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Voyages of the USS Lirpa

Started by Kirok, August 18, 2018, 08:56:10 AM

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Malik Grippen

Quote from: Kirok on September 01, 2018, 09:17:31 PM

"I'm sending coordinates to you, Mr. Grippen.  We might be able to pick up a warp trail from there.

USS Lirpa - Bridge

Malik adjusted their bearing to intercept the transferred coordinates, in high orbit of Vulcan. The mission had suddenly gotten a whole lot more intriguing with the addition of a possible pirate-nebula ship, a famous one at that, a veteran of starfleet's first battle with the Borg. Malik hadn't even been born when that had occured.

Before they had time to plan any further, the little Lirpa arrived at the designated coordinates. "We have arrived, dropping us out of quantum speed." The white tunnelled viewscreen snapped back to the black starfield with a red planet taking up the majority of the field of view, Vulcan.

He awaited the scan for the warp trail and the new coordinates. Their foe had no chance to outrun this ship.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 03, 2018, 04:09:42 PM

USS Lirpa - Bridge

Malik adjusted their bearing to intercept the transferred coordinates, in high orbit of Vulcan. The mission had suddenly gotten a whole lot more intriguing with the addition of a possible pirate-nebula ship, a famous one at that, a veteran of starfleet's first battle with the Borg. Malik hadn't even been born when that had occured.

Before they had time to plan any further, the little Lirpa arrived at the designated coordinates. "We have arrived, dropping us out of quantum speed." The white tunnelled viewscreen snapped back to the black starfield with a red planet taking up the majority of the field of view, Vulcan.


Don had gotten a message. He had opened to read it.


To: All Crew of USS Lirpa
From: Lieutenant Judy Eastman, PhD, D.A, D.H.S, M.S, Ship's Counselor.
Subject: Change in Mission Nature

Due to recent circumstances, our mission has changed. The ship will be heading towards Vulcan to resolve a hostage situation. Our original mission will be fulfilled by an alternative ship and crew.
Further questions may be directed to LEUT Judy Eastman, PhD, D.A, D.H.S, M.S, ship's counselor, by personal mail or face-to-face.

Hostage. Vulcan. This was urgent. He quickly left security and headed to the bridge.


The doors swooshed opened and the security officer briskly walked in. His dark brown eyes caught a female in civilian clothes in the command chair.

What was this? Who was it?

"Pardon me. When do -" He stopped when he caught Admiral Kirok at Security/tech station.

"Admiral!" Don quickly squared his shoulders as he straighten his posture. "Sir...excuse me, but who's that?" He asked. Then it came to him.

He bit his lower lip as he pulled his attention to the Commander counselor person who was not in uniform. Then he turned his attention back to the Admiral. The uniform on the half-Vulcan was screaming Admiral on the bridge.

Judith Eastman

Judy's scan soon revealed a group of individuals, with extensive criminal ties: the Orions, Earth's underworld, several Ferengi thugs, many of whom were rotting away in jail, the works.
One of the men stood out: Michael Marzo, a middle-aged fellow with slicked-back black hair who had been in and out of Federation prisons. Currently, he was out.
Judy was about to report this when the security fellow went onto the bridge.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 03, 2018, 11:15:56 PM


The doors swooshed opened and the security officer briskly walked in. His dark brown eyes caught a female in civilian clothes in the command chair.

What was this? Who was it?

"Pardon me. When do -" He stopped when he caught Admiral Kirok at Security/tech station.

"Admiral!" Don quickly squared his shoulders as he straighten his posture. "Sir...excuse me, but who's that?" He asked. Then it came to him.

He bit his lower lip as he pulled his attention to the Commander counselor person who was not in uniform. Then he turned his attention back to the Admiral. The uniform on the half-Vulcan was screaming Admiral on the bridge.

