist, a capable manager, and a decent lawyer, but not a counselor. Last time she served as one was the Fiji, an episode she was loath to revisit. Still, an order was an order.
Judy also wasn't sure how she, who had been an Ensign only months ago (but was now proudly a full Lieutenant), was now the ranking officer on the bridge (awaiting the arrival of the chief engineer, first officer, or Admiral Kirok, who were senior to her). Still, she found herself, for the time, in the center seat (she'd take the counselor's seat, to its left, when a superior arrived).
Sitting there, Judy noticed the helmsman comm over to engineering about some issue. She instinctively stood up, walked to him (being unaccustomed to the hands-off style of many captains, on account in part of her being the Tempest's CSO and not the Captain), and inquired, "Ensign, what's going on?"
The command "Ensign, report" had stood on her tongue, but Judy did not use it. It was too martial, too harsh, too blunt for her.

Malik jumped somewhat at the counsellor's words, focused as he was on his terminal and awaiting a reply from engineering. He wondered if the engineering crew had transferred over yet from HQ.

"The quantum slipstream drive is offline, lieutenant." He gestured to his display showing this to be the case, essentially the words 'QSD' and 'Offline' being pertinent. "I am awaiting a response from engineering. Lieutenant, if you don't mind me asking. Do you know what our mission will be?" Malik was expressing copious amounts of nervous-green energy, the most eager of beavers ready to set off into the great unknown.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


Quote from: Malik Grippen on August 14, 2018, 04:02:26 PM

Malik jumped somewhat at the counsellor's words, focused as he was on his terminal and awaiting a reply from engineering. He wondered if the engineering crew had transferred over yet from HQ.

"The quantum slipstream drive is offline, lieutenant." He gestured to his display showing this to be the case, essentially the words 'QSD' and 'Offline' being pertinent. "I am awaiting a response from engineering. Lieutenant, if you don't mind me asking. Do you know what our mission will be?" Malik was expressing copious amounts of nervous-green energy, the most eager of beavers ready to set off into the great unknown.

[NPC EQ Kimball - USS Lirpa - Bridge]

EQ walked onto the Bridge.  He had recently been reassigned to the Lirpa recently.  He had only been on the ship for a few days, but he had already gotten to know the crew.

He went to his station and logged in.  He listened for a moment while the others talked and waited for a good time to jump into the conversation.  "Counselor.  Ensign" EQ said to the duo. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Our evil villain - somewhere far far away]

Alitnar stared at the data pad.  He was seething with anger.  So much so that he threw the padd to the floor and ruined it.

Things had been going so well for so long.  He had grown rich beyond belief.  In fact, he had become the most powerful man in the region.

Yes there had been the occassional set back.  Yes there had been minor disagreements about taxation with the outworlders.  But each set back, each disagreement meant that he was giving up just a bit more control of the region.

For him, giving up control, even the smalles little bit, meant that he was loosing.  He was losing money.  His profits were decreasing.  His income cash was smaller.

In addition, it meant that his status was fading.  It meant that he was loosing the admiration of his peers.  And that was something he simply could not bare!

In fact, he had told others he would die before he would make any more concessions.  But today he had received formal word that the Federation wanted to encroach even further into his region.  "Over my dead body" he shouted as he stormed out of his office.

"I want that man stopped.  I want you to do what every is necessary to stop Kirok from making another move.  You have my full authority any all the funds you need to make that happen. Just get it down or I will have your head" he yelled to his underling.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Malik Grippen on August 14, 2018, 04:02:26 PM

Malik jumped somewhat at the counsellor's words, focused as he was on his terminal and awaiting a reply from engineering. He wondered if the engineering crew had transferred over yet from HQ.

"The quantum slipstream drive is offline, lieutenant." He gestured to his display showing this to be the case, essentially the words 'QSD' and 'Offline' being pertinent. "I am awaiting a response from engineering. Lieutenant, if you don't mind me asking. Do you know what our mission will be?" Malik was expressing copious amounts of nervous-green energy, the most eager of beavers ready to set off into the great unknown.

Judy shook her head in frustration, not at the Ensign but at the damn gizmo not doing its job. When he gestured at some indicators, she retrieved her glasses (an elegant pair, with a black half-rim around small oval lenses) from her pocket, and bent over to look at the console while pinching the corner of the glasses with her left hand. She was all too aware that this, combined with her earlier reaction, made her seem frustrated, even angry, but she had to read somehow. That one junior officer was a little unnerved was a problem she'd have to deal with later, once the ship stopped breaking itself on her watch.
Once she had examined the indicators (there wasn't much examining to do), Judy fielded the question Malik had asked her. "I don't know what our mission is, only that it's serious business and that Admiral Kirok personally assembled the crew," she explained honestly. "It's important enough that if our engineers haven't deigned to show up, we'll poach some from the base."
Judy's tone, facial expression, and demeanor indicated that she meant business. The success of this mission, whatever it was, was imperative, and Judy refused to let setbacks happen under her watch.
"If they keep ghosting you, we might have to loop in the Admiral," she concluded, choosing her words to make it clear that her wrath wasn't targeted at the inexperienced but well-meaning pilot.

