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Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Nira Said

Acting Captain's Log. Stardate 78406.6. Earth's Memorial Day, 2401.

Yes, Acting Captain, but there's something to explain before I get to how I got to this.

After more than a month on leave, I had been summoned by Admiral Gillespie for my new assignment. In fact, he had come to collect me, unexpectedly, so he could bring me to a briefing. Before I could go anywhere, I had to tell him what Ambassador Saavik gave to me at Andgarr, most crucially, the Unification Movement and their desires and their being ignored.

It turns out, Admiral Gillespie knows about the Unificationists, but as a key member of Starfleet Security, his task was more about threat assessment. Otherwise, they had been gradually ignored. He told me that, if I had brought that news to him before Frontier Day, he would've brushed it off. As it is, he told me this was good news, that he will gladly take the news to Starfleet Command so that they can offer a deal to the Unificationists. As to what, he wanted to explain when he brought me before his fellow admirals, Admiral Ridalr and Admiral Drake. They had temporarily used a conference room at the penthouse here at the Burj Khalifa. That was when he dropped the mention: I was to be reassigned from Challenger and given command of a ship.

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Nira was certainly stunned at the news of being reassigned as she was taken up to the Burj Khalifa's penthouse that she had not a word to Admiral Gillespie, who explained that he was down at Edinburgh with his family for Frontier Day when the Borg/Changeling clique launched their surprise. Otherwise, he would've been killed with the other officers massacred by the assimilated youth. She had decided to hold her piece until she met the admirals, but her mind was still abuzz.

Even the Penthouse was a blur, but she stood at attention at the conference room before Admirals Drake and Ridalr. Boothby Drake had to be the hairiest old man she ever saw, she was surprised to see. Ridalr stood a foot taller and wider, to be expected in a Chelon from Rigel.

"œAdmirals," said Nira. "œGlad you're alive"¦"

And she can definitely feel emotions from them, as a brief check for Changelings. It was good to know. Gillespie proceeded to whisper something brief to the admirals before she cleared her throat.

"œNow, I understand I'm to be reassigned from Challenger?" she asked.

"œThat's right," said Ridalr with a gentle huff. "œYou're not the only one, of course."

"œSuffice it to say," Gillespie stated, "œthe debacle at Frontier has left us with the biggest officer manpower shortage since the Dominion, and this was before the Romulans joined in to help. But the Borg accomplished in hours what the Dominion did whole months. As a result, officers are being reassigned from ships to fill in command for those ships who had lost their command and/or overall senior officers. Naturally, any officers remaining were junior officers, and had been assimilated"¦until Admiral Picard put a stop to that."

"And we're also ramping up our Exchange Officer programs," added Ridalr. "We're reaching out to the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Free State for more officers, although you did point out a new source of officers for the Exchange."

"The Unificationists?"

"Aye, lass," Gillespie said. "We're even prepared to offer them a deal to guarantee service: Places to stay in Vulcan when their terms of service are up."

"œAs long they don't get deported back to Romulan space. Now, with the lack of officers, this is where I come in as acting captain of one of those ships?" asked Nira.

"œAye, that it is, lassie," said Admiral Drake with an even more pronounced Scottish drawl that Gillespie. "œWhere any surviving first officers are given instant promotions, ships without command officers will be getting first officers reassigned to acting captaincy. We're putting you in command of this ship."

He then put up a holographic display of a starship of the type Nira never saw before. She recognized some of the shape, but the rest seemed wider. But she recognized it"¦

"œYou're assigning me to a yacht?" asked Nira.

"œOh, no, this is a new variation of corvette," Ridalr reassured.

"œIt looks like an Aquarius class yacht"¦mostly."

"œBecause the class used to be from the Aquarius class," Gillespie explained. "œYou see, with the retirement of some Odyssey class starships, we took notice of how some of their Aquarius class yachts were in excellent condition, even more so than their main ships. We've pulled a handful of those yachts from their ships, including from the Enterprise, to retrofit them to this new class of corvette: The Aquarian class."

"œIsn't there a USS Aquarian? A prototype?" asked Nira.

"œThere is," replied Ridalr. "œOf course, it used to have been an Aquarius class and it was still in construction and it had been intended for the Waspe. It did leave us in a quandary about it when the Waspe got destroyed in a raid with Melek Nor last year. We weren't sure what to do with it, when it was so far into construction. But that was when the idea came to make a new class of corvette out of it, and to retrofit other yachts into similar corvettes, save them from their assigned ships in retirement."

"œAside from the Aquarian," said Gillespie, "œtwo other yachts had been retrofitted for this design: The USS Horizon from the Enterprise, and the USS Revenant from the Hornet."

"œAnd you're assigned to the Revenant, lassie," said Drake.

"œI take it the Revenant lost her command staff?" asked Nira.

"œAlong with most of her crew," said Gillespie. "œMostly veteran officers assigned from the Hornet."
"œGood Allah," breathed Nira. It had been disturbing to hear about assimilated youth, but a takeover wherein most of the crew was brutally massacred"¦ "œHow much of the crew is left?" she asked.

"œFour or five of the crew"¦not counting the EMH," said Drake.

"œI'm afraid the EMH will have to count," said Nira. "œNow I guess it's up to me to assemble my crew."

"œWe've also been looking at prospective First Officers, too, but the rest is up to you," said Gillespie. He rose and stepped out. When he came back in, he said, "œCome in, lassie," and brought in somebody who gave Nira a good idea where to start looking"¦she remembered seeing this spunky-looking girl when Challenger and Discovery had their crews mingling at Deep Space Nine.

