Season 1 Missions

Started by Archangel Koris, May 31, 2016, 11:54:47 PM

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Archangel Koris

USS Phoenix
Season One (2393)
Mission 1 : Andromeda  May 8th 2016 Á¢â,¬"œ June 1st 2016

While assigned to observe the formation of a stellar nursery, the Phoenix receives a partial distress call from the USS Discovery.  When they arrive at the location of the distress call, the find the other ship flying, apparently willingly, into the system's sun.  It's a race against time and a fight against themselves to save both the Discovery and the Phoenix.
There is only one goal: to please the Voice of Kazidra.

Mission 2 : Gremlins  June 1  Á¢â,¬"œ July 1, 2016

After finishing repairs at Starbase Columbus, the Phoenix heads out to patrol along the edge of the Neutral Zone between the Federation and the Star Empire.  Engineering reports a few minor bugs in the shield grids and begin repairs.  However, the shield grid is simply the first snowflake in an avalanche of problems as the gremlins jump from system to system, an irritance to begin with, but what would happen if any of the vital systems were to be affected?

Mission 3 : No Good Deed   July 2 Á¢â,¬"œ August 2, 2016
[Original Author Á¢â,¬"œ Jiseth]

The Phoenix has been assigned to carry relief supplies to a colony on the outskirts of the Federation suffering from an unknown plague that seems to affect any non-human individual.  The few humans of the multi-cultural colony are struggling to cope with the ill.  Upon further study, it becomes clear that the plague is not of natural origin, at the same time as the Phoenix finds itself under fire.

Mission 4: The Spider's Web  August 2 - August 31, 2016

A Starfleet vessel believed to have been destroyed had been found, and the Phoenix sent to investigate.  The coordinates given lead them to an asteroid field, where the ship is a drifting derelict, stripped of everything useful.  The question is, what happened to it?

Mission 5 : Two Faces   September 1 - September 30, 2016

Dispatched to provide the last report concerning the entry of the colony planet of Arboria into the Federation, the crew of the Phoenix find an idyllic society, a prime example of the image the Federation strives to project.  Could this planet be as good as it seems, or are there darker secrets lingering beneath the surface?

Mission 6 : Flight of the Freighter  October 1 - October 14, 2016

[Original Author Á¢â,¬"œ Dylan Torngate]

Upon picking up a distress call from a freighter, the Phoenix moves in to render assistance, finding the vessel struggling to pull itself out of the event horizon of a collapsing star.  An away team is beamed over to treat injured crew and repair damage to the ship, but what they find is far more complicated than anticipated.

Mission 7: Justice For Tarna  October 14 - October 27, 2016
After investigating the report that Section 31 had a hand in the carnage on Tarna, Kirok and his crew travel to the Bajoran colony to uncover the final piece of evidence to prove Section 31's involvement in inciting the war between Bajor and Cardassia Prime.  Sadly, some of last members of the secret intelligence group learned of his mission and lay in wait to prevent the truth from coming out.
Mission 8: Panic in Paradise
[Original Author Á¢â,¬"œ Gabriel Arthur]

Nimbus III - the Planet of Galactic Peace, an unprecedented show of cooperation between the Federation and the Klingon and Romulan Empires...fallow for a century, a grim and desolate reminder of the failure of hope, forgotten in the corner of all three galactic powers' space.  Until a rich dilithium deposit is discovered there, however.  Now the Federation has returned in full force to Nimbus III, redoubling the colonization effort that was all but forgotten during the Dominion War, but they're not the only ones.  It's open season in the intergalactic Wild West, and the outcome of one aid mission may have repercussions for years to come.

Mission 9: Omega Objective
[Original Author Á¢â,¬"œ Dylan Torngate]

An unknown object starts to track the Phoenix, its emergency transmission identifying it as a Starfleet probe lost many years prior.  When in range of the ship, it immediately begins to upload its files to the Phoenix's computer core, locking out every console on the ship and displaying a single omega symbol.

Mission 10: Best Kind of Diplomacy

A diplomatic meeting goes horrifically wrong, leading to the capture and imprisonment of the Phoenix's command team while the planet's defence force launches an attack on the Phoenix.  It's up to the crew to call the shots, keep the ship safe and try to rescue the command officers.

Mission 11: VivÁƒÂ  la RevoluciÁƒ³n
[Original Author Á¢â,¬"œ James A. Hawke]

Orders come through from Starfleet Command for the crew of the Phoenix to stage an internal Á¢â,¬Ëœwar game':  The First Officer is to form a team from members of the crew and lead a simulated mutiny against the captain.  Unusual, certainly, but orders are orders and safeguards are put in to place to prevent injury and death.
Starfleet may be watching closely, but are they the only ones?

If you have any suggestions for missions for the Phoenix's second season, please submit them to the CO or XO.

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