She was offended at his "who's that" lecture. She had made it a point to meet with every member of the crew, either individually or in a small group, mostly in civilian attire not unlike this.
It was also an egregious violation of protocol on the Ensign's end. As the #2 officer on the bridge, she assessed that it was her job to be the ship's hardass and scold him.
"Ensign, is it correct for me to assume that you wish to move up from that rank?"
While a normal XO would get up and yell at Addams for violating protocol, Judy Eastman was not a normal anything. No, she intended to make a real slow cooker of him, and for that she would first question him slowly, without even turning around to face him.
While waiting for the Ensign to answer, Judy sent a memo to Kirok with her findings.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 03, 2018, 11:57:19 PM

Judy's scan soon revealed a group of individuals, with extensive criminal ties: the Orions, Earth's underworld, several Ferengi thugs, many of whom were rotting away in jail, the works.
One of the men stood out: Michael Marzo, a middle-aged fellow with slicked-back black hair who had been in and out of Federation prisons. Currently, he was out.
Judy was about to report this when the security fellow went onto the bridge.She was offended at his "who's that" lecture. She had made it a point to meet with every member of the crew, either individually or in a small group, mostly in civilian attire not unlike this.
It was also an egregious violation of protocol on the Ensign's end. As the #2 officer on the bridge, she assessed that it was her job to be the ship's hardass and scold him.
"Ensign, is it correct for me to assume that you wish to move up from that rank?"
While a normal XO would get up and yell at Addams for violating protocol, Judy Eastman was not a normal anything. No, she intended to make a real slow cooker of him, and for that she would first question him slowly, without even turning around to face him.
While waiting for the Ensign to answer, Judy sent a memo to Kirok with her findings.


"No, sir, I am planning to move on up," he replied. He held his opinion on how he felt about her dress attire. His opinion it was not part of the ship's uniform. It was Starfleet ship. That should mean Starfleet uniforms on all crew.

He had no problem with Bajorians earrings or people want to wear kilts or skirts or whatever their culture of faith or belief. They have to be Starfleet uniforms with badge and all. Like American flags should be high on the flag pole and not half way up. Pride waving high for what it stands. Starfleet was made of gifted and talented folks of al kinds.

And he be the first one to admit he would be jealous because she can wear what she wants.  It was a human habit to think that way. Jealous was created when you grew up. Especially at child hood.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 04, 2018, 12:20:13 AM


"No, sir, I am planning to move on up," he replied. He held his opinion on how he felt about her dress attire. His opinion it was not part of the ship's uniform. It was Starfleet ship. That should mean Starfleet uniforms on all crew.

He had no problem with Bajorians earrings or people want to wear kilts or skirts or whatever their culture of faith or belief. They have to be Starfleet uniforms with badge and all. Like American flags should be high on the flag pole and not half way up. Pride waving high for what it stands. Starfleet was made of gifted and talented folks of al kinds.

And he be the first one to admit he would be jealous. It was a human habit to think that way. Jealous was created when you grew up. Especially at child hood.

Judy rolled her eyes. It was probably for the better that she had her back turned on Addams, because her low opinion of the bumbling Ensign was plastered across her face.
"Well, Ensign, that would mean yes, not no," she said, in a soft, quiet voice that pulled the listener in to hear it better (unlike a shout, which pushed the listener away).
"Regardless, do you believe your behavior just now is very deserving of ascending above your current rank?"
This was a favorite tactic of Judy's, in all the major roles she had played in life: mother, teacher, and superior officer. By asking the person being scolded to assess their own guilt (when they were guilty), she forced them to either admit it and feel the shame rising in them or, barring that, to defend themselves and waffle into shame. It was such a delightfully effective tool; she loved it!

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



Like a proud mother - Vulcan or otherwise - Inzjana found the Quantum Slipstream Drive was working beyond expectations, despite Starfleet's technological short comings. The new Vulcan computer core actually integrated well with the Sabre Class and given it was three times more efficient and much faster than Federation models, twice its size, Inzjana was on cloud nine, or she would have been if she was not Vulcan.

At a top speed of 2,630,000 times the speed of light, the Lirpa could be anywhere in the United Federation of Planets, in thirty minutes or under. If the QSD was installed on just one or two more Shadow Fleet vessels, they could respond to any crisis in less time than it took to get dressed. By contrast, the Warp Drive's top speed was only 1,000 times the speed of light, or 2.75 light-years per day. No wonder the Federation couldn't wait to install the Quantum Drive as fast as possible.

The first Quantum Slipstream Drive was actually installed on the USS DAUNTLESS, named after the fake one that Voyager first came across the QSD in the first place and they would actually celebrate with the crew, if they could find them.

Once at Slipstream velocity, the Dauntless was never seen again. But seeing as after a tumultuous amount of tests, it was shown that the QSD was not at fault, it was sumized by all involved that the crew had either stolen the prototype, or had otherwise met some form of unknown fate.

