Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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James Ramort

Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2023, 11:50:24 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy. [...] Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy. M'Nia: Chief Engineer. Ramort: Chief Science Officer, Jamil here will be your deputy. The rest of the Revenant crew, including its Chief Flight Officer, are already at their ship and will be waiting for us."

Chief Science Officer that one he wasn't prepared for. His Brain took a quick second to readjust to the new reality. With a Science Staff of two, including himself, there wouldn't be much chiefing to do, but still. It meant he was responsible now. He would have free Access to the Ship's Sensors and Computers to further the Frontier of Scientific Exploration at his own discretion.
Well, with the Captain's Orders .... and the Commander might also have something to say about what he used the Computers for... and the Chief Engineer Lieutenant M'Nia and ... maybe as free but still.

He continued to scroll through the PADD, basic specs for ships sensors and Computers. The Labs specifications.. was that a brand-new Barium suite?, this ship really was new.
Following that were basic calibration listings, Inventory Lists for scanners and rare chemicals, some instructions to download some new routines to the Lab's Computers, probably to prevent another Fleet Mode scenario where secondary systems were looked out without need and a deck plan with the lab's actual location marked. He could barely hold back his excitement to see it. But once there, he would have to take care of all these lists and fillings. The not so fun part of being the one with the responsibility.
And there at the end of the list: A personnel file. Being placed in command over another member of the Fleet, even if for a fixed time, meant he would need to know his team (of one). He would also have to have a look at that. But there was an even better way to get to know each other than reading a file. He decided to have a talk with the other Ensign before they would leave the system.

Putting down the PADD he faced the Commander that for the foreseeable would be his Captain.

"Thank you for the opportunity. I will not let you down, Ma'am!"

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum


[Bridge - USS Revenant]

Small ship. Two Science Officers had the department. That was fine. More for them to do research. He was listening to what was to be said by the captain of this tiny little vessel of theirs. Most commands are female. He blushed and smiled. That was too sweet. To bad the ship was not named Charlie. It is Charlie's Angels. Yes. He was into Earth's history and entertainment culture.

Captain was Nira a human, we got a Trill Doctor, do those spots really go all the way down to their toes? He knows they do. But he really wanted to see with his own eyes. The Holo project characters are not true by nature. There was Dersch the Security officer. Most folk he had are new to him. M'Nia a Caitian, darn, he wished he brought some catnip. Kinley aka a Science Officer no more by part of command, sheesh her cute smile can defeat him any day. Something was too good to be true for someone like her. But damn, she was hot. The Bajoran with a chip on her shoulder who was in Ops.

Revenant crew was more female than any, which is fine with him. More power to them. Might be good or bad, depends on who they run into. This was going to be interesting. There was going to be rubbing each other elbows.

The man smiled and nodded his head. Part of him was wondering where they were going. What is their mission? But there is some shadow secret to this mission. Or not. His imagination like to play with these ideas.

Then he looked at the head fellow next to him.  "œSo, the two of us? Awesome," he said.

Oh, the six-foot Grazerite he had his eyes on her. The first time he met one and worked alongside her. What was she like? Okay. He liked women.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: J.B Dersch on November 29, 2023, 01:10:48 PM

[Lt. JG JB Dersch | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Dersch listened to every word said by the Commander...Then she brought up the young ones who were in the room...Who had...well Kill their own crewmates..Saying its not our Fault? We could have done something! But he was pulled out of this thoughts as She said dersch. "Yes mam, But I do have one Question, Why us?" he asked.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2023, 11:50:24 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

"That we are, Kinley," said Nira. "However, we're certainly going to work a lot more often. And, yes, best not to leave hangers-on, we have a briefing to work on. And, uh, you'd best put on a red shirt, Commander," Nira added, noting Kinley's blue uniform.

Nira had to raise an eyebrow in interest at the arriving officers. Only one officer from the Challenger elected to join. On the other hand, Jamil-Bral Avant looked like a good officer to have along. Kinley had called in plenty more officers from the Discovery. But that was okay, she had expected Torra along.

She looked over and could see the officers selected from the Discovery on Kinley's PADD. Novi, Ramort, Lorut, Lachlyn, M'Nia. She certainly recognized M'Nia, a former Challenger officer. But Torra she approached first.

"Torra! Glad we could catch up!" she said, giving a sisterly hug. They never had the chance to get together when they were at Deep Space Nine, but now they had a chance to work together. She looked at the other crew and said, "Pardon, but the Lieutenant here and I, we're close friends on the Discovery."

Nira nodded warmly at M'Nia. "Same to you, M'Nia," she said. "And good to meet you as well, Novi," she added at the new Trill medical officer. Looking at Jamil, she said, "Not really, I believe the ship awaits us. Now, everybody, gather round here," she announced to the crew.

Gathering at the same holo-table the admirals showed her earlier, Nira pulled up the hologram of the Revenant and said, "Okay, all, to those whom I have worked with before, it's good to work with you again. To the new faces, overall, glad to meet you.

"Now," she said, "You are here today in light of the sudden shortages of officers from Frontier Day. It's understandable," she added, giving a reassuring gesture to those who had been assimilated, feeling the instant varied feelings abounding, "you weren't in control of your actions. I know you were recently put into Starfleet, so it may be a new experience for you. Many of you, while acting as temporary crew, will also be acting department heads. I wish to indicate that this will be a good chance to experience what it's like to be a leader. I should know, I had been barely a junior lieutenant when my own department head was incapacitated and I had to run his station briefly, so I know what it's like.

"It's perfectly fine, having a small crew," Nira continued. "The ship we're assigned to is designed for having a small crew. But it's to be expected, a former yacht as it is."

She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy."

She had noticed the profile and nodded respectfully; it was a position she had had before becoming First Officer, and she admired Lachlyn for it.

"Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy. M'Nia: Chief Engineer. Ramort: Chief Science Officer, Jamil here will be your deputy. The rest of the Revenant crew, including its Chief Flight Officer, are already at their ship and will be waiting for us."

She looked up and noticed a runabout had arrived at the docking pad outside. It was sturdy, despite how the Burj Khalifa had twice the height added thanks to modern technology, but even so, the tallest building on Earth, thanks to modern Federation technology, was...elsewhere. The officer from it approached.

"Sirs, orders from Admiral Gillespie. The Revenant is docked at the planetside shipyard at Tamanrasset. We're ready to bring you all over."

"Of course," she said, and she looked over at the rest of the crew.

[Conference room]

Kinley nodded, she did forget she was in science blues still. She'd have to replicate a new shirt and lab coat for that before they set off. A bit of a shame, as she looked the best in blues, but so be it .

