Voyages of the USS Lirpa

Started by Kirok, August 18, 2018, 08:56:10 AM

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[USS Lirpa - Bridge]

Kirok looked from Judy to Malik.  There was no good choice here.  None that would guarantee the desired outcome for both situations.

"Thank you for your feedback.  Both of you.  I need a moment to think.  Mr. Eastman, you have the Bridge" he said.  Then he stood and headed to his office.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Judith Eastman

When Kirok left, Judy assumed the center seat. This was almost definitely the first time anyone wearing a floral blouse inhabited the captain's chair of a starship, not that Judy cared much for Starfleet fashion firsts. She cared more to keep them all going strong into whatever it was they were heading for.
"Helm, hold position until the Admiral says otherwise," she ordered, pre-empting a question from there.
Then, she turned in the chair, looking at the faces around the bridge. Some were nervous, some confused, and a few were baffled at her peculiar presence. All, she was sure, had some thoughts.
"If you want to express your opinions, you're welcome to do so," she told them all collectively. "I'm a counselor; I don't bite."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



[USS Lirpa - Admiral's Office]

Once inside his office, Kirok stopped just short of the closed door.  His head had started to swirl with the various emotions that were fighting for his attention.  Trying to overwhelm him.

He needed to meditate.  He needed the world to just stop for a minute so he could adequately sublimate his emotions.  But sadly, the world would not wait and the half Vulcan had to make a decision and quickly.

So he closed his eyes and leaned his back againt the closed door.  And he focues his mind on the two problems.  Save his father or help push Star Fleets plans for a new star base in the Gamma Quadrant forward.

A piece of his sole would be lost if he did not chose his father.  His career could be in jeopardy if he did not finalize the plans for the new star base. But he could pushed the possible consequences of his potential action from him mind.

Instead he focused on what was possible.  That allow him to see what was  logical.  And then a plan began to form.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.




With all that had happened thus far, Inzjana had remained quietly seated. After all, there was not much for her to do at present, at least not yet anyway. It was Inzjana who had created the Quantum Slipstream Drive, well at least the science side of it anyway. She had discovered back on the planet Reach in the epsilon eridani system, that the phase variance problem that the Starfleet version had was due to the use of subspace fields to induce the necessary fluctuations in the quantum vacuum and it was the inherent instability at the Planck level, so she created a device known as a spacial manifold, that produced the necessary negative energy by what humans know as the Casimir effect. Of course, Inzjana was already working on the potential of the exotic material known as Red Matter.

Inzjana knew the admiral by reputation and they had met before as well when she was assigned to the Shran, but as a Vulcan, well, a Vulcan-Romulan to be exact, she understood the need for privacy during what is very personal to the admiral, but what ever his decision, Inzjana would back him 100%.


Susan Venator

Bridge - USS Lirpa

Suzie was manning Ops and found herself being amazed at what this ship could do. When she had been informed of her temporary assignment to this Sabre class vessel, she had been less than impressed. Traditionally, Sabre class vessels were part of the aggressive arm of the fleet. Labelled Escort vessels, they were designed with combat in mind and as such, had less resources to spare to other fields.

This ship on the other hand, sported a prototype Quantum Slipstream Drive or QSD. This had resulted in most of the major systems on board being upgraded as well. While she was an engineer by training, and as such was very familiar with QSD technology, her fist love was computing. So with a main computer that was two or three times faster than any others she had worked on or with, as well as expanded storage and newly designed gel packs that allowed the system to be truly next generation.

Because the drive system required a significant amount of power, when it was not in use there was always an abundance of power available. Coupled with improved sensors, made this ship a joy to work on.

Since not much was going on at the moment, she was going through each of the systems to make sure that everything was working as it should, ie much faster than she would normally expect.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan



A moment later the door's to Kirok's office opened.  The Admiral walked out of it with an air of confidence.  The only sign that he was still somewhat stressed was the fact that both his hands were balled into fists as they hung at his side.

He stopped short of the central chair.  He was not quite ready to take the seat just yet.  At least not untl his crew had heard the risky plan and agreed to it.

He took a small breath and relaxed his hands slightly.  "This situation seems to require us or rather me to be in two places at one.  We know that that is not possible.  But we may be able to make it appear as so" he said.

