Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Novi on December 02, 2023, 03:03:08 PM

Once they landed She put her PADD away and walked out with everyone else to the ship. Once again the brightness of Earth made her squint but she lived here for 4 years, after a minute she was fine enough and put her hands in her medical coats pockets she walked with everyone else to the remnant of the old Revenant crew.

You didn't have to be Betazoid to tell what the attitude of this crew was. She felt bad for them as Commander-Captain Nira Said introduced themselves to them. She already knew all their faces as she was reading over their Medical Profiles she made a mental note to make sure that outside of the standard physical she was required to run on the crew to make sure that Ensign Feeka's Arrythmia hadn't developed into something serious after such a traumatic event.

Overall though Novi was simply waiting to when she could arrive to her clinic. Introduce herself to the EMH and get with her work. She wasn't anti-social, that would be very bad as a Doctor, but she wasn't always the best at casual conversation. One of the downsides of growing in a rural area.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 02, 2023, 08:04:47 PM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Dubai - Burj Khalifa]

On the way up to the Penthouse of the Burj Khalifa, Torra was wide-eyed at the view.  While it wasn't the highest building she had ever been in, the view of the city surrounding the towering building was like she had stepped into the past.

At arriving, Torra was happy to see Nira, and she smiled warmly towards her friend before suddenly being greeted with a hug.  The Grazerite was moved by the human gesture of closeness; though each time she received one, she was always extremely cautious about turning her horns aside.  It wouldn't do to accidentally poke out an eye of someone she was close with.   Hugging was not a common greeting on Vacca III.

Hearing Nira offer explanation to the others about their friendship, Torra felt a slight discomfort, not wanting to seem that she'd been selected for this assignment merely because of who she knew.

"It is good to see you again, as well Nira... um I mean Commander."

She was glad when the group were asked to gather around the holo-table, where roles were confirmed.   Torra looked towards Ensign Lorut and smiled, glad that she had such a competent individual working in her department.  Though she was aware of the Bajoran's past difficulties with other officers, Torra felt that they had enough of a shared experience together, especially after Frontier Day, that they could work together fine.

It was more the Commander, and to a less extent junior Lieutenant Dersch that she had some uncertainty about. She didn't want to feel that way but it was hard not to recall when looking towards them, seeing the Commander firing a phaser towards her and the other escaping Bridge crew.   Trust was a big part of being a team, and it was going to take some time before she felt she could trust those that had been assimiliated.

During the assignment hand out, Torra couldn't help but notice one of the Science officers, observing her.  She turned to meet his gaze.  "Hello," she greeted softly.   "You seem to be staring. Is there a problem?"

Then it was time to board their shuttle and fly over to their new ship.  The USS Revenant.  Torra was quietly excited for what awaited them.

Torra was no Betazoid, but just from their demeanor and their youth, Torra could guess at their history.  Unlike with Commander Garrison, Torra had to memories of them attacking her so she could feel empathy towards their plight, and she tried her best to offer a warm smile to each while Nira greeted them.

Quote from: James Ramort on December 02, 2023, 11:04:00 PM

"Yeah, seems you are stuck with me for now. Let's have a talk before we leave the system. Familiarising ourselves with the Lab and getting to know each other."

For the duration of the flight, Ramort tried to concentrate on the ship's specs.
Memorizing Deck Layouts and the exact Computer Protocols for the Lab. All in the Service of being able to jumpstart the Science Division on the Revenant into working modus right away.
This was both in service of his own curiosity and his dedication to his task.
He was still only an Ensign so the chance to be put in charge of any part of a Ship would probably not come too soon again and he wanted to leave the best possible impression while he was able to do so.

Even so the brief glimpses he managed to catch of the Yard from above managed to impress him. It looked nearly as if everything had been thrown into chaos, but there was an inherent order to it.
Clearly defined transport lines carved between the jungle of ships and tents. People moving along predefined paths, just the complexity of the entire assembly made it look chaotic. A typical phenomenon for these occurrences.

After the Captain introduced herself to the remaining crew of the Revenant he began a quick walk around the ship. His Tricorder set to check up on all external sensor arrays. It was the first time he would be in charge of the Lab and he didn't want to risk a sensor failure in the heat of the moment.

He quickly made his way around the nearly square ship. His Tricorder recording every external reading that could hint at damages to the Sensor Instruments or the surrounding Hull but finding nothing.
The Crews at the Yard had done a very good job.
After this he returned to the group only the first item of a long list of things he set out to do was done but for most of them he would need to actually familiarise himself with the Lab first.

Taking a look at some of the crates still standing before the ship and their markings he turned to Ensign Avant:

"How about we take some of those crates with us. It seems, are fair share of them is meant for us anyway. Probably some of the new gear."

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 03, 2023, 11:48:52 PM

Tanner had kept to herself most of the flight as she'd studied the layout of the new ship. Four decks, easy to patrol.  Her cabin was on the same deck as Security, which meant she could sleep in before heading to work.

A stairwell? How quaint. She'd smirked at the thought of running up and down them. Just like the creepy old one they'd found but less ominous.

Once landed she followed the others out and when introduced gave a nod to the Vulcan ensign. She jotted a note down on her PADD to schedule a meeting for them once settled aboard. Schedules would be basic but they'd need a walkthrough of the ship together.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on December 04, 2023, 10:45:54 AM

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant |

After Kinley responded to his question. it satisfied him, But why him, He had killed at least 6 or more of his crew mates, who he didn't even know! Dersch moved to head for the Security Deck. He wanted to do a quick inventory of the Weapons, and other Important checks needed. she nodded to The Vulcan Officer who was also Sec/Tac. He grabbed the PADD and went through the Manifest for Sec/Tac. Not many Of us. But still there's some He moved to enter the Deck of Sec/Tac. Small, Confined, but nice.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on December 05, 2023, 12:57:28 PM

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant | Deck 2 |

After checking the weapons and his own Quarters. JB headed to Talk to Tanner. He had been having some, Lets just say, Flash backs. And he needed to Know if they were true or not. He approached  the Main office and Pushed the button to call. All I want is the truth, Plus I do want to talk to her about our Current assignment, and What we both need to make sure this gos well He had spent the last 6 minutes while doing the Weapon Check moving his New arm. It still bugged the living Hell out of him. Olivia said it was normal, But it sure as hell didn't to him. I hope the arm dose not prevent me from doing my job correctly

Quote from: Novi on December 04, 2023, 05:31:38 PM

[Ensign Novi - Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

Novi saw the Ships Counselor introduce himself to Commander Said and thought she should at least introduce herself to him. If someone had any outstanding mental issues it would be good to report them to each other. He was sort of like a doctor of the mind after all.

Once she saw the Counselor and new Captain part she walked over and gave a wave, her small height made things a little weird as he towered over her.

"Hello. I am Ensign Novi, the new Chief Medical Officer for the time being. I hope we can work well together." she smiled and gave a little bow.

"My pleasure Ensign Novi. I entrust the remainder of us to your care." he smiled back and shook her hand.

"You must really be something to have earned this position even with the current situation."

Novi gave an awkard smile and nodded,
"I know I am still just an Ensign here but I just hope to not disappoint. Everyone gathered here has been through a lot recently so I just hope I can do my part on the ship to make sure things go smooth and we can all relax."

Counselor Bat nodded, his smile gone at that point as he also looked at the assembled crewmembers. Its all we wish for with this assignment...much needed for everyone...What was going through his Betazoid mind? What was it like to feel the emotions of those around you? And to have the most likely be so negative...Novi could not know so she pushed such thoughts out as she stood next to the Counselor and waited for the order to board the ship and prep for take off

[Commander Nira Said | Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

"Okay, let's see about getting to know our new ship," said Nira. "We have time to settle in, get to know the layout. In four hours, we must ready ourselves for departure. Dismissed."

She then turned to Counselor Bat and said, "I'll want a word with you later. You and Mister Cutter. Expect me to summon you."