[Shortly later]

Now in command red and a black lab coat  to match,  Kinley smiled at the rest of the crew as she came on, just a bit late, trying to project an air of confidence for everyone.  She knew most of them  and had requested a lot of them.  Hopefully, this run would be nice and relaxing and could help rebuild confidence in them all. She needed it, for sure. Anyhow, these were some of the most promising officers she knew.  They'd do fine. "œIndeed. What she said.  You ask, Why us, Mr Dersch?  Well, you guys were chosen because you're some of the best officers I know, plain and simple,  and I know that you guys have and will step up to the plate.  I trust you all, and I hope you'll do the same for the Commander and I. Any more questions before we head off?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said

Quote from: J.B Dersch on November 29, 2023, 01:10:48 PM

[Lt. JG JB Dersch | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Dersch listened to every word said by the Commander...Then she brought up the young ones who were in the room...Who had...well Kill their own crewmates..Saying its not our Fault? We could have done something! But he was pulled out of this thoughts as She said dersch. "Yes mam, But I do have one Question, Why us?" he asked.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 02, 2023, 01:23:55 AM

[Conference room]

Kinley nodded, she did forget she was in science blues still. She'd have to replicate a new shirt and lab coat for that before they set off. A bit of a shame, as she looked the best in blues, but so be it .

[Shortly later]

Now in command red and a black lab coat  to match,  Kinley smiled at the rest of the crew as she came on, just a bit late, trying to project an air of confidence for everyone.  She knew most of them  and had requested a lot of them.  Hopefully, this run would be nice and relaxing and could help rebuild confidence in them all. She needed it, for sure. Anyhow, these were some of the most promising officers she knew.  They'd do fine. "œIndeed. What she said.  You ask, Why us, Mr Dersch?  Well, you guys were chosen because you're some of the best officers I know, plain and simple,  and I know that you guys have and will step up to the plate.  I trust you all, and I hope you'll do the same for the Commander and I. Any more questions before we head off?

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on November 29, 2023, 05:00:19 PM

With her new role as Chief being such a trial-by-fire event, Tanne had spent the time after the Frontier fiasco absorbed in department head meetings and training. Quickly she'd learned that a lot of time as a Chief was spent arguing over semantics.

Thankfully the shift to a temporary assignment hadn't been a surprise as she was well aware of their current staffing deficit. She'd practically volunteered for the distraction, although there was only one other place she'd rather be, and that wasn't an option.

Tanner smiled at JB as he greeted her, "A temporary transfer for us, but to some it might turn into a more permanent thing. Everything is up in the air right now. It's good to see you." Aside from having knocked him unconscious while a drone, Tanner hadn't seen much of him after that. Starfleet had gathered the recovered crew who had been turned and put them through rigorous psychiatric exercises to ensure they were fit for duty. Obviously, he'd passed.

Same as Kinley. Tanner waved to her as they passed each other. This was going to be an interesting crew.

"We'd better go," She said to JB, "Let's see what's in the cards for us."

Chief, alright. She smiled at Dersch. At least she knew what he was like, so that was a plus.

There were so many mixed feelings about the crew who had been converted into drones. So much anger, hurt and frustration directed at them and command. Tanner tried her best to stay neutral, as they were still under her care. It didn't always work, but for the sake of the fleet, she had to try.

Quote from: Novi on November 29, 2023, 04:00:33 PM

[Ensign Novi | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Novi took the PADD and pursed her lips at the Commanders comment on her rank. Briefly it made her feel inferior to the many others gathered but she remembered Dr. Betaika's words and how she was picked for a reason, in spite of her rank. So she quickly brushed it aside. Looking at her PADD it appeared that it would just be her and the EMH as her Medical team. But it shouldn't be too bad. A temporary assignment simply to fill out some holes. Most everyone was caught up on their checkups. It appeared she would just have to do an evaluation on the old Revenant crew when she arrived. Just a standard checkup nothing too complicated. Satisfied in her orders she checked out what was available to her on the Revenant.

For a converted Yacht it was sophisticated with already having a small crew it was nothing more then a medium-sized clinic but she could easily continue her research here. Novi took a deep breathe, her first command position only a couple months out of the Academy. She hoped if she did a good job with this, and her research she could be in for an early promotion as well. The Symbiosis Commission would love that! Smiling she gazed at the other crew members. As they all congregated on the runabout to head to the Revenant.

Quote from: M'Nia on November 29, 2023, 06:40:17 PM

[Lt. JG M'nia | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

"Wow! Chief engineer? K'tal's whiskers! That is awesome! I'm anxious to get started." when she saw Tanner, she smiled at the security woman. We when you go through what they did hard not to form a bond.
Quote from: James Ramort on November 29, 2023, 11:13:18 PM

Chief Science Officer that one he wasn't prepared for. His Brain took a quick second to readjust to the new reality. With a Science Staff of two, including himself, there wouldn't be much chiefing to do, but still. It meant he was responsible now. He would have free Access to the Ship's Sensors and Computers to further the Frontier of Scientific Exploration at his own discretion.
Well, with the Captain's Orders .... and the Commander might also have something to say about what he used the Computers for... and the Chief Engineer Lieutenant M'Nia and ... maybe as free but still.

He continued to scroll through the PADD, basic specs for ships sensors and Computers. The Labs specifications.. was that a brand-new Barium suite?, this ship really was new.
Following that were basic calibration listings, Inventory Lists for scanners and rare chemicals, some instructions to download some new routines to the Lab's Computers, probably to prevent another Fleet Mode scenario where secondary systems were looked out without need and a deck plan with the lab's actual location marked. He could barely hold back his excitement to see it. But once there, he would have to take care of all these lists and fillings. The not so fun part of being the one with the responsibility.
And there at the end of the list: A personnel file. Being placed in command over another member of the Fleet, even if for a fixed time, meant he would need to know his team (of one). He would also have to have a look at that. But there was an even better way to get to know each other than reading a file. He decided to have a talk with the other Ensign before they would leave the system.

Putting down the PADD he faced the Commander that for the foreseeable would be his Captain.

"Thank you for the opportunity. I will not let you down, Ma'am!"

Quote from: Jamil on December 01, 2023, 11:55:30 PM

[Bridge - USS Revenant]

Small ship. Two Science Officers had the department. That was fine. More for them to do research. He was listening to what was to be said by the captain of this tiny little vessel of theirs. Most commands are female. He blushed and smiled. That was too sweet. To bad the ship was not named Charlie. It is Charlie's Angels. Yes. He was into Earth's history and entertainment culture.

Captain was Nira a human, we got a Trill Doctor, do those spots really go all the way down to their toes? He knows they do. But he really wanted to see with his own eyes. The Holo project characters are not true by nature. There was Dersch the Security officer. Most folk he had are new to him. M'Nia a Caitian, darn, he wished he brought some catnip. Kinley aka a Science Officer no more by part of command, sheesh her cute smile can defeat him any day. Something was too good to be true for someone like her. But damn, she was hot. The Bajoran with a chip on her shoulder who was in Ops.