Quote from: EQ Kimball on August 14, 2018, 05:43:08 PM

[USS Lirpa - Bridge]

EQ walked onto the Bridge.  He had recently been reassigned to the Lirpa recently.  He had only been on the ship for a few days, but he had already gotten to know the crew.

He went to his station and logged in.  He listened for a moment while the others talked and waited for a good time to jump into the conversation.  "Counselor.  Ensign" EQ said to the duo.

"Ah, Mr. Kimball! Long time no see!" Judy exclaimed, putting on an affable mask for the crewman she hadn't seen since that ill-fated adventure on the Fiji. While he had been onboard for several days, she had arrived just this morning.
Then, business. She switched to a more businesslike tone, as she was known to do, and addressed their current issue.
"Well, do you have any ideas as to where our missing engineers might be hiding, or what we can do?" She asked, addressing both EQ and Malik.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Avigail Soreka


"Hold still." Avigail said as she did all she could to hold her father's head level.
"Who gave you a medical license anyway, your hands are like granite." Zuriel said trying to peel his daughters hand out of his hair, this attempt was quickly slapped away.
"You literally have not had a physical in forty years, hold still and keep your word." Avigail said forcefully.
"Hold still commander..." Zuriel replied sarcastically.
"You barely have that rank, didn't you blow up a ship?" Avigail retorted quickly.
"Those findings were inconclusive and you know you Avigail!" Zuriel said defensively.

Avigail finished what she had to do, considering her track record her Father was a pretty good health, there was some definite signs of phaser scars and his lungs were a little weathered from constant decompression, but he would live. "We are all done here, cleared for duty. Just stay out of the airlocks."
"Have you called your mother lately?" Zuriel inquired as he stood up.
"I called her after the first mission, she didn't answer." Avigail replied softly. "Avigail she worries, Adonia is right under her nose, but you took a dangerous job, I'm not saying give her a status report, but keeping up with her just helps her cope." Zuriel said in nothing but a fatherly tone.

"I'll called her, and I will call her again." Avigail sounding like she was in court martial
"I have to head to the bridge, try and stay out of trouble. If something happens to you and I'm on the ship...yeah I'd rather fight the Klingon Empire myself than face your mother." Zuriel commented chuckling


Zuriel leaned on the walls of the turbolift as he made his way to the bridge, looking over the personal files he could see that most of the crew had been pulled off of assignment rather abruptly, but all of them were bright star in their field. Zuriel could not help but wonder why Kirok went through all this trouble but whatever it was, Zuriel knew it had to be worth it.
"How are we looking?" Zuriel said with a smile as he made his way onto the bridge and down the steps. Standing between the front panels the command chairs. "Tell me we didn't break her already."


Judith Eastman

Quote from: Avigail Soreka on August 14, 2018, 09:27:39 PM


Zuriel leaned on the walls of the turbolift as he made his way to the bridge, looking over the personal files he could see that most of the crew had been pulled off of assignment rather abruptly, but all of them were bright star in their field. Zuriel could not help but wonder why Kirok went through all this trouble but whatever it was, Zuriel knew it had to be worth it.
"How are we looking?" Zuriel said with a smile as he made his way onto the bridge and down the steps. Standing between the front panels the command chairs. "Tell me we didn't break her already."

When the Executive Officer entered the bridge, Judy made an impressive show of physical ability for a 51-year-old as she straightened up whilst making a rapid 180 to face him.
" 'fraid we did," she said, examining the long-haired El-Aurian over the top of her glasses. "The slipstream drive is offline, and our engineers haven't been very communicative."
At this point, Judy realized that she had neglected her basic manners, and so stepped closer and extended her right hand to shake. "Lieutenant Judy Eastman, ship's counselor. Pleased to meet you," she concisely introduced herself.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Malik Grippen