Then she proceeded onto the launch hatch and proceeded inside. She remembered the layout of the ship and figured it wouldn't take long to see things around.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

She can instantly see where things were expanded in width as the class was upgraded from the original Aquarius-class look. The first was in the launch bay, where it certainly lay under the "fins" indicative of what looked like the rear of a Yeager class starship...or, more accurately, the recently introduced Pathyeager class. The slight extra width of the launch bay allowed space for two shuttle storage spaces on either side, and within, two shuttlepods, one to each side, with three additional workbees placed behind them; Nira recalled that the extra width could permit, in its place, two small shuttles on either side if need be.

The extra space also included a bigger EVA storage unit as well as a supply unit with a small industrial replicator, certainly handy for getting the parts needed for the ship.

Quarters proved to have an interesting layout. In the past, in the previous Aquarius-class design, only a sparse few cabins were made for lone officers. Now, in the Aquarian class, the space was expanded. Now there were more single quarters, meaning all senior officers had them. The enlisted officers, though in this case, the junior officers, still had bunk rooms and communal bathroom facilities. Given that there were only five junior officers now, it meant a more extensive space for them, and at least one officer won't likely have a bunk mate. Office spaces were all on Deck Two, and in a small space, it meant officers didn't have far to go. The extended space also gave place for the ready rooms for Captain and First Officer; Nira remembered how small her own First Officer's ready room was, and the Captain's ready room was just about that size, although it's to be expected in a corvette.

The extra space also meant additional placement for torpedo storage, meaning the Aquarians were built to, despite its size, pack as much a punch as the Defiant classes of old and the current Adamant classes. Of course, because of the amount of torpedoes placed in such a small ship, it meant it had to come with priming systems, which prepared torpedoes for default impact detonation but programmed to activate and deactivate torpedoes for prevention of chain reaction, particularly when not in use. There weren't as many torpedoes being loaded currently; the whole complement was exhausted at Frontier Day when the Revenant took part with the rest of the hacked fleet in bombarding all of Earth's orbital facilities.

Then there was the Bridge. It was definitely a lot smaller than bridges Nira was used to, but again, it's to be expected in a corvette. The conn, the captain's chair, was set in the center, with the helm two meters immediately in the front. Behind the Captain's chair were two Tactical stations. One was designated for the Chief Sec/Tac officer, although Nira was certain that Lieutenant Lachlyn was going to be in one of the seats and she would be alone, although Nira figured the second tactical station mostly served as an auxiliary systems position, so anybody could man it.

Two stations were on each side of the bridge; On the right side, the chair to the right of the captain's chair was the First Officer's station, the other a science station, although it was mostly occupied by the ship's counselor, and with those chairs flanking the Captain's chair by some distance, it felt like the triple layout of seats in the bigger flagships. At the stations flanking the helm was Ops and what was described as the Engineering station, although since the Chief Engineer spent more time in Main Engineering, usually the Chief Science Officer manned that station.

And on the subject of Main Engineering, Nira had to admit, it was the smallest Engine Room she had ever seen, although the widening of the class meant more extensive systems, especially to the nacelles extending outward. No slipstream drive, of course; the class of ship was much too small for it. In fact, the smallest class of starship even permitted to be outfitted with slipstream drives were the Adamant classes. To Nira's surprised, she found herself fine with it; maybe she had gotten used to being on a ship without slipstream for a long time, despite getting used to slipstream on the Discovery.

Nira was sitting in the Captain's Chair, having to get to know it, and was now pondering on what to discuss with Kinley  and Torra. She was already figuring that, with fifteen people in the crew, and that was including the EMH, plenty of people will have to do more work. Ops and Engineering are going to have to work together in regards to the ship, and with help from Science if need be. Security was going to have hands full in having patrols and inspections and all, with only three people in the department. And then, there was going to be the matter of moral, given how many people had been former drones on Frontier Day, and particularly how badly the original crew of the Revenant felt compared to the newcomers.

Having been given mission orders on her PADD, Nira felt four hours was enough time to settle and get to know the ship before departure. But she had some matters to attend first.

=/\="Said to Garrison, Addams, Cutter and Bat," =/\= called Nira. "Meet me in my ready room. We have matters to discuss."

Inwardly, Nira felt it was going to get interesting. It was a small space, and Torra was easily taller than either Cutter and Bat. But Nira felt that if Kinley was at her side behind the desk, the room will be okay. Plus, Nira felt the need to include Torra mostly that Nira had indicated, en route to Tamansarret, that she wanted her as Second Officer and felt the need for advice in addition to Kinley's; it was mostly out of the fact that Kinley was younger than Nira and Torra, and Nira always regarded Torra as a big sister. Then there were the ranking representatives of the original Revenant crew, Bat and Cutter, and these were people to consult with, along with discussing what was wrong.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



[Ensign Novi - Revenant Sickbay]

Novi tapped the console to her office to turn on the lights. A small private room with windows to look out into the clinic. With 3 beds and a surgery bed it was not Discovery but with a crew of only 14 its not like they needed much. She set up her office, a few souvenirs of her time at the academy. A picture of her family. A few personals including a pictures of one of her favorite Earth Monuments, Niagara falls. The pictures moved to other sightseeing spots, Okinawa, Japan, Mt. Everest, the Carribbean, Boseman Montana. When she was done she walked out and took a sigh, most everyone had someone under them. Looking at sickbay she wondered what she would do all day, currently a few of the senior officers were in the ready room with the new Captain but she wouldn't know what they were discussing unless it was revealed to her.

She shrugged her shoulders as she took out her PADD and transferred the data of her study to the Revenants computer.  =/\= "Activate EMH!"  =/\= she said as a hologram appeared. He was dressed in Starfleet medical blue, no ranks on his holographic neck and had the appearance of a middle aged, freshly shaven human with a head of black hair. she was a little surprised at first but then remembered that the Mark XII can have their appearance and personality subroutines customized by the ship she assumed even a novice engineer could change an EMH from its default look settings.

Our EMH friend :)

"Please state the nature of your Medical Emergency." were his first words, the famous words of every EMH, this one specifically had a slight British Accent. All of his words had lots of breath to it making his sentences seem very light. It was then he looked around, seeing the empty sickbay then saw Novi standing there.

"Is there any Medical Emergency you have called me for?

Novi simply shook her head, "No medical emergency for the moment Doctor. I simply wanted to report myself as the new acting CMO on the revenant. I am Ensign Novi."

"Ah yes Ensign Novi. I recently had my database changed out for a new profile of the crew roster. It is truly a shame what has happened with frontier day."

Novi was a little taken aback by the tone of this EMH program. Ever since the EMH mk.1 each successive model has always tried to fix their attitudes and bedside manners. All of them to better or worse effect. She knew the Mk. 12 was the closest they got to a truly good one since the mk. 7 but she didn't realize how much of an improvement.

"Yes truly a tragedy" she didn't want to dwell on that event longer then she wanted too, "Say, Doctor why are you programmed like that? Why choose that model? Do you have a name?"

The Doctor smiled and took a walk closer to Novi, "Engisn Novi. So many questions for a hologram such as me. I have only ever been activated 3 times since being installed on the Revenant. I am still familiarizing myself with this new class of ship myself despite my impeccable programing. I am still young to this ship as well as you. My first time being activated was when the first ships CMO, Lieutenant Commander Mary Okazawa, activated me when she first arrived on the ship. Apparently I was a little gruff with the first patients, didn't appreciate me running more scans after an examination, so some...customizations were made. Apparently I am now based after an old friend of hers although I have never met this man myself for obvious reasons."

Novi nodded, knowing his customization was a personal choice by the old crew made her all the more settled on not messing with the EMH...as a way to honor them. No matter how small. "I see...and your second time?"

"Frontier Day"

...That was the end to that conversation.

