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Voyages of the USS Lirpa

Started by Kirok, August 18, 2018, 08:56:10 AM

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Judith Eastman

Quote from: Inzjana on September 13, 2018, 04:07:17 AM


Of course Inzjana couldn't tell anyone at the moment what she had done, as the two captain were in communication with each other still. So Inzjana simply sent another text message to Eastman's console which read:  =/\= They are not going anywhere any time soon captain.  =/\= And left it at that.

Inzjana was bemused though at Marzo's reference to being 'paid'. After all, even humans, after their world war III had come to an end had gotten their act together and had gotten rid of two of the three main evils plaguing civilization; Economics and Religion.

But like any utopian society there would still be those who wanted to go back to the old ways, of the acquisition of wealth and believing in a deity, just to make them feel good about themselves and powerful once again. These people, thankfully few in number, always turn to a life of crime such as joining the Orion Syndicate or some other such organization that used a societies primitive need for economics against them.

After finishing what she was doing, Inzjana swivelled in her chair to face the viewscreen and monitor the situation from a visual standpoint, after all, there might be something else she could think of to do, to make life easier for the admiral and bring his family member home.


Judy shot a glance at her console to read Inzjana's message. Telling the scientist to be less of a pessimist seemed rather futile, so Judy did not. Instead, she focused on Marzo.

Quote from: Kirok on September 13, 2018, 05:02:08 PM

[USS Resolute - NPC Marzo]

Marzo looked around him.  Things seemed to be happening that he had not ordered or requeted.  "Ok.  We give.  We'll sent him over in a shuttle unharmed" Marzo said.

Marzo seemed finally willing to surrender; so much for the naysayers! However, he was trying to worm out with a partial surrender, which wasn't going to work. Kirok had demanded information about whoever hired these loons, and Judy intended to get it.

"Don't forget that information we asked for, about whoever was willing to pay you," she said while sitting down in the center chair. "Until you transmit that to us, I can't let you leave."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



Inzjana noticed that the stand off seemed to be going their way, so she turned back to her console and prepared a program that by touching one particular icon would revert all the alterations she made to the Resolute. Although part of her was interested in seeing what would actually happen if her alterations stayed in place, the more peaceful logical and IDIC side of her personality had decided that that just would not be the proper thing to do. Despite the entertainment factor involved.



Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 14, 2018, 07:20:13 PM


Judy shot a glance at her console to read Inzjana's message. Telling the scientist to be less of a pessimist seemed rather futile, so Judy did not. Instead, she focused on Marzo.
Marzo seemed finally willing to surrender; so much for the naysayers! However, he was trying to worm out with a partial surrender, which wasn't going to work. Kirok had demanded information about whoever hired these loons, and Judy intended to get it.

"Don't forget that information we asked for, about whoever was willing to pay you," she said while sitting down in the center chair. "Until you transmit that to us, I can't let you leave."

[USS Resolute - NPC Marzo]

"I heard you" Marzo replied.  He lowed the knife and holstered it.  "Take this man to a shuttle and put him on it.  Make sure he is alone and unharmed" he ordered.

One of his men came to his side and collected Kirok's dad.  He lead him away and threw a door.  A minute later Marzo control's buzzed.  "Ok, he is leaving the hanger now.  After he is there, I will give you the name" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Kirok on September 15, 2018, 03:35:54 PM

[USS Resolute - NPC Marzo]

"I heard you" Marzo replied.  He lowed the knife and holstered it.  "Take this man to a shuttle and put him on it.  Make sure he is alone and unharmed" he ordered.

One of his men came to his side and collected Kirok's dad.  He lead him away and threw a door.  A minute later Marzo control's buzzed.  "Ok, he is leaving the hanger now.  After he is there, I will give you the name" he said.


This stalling wasn't acceptable to Judy. Stalling was a tactic of showing strength, and she wasn't willing to let these goons keep any strength or dignity.
"Do it now," she ordered from her chair. "Do it now. You're wasting your own time, so do it now."

Judy Eastman was not a woman to be trifled with. When she wanted something done, it had better get done promptly. Hopefully, Marzo was smart enough to see that and do it now.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Susan Venator


Suzie was keeping an eye on the situation and immediately noticed that a shuttle had been launched.

"The Resolute has launched a shuttle Admiral." She reported. "It is heading straight for us with one life form aboard. Should I tractor it into the shuttle bay?" She enquired.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Susan Venator on September 17, 2018, 02:42:04 AM


Suzie was keeping an eye on the situation and immediately noticed that a shuttle had been launched.

"The Resolute has launched a shuttle Admiral." She reported. "It is heading straight for us with one life form aboard. Should I tractor it into the shuttle bay?" She enquired.

[Lirpa Bridge]

Kirok was relieved to hear the news.  But he knew that any number of things could still go wrong.   "Yes, if you please" he replied with just a sense of urgency in his voice.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams



Don text to the Admiral and Head cheese woman, advise do not let them go to easy, we need to be sure the shuttle is not trap. We need to be sure Kirok's father is in good health. All precautions please. Even test his blood sample if a changing is involved.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Susan Venator on September 17, 2018, 02:42:04 AM


Suzie was keeping an eye on the situation and immediately noticed that a shuttle had been launched.