"Option one, as I see it, is to tap into the telepresence communication system.  My father has a unit in his home and I am sure they are multiple units all over Vulcan.  It is possible, though likely not probable, that my father's abductors may mistake my virtual image for the real thing.  I could even arrange to have someone from the Vulcan High Counsel be nearby to fool any bioscans that the abductors my decide to do" he added.

"Option 2.  We have the fastest ship in the galazy.  We hale the diplomates of the negotion and tell them that we are still on the way.  We turn off the transponder and fly as fast as possible to Vulcan.  As soon as we find my father, we fly to our intended distination in the Gamma quadrant for our meeting.  Hopefully still in time for the meetign, that is" he said.

"Or we use an option that one of you may have thought of.  I am open to suggestion if any of you have any.  Anyone?" he finished.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Judy Eastman on August 23, 2018, 05:40:10 PM

When Kirok left, Judy assumed the center seat. This was almost definitely the first time anyone wearing a floral blouse inhabited the captain's chair of a starship, not that Judy cared much for Starfleet fashion firsts. She cared more to keep them all going strong into whatever it was they were heading for.
"Helm, hold position until the Admiral says otherwise," she ordered, pre-empting a question from there.
Then, she turned in the chair, looking at the faces around the bridge. Some were nervous, some confused, and a few were baffled at her peculiar presence. All, she was sure, had some thoughts.
"If you want to express your opinions, you're welcome to do so," she told them all collectively. "I'm a counselor; I don't bite."

"Aye ma'am, holding position." It was largely a redundant command since the Admiral had already ordered a full stop, but he guessed the counsellor was trying to act 'captainy'. It was the first time he'd seen anyone wear a floral blouse in the command chair, it was a striking sight. Malik swiveled round in his seat, "Lieutenant. Have you known the admiral long? What do you think he'll choose to do."
Quote from: Kirok on August 25, 2018, 04:01:04 PM


A moment later the door's to Kirok's office opened.  The Admiral walked out of it with an air of confidence.  The only sign that he was still somewhat stressed was the fact that both his hands were balled into fists as they hung at his side.

He stopped short of the central chair.  He was not quite ready to take the seat just yet.  At least not untl his crew had heard the risky plan and agreed to it.

He took a small breath and relaxed his hands slightly.  "This situation seems to require us or rather me to be in two places at one.  We know that that is not possible.  But we may be able to make it appear as so" he said.

"Option one, as I see it, is to tap into the telepresence communication system.  My father has a unit in his home and I am sure they are multiple units all over Vulcan.  It is possible, though likely not probable, that my father's abductors may mistake my virtual image for the real thing.  I could even arrange to have someone from the Vulcan High Counsel be nearby to fool any bioscans that the abductors my decide to do" he added.

"Option 2.  We have the fastest ship in the galazy.  We hale the diplomates of the negotion and tell them that we are still on the way.  We turn off the transponder and fly as fast as possible to Vulcan.  As soon as we find my father, we fly to our intended distination in the Gamma quadrant for our meeting.  Hopefully still in time for the meetign, that is" he said.

"Or we use an option that one of you may have thought of.  I am open to suggestion if any of you have any.  Anyone?" he finished.

"Sir, we have the fastest ship in all of Starfleet at our disposal. Surely the designer of the QSD," he glanced to Inzjana, "would like to see it put through its paces in a real scenario. I vote we make for Vulcan at best possible speed."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Malik Grippen on August 25, 2018, 04:10:34 PM

"Aye ma'am, holding position." It was largely a redundant command since the Admiral had already ordered a full stop, but he guessed the counsellor was trying to act 'captainy'. It was the first time he'd seen anyone wear a floral blouse in the command chair, it was a striking sight. Malik swiveled round in his seat, "Lieutenant. Have you known the admiral long? What do you think he'll choose to do."

"I've known him for just a couple of days," Judy answered the curious Ensign. "Not that I'd be able to anticipate how he'd react to this even if I knew him for years. A parent's life on the line... that's just a whole different ballgame."

Quote from: Kirok on August 25, 2018, 04:01:04 PM


A moment later the door's to Kirok's office opened.  The Admiral walked out of it with an air of confidence.  The only sign that he was still somewhat stressed was the fact that both his hands were balled into fists as they hung at his side.

He stopped short of the central chair.  He was not quite ready to take the seat just yet.  At least not untl his crew had heard the risky plan and agreed to it.

He took a small breath and relaxed his hands slightly.  "This situation seems to require us or rather me to be in two places at one.  We know that that is not possible.  But we may be able to make it appear as so" he said.