After a little more small talk in which the Doctor revealed he didn't have a name but wasn't too keen on coming up with one too soon Novi quickly switched the topic up, "Doctor, I have a medical question I would like a second opinion on. During...frontier day. Despite the fact my brain isn't fully developed I wasn't assimilated. I did some research and multiple other Trill females also showed an immunity, although not all. I have a hypothesis but it is rather...strange. Can you take a look?"

She then pulled up her research along with the physiology of a Trill female. Care was taken to emphasize the various aspects of the Trill genome relating to reproduction and biochemistry.

"Oh how interesting..." was all the doctor could respond with after a moment of him looking over the data. "I will need more time to check on some research but to my knowledge it looks sound. If I can be deactivated I can compute things much faster whilst you do work uninterrupted."

Novi gestured her approval, o-of course! Whatever you need to do.

The Doctor simply nodded as he deactivated himself.

Novi took a big sigh of relief once the Doctor was gone. Before turning to her PADD and checking the schedules of the Revenant crew. After a few minutes she had Medical Orders sent out to each member of the old crew to see her at same point by weeks end for their required medical examination. No time like the present to make sure she has her work done...

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Lorut Vila

 Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth

Vila didn't wait for anyone else or any further orders before grabbing her seabag and stepping aboard. The converted yacht would be pretty easy to keep afloat-much easier than a full-sized starship, and since she specialized in computers, she was most especially looking forward to seeing what kinds of new tech the updated Yachts had. It had been years since she was aboard one-Ben had taken her on a vacation, early in their marriage, and they'd caught a ride out on one from the ship he was stationed on. Was it...twenty years ago now?!

She would let the others claim a bunk first-Vila didn't care about that sort of thing. She had slept in cots, on floors, inside hulls on DS9-the sorts of places a teenager would nap while hiding from Cardassians while also plotting their deaths. Instead, she quickly made her way to the Bridge, and straight to a Console. She wondered if it would turn on. Sure enough, it did, and she began a diagnostic scan. She settled back, looking around. Yeah, this would do fine until the Discovery was repaired, and it beat the hell out of going back to Bajor to her mothers' house. The old woman's "I told you so" were unwanted.

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

There was a brief round of introductions, during which Torra paid close attention since she had yet to have been provided the crew roster.  This was her first time hearing people's names, and she didn't want to make a mistake in addressing others later on.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 02, 2023, 01:23:55 AM

[Conference room]

Kinley nodded, she did forget she was in science blues still. She'd have to replicate a new shirt and lab coat for that before they set off. A bit of a shame, as she looked the best in blues, but so be it .

[Shortly later]

Now in command red and a black lab coat  to match,  Kinley smiled at the rest of the crew as she came on, just a bit late, trying to project an air of confidence for everyone.  She knew most of them  and had requested a lot of them.  Hopefully, this run would be nice and relaxing and could help rebuild confidence in them all. She needed it, for sure. Anyhow, these were some of the most promising officers she knew.  They'd do fine. "œIndeed. What she said.  You ask, Why us, Mr Dersch?  Well, you guys were chosen because you're some of the best officers I know, plain and simple,  and I know that you guys have and will step up to the plate.  I trust you all, and I hope you'll do the same for the Commander and I. Any more questions before we head off?

Dersch's question was answered by Commander Garrison and Torra felt a slight sting of shame, hearing the Commander praise her (along with the others), before asking for their trust.   Torra kept her head down and her eyes averted, unable to comply with that request.  Not yet.
Quote from: Nira Said on December 05, 2023, 05:54:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

"Okay, let's see about getting to know our new ship," said Nira. "We have time to settle in, get to know the layout. In four hours, we must ready ourselves for departure. Dismissed."

She then turned to Counselor Bat and said, "I'll want a word with you later. You and Mister Cutter. Expect me to summon you."

Then she proceeded onto the launch hatch and proceeded inside. She remembered the layout of the ship and figured it wouldn't take long to see things around.

[USS Revenant - Deck Two - Senior Quarters > Lab > Sickbay > Security > Engineering > Bridge > Ready Room]

Torra quickly found her way to her assigned quarters on the second deck, and dropped off her bag.  She then sent over to her PADD a copy of the ship's roster as well as a schematic of the ship.  She reviewed both briefly before deciding to take a little tour about the ship, solo, to get a better feel for the ship.

Quote from: James Ramort on December 02, 2023, 11:04:00 PM

After the Captain introduced herself to the remaining crew of the Revenant he began a quick walk around the ship. His Tricorder set to check up on all external sensor arrays. It was the first time he would be in charge of the Lab and he didn't want to risk a sensor failure in the heat of the moment.

He quickly made his way around the nearly square ship. His Tricorder recording every external reading that could hint at damages to the Sensor Instruments or the surrounding Hull but finding nothing.
The Crews at the Yard had done a very good job.

The first place she came across was the Lab,  but it was empty at the moment. Not surprising since she suspected others, like herself, would be getting familiar with the ship.  She'd stop back again later to check in on Ramort and um.. Torra checked the roster... oh yes.. Avant.

Then next place she stopped in at on Deck Two was medical bay; and was surprised to see the EMH already up and running.

"Oh dear, has there been an injury already?" she asked.

After leaving Sickbay, Torra continued on towards the Security section.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on December 05, 2023, 12:57:28 PM

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant | Deck 2 |

After checking the weapons and his own Quarters. JB headed to Talk to Tanner. He had been having some, Lets just say, Flash backs. And he needed to Know if they were true or not. He approached  the Main office and Pushed the button to call. All I want is the truth, Plus I do want to talk to her about our Current assignment, and What we both need to make sure this gos well He had spent the last 6 minutes while doing the Weapon Check moving his New arm. It still bugged the living Hell out of him. Olivia said it was normal, But it sure as hell didn't to him. I hope the arm dose not prevent me from doing my job correctly

Torra rounded the corner just in time to see junior Lieutenant Dersch entering the main security office.  Hmmm, Lachlyn and he probably had lots to go over.  Torra would visit them later; so she continued on her way to the stairs down towards engineering.
Quote from: M'Nia on December 02, 2023, 05:53:26 PM

"OK Feeka, I'm Lt. Jg m'nia. Lie the captain said, I'm acting chief engineer here so just do the best you can. That's all i ask of you. Don't be so afraid. I don't bite. Now I'd like to give her the once over in Engineering. So why don't you meet met there in say 15 minutes? That'll give me time to stash my stuff in my quarters!"

By the time Torra arrived, the Caitian and  Bajoran engineers had already done their meeting and were getting things in readiness for the upcoming departure deadline.

"Hello! Sorry I don't mean to interrupt," she greeted gently with a dip of her head.  "I just wanted to say 'Hello' and introduce myself to those I haven't met.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 05, 2023, 05:54:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

=/\="Said to Garrison, Addams, Cutter and Bat," =/\= called Nira. "Meet me in my ready room. We have matters to discuss."

Unfortunately before too long, Torra received a call from the Captain.  She immediately tapped her badge to acknowledge the orders.  =/\="Yes, Captain. On my way."

She turned apologetically towards M'Nia and Feeka.  "I look forward to talking with you both again." she said as she gave a slight wave in parting, then climbed the stairs all the way to Deck One.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on December 06, 2023, 12:13:58 AM

Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth

Vila didn't wait for anyone else or any further orders before grabbing her seabag and stepping aboard. The converted yacht would be pretty easy to keep afloat-much easier than a full-sized starship, and since she specialized in computers, she was most especially looking forward to seeing what kinds of new tech the updated Yachts had. It had been years since she was aboard one-Ben had taken her on a vacation, early in their marriage, and they'd caught a ride out on one from the ship he was stationed on. Was it...twenty years ago now?!

She would let the others claim a bunk first-Vila didn't care about that sort of thing. She had slept in cots, on floors, inside hulls on DS9-the sorts of places a teenager would nap while hiding from Cardassians while also plotting their deaths. Instead, she quickly made her way to the Bridge, and straight to a Console. She wondered if it would turn on. Sure enough, it did, and she began a diagnostic scan. She settled back, looking around. Yeah, this would do fine until the Discovery was repaired, and it beat the hell out of going back to Bajor to her mothers' house. The old woman's "I told you so" were unwanted.

