Mission 7: Justice for Tarna

Started by Kirok, October 14, 2016, 06:20:10 PM

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Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 27, 2016, 09:57:04 PM


Kirok was getting the same readings.  It was proof positive that Section 31 had been responsible to the massacre here.  He took a sample of the soil as evidence that he could point to later.

As he stood back up, he was prepared to reply to the hale from Filitov.  Before he was able to do so, however.  Another message came threw.

=/\=Eve to Away Team.  We are being attacked by the Wells class ship.  I've been able to confirm the identity of a member of Section 31 on the ship and=/\= came the hale before it ended.

Then overhead the loudest explosion could be heard.  Fire and metal began to rain down on the Away Team.  The Phoenix had been destroyed.


Katcha looked up at the explosion. It could only have been the Phoenix as a matter/antimatter explosion had a distinctive sound. She immediately turned and ran to the runabout. She was soon inside and began the powerup sequence. She then activated the com-system.

=/\=Filitov to ze avay team. Ze runabout is ready to launch, please return to ze ship, ve must ewacuate.=/\= She said, using the scanners to search for any lifesigns in the debris. There were none, though there was a substantial amount of interference.

Katcha then tired to access the Starfleet subspace net, but due to the interference they were cut off. They would have to get back to space and maybe deploy a relay buoy. She hoped that whoever attacked and destroyed the Phoenix, had not hung around. As, even with the higher speed of the Runabout, they were no match for a starship.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

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