"œWell," she said. "œI think I'll be open to suggestions from her, and I may even reach out to my own crew from the Challenger for anybody who's interested. I am going to request somebody in particular, though"¦"

"Very well," said Gillespie. "I will order for the Revenant to land at one of the docking pads nearby. After all, we have so many occupied docks planetside now, what with all our oribital facilities destroyed."

"And chances are, there will be long lines for ships to have that swarm program removed," added Nira, with an undertone in her voice: I told you it was a bad idea.

She had gotten the details of how the Borg started that signal, but she was amazed at the source of it. Some time previously, Gillespie mentioned it would take a huge ship to hack the swarm program when there are so many ships about, and there was a Borg cube hidden in Jupiter's Great Red Spot, big enough to consume Pluto, to do exactly that.

Allah forbid if it had been on full power, Nira thought to herself at the time.

Gillespie raised an eyebrow. Nira was sure he caught the underlying tone. Then he added, "Instruct the crew to meet you here, and you'll be directed to the Revenant. I'll leave you lasses to it."

And the three admirals were gone, leaving Nira alone with Kinley Garrison.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery >>Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Gillespie raised an eyebrow. Nira was sure he caught the underlying tone. Then he added, "Instruct the crew to meet you here, and you'll be directed to the Revenant. I'll leave you lasses to it."

And the three admirals were gone, leaving Nira alone with Kinley Garrison.

Torra was surprised to receive new orders summoning her to Earth from the USS Discovery.   More surprising was that the summons came from a familiar name but with a new rank.  Acting Captain Nira Said.   Torra was extremely pleased for her friend.  Command had long been a goal of Nira's.  Not so much Torra.  The Grazerite found that leadership did not suit her well.

As Torra requisitioned transporter time in order to attend the meeting down on Earth, she wondered who else might be called on?  Rumor was that the Star Fleet Command was consolidating surviving crewmembers of the massacre with functioning ships.

The Grazerite finished packing her gear.  She packed light since she didn't know how long this assignment was intended to be.  She left Happy and her menagerie of rats aboard Discovery with a close friend.  If the assignment became permanent, Torra would make arrangements to have her animal companions transferred over.

Her leaving Discovery did not warrant a huge send-off, so she was surprised to see so many officers clustered in the transporter room.   She nodded gently towards Lorut, Lachlyn, Dersch, M'Nia, Novi and Ramort.  It seemed while Discovery was in drydock for repairs her crew was being sent out to fill in the gaps on other ships.

"We have the go ahead for those officers beaming down to Burj Khalifa." announced the transporter officer.

Torra stepped up onto the pad along with the others and wondered what the future would bring. 

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on November 27, 2023, 12:55:33 PM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery >>Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]

Torra was surprised to receive new orders summoning her to Earth from the USS Discovery.   More surprising was that the summons came from a familiar name but with a new rank.  Acting Captain Nira Said.   Torra was extremely pleased for her friend.  Command had long been a goal of Nira's.  Not so much Torra.  The Grazerite found that leadership did not suit her well.

As Torra requisitioned transporter time in order to attend the meeting down on Earth, she wondered who else might be called on?  Rumor was that the Star Fleet Command was consolidating surviving crewmembers of the massacre with functioning ships.

The Grazerite finished packing her gear.  She packed light since she didn't know how long this assignment was intended to be.  She left Happy and her menagerie of rats aboard Discovery with a close friend.  If the assignment became permanent, Torra would make arrangements to have her animal companions transferred over.

Her leaving Discovery did not warrant a huge send-off, so she was surprised to see so many officers clustered in the transporter room.   She nodded gently towards Lorut, Lachlyn, Dersch, M'Nia, and Ramort.  It seemed while Discovery was in drydock for repairs her crew was being sent out to fill in the gaps on other ships.

"We have the go ahead for those officers beaming down to Burj Khalifa." announced the transporter officer.

Torra stepped up onto the pad along with the others and wondered what the future would bring.

Dersch nodded back in return. He had basically rushed here, He had just recently got home. But he did have good news...Olivia was pregnant, Not far along, but still he was once more going to be a father, plus Olivia let him have it after he found out what Katie did as a Borg. he did want to talk to Tanner through and tell her the news, he considered her a friend. "hey, tanner Whats up, Can't believe we get to be temporary transferred" Olivia was so thrilled when she told me about the new family member on the way, I hadn't see her that happy since we found out we were having Katie.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


[Ensign Novi | Beta Sickbay | USS Discovery]
(Please read this before continuing but I thought it worthwhile to write it in a seperate section) ->

(Minutes after)
With Dr. Betaika leaving Novi didn't have time to submit her report. She guessed she would run a few tests to confirm it once she arrived on the Revenant before sending it to someone higher up on the Discovery who can actually do something with the Data. Quickly transferring her logs and data to her pad she left to quickly return to her quarters and pack up. Her belongings weren't much. Some may consider Novi a sentimental person but she never had much in terms of trinkets and other personals. Mostly she kept her room functional. This allowed her to bring most of her essentials in just one medium sized box. Knowing it was temporary she kept a few more personal things and just brought a picture of her family and a few Trill cultural things and holovids to keep her company and entertained.

After just a few hours saying goodbye and telling the Medical crew to expect a final report in the next day she quickly beamed down to Earth.

[Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]
Earth as always was way to bright for her. In her 4 years living on this planet she never got over just everything could be. Even in a desert the sky was just everywhere! You couldn't escape its gaze. On Trill with the slightly different atmospheric composition the sky was always a slightly darker blue to soft purple and was much easier on her eyes. Entering the Burj Khalifa was a little better and once she arrived to where she was ordered to convene she saw other crew members already gathered. Some she recognized from the discovery like the Caitian and one of the Security Officers(JB Dersch) but others she didn't recognize. She was excited to meet the new people and thought that introducing herself first to the new Commanding Officer would be a goood first action.