"The Resolute has launched a shuttle Admiral." She reported. "It is heading straight for us with one life form aboard. Should I tractor it into the shuttle bay?" She enquired.

Even as Marzo refused to talk, he seemed to act. That was good.

Quote from: Kirok on September 17, 2018, 06:46:41 PM

[Lirpa Bridge]

Kirok was relieved to hear the news.  But he knew that any number of things could still go wrong.   "Yes, if you please" he replied with just a sense of urgency in his voice.

Quote from: Kirok on September 17, 2018, 06:46:41 PM

[Lirpa Bridge]

Kirok was relieved to hear the news.  But he knew that any number of things could still go wrong.   "Yes, if you please" he replied with just a sense of urgency in his voice.

Kirok had stepped back in. Did he feel able to calmly handle the situation, or was he too emotional to stay on the side? Judy didn't know, and she was concerned. She needed to make sure the crew didn't forget the Chain of Command, on all its links.
"Yes, Ms. Venator, go ahead and do it now," she ordered. The "now" was a seamless part of the sentence, not emphasized at all, to signal urgency without frustration.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 17, 2018, 09:27:49 PM


Don text to the Admiral and Head cheese woman, advise do not let them go to easy, we need to be sure the shuttle is not trap. We need to be sure Kirok's father is in good health. All precautions please. Even test his blood sample if a changing is involved.

Enter Addams, with his foot in mouth disease. Even over text, the man didn't articulate well.
"Mr. Addams, please continue to focus on defensive measures," she ordered, a semi-respectful way of saying, "stay in your lane".
Judy frankly dismissed Addams' intellect entirely, but she damn well tried not to let it show. She also tried to keep him focused on one thing, which she thought he could (mostly) handle.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



"I am monitoring the situation Captain...sensors indicate that there is one life sign on board and is Vulcan. The shuttle does not appear to be tampered with in any emissions are within normal parameters for that design and age," Inzjana said, remaining glued to the sensor readouts as she spoke.


Malik Grippen

[Bridge - Helm]

Malik maintained their position a safe distance away from the Resolute and monitored the shuttle's arrival. He wondered whether the admiral would send an escort to greet the new arrival. Without further to do, Malik simply continued to monitor the situation and await further instructions. He wondered what they would do with the Resolute once the admiral's father was onboard, if it even was him and not a vulcan shaped bomb.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


[USS Lirpa]

The shuttle arrived safely to the ship.  There were no traps.  -A- Docking bay to Bridge.  Kirok's father appears to be in good condition -A- someone reported.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[USS Lirpa]

Kirok released the breath that he had been holding these last few moments.  His hand itched to answer the hale, but he knew that his father would overhear it - and judge him later for it.  So he sublimated his desire to do so and waited for someone else to answer the hale.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Inzjana on September 18, 2018, 04:25:07 AM


"I am monitoring the situation Captain...sensors indicate that there is one life sign on board and is Vulcan. The shuttle does not appear to be tampered with in any emissions are within normal parameters for that design and age," Inzjana said, remaining glued to the sensor readouts as she spoke.


"Wonderful," Judy exclaimed, glad that the silly allegations of foul play from their resigned foes were dismissed once and for all. "Keep up the good work."

The half-Vulcan probably didn't care for compliments, but Judy had to redeem her image vis-a-vis her other subordinates, not to mention Kirok, somehow.

Quote from: Kirok on September 18, 2018, 05:55:15 PM

[USS Lirpa]

The shuttle arrived safely to the ship.  There were no traps.  -A- Docking bay to Bridge.  Kirok's father appears to be in good condition -A- someone reported.

As the woman in the big chair, Judy took the hail.

=/\= "Eastman here. I'd like a quick checkup of him in sickbay. Let me know when he wishes to meet with the Admiral, or to discuss our next steps."  =/\=

Then, Judy turned back to Marzo on the viewscreen.

"Pal, the information we demanded. Send it now."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 19, 2018, 05:46:55 PM


"Wonderful," Judy exclaimed, glad that the silly allegations of foul play from their resigned foes were dismissed once and for all. "Keep up the good work."

The half-Vulcan probably didn't care for compliments, but Judy had to redeem her image vis-a-vis her other subordinates, not to mention Kirok, somehow.

As the woman in the big chair, Judy took the hail.

=/\= "Eastman here. I'd like a quick checkup of him in sickbay. Let me know when he wishes to meet with the Admiral, or to discuss our next steps."  =/\=

Then, Judy turned back to Marzo on the viewscreen.

"Pal, the information we demanded. Send it now."

[Resolute - NPC]

Marzo frowned and looked down.  He was out of time.  "It's Chief Overseer Alitnar" he said.  "Now can we go?" he asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



EQ was in between dispatching repair teams when his data padd rang.  He pulled it from his holster and read the message that awaited.  "The Katra" he thought absently as he returned the padd to it's home.

Kimball had bounced around from ship to ship as needed.  He was an enlisted guy and did not complain.  But he was kinda happy about the prospect of serving on one place for a few months - even lookng forward to it.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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