Quote from: Judy Eastman on August 14, 2018, 08:56:41 PM

Once she had examined the indicators (there wasn't much examining to do), Judy fielded the question Malik had asked her. "I don't know what our mission is, only that it's serious business and that Admiral Kirok personally assembled the crew," she explained honestly. "It's important enough that if our engineers haven't deigned to show up, we'll poach some from the base."
Judy's tone, facial expression, and demeanor indicated that she meant business. The success of this mission, whatever it was, was imperative, and Judy refused to let setbacks happen under her watch.
"If they keep ghosting you, we might have to loop in the Admiral," she concluded, choosing her words to make it clear that her wrath wasn't targeted at the inexperienced but well-meaning pilot."Ah, Mr. Kimball! Long time no see!" Judy exclaimed, putting on an affable mask for the crewman she hadn't seen since that ill-fated adventure on the Fiji. While he had been onboard for several days, she had arrived just this morning.
Then, business. She switched to a more businesslike tone, as she was known to do, and addressed their current issue.
"Well, do you have any ideas as to where our missing engineers might be hiding, or what we can do?" She asked, addressing both EQ and Malik.

"Aye, lieutenant." Malik didn't recognise the new arrival, but that wasn't surprising considering he'd been out of the academy not 5 minutes.
Quote from: Avigail Soreka on August 14, 2018, 09:27:39 PM

Zuriel leaned on the walls of the turbolift as he made his way to the bridge, looking over the personal files he could see that most of the crew had been pulled off of assignment rather abruptly, but all of them were bright star in their field. Zuriel could not help but wonder why Kirok went through all this trouble but whatever it was, Zuriel knew it had to be worth it.
"How are we looking?" Zuriel said with a smile as he made his way onto the bridge and down the steps. Standing between the front panels the command chairs. "Tell me we didn't break her already."

Again, Malik wasn't familiar with the ship's first officer, but had heard his daughter was onboard serving in medical. "Commander..." he was about to reply when the lieutenant stepped in.
Quote from: Judy Eastman on August 15, 2018, 01:55:36 PM

When the Executive Officer entered the bridge, Judy made an impressive show of physical ability for a 51-year-old as she straightened up whilst making a rapid 180 to face him.
" 'fraid we did," she said, examining the long-haired El-Aurian over the top of her glasses. "The slipstream drive is offline, and our engineers haven't been very communicative."
At this point, Judy realized that she had neglected her basic manners, and so stepped closer and extended her right hand to shake. "Lieutenant Judy Eastman, ship's counselor. Pleased to meet you," she concisely introduced herself.

Malik swivelled round in his seat, turning to the two officers and crewman. "I have hailed engineering, with no response. Ship's manifest states we do have the engineering team onboard, what are your orders sir?"

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


Quote from: Judy Eastman on August 14, 2018, 08:56:41 PM

Judy shook her head in frustration, not at the Ensign but at the damn gizmo not doing its job. When he gestured at some indicators, she retrieved her glasses (an elegant pair, with a black half-rim around small oval lenses) from her pocket, and bent over to look at the console while pinching the corner of the glasses with her left hand. She was all too aware that this, combined with her earlier reaction, made her seem frustrated, even angry, but she had to read somehow. That one junior officer was a little unnerved was a problem she'd have to deal with later, once the ship stopped breaking itself on her watch.
Once she had examined the indicators (there wasn't much examining to do), Judy fielded the question Malik had asked her. "I don't know what our mission is, only that it's serious business and that Admiral Kirok personally assembled the crew," she explained honestly. "It's important enough that if our engineers haven't deigned to show up, we'll poach some from the base."
Judy's tone, facial expression, and demeanor indicated that she meant business. The success of this mission, whatever it was, was imperative, and Judy refused to let setbacks happen under her watch.
"If they keep ghosting you, we might have to loop in the Admiral," she concluded, choosing her words to make it clear that her wrath wasn't targeted at the inexperienced but well-meaning pilot."Ah, Mr. Kimball! Long time no see!" Judy exclaimed, putting on an affable mask for the crewman she hadn't seen since that ill-fated adventure on the Fiji. While he had been onboard for several days, she had arrived just this morning.
Then, business. She switched to a more businesslike tone, as she was known to do, and addressed their current issue.
"Well, do you have any ideas as to where our missing engineers might be hiding, or what we can do?" She asked, addressing both EQ and Malik.

[EQ Kimball - USS Lirpa - Bridge]

"I know, right.  We keep ending up in the same places month after month people might start talking.  Unless you have taken a personal interest in my and my career and decided to follow me around from ship to ship.  Some people would say that such behavior was a bit starkerish.  But not me" the liberated Borg replie with a big smile as he finished his reply.