Walking up she reaches out for a handshake. Not knowing a more regular form of greeting for Betazoids she decided to go to the Human Standard. Although Novi never quite understood what shaking hands is supposed to represent she knew it was respectful and so holding out her hand she introduced herself, "Ensign Novi Commander. Reporting for duty from the USS Discovery."

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Revenant]

Nathan sat at the helm of the Revenant and tried not to scream. The images of Frontier Day would not leave him and it was tearing him apart inside.

"The things I did. How could I kill my friends? It's not right I get to live and so many who did nothing wrong were me. I don't deserve to be here. I should resign. As soon as I find out who the new captain is, I'm going to go. I don't deserve to wear this uniform any more."

This internal monolog continued without stop as he looked off into nothing and seeing nothing.


[lt. JG. M'nia | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

M'nia was very surprised to get the orders to report to Earth . Even more surpised when she read who the captain was. Nira said. M'nia smiled. She looked forward to seeing commander, now capt nira said. She liked her from her short time on the challenger. An excellent officer. She had a feeling this was going to be an interesting experience. Still maybe it would be good to get away from Discovery for a while. She loved the discovery but after all that happened, maybe someone felt she needed a change.
So she reported to the assigned spot on earth, curious about what all this was about. She beaned down to see a familiar face or two! "Commander or should I say captian! It's good to see you again!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Nira Said on November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

Acting Captain's Log. Stardate 78406.6. Earth's Memorial Day, 2401.

Yes, Acting Captain, but there's something to explain before I get to how I got to this.

After more than a month on leave, I had been summoned by Admiral Gillespie for my new assignment. In fact, he had come to collect me, unexpectedly, so he could bring me to a briefing. Before I could go anywhere, I had to tell him what Ambassador Saavik gave to me at Andgarr, most crucially, the Unification Movement and their desires and their being ignored.

It turns out, Admiral Gillespie knows about the Unificationists, but as a key member of Starfleet Security, his task was more about threat assessment. Otherwise, they had been gradually ignored. He told me that, if I had brought that news to him before Frontier Day, he would've brushed it off. As it is, he told me this was good news, that he will gladly take the news to Starfleet Command so that they can offer a deal to the Unificationists. As to what, he wanted to explain when he brought me before his fellow admirals, Admiral Ridalr and Admiral Drake. They had temporarily used a conference room at the penthouse here at the Burj Khalifa. That was when he dropped the mention: I was to be reassigned from Challenger and given command of a ship.

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Nira was certainly stunned at the news of being reassigned as she was taken up to the Burj Khalifa's penthouse that she had not a word to Admiral Gillespie, who explained that he was down at Edinburgh with his family for Frontier Day when the Borg/Changeling clique launched their surprise. Otherwise, he would've been killed with the other officers massacred by the assimilated youth. She had decided to hold her piece until she met the admirals, but her mind was still abuzz.

Even the Penthouse was a blur, but she stood at attention at the conference room before Admirals Drake and Ridalr. Boothby Drake had to be the hairiest old man she ever saw, she was surprised to see. Ridalr stood a foot taller and wider, to be expected in a Chelon from Rigel.

"œAdmirals," said Nira. "œGlad you're alive"¦"

And she can definitely feel emotions from them, as a brief check for Changelings. It was good to know. Gillespie proceeded to whisper something brief to the admirals before she cleared her throat.

"œNow, I understand I'm to be reassigned from Challenger?" she asked.

"œThat's right," said Ridalr with a gentle huff. "œYou're not the only one, of course."

"œSuffice it to say," Gillespie stated, "œthe debacle at Frontier has left us with the biggest officer manpower shortage since the Dominion, and this was before the Romulans joined in to help. But the Borg accomplished in hours what the Dominion did whole months. As a result, officers are being reassigned from ships to fill in command for those ships who had lost their command and/or overall senior officers. Naturally, any officers remaining were junior officers, and had been assimilated"¦until Admiral Picard put a stop to that."

"And we're also ramping up our Exchange Officer programs," added Ridalr. "We're reaching out to the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Free State for more officers, although you did point out a new source of officers for the Exchange."

"The Unificationists?"

"Aye, lass," Gillespie said. "We're even prepared to offer them a deal to guarantee service: Places to stay in Vulcan when their terms of service are up."

"œAs long they don't get deported back to Romulan space. Now, with the lack of officers, this is where I come in as acting captain of one of those ships?" asked Nira.

"œAye, that it is, lassie," said Admiral Drake with an even more pronounced Scottish drawl that Gillespie. "œWhere any surviving first officers are given instant promotions, ships without command officers will be getting first officers reassigned to acting captaincy. We're putting you in command of this ship."

He then put up a holographic display of a starship of the type Nira never saw before. She recognized some of the shape, but the rest seemed wider. But she recognized it"¦

"œYou're assigning me to a yacht?" asked Nira.

"œOh, no, this is a new variation of corvette," Ridalr reassured.

"œIt looks like an Aquarius class yacht"¦mostly."

"œBecause the class used to be from the Aquarius class," Gillespie explained. "œYou see, with the retirement of some Odyssey class starships, we took notice of how some of their Aquarius class yachts were in excellent condition, even more so than their main ships. We've pulled a handful of those yachts from their ships, including from the Enterprise, to retrofit them to this new class of corvette: The Aquarian class."

"œIsn't there a USS Aquarian? A prototype?" asked Nira.

"œThere is," replied Ridalr. "œOf course, it used to have been an Aquarius class and it was still in construction and it had been intended for the Waspe. It did leave us in a quandary about it when the Waspe got destroyed in a raid with Melek Nor last year. We weren't sure what to do with it, when it was so far into construction. But that was when the idea came to make a new class of corvette out of it, and to retrofit other yachts into similar corvettes, save them from their assigned ships in retirement."