On the Bridge, she found Lorut already at the main Ops console; and Torra smiled appreciatively towards the Bajoran, before heading directly for the Captain's Ready Room.  When the doors opened, she ducked inside and addressed Nira appropriately.

"Lieutenant Addams - reporting as ordered." She knew however, that her Betazoid friend would feel the warmth of her greeting even if the tone was strictly professional.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

James Ramort

[Earth | Tamsansarret Shipyard | Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

Grabbing hold of a Crate with markings indicating it holding some form of stabilized isotopes as commonly utilised in various experiments.
Taking one last second to look around and take in the busy Shipyard, breathing the unfiltered air of the planetary atmosphere and feeling the natural sunlight on his skin, Ramort headed towards the Entry port. A slight smile on his lips as the unique feeling of a new experience took hold of him, as the dry air around him slowly got replaced by the recycled and controlled air under the influence of the life support systems onboard the Revenant.

[Earth | Tamsansarret Shipyard | USS Revenant]

The Ship still smelt new. It was that undefinable mixture of plastics and chemicals venting into the air hinting at many parts being freshly replicated still or in some cases produced in specialised facilities. The Corridors were a little narrower than on larger ships but that much had to be expected. Ramort, the maps he studied while in the shuttle still fresh in his memory, directly headed for the Science Lab. There would be time later to inspect his cabin or the bridge. As acting Chief Science Officer, the Lab was the most important item on his list of priorities. On his way to the Second Deck he came across many sections of the ship he quickly would need to familiarise himself with, most importantly main engineering. Science might be one of Starfleets primary objectives but it also is a luxury that can only be pursued if the ship is actually flying and working as needed. He had a looming feeling that sooner than later he would find himself in Main Engineering to assist in ensuring this modus operadi was continued.

[Earth | USS Revenant | Deck 2 | Science Lab]

Finally, he reached the wide door leading into the Lab. Placed in the Ship's inner sections but connected directly to all important systems from here it wasn't a room offering a great view to the outside but one packed with replacements for eyes in the double to compensate for that. Since the Revenant can't house multiple Labs to store and use all instruments that might become necessary to use while in flight, the single Lab had to be kitted out with everything. This resulted in the entire room being covered in Instruments and consoles. Every square centimetre of the Walls covered by either a storage compartment for some tool or chemical or a panel controlling an intricate device embedded into the ships systems or one of the instruments placed in the middle of the Room. There really wasn't all that much space to freely move around in the Lab.
At the side of the room facing the ship's bow there were some main working stations, intended for use by the resident Science Officers, which now included himself. One of them in the room's corner featuring a glass panel separating it a bit from the rest of the Lab and a different chair, the only indication that this was probably indicated the Chief Scientist's working station in lack of anything resembling a full office.

Ramort opened the chemical storage bay and unloaded the isotopes he brought in his box before heading for his Work Station. There placing his PADD on the station and calling upon the Computer:

"Computer, start up the Laboratory Systems. Initiate an uplink with the PADD at Science Station 1 and upload the indicated Data."

"Laboratory Systems engaged. Uplink established...... Upload completed."

The Computer's message was accompanied by the entire room suddenly springing to life. The faint hum of the OPS Grid filling the air with its signature sound as status messages began to appear on all Consoles in the Lab simultaneously as the Labs instruments began to go through their individual boot up sequences.

"Initiate a Level 1 Systems analysis of all Sensors and Laboratory Systems and mark all potential malfunctions and deviations from configured technical specifications."

"Running Analysis. Time to completion approximately 10 minutes."

He turned to the Station to see one system after another reporting its status, adding to a growing list of pings.

The next item on his list was the Database. It as highly unlikely it had been damaged in the Frontier Day fights but better to ensure its integrity too. Even small corrupted sets of data could already be catastrophic in case they needed information on a fringe subject while deployed and by an unlucky coincidence that exact set of data had been corrupted.
He had brought with him a standard program for running the databases internal system check values against the federations planetary archives. Here too the computer reported only negatives. It seemed they would be able to soon start the actual scientific work without further hindrance.

But Systems statuses weren't the only things he had to be concerned with now, he also had to think about the other Officer sharing the Lab with him.
Turning to the fellow Ensign he proposed to him:

"I will get started on the first status report for initial activation of the Lab. How about you take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the Ship and our fellow crew and we meet back here in 15 Minutes."

Before turning back to his workstation, he began to start writing the mentioned the report. His goal to report his Department's Readiness for Departure as soon as possible.

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 05, 2023, 05:54:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

=/\="Said to Garrison, Addams, Cutter and Bat," =/\= called Nira. "Meet me in my ready room. We have matters to discuss."

Inwardly, Nira felt it was going to get interesting. It was a small space, and Torra was easily taller than either Cutter and Bat. But Nira felt that if Kinley was at her side behind the desk, the room will be okay. Plus, Nira felt the need to include Torra mostly that Nira had indicated, en route to Tamansarret, that she wanted her as Second Officer and felt the need for advice in addition to Kinley's; it was mostly out of the fact that Kinley was younger than Nira and Torra, and Nira always regarded Torra as a big sister. Then there were the ranking representatives of the original Revenant crew, Bat and Cutter, and these were people to consult with, along with discussing what was wrong.

[Bridge - USS Revenant] As Nathan Cutter

Nathan groaned inwardly at the summons. He didn't want to talk to anyone. His job was simple. Fly the ship. All he needed was to be told where, but he knew there was no chance he could avoid the meeting. So, he stood, called his relief to take the helm and headed to the briefing room, studiously avoiding eye contact as he shuffled along in abject misery.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: James Ramort on December 06, 2023, 06:04:58 AM

[Earth | Tamsansarret Shipyard | Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

Grabbing hold of a Crate with markings indicating it holding some form of stabilized isotopes as commonly utilised in various experiments.
Taking one last second to look around and take in the busy Shipyard, breathing the unfiltered air of the planetary atmosphere and feeling the natural sunlight on his skin, Ramort headed towards the Entry port. A slight smile on his lips as the unique feeling of a new experience took hold of him, as the dry air around him slowly got replaced by the recycled and controlled air under the influence of the life support systems onboard the Revenant.

[Earth | Tamsansarret Shipyard | USS Revenant]

The Ship still smelt new. It was that undefinable mixture of plastics and chemicals venting into the air hinting at many parts being freshly replicated still or in some cases produced in specialised facilities. The Corridors were a little narrower than on larger ships but that much had to be expected. Ramort, the maps he studied while in the shuttle still fresh in his memory, directly headed for the Science Lab. There would be time later to inspect his cabin or the bridge. As acting Chief Science Officer, the Lab was the most important item on his list of priorities. On his way to the Second Deck he came across many sections of the ship he quickly would need to familiarise himself with, most importantly main engineering. Science might be one of Starfleets primary objectives but it also is a luxury that can only be pursued if the ship is actually flying and working as needed. He had a looming feeling that sooner than later he would find himself in Main Engineering to assist in ensuring this modus operadi was continued.

[Earth | USS Revenant | Deck 2 | Science Lab]

Finally, he reached the wide door leading into the Lab. Placed in the Ship's inner sections but connected directly to all important systems from here it wasn't a room offering a great view to the outside but one packed with replacements for eyes in the double to compensate for that. Since the Revenant can't house multiple Labs to store and use all instruments that might become necessary to use while in flight, the single Lab had to be kitted out with everything. This resulted in the entire room being covered in Instruments and consoles. Every square centimetre of the Walls covered by either a storage compartment for some tool or chemical or a panel controlling an intricate device embedded into the ships systems or one of the instruments placed in the middle of the Room. There really wasn't all that much space to freely move around in the Lab.
At the side of the room facing the ship's bow there were some main working stations, intended for use by the resident Science Officers, which now included himself. One of them in the room's corner featuring a glass panel separating it a bit from the rest of the Lab and a different chair, the only indication that this was probably indicated the Chief Scientist's working station in lack of anything resembling a full office.

