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USS Phoenix News and Announcements

Started by Archangel Koris, May 07, 2016, 02:42:48 AM

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Archangel Koris

USS Phoenix News and Announcements
Welcome to the USS Phoenix, the newest ship to grace Shadow Fleet's docks following a merger with another Fleet as we work to combine our talents and move forward with our stories.  For those of you unfamiliar with her, the Phoenix is a proving ground, taking in the misfits and outcasts from across the Fleet and giving them all a chance to shine anew.

Stand by for incoming announcements. 

Archangel Koris


Ladies, gentlemen and variations thereof,

In order to facilitate dialogue between the player base and those who run the site, we are re-implementing the concept of the Shadow Fleet Council.  This will be composed of 2 elected representatives from each ship.  The role of these representatives is to present ideas, concerns and represent the player's interests in the running of the site.

In order to keep things as fair as possible, while one representative may be a command level officer (captain, first officer or second officer), CLOs may only occupy one of the two slots should the crew wish them to represent the ship.

This is a PLAYER position, rather than a character one, meaning that you can only represent one ship, even if you have characters on other ships.

If you are interested in becoming a representative of the Phoenix, please notify both myself and Commander Rellek by PM before Monday 6th of June.  On Monday, a poll will be put up and run for 3 days with the candidates for the crew to vote on!


Archangel Koris

Ladies, Gentlemen and Variations thereof,

We have a couple of new players joining us:  Crewman Steve Rogers, who is currently undergoing his medical OTC, Crewman Rocky Zek who will be joining the Engineering department, and finally, the return of Lieutenant JG John Harriman to the security and tactical department.

Welcome to all of you!

Archangel Koris

Ladies, Gentlemen and Variations thereof,

After working out the bug in the system, we are now going to proceed to taking in applications for the position of ship representative!

Ship Representatives:
- This is a PLAYER position.
- There will be one Representative per ship.
- These players are the voice of the crew to the administrative staff.  While the admins remain open to you coming straight to us, having the representatives allows you a degree of anonymity should you wish.
- There will be a meeting once a month to discuss concerns and ideas.

Any player (outwith admins), who has a character on the ship in question, may submit their candidacy to their commanding officer to be put to a vote.  HOWEVER you can only put your name down for ONE ship, no matter how many characters you have.  If it is found that you have submitted an application to more than one ship, all applications will be pulled.

If you are interested in taking on this position, please let either myself of Commander Rellek know!



I have some exciting news to share.

We are bringing back the POTM (Post of the Month) Award this month!

So, as you see a great post, please be sure to PM it to Archangel, Ms. Rellek, and myself.

Each SIMM will send in one nomination and a winner will be chose from that group.

The winner will receive the POTM Award and the recognition that goes with it!

In addition to the POTM Award, you are also eligible to receive the 'Spread the Word' Award if you bring a new player to Shadow Fleet this month.

Good luck to you all,


PS - If you have not yet seen the 'Let's Celebrate' thread in Ten Forward, please check it out.  It is a great way to recognize people for the great things they have done, to remissness about a great mission for the past, or the achievements of the site in general.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Archangel Koris

Ladies, gentlemen and variations thereof,

Please welcome Ensign Klabax Cottle to the medical department!

We wish him the best of luck, and hope he doesn't get offended by the number of crewmembers who actively avoid sickbay!

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 04, 2016, 10:56:58 PM

Ladies, gentlemen and variations thereof,

Please welcome Ensign Klabax Cottle to the medical department!

We wish him the best of luck, and hope he doesn't get offended by the number of crewmembers who actively avoid sickbay!

That name's a hell of a mouthful...but welcome.  :D



I'm happy to announce that Jiseth has accepted the position of Second Officer of the Phoenix.

Please help me congratulate her.

Shadow Fleet & Phoenix Forever,


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 14, 2016, 12:39:34 AM


I'm happy to announce that Jiseth has accepted the position of Second Officer of the Phoenix.

Please help me congratulate her.

Shadow Fleet & Phoenix Forever,


There goes the neighbourhood ;)  Just kidding hun.  Congrats and look forward to serving with you!

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Lennox Ainsley

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Kirok on August 14, 2016, 12:39:34 AM


I'm happy to announce that Jiseth has accepted the position of Second Officer of the Phoenix.

Please help me congratulate her.

Shadow Fleet & Phoenix Forever,


Congrats, I know you will do a great job.


Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok on August 14, 2016, 12:39:34 AM


I'm happy to announce that Jiseth has accepted the position of Second Officer of the Phoenix.

Please help me congratulate her.

Shadow Fleet & Phoenix Forever,


I know I'm not technically a Nixer anymore but I wanted to drop by to give you grats!!!! Congrats Jiseth!!!!!!!! So excited to have you join the CLO team.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan



We have some promotions to announce:

Ashley Weir to Lieutenant JG
Hrafn Falleg to Lieutenant Commander
T'Lara to Lieutenant

Please help me congratulate them!



Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 31, 2016, 05:03:18 PM


We have some promotions to announce:

Ashley Weir to Lieutenant JG
Hrafn Falleg to Lieutenant Commander
T'Lara to Lieutenant

Please help me congratulate them!



*faints* *revives*

Congrats to Ashley and T'Lara I'll update your ID cards forthwith! :)

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

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