"œAside from the Aquarian," said Gillespie, "œtwo other yachts had been retrofitted for this design: The USS Horizon from the Enterprise, and the USS Revenant from the Hornet."

"œAnd you're assigned to the Revenant, lassie," said Drake.

"œI take it the Revenant lost her command staff?" asked Nira.

"œAlong with most of her crew," said Gillespie. "œMostly veteran officers assigned from the Hornet."
"œGood Allah," breathed Nira. It had been disturbing to hear about assimilated youth, but a takeover wherein most of the crew was brutally massacred"¦ "œHow much of the crew is left?" she asked.

"œFour or five of the crew"¦not counting the EMH," said Drake.

"œI'm afraid the EMH will have to count," said Nira. "œNow I guess it's up to me to assemble my crew."

"œWe've also been looking at prospective First Officers, too, but the rest is up to you," said Gillespie. He rose and stepped out. When he came back in, he said, "œCome in, lassie," and brought in somebody who gave Nira a good idea where to start looking"¦she remembered seeing this spunky-looking girl when Challenger and Discovery had their crews mingling at Deep Space Nine.

"œWell," she said. "œI think I'll be open to suggestions from her, and I may even reach out to my own crew from the Challenger for anybody who's interested. I am going to request somebody in particular, though"¦"

"Very well," said Gillespie. "I will order for the Revenant to land at one of the docking pads nearby. After all, we have so many occupied docks planetside now, what with all our oribital facilities destroyed."

"And chances are, there will be long lines for ships to have that swarm program removed," added Nira, with an undertone in her voice: I told you it was a bad idea.

She had gotten the details of how the Borg started that signal, but she was amazed at the source of it. Some time previously, Gillespie mentioned it would take a huge ship to hack the swarm program when there are so many ships about, and there was a Borg cube hidden in Jupiter's Great Red Spot, big enough to consume Pluto, to do exactly that.

Allah forbid if it had been on full power, Nira thought to herself at the time.

Gillespie raised an eyebrow. Nira was sure he caught the underlying tone. Then he added, "Instruct the crew to meet you here, and you'll be directed to the Revenant. I'll leave you lasses to it."

And the three admirals were gone, leaving Nira alone with Kinley Garrison.

[Burj Kalifa - Penthouse suite]
For some reason, she wasn't fired, but the after-effects were still there all the same.

Kinley nodded to several officers as she passed through the crowded penthouse of the Burj Khalifa, once one of the tallest buildings on earth. She could still see the distrustful gazes of others, especially those who were older than she was. She didn't blame them. She already looked younger than she was, even if she wasn't of the generation that got assimilated, and it didn't help that she was a former Borg Princess. Not that most people would know that little detail, given the top-secret nature of that mission years ago, but given all the evidence in whatever coming inquiry would be happening after things recovered, that would probably come out, she just didn't know when.

Instead of being fired, however, she was getting a promotion"¦ sort of? More like being pulled as an XO again, given how few senior officers there were now, especially those who knew how to be in Command. After all, this was the worst disaster since the battle of Wolf 359,   and given her past track record, it was bound to happen sooner than later. It made sense, though. They had to man some ships, at least temporarily.

Kinley looked around the busy room. There were several faces she  knew already here. That was some relief.   Nodding  to several of her acquaintances and friends as she passed by, she made her  way to the  Conference room, where she gave a nod to the bigwigs in the room, as well as Nira.  She had met Nira briefly during the mission with Challenger, but she didn't know her all that much, so this would certainly be interesting. She gave a smile, trying to conceal the imposter syndrome she was hiding with a friendly grin.  "œHey there! It's great to meet you again! Seems like we're working together now. "    she said, giving a bit of a nonchalant shrug and grin as she tried to break the ice. It helped to know who you were working with a little before you were going to take command together, and Kinley would rather start off her run not totally blind. her commbadge reminded her of the time, however. They'd be launching soon.    "œI guess we probably shouldn't leave people hanging before the briefing, Commander.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

James Ramort

[USS Discovery | Transporter Room 1]

He was still processing. Officially, he had been cleared for duty. But it would take time. It was unsure if this was a good opportunity. Changing Ship so soon. Even if only temporary. But at least he would have something to do. New Faces, replacing those he lost before even getting to know them fully. It was somehow jarring. But he had his orders and so he had to report here. Packing his light coffer so soon again. It was really much heavier than the last time he carried it. At least materially.

The Room was filled. Many Officers, ordered like him to fill in for those lost too soon. Many would return soon but some probably would take up permanent assignments somewhere else. He didn't knew who they would be. He wasn't even sure how many of the present had received assignments for the same Ship as him. His Orders really were short in their information. Just a time, the transporter room, an order to reassign and a time stamp.

When ordered he took to the Transporter Pad and looked straight when then blue light of dematerialising oxygen atoms around him.

[Earth | Burj Kalifa | Penthouse]

At least when it became clear who else would be part of this new crew, he recognised a few faces. Even his Superior Officer, Commander Garrison was here. It was always good to have a person you know, especially a fellow Scientist, around.
The View from up here was spectacular. The Room bathed in sunlight a drastic contrast to the space above them. The close atmosphere blocking the billions of stars around them. It was strange not seeing them any more, but they soon would be heading out again. Back onto a new mission. A feeling of excitement was starting to grow inside him, the scientist, eager to fly out, was starting to manifest in him again.

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Lorut Vila


Jr Officer's Quarters

The Bajoran ops officer wasn't suprised to get a summons to the Middle East of this Prophets-forsaken planet and it's...quaint inhabitants. She was very certain this was the best punishment that whatever remained of the Admiralty could think up. A deep-space cruise to Christ-knows-where with people she disliked.

