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Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on December 29, 2023, 11:50:26 PM

USS Revenant

She sat back down. "œYes, ma'am, I'm on it," she said. Her brown hair fell forward as she got to work, tapping away at buttons, and flipping switches as necessary.

"œShould I also cut power to all non-essential programs?" She asked.

From her location on the back floor of the Revenant her arm elbow deep in the base of the tactical console, Torra looked across the bridge towards the Ops where Lorut was seated.

"That's an excellent idea, Ensign.  Proceed."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2023, 11:50:11 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira perked up when Captain Bhox called in. She cringed at the news from Bhox of the attack on the Asclepius. "We already have you covered, Captain," said Nira. "It shouldn't be long with our new friend Commander Kath. Said out."

Turning to the helm, Nira said, "Mister Cutter, get us in proximity to the disabled Bird of Prey. Torra, get to the transporters and beam the crew aboard. V'Larinn?"

"I got their shields," he said, and fired. The Revenant dived while the Luq'Argh engaged the other two. Now that they had prisoners, the Revenant dived around and helped finish the fight.

Torra, who had been closely monitoring the direct tie-ins, rose quickly from her seat and strode rapidly to the nearby door and out towards the turbolift in the hall.  She called out for Deck Three and after a moment arrived on the proper deck.  Her long cloven-hooved strides carried her to transporter room quickly where she began the process of beaming over the Romulans directly to the ship's brig.  By normal usage it was supposed to have a capacity of 4.  Torra squeezed in all ten and send two critically injured to Sickbay with warning ahead to the doctors to be ready to sedate the Romulans.


Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2023, 11:50:11 PM

[USS Revenant - Deck 3 - Mess Hall]

[Commander Nira Said | Mess Hall | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Not for the first time did Kath and the officers he brought with him to the mess hall gazed in amazement. The oldest officer in his retinue was especially impressed; he had fought in the Dominion War and had seen the Defiant in action, and he kept on saying how much the Revenant reminded him of the Defiant.

Nira looked around. The whole crew was gathered, with exception to Dersch, taking rest in Sickbay, while the EMH manned the bridge controls and took over as Emergency Command Hologram to keep the ship going.

Naturally, the party opened with a speech before the refreshments could be served. Nira started.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, "I want to offer my congratulations to you all. I am very proud by what you have accomplished in our first mission together. Especially to Commander Garrison, Lieutenant Dersch, and to the remaining original crew of the Revenant. You have done much to make your loved ones proud. Nathan Cutter, Feeka Olisa, V'Larinn, I am happy that this mission has brought back morale to you."

"If I may add," Commander Kath pointed out, "there is nothing like a victory in a challenge or a battle to raise morale. I am aware of what transpired to the youth of Starfleet. It pricks a warrior's heart enough to see so many brought down, it's even enough to bring a tear to a warrior's eye in pity. But I can say how much a victory can bring to one's soul.

"See, my father had served on the IKS Rotarran when the Great Martok had assumed command," Kath explained. "He too had seen the youth of Starfleet brought to low feelings and was reminded of the Rotarran's constant defeats until Martok turned things around. A victory had boosted their morale, and so has a victory done so now. I can concur with your commanding officer. You have done things to make one proud. And I am honored to be among such great warriors who would get back up to face new challenges. My regards to you, and on behalf of the governors of Iquilon, we all are grateful to you all."

And with a proud smile on his face, he raised his tankard in salute and in a toast. And Nira followed suit, looking at Cutter, Feeka and V'Larinn, with Counselor Bat standing near them. And she bowed her head toward them.

"And I give my salaams to you, these excellent officers. I am honored to serve with you."

Torra stood quietly a few paces back from Nira and her XO - Garrison, while the crew was being recognized.  She smiled warmly to each of those named, and clapped softly after the Governor's thanks to them all.    The crew had done really well.  She was quite proud of Lorut and M'Nia with getting the tie-in done so swiftly, and had passed on to Starfleet her praise for both.  M'Nia had recently been promoted to junior Lieutenant so it was doubtful that they the higher up would promote so soon, but Lorut was certainly deserving of promotion and had been passed over last time due to her conflict with Lieutenant Commander Lek.   Torra hoped that her report showed that the Bajoran had the skills and ability to follow orders fine if dealt with in a less authoritative manner.

At Nira's words, Torra dipped her head in quiet agreement.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Now that it was all over, M'nia turned to Feeka and said, "Good Job feeka. I hope you learned a lot. I will be following your career. I hope this is just the start. Maybe after this is over we can work together again sometime." she looked at the young ensign. She had hopes for this one. "Now let's untangle this mess we made and put the ship back to the way it ought to be!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

James Ramort

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 29, 2023, 05:00:32 PM


Kinley held on as the ship tilted and gave the go to Torra. "Permission granted.  Do what you need to." she said, giving a confused look. Why they were wantng to cause trouble was concerning.  "œThey really seem to want to try and fan the flames and start something. Mr. Ramort, can you do a scan and  see if there are any weaknesses in their ships? Also, Mr. Cutter, keep up the fancy flying".

[USS Revenant | Deck 1 | Bridge | Science Station]

Taking another look at his screen he had an Idea.

"I might have an Idea, here look at this.", pointing at his screen as he spoke, highlighting the ship's engines. Each one of them a bright energy signature on the sensors like a little star. Not only in terms of energy output relatively to the cosmic background but also regarding the effect on the surrounding particles.