Revenant crew was more female than any, which is fine with him. More power to them. Might be good or bad, depends on who they run into. This was going to be interesting. There was going to be rubbing each other elbows.

The man smiled and nodded his head. Part of him was wondering where they were going. What is their mission? But there is some shadow secret to this mission. Or not. His imagination like to play with these ideas.

Then he looked at the head fellow next to him.  "œSo, the two of us? Awesome," he said.

Oh, the six-foot Grazerite he had his eyes on her. The first time he met one and worked alongside her. What was she like? Okay. He liked women.

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Nira took in the varied reactions of the crew. She looked with interest at Jamil. She could tell his emotions as he looked at Torra. When Kinley came in, Nira looked at interest at the style she had chosen. Was the black coat a nod to her being a science officer?

"You're welcome, M'Nia, Mister Ramort," said Nira. "And I thank you for your gladly coming aboard."

[Commander Nira Said | Runabout Mississippi >- Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Burji Khalifa Penthouse >- Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

The runabout proceeded to take the crew up to where the Revenant was docked. When Nira asked why they were heading to the Tamansarret rather than the nearest planetary shipyard across from the Strait of Hormuz (the planetary shipyard she could always see at the top on a good day), she was informed that there was no pad facility there, and the Revenant has a spot there awaiting them.

In any case, after they left, Nira could see the shipyard before they had arrived.

She had heard plenty of how the planetary shipyards were in extreme demand since all of Earth's orbital facilities were destroyed on Frontier Day. But what surprised her was the sheer amount of ships around.

"Yeah, you're wondering about that," said the runabout pilot. "Most of the ships have elected to come down here to get worked on and having that swarm program erased. I think it's mostly because Earth is now unprotected. Not all the ships hacked by the Borg at Frontier Day are at Earth; some had to go farther afield. Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, Betazed...but most of the ships are here. And this isn't the only shipyard that's packed; they all are."

"Good thing they're so isolated," said Nira. She turned and explained to the crew. "Shipyards like this are set up in the middle of nowhere as a safety measure; in the event of something catastrophic, there's nobody around to affect them. There are plenty of these planetary shipyards around Earth for that purpose. Like in Riverside, Iowa, for example."

As they drew closer, the starship traffic was all the more apparent. Whatever ships weren't docked at the facilities were parked in various ways. Those with landing capabilities made themselves comfortable in whatever flat piece of surface they could find, although Nira was sure that some ships could tip forward or backward if they weren't careful; forward in the case of the Neo-Constitutions and Sutherland classes, backward with the Alitas. Those without landing capabilities hovered stagnantly airborne, although a few ships were docked at the mountains; if one didn't know better, from the angle, one would assume saucers had parked on those flat topped mountains. Of course, given the program being worked on, Nira could see a few workbees buzzing around the ships, an obvious indication of show. As they drew in closer, tents could be seen around the landed ships, and there were so many of them, it almost looked like a tent city.

"What's with the tents?" she asked.

The runabout pilot shrugged. "Far as I know, some of those ships' crews had set them up to have fun in the sun," he said.

"And I wonder how many of those tents are Bedouin tents?" asked Nira.

"Oh, plenty," the runabout pilot chuckled. "They've been there for a while now. At least modern technology helps them and their animals as they continue to wander."

Finally, they reached the landing pad facility, like a Regula station with pads, albeit they extended out at multiple levels. Even then, Nira could see all the landing pads were occupied. A good deal of the landing pads were big enough to admit even smaller starships, but even then, those ships there never all fit; some of their nacelles extended outward, in the case of the Steamrunners and the Reliants. Some, like the Edison classes, looked too wide.

"There she is," said Nira, spotting the Revenant. Aside from the fact that it was the only ship of its class there, it was also among the only starships to fit perfectly on its landing pad.

"We're coming in for a landing at the shuttle hangar," the pilot said. "Revenant is on Docking Pad Ninety-Four."

A moment later, the crew approached the Revenant. It was positioned in a way that its rear was facing toward the main building, along with the walkway heading for the pad. The launch bay hatch was open and extended downward as a ramp. The launch bay itself can be seen, and two pairs of shuttlepods were being tucked into each side of the bay further inside.

Off to the side, clearly away from the crowd, just close to the pad entrance, three young officers were checking out equipment. Nira could tell it was three of the Revenant's crew, however there was left. Aside from recognizing them from the personnel files, Nira recognized them from their glum, mournful emotions, expressions and body language; the only way one could find a more sorrier, guilty bunch of young fellows would be if one went back in time to more than three decades past and witnessed the disgrace of Starfleet Academy's Nova Squadron.

Two of the officers were in gold uniforms, Engineering officer Feeka Olisa and Security officer V'Larinn. Both had lone pips of ensigns, and both looked to be young; Feeka looked to be the youngest, though V'Larinn looked to come at an extremely close second. Nira could definitely see how serious it is if sorry, guilty and mournful body language was indicative even in a Vulcan, despite their reputation for suppressed emotion and logic. The third, who definitely looked older by two or three years, was in a red uniform and with one blacked pip next to the shiny one, a junior lieutenant. Helmsman Nathan Cutter, Nira recalled from the personnel file. She had a good idea why those three officers were standing away from the crowd.

As the immediate ranking officer, Cutter was the one Nira headed to. "Mister Cutter?" she asked as she approached.

Feeka and V'Larinn looked up as she approached. V'Larinn then turned a different direction, making as if the saucer of a Ross-class starship parked on one of the Tamansarret mountains was the most interesting bit of scenery there is. Feeka looked like she wanted to hide her head into her uniform the way a turtle would hide its head in its shell. Nira could see them from the corners of her eyes, but their reactions weren't lost on her.

"Mister Cutter, I'm Commander Said," said Nira. "I'm your new temporary commanding officer. And these are your new crewmembers. And you must be Ensigns Feeka and V'Larinn," she said in greeting to Feeka and V'Larinn, nodding at the ensigns. "You'll have new department heads to report to; Feeka, you'll be reporting to Chief Engineer M'Nia, V'Larinn, to Lachlyn and Dersch."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


[Ensign Novi | Runabout Mississippi >- Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Burji Khalifa Penthouse >- Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]
As Novi sat in the runabout she continued doing some research. on her PADD. She wanted to get her data submitted as soon as possible. Perhaps even on their way to their first mission she could present it to the senior officers and then ship it to Dr. Meelar. She would definitely know who to send it too in Starfleet Medical. Personally she wasn't too worried about jumping into the conversations onboard the ship. Her team was just herself and the EMH most of the crew members she only had a passing knowledge of from their medical profiles but they didn't need any checkups or any critical medical conditions. The only one she thought may need further tests were the XO, Kinley Garrison. But reading it and how she used to be a borg, even before Frontier Day, she assumed she wouldn't like her doing a quick checkup.