Ramort opened the chemical storage bay and unloaded the isotopes he brought in his box before heading for his Work Station. There placing his PADD on the station and calling upon the Computer:

"Computer, start up the Laboratory Systems. Initiate an uplink with the PADD at Science Station 1 and upload the indicated Data."

"Laboratory Systems engaged. Uplink established...... Upload completed."

The Computer's message was accompanied by the entire room suddenly springing to life. The faint hum of the OPS Grid filling the air with its signature sound as status messages began to appear on all Consoles in the Lab simultaneously as the Labs instruments began to go through their individual boot up sequences.

"Initiate a Level 1 Systems analysis of all Sensors and Laboratory Systems and mark all potential malfunctions and deviations from configured technical specifications."

"Running Analysis. Time to completion approximately 10 minutes."

He turned to the Station to see one system after another reporting its status, adding to a growing list of pings.

The next item on his list was the Database. It as highly unlikely it had been damaged in the Frontier Day fights but better to ensure its integrity too. Even small corrupted sets of data could already be catastrophic in case they needed information on a fringe subject while deployed and by an unlucky coincidence that exact set of data had been corrupted.
He had brought with him a standard program for running the databases internal system check values against the federations planetary archives. Here too the computer reported only negatives. It seemed they would be able to soon start the actual scientific work without further hindrance.

But Systems statuses weren't the only things he had to be concerned with now, he also had to think about the other Officer sharing the Lab with him.
Turning to the fellow Ensign he proposed to him:

"I will get started on the first status report for initial activation of the Lab. How about you take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the Ship and our fellow crew and we meet back here in 15 Minutes."

Before turning back to his workstation, he began to start writing the mentioned the report. His goal to report his Department's Readiness for Departure as soon as possible.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2023, 10:55:50 AM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] As Nathan Cutter

Nathan groaned inwardly at the summons. He didn't want to talk to anyone. His job was simple. Fly the ship. All he needed was to be told where, but he knew there was no chance he could avoid the meeting. So, he stood, called his relief to take the helm and headed to the briefing room, studiously avoiding eye contact as he shuffled along in abject misery.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 05, 2023, 05:54:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Docking Pad Ninety-Four | Tamansarret Shipyard | Earth]

"Okay, let's see about getting to know our new ship," said Nira. "We have time to settle in, get to know the layout. In four hours, we must ready ourselves for departure. Dismissed."

She then turned to Counselor Bat and said, "I'll want a word with you later. You and Mister Cutter. Expect me to summon you."

Then she proceeded onto the launch hatch and proceeded inside. She remembered the layout of the ship and figured it wouldn't take long to see things around.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

She can instantly see where things were expanded in width as the class was upgraded from the original Aquarius-class look. The first was in the launch bay, where it certainly lay under the "fins" indicative of what looked like the rear of a Yeager class starship...or, more accurately, the recently introduced Pathyeager class. The slight extra width of the launch bay allowed space for two shuttle storage spaces on either side, and within, two shuttlepods, one to each side, with three additional workbees placed behind them; Nira recalled that the extra width could permit, in its place, two small shuttles on either side if need be.

The extra space also included a bigger EVA storage unit as well as a supply unit with a small industrial replicator, certainly handy for getting the parts needed for the ship.

Quarters proved to have an interesting layout. In the past, in the previous Aquarius-class design, only a sparse few cabins were made for lone officers. Now, in the Aquarian class, the space was expanded. Now there were more single quarters, meaning all senior officers had them. The enlisted officers, though in this case, the junior officers, still had bunk rooms and communal bathroom facilities. Given that there were only five junior officers now, it meant a more extensive space for them, and at least one officer won't likely have a bunk mate. Office spaces were all on Deck Two, and in a small space, it meant officers didn't have far to go. The extended space also gave place for the ready rooms for Captain and First Officer; Nira remembered how small her own First Officer's ready room was, and the Captain's ready room was just about that size, although it's to be expected in a corvette.

The extra space also meant additional placement for torpedo storage, meaning the Aquarians were built to, despite its size, pack as much a punch as the Defiant classes of old and the current Adamant classes. Of course, because of the amount of torpedoes placed in such a small ship, it meant it had to come with priming systems, which prepared torpedoes for default impact detonation but programmed to activate and deactivate torpedoes for prevention of chain reaction, particularly when not in use. There weren't as many torpedoes being loaded currently; the whole complement was exhausted at Frontier Day when the Revenant took part with the rest of the hacked fleet in bombarding all of Earth's orbital facilities.

Then there was the Bridge. It was definitely a lot smaller than bridges Nira was used to, but again, it's to be expected in a corvette. The conn, the captain's chair, was set in the center, with the helm two meters immediately in the front. Behind the Captain's chair were two Tactical stations. One was designated for the Chief Sec/Tac officer, although Nira was certain that Lieutenant Lachlyn was going to be in one of the seats and she would be alone, although Nira figured the second tactical station mostly served as an auxiliary systems position, so anybody could man it.

Two stations were on each side of the bridge; On the right side, the chair to the right of the captain's chair was the First Officer's station, the other a science station, although it was mostly occupied by the ship's counselor, and with those chairs flanking the Captain's chair by some distance, it felt like the triple layout of seats in the bigger flagships. At the stations flanking the helm was Ops and what was described as the Engineering station, although since the Chief Engineer spent more time in Main Engineering, usually the Chief Science Officer manned that station.

And on the subject of Main Engineering, Nira had to admit, it was the smallest Engine Room she had ever seen, although the widening of the class meant more extensive systems, especially to the nacelles extending outward. No slipstream drive, of course; the class of ship was much too small for it. In fact, the smallest class of starship even permitted to be outfitted with slipstream drives were the Adamant classes. To Nira's surprised, she found herself fine with it; maybe she had gotten used to being on a ship without slipstream for a long time, despite getting used to slipstream on the Discovery.

Nira was sitting in the Captain's Chair, having to get to know it, and was now pondering on what to discuss with Kinley  and Torra. She was already figuring that, with fifteen people in the crew, and that was including the EMH, plenty of people will have to do more work. Ops and Engineering are going to have to work together in regards to the ship, and with help from Science if need be. Security was going to have hands full in having patrols and inspections and all, with only three people in the department. And then, there was going to be the matter of moral, given how many people had been former drones on Frontier Day, and particularly how badly the original crew of the Revenant felt compared to the newcomers.

Having been given mission orders on her PADD, Nira felt four hours was enough time to settle and get to know the ship before departure. But she had some matters to attend first.

=/\="Said to Garrison, Addams, Cutter and Bat," =/\= called Nira. "Meet me in my ready room. We have matters to discuss."

Inwardly, Nira felt it was going to get interesting. It was a small space, and Torra was easily taller than either Cutter and Bat. But Nira felt that if Kinley was at her side behind the desk, the room will be okay. Plus, Nira felt the need to include Torra mostly that Nira had indicated, en route to Tamansarret, that she wanted her as Second Officer and felt the need for advice in addition to Kinley's; it was mostly out of the fact that Kinley was younger than Nira and Torra, and Nira always regarded Torra as a big sister. Then there were the ranking representatives of the original Revenant crew, Bat and Cutter, and these were people to consult with, along with discussing what was wrong.

[USS Revenant]

[science labs]

This ship was tiny, compared to the Discovery. So, she made sure to get a good look at everything, which inevitably led her to the labs.  She didn't intend to wander to the labs, but perhaps it was  old habits.  She noted Mr. Ramort busy at work.  That was the roughest one. She wanted to  mentor him,  and on basically his second day on the job,  she practically betrayed him.  Somewhere in the Collective, she remembered seeing that look of shock he had  when the attack began.   That one hurt the worst.  "œ Just checking up on you for a bit. How's it going?" she asked.