And a Betazoid at the helm.

Damn the luck.

She climbed off the cot she sat on-these stupid rooms; at least at DS9, they had singles-and paced. She was due to ship out any time, she was just waiting to be called down for a shuttle.

She was supposed to be on brevement. Her ex-husband had been killed in the Frontier Day...situation and had listed her as his next-of-kin. His mother had been inconsolable. Vila had been...something.

Landing Pad

The Bajoran stood, waiting, wayfarers on and a look of sheer annoyance on her face. You could tell. Tense as always, she stood at perfect attention, daring ANYONE to say anything sideways to her. They better hurry up, or there would be carnage.



"œOh, this is an excellent trade," the human scientist told the person who was making a trade. Sadly, the Scientist had sticky fingers and he slipped a precious stone under his hand, and placed it in a hidden pocket. The rock was pretty. He had to. The ride of thrill taking a precious stone.  He smiled. Nodded. Then walked away. He snickered when he was off. There was a profit from getting a paperback book.

The fact, he was not going to depart from the paperback book. That was a treasure for him. However, the gem was something he could profit by selling somewhere else. Federation does not need credits, which was a big shame. But a trade in the future would be a gain. Yes. It would.

Great. He was off on this other ship, which was NOT a science vessel. The Challenger must have wanted him off. However, rumor was said that Nira was going to be on this Aquarian Yacht. Not sure what Starfleet thought about having a Yacht"¦ was it the armor that was promised? Well, a Yacht was a leisure by Earth. Well. He had an order to be there and depart. How he wanted to stick more on Earth.

The Roster had showed there was two female leaders on the ship. That was rare. They have a pretty command crew. There was another great diversity had viewed too. Oh. He supposed to be at the docking bay in fifteen minutes. Where did the time go?  Oh. Well. The stay was short lived. He had the moment to hail Feringar to say hi to his Godparents. He missed them dearly. He had the chance to see the great trophy display of Ferengi Rom!

[Landing pad]

The fellow showed up. Ooh. Who was the pretty one? "œHey, you a security guard? You stiff as one," he said. He smiled at her. The fellow was sizing her up because he was 5'11. She was human. Long dark hair. Oh she had an earring, the ridge on her nose. Oh. She was a Bajorian. They are neat. They can have an excellent little temper. Very religious, too. "œHi, I am, Jamil,", he smiled to her and his eyes sparkle. Okay. He was not a Wil Riker. Close. Maybe. Or not? He looked for the ship.

"œRevenant"¦did the leave us behind?" he joked.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on November 27, 2023, 12:55:33 PM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery >>Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]

Torra was surprised to receive new orders summoning her to Earth from the USS Discovery.   More surprising was that the summons came from a familiar name but with a new rank.  Acting Captain Nira Said.   Torra was extremely pleased for her friend.  Command had long been a goal of Nira's.  Not so much Torra.  The Grazerite found that leadership did not suit her well.

As Torra requisitioned transporter time in order to attend the meeting down on Earth, she wondered who else might be called on?  Rumor was that the Star Fleet Command was consolidating surviving crewmembers of the massacre with functioning ships.

The Grazerite finished packing her gear.  She packed light since she didn't know how long this assignment was intended to be.  She left Happy and her menagerie of rats aboard Discovery with a close friend.  If the assignment became permanent, Torra would make arrangements to have her animal companions transferred over.

Her leaving Discovery did not warrant a huge send-off, so she was surprised to see so many officers clustered in the transporter room.   She nodded gently towards Lorut, Lachlyn, Dersch, M'Nia, Novi and Ramort.  It seemed while Discovery was in drydock for repairs her crew was being sent out to fill in the gaps on other ships.

"We have the go ahead for those officers beaming down to Burj Khalifa." announced the transporter officer.

Torra stepped up onto the pad along with the others and wondered what the future would bring.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on November 27, 2023, 01:02:33 PM

Dersch nodded back in return. He had basically rushed here, He had just recently got home. But he did have good news...Olivia was pregnant, Not far along, but still he was once more going to be a father, plus Olivia let him have it after he found out what Katie did as a Borg. he did want to talk to Tanner through and tell her the news, he considered her a friend. "hey, tanner Whats up, Can't believe we get to be temporary transferred" Olivia was so thrilled when she told me about the new family member on the way, I hadn't see her that happy since we found out we were having Katie.

Quote from: Novi on November 27, 2023, 03:09:56 PM

[Ensign Novi | Beta Sickbay | USS Discovery]
(Please read this before continuing but I thought it worthwhile to write it in a seperate section) ->

(Minutes after)
With Dr. Betaika leaving Novi didn't have time to submit her report. She guessed she would run a few tests to confirm it once she arrived on the Revenant before sending it to someone higher up on the Discovery who can actually do something with the Data. Quickly transferring her logs and data to her pad she left to quickly return to her quarters and pack up. Her belongings weren't much. Some may consider Novi a sentimental person but she never had much in terms of trinkets and other personals. Mostly she kept her room functional. This allowed her to bring most of her essentials in just one medium sized box. Knowing it was temporary she kept a few more personal things and just brought a picture of her family and a few Trill cultural things and holovids to keep her company and entertained.

After just a few hours saying goodbye and telling the Medical crew to expect a final report in the next day she quickly beamed down to Earth.

[Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]
Earth as always was way to bright for her. In her 4 years living on this planet she never got over just everything could be. Even in a desert the sky was just everywhere! You couldn't escape its gaze. On Trill with the slightly different atmospheric composition the sky was always a slightly darker blue to soft purple and was much easier on her eyes. Entering the Burj Khalifa was a little better and once she arrived to where she was ordered to convene she saw other crew members already gathered. Some she recognized from the discovery like the Caitian and one of the Security Officers(JB Dersch) but others she didn't recognize. She was excited to meet the new people and thought that introducing herself first to the new Commanding Officer would be a goood first action.

Walking up she reaches out for a handshake. Not knowing a more regular form of greeting for Betazoids she decided to go to the Human Standard. Although Novi never quite understood what shaking hands is supposed to represent she knew it was respectful and so holding out her hand she introduced herself, "Ensign Novi Commander. Reporting for duty from the USS Discovery."

Quote from: James Ramort on November 28, 2023, 01:07:03 AM

[USS Discovery | Transporter Room 1]

He was still processing. Officially, he had been cleared for duty. But it would take time. It was unsure if this was a good opportunity. Changing Ship so soon. Even if only temporary. But at least he would have something to do. New Faces, replacing those he lost before even getting to know them fully. It was somehow jarring. But he had his orders and so he had to report here. Packing his light coffer so soon again. It was really much heavier than the last time he carried it. At least materially.

The Room was filled. Many Officers, ordered like him to fill in for those lost too soon. Many would return soon but some probably would take up permanent assignments somewhere else. He didn't knew who they would be. He wasn't even sure how many of the present had received assignments for the same Ship as him. His Orders really were short in their information. Just a time, the transporter room, an order to reassign and a time stamp.

When ordered he took to the Transporter Pad and looked straight when then blue light of dematerialising oxygen atoms around him.

[Earth | Burj Kalifa | Penthouse]

At least when it became clear who else would be part of this new crew, he recognised a few faces. Even his Superior Officer, Commander Garrison was here. It was always good to have a person you know, especially a fellow Scientist, around.
The View from up here was spectacular. The Room bathed in sunlight a drastic contrast to the space above them. The close atmosphere blocking the billions of stars around them. It was strange not seeing them any more, but they soon would be heading out again. Back onto a new mission. A feeling of excitement was starting to grow inside him, the scientist, eager to fly out, was starting to manifest in him again.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on November 28, 2023, 10:19:54 PM

Jr Officer's Quarters

The Bajoran ops officer wasn't suprised to get a summons to the Middle East of this Prophets-forsaken planet and it's...quaint inhabitants. She was very certain this was the best punishment that whatever remained of the Admiralty could think up. A deep-space cruise to Christ-knows-where with people she disliked.

And a Cardassian at the helm.

Damn the luck.

She climbed off the cot she sat on-these stupid rooms; at least at DS9, they had singles-and paced. She was due to ship out any time, she was just waiting to be called down for a shuttle.

She was supposed to be on brevement. Her ex-husband had been killed in the Frontier Day...situation and had listed her as his next-of-kin. His mother had been inconsolable. Vila had been...something.

Landing Pad

The Bajoran stood, waiting, wayfarers on and a look of sheer annoyance on her face. You could tell. Tense as always, she stood at perfect attention, daring ANYONE to say anything sideways to her. They better hurry up, or there would be carnage.

Quote from: Jamil on November 29, 2023, 01:17:08 AM

"œOh, this is an excellent trade," the human scientist told the person who was making a trade. Sadly, the Scientist had sticky fingers and he slipped a precious stone under his hand, and placed it in a hidden pocket. The rock was pretty. He had to. The ride of thrill taking a precious stone.  He smiled. Nodded. Then walked away. He snickered when he was off. There was a profit from getting a paperback book.

The fact, he was not going to depart from the paperback book. That was a treasure for him. However, the gem was something he could profit by selling somewhere else. Federation does not need credits, which was a big shame. But a trade in the future would be a gain. Yes. It would.

Great. He was off on this other ship, which was NOT a science vessel. The Challenger must have wanted him off. However, rumor was said that Nira was going to be on this Aquarian Yacht. Not sure what Starfleet thought about having a Yacht"¦ was it the armor that was promised? Well, a Yacht was a leisure by Earth. Well. He had an order to be there and depart. How he wanted to stick more on Earth.

The Roster had showed there was two female leaders on the ship. That was rare. They have a pretty command crew. There was another great diversity had viewed too. Oh. He supposed to be at the docking bay in fifteen minutes. Where did the time go?  Oh. Well. The stay was short lived. He had the moment to hail Feringar to say hi to his Godparents. He missed them dearly. He had the chance to see the great trophy display of Ferengi Rom!

[Landing pad]

The fellow showed up. Ooh. Who was the pretty one? "œHey, you a security guard? You stiff as one," he said. He smiled at her. The fellow was sizing her up because he was 5'11. She was human. Long dark hair. Oh she had an earring, the ridge on her nose. Oh. She was a Bajorian. They are neat. They can have an excellent little temper. Very religious, too. "œHi, I am, Jamil,", he smiled to her and his eyes sparkle. Okay. He was not a Wil Riker. Close. Maybe. Or not? He looked for the ship.

"œRevenant"¦did the leave us behind?" he joked.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on November 28, 2023, 12:54:34 AM

[Burj Kalifa - Penthouse suite]
For some reason, she wasn't fired, but the after-effects were still there all the same.

Kinley nodded to several officers as she passed through the crowded penthouse of the Burj Khalifa, once one of the tallest buildings on earth. She could still see the distrustful gazes of others, especially those who were older than she was. She didn't blame them. She already looked younger than she was, even if she wasn't of the generation that got assimilated, and it didn't help that she was a former Borg Princess. Not that most people would know that little detail, given the top-secret nature of that mission years ago, but given all the evidence in whatever coming inquiry would be happening after things recovered, that would probably come out, she just didn't know when.