She was probably okay anyway if she was still clear for duty. Novi just shook her head as she switched over to a novel she was reading. A Trill story of course, their broad introspective themes and unique takes on beauty that only those who have lived multiple lives could tell. Whether it be fiction or true always kept her to her cultures stories. More relaxing then Human stories but still not as...boring as Vulcan stories. She let the small talk of the revenant act as White Noise as they made their way to landing dock...


Once they landed She put her PADD away and walked out with everyone else to the ship. Once again the brightness of Earth made her squint but she lived here for 4 years, after a minute she was fine enough and put her hands in her medical coats pockets she walked with everyone else to the remnant of the old Revenant crew.

You didn't have to be Betazoid to tell what the attitude of this crew was. She felt bad for them as Commander-Captain Nira Said introduced themselves to them. She already knew all their faces as she was reading over their Medical Profiles she made a mental note to make sure that outside of the standard physical she was required to run on the crew to make sure that Ensign Feeka's Arrythmia hadn't developed into something serious after such a traumatic event.

Overall though Novi was simply waiting to when she could arrive to her clinic. Introduce herself to the EMH and get with her work. She wasn't anti-social, that would be very bad as a Doctor, but she wasn't always the best at casual conversation. One of the downsides of growing in a rural area.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery


Quote from: Nira Said on December 02, 2023, 02:10:21 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

Nira took in the varied reactions of the crew. She looked with interest at Jamil. She could tell his emotions as he looked at Torra. When Kinley came in, Nira looked at interest at the style she had chosen. Was the black coat a nod to her being a science officer?

"You're welcome, M'Nia, Mister Ramort," said Nira. "And I thank you for your gladly coming aboard."

"I couldn't say no to you co..um captain! Truth is i miss you guys on the challenger sometimes. And after what we went through together, well I look forward to serving under you again!"

[Commander Nira Said | Runabout Mississippi >- Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Burji Khalifa Penthouse >- Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

The runabout proceeded to take the crew up to where the Revenant was docked. When Nira asked why they were heading to the Tamansarret rather than the nearest planetary shipyard across from the Strait of Hormuz (the planetary shipyard she could always see at the top on a good day), she was informed that there was no pad facility there, and the Revenant has a spot there awaiting them.

In any case, after they left, Nira could see the shipyard before they had arrived.

She had heard plenty of how the planetary shipyards were in extreme demand since all of Earth's orbital facilities were destroyed on Frontier Day. But what surprised her was the sheer amount of ships around.

"Yeah, you're wondering about that," said the runabout pilot. "Most of the ships have elected to come down here to get worked on and having that swarm program erased. I think it's mostly because Earth is now unprotected. Not all the ships hacked by the Borg at Frontier Day are at Earth; some had to go farther afield. Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, Betazed...but most of the ships are here. And this isn't the only shipyard that's packed; they all are."

"Good thing they're so isolated," said Nira. She turned and explained to the crew. "Shipyards like this are set up in the middle of nowhere as a safety measure; in the event of something catastrophic, there's nobody around to affect them. There are plenty of these planetary shipyards around Earth for that purpose. Like in Riverside, Iowa, for example."

M'nia sighed. "Yeah they did a lot of damage. I admit, it worries me! Starfleet took quite a blow from that whole thing and we have to rebuild. I'm glad we have places like this to help do that!"

As they drew closer, the starship traffic was all the more apparent. Whatever ships weren't docked at the facilities were parked in various ways. Those with landing capabilities made themselves comfortable in whatever flat piece of surface they could find, although Nira was sure that some ships could tip forward or backward if they weren't careful; forward in the case of the Neo-Constitutions and Sutherland classes, backward with the Alitas. Those without landing capabilities hovered stagnantly airborne, although a few ships were docked at the mountains; if one didn't know better, from the angle, one would assume saucers had parked on those flat topped mountains. Of course, given the program being worked on, Nira could see a few workbees buzzing around the ships, an obvious indication of show. As they drew in closer, tents could be seen around the landed ships, and there were so many of them, it almost looked like a tent city.

"What's with the tents?" she asked.

The runabout pilot shrugged. "Far as I know, some of those ships' crews had set them up to have fun in the sun," he said.

"And I wonder how many of those tents are Bedouin tents?" asked Nira.

"Oh, plenty," the runabout pilot chuckled. "They've been there for a while now. At least modern technology helps them and their animals as they continue to wander."

Finally, they reached the landing pad facility, like a Regula station with pads, albeit they extended out at multiple levels. Even then, Nira could see all the landing pads were occupied. A good deal of the landing pads were big enough to admit even smaller starships, but even then, those ships there never all fit; some of their nacelles extended outward, in the case of the Steamrunners and the Reliants. Some, like the Edison classes, looked too wide.

"There she is," said Nira, spotting the Revenant. Aside from the fact that it was the only ship of its class there, it was also among the only starships to fit perfectly on its landing pad.

"We're coming in for a landing at the shuttle hangar," the pilot said. "Revenant is on Docking Pad Ninety-Four."

A moment later, the crew approached the Revenant. It was positioned in a way that its rear was facing toward the main building, along with the walkway heading for the pad. The launch bay hatch was open and extended downward as a ramp. The launch bay itself can be seen, and two pairs of shuttlepods were being tucked into each side of the bay further inside.

Off to the side, clearly away from the crowd, just close to the pad entrance, three young officers were checking out equipment. Nira could tell it was three of the Revenant's crew, however there was left. Aside from recognizing them from the personnel files, Nira recognized them from their glum, mournful emotions, expressions and body language; the only way one could find a more sorrier, guilty bunch of young fellows would be if one went back in time to more than three decades past and witnessed the disgrace of Starfleet Academy's Nova Squadron.

Two of the officers were in gold uniforms, Engineering officer Feeka Olisa and Security officer V'Larinn. Both had lone pips of ensigns, and both looked to be young; Feeka looked to be the youngest, though V'Larinn looked to come at an extremely close second. Nira could definitely see how serious it is if sorry, guilty and mournful body language was indicative even in a Vulcan, despite their reputation for suppressed emotion and logic. The third, who definitely looked older by two or three years, was in a red uniform and with one blacked pip next to the shiny one, a junior lieutenant. Helmsman Nathan Cutter, Nira recalled from the personnel file. She had a good idea why those three officers were standing away from the crowd.

As the immediate ranking officer, Cutter was the one Nira headed to. "Mister Cutter?" she asked as she approached.

