Mission 7: Justice for Tarna

Started by Kirok, October 14, 2016, 06:20:10 PM

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Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 19, 2016, 01:31:39 PM

Bridge - NPC Eve

"And the same to you" Eve replied with a warm smile that reached her eyes.  "I'm sure we are going to be great friends.  You know, if we all survive this" she joked.

She held up a finger for just a moment of silence.  =/\=Eve to Engineering.  We need full power.  I will remain on the Bridge.  Report any problems to me immediately.  Eve out =/\= she said after tapping her combadge and then dropped the silencing finger.


Katcha nodded at the comment. For despite the humorous nature of the statement, they were in very serious situation.

"Im sue ve vill vork vell togezzer." She replied before turning to Marshall.

"Please can you confirm ven Mr Buris has left ze ship so ve can prepare for departure." She said.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 19, 2016, 03:55:22 PM


Katcha nodded at the comment. For despite the humorous nature of the statement, they were in very serious situation.

"Im sue ve vill vork vell togezzer." She replied before turning to Marshall.

"Please can you confirm ven Mr Buris has left ze ship so ve can prepare for departure." She said.

[Bridge - NPC Eve]

"I think so too" Eve replied sincerely.  "I love your accent.  Where's it from" she said as she turned to her duty station to check something.  It only took her a second and then her attention was back on Filitov.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 19, 2016, 09:33:47 PM

[Bridge - NPC Eve]

"I think so too" Eve replied sincerely.  "I love your accent.  Where's it from" she said as she turned to her duty station to check something.  It only took her a second and then her attention was back on Filitov.


Katcha looked at Eve in some surprise. She had never been asked that question before.

"I vos born and grew up in St Petersburg, vich is in Russia on Earth." She replied. Everyone she had ever spoken to had either known she was Russian or had not said anything. It was refreshing to be asked.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan



Quote from: Kirok on October 19, 2016, 01:31:39 PM



"Thank you, Ezac.  If you could start by shifting power to warp and navigation that would be great.  Once that is done, please start reviewing Mr. Buris' logs.  I want to know if there that sticks out as odd given that he was prepared enough to bring a phaser to a conference room" he ordered.

Then he turned to Mr. Marshall.  "You have the Sec/Tac station and are hereby promoted to Acting Assistant Chief.  We will need weapons at the ready" he said.

"Will do, Admiral," Ezac replied in response to Kirok's directive.

Ezac promptly made his way to the Operations console and took a seat. He had little experience working with a ship's power, but with a little careful exploration, he was able to figure out how to direct power to and from various systems within the ship. He shifted power to warp and navigation, as requested, and began looking into Buris' logs.

"Admiral Kirok, I have shifted the power as you have requested."

Never turn your back on a Breen.



Once the meeting was dismissed, Kintiss returned to Sickbay, silently fuming. It was clear to him that the Captain was never going to listen to reason. All the more reason to take action before he did something drastic. He gave his team a brief word to prepare for general injured, got a Raktajino from the replicator and then locked himself in his office.

The Raktajino helped calm his nerves as he mulled over the options available to him. Either way, he'd end up with a black mark on his record, which would do him no good. Yet for the good of the Federation, and the hopes of avoiding a civil war, something had to be done.

And the first step was warning someone.

"Computer, ssssend the following messsssage on the encrypted medical channel," Kintiss said as he finished the Raktajino. It was the only way he could be sure that none of the command crew, even the Captain, would know what he was up to. "To any Federation admiral lisssstening, thisssss issss CMO Kintisssss of the USS Phoenix. Our Captain hassss gone againssst protocol and issss heading to Tarna with intent of uncovering what he believessss issss a Federation consssspiracy. I can only hope thissss reachessss anyone in time. Kintissss out." He signed off and sent the message quickly, silently praying that someone would hear. A nearby ship, Starfleet Command, Intelligence, anyone. He was even willing to take help from Section 31, whatever that actually was.

He also prayed for forgiveness for what he had to do next.


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 20, 2016, 12:31:40 AM


Katcha looked at Eve in some surprise. She had never been asked that question before.

"I vos born and grew up in St Petersburg, vich is in Russia on Earth." She replied. Everyone she had ever spoken to had either known she was Russian or had not said anything. It was refreshing to be asked.