Instead of being fired, however, she was getting a promotion"¦ sort of? More like being pulled as an XO again, given how few senior officers there were now, especially those who knew how to be in Command. After all, this was the worst disaster since the battle of Wolf 359,   and given her past track record, it was bound to happen sooner than later. It made sense, though. They had to man some ships, at least temporarily.

Kinley looked around the busy room. There were several faces she  knew already here. That was some relief.   Nodding  to several of her acquaintances and friends as she passed by, she made her  way to the  Conference room, where she gave a nod to the bigwigs in the room, as well as Nira.  She had met Nira briefly during the mission with Challenger, but she didn't know her all that much, so this would certainly be interesting. She gave a smile, trying to conceal the imposter syndrome she was hiding with a friendly grin.  "œHey there! It's great to meet you again! Seems like we're working together now. "    she said, giving a bit of a nonchalant shrug and grin as she tried to break the ice. It helped to know who you were working with a little before you were going to take command together, and Kinley would rather start off her run not totally blind. her commbadge reminded her of the time, however. They'd be launching soon.    "œI guess we probably shouldn't leave people hanging before the briefing, Commander.

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

"That we are, Kinley," said Nira. "However, we're certainly going to work a lot more often. And, yes, best not to leave hangers-on, we have a briefing to work on. And, uh, you'd best put on a red shirt, Commander," Nira added, noting Kinley's blue uniform.

Nira had to raise an eyebrow in interest at the arriving officers. Only one officer from the Challenger elected to join. On the other hand, Jamil-Bral Avant looked like a good officer to have along. Kinley had called in plenty more officers from the Discovery. But that was okay, she had expected Torra along.

She looked over and could see the officers selected from the Discovery on Kinley's PADD. Novi, Ramort, Lorut, Lachlyn, M'Nia. She certainly recognized M'Nia, a former Challenger officer. But Torra she approached first.

"Torra! Glad we could catch up!" she said, giving a sisterly hug. They never had the chance to get together when they were at Deep Space Nine, but now they had a chance to work together. She looked at the other crew and said, "Pardon, but the Lieutenant here and I, we're close friends on the Discovery."

Nira nodded warmly at M'Nia. "Same to you, M'Nia," she said. "And good to meet you as well, Novi," she added at the new Trill medical officer. Looking at Jamil, she said, "Not really, I believe the ship awaits us. Now, everybody, gather round here," she announced to the crew.

Gathering at the same holo-table the admirals showed her earlier, Nira pulled up the hologram of the Revenant and said, "Okay, all, to those whom I have worked with before, it's good to work with you again. To the new faces, overall, glad to meet you.

"Now," she said, "You are here today in light of the sudden shortages of officers from Frontier Day. It's understandable," she added, giving a reassuring gesture to those who had been assimilated, feeling the instant varied feelings abounding, "you weren't in control of your actions. I know you were recently put into Starfleet, so it may be a new experience for you. Many of you, while acting as temporary crew, will also be acting department heads. I wish to indicate that this will be a good chance to experience what it's like to be a leader. I should know, I had been barely a junior lieutenant when my own department head was incapacitated and I had to run his station briefly, so I know what it's like.

"It's perfectly fine, having a small crew," Nira continued. "The ship we're assigned to is designed for having a small crew. But it's to be expected, a former yacht as it is."

She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy."

She had noticed the profile and nodded respectfully; it was a position she had had before becoming First Officer, and she admired Lachlyn for it.

"Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy. M'Nia: Chief Engineer. Ramort: Chief Science Officer, Jamil here will be your deputy. The rest of the Revenant crew, including its Chief Flight Officer, are already at their ship and will be waiting for us."

She looked up and noticed a runabout had arrived at the docking pad outside. It was sturdy, despite how the Burj Khalifa had twice the height added thanks to modern technology, but even so, the tallest building on Earth, thanks to modern Federation technology, was...elsewhere. The officer from it approached.

"Sirs, orders from Admiral Gillespie. The Revenant is docked at the planetside shipyard at Tamanrasset. We're ready to bring you all over."

"Of course," she said, and she looked over at the rest of the crew.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2023, 11:50:24 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

"That we are, Kinley," said Nira. "However, we're certainly going to work a lot more often. And, yes, best not to leave hangers-on, we have a briefing to work on. And, uh, you'd best put on a red shirt, Commander," Nira added, noting Kinley's blue uniform.

Nira had to raise an eyebrow in interest at the arriving officers. Only one officer from the Challenger elected to join. On the other hand, Jamil-Bral Avant looked like a good officer to have along. Kinley had called in plenty more officers from the Discovery. But that was okay, she had expected Torra along.

She looked over and could see the officers selected from the Discovery on Kinley's PADD. Novi, Ramort, Lorut, Lachlyn, M'Nia. She certainly recognized M'Nia, a former Challenger officer. But Torra she approached first.

"Torra! Glad we could catch up!" she said, giving a sisterly hug. They never had the chance to get together when they were at Deep Space Nine, but now they had a chance to work together. She looked at the other crew and said, "Pardon, but the Lieutenant here and I, we're close friends on the Discovery."

Nira nodded warmly at M'Nia. "Same to you, M'Nia," she said. "And good to meet you as well, Novi," she added at the new Trill medical officer. Looking at Jamil, she said, "Not really, I believe the ship awaits us. Now, everybody, gather round here," she announced to the crew.

Gathering at the same holo-table the admirals showed her earlier, Nira pulled up the hologram of the Revenant and said, "Okay, all, to those whom I have worked with before, it's good to work with you again. To the new faces, overall, glad to meet you.