"Option one, as I see it, is to tap into the telepresence communication system.  My father has a unit in his home and I am sure they are multiple units all over Vulcan.  It is possible, though likely not probable, that my father's abductors may mistake my virtual image for the real thing.  I could even arrange to have someone from the Vulcan High Counsel be nearby to fool any bioscans that the abductors my decide to do" he added.

"Option 2.  We have the fastest ship in the galazy.  We hale the diplomates of the negotion and tell them that we are still on the way.  We turn off the transponder and fly as fast as possible to Vulcan.  As soon as we find my father, we fly to our intended distination in the Gamma quadrant for our meeting.  Hopefully still in time for the meetign, that is" he said.

"Or we use an option that one of you may have thought of.  I am open to suggestion if any of you have any.  Anyone?" he finished.

As the Admiral re-entered the bridge, Judy moved back towards her own chair, stopping about halfway between it and the center seat. This put her squarely in front of the admiral, who looked like a man trying to hide his trepidation. He then spouted off two plans that, to Judy, seemed silly.
She looked him dead in the eye, with all the confidence she was known for, and spoke her mind.
"With all due respect, one Admiral or one summit can be replaced with another, a father or a son cannot. If I were in your shoes, I would send an explorer or patrol ship to the negotiations, and go to Vulcan immediately."
Judy knew that this frank, borderline aggressive expression of her views could easily be a shot in the head for her career prospects, but she didn't care. A job could be replaced with another, but morals, like a parent or child, could not. If she stands for nothing, what will she fall for?

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Susan Venator

Quote from: Kirok on August 25, 2018, 04:01:04 PM


A moment later the door's to Kirok's office opened.  The Admiral walked out of it with an air of confidence.  The only sign that he was still somewhat stressed was the fact that both his hands were balled into fists as they hung at his side.

He stopped short of the central chair.  He was not quite ready to take the seat just yet.  At least not untl his crew had heard the risky plan and agreed to it.

He took a small breath and relaxed his hands slightly.  "This situation seems to require us or rather me to be in two places at one.  We know that that is not possible.  But we may be able to make it appear as so" he said.

"Option one, as I see it, is to tap into the telepresence communication system.  My father has a unit in his home and I am sure they are multiple units all over Vulcan.  It is possible, though likely not probable, that my father's abductors may mistake my virtual image for the real thing.  I could even arrange to have someone from the Vulcan High Counsel be nearby to fool any bioscans that the abductors my decide to do" he added.

"Option 2.  We have the fastest ship in the galazy.  We hale the diplomates of the negotion and tell them that we are still on the way.  We turn off the transponder and fly as fast as possible to Vulcan.  As soon as we find my father, we fly to our intended distination in the Gamma quadrant for our meeting.  Hopefully still in time for the meetign, that is" he said.

"Or we use an option that one of you may have thought of.  I am open to suggestion if any of you have any.  Anyone?" he finished.

Quote from: Judy Eastman on August 25, 2018, 05:10:31 PM

As the Admiral re-entered the bridge, Judy moved back towards her own chair, stopping about halfway between it and the center seat. This put her squarely in front of the admiral, who looked like a man trying to hide his trepidation. He then spouted off two plans that, to Judy, seemed silly.
She looked him dead in the eye, with all the confidence she was known for, and spoke her mind.
"With all due respect, one Admiral or one summit can be replaced with another, a father or a son cannot. If I were in your shoes, I would send an explorer or patrol ship to the negotiations, and go to Vulcan immediately."
Judy knew that this frank, borderline aggressive expression of her views could easily be a shot in the head for her career prospects, but she didn't care. A job could be replaced with another, but morals, like a parent or child, could not. If she stands for nothing, what will she fall for?


Suzie looked up as the Admiral re-entered. She listened as he gave the options as he saw it and at the response that Eastman gave. Despite the rule allowing Counsellors to wear civilian dress while on duty, she did not like the idea of a command officer dressing that way. Once the Counsellor was finished, she decided add her two penn'orth.

"I agree Admiral." She said slowly. "Either we find a substitute for yourself at the conference or, if we cannot, we tell them we are having engine problems. It is a cutting edge system after all." She added. "We then get to Vulcan as fast as we can, resolve the situation and then, after informing them that our engines are now working, get to the conference as fast as we can." She finished.