All this was going through Inzjana's head as acting Ensign Addams and his constant foot-in-mouth - as humans say - had antagonized yet another superior officer, showing that Addams may yet be the first Starfleet crewmember to be 'spaced' in 300 years.

But having said that, he did have a point, Starfleet regulations stipulate that regardless of shipboard position, all commissioned officers must be in uniform, showing the proper rank pins. After all, the command chair was not just for the ship, but for Starfleet and the Federation in general.

Inzjana shrugged it off as yet another human eccentricity she would never understand and went about her business of manning the sensors and maintaining a vigil on the Quantum Slipstream Drive.


Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 04, 2018, 12:37:51 AM

Judy rolled her eyes. It was probably for the better that she had her back turned on Addams, because her low opinion of the bumbling Ensign was plastered across her face.
"Well, Ensign, that would mean yes, not no," she said, in a soft, quiet voice that pulled the listener in to hear it better (unlike a shout, which pushed the listener away).
"Regardless, do you believe your behavior just now is very deserving of ascending above your current rank?"
This was a favorite tactic of Judy's, in all the major roles she had played in life: mother, teacher, and superior officer. By asking the person being scolded to assess their own guilt (when they were guilty), she forced them to either admit it and feel the shame rising in them or, barring that, to defend themselves and waffle into shame. It was such a delightfully effective tool; she loved it!


Don slowly walked up to the command chair to individual who questioning him. It was like a scolding mother or a cell boss in work camp want to get power over you. What he knows was this. Give them what they want to hear and let them think they won. Cause he was a rebellious boy once. Taking his mother's fighters for joy rides.

He decided to talk at her level but staying at attention. "No sir. I intend to move up rank and sorry for my actions, sir," the he was going to toss something in. "You look beautiful in that outfit." It was the truth, but reality he was giving what she wanted to hear. Maybe compliment was pushing it. On the other hand it was not what he was accustomed.

Then he kept his brown eyes on her waiting for whip of correcting him.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 04, 2018, 08:53:52 AM


Don slowly walked up to the command chair to individual who questioning him. It was like a scolding mother or a cell boss in work camp want to get power over you. What he knows was this. Give them what they want to hear and let them think they won. Cause he was a rebellious boy once. Taking his mother's fighters for joy rides.

He decided to talk at her level but staying at attention. "No sir. I intend to move up rank and sorry for my actions, sir," the he was going to toss something in. "You look beautiful in that outfit." It was the truth, but reality he was giving what she wanted to hear. Maybe compliment was pushing it. On the other hand it was not what he was accustomed.

Then he kept his brown eyes on her waiting for whip of correcting him.

Judy rolled her eyes at the Ensign's severe foot-in-mouth disease. The answer to "do you wish to advance?" is absolutely not "no, I do", and his compliment was just off. Granted, she did look fabulous, and as the ship's counselor she was entitled to do so under the uniform code, but complimenting a senior officer's style was... odd.
"Assume tactical station 2, Ensign," Judy ordered, coming at last to face him and peering over her reading glasses. "And please, it's 'Ma'am', not 'Sir'."
She turned her chair again to face forward, then sent the Ensign to his post with a wave of her hand and a, "that'll be all."
This at last freed her to more important matters, like the helm.
"Mr. Grippen, I want you on high alert. We are outgunned, so we're going to have to outrun them if we are to win any battles."
Playing command was starting to suit Judy, much better than counseling ever did (though it still wasn't as fun as science).

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Don Damien Addams


"Yes ma'am," Don replied. His little mind was trying to go the world of bad thoughts, but he stopped. The one he learn was let things go. Let them as and walk away.

Then he went to the second tactical station which he was next to the admiral. "Admiral," he nodded his head. He decided to focus on his job. It was not worth it. Just serve to his best ability.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 04, 2018, 10:01:49 AM

This at last freed her to more important matters, like the helm.
"Mr. Grippen, I want you on high alert. We are outgunned, so we're going to have to outrun them if we are to win any battles."