Truth be told he was still a bit salty by being exluded from the away team on the last mission.  For the simple fact that he still kinda looked liek a liberated borg dispite the extensive surgury he had undergone to correct that particular problem.   Little good being excluded from the away team did him - he still ended up a prisoner of the alians anyway.  But he would never comlain about it - outloud or to anyone that is.

Quote from: Avigail Soreka on August 14, 2018, 09:27:39 PM


"Hold still." Avigail said as she did all she could to hold her father's head level.
"Who gave you a medical license anyway, your hands are like granite." Zuriel said trying to peel his daughters hand out of his hair, this attempt was quickly slapped away.
"You literally have not had a physical in forty years, hold still and keep your word." Avigail said forcefully.
"Hold still commander..." Zuriel replied sarcastically.
"You barely have that rank, didn't you blow up a ship?" Avigail retorted quickly.
"Those findings were inconclusive and you know you Avigail!" Zuriel said defensively.

Avigail finished what she had to do, considering her track record her Father was a pretty good health, there was some definite signs of phaser scars and his lungs were a little weathered from constant decompression, but he would live. "We are all done here, cleared for duty. Just stay out of the airlocks."
"Have you called your mother lately?" Zuriel inquired as he stood up.
"I called her after the first mission, she didn't answer." Avigail replied softly. "Avigail she worries, Adonia is right under her nose, but you took a dangerous job, I'm not saying give her a status report, but keeping up with her just helps her cope." Zuriel said in nothing but a fatherly tone.

"I'll called her, and I will call her again." Avigail sounding like she was in court martial
"I have to head to the bridge, try and stay out of trouble. If something happens to you and I'm on the ship...yeah I'd rather fight the Klingon Empire myself than face your mother." Zuriel commented chuckling


Zuriel leaned on the walls of the turbolift as he made his way to the bridge, looking over the personal files he could see that most of the crew had been pulled off of assignment rather abruptly, but all of them were bright star in their field. Zuriel could not help but wonder why Kirok went through all this trouble but whatever it was, Zuriel knew it had to be worth it.
"How are we looking?" Zuriel said with a smile as he made his way onto the bridge and down the steps. Standing between the front panels the command chairs. "Tell me we didn't break her already."

When he heard the door slide open he stopped the idel chatter.  He turned to the door and saw the XO entering.  "Sir" he said with a not and then returned to watching the duty station.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Admial's Office on the USS Lirpa]

Kirok watched as the image of his father disappeared.  He continued watching the space for a long moment.  He was attempting to processes his thoughts on the discussion that has just occurred.

Never before had he and his father ever talked so openly about his father's wishes after he passed.  Truth be told, they had never talked so openly about anyting before.  So, in a way the half Vulcan was satisfied with the outcome of the conversation despite the morbidity of the topic.

The Admiral took in a small breath and then released it.  Then he allowed himself stop thinking about the converstion.  To push it from his mind and return to his data padds on his desk.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Malik Grippen on August 12, 2018, 07:15:55 PM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Malik sat at the helm, soaking in the sights, sounds and feel of the Lirpa's bridge. He had never expected to be given this special assignment at such a low rank, but for whatever reason the admiral himself had approved it. Grippen knew little to nothing about Admiral Kirok or their assignment, but the opportunity to fly the fastest ship in the fleet was a no brainier for any pilot.

In the almost twenty years since the USS Voyager's return to Earth, quantum propulsion had remained elusive. No longer it would seem however for the Lirpa was, as far as Malik knew, the only Starfleet vessel equipped with a fully functioning slipstream drive. Hitherto unreachable regions of the galaxy were now within their grasp. It was surely the dawn of a new golden age of exploration. Or perhaps Grippen was just being fanciful.

He tapped on the command board to view the status of said drive, it was offline in diagnostic mode. Curious.

=/\= "Ensign Grippen to Engineering, is everything alright with the quantum drive?" =/\=

[NPC - Edwards - Engineering Specialist]

=A=Edwads here.  I'm bringing the quantum drive online now=A=.  There was a brief silence then he came back.  =A= She is online and ready to go.  I say let's take her for a test drive.  Let er rip =A=.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Lieutenant Inzjana walked on to the bridge of the brand new Quantum Slipstream Drive powered USS Lirpa after making herself acquainted with the science labs on board.

As Admiral Kirok had also just walked on to the bridge from his ready room and the engineer had announced that the Quantum Drive was back on line, she made her way over to the admiral to formally introduce herself.

"Na'Shaya Admiral," Inzjana stated stoically, with the Vulcan salute and choosing to use the Vulcan word of greeting instead of the typical Federation standard. "Lieutenant Inzjana, sir, permission to come on board?" Inzjana continued, with the in way of recognition, an old naval tradition still help by Starfleet.


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