Feeka and V'Larinn looked up as she approached. V'Larinn then turned a different direction, making as if the saucer of a Ross-class starship parked on one of the Tamansarret mountains was the most interesting bit of scenery there is. Feeka looked like she wanted to hide her head into her uniform the way a turtle would hide its head in its shell. Nira could see them from the corners of her eyes, but their reactions weren't lost on her.

"Mister Cutter, I'm Commander Said," said Nira. "I'm your new temporary commanding officer. And these are your new crewmembers. And you must be Ensigns Feeka and V'Larinn," she said in greeting to Feeka and V'Larinn, nodding at the ensigns. "You'll have new department heads to report to; Feeka, you'll be reporting to Chief Engineer M'Nia, V'Larinn, to Lachlyn and Dersch."

"OK Feeka, I'm Lt. Jg m'nia. Lie the captain said, I'm acting chief engineer here so just do the best you can. That's all i ask of you. Don't be so afraid. I don't bite. Now I'd like to give her the once over in Engineering. So why don't you meet met there in say 15 minutes? That'll give me time to stash my stuff in my quarters!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2023, 11:50:24 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Penthouse Suite | Burj Khalifa | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Earth]

"That we are, Kinley," said Nira. "However, we're certainly going to work a lot more often. And, yes, best not to leave hangers-on, we have a briefing to work on. And, uh, you'd best put on a red shirt, Commander," Nira added, noting Kinley's blue uniform.

Nira had to raise an eyebrow in interest at the arriving officers. Only one officer from the Challenger elected to join. On the other hand, Jamil-Bral Avant looked like a good officer to have along. Kinley had called in plenty more officers from the Discovery. But that was okay, she had expected Torra along.

She looked over and could see the officers selected from the Discovery on Kinley's PADD. Novi, Ramort, Lorut, Lachlyn, M'Nia. She certainly recognized M'Nia, a former Challenger officer. But Torra she approached first.

"Torra! Glad we could catch up!" she said, giving a sisterly hug. They never had the chance to get together when they were at Deep Space Nine, but now they had a chance to work together. She looked at the other crew and said, "Pardon, but the Lieutenant here and I, we're close friends on the Discovery."

Nira nodded warmly at M'Nia. "Same to you, M'Nia," she said. "And good to meet you as well, Novi," she added at the new Trill medical officer. Looking at Jamil, she said, "Not really, I believe the ship awaits us. Now, everybody, gather round here," she announced to the crew.

Gathering at the same holo-table the admirals showed her earlier, Nira pulled up the hologram of the Revenant and said, "Okay, all, to those whom I have worked with before, it's good to work with you again. To the new faces, overall, glad to meet you.

"Now," she said, "You are here today in light of the sudden shortages of officers from Frontier Day. It's understandable," she added, giving a reassuring gesture to those who had been assimilated, feeling the instant varied feelings abounding, "you weren't in control of your actions. I know you were recently put into Starfleet, so it may be a new experience for you. Many of you, while acting as temporary crew, will also be acting department heads. I wish to indicate that this will be a good chance to experience what it's like to be a leader. I should know, I had been barely a junior lieutenant when my own department head was incapacitated and I had to run his station briefly, so I know what it's like.

"It's perfectly fine, having a small crew," Nira continued. "The ship we're assigned to is designed for having a small crew. But it's to be expected, a former yacht as it is."

She then passed out PADDs to certain members of the crew. "Now, Doctor Novi," said Nira, "despite your rank, you are now currently our acting Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Lachlyn?" she added, looking at Lachlyn. She had to admit, she liked the blonde woman. Maybe there was a bit of extra age, but Nira figured she would've looked like somebody she would've gotten along with at the Academy. "You're assigned as Revenant's temporary Chief of Security and Tactical, even though you're Discovery's already. Mister Dersch will be your deputy."

She had noticed the profile and nodded respectfully; it was a position she had had before becoming First Officer, and she admired Lachlyn for it.

"Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy. M'Nia: Chief Engineer. Ramort: Chief Science Officer, Jamil here will be your deputy. The rest of the Revenant crew, including its Chief Flight Officer, are already at their ship and will be waiting for us."

She looked up and noticed a runabout had arrived at the docking pad outside. It was sturdy, despite how the Burj Khalifa had twice the height added thanks to modern technology, but even so, the tallest building on Earth, thanks to modern Federation technology, was...elsewhere. The officer from it approached.

"Sirs, orders from Admiral Gillespie. The Revenant is docked at the planetside shipyard at Tamanrasset. We're ready to bring you all over."

"Of course," she said, and she looked over at the rest of the crew.

On the way up to the Penthouse of the Burj Khalifa, Torra was wide-eyed at the view.  While it wasn't the highest building she had ever been in, the view of the city surrounding the towering building was like she had stepped into the past.

At arriving, Torra was happy to see Nira, and she smiled warmly towards her friend before suddenly being greeted with a hug.  The Grazerite was moved by the human gesture of closeness; though each time she received one, she was always extremely cautious about turning her horns aside.  It wouldn't do to accidentally poke out an eye of someone she was close with.   Hugging was not a common greeting on Vacca III.

Hearing Nira offer explanation to the others about their friendship, Torra felt a slight discomfort, not wanting to seem that she'd been selected for this assignment merely because of who she knew.

"It is good to see you again, as well Nira... um I mean Commander."

She was glad when the group were asked to gather around the holo-table, where roles were confirmed.   Torra looked towards Ensign Lorut and smiled, glad that she had such a competent individual working in her department.  Though she was aware of the Bajoran's past difficulties with other officers, Torra felt that they had enough of a shared experience together, especially after Frontier Day, that they could work together fine.

It was more the Commander, and to a less extent junior Lieutenant Dersch that she had some uncertainty about. She didn't want to feel that way but it was hard not to recall when looking towards them, seeing the Commander firing a phaser towards her and the other escaping Bridge crew.   Trust was a big part of being a team, and it was going to take some time before she felt she could trust those that had been assimiliated.

Quote from: Jamil on December 01, 2023, 11:55:30 PM

[Bridge - USS Revenant]

Small ship. Two Science Officers had the department. That was fine. More for them to do research. He was listening to what was to be said by the captain of this tiny little vessel of theirs. Most commands are female. He blushed and smiled. That was too sweet. To bad the ship was not named Charlie. It is Charlie's Angels. Yes. He was into Earth's history and entertainment culture.
Oh, the six-foot Grazerite he had his eyes on her. The first time he met one and worked alongside her. What was she like? Okay. He liked women.

During the assignment hand out, Torra couldn't help but notice one of the Science officers, observing her.  She turned to meet his gaze.  "Hello," she greeted softly.   "You seem to be staring. Is there a problem?"