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Malik had suppressed a smirk at ensign Addams and Eastman's tête-à-tête, the man had a fine talent for digging himself into exponential-growth-holes. He half turned in his seat at captain Judy's order, "Of course ma'am. I have to say, this ship is really starting to grow on me." He glanced at her floral print for a brief moment. "They won't have a chance to fire on us." He gave her a nod of determination.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 01, 2018, 09:32:43 PM

Since she formally was in charge, Judy felt it right for herself to answer the comm. She also had a couple of ideas for things Engineering should do to make sure they're in ship-shape for whatever could happen.
  =/\= "Excellent," =/\= the middle-aged linguist-turned-counselor-turned-acting-CO answered.   =/\= "And Mr. Kimball, if you could run a diagnostic of the EPS systems, that would be phenomenal."  =/\=
Judy half-expected a space battle to come at some point, which could require them to quickly shift primary and secondary power between ship's systems. Not being the kind to crave death, she wanted to be prepared for that.Then, she took in Kirok's orders, and responded with an acknowledgement of, "yes, Admiral."
She then programmed the ship's computer to scan for people who were sighted boarding the Nebula-class starship, the supposedly mothballed USS Resolute, or leaving any of its recent ports of call on unknown vessels, and to compare that to the list of people sighted around Kirok's father's residence. The scan was expected to take about a minute.
As she waited for the results, Judy tapped her glasses against the base of her thumb to distract herself.


"Ms. Eastman.  When we arrive at our destination.  Please take charge of executing the search for the warp trail and the pursuit of the ship" Kirok said.

He wanted her to start handing down some of the orders.  Specifically to Mr. Grippen in this case.  Should his judgement become clouded the crew would need to rely on her to see them through.  And it was best that they started to
trusting her now.

"A good summary of the history Ms.Venator.  Thank you for the possible upgrades Inzjana.  We are best served expecting that they made all the those upgrade just to be the cautious side" he commented.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 04, 2018, 10:33:08 AM


"Yes ma'am," Don replied. His little mind was trying to go the world of bad thoughts, but he stopped. The one he learn was let things go. Let them as and walk away.

Then he went to the second tactical station which he was next to the admiral. "Admiral," he nodded his head. He decided to focus on his job. It was not worth it. Just serve to his best ability.

"Mr. Addams.  Welcome to the Lirpa.  I'm transfering all Sec/Tac duties to you.  I will be moving to the Medical station off to teh side there" Kirok replied.

The Medical station was outside of the view of the main viewscreen.  The position would serve the half Vulcan best.  At least for the time being.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Judith Eastman

Judy interpreted Kirok's stepping aside as a sign that he wanted her to take the reins. In Judy's own assessment, there was no better-qualified candidate on the bridge. She had the wisdom of her years, the zen necessary to raise well-adjusted kids, the presence and gravitas needed for a leader, and the nerves of steel that a field commander would require. All in all, she thought herself to be extremely capable and qualified.
"Mr. Addams, take us to yellow alert. Stand by on shields," she began ordering, opting for a somewhat louder but equally calm voice as she did. "Ms. Venator, scan for the Resolute. Keep an eye out for anything that seems to dissipate excess power or have poorly-calibrated nacelles. Inzjana, keep an eye on the QSD. It's glitched on us before, and we might just all die if it does so again. Grippen, enter a standard orbit around Vulcan, but stand by to break it based on what Ms. Venator finds. Capisce?"
Judy leaned back just a little and raised her cappuccino up to her lips. If they were to do battle, she needed to be in the zone, and that meant she needed to be caffeinated.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Susan Venator

Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 04, 2018, 07:37:12 PM

Judy interpreted Kirok's stepping aside as a sign that he wanted her to take the reins. In Judy's own assessment, there was no better-qualified candidate on the bridge. She had the wisdom of her years, the zen necessary to raise well-adjusted kids, the presence and gravitas needed for a leader, and the nerves of steel that a field commander would require. All in all, she thought herself to be extremely capable and qualified.
"Mr. Addams, take us to yellow alert. Stand by on shields," she began ordering, opting for a somewhat louder but equally calm voice as she did. "Ms. Venator, scan for the Resolute. Keep an eye out for anything that seems to dissipate excess power or have poorly-calibrated nacelles. Inzjana, keep an eye on the QSD. It's glitched on us before, and we might just all die if it does so again. Grippen, enter a standard orbit around Vulcan, but stand by to break it based on what Ms. Venator finds. Capisce?"
Judy leaned back just a little and raised her cappuccino up to her lips. If they were to do battle, she needed to be in the zone, and that meant she needed to be caffeinated.


Suzie, who had been running scans since they dropped out Slipstream, just gave a nod.