Her telepathic and empathic senses were telling her the Admiral was on edge. Even his trademark Vulcan control could not hide that. Out of respect for him, she reigned her abilities in and waited to see what was agreed upon.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kirok on August 25, 2018, 04:01:04 PM


A moment later the door's to Kirok's office opened.  The Admiral walked out of it with an air of confidence.  The only sign that he was still somewhat stressed was the fact that both his hands were balled into fists as they hung at his side.

He stopped short of the central chair.  He was not quite ready to take the seat just yet.  At least not untl his crew had heard the risky plan and agreed to it.

He took a small breath and relaxed his hands slightly.  "This situation seems to require us or rather me to be in two places at one.  We know that that is not possible.  But we may be able to make it appear as so" he said.

"Option one, as I see it, is to tap into the telepresence communication system.  My father has a unit in his home and I am sure they are multiple units all over Vulcan.  It is possible, though likely not probable, that my father's abductors may mistake my virtual image for the real thing.  I could even arrange to have someone from the Vulcan High Counsel be nearby to fool any bioscans that the abductors my decide to do" he added.

"Option 2.  We have the fastest ship in the galazy.  We hale the diplomates of the negotion and tell them that we are still on the way.  We turn off the transponder and fly as fast as possible to Vulcan.  As soon as we find my father, we fly to our intended distination in the Gamma quadrant for our meeting.  Hopefully still in time for the meetign, that is" he said.

"Or we use an option that one of you may have thought of.  I am open to suggestion if any of you have any.  Anyone?" he finished.


Inzjana watched the Admiral come in to the room noting the conflict that he must be in right now. Whether to follow orders and go to the negotiations for the new Star Base, or go to Vulcan. This ship was fast enough, but that depended on how soon they had to be in the gamma quadrant as well.

With all due respect Admiral," Inzjana stated, "The logical course of action would be to slipstream to the gamma quadrant for the negotiations as ordered, sir. The needs of the many, out way the needs of the few, or the one." Inzjana said, voicing an old Vulcan proverb. But what she said next, would no doubt shock anyone who knew Vulcans as they are. "But in this case Admiral, I concur with my colleagues. I suggest we go to Vulcan."



[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Kirok listened intently to what his shipmates had to say.  They all made good points.  Especially Judy who reminded him that he was not the only Admiral in Star Fleet.

Too often the half Vulcan had taken on a lot of the duties he could have delegated to others.   Perhaps this was one of those times that delegating might be helpful.  If anything, sending a substitute would help to buy them some time where the negotiation was concerned.

"Very well.  We are heading to Vulcan to save my father.  Give me just a few minutes to find a replacement who can take my place at the negotiation.  One who can at least keep things moving along until we can get there" he said.

And with that, he turned to one of the duty stations and typed in a few commands.  Once he got acknowledgement that a replacement would make way to the Gamma Quadrant to start the negotiations, he turned back to his crew.   "Set course for Vulcan" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Kirok on August 26, 2018, 05:10:18 PM

And with that, he turned to one of the duty stations and typed in a few commands.  Once he got acknowledgement that a replacement would make way to the Gamma Quadrant to start the negotiations, he turned back to his crew.   "Set course for Vulcan" he said.

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

"Course laid in, we'll be there in less time it takes to drink a cup of coffee." The Lirpa once again broke the quantum barrier and slip streamed towards Vulcan at speeds hither to unheard of.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

"Very good, Mr. Grippen.  Please go ahead and take the transponder offline.  I you need assistance with that Mr. Kimball should be able to offer some assistance" Kiork said.

He remained at the duty station.  There was no reason for him to take the central chair at this time.  In fact, it could prove beneficial if he let Judy remain there.

"Everyone else.  Please report in.  Let me know how the ship and the systems are going" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Judith Eastman

It became evident to Judy that the Admiral didn't want the center chair back just yet. Hence, it was hers, at least for now.
The aging Lieutenant sat down in the oh-so-coveted captain's chair (it was really nothing special - her office chair on the Tempest was nicer), and watched as Kirok ordered the rest of the bridge to sound off. She supposed that issuing orders from the back was as legitimate a subtle show of confidence and authority as wearing a floral blouse, and didn't pay much mind to it.
Instead, she began to write a circular to send to all 40 crew, about the change in their mission's nature. A desk would have been nice right now.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



"Science here Admiral," Inzjana said, using the usual sound-off, "sensors are at peak efficiency and the Quantum Slipstream Drive is working within acceptable parameters, sir."


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