Then it was time to board their shuttle and fly over to their new ship.  The USS Revenant.  Torra was quietly excited for what awaited them.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 02, 2023, 02:10:21 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Runabout Mississippi >- Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Burji Khalifa Penthouse >- Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

The runabout proceeded to take the crew up to where the Revenant was docked. When Nira asked why they were heading to the Tamansarret rather than the nearest planetary shipyard across from the Strait of Hormuz (the planetary shipyard she could always see at the top on a good day), she was informed that there was no pad facility there, and the Revenant has a spot there awaiting them.


"There she is," said Nira, spotting the Revenant. Aside from the fact that it was the only ship of its class there, it was also among the only starships to fit perfectly on its landing pad.

"We're coming in for a landing at the shuttle hangar," the pilot said. "Revenant is on Docking Pad Ninety-Four."

A moment later, the crew approached the Revenant. It was positioned in a way that its rear was facing toward the main building, along with the walkway heading for the pad. The launch bay hatch was open and extended downward as a ramp. The launch bay itself can be seen, and two pairs of shuttlepods were being tucked into each side of the bay further inside.

Off to the side, clearly away from the crowd, just close to the pad entrance, three young officers were checking out equipment. Nira could tell it was three of the Revenant's crew, however there was left. Aside from recognizing them from the personnel files, Nira recognized them from their glum, mournful emotions, expressions and body language; the only way one could find a more sorrier, guilty bunch of young fellows would be if one went back in time to more than three decades past and witnessed the disgrace of Starfleet Academy's Nova Squadron.

Two of the officers were in gold uniforms, Engineering officer Feeka Olisa and Security officer V'Larinn. Both had lone pips of ensigns, and both looked to be young; Feeka looked to be the youngest, though V'Larinn looked to come at an extremely close second. Nira could definitely see how serious it is if sorry, guilty and mournful body language was indicative even in a Vulcan, despite their reputation for suppressed emotion and logic. The third, who definitely looked older by two or three years, was in a red uniform and with one blacked pip next to the shiny one, a junior lieutenant. Helmsman Nathan Cutter, Nira recalled from the personnel file. She had a good idea why those three officers were standing away from the crowd.

As the immediate ranking officer, Cutter was the one Nira headed to. "Mister Cutter?" she asked as she approached.

Feeka and V'Larinn looked up as she approached. V'Larinn then turned a different direction, making as if the saucer of a Ross-class starship parked on one of the Tamansarret mountains was the most interesting bit of scenery there is. Feeka looked like she wanted to hide her head into her uniform the way a turtle would hide its head in its shell. Nira could see them from the corners of her eyes, but their reactions weren't lost on her.

"Mister Cutter, I'm Commander Said," said Nira. "I'm your new temporary commanding officer. And these are your new crewmembers. And you must be Ensigns Feeka and V'Larinn," she said in greeting to Feeka and V'Larinn, nodding at the ensigns. "You'll have new department heads to report to; Feeka, you'll be reporting to Chief Engineer M'Nia, V'Larinn, to Lachlyn and Dersch."

Torra was no Betazoid, but just from their demeanor and their youth, Torra could guess at their history.  Unlike with Commander Garrison, Torra had to memories of them attacking her so she could feel empathy towards their plight, and she tried her best to offer a warm smile to each while Nira greeted them.
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lorut Vila

Landing Pad
Somewhere on Earth

The Bajoran moved her sunglasses to properly stare at this newcomer.


Hey, you a security guard? You stiff as one..Hi, I am, Jamil. Revenant"¦did the leave us behind?

"If I WAS a security guard, you'd already be in the brig," she said, coolly. "I am Ensign Lorut Vila. We're waiting for a transport." Her stare could bore a hole through this poor young schmuck.

A bit later, she and the idiot blue shirt apparatus in what appeared to be an empty apartment. Silently, she stood, tense, against the wall. As she'd figured, the worst of the Fleet. At least Addams could be trusted to hold her own.

She listened to the droning around her, blah blah, exploratory mission to see what was left of the Universe after the Borg attack. She cared not for this drivel. FINALLY, it was time to move out as the acting Captain assigned duties and they could finally ship out.


Torra? Danjar-Torra Addams, you are to be Chief of Operations. Lorut will be your deputy.

Vila simply nodded. She could, at least, count on the fact that Addams would leave her alone for the most part. They worked OK together.

She prepped to transport aboard, remaining silent. She'd found it was the best course of action these days.

James Ramort

Quote from: Jamil on December 01, 2023, 11:55:30 PM

Then he looked at the head fellow next to him.  "œSo, the two of us? Awesome," he said.

"Yeah, seems you are stuck with me for now. Let's have a talk before we leave the system. Familiarising ourselves with the Lab and getting to know each other."
Quote from: Nira Said on December 02, 2023, 02:10:21 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Runabout Mississippi >- Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Burji Khalifa Penthouse >- Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

The runabout proceeded to take the crew up to where the Revenant was docked. [...]

"There she is," said Nira, spotting the Revenant. Aside from the fact that it was the only ship of its class there, it was also among the only starships to fit perfectly on its landing pad.

"We're coming in for a landing at the shuttle hangar," the pilot said. "Revenant is on Docking Pad Ninety-Four."

A moment later, the crew approached the Revenant. It was positioned in a way that its rear was facing toward the main building, along with the walkway heading for the pad. The launch bay hatch was open and extended downward as a ramp. The launch bay itself can be seen, and two pairs of shuttlepods were being tucked into each side of the bay further inside.

Off to the side, clearly away from the crowd, just close to the pad entrance, three young officers were checking out equipment. Nira could tell it was three of the Revenant's crew, however there was left. Aside from recognizing them from the personnel files, Nira recognized them from their glum, mournful emotions, expressions and body language; the only way one could find a more sorrier, guilty bunch of young fellows would be if one went back in time to more than three decades past and witnessed the disgrace of Starfleet Academy's Nova Squadron.

Two of the officers were in gold uniforms, Engineering officer Feeka Olisa and Security officer V'Larinn. Both had lone pips of ensigns, and both looked to be young; Feeka looked to be the youngest, though V'Larinn looked to come at an extremely close second. Nira could definitely see how serious it is if sorry, guilty and mournful body language was indicative even in a Vulcan, despite their reputation for suppressed emotion and logic. The third, who definitely looked older by two or three years, was in a red uniform and with one blacked pip next to the shiny one, a junior lieutenant. Helmsman Nathan Cutter, Nira recalled from the personnel file. She had a good idea why those three officers were standing away from the crowd.

As the immediate ranking officer, Cutter was the one Nira headed to. "Mister Cutter?" she asked as she approached.