"Yes Ma'am." She replied.

Thankfully the sensor suite had been upgraded as well and thanks to Vulcan's satellite network, she was able to cover the whole system. It didn't take her too long to detect something. Double checking it against the database for a confirmed match, she raised her head and looked at Eastman.

"I'm picking up a signature that matches the Resolute's Warp signature. It's on the far side of the planet, approximately 1,000,000 KM off our starboard bow." She reported. "However, it is not showing any signs that it is poorly maintained. There is no sign of plasma leakage and it's power level is normal for the ship not being at Warp. Whoever is taking care of the ship knows what they are doing!" She added.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Don Damien Addams


"Mr. Addams.  Welcome to the Lirpa.

Don nodded his head to the Admiral. "My pleasure, Admiral," he replied.


I'm transfering all Sec/Tac duties to you.  I will be moving to the Medical station off to teh side there" Kirok replied.

The Medical station was outside of the view of the main viewscreen.  The position would serve the half Vulcan best.  At least for the time being.

The curly haired man watched Kirok walked away. Not good reading half Vulcans but he reckon this new adjustment mission was picking at the Admiral.

"I am all heart there for you, Admiral," he added.

Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 04, 2018, 07:37:12 PM

Judy interpreted Kirok's stepping aside as a sign that he wanted her to take the reins. In Judy's own assessment, there was no better-qualified candidate on the bridge. She had the wisdom of her years, the zen necessary to raise well-adjusted kids, the presence and gravitas needed for a leader, and the nerves of steel that a field commander would require. All in all, she thought herself to be extremely capable and qualified.

The security officer was wondering how Commander took that. Was that a sucker punch or she just accepted it.

"Mr. Addams, take us to yellow alert. Stand by on shields," she began ordering, opting for a somewhat louder but equally calm voice as she did.

"Aye aye, Ma'am," the words tasted sour. There was something about her he did not like. Arrogance perhaps. It could be worse. The whole ship could be her on every station.

He press the yellow alert button. The whole ship lights had a hello dim to it. He was standing by on shields, checking the tactical scans and he was preplanning on steps on firing as needed. Prepare, ready with eyes like an eagle from his point of view of the ship and his patients was like an Wolf  ready to strike its claws and jaws on the enemy; if they strike.


Judy leaned back just a little and raised her cappuccino up to her lips. If they were to do battle, she needed to be in the zone, and that meant she needed to be caffeinated.

Maybe she choke on her coffe or spill it on her. That thought came to him. Thoughts can be like a serpent which strikes out without you seeing it come. That was why the mind was the controller and the tongue was the sword. The tongue was the dangerous weapon that was wielded in any race. Abuse it. You can cause wars or trouble. In his case he made a mistake, but it was an honest one. But once again he had try to push it away.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 04, 2018, 07:37:12 PM

Judy interpreted Kirok's stepping aside as a sign that he wanted her to take the reins. In Judy's own assessment, there was no better-qualified candidate on the bridge. She had the wisdom of her years, the zen necessary to raise well-adjusted kids, the presence and gravitas needed for a leader, and the nerves of steel that a field commander would require. All in all, she thought herself to be extremely capable and qualified.
"Mr. Addams, take us to yellow alert. Stand by on shields," she began ordering, opting for a somewhat louder but equally calm voice as she did. "Ms. Venator, scan for the Resolute. Keep an eye out for anything that seems to dissipate excess power or have poorly-calibrated nacelles. Inzjana, keep an eye on the QSD. It's glitched on us before, and we might just all die if it does so again. Grippen, enter a standard orbit around Vulcan, but stand by to break it based on what Ms. Venator finds. Capisce?"
Judy leaned back just a little and raised her cappuccino up to her lips. If they were to do battle, she needed to be in the zone, and that meant she needed to be caffeinated.

[Bridge - Helm]

Capisce? Was that a question or a statement of some kind? Malik shook his head in confusion. They were about to enter standard orbit when lieutenant Venator chimed in that the Resolute and the supposed kidnappers had been found.

"We are on the opposite side of Vulcan and shielded from their sensors."

Venator's use of the Vulcan sensor network had been a nice touch that had given them an advantage.

He turned to captain floral print. "Shall I intercept, capisce?" It felt like the correct use of the strange new word. Malik beamed with that enthusiastic ensign energy.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

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