"Their engines are drawing dust particles. This results in an ionisation of their engines vents. If we hit them there with targeted particle beams, we can disable them, making them sitting ducks for our phasers."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2023, 11:50:11 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Mess Hall | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Not for the first time did Kath and the officers he brought with him to the mess hall gazed in amazement. The oldest officer in his retinue was especially impressed; he had fought in the Dominion War and had seen the Defiant in action, and he kept on saying how much the Revenant reminded him of the Defiant.

Nira looked around. The whole crew was gathered, with exception to Dersch, taking rest in Sickbay, while the EMH manned the bridge controls and took over as Emergency Command Hologram to keep the ship going.

Naturally, the party opened with a speech before the refreshments could be served. Nira started.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, "I want to offer my congratulations to you all. I am very proud by what you have accomplished in our first mission together. Especially to Commander Garrison, Lieutenant Dersch, and to the remaining original crew of the Revenant. You have done much to make your loved ones proud. Nathan Cutter, Feeka Olisa, V'Larinn, I am happy that this mission has brought back morale to you."

"If I may add," Commander Kath pointed out, "there is nothing like a victory in a challenge or a battle to raise morale. I am aware of what transpired to the youth of Starfleet. It pricks a warrior's heart enough to see so many brought down, it's even enough to bring a tear to a warrior's eye in pity. But I can say how much a victory can bring to one's soul.

"See, my father had served on the IKS Rotarran when the Great Martok had assumed command," Kath explained. "He too had seen the youth of Starfleet brought to low feelings and was reminded of the Rotarran's constant defeats until Martok turned things around. A victory had boosted their morale, and so has a victory done so now. I can concur with your commanding officer. You have done things to make one proud. And I am honored to be among such great warriors who would get back up to face new challenges. My regards to you, and on behalf of the governors of Iquilon, we all are grateful to you all."

And with a proud smile on his face, he raised his tankard in salute and in a toast. And Nira followed suit, looking at Cutter, Feeka and V'Larinn, with Counselor Bat standing near them. And she bowed her head toward them.

"And I give my salaams to you, these excellent officers. I am honored to serve with you."

[USS Revenant | Deck 3 | Mess Hall]

The small room was filled with people, holding their respective drinks and talking to each other. The narrow walls reflecting each noise made back into the crowd gathered here. The atmosphere was appropriately festive and Ramort was beginning to relax a bit.
They had just saved a colony after all.

He had chosen a drink without either alcohol or syntheol, even if the Klingons had brought some of their Blood Wine from the Colony to celebrate.

The words about findign new morale were resonating with him. The past weeks had been rough, although some of Revenants original crew looked like the words were helping them even more, painting faint smiles on their faces where before had been only place for worry and dark looks.

Happily rising his glass when the toast was proposed, he joined into the choir of voices that answered it:

"Hear, Hear!", adding a few more quite words after it, drowning out in the over all noise setting in again with everyone now starting to talk to each other again, "Good Job everyone!".

His mind wandered off again for the moment. He still had much to do. The Lab needed to be cleaned down for hand-over. He would need to leave the ship again soon and his replacement should be able to start immediately. It still helped him having something to do and this little break was also welcome. Soon he would receive new orders, but for today he chose to enjoy the festivities ensuing.

With a bright smile on his face, he turned towards the nearest person and began a talk, this would surely form to be a nice day.

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Lorut Vila

USS Revanant


"[/size]That's an excellent idea, Ensign. Proceed."

Vila quickly cut the power to all non-essential programs, essentially leaving them on life support alone. "Done. I have also issued a ship-wide alert about the power cutoff," she said.

Suddenly, a voice powered through. Another ship needed assistance, and it was their job to provide it. Gleefully, Vila quickly got to work, communicating with Torra-Addams as they worked together to keep both their systems online and restore the other ships.  Addams left her alone, and she sighed deeply, but got to work, fighting to keep all systems going on half-power.
The others fought the impending attacks from elsewhere on the ship-she did her best to support them as she could-honestly, she could handle being out there in the action.
Victory was theirs!! Finally, they had gotten the sick and injured to safety, repaired a ship, and prevented an all-out war.
She stood at the back of the Mess Hall, ram-rod straight against a wall. Celebrations like this weren't comfortable for her. Still, she was happy for the others, even if she'd never show it. She knew that some people's careers rode on this-hers probably did, but if they took her PiPs, she didn't really care. There wasn't much left to live for for her, anyway.
"Congratulations," she said, softly, before excusing herself back to the Bridge. Idle hands were the devil's hands, and Vila had had enough of him for two lifetimes.

Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Mess Hall | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Once the speeches were over, it was time for mingling. And Nira instantly headed over to Torra. She certainly felt great to be with her best friend, the closest thing she had to a sister. And given the feelings Nira had been feeling from Torra about Kinley, she felt her presence would do excellently in helping Torra feel better. In some ways, they had both gone through a lot around Frontier Day. Torra had to deal with drones while Nira dealt with the Praetorians with the Challenger, along with a Planet Killer shortly thereafter. It was still unpleasant, remembering having to blow out of an airlock to escape from it in its self destruct countdown.

"Hell of a lot of what has happened, Torra," she said. "These past two months. And we have less than six more ahead of us. And look how we helped some of the younger crew. New friends we have made. I'm going to miss them when we get rotated off, given our temporary assignments here. But as long as we sister figures are together, we can do great things," she added to Torra with a smile, putting a hand on her shoulder, not necessarily around her shoulders; Torra was too tall for that.

"Well, let's mingle with our new friends from Iquilon," she said. "I think one of Kath's officers served on the Klingon ship I had my Exchange Program on. Don't worry, Klingons aren't very bad once you get to know them," she added with a smile.

And the party continued on while the Revenant cruised at warp...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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