[Bridge - NPC Eve]

"St Petersburg.  You'll have to tell me all about it sometime" the almost human hologram replied sweetly.  A chime sounded on her board.  "Admiral, engines are ready" she called out.

Quote from: Ezac on October 20, 2016, 04:20:47 AM


"Will do, Admiral," Ezac replied in response to Kirok's directive.

Ezac promptly made his way to the Operations console and took a seat. He had little experience working with a ship's power, but with a little careful exploration, he was able to figure out how to direct power to and from various systems within the ship. He shifted power to warp and navigation, as requested, and began looking into Buris' logs.

"Admiral Kirok, I have shifted the power as you have requested."


"Thank you Ezac" Kirok said.  "Beggon, take us out" he said.  He moved to his central seat.

Quote from: Kintiss on October 20, 2016, 10:51:16 AM


Once the meeting was dismissed, Kintiss returned to Sickbay, silently fuming. It was clear to him that the Captain was never going to listen to reason. All the more reason to take action before he did something drastic. He gave his team a brief word to prepare for general injured, got a Raktajino from the replicator and then locked himself in his office.

The Raktajino helped calm his nerves as he mulled over the options available to him. Either way, he'd end up with a black mark on his record, which would do him no good. Yet for the good of the Federation, and the hopes of avoiding a civil war, something had to be done.

And the first step was warning someone.

Á,"œComputer, ssssend the following messsssage on the encrypted medical channel,Á," Kintiss said as he finished the Raktajino. It was the only way he could be sure that none of the command crew, even the Captain, would know what he was up to. Á,"œTo any Federation admiral lisssstening, thisssss issss CMO Kintisssss of the USS Phoenix. Our Captain hassss gone againssst protocol and issss heading to Tarna with intent of uncovering what he believessss issss a Federation consssspiracy. I can only hope thissss reachessss anyone in time. Kintissss out.Á," He signed off and sent the message quickly, silently praying that someone would hear. A nearby ship, Starfleet Command, Intelligence, anyone. He was even willing to take help from Section 31, whatever that actually was.

He also prayed for forgiveness for what he had to do next.

[Space near the Phoenix]

As is they were waiting for a signal from someone, a small ship literally appeared out of no where.  It would have not shown up on any previous scans.  Because, it had only arrived in the area one second after the message was sent.

The Wells class ship fired on the Phoenix.  She shook violently.  The they fired another volley of torpedoes.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 20, 2016, 01:52:26 PM

[Bridge - NPC Eve]

"St Petersburg.  You'll have to tell me all about it sometime" the almost human hologram replied sweetly.  A chime sounded on her board.  "Admiral, engines are ready" she called out.


"Thank you Ezac" Kirok said.  "Beggon, take us out" he said.  He moved to his central seat.

[Space near the Phoenix]

As is they were waiting for a signal from someone, a small ship literally appeared out of no where.  It would have not shown up on any previous scans.  Because, it had only arrived in the area one second after the message was sent.

The Wells class ship fired on the Phoenix.  She shook violently.  The they fired another volley of torpedoes.


Before Katcha had had a response, a ship appeared as if from nowhere and opened fire. The Phoenix shook as the she was hit by both phaser fire and torpedoes. She picked herself up from where she had been thrown to the floor and reacted entirely on both her helm and combat trained instincts.

"Helm, initiate evasive pattern Delta 4. Mr Marshall, raise shields, target the aggressor and prepare to return fire. Mr Ezac, do ve have any idea vot is firing on us and vere zey came from?" She ordered.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 20, 2016, 05:43:44 PM


Before Katcha had had a response, a ship appeared as if from nowhere and opened fire. The Phoenix shook as the she was hit by both phaser fire and torpedoes. She picked herself up from where she had been thrown to the floor and reacted entirely on both her helm and combat trained instincts.

"Helm, initiate evasive pattern Delta 4. Mr Marshall, raise shields, target the aggressor and prepare to return fire. Mr Ezac, do ve have any idea vot is firing on us and vere zey came from?" She ordered.


"Belay all those orders except the request for shields.  Helm jump to warp.  Ezac, we need damage reports" Kirok said from the central chair.  "Aye, Sir" came the response from Beggon and then the ship jumped to warp.

"That is a Wells class ship.  A time machine of sorts.  If I had to guess I would say members of Section 31 are on it" the half Vulcan said.