"Mister Cutter, I'm Commander Said," said Nira. "I'm your new temporary commanding officer. And these are your new crewmembers. And you must be Ensigns Feeka and V'Larinn," she said in greeting to Feeka and V'Larinn, nodding at the ensigns. "You'll have new department heads to report to; Feeka, you'll be reporting to Chief Engineer M'Nia, V'Larinn, to Lachlyn and Dersch."

For the duration of the flight, Ramort tried to concentrate on the ship's specs.
Memorizing Deck Layouts and the exact Computer Protocols for the Lab. All in the Service of being able to jumpstart the Science Division on the Revenant into working modus right away.
This was both in service of his own curiosity and his dedication to his task.
He was still only an Ensign so the chance to be put in charge of any part of a Ship would probably not come too soon again and he wanted to leave the best possible impression while he was able to do so.

Even so the brief glimpses he managed to catch of the Yard from above managed to impress him. It looked nearly as if everything had been thrown into chaos, but there was an inherent order to it.
Clearly defined transport lines carved between the jungle of ships and tents. People moving along predefined paths, just the complexity of the entire assembly made it look chaotic. A typical phenomenon for these occurrences.

After the Captain introduced herself to the remaining crew of the Revenant he began a quick walk around the ship. His Tricorder set to check up on all external sensor arrays. It was the first time he would be in charge of the Lab and he didn't want to risk a sensor failure in the heat of the moment.

He quickly made his way around the nearly square ship. His Tricorder recording every external reading that could hint at damages to the Sensor Instruments or the surrounding Hull but finding nothing.
The Crews at the Yard had done a very good job.
After this he returned to the group only the first item of a long list of things he set out to do was done but for most of them he would need to actually familiarise himself with the Lab first.

Taking a look at some of the crates still standing before the ship and their markings he turned to Ensign Avant:

"How about we take some of those crates with us. It seems, are fair share of them is meant for us anyway. Probably some of the new gear."

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 02, 2023, 02:10:21 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Runabout Mississippi >- Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Burji Khalifa Penthouse >- Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

The runabout proceeded to take the crew up to where the Revenant was docked. When Nira asked why they were heading to the Tamansarret rather than the nearest planetary shipyard across from the Strait of Hormuz (the planetary shipyard she could always see at the top on a good day), she was informed that there was no pad facility there, and the Revenant has a spot there awaiting them.

In any case, after they left, Nira could see the shipyard before they had arrived.

She had heard plenty of how the planetary shipyards were in extreme demand since all of Earth's orbital facilities were destroyed on Frontier Day. But what surprised her was the sheer amount of ships around.

"Yeah, you're wondering about that," said the runabout pilot. "Most of the ships have elected to come down here to get worked on and having that swarm program erased. I think it's mostly because Earth is now unprotected. Not all the ships hacked by the Borg at Frontier Day are at Earth; some had to go farther afield. Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, Betazed...but most of the ships are here. And this isn't the only shipyard that's packed; they all are."

"Good thing they're so isolated," said Nira. She turned and explained to the crew. "Shipyards like this are set up in the middle of nowhere as a safety measure; in the event of something catastrophic, there's nobody around to affect them. There are plenty of these planetary shipyards around Earth for that purpose. Like in Riverside, Iowa, for example."

As they drew closer, the starship traffic was all the more apparent. Whatever ships weren't docked at the facilities were parked in various ways. Those with landing capabilities made themselves comfortable in whatever flat piece of surface they could find, although Nira was sure that some ships could tip forward or backward if they weren't careful; forward in the case of the Neo-Constitutions and Sutherland classes, backward with the Alitas. Those without landing capabilities hovered stagnantly airborne, although a few ships were docked at the mountains; if one didn't know better, from the angle, one would assume saucers had parked on those flat topped mountains. Of course, given the program being worked on, Nira could see a few workbees buzzing around the ships, an obvious indication of show. As they drew in closer, tents could be seen around the landed ships, and there were so many of them, it almost looked like a tent city.

"What's with the tents?" she asked.

The runabout pilot shrugged. "Far as I know, some of those ships' crews had set them up to have fun in the sun," he said.

"And I wonder how many of those tents are Bedouin tents?" asked Nira.

"Oh, plenty," the runabout pilot chuckled. "They've been there for a while now. At least modern technology helps them and their animals as they continue to wander."

Finally, they reached the landing pad facility, like a Regula station with pads, albeit they extended out at multiple levels. Even then, Nira could see all the landing pads were occupied. A good deal of the landing pads were big enough to admit even smaller starships, but even then, those ships there never all fit; some of their nacelles extended outward, in the case of the Steamrunners and the Reliants. Some, like the Edison classes, looked too wide.

"There she is," said Nira, spotting the Revenant. Aside from the fact that it was the only ship of its class there, it was also among the only starships to fit perfectly on its landing pad.

"We're coming in for a landing at the shuttle hangar," the pilot said. "Revenant is on Docking Pad Ninety-Four."

A moment later, the crew approached the Revenant. It was positioned in a way that its rear was facing toward the main building, along with the walkway heading for the pad. The launch bay hatch was open and extended downward as a ramp. The launch bay itself can be seen, and two pairs of shuttlepods were being tucked into each side of the bay further inside.

Off to the side, clearly away from the crowd, just close to the pad entrance, three young officers were checking out equipment. Nira could tell it was three of the Revenant's crew, however there was left. Aside from recognizing them from the personnel files, Nira recognized them from their glum, mournful emotions, expressions and body language; the only way one could find a more sorrier, guilty bunch of young fellows would be if one went back in time to more than three decades past and witnessed the disgrace of Starfleet Academy's Nova Squadron.

Two of the officers were in gold uniforms, Engineering officer Feeka Olisa and Security officer V'Larinn. Both had lone pips of ensigns, and both looked to be young; Feeka looked to be the youngest, though V'Larinn looked to come at an extremely close second. Nira could definitely see how serious it is if sorry, guilty and mournful body language was indicative even in a Vulcan, despite their reputation for suppressed emotion and logic. The third, who definitely looked older by two or three years, was in a red uniform and with one blacked pip next to the shiny one, a junior lieutenant. Helmsman Nathan Cutter, Nira recalled from the personnel file. She had a good idea why those three officers were standing away from the crowd.

As the immediate ranking officer, Cutter was the one Nira headed to. "Mister Cutter?" she asked as she approached.

Feeka and V'Larinn looked up as she approached. V'Larinn then turned a different direction, making as if the saucer of a Ross-class starship parked on one of the Tamansarret mountains was the most interesting bit of scenery there is. Feeka looked like she wanted to hide her head into her uniform the way a turtle would hide its head in its shell. Nira could see them from the corners of her eyes, but their reactions weren't lost on her.