"Now," she said, "You are here today in light of the sudden shortages of officers from Frontier Day. It's understandable," she added, giving a reassuring gesture to those who had been assimilated, feeling the instant varied feelings abounding, "you weren't in control of your actions. I know you were recently put into Starfleet, so it may be a new experience for you. Many of you, while acting as temporary crew, will also be acting department heads. I wish to indicate that this will be a good chance to experience what it's like to be a leader. I should know, I had been barely a junior lieutenant when my own department head was incapacitated and I had to run his station briefly, so I know what it's like.

"It's perfectly fine, having a small crew," Nira continued. "The ship we're assigned to is designed for having a small crew. But it's to be expected, a former yacht as it is."

She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy."

She had noticed the profile and nodded respectfully; it was a position she had had before becoming First Officer, and she admired Lachlyn for it.

"Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy. M'Nia: Chief Engineer. Ramort: Chief Science Officer, Jamil here will be your deputy. The rest of the Revenant crew, including its Chief Flight Officer, are already at their ship and will be waiting for us."

She looked up and noticed a runabout had arrived at the docking pad outside. It was sturdy, despite how the Burj Khalifa had twice the height added thanks to modern technology, but even so, the tallest building on Earth, thanks to modern Federation technology, was...elsewhere. The officer from it approached.

"Sirs, orders from Admiral Gillespie. The Revenant is docked at the planetside shipyard at Tamanrasset. We're ready to bring you all over."

"Of course," she said, and she looked over at the rest of the crew.

[Lt. JG JB Dersch | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Dersch listened to every word said by the Commander...Then she brought up the young ones who were in the room...Who had...well Kill their own crewmates..Saying its not our Fault? We could have done something! But he was pulled out of this thoughts as She said dersch. "Yes mam, But I do have one Question, Why us?" he asked.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2023, 11:50:24 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]
She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy."

"Sirs, orders from Admiral Gillespie. The Revenant is docked at the planetside shipyard at Tamanrasset. We're ready to bring you all over."

"Of course," she said, and she looked over at the rest of the crew.

[Ensign Novi | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Novi took the PADD and pursed her lips at the Commanders comment on her rank. Briefly it made her feel inferior to the many others gathered but she remembered Dr. Betaika's words and how she was picked for a reason, in spite of her rank. So she quickly brushed it aside. Looking at her PADD it appeared that it would just be her and the EMH as her Medical team. But it shouldn't be too bad. A temporary assignment simply to fill out some holes. Most everyone was caught up on their checkups. It appeared she would just have to do an evaluation on the old Revenant crew when she arrived. Just a standard checkup nothing too complicated. Satisfied in her orders she checked out what was available to her on the Revenant.

For a converted Yacht it was sophisticated with already having a small crew it was nothing more then a medium-sized clinic but she could easily continue her research here. Novi took a deep breathe, her first command position only a couple months out of the Academy. She hoped if she did a good job with this, and her research she could be in for an early promotion as well. The Symbiosis Commission would love that! Smiling she gazed at the other crew members. As they all congregated on the runabout to head to the Revenant.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Tanner Lachlyn

With her new role as Chief being such a trial-by-fire event, Tanne had spent the time after the Frontier fiasco absorbed in department head meetings and training. Quickly she'd learned that a lot of time as a Chief was spent arguing over semantics.

Thankfully the shift to a temporary assignment hadn't been a surprise as she was well aware of their current staffing deficit. She'd practically volunteered for the distraction, although there was only one other place she'd rather be, and that wasn't an option.

Tanner smiled at JB as he greeted her, "A temporary transfer for us, but to some it might turn into a more permanent thing. Everything is up in the air right now. It's good to see you." Aside from having knocked him unconscious while a drone, Tanner hadn't seen much of him after that. Starfleet had gathered the recovered crew who had been turned and put them through rigorous psychiatric exercises to ensure they were fit for duty. Obviously, he'd passed.

Same as Kinley. Tanner waved to her as they passed each other. This was going to be an interesting crew.

"We'd better go," She said to JB, "Let's see what's in the cards for us."


Gathering at the same holo-table the admirals showed her earlier, Nira pulled up the hologram of the Revenant and said, "Okay, all, to those whom I have worked with before, it's good to work with you again. To the new faces, overall, glad to meet you.

"Now," she said, "You are here today in light of the sudden shortages of officers from Frontier Day. It's understandable," she added, giving a reassuring gesture to those who had been assimilated, feeling the instant varied feelings abounding, "you weren't in control of your actions. I know you were recently put into Starfleet, so it may be a new experience for you. Many of you, while acting as temporary crew, will also be acting department heads. I wish to indicate that this will be a good chance to experience what it's like to be a leader. I should know, I had been barely a junior lieutenant when my own department head was incapacitated and I had to run his station briefly, so I know what it's like.

"It's perfectly fine, having a small crew," Nira continued. "The ship we're assigned to is designed for having a small crew. But it's to be expected, a former yacht as it is."

She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy."

She had noticed the profile and nodded respectfully; it was a position she had had before becoming First Officer, and she admired Lachlyn for it.

"Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy. M'Nia: Chief Engineer. Ramort: Chief Science Officer, Jamil here will be your deputy. The rest of the Revenant crew, including its Chief Flight Officer, are already at their ship and will be waiting for us."

Chief, alright. She smiled at Dersch. At least she knew what he was like, so that was a plus.

There were so many mixed feelings about the crew who had been converted into drones. So much anger, hurt and frustration directed at them and command. Tanner tried her best to stay neutral, as they were still under her care. It didn't always work, but for the sake of the fleet, she had to try.


[Lt. JG M'nia | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

"Wow! Chief engineer? K'tal's whiskers! That is awesome! I'm anxious to get started." when she saw Tanner, she smiled at the security woman. We when you go through what they did hard not to form a bond.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

🡱 🡳

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