"It is unlikely that we can beat them in a fire fight without more information.  Getting distance between us and them will buy us some time.  Can you work with Eve to get us a tactical analysis of the vessel?  I need to know of any weakness we can potentially exploit" he said to Ms. Filitov.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 20, 2016, 06:59:47 PM


"Belay all those orders except the request for shields.  Helm jump to warp.  Ezac, we need damage reports" Kirok said from the central chair.  "Aye, Sir" came the response from Beggon and then the ship jumped to warp.

"That is a Wells class ship.  A time machine of sorts.  If I had to guess I would say members of Section 31 are on it" the half Vulcan said.

"It is unlikely that we can beat them in a fire fight without more information.  Getting distance between us and them will buy us some time.  Can you work with Eve to get us a tactical analysis of the vessel?  I need to know of any weakness we can potentially exploit" he said to Ms. Filitov.


Katcha nodded but looked narrowly at the Admiral wondering how he knew this without any reports from Tactical or Ops.

"Da Admiral." She replied, knowing her questions would wait.

She went over to one of the Auxiliary consoles and ran a search for a Wells class. The Database had very little on the class as most of it was classified higher than her clearance. She turned to Eve.

"Can you get any more information on zis ship?" She asked.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 20, 2016, 07:44:55 PM


Katcha nodded but looked narrowly at the Admiral wondering how he knew this without any reports from Tactical or Ops.

"Da Admiral." She replied, knowing her questions would wait.

She went over to one of the Auxiliary consoles and ran a search for a Wells class. The Database had very little on the class as most of it was classified higher than her clearance. She turned to Eve.

"Can you get any more information on zis ship?" She asked.

Bridge - NPC Eve/Beggon

"But of course" Eve replied as she offered the woman a light wink.  She loved knowing something that one of her ship mates didn't.  It made her feel valuable and more human in a way.

"Come here" the hologram said as she turned back to her duty station and started typing on the monitor.  Some data arrived on her monitor.  "We have had a few encounters with this type of ship over the years" she said a bit more quietly.

"The time drive is typically run by chroniton or tachyon energy - rarely both.  Disrupt the energy you disrupt the ships ability to time travel.  The deflector shield could be made to do that, but someone will have to do it manually - for outside the ship" she said.

"We are at max warp, Captain" Beggon called out from the helm.  "ETA is 1 hour if we go around the ion storm up ahead.  Thirty minutes if we go threw" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 21, 2016, 01:57:09 PM

Bridge - NPC Eve/Beggon

"But of course" Eve replied as she offered the woman a light wink.  She loved knowing something that one of her ship mates didn't.  It made her feel valuable and more human in a way.

"Come here" the hologram said as she turned back to her duty station and started typing on the monitor.  Some data arrived on her monitor.  "We have had a few encounters with this type of ship over the years" she said a bit more quietly.

"The time drive is typically run by chroniton or tachyon energy - rarely both.  Disrupt the energy you disrupt the ships ability to time travel.  The deflector shield could be made to do that, but someone will have to do it manually - for outside the ship" she said.

"We are at max warp, Captain" Beggon called out from the helm.  "ETA is 1 hour if we go around the ion storm up ahead.  Thirty minutes if we go threw" he added.


Katcha nodded as she thought.

"It is a good plan, from my engineering courses It takes different types of energy to disrupt  Chroniton and Tachyon types of energy. It vould require several hours to reconfigure ze deflector dish for either." She replied before turning to Ezac. "Are zere any readings on vich type of energy it vos using?" She asked the Breen before turning to the Helm.

"Take us round ze ion storm. Ze damage ve would suffer vould impede our chances of repairing ze damage caused in ze attack and may cause problems for ze next encounter." She said to Beggon before turning to the Admiral.

"How did zis ship know to attack us now?" She asked. "Ve need to check for signals zat vere sent as somezing tipped ze ship off." She said, wondering who on board had attempted to kill off their shipmates.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 21, 2016, 05:33:02 PM


Katcha nodded as she thought.

"It is a good plan, from my engineering courses It takes different types of energy to disrupt  Chroniton and Tachyon types of energy. It vould require several hours to reconfigure ze deflector dish for either." She replied before turning to Ezac. "Are zere any readings on vich type of energy it vos using?" She asked the Breen before turning to the Helm.