"Mister Cutter, I'm Commander Said," said Nira. "I'm your new temporary commanding officer. And these are your new crewmembers. And you must be Ensigns Feeka and V'Larinn," she said in greeting to Feeka and V'Larinn, nodding at the ensigns. "You'll have new department heads to report to; Feeka, you'll be reporting to Chief Engineer M'Nia, V'Larinn, to Lachlyn and Dersch."

[Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

Nathan stood stiffly at attention, but he looked through Nira with dead eyes as he spoke.

"Good to meet you Captain, welcome to the Revenant."

He replied in a respectful tone and figured he'd let the new officer get settled before he put in his request to resign.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 03, 2023, 04:53:19 PM

[Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

Nathan stood stiffly at attention, but he looked through Nira with dead eyes as he spoke.

"Good to meet you Captain, welcome to the Revenant."

He replied in a respectful tone and figured he'd let the new officer get settled before he put in his request to resign.

[Commander Nira Said | Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

If Nira had been a decade, maybe a decade and a half younger, she would've recoiled at Nathan Cutter. The expression on his face might as well come off of a ghost's. He was a particular kind of stiff in his demeanor. The dead eyes struck home the worst. Despite the respect in his voice, there was an underlying tone indicative there was somewhere else he wanted to be. Emotionally, the trauma she felt was like being close to a furnace generating the same heat of a solar flare.

"You are the ranking officer among the remnants of the Revenant's old crew, I gather?" asked Nira, seeing the pips.

"Actually, Commander, that would be me," somebody called.

Turning to the direction of the voice, Nira saw an officer in blue, the two gold pips gleaming in the sun, approaching from the open launch bay, calling just as he stepped off the hatch. Aside from a black mohawk, braided in the back by a ponytail, he was bald in a clean-shaven in such a way that, if not for the hair, Nira would've assumed him to be a Deltan, although if she was two decades younger, she would've called him a djinn, uniform or not. He was good-looking, certainly looking thirty. When he drew up close, Nira saw the black eyes, as black as her's...he was a Betazoid.

But that realization was secondary, compared to the reaction she definitely saw out of Cutter, Feeka and V'Larinn. The moment the man called out and stepped forward, all three of them seemed to find any direction except any line of sight his way interesting; In particular, Feeka was especially finding her boots interesting to stare at, and V'Larinn suddenly turned to look at another mountain. The obvious was certain, all three of them definitely did not want to look at the Betazoid at all. What was more, the feeling of shame Nira felt from the three of them became so pronounced, it was suddenly like feeling the cold of a Kuiper belt, with spirits of misery as chilled gaseous forms as an added bonus.

"Asun Bat, Ship's Counselor," the Betazoid said as he extended a friendly hand, giving a warm smile...and since it was apparent he was the starship's counselor, the fact that he was smiling meant he was the first of the crew to actually smile. The pronunciation he gave was especially interesting, pronouncing his name as "Aahh-soon Bhatt," almost like he was South Asian, and would easily be, given his hairdo, if it wasn't for his eyes.

"Good to meet you, Counselor Bat," said Nira. "I'm gathering you're all that remains of Revenant's senior staff?"

"That's right," he said, his smile lessening a tad. Obviously he was thinking of the rest of his colleagues. He then reached up to the side of his head, like in memory...it was almost unnoticeable, but Nira could see a few but extremely faint scars on the side of his head. Burn scars.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tanner Lachlyn

Tanner had kept to herself most of the flight as she'd studied the layout of the new ship. Four decks, easy to patrol.  Her cabin was on the same deck as Security, which meant she could sleep in before heading to work.

A stairwell? How quaint. She'd smirked at the thought of running up and down them. Just like the creepy old one they'd found but less ominous.

Once landed she followed the others out and when introduced gave a nod to the Vulcan ensign. She jotted a note down on her PADD to schedule a meeting for them once settled aboard. Schedules would be basic but they'd need a walkthrough of the ship together.

J.B Dersch


| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant |

After Kinley responded to his question. it satisfied him, But why him, He had killed at least 6 or more of his crew mates, who he didn't even know! Dersch moved to head for the Security Deck. He wanted to do a quick inventory of the Weapons, and other Important checks needed. she nodded to The Vulcan Officer who was also Sec/Tac. He grabbed the PADD and went through the Manifest for Sec/Tac. Not many Of us. But still there's some He moved to enter the Deck of Sec/Tac. Small, Confined, but nice.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


[Ensign Novi - Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

Novi saw the Ships Counselor introduce himself to Commander Said and thought she should at least introduce herself to him. If someone had any outstanding mental issues it would be good to report them to each other. He was sort of like a doctor of the mind after all.

Once she saw the Counselor and new Captain part she walked over and gave a wave, her small height made things a little weird as he towered over her.

"Hello. I am Ensign Novi, the new Chief Medical Officer for the time being. I hope we can work well together." she smiled and gave a little bow.

"My pleasure Ensign Novi. I entrust the remainder of us to your care." he smiled back and shook her hand.

"You must really be something to have earned this position even with the current situation."

Novi gave an awkard smile and nodded,
"I know I am still just an Ensign here but I just hope to not disappoint. Everyone gathered here has been through a lot recently so I just hope I can do my part on the ship to make sure things go smooth and we can all relax."

Counselor Bat nodded, his smile gone at that point as he also looked at the assembled crewmembers. Its all we wish for with this assignment...much needed for everyone...What was going through his Betazoid mind? What was it like to feel the emotions of those around you? And to have the most likely be so negative...Novi could not know so she pushed such thoughts out as she stood next to the Counselor and waited for the order to board the ship and prep for take off

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 03, 2023, 11:48:52 PM

Tanner had kept to herself most of the flight as she'd studied the layout of the new ship. Four decks, easy to patrol.  Her cabin was on the same deck as Security, which meant she could sleep in before heading to work.

A stairwell? How quaint. She'd smirked at the thought of running up and down them. Just like the creepy old one they'd found but less ominous.

Once landed she followed the others out and when introduced gave a nod to the Vulcan ensign. She jotted a note down on her PADD to schedule a meeting for them once settled aboard. Schedules would be basic but they'd need a walkthrough of the ship together.

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant | Deck 2 |

After checking the weapons and his own Quarters. JB headed to Talk to Tanner. He had been having some, Lets just say, Flash backs. And he needed to Know if they were true or not. He approached  the Main office and Pushed the button to call. All I want is the truth, Plus I do want to talk to her about our Current assignment, and What we both need to make sure this gos well He had spent the last 6 minutes while doing the Weapon Check moving his New arm. It still bugged the living Hell out of him. Olivia said it was normal, But it sure as hell didn't to him. I hope the arm dose not prevent me from doing my job correctly

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

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