[ A bit later]

[Conference room]

Kinley made it into the room, and gave a polite nod to everyone. She wasn't any mind reader in any sense, but the tension was palpable. Mr Cutter looked particularly like he didn't want to be here. She didn't blame him.  "œSorry I'm late. Shall we begin?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 06, 2023, 02:14:21 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four]

There was a brief round of introductions, during which Torra paid close attention since she had yet to have been provided the crew roster.  This was her first time hearing people's names, and she didn't want to make a mistake in addressing others later on.

Dersch's question was answered by Commander Garrison and Torra felt a slight sting of shame, hearing the Commander praise her (along with the others), before asking for their trust.   Torra kept her head down and her eyes averted, unable to comply with that request.  Not yet.

[USS Revenant - Deck Two - Senior Quarters > Lab > Sickbay > Security > Engineering > Bridge > Ready Room]

Torra quickly found her way to her assigned quarters on the second deck, and dropped off her bag.  She then sent over to her PADD a copy of the ship's roster as well as a schematic of the ship.  She reviewed both briefly before deciding to take a little tour about the ship, solo, to get a better feel for the ship.

The first place she came across was the Lab,  but it was empty at the moment. Not surprising since she suspected others, like herself, would be getting familiar with the ship.  She'd stop back again later to check in on Ramort and um.. Torra checked the roster... oh yes.. Avant.

Then next place she stopped in at on Deck Two was medical bay; and was surprised to see the EMH already up and running.

"Oh dear, has there been an injury already?" she asked.

After leaving Sickbay, Torra continued on towards the Security section.

Torra rounded the corner just in time to see junior Lieutenant Dersch entering the main security office.  Hmmm, Lachlyn and he probably had lots to go over.  Torra would visit them later; so she continued on her way to the stairs down towards engineering.

By the time Torra arrived, the Caitian and  Bajoran engineers had already done their meeting and were getting things in readiness for the upcoming departure deadline.

"Hello! Sorry I don't mean to interrupt," she greeted gently with a dip of her head.  "I just wanted to say 'Hello' and introduce myself to those I haven't met.

Unfortunately before too long, Torra received a call from the Captain.  She immediately tapped her badge to acknowledge the orders.  =/\="Yes, Captain. On my way."

She turned apologetically towards M'Nia and Feeka.  "I look forward to talking with you both again." she said as she gave a slight wave in parting, then climbed the stairs all the way to Deck One.

On the Bridge, she found Lorut already at the main Ops console; and Torra smiled appreciatively towards the Bajoran, before heading directly for the Captain's Ready Room.  When the doors opened, she ducked inside and addressed Nira appropriately.

"Lieutenant Addams - reporting as ordered." She knew however, that her Betazoid friend would feel the warmth of her greeting even if the tone was strictly professional.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2023, 10:55:50 AM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] As Nathan Cutter

Nathan groaned inwardly at the summons. He didn't want to talk to anyone. His job was simple. Fly the ship. All he needed was to be told where, but he knew there was no chance he could avoid the meeting. So, he stood, called his relief to take the helm and headed to the briefing room, studiously avoiding eye contact as he shuffled along in abject misery.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 07, 2023, 02:44:18 AM

[USS Revenant]

[science labs]

This ship was tiny, compared to the Discovery. So, she made sure to get a good look at everything, which inevitably led her to the labs.  She didn't intend to wander to the labs, but perhaps it was  old habits.  She noted Mr. Ramort busy at work.  That was the roughest one. She wanted to  mentor him,  and on basically his second day on the job,  she practically betrayed him.  Somewhere in the Collective, she remembered seeing that look of shock he had  when the attack began.   That one hurt the worst.  "œ Just checking up on you for a bit. How's it going?" she asked.

[ A bit later]

[Conference room]

Kinley made it into the room, and gave a polite nod to everyone. She wasn't any mind reader in any sense, but the tension was palpable. Mr Cutter looked particularly like he didn't want to be here. She didn't blame him.  "œSorry I'm late. Shall we begin?

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira waited for the appointed officers, as each arrived at different times. Torra and Bat arrived first, and Kinley and Cutter arrived last. She was glad Cutter had arrived, despite his having to find a wall interesting. He was the first order of business. She indicated for Kinley to stand next to her

"Glad you're all here," she said. "Now, Mister Cutter, I wanted to discuss first order of business. I received your request for resignation on my desk," she said, tapping a PADD on her desk. "And I believe I have two similar ones from Miss Feeka and Mister V'Larinn.

"Permission denied," she said, "On all three of them. I understand how you feel, Mister Cutter, but with all the officers we have lost on Frontier Day, we are in need of officers. I know how bad you feel, but you weren't responsible for your actions. I know what it's like to have your mind screwed with, even I haven't been assimilated myself. Now, we will be discussing with Counselor Bat about your mental conditions. Meantime, we have our orders from Starfleet Command," she added, pulling up a PADD with coordinates. "We will be departing in less than an hour. Prepare a course to Starbase 133. If you have any questions for me, Commander Garrison and Lieutenant Addams, we will gladly answer them, but aside from that, you're dismissed."

After the three addressed any questions Cutter had and Cutter had gone, Nira then turned to Counselor Bat.

"Now, then, Counselor," she said, "is there anything we need to know about the crew? Especially how they regard you, given the way they especially reacted to you earlier?"

"It's not surprising how they reacted to me, considering they tried to kill me when they were assimilated," said the Counselor. "They have had a shock, post traumatic depression, following the bout of post traumatic stress. They've had a real blow mentally. Believe me, I have tried to talk to them, sooth them over. You've seen how Mister Cutter reacted; none of them can bear to look at me, let alone in the eye. They always talk to me, or the desk, they don't direct their voice or gaze at me. And they're not the only ones. The majority of officers in Starfleet are suffering thus, and it's taken time for them to recover. Those notices of resignation? Those aren't the first, they hand them over to me every time they see me, if they see me at all. Naturally, I turn them down. And, again, they're not the only ones; April Fourteenth was a day for the record books: The most number of resignation requests in Starfleet. And, naturally, the most number of rejections.

"Believe me, I had been trying," the Counselor explained. "It's certainly the biggest case of psychological treatment on post assimilation ever. Oh, there is a treatment on such a case common in people freed from Borg assimilation, but they've been rare...until now. These three are no different, and Ensign Feeka certainly has it worse, especially since she had woken up with her boyfriend's corpse at her feet. In which case, it does make me glad you're here, especially if so much of the crew is female, the potential for gentler and more soother feelings."

"As long as hormones don't affect their performance, on top of their trauma," said Nira. "Now, we've all looked at your personnel file, assuming the three of us have caught up on them," she said, looking at Torra and Kinley. "Given your age and your rank, I'm presuming you're the only surviving member of the unassimilated crew."

"No, I'm the only surviving ranking officer, and thus the only surviving member of the ship's senior staff," said Bat. "The only other surviving member of the unassimilated crew...well, generally, he never counts, and most crews never do, but certainly they ought to be recognized particularly when there's an extreme lack of medical staff. Computer, activate the EMH."

And the familiar face of the EMH Mark XII appeared, thanks to the holo-emitters installed throughout the ship, Nira remembered. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency," he said. Then he looked around, recognizing Nira, Torra and Kinley.

"Ah. Don't tell me, it's a debrief, isn't it?" he asked.

"In a way," said Nira. "I don't suppose either of you can tell us how you both managed to escape the onslaught."

"Well, let's just say, it happened so fast with me," said Bat. "And I was injured," he added, feeling the burn scar on his head.

"Saying you were injured is like calling a targ cuddly," said the EMH with a shrug. "In a nutshell, we basically abandoned ship. Counselor Bat uploaded me to my mobile emitter and as the rest of the crew was killed or assimilated, we took off on a shuttlepod. We weren't without injury, Bat was badly burned by a grazing phaser. We had to blow the launch bay hatch once we were in the shuttlepod. Took most of the assimilated crew with us, sucked out into space with us in the shuttlepod, and believe me, we had no choice. It still weighs heavily on Bat's conscious, but the drones were out for blood. I patched him up best as I could, and Starfleet Medical did the rest."