"Take us round ze ion storm. Ze damage ve would suffer vould impede our chances of repairing ze damage caused in ze attack and may cause problems for ze next encounter." She said to Beggon before turning to the Admiral.

"How did zis ship know to attack us now?" She asked. "Ve need to check for signals zat vere sent as somezing tipped ze ship off." She said, wondering who on board had attempted to kill off their shipmates.


Kirok considered the advice Filitov had given.  It was the wise thing to do.  The logical thing to do.

But when one was dealing with a time traveler as an enemy, one often to do the exact opposite of what has logical.  And thus predicable or easily predetermined.  It was possibly their only way of winning.

"No, go threw the ion storm" Kirok said.  "And collect as much ion energy as we can when we are in it's center.  It may prove to be beneficial later" the half Vulcan added.

Casualty reports and damage reports stared coming in.  At least 5 people had died in the Senior Officers quarters.  Over 20 injuries reported.

"It is a question well worth investigation.  I can give you access to the ship logs if you want to volunteer for the job" Kirok offered.  He tapped a few button on his seat console which increased Filitov's access.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 21, 2016, 08:22:14 PM


Kirok considered the advice Filitov had given.  It was the wise thing to do.  The logical thing to do.

But when one was dealing with a time traveler as an enemy, one often to do the exact opposite of what has logical.  And thus predicable or easily predetermined.  It was possibly their only way of winning.

"No, go threw the ion storm" Kirok said.  "And collect as much ion energy as we can when we are in it's center.  It may prove to be beneficial later" the half Vulcan added.

Casualty reports and damage reports stared coming in.  At least 5 people had died in the Senior Officers quarters.  Over 20 injuries reported.

"It is a question well worth investigation.  I can give you access to the ship logs if you want to volunteer for the job" Kirok offered.  He tapped a few button on his seat console which increased Filitov's access.


Katcha nodded, not liking that they were going through the storm but understanding the Admiral's reasons for doing the unexpected.

"Zank you Admiral." She replied, going back to the console and began to review the communication logs. She frowned and looked back at Kirok.

"Shortly before ze attack zere vos an encrypted transmission sent on a medical frequency. I cannot see vot was sent but it originated in sickbay." She went over to the Admiral and lowered her voice. "I vould hypothesize zat ze Doctor has acted on his misgivings and sent a message out. I doubt he vould have known about ze attack ozzervise he vould have left ze ship too." She said, looking back at Kirok, hoping he would lock the Doctor up for his action and for lying about it.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 21, 2016, 08:53:24 PM


Katcha nodded, not liking that they were going through the storm but understanding the Admiral's reasons for doing the unexpected.

"Zank you Admiral." She replied, going back to the console and began to review the communication logs. She frowned and looked back at Kirok.

"Shortly before ze attack zere vos an encrypted transmission sent on a medical frequency. I cannot see vot was sent but it originated in sickbay." She went over to the Admiral and lowered her voice. "I vould hypothesize zat ze Doctor has acted on his misgivings and sent a message out. I doubt he vould have known about ze attack ozzervise he vould have left ze ship too." She said, looking back at Kirok, hoping he would lock the Doctor up for his action and for lying about it.


Kirok took a deep breath.  It was unsettling to think that someone on the ship may have alerted Section 31 of their mission, event indirectly.  But the evidence seemed to indicated otherwise.

"You may be correct, but we will need a formal investigation before we can take any action.  Let's restrict her access to off ship communication for the time being.  And inform her that she has patients who will be reporting into her soon, it they have not already" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 21, 2016, 09:45:14 PM


Kirok took a deep breath.  It was unsettling to think that someone on the ship may have alerted Section 31 of their mission, event indirectly.  But the evidence seemed to indicated otherwise.

"You may be correct, but we will need a formal investigation before we can take any action.  Let's restrict her access to off ship communication for the time being.  And inform her that she has patients who will be reporting into her soon, it they have not already" he said.


Katcha nodded in agreement. They needed evidence to prove her suspicions and questions would have to be asked.

"Da Admiral." She replied before tapping her com-badge.

=/\=Bridge to Sickbay. Ve have multiple casualties from ze recent attack. Please prepare to receive vounded.=/\=

Then she went over to the console, and manually locked Doctor Kintiss out of all external communications, both subspace and short range. She then looked back at the Admiral.

"It is done." She said.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

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