Nira looked around at Torra and Kinley. It was certainly a harrowing story to take in. And she was impressed at how Bat was handling the trauma and his guilty conscience, but then, he was older.

"Now, as I understand it, two officers here had been formerly assimilated, from what I figure from their age," said Bat, looking at Kinley. "One is you, Commander Garrison, the other is Mister Dersch in Security. In regards to psychological profiling, I'll need to speak to you and him first. And from the files, I had noticed, Commander, that you had the misfortune to be assimilated not once, but twice."

"However, I do wish to conduct brief checkups for each of the crew, if you don't mind," said the EMH.

"Permission granted," said Nira, and the EMH was gone to conduct his rounds.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on December 02, 2023, 05:53:26 PM

"I couldn't say no to you co..um captain! Truth is i miss you guys on the challenger sometimes. And after what we went through together, well I look forward to serving under you again!"

M'nia sighed. "Yeah they did a lot of damage. I admit, it worries me! Starfleet took quite a blow from that whole thing and we have to rebuild. I'm glad we have places like this to help do that!"

"OK Feeka, I'm Lt. Jg m'nia. Lie the captain said, I'm acting chief engineer here so just do the best you can. That's all i ask of you. Don't be so afraid. I don't bite. Now I'd like to give her the once over in Engineering. So why don't you meet met there in say 15 minutes? That'll give me time to stash my stuff in my quarters!"

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Main Engineering was small, smaller than Defiant class and even Adamant class Engine Rooms. It was small enough that there was no need for a catwalk, nor the room. Even the warp core seemed smaller. Any conduits up at the ceiling were mostly accessed by run ladders near the warp core. There were even a small amount of consoles and workstations. It was designed for a smaller crew, and designed in a way that even a lone engineer can handle things there, although the more engineers or ops specialists, the better.

Feeka Olisa barely had time to get used to it. She forced herself to breathe. But she can still see her arms shivering in anxiety, she could still imagine seeing the blood of her loved one, and she knew that she had killed him...she instead forced herself in the past, imagining when her father was a young man, fixing up the systems, hanging around the core of the interceptor he served on before the end of the Occupation.

She paused and offered her prayer to the Prophets, her hundredth so far today for all she knew...but it was interrupted. At the door opening, she made a squeak that she did her best to sound like it sounded like a console beep.

She remembered having to meet with the new Chief Engineer, but Olisa was early. She forgot about the Caitian for a moment and nodded cordially.

"Chief M'Nia," she said. "ThanktheProphets...uh, well, w-welcome to Main Engineering. N-not much to see, is there?"

Just then the EMH appeared out of nowhere. Olisa cringed.

"Oh, hullo," he said. "Don't mind me, I just need to make routine medical checkup scans and a brief survey on how you feel. Miss Feeka, I already have your files. Lieutenant M'Nia?"

As he scanned, he gave his brief medical questionnaire, all part of his routine, one he gave to each member of the crew as he appeared, explained, scanned and interviewed.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2023, 05:19:57 PM

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Main Engineering was small, smaller than Defiant class and even Adamant class Engine Rooms. It was small enough that there was no need for a catwalk, nor the room. Even the warp core seemed smaller. Any conduits up at the ceiling were mostly accessed by run ladders near the warp core. There were even a small amount of consoles and workstations. It was designed for a smaller crew, and designed in a way that even a lone engineer can handle things there, although the more engineers or ops specialists, the better.

Feeka Olisa barely had time to get used to it. She forced herself to breathe. But she can still see her arms shivering in anxiety, she could still imagine seeing the blood of her loved one, and she knew that she had killed him...she instead forced herself in the past, imagining when her father was a young man, fixing up the systems, hanging around the core of the interceptor he served on before the end of the Occupation.

She paused and offered her prayer to the Prophets, her hundredth so far today for all she knew...but it was interrupted. At the door opening, she made a squeak that she did her best to sound like it sounded like a console beep.

She remembered having to meet with the new Chief Engineer, but Olisa was early. She forgot about the Caitian for a moment and nodded cordially.

"Chief M'Nia," she said. "ThanktheProphets...uh, well, w-welcome to Main Engineering. N-not much to see, is there?"

"Yeah kinda small isn't it? Even discovery's is bigger but this is a small ship. Guess it's just the two of us. Let's run a check n everything. Should all be in working order. just a basic cursory inspection for now. The captain wants to launch n a couple of hours I think so how much experience do you have Feeka?" M'nia was curious as to how green the girl was. It wasn't that long ago she was the green one, fresh out of the academy and now, here she is acting chief of a star ship.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on December 07, 2023, 05:33:23 PM

"Yeah kinda small isn't it? Even discovery's is bigger but this is a small ship. Guess it's just the two of us. Let's run a check n everything. Should all be in working order. just a basic cursory inspection for now. The captain wants to launch n a couple of hours I think so how much experience do you have Feeka?" M'nia was curious as to how green the girl was. It wasn't that long ago she was the green one, fresh out of the academy and now, here she is acting chief of a star ship.

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Feeka waited until the EMH finished his questionnaire, which certainly took less than a minute, and then answered. "N-not much. Graduated...m-middle of March, Terran calendar. Assigned here...then F-frontier Day...and..."

She left the sentence hanging before she clammed up. Truth be told, she didn't have much work on the Revenant. In fact, the first time it flew was as part of the parade on Frontier Day...before she and the other young people were assimilated.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2023, 05:41:18 PM

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Feeka waited until the EMH finished his questionnaire, which certainly took less than a minute, and then answered. "N-not much. Graduated...m-middle of March, Terran calendar. Assigned here...then F-frontier Day...and..."

She left the sentence hanging before she clammed up. Truth be told, she didn't have much work on the Revenant. In fact, the first time it flew was as part of the parade on Frontier Day...before she and the other young people were assimilated.

"Yeah I understand." to the emh she said "Thanks Doc" She looked at the young woman before her. "I understand. My first assignment was no picnic either. C'mon with me and I'll tell you the story while we work." she understood to some extent what Feeka felt. Granted what she went through wasn't the same but still it was very rough. So she told Feeka the story of the whole thing with cardasians "So heckuva assignment for an ensign just out of the academy. So I sympathize. You've had it rough alright but you can get past it.it'll take time. I advise talking to a counselor too. They can be very helpful!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Tanner Lachlyn

Quote from: J.B Dersch on December 05, 2023, 12:57:28 PM

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant | Deck 2 |

After checking the weapons and his own Quarters. JB headed to Talk to Tanner. He had been having some, Lets just say, Flash backs. And he needed to Know if they were true or not. He approached  the Main office and Pushed the button to call. All I want is the truth, Plus I do want to talk to her about our Current assignment, and What we both need to make sure this gos well He had spent the last 6 minutes while doing the Weapon Check moving his New arm. It still bugged the living Hell out of him. Olivia said it was normal, But it sure as hell didn't to him. I hope the arm dose not prevent me from doing my job correctly

[USS Revenant -Security Office]

Tanner looked up when the door chimed. The Security area on the ship was small, but she still had a tiny space to call her office. The timing was ironic as she'd only just entered, having settled into her quarters first and tried, and failed, to contact Jettis. Chewing her lip anxiously, she called to the door.

"It's open!"

Tanner did a double take at Dersch's form in the doorway, "Hey." Her posture shifted, remembering she was the Chief and couldn't be seen moping. Rayek never moped, "Come on in." Motioning to a chair she gave him a moment to sit before following suit, "What's up?"

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four - USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 07, 2023, 02:44:18 AM

[USS Revenant]
[Conference room]

Kinley made it into the room, and gave a polite nod to everyone. She wasn't any mind reader in any sense, but the tension was palpable. Mr Cutter looked particularly like he didn't want to be here. She didn't blame him.  "œSorry I'm late. Shall we begin?

With the arrivals of the Counselor and the young ensign, Torra had offered each a warm smile - not that the flight officer seemed to notice.   Yet when Commander Garrison entered last, Torra found her nod in greeting barely perfunctory.  Without even realizing it, the Grazerite shifted her stance and posture so that wherever Garrison was in the room, Torra faced her directly; her head angled down slightly so that her horns were ready to take on any attack.
Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2023, 05:04:25 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira waited for the appointed officers, as each arrived at different times. Torra and Bat arrived first, and Kinley and Cutter arrived last. She was glad Cutter had arrived, despite his having to find a wall interesting. He was the first order of business. She indicated for Kinley to stand next to her

"Glad you're all here," she said. "Now, Mister Cutter, I wanted to discuss first order of business. I received your request for resignation on my desk," she said, tapping a PADD on her desk. "And I believe I have two similar ones from Miss Feeka and Mister V'Larinn.

"Permission denied," she said, "On all three of them. I understand how you feel, Mister Cutter, but with all the officers we have lost on Frontier Day, we are in need of officers. I know how bad you feel, but you weren't responsible for your actions. I know what it's like to have your mind screwed with, even I haven't been assimilated myself. Now, we will be discussing with Counselor Bat about your mental conditions. Meantime, we have our orders from Starfleet Command," she added, pulling up a PADD with coordinates. "We will be departing in less than an hour. Prepare a course to Starbase 133. If you have any questions for me, Commander Garrison and Lieutenant Addams, we will gladly answer them, but aside from that, you're dismissed."

Torra felt a bit awkward at being present while such a delicate and private personnel issue was discussed in front of not only her but others as well.  While she recognized that this was a subject that those in Command had to deal with, the Grazerite was uncertain about the appropriateness of having it discussed with the entire Command Team present.

She empathized with his situation and also wondered at the wisdom of Nira's outright denying his request.  Would it not have been best to encourage the man to remain of his own volition rather than forcing him and the others?  She thought so; but it was her job at the moment to assist the Captain in enacting her orders - so rather than counter the Captain's words Torra tried to soften the denial.

"Give yourself some time to forgive before making such a decision. You aren't in this alone." she offered gently to Cutter.  "We can help if you let us."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2023, 05:04:25 PM

After the three addressed any questions Cutter had and Cutter had gone, Nira then turned to Counselor Bat.

"Now, then, Counselor," she said, "is there anything we need to know about the crew? Especially how they regard you, given the way they especially reacted to you earlier?"

"It's not surprising how they reacted to me, considering they tried to kill me when they were assimilated," said the Counselor. "They have had a shock, post traumatic depression, following the bout of post traumatic stress. They've had a real blow mentally. Believe me, I have tried to talk to them, sooth them over. You've seen how Mister Cutter reacted; none of them can bear to look at me, let alone in the eye. They always talk to me, or the desk, they don't direct their voice or gaze at me. And they're not the only ones. The majority of officers in Starfleet are suffering thus, and it's taken time for them to recover. Those notices of resignation? Those aren't the first, they hand them over to me every time they see me, if they see me at all. Naturally, I turn them down. And, again, they're not the only ones; April Fourteenth was a day for the record books: The most number of resignation requests in Starfleet. And, naturally, the most number of rejections.

"Believe me, I had been trying," the Counselor explained. "It's certainly the biggest case of psychological treatment on post assimilation ever. Oh, there is a treatment on such a case common in people freed from Borg assimilation, but they've been rare...until now. These three are no different, and Ensign Feeka certainly has it worse, especially since she had woken up with her boyfriend's corpse at her feet. In which case, it does make me glad you're here, especially if so much of the crew is female, the potential for gentler and more soother feelings."

"As long as hormones don't affect their performance, on top of their trauma," said Nira. "Now, we've all looked at your personnel file, assuming the three of us have caught up on them," she said, looking at Torra and Kinley. "Given your age and your rank, I'm presuming you're the only surviving member of the unassimilated crew."

"No, I'm the only surviving ranking officer, and thus the only surviving member of the ship's senior staff," said Bat. "The only other surviving member of the unassimilated crew...well, generally, he never counts, and most crews never do, but certainly they ought to be recognized particularly when there's an extreme lack of medical staff. Computer, activate the EMH."

And the familiar face of the EMH Mark XII appeared, thanks to the holo-emitters installed throughout the ship, Nira remembered. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency," he said. Then he looked around, recognizing Nira, Torra and Kinley.

"Ah. Don't tell me, it's a debrief, isn't it?" he asked.

"In a way," said Nira. "I don't suppose either of you can tell us how you both managed to escape the onslaught."

"Well, let's just say, it happened so fast with me," said Bat. "And I was injured," he added, feeling the burn scar on his head.

"Saying you were injured is like calling a targ cuddly," said the EMH with a shrug. "In a nutshell, we basically abandoned ship. Counselor Bat uploaded me to my mobile emitter and as the rest of the crew was killed or assimilated, we took off on a shuttlepod. We weren't without injury, Bat was badly burned by a grazing phaser. We had to blow the launch bay hatch once we were in the shuttlepod. Took most of the assimilated crew with us, sucked out into space with us in the shuttlepod, and believe me, we had no choice. It still weighs heavily on Bat's conscious, but the drones were out for blood. I patched him up best as I could, and Starfleet Medical did the rest."

Nira looked around at Torra and Kinley. It was certainly a harrowing story to take in. And she was impressed at how Bat was handling the trauma and his guilty conscience, but then, he was older.

"Now, as I understand it, two officers here had been formerly assimilated, from what I figure from their age," said Bat, looking at Kinley. "One is you, Commander Garrison, the other is Mister Dersch in Security. In regards to psychological profiling, I'll need to speak to you and him first. And from the files, I had noticed, Commander, that you had the misfortune to be assimilated not once, but twice."

"However, I do wish to conduct brief checkups for each of the crew, if you don't mind," said the EMH.

"Permission granted," said Nira, and the EMH was gone to conduct his rounds.

After Cutter had left, Torra listened patiently to the counselor and EMH as they described their survival story.    She offered the counselor a gentle smile, knowing somewhat how he felt.   There were times when she was reminded of officers who'd been lost that day, either directly because of her firing on them, or indirectly because of her inability to do anything to stop those who were assimilated.   She wondered if that's what was meant by the term 'survivor's guilt'?

Soon the EMH disappeared and it was just the Command Team and the counselor.  Torra looked Nira.  "Will the surviving crew be given time to adjust to our presence here before Starfleet assigns the ship and crew a task?"  Even as she asked, Torra already knew the answer.  With the fleet and personnel decimated... there was no time opportunity for downtime.   "If not what is our assignment?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 08, 2023, 01:14:58 AM

[USS Revenant -Security Office]

Tanner looked up when the door chimed. The Security area on the ship was small, but she still had a tiny space to call her office. The timing was ironic as she'd only just entered, having settled into her quarters first and tried, and failed, to contact Jettis. Chewing her lip anxiously, she called to the door.

"It's open!"

Tanner did a double take at Dersch's form in the doorway, "Hey." Her posture shifted, remembering she was the Chief and couldn't be seen moping. Rayek never moped, "Come on in." Motioning to a chair she gave him a moment to sit before following suit, "What's up?"

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant | Security Offices |

He heard "It's open!" So he took a deep breath and walked in. Tanner seemed to be just chilling, But as He walked in she upped her posture. Odd He moved to take a seat. He then looked at Tanner who asked. "What's up?" .

He took a deep breath. "I wanted to run something by you, After Getting back home from Frontiers day, And going to bed, I kept having Flashbacks...And 3 Of them Involved you, So really All I want to know is, Did we ever come into contact with each other when I was.." He didn't have to finish, they both knew what he was saying.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

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